Jhe Permission - oe e res To Play swan tti i,?:,';, ere,2'a-S'e,ire,'r' tor Re- trhus Ron; rider: to topic-on! tho West In I Dominion roam: chan- plonnhlp tut guns! Sunk (numb wu aproved Sundsy by executive vote ot the Western and: My Netball Uniop. ' " m Ten- Mny Cone E My Seeking Rugby cw"... _.-'---. Remit of the vote In. 1'0er to ft W. "eywittron, mercury ot the Canadian Rugby Union. Previously! the Walton: executive had with- drew: in challenge when objection- were taken to a. team going not weakened by loss ot the player. " clued ineligible under residual rules Will Play Juvenile Games in St. Jacobs St. Jacobs will see some of the games ot the Juvenile Hockey League, it was learned at the Juve- nile League meeting Friday night. The ice at St. Jacobs will be avail- able tor entire evenings, allowing longer games. Preeident Cllyton Dotzert announced that the - Ciuh’e team would take some of their games to the northern town, and other teams expressed the belief the: some of their games wold be phyed than " well. Firemen Ready to Don Hockey Skates hockey'. They have already asked the nun- agemont of the Togo street rink for permission to play a game them against their rivals, members ot the Kitchener Fire Department. Per- mission-hes been given, so Waterloo alumna will be treated to the game at the century which will probably be bind tor Asliet purposes. The Canadlens made the smartest wag - move of the autumn when they: " â€tutuâ€: grabbed old Iron Stick Babe Selhert. F -----' as 'trat/fully"',,,'),',',',' tw, Claire Games (managed on Enda' y ve en o em so . But aside trom that reBourceta1 pair, and Run Until Middle and some grand old relics, what th' of PM. tho Canadiens show? One good --e -. called Desllets. It the Msroons no aalLt---'rtte scedule for the South really mull, Harvey Jsckson. Waterloo rural hockey league hats Chuck Conacher, Bill Thoms, Buzz been released by John Bradley. were Doll and young Davidson should be tary-tre-rr. Games started Friday able to win Brat Place in this - night and continue on Tuesday even- all by themselves. All ot which does ings each week until "nunrr " not am the reel We†at the when the last ot the schedule is com- NJ-LL to date, which is the slow plated. On Tuesday, JantMbr, 19. the start or the Detroit Wings. They ttrat and fourth teams and second have only gathered eight points and and third teams play audden death while it is true that they have two games for the right to enter the games in hand (as they say ll finalts, which will be a two-game Brighon sud Hove) they look to be series with goals to count, played such a good hockey team that: even on January '23 and February s. " beaten in the ptarotm (a, has tttus Teams in the loop are Beuverdale, pened to great teams before) they Doon, Blair, New Dundee, Breslau. should almost shoot out of the top Riverbank. BregIau Juniors and ot the standings over the course ot a Little‘s Corners. Games are to be forty-eight game schedule. 'played in the Preston arena, the first srs,ttinrr unlim- wnv at 7.30 Dan. (Ted Reeve in Toronto Telegram) EPEDBIE Waterloo Firemen want Other Sports Writers' SLANTS "" KING w., KITCHENER Phone 105 For Alloy Noun-Ii... s T U R we. Bowling Club ESE 'Amencans _... 11 a t ' 24 Canadian .... ll 6 4 1 " l'roromo .rmr.P_V 11 4 s 1 27 Mucous .r.tr.-. 11 s 6 3 " 1 Unlted State! suction Rangers mr...... ll 6 4 l 21 Detroit ....rr...m_. " 4 3 3 21 tBogton ..r..mmw'.". 9 4 3 , 18 Chicago .Vr.e.PP'. 10 l 5 4 " (hauler); latter. For Tororrur-lumittmc and!“ .--.. q Mon .............. 8 For canadiemr-%ohert (Undue. loom) ; [dictum ; 610M (Human); JQIhI_(ch}Ion, I“). 'tatrnrit ran); FoT"idaiiiG--E --uuaF (Punch, Colvillo); (whine. Forchteaao--Thompaon (mason). (Alum); um For Arr"rrtcai-X3arr; Carr (Do irGiuar, magma ........ Tull Week's - 'rumrdtxr-a3hieago at mum's; oe-l trait at Baton. qeuemdnr-M3ttie- at Wm: t Can-Alen- at Detroit. , Battrrdar--4Ran- at Toronto; Canadians It Maroon; l sum1tt-Botrton at Americana; ms troit at may. Gagnon, QuadIena ......... Robinson, Montreal ...-". Ward, Montreal t..tt.......".. H. Jackson, Toronto _..'..... ditch, mommy .............. aalLt---'rtte scedule for the South Waterloo rural hockey league ins been released by John Bradley, sects airy-treasurer. Games started Friday night and continue on Tuesday oven- ings each week until January " when the last ot the schedule is com- pleted. On Tuesday, January 19, the ttrat and fourth teams and second and third teams play sudden death games tor the right to enter the finalts, which will be a two-game series with goals to count, played on January 26 and February 2. Schriner, Americans .... Men, Toronto ...-...-".'r Barry, Detroit m...............' N. doivi1te, Rangers ...t.... Aurie, Detroit ......rr.........'.. Snh Waterloo Rural Hockey League Schedule NATIONAL LEAGUE STANDING International 80¢!th - - Teams in the loop are Beaverdale, Doon, Blair, New Dundee, Breslau. Riverbank. BretgIau Juniors and Lime}; Corners. Games are to be played in the Preston arena, the first getting under way at 7.30 pan. The schedule follows: Dee. 4--Amsaverdale vs. Doon; Blair vs. New Dundee; Breann- Rlverbank vs. Breslau arts.; Little's Corners, bye. Doc. 8--4Biair vs. Beaverdale; Lit. tle's Corners vs. Brendan C Juniors; Donn vs. New Dundee: Brenna - River- bank, bye. FV Hit, 7 Sunday ............. I Anode-n- .--. 8 Detrotb--W. Kilt“; ml- SCORING LEADERS "my?“ akiird ; - Robinson (:th v--.-.-.' 178 115 TII 'ATIILOO CHRONICL- " " " " " " " ' :, ouetph--iat, Ely-lop; Defence, M, M; centre. mu; Wings, ' Matron, Runol; Spam. Kelly. Wick- ‘ham, Tickonnor, loom, lumen, a-IMowau, Wnuh 2nd goalie. Woods m PM Bhirtnr-Utrt Two Periods Good. - Tea-s Evenly Matched. mar-[mm AtnN'HNUUM.u-Tho W-W. Juniors and Guelph 'ar' 'l bat- lled to g H stalemate in . hockey game here My hunt. The mud and minimum. pro duced some good hockey tor the M (an: who {and out to no the “no. Guetph and three sullen during the some. Early In the gum) luau of Guelph worked In close on Dunner, having him beaten, only to tttt the much right over the not Murdoch was pen- alized tor tripping but K.-WN guns- ing act failed to produce I. more. - Eight penalties were handed out. the vilitom collecting the of them. I-o -~v -r--e" n - Manon counted on a. nice pity tor Guelph engineered by Rudy mus. late ot Waterloo, early in the Iooond name. Lang collected two aunts on soils by Eugene Bauer and An Schloie. OConnor scored an only shot tron the blue line which caught Dnhmor asleep in the nets. “may... Kitchener enjoyed an edge in the fimt period. with play being even in the other two. The teen“: 1n the third frame O'Conner'a back- hand shot deflected on B tttttence- mn's stick. giving Daimler no chance to ave. maria mt! Bauer scored solo ellprts u did Bunch for Guelph. _ J " 3rd goalie. O'Connor. Gotri-Dattmssr; Defence, Simon, Meorrntt; Centre, Bauer;"‘Winp, Lang. Schloto; Spares, Herchenut- tor. maria, Rustler, Ernst, Richard- BOB, Koppeaser. omeitoy--Tee (Ilium, Nah Sei- aruu um Bull, u...“ w - av-_ wiie--eeee One afternoon Billy came into the shop. - A _ _ Third PerIod 5. mte1irh-AW3om1or, 1.40. 6. 1CeW.--Dzuru, 4.00 7. Guelph-deutsch, 14.00. 8. K.JW.--aMuer, 16.00. Penaltfes-4Bturer, Wickham. Rua- Bel, Schlote. Final score 4-4. Jones was a bootmaker By dint ot hard saving he had managed to send his son, Billy, to a good new. "Ptrtturr," he demanded, I want a dollar to so to the movies" "What.'" cried Jones. Do you rear lse that lie got to solo and heel two pairs ot shoes to make a dollu?" Billy sat down comfortably in a chair. "All right, father." he said. "Go ahead, but. make " snappy? Dee. 1lr---ooon vs. trg,','.'",',",'.",',:) bank; Breslua Jrs. vs. Bea- verdale; Blair vs. Little's Corners; New Dundee, bye. Dec. g2---Bres1att Jrs. vs. Blair; tBresIauauverhank vs. New Dundee; lame"; Corners vs. Doon; Beaverdale, bye. Dec. 29-AUttle's Corners vs. Beaver- dale; BresIauativerhatrk; vs. Blair; (Breslau Jrs. vs. New Dundee; Deon. bye. Jan. G-Doon vs. Breslau 11's.; New 1 Dundee vs. Little's Corn- " ers; Beaverdnle Far. Bres- 1auiRiverhttnk; Blair, bye. Jan. 12- Little‘s Corners vs. Breslau- Riverbank; Beaverdale vs. New Dundee; Blair vs. Doon; Brealau Jrs., bye. Jam 19-fgemi-tinal playdowns. ham. Mand Felt. 2-mmor. No score. pemutiesr--Murdoeh, tripping. second Porlod 1. Guelph-Matson (Elms) LM. 2. TC.-W.--uBamtr (Lung) 13.00. 8. t-W.---teett1otry (Lang) 16.00. 4. Gue1ph--otonnor 16.00. Penaitiea-AMGortrror, Murdoch, si- Tie IMI. 4-4 First Period The at... I. a! not hr the owing of the Juan“. Hockey Luau. an" Friday night. “In. The who dale lo “In. - by the mummy- tomorrow night and will be published In Thur-day'- cut-ankle. With the mwy4remror un- able to handle all M. dudes, w, M. Beau, upon. editor at the Chronicle, ha been named Imus mercury. Players certificate nut be register- ed Iith the cecretary try My of Bar Tmblnlnllun Tho trouble which nu nrlun at the ward rink. with unruly youth: was nipped in the bud by tho man- agement. anon they obtained the backing of the council who will old than by providing poll“ probation. " tho trouhlmkoru are willing to and. by the rule. of the clubs. any will be wnloom, omen-win tho wel- c0m mat wlll ho tun-nod upside down when they apps". turned wilt he he little or no tttrtttintr In the league game. this you. A It"! two-game suspension tor the olence and a one- game guapounlon tor tout language will go a long wsy to enforcing the rulings pr the executive. "a"; Take K.-w Junior. V K.-W. union will have to thew a lot of Impmvoment to like any hon- or: In the 0.H.A. nee thlc ulnar. The Guelph "B" “In took the local "AN Into camp Friday nlgM In a game who†moat 0' the play was Indlvldual, wIth tum play ulna udly lackIng. [Khmer In goo] turned in a nice ettort “though Guelph should hue scored more on him. been. Guelph wingmn, m the nicest pluyer on the ice, the only one to show any. thing in the ttmt period. q . . . . Rudy Eml- Wlth Guelph Rudy Emu who played with the JunIor Coltu for Waterloo last year hold. down the centre lee berth with Guelph. Emu threw a were Into Dahmer when they outed tun-ouch the defence only to lose the puck. Dahmer saved thne time. In a row on vole efforts by Rudy, but once the puck almost rolled Into the not off l That backhand shot by O'Connor which went tor a Guelph score was a funny one Breaking through into the corner and coming around be- hind the net, O'Connor let go with his backhand, and forgot about it. The puck hit a defenceman's chute and rolled lazily into the net. his Vic Lang recelved a may cut over the left eye In the second period when cross-checked with a ewlnglng suck Mason. and Schlote were chucd near the end of the game (or carrylng blah sticks, but the Guelph player dtdn't dour" It. . . . O 0 Leaf. sun Loelng l The was lost again Saturday night, this time to Mama“. The score should have been 2-1 that MF ‘roous caught tho beats Banging with in. minute to may and sailed up the Ice to beat Bruin. Four We [eel we in laying were will CHAIR! 38 Queen St. S. KITCHENER Phone 4500 For-Ody Fuddic I Juck Sporting Goods G Earriooritmcuu which returned “any. ot the teams have llrquy port & Autb Supply sll 9 5 I Including Skis, Poles, Harness SKI OUTFIT SPORTS a, unencuml. COMPLETE E The "nor on bonds but sewn Kitchener-born pwliclty manager at the Maple Leaf Gardens. Tommy German ot the Inocu- wlth lb 1t'rr.l.'l'i'i" play I. the but “Iranian-up per" tor publicity gun in the NJHL .acmrdlng to Mr. Ms, Conn any!“ I. jubilant our the upland“! IMIII‘ ot In. when. A: he told the â€can. ot the Wm Ontario Sport: Writen' mention at dinner, The II, it look. ll] d: rookie. are going to any. I all undemmd a â€teenage ot 1 out. of six muting good. but Ink tk one In- dred per cent acorn there will have I." be an trsveatieatiorb" Tommy Manna, sports editor ot the new Globe and Mnil.'IMwin Ab lan, sports editor of the late lune-t- ed Mail and Empire. Smythe M puke were guests ot the W.018.W.A_ at dinner. The executive of the m ciauon is going to hold a week-end meeting at Kitchener shortly at P. J. Mnlqneen of the Candi-n Olympic plan tor 1960. The WA pwteeted the method of uiection ot the Gunman team last summer trom which "Scott," than“ ot Preston and Harry Clans ot Kitch- ener were left behind, in spite ot the fact that both were Canadian cham- I Trailing by " points with ten min- utes to so, the Rotttrhridorxt, the team thnt never gave up, started a comeback, when Andy Tommy and Daley on the Ridere' rerartruard tan a kick back from the goal lime almost to centre tMaid. The trailers didn't give the lmperlale a. chance to get set after that, catching them all net to coast to the championship. The crowd ota,000 caught the spirit of the "underdogs" and led by the big rooting section from Bytown, sent up a continuous rom- which could be heard downtown. As one mm said who left the grounds at the istart of the tottrth quarter, "I was three blocks away when I heard tb- " sure minced my money's worth." pious Two'Gmt Team: Twelve men lighting hard to re lain their lead tor the Eastern EMa- ada Football chamNonaNp, and twelve men fourteen points behind with ten minutes to play, who rev [used to quit-on the one team a wealth ot 'rvperiemur-on the other. youth seasoned by the old horses of the sport-that is the story or that last quarter drive by Ottawa in the game at Varsity Stadium on sunr- day. From a lad who still um Ottawa collegiate as one of the m on the Ttoutrhridem tracitd do" to " Dave Spugne. middle will} mu who sand- at: toot three and u [ Sprague curried the bail to the im- perials 15, with two minutes of piey remaining and the score at M-M. Arnie Morison, great little pivot men lot the Riders, called on Lady Luck .and shot a long forward to the cor- lner ot the touch zone which jut 'eluded the receiver's hands. Twelve inettesr-,and the more might hue been tied. imperieie, who themeivea Canadian Champs, learned to their sorrow Seturdey night thet Regine Roughridere (re coming out this Saturday, and so the semi: teem ere just metern chempionn. looks to weigh about ITO, but not“. any tips the sales at 216. the Capital city crew put up the best comeback 'ttht seen by the writer. M,Dounhu8,l!8 and Shoes (SWIM I