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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 8 Dec 1936, p. 4

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The meeting opened by gluing the opening ode. The roll call was. "A Canadian Export and Where Mar hated". It was decided that the classes for the ("If club wttt hogln early in January under the lanter- Ihip ot Mile In. Bully-d. Fruit on donated by the newborn to be pre- sented to the Preepu't Wrium as 1 Christina cheer tor the shot-ins. Dalila D. McKay m in charge ot the current events. In. George Bennie gave a splendid Duper on Canadian "gduBtriea. In. Loin; gaJe an excellent talk on the Insti- tute Ode and nllo read the following quotation by Henry Van Dyke. “Are you willing to stoop down and can alder the needs and the denim of little children; to remember the weakness and loneliness of people who are growing old; to atop asking how much your friends love you and to wk yourself whether you love them enough; to bear in mind the things that other people have to hear in their hearts; to trim your lamp do that it will give more light and less smoke, and to carry it in' from so that your shadow will tall ,behind you; to, make a grave tor your ugly thoughts, and a garden tor The Decal-Illa: meeting ot the " men's Institute mu held at the home at Hm. F. M. ‘Schummer on Tue-day evening, with lhlrlyvueven member. pre-em. The president Min. M. Schnurr wedded PAB- m Women's "mum. Men's Silk Nacho-r ........ 50c Fancy Christmas boxed. Pretty colorings. Man'- PinII-I ..-........... $1.95 Christmas boxed. All sizes. Faney broadcloth stripe. Mltillmillli'8 LADIES WEAR Best Money Can Buy. McComick’s Hoke. 1 2 s Kinds Real V-Iue c Victoria Creams lb. Christmas Jelly Beans Dominion Mixed Gum Drops Chocolate Drops Linole‘uln .............. Sq. yd. 79c 12 ft. wide. Real buy! Pretty block pattern. Fancy Bath Towels .. 25c to 49: White with funcy colored bor- ders. VUseful gifts. Christmas Large Brazil; California W-Inlila 26 King E. - KITCHENER Less Than Half Price (Unstamped) Almond: Filbert- DEPT. STORE - WATERLOO Wettlaufer’s CHRISTMAS CANDIES WINTER COATS boxed. Christmas Specials tSc LINWOOD Per lb. " Mrs. Charles Gohl and Mm Mur- m-. sum. Gibbons both recelvod 1mm of trom the West. thanking them tor the he donations ot fruit which they no " contributed when the carmad was ly,' sent. The Women's Association of the United Church held their annual meeting in the church on Thursday afternoon. Plans were made tor a baking sale to be held on Saturday, Dec. 12. At the close or the bush Hess part ot the meeting, .Rev. A. A. Lain; took the chpir tor the election of otticerB. All the reports given showed the close ot a successful year's work. The following omeerg were elected: President, Mrs. Alien Hackett; lat vice-president, Mrs. A. o. Schnurr; 2nd vice-president, Mm. l. C. McKay; secretary. Miss Mar- jorie IBeggs; treasurer. Miss M. :Schnurr; devotional committee, Mrs. G. It. Hahn and Mrs. Wm. Nurse; parsonage committee, Mrs. D. Beggs and Mrs. Wm. Burnett; visiting com-, mittee, Mrs. Newton and Mrs. Wm.) Nurse; flower committee; Mrs. B'.) W. Hill and ‘Mrs. Harold Calder;' pianist, Miss D. McKay. The annual meeting of the Luther League ot St. Peter’s Lutheran League church was held on Wednes- day evening in the church basement. The president. Edward Holzschuh occupied the chair. Miss Amelia presented the topic, "Advent hymns." The scripture lesson was read by Miss :Hilda Mueller. Miss Jetret Mauser then led Kin prayer. The Mission study on Japan_was pre- sented .by Miss Bertha Wilker. Elec- 'tion of officers tor the ensuing year then took place and resulted as fol- lows: President, Miss Amelia Wil- ker; vice-president. Samuel Holl- schuh; secretary, Miss Marie Dah- mer; treasurer, Miss Hilda Dechert: membership committee, Misses IMI- da Mueller and Bertha Wilker; social committee. Miss Helen Eydt and El, wood Holzschuh; flower committee, Miss Hilda Dechert and Rev. W. Schultz; pianist, Miss Helen Eydt. Plans were made to skim the Lu- ther League skating p y in Kitch- ener on Monday evening. Following the business a social halt hour was spent. A request from out of town inter- ests tor permission to operate a shooting gallery in Waterloo was de ferred by Finance Committee of council Friday night. The question trad previously been deferred by council. ina, mist” Zimmerman, 'LN., of Guelph is visiting at her home here. Women's Axed-Non Annual Hauling DEFER SHOOTING Mrs. Sid Spencer ot Ellington in spending a few dares with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nurse. Miss Vera Towel], WN., of Guelph is spending a few days at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Zimmer- Jonathan Lichty of Weliealey visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. but: Wednesday. Dr. G. D. Manner who has been on the sick list for several days, is improving. Messrs. Oscar and Jakob Lam; and Milton Glebe spent Tuesday in Kiteh, ener. aroma-JILL" kitted. Mr. Sam 'riqdman received wold on Thuruhy that his brother-but, Mr. Jamel KIM, of Chen-tow, - 'rcctdentally shot. Mr. Friedman left on Friday to attend the funeral. Wm. Wray of Millbank was 11 via!- tor in town Wednesday. Miss Dorls Clarke of Bellwood in visiting with Ree. and Mrs. A. A. your kindly radian, with the w. openware you willing to do (has. 11“an, even tor a day? Then you can keep Club-luau!" A demonstration on can ion. Ma. given by In. A. o. Schnun’ and Mn. w. Schultz. This “a tor lowed by Mano selection by ”use! Anne and Helen Schummer and “we Jean Foster. In. Henry Schism” gave a short am: on in: recent trip to the Eu! and tho showed gone very interesting plea". which "to when on this trip. The landing cloud by “It!" the Nntiqg.1 An- them after which lunch In. and by the harness and her hum-u. Maseis Jean and Marjorie 80353 were recent visitors with relatives in Pdole. GALLERY REQUEST ‘I'Il WATIILOO CHRONICLI Ni 133111th the City of Km" for m accident in which le. Housjnger ftsll on ya ier, litig- An enjoyable evening was spent at tho home ot Mr. and Mrs. (Hillard Swartz of Kitchener when they enter- tained the members of the Golden Rule and Loyal Sons" Sunday School Classes of the United Breth- ren church. The devotional period was in charge of Mrs. Elmer swim, who took as her topic. “Giving." Edgar Guest's poem, "The Inn Keeper’s Excuse”, was read by Miss Gladys Fried. Following the busi- ness session games and contests were played. Several trom here have been at- tending the Guelph Winter Fair this week. Elmer Stoitz succeeded in winning several prizes in the Swine Classes. Settles Claim § Against Kitchener The UJB.C.E. met at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. A. Shelby on Wednes- day evening. Mrs. E. Gingerlch of New Dundee was in charge of the topic. "Msical Ministries". Favorite hymns and their stories were given and George Perrin rendered the Bolo. "His Eye is on the Sparrow". An interesting discussion on great ar- tists their music and its henefltt, took place. , [Liquor stores and all beer parlors in Kitchener and Waterloo were closed today owing to the election, - l Sr. m-Joie Hickman, Albert Schilling. Herbert TCoehmsteadt, Don- ald ICressman. Billy Wagner, Helen tever, Audrey Wagner. Jr. m--'Agnar gown, Peter Fay. Br. Ir--g%rnitte Blndernagel, Frie- da Schilling, Reta Kramp. Jr. I-Margaret Beitz, Ella Schill- ing. Bernice ’Koerber, Doris Koarber, Joie Gay, Edith Braun, Archie Krie- gar, marl-nine Merkle. w PAmer--ainer Benz Marjorie Hass. Maurice lHiclmelh V. A. Hergott, Teacher, The closihg ordér came in special notices through Inspector N. B. Ratz, through the Ontario Liquor Control Sr 1-aeGiriee Reinhait and Flor- ence-Creasman (equal) Heinz Bram). Jr. nr-Ervin Stever, Roy Wagner, Stanley Sowa, George Sellilung; The following is the school report for November. Firth class and Prim- er are listed alphabetically, while the rest are in order gtt ,merit. Fifth Class-Jerry Henson, Carolyn Koehmsteadt, Jean Nahrgang, Jer- cme Reinhart. Mrs. Stephen Forester ot North Dakota. Mrs. Vera Mergott and son Jerry ot here, Mr. and Mrs. Len Bruder of New Germany were Sun. day visitors, with Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Koehmeteadt. School Report. Sr. Iv-iron :Hus, Ida Krleger, Anna Schilling. walk on Queen Street lalt larch, fracturing her leg-twa- diami-ed in Supreme Court week when it was announced the parties had reached a settlement. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Mine] and tam, ily of 'Bamberg, Mrs. John Wilhelm 0" Kicthener. Mrs. Ignatz Weiler called at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth llergolt on Sunday. KITCHENER. - Action of 822,- MO brought by Louie 11onaineer of Nils-n Ills mind. the City of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Koerber and children were Sunday guests at the lutter's home. Mr. and Mrs. Martin of Wallenstein. out. as; on. you. 'Dcfcndu'n via gieegstheriqhtto-rthothro. children at regular periods. M was grant-0d by Hi. Lord-hip It. Justice “in: has on Thurs, day to Allan ht. Philipnburg farmer in an action against Alice Bast and eoyyyemi.ent, Charla 6133)"de of Wuhan. A _ Mr. But obtaimsuuatoii, of the three oldest children while In. Bet is given cuntody_o{ the young- Mr. and Mrs. Albert Probe! and family of Bridgeport spent Sunday uith Mr,and Mrs. Enoch Frey. Philipsburg Farmer Obtains Divorce KITCHEN BSU-A divorce decree SHAN'I'I STATION BEER PARLORS CLOSED ROSEVILLE I If the King voluntarily resigns iC'ahdicatea", in the common par- lance) there will be no break in the Kingahlp. The Duke ot York, as the heir-apparent under the Act ot Sue- lcosslon. automatically becomes King. He becomes King or the British Eln- WI,' as well as ot England. . Bedford's DruéStore t The authority made the momen- tom, statement that, it any attempt is made to force the King's aihdieation, "all law will cease," meaning that the accepted rules or constitutional law will cease to prevail. The constitu- The King'a wife can become Queen of England or Queen»Coneort only by being crowned to that estate. Prince Albert. husband of Queen Victoria. was a Prince in his own right, but he did not become Prince-consort until many years after he married the Queen of England. He was given a period, so to speak. in which to prove himself acceptable to the people of England as their co-ruler. The Statute of Westminster, passed in May, 1926, does not say that the Dominions must consent. The belief that it does is based on the fact that the consent clause is contained in the preamble to the Stav tate of Westminster. The preamble, advises this great Canadian consult- ant, is not law. She will he the Ducheau ot Com- “all immediately she marries the King. but she will not automatically become Queen alter Coronation. She may become Queen-Consort only upon the issuance of letters patent, which emanate trom the Privy Coum cil under the Privy Seal. which is in the custody of the Lord Chancellor, an appointee of the Cabinet. As Duchess of Cornwall, she will remain a subject until the Privy Council de. cides to elevate her to the status of Consort The statements made in the Bri- tish House of Commons and in the ntwapapers ot the world that any change in the conditions surround- ing the order at succession must be approved by the Dominion are com- pletely erroneous, this authority has advised. They have no foundation in feet or in law. A great Canadian constitutional authority wrohubiy the smote" in the Empire-U being consulted by "interested Government." on the no- caued comnitutiomu issue now con- fronting the King and his Knitters in England. His name mun rennin secret, tut the advice he will (he to his consultants was revealed Sundny. 'He will any that the King cannot be forced to ahdimte by any menu nhort ot a revolution. He my my whom he pleases. and his wife wilt have a dunno untu- in the British peerage regardless of any action which the King's Mini-ten, or ht Parliament, may decide to when Authority on British Constitu- tional Rights Dot-hm. Gan Force littdioation . Only By Revolution " Ki... St. North - WATERLOO -. no... la! Fine 1t1tt1ity1?iPy Cards -3c, Sc, 10c Dresser Sets-- Brush, Comb and Mirror All prices. Lovely Perfume Bets-- Me up Box Candy .......... 25e up Yardley", St. Denis, Djerkiss, Woodbury Sets 50e up 1'et.rptd's' I. D. A. Drug Store I "Thu-e II one Crown for the Fair pure," the authority and, “and more in no relereuce anywhere in his title to the 'seit-troeerniat, minimum In such. The words “Dominion Beyond the Sou" do not rater to the Dom, Iiniom' as we know them. James C. Hart at Gui-mu to. at who In the Tun-Iona Stand-DI tor Boat. 7 months and under, at the Guelph Winter Fair on Thursday. Mona! bone would then become, in law a revolution. 47 King W. Phone 4526 Medigg! .Arts Bldg. T JONES' lot your. for the asking. GIFT SUGGESTION An Otriivie Hnir Bruah-- Ggiluie Siam luminous with health' - 1ttsautituiindsedt Nocharqo hoods loavel your hair M,W8.lm An individual treatment Beauty Parlor in non than a taint hope when it enjoy: the we of WIN. AT GUELPH $4.80 to $9.60 'edutz'éul H A I R Kitchener ""

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