if t l â€was. Illittljll,llliijllrl? Vol. 80, No. a Hoist Motion To iiiiiii" iiisarii, Duke of York isr Princess: Elizabeth Kitchener Council Tables M tion One Week, Expreaing Approval of Euler’s ' Democratic KrrCHENER.-rWhile the votes of the municipal elections were being reported to the returning ofBeer in his omce on the- main floor of the City Hall, the City Council was confronted with a reso- lution presented by Aid. J. Walter nnd Geo. Gordon, which took the majority by surprise and brought them into the constitutional crisis. The resolution was In follows: "Inasmuch as we believe in the de- moeratie principles of government, we hold this truth to be iielf-evident: the right of every individual within the dismoertrtie stote to full life, liberty end the pursuit of hoppiness; therefore be it resolved that this council reaffirms its allegionce to His Msjesty King Edward vm. in his struggle for a democratic sp- prosch to life and be it further re- solved that this resolution with its prefix be cabled to His Majesty King Edward vm. forthwith." A --e -- ' A __.-- or.....,.. Dawuru '11.. “nu-w.-." Ald. Walter and Gordon contend- ed that the situation in the British Empire, has resolved itself into a strife between a dernoerntie reign and on aristocratic government, not only in the Motherlnnd but in vari- ous Dominions, and as "arg/get tives of the citizens of itchener, the City Council should lose no time in strengthening the hands of His Majesty in his battle for democratic freedom, ' n a Express Loyalty V l To King Edwanl xreeuom. Aid. Shantz and Hearn expressed their opinion that the resolution was premature as the information from Great Britain clearly indicates that there was no desire on the part of the government to force the hnnd Bf King Edward. 1e presented}: 01 lung nun-nu. any; w- v--__,, ,, amendment to the motion, whichl we: carried by I vote of q to 3, to give the main motion 1 one week's oist. Ald. Shantz, Beam, Mullins, Bowman, Bergen, Meinzinger and Schaefer supported the amendment. end Ald. Walter, Gordon and Sthrm were opposed. Will Cancel l All War Risks Lloyd's Insurance Says Europe - Too Unstable to Otter Odds Against War. LONDON.--- The great insurance tirm of Lloyd's has abolished all war- xlsk policies in Britain, it was learn- ed Wednesday. . . A -Anlnr. .11 unluru I_.'"r'T""ee"" The firm is understood to be con- templating extending ita ban on wan risk Insurance to the entire world be- ginning January 1. Ayr Finances l i270“ Relief Work Tax Rate Cut by Three Mills Since 1933.--No Govern- ment Grant. AYR,’ ‘Perhaps the only village in . Ontario to coma through seven years ot doprmsimi without one grant from the govprnmpnt is this small com- munity in south Waterloo county. It has dune without an organized tenet annoy, cut its tax rate, and “never handed out anything for nothing", according to Rowe Shaw. Sn tar this winter not one request for aid has bar-n received from un- Pmplnypd. in tho winter months the whims citizens shnvoi the streets and regular wages are paid. Ayr’g overdraft was $3,064 in 1933. and aincp that time the tax rate ha been cut by thrrse mills. In another it in expected that the ovardrnft will he n thing of the pan The vil- inxn'n finanviai miicy is "Pay us you " ' NEARLY FATAL, DOCTOR SAY! WINGHAV A hack-firing mama on an nlwrtrir light plant almost BiF Mlyxlated 150 gunsâ€: at the homo of Alex Burdon in Whitrchurrh, Al . “Hiding rvroptlnn An mu! wind blowing in thp ran“ An mu! wind Mowing m Hu- [Fllal door nrriod the rum" of the funky engine 'R to where the - were Wishes. Lindbergh Trip h, l Called Off; Fear 1gyNDoN.---Fetrr of possible ame- aination at tho hands of mm ertrem- in: prevented Col. Charles Lind- hertth trom making nn inspection tttttr on foot ot the pmposed North Atlantic Imperial Airways base at Ry- nanna. County Limerick. [ha Mr- plane. aeronamlml journal. user“. STUDY PRESERVED HAMBURH. Gormany. Preanrvod milk oxhlhltod M a Mr rerent1y has intormted “norm Umnnmmerl milk. tsuttormntt. and cream pmnrvod tor six wool. rovaalod {but " has rrv mind In mm; And nutritive vnhm. The prnrMs In appttretttly Mrnple mm in poured into romaine-rs and summm to 8 â€can" of oxygen. Tho- reau-mm urn vigorously shaken 1mm tho own-n penetrate the milk. um my uit In (he wilt ll remand LONDON, DEC. 10.-Out of the welter of rumours that flew thick and fast as the Cabinet assembled at 10 Downing Street this morning to consider the most momentous decision in recent history came one re- port that the Duke of York preferred, if the King abdicated, to pass the burden of rulership on to the shoulders of his elder daughter, Princess Elizabeth, and that he would be one of the Regency Council. - - e . ' A“- ur..a.....l.u‘ than Rina Edward Dilbuucul, nnu um. ..__ ..\,_.\. -- -___ It was expected that by noon would have signed a voluntary abdic bers of the Royal Family as sole w Assassination no that ne WOUIU m: um: um mu, "youâ€, -__--'-- __ expected that by noon today, Waterloo time, King Edward signed a voluntary abdication decree with the immediate mem- Royal Family as sole witnesses. In such an event, a meeting MILK EXHIBIT Only Two Kitchener l Aldermen City Born One from wateHmsTwoU.S.A., l Two St. Jacobs, Two from Europe. hers of Kitchener: city council for 1937 were born in the city, end they ere Ald. Joe Meinslnger end Cur. ence Seibert, I new member. Henry Storm. who heeded the polls, m born in Waterloo. Alex Schnfer. in second plnce. wen born end lived for I number of {an on I farm on; bthe outskirts o the city. and Alden-J men Irvin Bowman Ind Inn Shunt: lure natives of the United Staten. The little will-3e of St. Jumbo. some eight miles north of Kfteh- ener. we: the bfrttplte..e of AM. Fuel. w.» u-c u.....,..... y, __ Engone Bergen tad Albert Bru- bicker, the second newcomer to the rouneil. Theo of the council In"! born IbI'OId. Nf.. 4.ohn. 1rtlttt in KrrcHENER.-ton.V an, we)!» 'tiii, uf. hi iiara iii "Gs-Sosa-rr-mt-ret'.?..? Vanna. Ftiiraas., ner, [ha-3h i% Wv~¢wrw5 .3 _ " T "ii' a" , hum "rr- F"nh I 1giRot IICLE ' ., . . No Bill Found In Criminal Case Kl/I'CH tipNtit--'rhrs Grand Jury tvtl the genera} sessions Tuesday brought m a "no hill" report on a criminal negligence charge ngainst Lola Waitem. Preston. WING" was churned with having negligently dri- ven n motor car, striking and curl. may injuring C. Miller, New Dun- dee. June 21 on the Peterstrttrtt0rew Dundee Road. The one '1: the only 'ir"Gria"oru, on the docket Cal! Christmas Club Cheques $100,000 ONLT 4mm merchant: should non"! a pickup in Clix-hum“ tist. no“ 'rttsrtitttt Tuesday. Moro mm 8100.000 hm been dintrlhutpd In Christal†clnh (haunt The Chrfstt- 1mu duh It!" had In birth In 0111. In†lug P. s. hull hula. Innin- ratied it. of the Accession Council would be called and the successor formally pro- claimed King, in the case of the Duke of York, or Queen, if little Princess Elizabeth ascends to the rulership of the British Empire. Legislation would have to be brought down in the British Parliament and in all parliaments of the Empire confirming the accession and the barring of an issue of Edward from rights to the throne, but enabling him to marry without the consent of the new ruler. The photogranh above shows the Duke and Duchess of York and their eldest daughter, Princess Elizabeth, visiting the Richmond horse show. If the abdication takes place it will be the first since 1396 when Richard II abdicated. Auto hs Air l Instead g Gas Bprfngfield Inventor Claims Car Will Operate on Com- l preset! Air. T thrh will use, air instead of .ete Imp and he refunded by highway in)“. Hunt has completed the motor. It '1: driven hy command an: Hts, he- litre. hlll Invention will revolutionize tho motor Industry, ‘Tho "13$an said it couldn't he don» beam» they didn't Ret it out of thpir books." Hunt and "And they didn't get it out of hanks because It wharf! in them. But I did ft. and now lhoy'll put in in moiLhookn." {mm imini, In make th Hal tent ot " Invention iii-ii. pro-m. to m" LO MIC uuuuc, vuv yuan-“.5 ...... -- .,, - ruler. The photograyh above shows the Duke and , their eldest daughter, Princess Elizabeth, visiting show. If the abdication takes place it will be the first t Drac- "ey 4' It [3???an DR, 8 oFUitr Imam oil. ttttd d'on and n man worn mum today i." and night on)" persons mjnrod when mu» an: tnpod them In their fume honw Doc. hora. All vlcum. were mom‘bm of no on. mrtilr loton automobile pound with ttk mir-driven motor on BpriuetUtd streets at that time. His firet car will have a. light steel frame only four feet long, twentyaslx inches wide, with a "skeleton" body. It will have a maximum speed. he inn-dicta, of approximately fourteen miles an hour. W "ihiion Lou Than Inch Hunt‘s motor has a tiny, tive-eighth inch piston w/th a tour and onmunr- tor lnrh stroke, and a weighted nr wheel mounted on a small axb to which the pinion is I‘MChed. When Hunt turns the valve on the command air tank, g plunger re- mix»: ttruraoound or comm-sued air from the (“be 19mm; from the tank into the cylinder housing the piston. Tho half-pound blast of air ttttttveit thp [Minn down. and the â€MM-.1, mounted with the pounds of metal on one shin. turns over FIVE DIE IN FIRE Snow k Lost 1 h lake Huron aoDmaM2H.-a'wo my, me Wyo- ming and R. H. Good, ot the Great Lakes Towing Co., Detroit, put into this harbor Tuesday for shelter, after scouring Lake Huron tor two musing neon, valued at $168,000, which broke away from the tugs, last gaun- day night during s norm. The tau and now: were en route from Among to Harbor Beach, and were within nine miles of their destination when a storm overtook than. Captain Gnewuch said that a Unit- ed states Cont Guard cutter had lo- cated one of the scan on Point Clark. about 25 miles north of Godar- teh. it had been blown clear new“ the lake. The second acow in " missing. An airplane participated in the search. which is proceeding by both sea and air. l sAgUNIA.-vrhe freighter Edward to. Beubert. after approachihg within a few miles ot its destination start.- ed on in way back to Whiting, Ind., with its cargo ot 43,000 barrels of gasoline undeliYered. 9......†--"'-'"T Vâ€, The genuine was destined for De- troit. Owners of the vessel were u- traid the hull of the ship might be injured it it attemtped to break its way through the ice in Lake St. Clair. _ A .. A A); AI... Anni, u, "a“... M_e'e .-- .7 W, Members or the crew said the deck railing was encased in a ttre-root wan at ice, after the ship passed through Lake Michignn. 2ttheeiilaitshiily _ Speaker Predicts up; in Difficulty as lee Threatens to Tie Up All shirrtmv--S1sirts Hurry to Shelter. Kiwanis-Guest Speaker Wa Atraintrtptetf.ryl Acci- TgrrtmgtNER.-I'et" that the in. duatrial accident toll in Ontario would increase to 200 accidents per day unless “more“: steps were when to establish definite, safety work In every Industry, was expressed here on Tuesday by in. B. Morley, General Manager of the Industrial Accident Prevention Association. in en ul- dreqs to the Waterloo Kimls Club luncheon meeting. _ ., More than 55.000 accident. have been reported to the Workmen’s Compensation Board this year. with an average ot one tam accident ‘every day, he said. _ - A -- AL- AgIInnA “"1†--av ~~ "rm Ninety-two per cent. of the collec- tions from industry made by the Compensation Board was paid out in direct 1Myntrtittr to injured workers, he said. tuetiont,P-trrtofP, Only he Alderman Defeated In Race Aid. F. M. “can: Ousted by T Vote Margin.--Two New Aldermen. KITtmENER.--Two new mem- bers will sit in city council next yen, taking the pines of Ald. George W. Gordon, who is retiring, and of Ald. Mnurlce Hearn defeated ‘by seven votes Monday. The two new members entering council are Albert Brubaeher and Cluence Sei- bert. Eighteen candidntes contested thetenmts. _ _‘ . ' Kitchener Ind Waterloo, in I tfl, vote, vetoed daylight saving. in Kitchener the vote w†3,674- 3,010; in Waterloo, 1.069-798. Thorn was no moyonlty contest, by“ J. Albeyt Smith being gilsn ml or a. nun-nu gnu... r....., -..V, a Tik term by neeumation. The vote represented an increue of " least " per cent. over tint of lust. your. Unttfhinl figrtrestr give the results as follm: Council elected, Henry Stum, 3.726; Alex Behafer, 8,646; Irvin Bowman, 3.025; Eugene bergâ€. 2,811; Albert Brubucher, 2,795; Ivan Shentz, 2,723; John Welter. 2,692; Joseph Meinaintrer, 2,499; Clarence Seihert, 2,492; Fred Mul- lins, 2,208; defeated Maurice Hearn 2,196; Mervin Shula, 2,166; Allen Eby. 2,000; Charles Hahn, 1,869; Arthur Plummer, 1,719; Alex Mec- neill, 1,642; Herold Duufmnn 1.380; . John Ovens, 1,172. 1 . . Utilities Commission elected: Hervey Graber, 3.681; Eugene Sunder, 3,208; defeated, Jnmee Jlimet. 8,006; West erd, public \school, ii'iiii/ Frty.h..sun.th 649; iriiiGG,itiiGf Final-y, 43's. MALTON MAN WINS .400 IN PRIZES AT BUELPH o1mraPrr--Provintr 'sutierne,tttr, by (horn Telfer. Paris. Druids-m of the Ontario valncla! Win!" Fair, that ‘pr‘zo monoy at m. "fumem' show" tin will dim-mum In tht not that the hieRrqtt who Mun" of the tthow rare-WM A mm of 3490. Tho anhum- was A. Hnwnnn and Son, Manon, th a large string of mam nd 1nadlnn draught m... ath'h'd _ dent Toll.