CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Wotan _ and] 'Buyers’, Guide "i LEO G. LATCHFORD, BARRISTER tyd. Sglifitor, Not_atr Public; SIMS. MclNTOSH. SCHOFIELD & SIMS. Barristers. Solicitors, ete.; Medical Arta Building, " King Street West. Telephone 4640, Kitchen", Ontario. 0‘00: 44 Willi.- St. - Waugh. Plano 10lw JAygsp. 1KAIGHT, gunman. 58 King Street W. 1-11)}ng Be_D0WDA_LL,_Bqrrfyter, M. J. HOFFMAN, ".S.c. Wat - Foot Spocidin Graduate, of Illinois College of Chiropody Oitims Hem: 10 - " Ban., 1 - 6 pan. Earning: T to 8 pam Tom 2426 a 48% King St. E. Kitchener. Ont. BROCK & WEIR. G. R. Brock and H. B. Weir, Barristers. Solicitors. Notaries; " King lit. Jan, Kitch- CLJIMENT, 11â€qu & 133331“. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyance! OfBee It 10 Arthur St. Telephone 88 DR. J. W. HAGEY. Dentist. " go JFetpsr Chagbonhgy " And min: ot Arch Support. a the W of tho (out. no Liverpool St. - PM 3188 GUELPH - _ - D. B. BOWLBY. K.C., BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public Ind Con- v_yamt1tre_0if1eA19 1tmttytAt. N., BITZER & SHYTH, BARRISTERS. Soliciton. Notation. - - -J. B. 1iyothlA, BRAY a BRAY, Barristers. SoliciL on. etc.; George Bran KC., G. Manny Bray. B.A., George B. Loehend, B.A.; Boyd Bum gingham. _7_7 King St. Wat. I Paar-Noun cums DAUFMAN and PURCELL Burristen, Solicitors, Notaries. Harald L. Dalian Gerald M. I’m-ll Phone 1606 .011. A. L CAMPBELL Medial Am Bid . Phone 1868 - Xingu" Db... d '0..- ud 8m GORDON Merf, I.i0NSBERGER, J. C. HAY Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyance: Weber Chnmbers KITCHENER 49 King St. Ak Barrister, 8018170}; Conveylncer, etc. Phone 104 0thee at 97 Frederick St. WATER!“ Cmtttmtlult T. B. R. BROOK CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT (Trusts. in BankruptcyL " King Strut Int Phone 40M - Kitchener Solicitor, Notary l3ublic. cGGr-' sneer. etc. Money to loan. omce Bulk of Montreal Bldg., Waterloo. Ind Solicitor, Notary Public; rr?yth., Bldg.._l Fintt -q...I. v- uuuuucna: um " A an"; St. East. Kitchener. *elaphone MT, Residence 4400 Kitchener. Luv ottiees, Bank of Toronto" Building, 19 King Street East. Kitchener, Phone 2810. Solicitor, Notary, ete./zeuptsoni 329; 013cc 108 King Strut Wont. Kitchener, Ontario. Kitchener; Phone 4igt. ener, Teiephone%rir0. if; IiiGtGur7r'itai"1qs6.- Pione irim" Kitchens}. Ont. FOOT CORRECTION [ST - d--..rqr-qgg-rot%- .i.+hri-ht._ mug-LEE kWh-wolf.“ __ “HP-hug": " " qua §C's:' Kitchener Phone 628 GEO. L. CARTLEDGE Foot Carnegie-lat 7 t-C-Po."N8M8M' FOOT SPECIALIST Mm, tuiiisitor, etc. Zeller Building ar.ri;a'TaT.Ari-aF-F “bi-Who...“ 2EyLeii'L2Sex 4... =2Nt.tur.."e' - EVIIIII: If i io'cloci. CHIROPRAL'I'IC $1; BPS,tlchfA: WILLIAM CLARK WANTADS CHIROPRACTOI MEDICIN A L DENTAL Kitchener Kitchener elephone I ELMIRA Phone 1867 Kitchener BOUGHT - SOLD - FINANCE!) So. our Bar-uh. bat. BENTON ST. MOTOR SALES " Bau- St. - KITCHEN“ Wntter Hlnnpergn. Prop. Prrmanettt Wave- (Nnnnl. Cram“. Don-l. Spiral) .l.†.100, â€Jo. u.W| â€a." W11. for inreyl. 'Yer Shiny. â€a: te-eve "eur.-diie'.. ildknrqrrh' -"'. 262 King L. Kitchener. Phone III " must Ik., _on. furniture and Reproduaonn. " King s., Plum ATT, Waterloo Harper Method Beauty Parlor Inbelle Perk Perm. Ware. " to $10, including Zotos machineleu wnve, Huh-cutting and Marcelling; Finger Waves by C. J. Boegel. Phone 2218 - 04 Kill. St. E. Kitchener Ogilvie Sisters Hair ind Scalp Preparations and Treatments 41 King St. W. - Phone 4520 or Enlr:ncc (brunch 08mm. Store. Specializing In Per. Waves, P. Waves, Hair Cutting, Fucials, Mnrcelling, Scalp Treat. ment, Mnnicuring Ahwluu Sultakkm. Gull“, Ind Emit. Phone 8878 for Appointment. KNAPP’S BEAUTY PARLOR LYRIC BEAUTY PARLOR M. a E. Lite Phone I!†- 12. King W. Careful Coittures ndd a great deal to smart. Ipponnnco. Let u- do your "irdreamintt, person“- ized to your individual t a. Orr. Lyric Theatre - lts'dt'L. Old Bureau, Poster Beds, Clad“, etc" bought and sold. FRED BAMNSKI Dagny-11d Builhsr of Hill} Grade GENERAL AUTO SUPPLY Now and u.“ PM. " Frederick an. Ono-Eu cny Hall Phone 814 . KIM Cm bridle your moat iérplexing motor car problem. After one trout. meat you; our will my? liko new. New and Ueod PARTS FOR YOUR CAR WATERLOO AUTO PARTS 134 King " 3: t "on. â€It. Cara Walled. 61-0qu and Stored. 8 Willin- St. E. - Waterlo'o Phone 140, Ros. 510 or All Kink. FISHER & CLEMER GARAGE tt Water St. S.' - Kitchener (At King St.) Welding - Radiator - Body Repair- - Rates reasonable. "I N's LII. - KITCHEN†I’ll... 31111 - Ron. "" Auto Annmarie: Jpe Zing}: Janice“ GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING " Cod-r St. N. - Phone 84†L. HUMMEL. I... "In. M“. III-[Hind - nus- JONES BEAUTY PARLOR " _King Sttet 're '9tehyror tthe, 10.trfrr.] 35.1.25}, hr our modern otkmlynh _ I no no!“ and worn. No ttred I. to *uhrrr.d _51 - ugly “with... Auto? Repairs PM: 337.81% Annoigtinsefz M7736 "'.,, Ole. 400 Beauty Culture ALEXANDER GARAGE J. w. Heinrich. Prop. Zinger & Geiger ANTIQUE FURNITURE Antique. SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Permanently Rpmoveq AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS Bum For You Cat SEIGEL’S GARAGE _ or- human-0 - WE BUY USED CARS WALTER’S BEAUTY PARLOR HAROLD B. [LUNG PERSONAL BUSINESS UsedCars MAW Cain-lb “on Tru, Kitchen-r Kitchen-r ofC-n. Dan-mm lawman-lavas: Md?" â€I‘m-Vin“ h-MHMIQM‘ â€Mun' Amo-FP-mama-ra. Guam" Bic-1&8†â€Job-3L2. . Wan-loo outoftttrht#trentdirtret. WATERLOO " Queen litl, DISCUSS DOCTOR BILLS Hospital and doetor's :bills tor a Waterloo relletee's son were referred to the town solicitor for a ruling by council Friday night, to learn whe- ther the town should pay them. “Whhuh 10)qu - MW†C.C.I. BICYCLE AGENT _ Lawn Iowan Wed. " um St. - M Iâ€. We stock Ivory Toilet Beta, Per- fume; Payetriee, Shem [use end Brushes, Razors, Choeolatms, eta. At (joint: PM 820% 198 my; 8t. Eat, Kitcheniar, ont.", Phone gh. WV†um "d Mother's Care to all You Fear" Pearl Laundry Co. Cleaners and Dyers Rug Shampooers It', I? Look: to you; home at, y win: our "on-its magnum bound into boob. Paul amiable. Goods all“! for and delivered. WIND†" QIOOI 531.": - M I.†"mane Club In... Suite-nu. ' Dyeing tsf Cleaning Ml... Hm GA rum tftiiii mu. an; MM. 1 "I; w.. that“. LEARNS DRUG STORE PRESCRIPTION PHARMACY Prompt Delivery 5:0 CHEMJCAL FEE BOOKBINDING DEL’S REPAIR SHOP New gm! Une4 Bicycl- BICYCLES Christnias VlTAMiNmMINERAL cmuumi “nouns KITCHENER UNCLE EPH WORTLE HAD #Ieuaeo ON A LORGER SKIRT TONIC H Ott' iietldirigtttrt1v. 3) [x,, Cer"" i'ih, voMs '6" Ill, D ll , M if "' s".i"i)ili"'; rt -1 H f r, 7; /¢\; Cl T ‘r‘ w-I","," / oe,Ce"",,ft 3%, " ,f u - n. . e cl Tc", g & I 533’ //..*&§3&., = i'sttttd.gjl I H PHONE 217 Phone 4100 .std OFF so Chitin]! St. - Phone zoom Wise Crack For Today Man is said to be the only animal that can distinguish right trom wrong. Why then are there so my lam"? _ Sewing Machine Bargains Singer, Tailor Mochine ...... $24.50 Raymond, Drop Head ........., $17.50 Expert htit,'t Waterloo Sewing Irine Shop " iii: GG 26.26;. W'di’b iUnr peopl- have than adv-nus. of ft tbat I! luv. dot“ to any on at an - _ We have duo an addition! “who " vuuun cleaning hot air ply.- Uh. evcry "build Job. Agent forPEASE Fun-cu. E; P. KIESWE'I'I'ER FOR SALE V Woodl- 6" plate choppur, also thetrie mo_tors, j h.p., $10.00 " Kitchener. FOR SALE ELECTRIC. MOTORS . lk hat. to 6 his $10.00 Ind up. Dobbin Gurus, itehener. a tset “a!†T. mm ‘0 Ctrs", w wme wtho M ... VAN“ ty-ttl Lutty 1 w -- M4 (Isl? r- 0mm VAN“ ste'".] A isVM, Ge" “a - c.":',?,?:,"?,"):"!!." C d . - sasiiGHiyiir. - KM - .O-t. BYBmGANDCLMA3GNG TOONERVILLE muTs Uetrie motors, K 'yt to 6 ll.p., 110.90 nnd up. Dob in Gm SUTHERLAND - SCHULTZ Kitchen! .. Guelph Dummcmnns CLARES FLOWER - Clare Dhbold. Prop. 200 III. Irrt - M "I. Flown-I uariiii Giirdd -tteee. Smoky Furnaces! REBUIL'I‘ COMPLETELY AMMWIRII to)" "e'Mo P." "e" “P Hrfe Electrical G o o d I Mull-lath. M3810 - "te.s"H ----BUY FROM ADW--- Florists ELECTRIC MOTORS ALL wok Gum!) Wm. Habich 'llleetHenl Service " King " Waterloo Plum. TSI FURNACES it:i(.1isi, Ro-windin' WV“ New and SALE ttl Mimic. - [huh- Insurance Agencies GmbWut LII. a-. Co. Flu - Automobile - Accident Dominion rate Ann-nu. Conn-y "and Ola-x Wand... “I. â€mac-a.“ Madly-kl. KerrrskaTaii- - - - iiraGiG LJ.I_-A- - - -77W:gubo Eire-u“ - - W.G.Vd¢h) P' - - hull-n! Jc'h"teedSiriroim - Via-Wt E. E. itiaGG cl - Supt. oraikUiia c. J. "at. " M. . - hop-chr- TNaicmtoNN3LMWANrADS. 70310118111. Waterloo 'Mutual Fire Insurance _ Company C. A. BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCIES “HITED huh.“ "" ASSETS OVER 01,500,000 um! Mt - $100,000. 3 Earl Putnam nun-um. Dian-ht ABC-u â€-4 ihaarG - V E THINKING WOULD REDUCE ACCIDENTS OTTAWA.- Trattle accidents would the greatly rodm'od It motorists would "think" the first National Safety Con. (prom: sponsored by the Dominion Automobile Safety Courteil an- nounced after a three-day session. Tho rnnrelllng tor all “mo of driv- lng permits for than convlrlod for drunlwn drivimt and ttu, selling of firm, of other Iraffln vlnlnllonp ls proportion to tho, ofbsndor'g ftnttnrta1 rallng was urged by Looms Flame. Montreal. nu. - lon'youlnrplu {Jana I F. J. It... Pup. - the. "IQ. To make ponplo "think" the confer- found. would he to 1mm†heavy pen- nlllen on those renonnslhle for auto- mohna goddamn A large porrmtngo or amnion“! resnhpd from though!- lrunm. “Manna-a. and lack of Imagination by motorists. Montreal. I A mun sometimes drinks to forget, Prof w. D. Tut, mom Unlwr- nnd ghoul tho only thing he tortteht our. Intro-l all. "W. If. ttvtrtg 1. when to atop. Runof- leuuck Exchange (IICOPEE HEIGHTS FARM RENEW HARDWARE M a nu. " " v.43: a... m Speck] Representative "Simpson's" 286 King E., _- Phone 3124 an an. E., W15. an. â€mum MATTRESS ".3th Oahu-1M“. â€Que-SL3. - Kit-bur hm - annulus“... Sm bl] lurin- n-d Ila-co Stahorforturtmtaee._, SUPERIOII BtJrtMttrto. a... an . . a... an a n...- St. " KITCHEN“ - "is. made pouiblo by low _ _ byline. com ,» KITCHEN†PAINT & WALLPAPER co. in: King In! - KIM - rho-o 10. nah-HEEL Thoroughly gone 570i 3nd tuned. Hide moth-prdof. Beautiful} thigh. lag-EA stoilk to choose from. From " Moll-o S... Waitrloo. Phone "" Repairs on All Makes of Fun-mes. HIV. running Inter in your hon-I. And pknty of water tor your came. Inn-l an Anton-tic Pres-mo Pump on your km or summer home. KITCHENER BRASS FOUNDRY as: King St. E., Kitchener - - " nah-u cl PM _ CARL HEINTZMAN _ In Sal-nit." Ltd. - KITCHENS]! Phone 194 AUTOMATIC WATER PRESSURE PUMP For Churn All Woll- (la-haw In 'Citi-rt For tin Kitchen Stove or Hate: Inul . NEW GILSON FURNACE Keep Comfortable this Winter. LOW PRICES - EASY TERMS For further particulars see Print. and ' Instruction. SCI“! " In! St. W. M [111... relttdiut"ty%0inihti “a MARVEL OIL BURN ERS " King ' samurai! WALLPAPERS PIANOS Ptiir mused. Antt11 claim, For Sale ALL MAKES Radios Repaired RADIOS MUSICAL Plumbing Heating mad-sau- urstmiV Anab- la!- " I OIL BURNERS Radio Regaining Tubes teste free. A. STRASSBURGER KISS ANNA R. BEAN Anfwhere - Anytime. Al work gun-Mead. J. W. SAUNDERS " 5-; _ H EP. MATTRESS Tubes tested free. E. K. HEARTH PIANOS WATERIDO Kitchener EXPERT You: Cutie $79.00 ITP, Plan. 7.1 ok “hvo Chlpt tttutrtttttpndtttiom, M the con. tprontus ,errrs nntformlty of all Ort vlnctnl trttttlr, laws, rompnlnory Irv â€motion of all nutm- twlr-n a year and that tho warm! '1ovorntttottt upon- .mr a National Qataty - gnmmllyv Do Export Watch, Clock and Jewel- Iory Rap-hing at moderate pricu. In an an of Knot-d. and an Inn: M In: ram-o to glow up. tho msnsre of 'tpeed will he with In and will Inks m ton In 1er and maturing" The A. M. Wilson a. S W 'troot S. - “on. m KITCHEN“ The Swiss Jeweller In But-cu ore. u Yuan. Phone 104 - " PM St. KITCHINII IIAI. ETA?! . INSURANCI - LOAN! Buy your chollory from the Modern Store We have I complete line of Jewel- lery und Silverware. 120 King W.. Kitchener, Phone 1104 cloclm end jewellery. _ Also e complete line of Watches, Clocks, etc. " Benton Street - Kitchener (Opp. Weber Food Store) M IUYING or SELLING I FARMS AND CITY PIOPERTY For su. “I Etch-go. ED. HOUSE’S SHOE STORE Ind REPAIR SHOP Kin. St. s. - Phono “I WATERLOO, ONT. GOODRICH MlMiOMi, STORES , We buy old Ind new stamp: or collection. We send out fine telec- tions on tapprovnl to collectors. Cd! or drop a_ _line. King and Water Sh. - Phone 4646 KITCHENER Duplicating Ind Adding Machines, Filing Cabinets, Desks, Safes, etc. Ontario Office Outfitters Ltd. " Queen St. s. - Phone 979 Kitchener Local Tire Shop Soibcrlin. Tin Dopot 201 Kimrfit. E. - Kitchen We Fix Flats - anéhnlzing IRWIN'S CREDIT JEWELLERS 259 King St. W. - Kitchener __ Union Sump Co. " Queen St. 3.. Kitchener, Ont. Hesse-ant & Shut: Repairing Watches The Ream Roofing Co. Clocks "thm I). It" E. L. Hum, humor 805 King St. W. - nuke-or M1 1775. Ron, '" Typewriters M .8. - I“ Kue W. KITCHEN†man I! Now GI Used Tins. Kali-cu, - All all“ in dock. RECHARGING - REHAB ROAD SERVICE TUBES Ai SHOE t' Pay More fin Your Old Gold Fe do Expert fold: Repairing. Exide Batteries " LOW " Does In expert repair job on _any kind, pf qualms, Pic HOLTZE New and Us“! TYPEWRITERS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS BENDERS STAMPS WANTED ROOFING WANTED NOTICE, m For E lilting: Invited. WEEKLY sod Kitchener