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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 11 Dec 1936, p. 20

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ammo-“yuan.“ qoodHtethoreasurbeqrraAt86to “valid-(Mum...)- ,irardeto8ra6. Ale-clout“! -otdtmm86a6to8M6.B_ amnlmuh” aad.ttat"9stdet.'sahtghat88.N. Ammo. ouvumuouu the [can] range for M. m m " to "so. Con-o. to It” eatstratudmtm8gto8& 00.9110. vmlnl ”that“ ,1thttrtrueAt-ett1t-ar, all, " " with no”: mu. W. Car hon “out! at 81.60 to). ad “allot”. Good sw. and wotlur with to“ mostly at a with one lot Mulls $8.26. Home. sold botwoon " at 81.5 sud can. a " Show mod from 8u0to8q.69nest. umuuh‘ m1.“ m-mmavu-u mun-um“ nut-h“ WW an: “It 1',',Tra'eWl=tftr,ALfllt ,rtthtttti.oAaaedt"eqtApHe' punctual”. noun-um'u apuhulhrnt tugboat!!!“ Local dealers are quoting the tob towing potato prices: Prince “In!!! Island, 81.68 to 81.60 a in: ttarlot I- sin. No. 1 Ontario. 81.10 to $1.15 tad New Brunswick. 81.46 to 81.50 a has earlot balk. Prices to trade are 16e a be; higher. t'rtmmdar, Dec. IO, 1030) (Thursday. Dec. 3. 1030) Price- quoted by Kitchener 'tran. on the above date won " follows: In. Collin. HAY AND OTRAW No. , timothy. 810 to 811 nor ton; No. , timothy, " to no; on and wheat straw. so to 87. Abe" Meo- t.o.b., Toronto. Kitchener Produce "" Terrapin-o Coach "" Hudson . Sod- I." Tm Cont "" Had..- . Sod-I ttmt Buick Sol- 1030 Body. Bod.. "" Old-nob“. Co". I”. Pond-o Sol.- 10” Dun-l Sod.- 1981 Pontiac Coup. 1oIr.vtp,iiierif.).F?i',ij,tiiifi,' if?! Illllllii P. . Holllday .....s....Brookiin ..............10 A. F, was .............§_ahtor Centre ....19 q. tr1jiitaii).L.L.C.C.3tiriiViit "M31313; A. t',,fdh"eltiairc::.i2.hhtdt Pell Byliyttrms....gt. Pg g There were 16.7“ hogs graded in Called. dim-inc the week, distributed as follows: Alberta 2465; Suhtcllmn 7'19; leni- tpba 1,190; Ontario, 8,482; Quebec, 1,733; We. 2,055. D°hbi9§9rage ii-islet/IEA" meilum ...t Pull.“ ....._ USED CARS 1'1Eglli1o,dN0lli2lEII,uliile. BARLEY AND OAT FEED . . . . . . 81.45 not 100 Ill. SOYA BEAN HEAL Inn. Shorts. Con. Barley. Cod “'0' Ga, “I. “at Set-'0. Tania... Ion Mal. 3004 Con. Cotto- Sood Ml. on (his In]. VI. ou Food, On“. 000., cu. SNIDER’S GROWING MASH LAYING MASH ........... PIGGROWER ............. DAIRY FEED ............. CALFMEAL ..m...m....... Bacon Hogs Graded Dressed Boa! tar-' [do for week and!“ Doc. 8, 1.30. (Furnished by Dominion Unmet Branch. Toronto) Potatoes In. my“. F" cmcms mas Wo’kkull-Ihoof a. L. BEAU" mun- a, ' CORN DISTILLERS DRIED GRAINS mm FEED ......... " " “wording to “It'll. QUALITY KEYS MADE 510an Product:- ,. " " Truck Delivered " 's R. 2......10 I my. 'reuttto-_. flu; stut- ford, "so; Kitchen", nu; Lon- aon. 3150; Bull, "ae, Paton-bomb, cir.a'; Bhattord. nu; Chatham, 31.541 ' mommy-um u'm.nuI.-u..b mam-mama“. an ”an, m can-mu autumn-tawny”.- "tardar,tho6qa2te.Neeta-s Tho In“! twinkling... dynamism. AndtotAoNmrY-'.maNot.tt twink-1101mm”.- In It. Way. III. was P"fd,,ttgt'e,MtL"t.','t Mar-mg “with ltIll',n,Tldlllllff't'dl%g','t. Rev. Cucu- Burkholdor material to Turner. luck, when he will hold Bi- ,ole school tor two weeks. _ Ontario gnu, approximate price. llnck mm. point-Wheat, 81.05 ‘to sun; oats, u to Me; barley. u to "e; com. " to “0:170. " to 80c; buckwheat, 00 to “c: mum barley 80 to 86e; milling can, . to 46c. ”Min Plum. by of Kitchener In npending tome time at the home ot Mr. 1nd Mrs. John Hear. Mr. and In. Albert Brubncher and daughter Jenn new Monday at the home at Mnth Becker. mm The Brdiinu Jr. hockey mm but Little’s corners FI on New”. ROAD tttY Board of Work- employee. hue been billy this week under the dime. tion of Engineer Claude Nectar. sanding the iey apmwhea to “up streets. new. and Mn. Olen Buruoldor and daughter Ana. and Nollie and Hunter Donald Burkholder spent I dly last week with the formal-1 mo. ther, Mn. A. Bigkholdor, 810M103. igiU titmtna'Creamtsan ot Phonon spent the week-end at the home of her mother, Mrs. ;._0felm- _ _ Mn. Alvin Wright and ammo: Nancy of Detroit, mm, were - and guests at the home of the toe mer’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Mailer. -itr. Eu] under of Hamilton ”out the weekend with his parents, Mr. Ind Mrs. M. Under. - . 1t'lti?g,1rftt'lt a uni but]. tttrw-ttrt otp. vendors at by"; Mr palm mud “mm In Moon-log we“ WM. Other lama were My. lando- showed Mt unwou- Inontl. with tive with“ all“ I cent. and an“ mil. up II mmta. Ban-Io. Woul- and mm (on! moved 10 on“! Nth". The Maple Grove Women'- null. lute held their been“ end to: at the homes ot Mn. Clarence mundan- and In. Harry (leech with ervery good attendance. air. mtrfit Frets spent the week-end at the home of his parents, Mr. ma Mr. and In. N. Bur Sunduyed " the home ot Mr. and In. A, nu- der. T min-rs. mun Roll: and this: We. bar of Cone-toga - Sunday with Mr. and In. 1. 'tttttr. _ Dre-cod ,reigttu--aamdon no; Hull 810.80; Petorborou‘ll. ”.00; Bunt- ford, 810; Chitin. 810. ' Mr. and Mrs. Cart suppla- Sun- dayed with Mr. 3nd In. Alvin Mol- nar, Bridgeport. - - - Bog Quotations LocalGrain - © $2.86 per 100 lbs. © 82.50 p.400 lbs. © 82.30 per 100 lbs. © 82.25 per 100 lbs. (ii) .85 per 25 lbs. WAm ONT. " rT-rrEEi!) CATTLE A nun can - an "out, you. of his lite by studying th 0:- ttert-to of otlm Only In trffort of will divide. tho 'tttttor-ttrained from those who an "all, cementum. Fivt POINTI, , To , EDWIN, __ Elmirn intermediate. continued their winning way. will! they defeated the rm; Point- ot Wa. terloo, H, in An exhibition gun. phyed horn Monday. it In. Emil-r. second victory m n mny [that Klein, Allemung and Radon wot. out-twain. for Elmira, while HI" W" the 101011 but. AT FAIR IN ELM!” MLMmA.-vrhe Elmira monthly fair was held with a one of pin OM auction sale of used furniture and other household mnemonic. Attendunco wu not. u larger n that or a month no, but "leq were reported ttood. Piglet. were up in price A little over In! month. Ion- ing tor whom " to 81.16. The resignation ot N. Bearing" from the Relief and High School Board for the reminder ot the year was not accepted. The (allowing poll clerks and deputies were appointed: s. Bristow, I. c. Ernst. J. Klinck, G. Buigin. C. W. Schierhoitz, Wm. Rahn, o. Rodrick, R. Ruppel. with J. Rnppel returning otticer. It wan noted that to date the town's ample relief woodpile baa proved an elec- tive toil Mr the usual influx of tran- Iienta. ELMIRA TEAM BEAT. _ A very satisfactory report wee pre- sented try Reeve A. W. Holler, of the Finance Committee. Ttttt year'- total expenditures amounted to $6.- 2%.66, 81,140 going tor direct relief, which in now being received by leven familiel. PIOLIT PRIOIO RIO! Mr. and Mrs. "tttttt Kielwetter of Gait were visitors with friends here on Sunny. . Mr. and 1'tr,; Kmmu of St. Clement: whit with Mr. and In. Martin Kieswetter on Tum-q am. noon. . an Juror in Kitchener on Tug-aux. IilLMrtRA.--rPintu business tor the year was completed at the lust regu- lar meeting of the Town Council Monday. A tstttuftustory report we: presented by Dr. J. Simmons, non, and 14 denihe for the put your. ntr. He reported n birth, " marine- ty school children were given free diphtheria inoculation, making a 100 100 per cent. total tor all pupils SW. term; the public school in the put tour years, Fifty pupils underwent physical examination and no deaths occurred from communicnble ditr. eases. Mrs. John stockle spent Tuesdayj ---_------- afternoon with Mrs. Mary sum. MENTOR. Tho Man In the Turban Mr. Ed. Kaufman attended court 0.“ un. ORG! MIMI. me Reportjo! “Yea: tf Jrr.,Ret8trnatipet Irc, Elecptlve luneral or the late Mrs. Vollmor at Heidelberg last Wednesday. - 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kaufman and family and Mn. Jacob Kaufman of Kitchener were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Kantmn. Mr. Henry (Remix of Waterloo spent some time in the village. Elmira Cuuncil Holds last Session kflflflfiflfiUtWUKWEUWWWEWWWWUE Quite a number of armor! ere complaining ot shortage at "tor for their livestock in this district. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maser and um- ily were recent ,tttgitttta to Whterloo. A number from here attended the Mr. and Mrs. George Done)". and Mr. Henry Praia: were visitors to Waterloo on Thursday. Simméns, M.0.H.-Reiief for Year $1,140. GtveMrthae-rsoghhtgthntta.taaahdrrrnhesU. M M. It“. .... .0 wk 1'“. ma... - M Wu. It... " - 'aedrrhh You..." ...... - m Hath. Pain. - I: M .............. an: BAMBIRG Choc-ennElocu-ieul Gtttt' ELMIRA NEWS .............. o." iElmira Irons ht l, Hockey lliiliediies ', EtLhmtA.-u.Alt the wrinkles in El- mira'e hockey situation eppeer to have been ironed out, aetsording to Maven! Brent, ucreury-treuurer of the newly cranked all». i The lint executive elected this years met and .endered . turn] re- signation, the. snowing the new exe- cwtlve ,elected at the "organisation meeting. mu authority to prmreed with their puns. Hockey equipment in the made of lest you“: necretery. treasurer, m bended over to the ‘now. club. Doc. "- Grand Valley at llmlrl. Palmer-ton at Ion. Dee. 3045:“. It Arthur. Jan. 4--Artttttr It lion, Mu at 0mm! VIII”. Jun. Flair: at Mann. Jan. '---Nttgtqyrgtmt " Arthur; Gram! Valley ttt "ma; mm at Elma. Jan. tr-atom at and “my. Jan. "--Rhgtim " Arthur. Jan. "Worry!“ In“! MA. Ont. - Renee-enteuvee from Fennel-Icon. Artttttr,.Orastd Vel- ler. ”mire, rem: end more con- vened here Wedneedey to drew up the 011A. Intermediate Group Seven schedule The meeting, which wee presided over " Reeve Arthur A. Bedley, 0:H.A. executive. decided to allow the {our huh teem- to “he pert in the pin-oh. which willbecin on Feb. t. The echedeie: Dec. tg-Mora at minimum), ll- mirn at Grand v.11”. Elmira Included! , In om. Draw A tentative team of Elm". ONA. itttergnetditttqtg allowed that thine likely to (In a good mount ot thun- Ielven for the coming Ion-on when they detentod Kitchener larchnntl 11-4 In on exhibition one hora. Sev- eral of the plum who no “new to do yeomn ant-vice tor limit. In the regular schedule were unable to play in this game owing to other d)“- gationl. Another future ot the root-unil- ed club in that it funds permit. than will ulna be a junior tum roprount- in. Bimin in none. In yet undecid- ed grouping. This team will be over- aged by the IImO executive to in managing the intomodhi. entry. Podw Vii. hind Fore Turk! tat,'", for Christmas. PM. your , Ar my. -ltorAtiit Rounds. It: To BUY E. P. RANCH 'LONDON. - Uncoln Ell-worth, United sata- explorer. vuoromtr denied reports he had bought the I}? Ranch " sun River, AM, mm King mm. "m- story about no 2'traltt King's much “(an mums.“ worth told tho My 'teraid. '1". true t new tho Int no u very in. terested in explont n and that’s all we talked about." 'itethtt,Nt'tit,t ELLOWO RT." DINI I. FOR SAL! Child's ity. tootjvory wyrode bed Eeeerttd am' Iltw Body t6--4Fd v.16, at ion: ind mattriA. EBB "tr. I-atom " Arthur; Grand Valley " Pal-anion: In!!! " M Jan. Hand V1110; " Arthur: form:- nt lion. an. [Horn- u Palmerston; Arthur at Grind Valley. Jun. "---wmlrtt at morn. Jnn. "--Mtora gt Fergus; Panor- "on It Grind anloy; Arthur It ll- mm. Jun "r-Arthur at "re. COUPLE OF CROW. THINK I wanna YO " on" LhNDSAY.-"Wtt11, w. my be In ‘for some seven neither, but t doubt lit." an In. J. Robertson, . mar ‘on the Scotch Una. II it not I not that oak a thin one. counte- tn. mum. from the not able printer? "The look! like I an“ open winter." itdyr of .n Arthur It Palmer-ton; rerun u ll- mm. Dee. 12 (Nturdar)---At l p.m., auction Ill. of {an stock. Imp!» menu. for Byron Eaton, aim-ted 1 mil. manhunt of Bridgman. “This morning I hard 1nd - two or three on“ Mt Ghoul (to farm. PM so . B, Blair. Jun. 11 (Elwin Phir Dny) -At the whit g'glgr'tg sale of live stock, Imp ements, ve iclea, furni- ture, or mythlnc you wish to sell. turyUt otterlt. - _ _ " large list Jt hm: for Ida Inactive prices and any terms. iSf n ' tin 2 as. 'lfd'ov"ll',' Jun. " tXtmradqr).-A_t 1 Parr, valuable tum stock, including " datrg con to fro-h in Dec. and am. {one cattle, pigs, nit new KAI. nun implements, feed, and some god furniture and clock, for oni- Fltsjohn, situated just of the highway, 8 miles west of St. Clamonu, 1 mile out of Ora-hill, better known In the Andrew Play- ford hm. Witch for ad, Melon. some tre, furniture um elects. What " rout Latvia: Aarlm Bothnan or Anson Gingrich. lt? by. iitohiiiiiiu and Ned, for as. "dTf aitttnted Ibout 2% mite. out o Kitchener. or 3s mil. cut of Cent-ville, on the '1fgt2 known In the Chicopee eight- Pu-m. Wan): for " In. " - Brocdon’ combination Isle of " head reg. full? accredited and blood outdo, consist nglof fredh cm heifers and ulna. lo to be held " Summit View M, Bridge- port. A. B. Brubaeher, Solos In. "21in. ll (Homily, Elmin Wir y-- At my nuction stand in front of the Mon’ Shed, eager}, *hrrm, n: -rutLiif Tliiii-dny 1---At 1 .m., {gable LQ stock. mending " ifiiiraii," J.Cioiar.uttth htGr, " 'ltt 34m? 1tertg?,ttr,", "ti,'lli?l!tiliii.'leite'liilt l 'ii'iik't have YIN. _ . 'y w. w. RICKEY. an. -tmeriton at" mun Auction Sale Lists GEO, fl. CLASS, Auctioneer The H. K.Wilhe‘lm Hardware A. S. SNIDER. Auctioneet B. J. SHAN'I'L. Auctioneer Mtnetsrfa't, " Holsteins For Sale ' -ro.rr-t-s-otee.o"ere. tte,it1itehlP2St,h?aa2ftt mmm.‘ 'uW.toruoHAtauChrbntttts "flaccid-mull Jutyo-hmymmu. itBDuagPtqgADtttt In-d-ist-tSelle. Vacuum Chanel- Borg-in. In. iakrT. [a _ e.- ChMrta- my. . ..usreu1 in!) Low sauna Mk. Spock! who .... a... “on. 3047. Kitchen: 315.319 VANITY um BRIDGEPOIT - M KIM sour. __ "_-". ___ "nun-.." A. B. BRUBACHER a 1 Mrs. C. Powell end Mr. Elwood Powell have returned from e three weeks' visit with Mr. and In. On! Buckley and eon ot North Bey. Miss Charlotte 1’0de remelned there to spend the winter months. School children no {may and!» ing their mini Christmas entertain. ment which will be held Monday ennui. Dee. 'ut. Messrs. We. and It»: not): and Min Mildred not]: were and” visitors with Mr. at! In. Clayton Beorartmsntmtrer, hamburg. 'Mr. Ind Mrs. Chrll. Roth ”out Sunday evening u the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Ann Lek. Ming Min Kerr of Brunei. spent the week-end with not oaresetts, Mr. and Mn. William Kort. the glitch! Attoh B. “TIN, be. of the "ehit ttCWytarhro, W “I W, m I“! ti At'J1ttftt, on or More the 1'lhf any of amber. 1086, full ,rfht"dt'u'.'. 'litt?tliittili.i m 0. III tilt. the and: of the at.“ will be 1isy11'i'itriri'ilt the parties etttitt V ' “It ’0' o to of which th MIMI! te, I“. ttqtieq . " DATED this Mth ar of Novem- ber, 1986. & WOO-'00. o-M.. Sold” for IL. Add-hm. Mr. and Mrs. stow-rt Powell In" returned home My after spend- ing the summer month. In Northern Ontario. Mr. Clayton stunner ot Topping spent Sunday at the home of hi. parents, Mr. and In. Herb. Stom- Inler. Mr. 'wmlun Kerr visited with friends In Toronto. Notice to Creditors mdi.at--t--- Me Dad“!- 3 Worthwhile Gift! --at-h. lb with . mt In. Witch’s. mule "tea.-.. no sun MEYER.-.. mu. oak-b- ud A - “a Alu- A-gttumeitbra-t-ttrfift.qt" t-a-.iiMittah-tttrrWiiheheN. Shady on“ W Dari-cm HOCKEY STICKS. Ila . “a ALI. "EBL WAGON'-- Tho bert M a“ $1.”. CL... “.50 undo. labia at... comm/m1) AVN. . " Grading, touting, and your cash while you wait. Bring I can or cue in for trial to An Excellent Market Aatttttstg.Ft1rtMtrtau " than .... III I. 0].. If“ M nun-u.” _ $iihmrmtod's Dream and Eggs Ei=ii2M13 Kitchener Dairy "re'""""-""" I... no. mum “tweak HIGHEST PRICES PAID For Your one: M at ........ 04.1.. M ".ASKUGMYb- on King street this week by ctatA. mu tree merchant- who and. my to the Godarlch are: for the In“. A. K.CRESSMAN Recent sudden deaths have caught people unprepared. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR mul-n’o-Iondolu 'h-e-d-mea-oe' Clubber-80.. (I... h and TAKE WARNING .-omft an and: was”. a Garage St. Antl- " M " r " Theodore Dietrich Your Will? midis-cu...“ bun-nyong-NIO it Us ,ur, ' " tUgg, hay. dialing, = h It w I I¢COIMICK DEERING MERRILL shyly-‘95, binge...- - - C - ___ 3'35? t'N"ptru'r: tho - GaorGrUGAia' 3i I. for a 40-min“; Incl In“. All [W I" KING 3001'“ Waterloo Yuca- GH‘MOTIAO TI “0 hi 36.9. ""

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