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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Dec 1936, p. 8

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mums-v1_u m on - The round be“ hydro nu h- m.- announced by (no local hydro w-nhaion‘ Thu now all! will to (10.6 cloaks In tho Dec. tritttt- which are due the 30th ot the loan. m lover rate In due to the melt reduction or 3250 per tcp. by no Ontario Hydro locum Comm-ton. It 1| 0|de that the retina“ will in! a and lawn; or “out 11,000 at! coupled with the "(no not given this municipality prom to this cut. um new I tsarit= to con- sume" In the village ot - no madly. New Hamburg School Roped. narrow Cinats--Mse Pauli. om Winner; an; inch". Arlene Roth, no lorel .mchler, Helen Greullcll. Ply- lia Binkle, Mabel Blehler. Hound Roth, Julian yanaerbronk, Newton Thoma, Erne- Rots, Jean Veronnky. Mary Ann: Danna, Ruben. Bingo- man, Hilda Roth. Eileen Butter, Dou- III Eichler, Wilfred Groullch, Jun Dougie, Evelyn Wanklin. Gnce Jaw at. Howard Marker, Harold unm- achlnger, ahsrl 'Burchntlkl, Floyd BinMe, John Dick, Hmld Schmidt. Peter Wlem,‘ Clayton Arnold, - Dick. Helen Spahr. -iisd FdiiGiVil, the rebon of the New lumbar; Public School. Nun-n are in order of merit: - Jr. rv-Kathleen Hunaberger, Katherine Thoma. Doria Smith, Billy Pauli, Gertrude Moaig, Beatrice Bin- nlnger, Edwin Arnold, Harvey than" ler, John Trotrt, Claude Porter, We Lutt, New Roth, Ron lunch, Halon Huehn, Walter manner, Gerald new. baton Zehr, Lyle Roth. John Dick, Robert Brenner. Howard Hm men. Joe Bell, James utwlller, Harry Dunn. Ketherlna Hlns. Ralph gutter. E. R. Making. Teacher. Jr. In-goto Pauli, Stuart Luck- hardt, Connie Thomas, Frieda Mauls, Halon Filsluger and Edward Bttrs chntzkl equal, Donald Rubin, Ernest Dick, Itodney Klauen, David Goertz, June Schmidt, Marcella Wuklln, Claude Bowman, Catherine Nahr- gung, Margaret Gerber. Evelyn Luau. uwrmce Bingeman, Carl (Hint, 0r- val Boehler, George Pehnle, mt] Schultz. Lucille Jantzl. Mildred Eisner and Tina Unusu- equal. Wilma mailer. Human: Mathias. George Johnna, mthleen Johnson. new Rein, Ran. er Helen Jones. Teacher. Sr. ET-walter Dyck, Max Hanan. Ella Dick, Lorraine Bingemnn and Walter Zehr equal, Donna Mamet, Jean Nahrgang, Gerald Klttel and Eltrieda. Mathies equal. Harold Ga- Building Operations for 1936 Will Amount to, Over $35,000.00 Building operations in the vlllose are not yet quite complete but when the season fully closes there will be invested in new buildings, additions and remodelling old buildings, and numerous repairs, the neat sum ot approximately ”6.000 tor the year. St. James church have erected a bulletin board In trout ot the church. Lt Is of large slze, the letters being sufficiently large to be read from the street and sidewalk. The Lutheran Sunday School have chosen Sunday evening. Dec. 27th as the date for presenting their Christ- mu program. 1uqmtttmmtttmtntmmnmmttttmmmtmnnrmmmm"m'"""""'!z'.. 'ii-cur-adn Dale, new 133nm, it-. M H Kim. Inn-u. open-mm. tor " Your. 5-: Fqmtttmmtmttntmttttttttnetttttttnttttmmmmtmtmmttmttmnmtutmte' 96 King St. W. if; many. Princle-L Saki-(1 NEW HAMBURG F. STEELE LTD.. AT VERY MODERATE PRICES "tirIlg1EilLdiilS" ST. JACOBS Wynn]. whatnu-u Win-I. Billy Diet. want I‘ll Winks Rick and num- menu can]. Eleanor Btu“. Juno Steiner and Louis Walli- qual, - “or, - munch. [an Von. was love. lama! Tho-pol. - Motntgardt. Alice m, All"! But. Mary 'lolnhuit, Jab-one Kuhn, Gordon “twill". muted mum, Teacher. Jr. IN Roth, Joyce (Ion). Id- wui thklln. Wilfred Arno“, Don- ald Ruck. 14min Hanna. hulk Kent, Alex Arnold. Alvin Belch. . Pint gooh---R-marie look. Re- " “but”: Mildred Ann Tho-, Mare Homer. Mgrjorie Roth. Myl Pulls, June lb‘ichler, has Gerber. llry Arnold. Jenn Brenner, Dnvld Guinea, Geraldine "when. Shirley Dorian “Alden-r Talchroob. 8!th Koch. Carl Behr, 0ch Dick. Merle Huahn, and»!!! llchler, Kale Vast, ‘ Harley Behr, Alvin Diem“. Dori. Cream-n, Doughs Huehn, ogrvid I» ‘ bold, and MacKenIle. Joyce Nahrgang. Jennie Hartman Roturid Miller. ‘ I Primary WI Attendance Rayon: l The following pupils had perfect attendance during November: Reginald Bingeman, Donald Bren- ner, Elizabeth Burchatzki. Phyllis Cavemh, David Dale. Donut! lid- men, Ellen Gem". Helen Gerber, William Goons. Shirley Hone, Ar bert Intel, mu Kine], m Lit- willer, Helen lethien. Dougie.- lil- ler, man-rd Miller, Ilene Rompdi. Ruth Rich], Mary Steinmen, Jenn Sinnch. s.v.P.u. Tekee charge or sunny Evening Service. The Baptist Young People had lobar-go ot the Sundny evening and certainly gave a wonderful testimony ' Christ. The service opened with a. ”118 service led by Wayne Kropf. A - chair ot young people provided spe- cial music for the evening end the Sunday School orchestra was in at- tendance. The scripture lesson was read by Ruth Kropt and the leseon was read from Eph. 2: 18-22 and mm. 4: 11-24. Delton Knopf altered a bean- tal prayer. The subject was divided Into six parts and each part was taken by one of the young people. The theme was. "Growing in the Christian Life". "fire-GAG, was closed with Mlzpah benediction 'tty Rev. E. Dale. "First worship God; he that for- gets to may. bids not himself good- morrow or KoodMay."-T. Randolph. Elect 5.8. Officers. The Evangelical Sunday School was reorganized in part for the year 1937 on Sunday evening after the church service. The {chewing were elected to once: Supt. C. C. Doe hecker; Asst. Supt, Harry Fisher; secretary. John Welker; Treasurer, Edward Amos. T (e V Tin; bro-43917 "ir-r" Kitchenar spent Sunday in the village. FiiiiaTUG with Jule paistor, will meet at some other time and appoint the rest ot the stair playmate. MENTOR, The'Man In the Turban 9.45 mm. CKCR 6.16 mm. R. I. Bum. Teacher. Examination Thorough Eye fl! wAunLoo qglolucu Phone 2680 l Mr. w. Elliott. ot the Agricultural 1'Tt"i'd,2, Baud ulna, Toronto. 'aaa a but one visitor here on Fri- day. . Mr. all In. _ Kuhn and nanny in a. Quo- (my. A group ot district lumen unend- *te,tho Guelnh Winter Fur (harm; the midweek. Mr. and In. Wdler lunar ot North Woolvlch you "can! 11-1qu at the lone of Mr. and In. mu M. Mr. um kn. Christian luau at.- tended the man] of a. lunar- mo- ther, In. 11!.“ Martin ot lieu “Ina-loo on Thundty morning. Mr. and In. Leonard Shoemaker ot near New Dundee are saying at me home ot the but!“ wean, Mr. and In. Wm Dalton at present. A meeting III held m the Public School on Friday evening in the In- terests of the Boy Scout movment and representatives ttf the Waterloo Camp were present to mm In the discussions.- Any orttanuation work will be undertaken bier. The sewing clrcle of St. Paul's Lib menu church were entertained by Mrs. Oscar Wehmlller at her home on Thursday evening. C Mr. Wilfred Harrison and family have moved to Kitchener. The United Church Sunday School will hold its chrlnmu amend]:- ment on Tuesday evening Dec. M. Mm. Minnie Futon ot Alma has purchased the George stellar resi- dence recently bought by Mr. W. W. Manlnaon. Mr. and Mrs. c. J. Wolchel have returned home tron only” where they attended the mum] of the lat- term mother, Mrs. J. Pottenroth. Mr. Lloyd Otto and Mr. Dr! Kill. tyintneier, returned home Priday trom New York City where they visited the farmer's brother, Fred who is seriously m. in town. Mr. Hurry Nghmng ot Toronto is spending a M any: at his,home Mr. Menno Kuntze or Silverwood, Mich., is spending several days with his mother Mrs, Sarah Kuntze and other relatives. Mrs. 'Edward Vincent of 'Toronto was a visitor with her sinner. Mrs. Annie Leis. other ranges. Mr. Jam Forrest spent Tuesday afternoon with relatives in Stratford. Mr. A. R. G. Smith and Mr. Sam Steinman were in Gueluh on Wed- nesday where they attended the Winter Fair. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Helnbecker have gone to spend the winter With the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Honderich, Bleam’s Road. Mr. Heinbecker has been confined to bed through illness tor several months. . Sunday visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brennemun were Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Duet-hem and Mr. Lloyd Otterbein, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Patel: and daughter Myrtle and sons Earl and Donald. Miss Ruth Feick called on Miss Marjorie Creesmun on Sunday after- noon. Mites Betty Elston spent the week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom 'Easton at Ayr. Mr. and Mrs. B. Hint and Miss Mabel Hint ot Kitchener spent Sun- day with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Musclon. Mr. Currie Shoemaker and Miss Gladys Otterbein spent Sunday .wittt friends at Kitchener and Conestoga. Mr. Clarence Wismer of Centre. ville spent Sunday at the home of Mrs, Ida Wlsmer, Misses Row and Marjorie Cress- man of Kitchener spent the week- end at the home of their parents. The teacher and scholars are busy practising as well as the young peo- ple of the village and former ex-pu- pils for a good Christmas program to luv given at the school on Monday owning. Doc. 21st at 7:45 Fm. Esz'yhmly is invited to attend. An vahnngn which says "husbands i are notoriously careloss about kiss-l ing" omitted three very important' words Irorn the 'sentence-namely; “their own wives."-atidgeway Jour- STRASBURG . Mr. Edgar Devin spent the week. end with Meade in Preston. Mr. Irvin Cramprian ot New Ham- burg spent. Stinky at the homer ot Mr. and Mrs. Albert Steiner. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Prank and daughters Marcel]; and Dorothy of Gait and Mr. and Era. Chas. Frank were recent visitor. at tho home ot Mr. Geo. 1m. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snider and Mr. and Mrs. Percy Snider spent Sun. day at Palmerston at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fergus-on. Mr. Wm. Chalmers spent a day in Toronto on business. A nuthr from here attended St. Andrew's concert at Winterbourne to enjoy the play put on by the Elmira qung reopne. Mrs. Wesley' Hewlett Is at present nursing her friend, Mrs. Harper at Elora. . Mrs. John Ailgeier of New Ger- many spent several days at 'Mr. Ed. win Devitts, her son George of Kitch- ener is at present visiting friends in this community. Miss Edna Jackson of Fergus. Mr. Harry McGowan of Orton also Miss Mildred Jackson or Elmira were visi- tops at the home of Mr. and Mrs: Edgar Latson. Owing to flue and a case of scar- h-tinu tho public school is closed this week. . Miss 'toveet is spending some time with her parents at 'Beatmsvi11e. Christmas City Take}! Trip To . . . WOIEN’S "'ORSAY SUPPER: in leather. velvet cord, crepe and suedene - with wooden heels. CHILDREN'S SUPPERS‘AT Me AND " neeord, in: to the. Red' Everett's, fur-trimmed, and "Little Inn's". in brown, like Dad's. WEST MONTROSE FABRIC SLIP-0N GLOVES with tueee lining for yumth. Fancy stitched cm. Shula: brown, grey, bluk. Sizes F Ieece-Lined Gloves 59c --AU white. Whipped singly. Special at $2.49 pair, while sixtypuinllat. MAIL ORDERS given cueful, personal attention: Write to "The Shopper” in Christina City. Flannelette _ Blankets $2" Women’s and Children's :yol nf GOUDIES’ 7, bc 6% to 8. Value feature " 69c pair. SLIPPERS NOTE THE LARGE SIZE: M x 90 INCHES There's a cum gift Mu for every- body on cvorybody’s lint. --qtmetieat far the homo-keeper's gift swig] value future ab-- BATH TOWELS AND GUEST HAND TOWELS --Thr Bath Tmels in all the nice shades -The Guest Towels in enter shade with brightly colored emu-ditch work. TOWELS three for $1 The W.M.S. held their annual meeting on Wednesday at the Home of Mrs. Wm. Whitehead. The anger: of last you were "elected, with Mrs. Harvey Mamie:- u president. terloo spent Sunday at the 1GniGt ther son Perer. (King St. Floor) Mn. Ed. Win%At has returned from the hoopla] with her bub, girl. Bori-au Mr. and Mm. Walter [anon on November the 27th a non. Congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Maurice [Kenna] of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Emory Stream and chum-en, Glen and Diu- lene ot Bridgeport, Mr. and In. Clayton Playtord and children, Ruth and Robert ot Elmira, Mr. and 1m. Robertson ot Elmira spent Sunday at Lloyd Dietenabacher’l. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar IHamel vhited with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Egerdee on Sunday. The Misses Gladys and Irene Kurt visited with Miss Doris Bowman on Sunday. Mr. Norman Kaster spent Thurte day at the Winter Fair at Guelph. See Deer. Two nice lawns were seen eating grass on Gordon ‘Hallman's tarm by one or his men. Concert Dec. m. Rosebnnk school concert will be held on the 22nd of Dee. at 8 o'clock in the evening. “.mtd‘ Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Woods ot Wa- ROSE.“ K (Downstairs Floor) (King th. Floor) Sign Slgop King m." “so; full

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