WINNER. --Brtrtto Burbatxky, 65. was sentenced to two your! ion B day in the Ontario retormntory in police court here by Magistrate J. R. Blake. tor contributing to the de linquency of n chili? tile silo was given a three months term for an in- decent net, thin sentence to run con- current with the lengthier one. The trial was edjourned cm next Thursday. when a date may he not for argument. n was suspended on its 'ttte-tttt day with about 760,000, word. placed on the record by forty “that!“ and no exhibit: on tths, twenty-three of them hotel of contra- ceptives, the rest hooks and docu- menu. Lut- wnneu was Rev. Canon A. B. Whulley, rector ot the church of St. Alban the Martyr, opponent ot birth- control, who appeared tor the Crown. (Cohtinned on Pm 5) 'itagrreNimr.-- Present-lion of evi- done. in Dorothea miner's birth- control trial ended Friday utter u long discussion of theology. includ- ing the works ot the fourth century St. Augustine and the medium! St. Thoma Aquinu DELINQUENCY CASE Evidence Ends In Palmer Case Defendant Ill from Strain and Forced lat Retire During BWT’M' aFrtiuii in? "m I...†a .r' _ V, iiiiifkiaik For . mt, w in ex. goal! to numb on the continent. onld he ttrt of the Jrttftt watering places, (never, e e- NI number. of the "E.P." EIS; amino n strong a pal. _ . . hapPinou "ttlull'] to him by Illa eaeape'from m wand ceremony 1'h1'll'tWlll,'hr'ad'l'l'iT8lll'g dial perperty was alwaya apparent. The ranch, ninety miles from Cal- nary, h aumciently remote that it would be an ideal retreat for a man tired- of the tl,tl,tl,tg, that may be only partly iminiahed by his re- nunciation of the Throne. 1kRsr in Guam beii"irfthdrdUGid bi little moon why Gutiouriiu ,.t_ntrNh. himsqtf in . county when Edward's voluntary exile is in the mono! 2htttf Kings.i Ind , ttta-ht, srlse roux recon tion to the unborn-meat that might be and his brother, King ttttr,,', w, if s - still loyal to the onus M.qnnryh should surround him sud lash themselves felt in English poli- tics or society. The ranch nest High stseTrUriGTi, is._howc_v_er. s long bu? this ii, G fe,Piiittgi,.ft.s; tormintmyfromB tithsoil. - _ 'HU. Voluntaryâ€. _ - A 1hm.4gtttttAarortaaaeun- orPAwd.-_ur, of Id. Old-l circle. hive little informs ttms the“ the former King‘s plane. end none ebout the chance of hi coming to this country. In his fare. vell to his 'ne' he indicated he Mg not_|ee N funny f.o..r neg-n, Aituiiai-, ---_ei"-_ TviiiCiiii and h ',L'll'l,', at. and in annual-kn ree in some: with an.“ II . bone tor Hungry Walk 8mm . matinee. 0‘s†circles have little informs 7.1.6.le 4r EDWARD MAY [IVE thi. E. P. BANG" Hearing. BRINGS TWO YEARS I "II - I mum-II It wan war, not love, that cont Wtl. helm his kingdom. Bl: army was losing, " unle- were dropping out ot the Great War. But he reftmed to abdiute. . The‘most famous of the nine--- Germany's former hauer--amt up I. tentcloul battle to hold his throne. Those nine are the only living per. song who kn0w what it mean- to give up a crown. NEW YoRK.--Ot all the world's millions, eight men and a. troy prob- ably are best qtttuitied to appreciate the present plight of King Edward Principal King of Arms, proclaimed “our only lawful and rightful Pat, Lord, George the Sixth, by . Grace of God, King of Great Brit- ain, Ireland and the British Domin- lgna Remind _the Sea, Degengler of the Faith, pagg, of Indie. to whom we do no owledce ell faith end con-tent obedience with " Went] humble election, be. leech God, by whom Kips: and Queens do reign, to bless the Royal Prince George Y] with long and my yams rain 3;, a?" NINE LIVING IilrltINills HAVE ABDICA'I'ED 'I'IIRONES which twice within a year he heralded I new Win: the crib _iii'2,iii'iiai' abdication puma into ry. l With unruled calm the people accepted the dramatic change of ftpattr, and turned from the Prince in: they loved so well to his tall, famil -lovinz brother ftta but with gap aymrthy and e od- speed to him who ound the burden of kingdom too heavy without “the woman I love." Hialoric Payee-try Rumba. Before the hattlemeuta of St. Jamea'e Palace heralds hailed the new King. Nugget: ahrilled as throng! watched e_p_a¢eantry of centuries re-elastiC" -- _ waif; Woyyton, the fhrter BAiifiiiauurdaorirrih irTG on Suturdny. while Edvard, Duke of Windsor, sought in a foreign had the solace of the lav. that cost him â€11:11:09.. ed h bttd-niforat adds FhFTlil Edi-:3, may Pomp and Ceremony Attenh Proclamthn of New T Lett tl'iiiiif'd "" "$.33: and the MN %mitr. Proclaim George TI h h Hun mm W ---_ iii} TiF, his own ws, without -barma-ettt to My, tltr, British Govern-int aaa -v 'Etoii'iin'm' "761.53; It S'tetd'd tam-aim to low-pt ti. inhaler In: and his m, dqyu;mont!x_ni¢u ulc- Even after hi. chancellor. Prince LONDON, - Under WATERLOO CHRONICLE VIII ls Ltnt.-.Ex. _ Another. m mm PM 'AM AND 'AMQUHTY PEOPLE dr, any that :0 VI King l gig. tra-ore-uh/ia-surreal/i-ri-iris-s Cn- of cola-lo Hallo Sela-16's warrior: um 'ight the Italian madam in Ethiopia. and the “King of Kings" null hu vision- ot getting the League of Nstlons' help‘to resume the ton] line he an goes back to Solomon and the Queen ot Sheba. Inqunny ambulan- I: the forum King Alton-o XII ot Spin. A revolu- tion pushed him ott the throne but in the midst ot the protein civil wu- he Maximilian ht Baden, asked the ene- my for in umktice, Wilhelm clung to his crown. Not until he visited his generals 3nd received their ultim- tum did he lign his withdruul and flea hr motor acrou the Dutch bor- der, Nov. 9, 1918. mmbled down over her bad; iii? 6GG 7iiGiifid 75min wreckage with burnt had. and has and . cut behind her at. The Hut, hoard two mile- away. rocked dwelling: within men] block. - After wining, Min ore who is in her 70's. went to chm». Aaa?tfrtrueknmatehtetlttthtthe gas and. was . tar-inc hint, Ind the Aaet front of a}. It_one_cottaco The police Matter over the week- end wu clean for the 'irnt time In seven] woeh. no madam or u» ream or my complaint: being report- GALT. - Showeted with debris when I natural can explosion dear olished the hitch": sud dining-room of hyr jome Sunday. _ I). Mtr- allies. Cottage Falls Natural Gas Explosion at Gait Sunday Heard Two MiknAsmr-Woartaat Reeve Wagner has new“ in public ottiee on the wsmsste, council for 11 years, the pen Ill you. " Reeve. Deputy Reeve n Huehn I: reported to be necking reelection to the lame WARDEN P. A. WAGNER ‘Roeve ot Wollooley township, has In- nouucod that he will look rqFqtieetion " the coming township balloting only In tho not yur. Seek- Ila-election (Continued on P130 " POLICE QUIET "Oh, no, not mu time,"' the nu replied. "Dttn't forget the n_ew Ybrl' Pullman-er: were C. J. MiA3regor, Neill Heineken and W. G. (Rtut, prim cluls of the local schools, (3an Fred Rtttyirttr of the School Board, and Melvin Malamun and Rom. Work Cuts Relief, Baby Increases It "rormtaiIR.--"'rut't, line, now 'we on reduce your relief a hit," Min Mabel Feik, superintendent Act relief, told a recipient who reported he had secured work. _ "So I ltook it on one end and put It on the other." Min. Bttik reported to the board. “The an enemy has 11 children." . Mm. Clive B. Bean of Grim-by ren- dered beautifully the contralto solo "Eye hath not Seen" from the - ta, "The Holy City". by on]. Two hymn: were the sung by momma-e- ntlon. was VanEvery commenced her teaching career at the Heidelberg In 1906 and 1901, the taught at Can. (Continual on Pan " 1 Tucker: or the wnenoo. Public achoolu, and nun, pupils and former ‘mupllp " well u a. hoot of friend. a- tended the service. More: tributes Included basket- und spun from the Women's Ano- mation, the Officiul Bond, and the Women's Missionary Society of the church. the latter body of which the m president " the time ot - death. Also from the tuchin; MI ot the school- and from the Tenth- me Institutes of the County. at the church service Rev. mu preached I brief sermon, nun; n his text 3 passage from Corinthian- Mi. Rev. Metheeon mid glowing teb bute to the work done In the com- munity by the deemed, “luckily her work man; the school children. 0- “Wilma!"- (atilt.Wt'tra'j'r'ti2tdtrc r" A chart when] service wu held " the home at 1.80 o'elock with new. M. Val. Tutoh, "or of First United Church in charge. The twenty third Palm we: reed utter which I payer we: offered by Rev. I'm-y Mather. Iou, pastor or the Burlington United Church, and {armor pastor ot the Waterloo church. A-tHt-om. In“ donut, by - out.†Ina was mm Pe'. {way-u u my ttAl" Miss B. VanEvery . Beloved Teacher Impreulve M rile. for the lute III- Beale C. Vanna, Jar our eighteen years I teacher '11: was:- loo Public School: were held at the home, " Wu" street. Ind gt Hm United church on Month, momma. mu VuIEvory, who had been in 111 health!" longtime. M may 1: din who - gélfw Wl','lttuhtgP,tg Since the men at with; on a M-ttour took schedule. a. addr tional deliveries on gut-my at!» noon- Ind All lavatory My. will require addition ot non and." to the force. Saturday Postal IMPRESSIVE FUNERAL Public Schools, 18 You: in Waterloo Schoob. Passes Away l “I bought some slug. on that gon- tleman there," “Id Bitverthorrte. whiting to City Solicitor IL Stuart Clark, 100.. who In. lining with other counsel ht the front or the court-room. Specnton and bystand- ers hushed. "on tho proprietor of the More?" asked crown Attorney J. M. Rem-m, ICC. “Yen, air." Detectives minnorth and Limb idottttUd I. mum machine, A. not machine Ind a. punch board " u- (Contlnnod on PM: 5) ' a tobacco store and tuber shop on Garden at., “I and 3100 and out. with the option or toning the. months in jail, when he In. convict- ed hr Masha-ate ma Watt in city police court ot permitting sunburn; on " prenatal. . Constable Silverthorne, formerly of Brantford and member at the Guelph police force since the firtgt ot this month. at ttrat {died to identify the accused an the men who hit! given him 26 cents in return for tokens he had obtained while pinyin; the machine. A ("he VII Pg'g I M of tel: ‘gnnuwhie -d-trnrs thenatutNdirttoai_irdeh_ Guelph mute Rules Mn- cllines Are Gambling he but! ever can“ “aim" [or n slot nun-hing or operated a - board. Robert. Burn. proprietor of met" $100 fiie' hr 1 Slot Machines tii d road -tGririiii'iit aid J27'villitJe' one“. The Irit,thte,i%ta,, nuod, othith with m 'll'ld'd', (mild INK and AotSiiiitrutaiadAiri. 'i,tg,',tUirg',hPgt2M'tt'gdp2t tritium fesnd-2trr-edur- hi1 mutilate-Ila. ,rrytr9ptuht-tr.eatrtnpd 'AsofttNehhntii0faNght.datthe Vienna mm. I. want on: to who. the little flamingo! wltl- comm were Th - WW, â€NW“, 't,'i'iiiiiif,F,t"i'i'i'iFk's'i'iii an: 31W to A“!!! _ Iliad Sil- 'stg,t2rlrgr,t,t2,fUNgt,t tteionginetottonromnaforiNiin Ema yielded . throne. wan than] the week] coach and they tSt.'fd,fg'di,grffgeg,'r" ttht-oral-dr" . BehmrdnrrNddinviennawittta friend. Colonel Pia-I lull, u I.- mt nndattttUdoe. But how.- "ni1intr-tdtheiinett afar-had matisltedfYxtrttMefuearaatut- {half-Idemdotvunnmm. bdttimnttheMnttow Eric-ink King you]! have mind. tumi - WW†-- --._,___, t wag-Q" angst...†tub "Viaim";m‘ “Him" Gi 10.11;, wagging may; no and I. fetatr-atvii-antt- “but. u my“ and. GGik Viki} ,ggu'",d"tttPtp'tp,2i: htedM.R. tuna-of“ , vggau. De. 14.711. my! omaamr.-6t Mk ktt (In!!! that r-tive Thai-y amd Friday haze- for