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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Nov 1936, p. 8

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EDWARD B. DOWDALL, Banister. Solicitor, Notary. eta; Telegram 829; omee 108 King Street eat, Kitchener, Ontario. JAMES C. HAIGHT, BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- ancer, etc. Money to loan. OfBee Bank of Montreal Bldtt., Waterloo. CLEMENT,BATTm & EASTMAN. Low oMees, Bank of Toronto Building, 19 King Street East, Kitchener, Phone 2310. WILLIAM CLARK Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyuncer Glace " 10 Arthur St. Telephone 88 ELMIRA 58 King Street W. D. B. BOWLBY,tc., BARRISTER, Solicitor. Notary Public nnd Con- veynncer. OfBee 19 Queen St. N., Phone 537, Kitchener, Ont. BRAY a BRAY, WIS, Solicit- ors, etc.; George Bray, KC., G. Murray Bray, B.A., George H. Loehead, B.A.; Roynl Barth filtnry'bera, _7_7 Kipg__St. West, BROOK & WEIR, q. R. B_rek_and :20 Liverpool St. - Phone 3168 GUELPH Eva-Inc. until . o'clock. BITZER a; Vsnym.’ BAmus'rERs. LEO G. LATCHFORD. HARRIS-[ER CHIROPRACTOR INFO, 44 Willi.- St. - Vidal“ Phon- 700v M. J. HOFFMAN. 0.8.0. Chtmrrodi.t - Foot Spocklill Graduate of Illinois College of Chiropody 0mm Hours: 10 - " um. I - 6 pan. Evenings T to 8 pan. Tolopllono__2_42_6 - 48% Kin. St. E. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT SIMS. MclNTOSH. SCHOFIELD & SIMS. Banish”, Solicitors. ete.; Medical Arts Building, 47 King Street West. Telephone 4640. Kitchener. Ontario. DR. J. W. MGM. Dentin. 69 yo yew Cinnabar-.192: m. DAUFMAN and PURCELL Burristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Harold L. Dnufmln GUI-lid M. Purcell Phone 1606 $eriiise0iiretrttty and 8orer's'"'tluidts 49 King St. Ai.. GORDON McELEONSBERGER. Burriater, Solicitor: Conveyancer. etc. Phone 104 OMee " 97 Frederick St. Kitchener J. C. HAY Barrister, Solicitor, Convey-near Weber Chambers F out Corroctioaht All "in al Arch Supports to the Wrath. ol tho loot. ii.Tf. Tierra-Grasses. Solicitors, Notaries; 49 Kirttit.Putat, Kitch- WAN CHRONIC!) Kitchener; .Phone 4174. aid. -iehsphorusa080. and Solicitor, Notary futme; Bank of Commerce Bldg., 1 King St. But. Kitchener. Telephone 627, Residence 4400 Kitchener. if.) Iiifcieiei; 'Fhono'nso? ctIARiiithn" ACCOUNTANT (Trustee in Bahama” " King sum Eat Pinon. 4080 - Kitchonu DR. A. L. CAMPBELL Haiku! Arta BM . Phone 1868 _ Xingu!" W of Women Ind Sum" PROFESSIONAL CARDS FOOT CORRECTIONIST Solicitors. Notaries. J. H. Smyth, BA. " Queen St. 8.. Kitchener Phone 528 '"?rst,h?it2t.2tr ctr. GEO. L. CARTLEDGE aq-...q-6_dr-me%e __-r-ri-h'.".- -Tb-...t-s- “wigs-"II“. huhmdmw V~I-r.m"_h _ BdAisier, Solicitor, etc. Zeller Building FOOT SPECIALIST mun-"Tun; 'GrNGFdF-- I... I. be M the a... uni. A._ w. 399s, WA.. CHIROPRACTIC WANTADS Kitchener, tut. MEDICINAL KITCHENER DENTAL Kitchener LEGAL Phone 1867 Kitchener Faniture and Reproductions. " King s., Phone 417. Waterloo Harper Method Beauty Parlor lulu“. Park Perm. Waves 82 to $10, including Zotos mnehineletsa wave, HmYeuttintt and Marcelling; Finger Wares by G. J. Boegel. Phone 22117 _ " King St. E. Ogilvie Sisters Hair and Scalp Preparations 1nd Treatments. " King St. W. - Phone 4526 Kitchener KNhiig BEAUTY PARLOR " Kin. Stroot Woat, Kitchener or Butt-nee through Candles Stan. Specializing in Per. Waves. F. Waves, Hair Cutting, Fncinls. M.reellintr, Scalp Trent- ment, Manicuring Alt-ulna Sanitation. Quill" Ind Service Walt» Himmrlvr. Prop. Prrmnnrnt Wur- (Nnmrnl, Cronur, Boll-l. Spiral) 0L”. $2.00. " BO. 85.00; Finger Win or Mural. Me: Shlmpfui, nu; Fuinl. Me; Mullen". "e. SEIGEL’S GARAGE (Roar bunker Bldg.) Can handle your most perplexing motor car problem. After one treat. ment you} our will up; like new. Phone 2898 - 120 King W. Careful Co1ftures add a great dell to smart Ippeannce. Let us do your "irdresaintr, personal- ized to your individual ty e. Opp. Lyric Thanh-l . Xingu-or Old Burenus, Poster Beds, Chairs, etc., bought 3nd sold. FRED BARANSKI Design]: and Bailtifr of High Grade 262 King E., Kitchener, Plug-u (A. King St.) Welding - Radiator - Body Repairs - Rates reasonable. I21 HAII'I LII. - KITCHENER Phone 3127] - Ron. 3712 Soo on “(an int. BENTON ST. MOTOR SALES " Benton St. - KITCHEN“ Cara Washed, Greased and Stored. O Willia- St. E. - Waterloo BOUGHT - SOLD - FINANCE" 40 King at. Bs... .orr. Wool-enr- Now and Usod Parts " Frock-kl St., Wit. City Hall Phono 214 - Kitchener Nov and UM PARTS FOR YOUR CAR WATERLOO AUTO PARTS 134 King St. ' t T Plan. ttMM Jge Zirder Jerry -Geiarer GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING " Cork! St. N. - Phone 3489 Kitchen» JONES BEAUTY PARLOR aim-n {or tuauur iii-Tu. Auto Accessories GENERAL AUTO SUPPLY LYRIC BEAUTY PARLOR M. O E. Litt L. HUMMEL, Rog. Nun. "on. M. I ”I. 'troot Ea" . Kink-or 8 Water St. S. J. w. Heinrich, Prop. Ropnin oll All “a of Cars. Autos: Repairs t, our Icing "retrertrn" Indhod. 'lr.,, motrs ml can No and no in .i.tb.ssrrd " "tr.. ugly Llo-I-hom Cancun-Hun {no 11tttsttp'iy_r_ftr._A_ryyriryrityf, Zinger & Geiger Beauty Culture ALEXANDER GARAGE ANTIQUE FURNITURE Tohplimiii: I... 771' - 770M 406 Antique. " J. I “I? It. I!" I. I, nu... '=Tric= ??gteue,. SUPERFU YO! ‘S " AIR Permanently Removed AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS Of All Kinds. FISHER & CLEMER GARAGE away”. For You Car WE BUY USED CARS WALTER’S BEAUTY PARLOR PERSONAL HAROLDILLLING Phone 140. Ros. 526 BUSINESS Used? Car; WPA'I'HY kit, tiid "V Kitchener Waterloo Kitchener With more than 85,000 people at- tending the 24th annual match. com- petition was keen with plowmen pres- pnt from New York State, Ontprio, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and New Bruns- wick. Ontario, with the largest entry list, carried on major honors, while in the visitors' class, open only to en- trants from outside this province, top honors went to Archie McMillan ot Nappan, N:S., Alex Black. of Guelph, won the special award. Cornwall.-Echoeg of the interna- tional plowing match which turned this industrial community into an agricultural centre with everyone discussing horses, furrows and soils are still heard here. 25 Cents; Bore throat, sore chest and cold in head, use PINEHINT, only 50 Cents. At Geiger'a Drug Store, 408 King St. East, Kitchener, Ont., Phone 571. Phone 217 - Waterloo Nyal Products for drug and toilet articles. D. D. Gray. Ottawa Experimental Farm Superintendent said, "It is a hopeful Sign that today with the automobile and speed we can still find the plow doing its honest work in the development of this country. WWI-Wm“... Geo. C. Kruger Bicycle Shop " John St. E. - Walt-Io. Out of the high rent di.triet. can. BICYCLE AGENT Lawn Mowers Shupened. " Edward Si. - PL... no" Hula-u "_irro6oarehA..-.T_,ots. In.“ “ml-Huh-” INFMSL - M01” Add more books to your home librlry tr hgving your_flv_orite Pricel Insoluble. Goods called for 1nd deliverrd. HERBAL VAPOR BATES BOOKBINDER " Queen St. N. a. “on. an Kitehonor "Plow Still Doing Honest Work" mairasiite boon?! Into boob. InitiaIi-g Club Bun. Suitcases, Bibles, Hymn _ Pniorlbooh Uge o.ur 090611 MIXTURE, 91111 LEARNS DRUG STORE BOOKBINDING DBL’S REPAIR SHOP NewmdUled Bicycle 88.50““. -ooHq..Partmamdgtqqabua Druggist Nan-Who.” "I'MDLCIDW BICYCLES Bybi-di-g AM. If 1|" ram-M 'nll PEWNAL Cold Non! n-d Handy for Miliot Wounds. MICKEY (HIMSELF) MCGUIRE TOONERVILLE Poms FOR SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS K h.p. to 6 h.p., $10.00 ind Dobbin Garage, Kitchener. Singer, Tailor Machine ...... $24.50 Raymond, Drop Head ..t....... $17.50 Expert Repairs. Waterloo Sewing Machine Shop E. P. KIESWETI‘ER Plug-Mu and Heating Phone sat. - Run. 3103.! 323 King St. W. - Kitchonot. Ont. Four years no we “and chin Invite It this very Int-ethic price, and so many people have taken advantage of " that VI have decided to any on at chin sped-l price. We have lilo an additional service of vuuum cleaning hot - M,“ with every rebuild Job. " Que.- " s. M "e. KITCHEN” Electrical Service Wiring - Alterations - Repairs 30 Chestnut St. - Phone 2061F Kitchener Keep It New With- LADIES' I GENTS' CLOTHING CURTAINS - DRAPES KITCHEN EB DYE WORKS " oe1st. S. - _M I00 Pearl Laundry Co. a!!! I“ Dun "caiaT7--"" Ro-windin' SUTHERLAND - SCHULTZ Phone 8788 - Kitchener Clare Diebold, Prop. 200 King West . Phone 1410 Huh-or Flowers telegraphed anywheye. " I”: “and! You _ DYERS AND CLEANERS CLARRS FLOWER SHOP Smoky Furnaces! REBUILT COMPLETELY For "t,r,ffPl, Agents for PEASE Furmces. Artistic “gal Dad.” for all Sewing Machine Bargains Electrical G o o d a ELECTRIC MOTORS Flbfisto Kitchener ALL woizx GUARANTEED [alum than on "on... Wm. Hutch " Kin. s; W-hrloo Phone "t BURTOL CLEANING FURNACES Guelph SALE up. Montrea1.---AddreMsing a service club luncheon, Michael Dwyer, Nova Scotia‘s Minister of Mines, pointed out that It Nova Scotlan mines teased to compete with other coal sources, more for their fuel. Canadians would pay considerably We have in Canada everything necessary to support the human race, and we must learn to think not as individuals but, in the wider term of the Empireand the Dominon, Hon. Mr. Dwyer said. Dominion Eire Ala-rule. Company ' 05cc: Waterloo, Ont. Great-Went Life Ame. Co. Fire - Automobile, - Aeei, Insurance Agencies LUXURY UPBOLS‘I'ERING CO. I“ B.sMho-t " . Km Ialulutunn of Gluten Bum Furniture and Bucks. More Inter-Province Trade Urged ASSETS OVER 81.500.000 . Govern-out Deposit - $100,000- DIRECTORS E. , 1eitiau - Supt. of fine-clov- H. Emu-l . - hunch" OFFICERS w.HI. Wok-la - - _ E. F. San:- - - - Womb. E. J. BIIICI' - - - - Wanda» Oscar Run-pol - - - mm Ford s. Km! - - - Wanda. W. R. Inch:- - - - Wan-100 Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company e. A. BOEHI INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED F urniturc Insurance KITCHEN ER - ONT. And .11 Casualty lines. D. A. BEAN District Ago-u At Earl Putnam For the Now Income T - - with; - - - WWW“ - - Watch. Associates IO- Plan. I... - Pram-t Accident Rig crops don't rmul! in low wires,“ nor do small t'roPR guaramnn high rpturrta, at Imus! not snt ar as whnat,’ torn, and can: arr (-onvnrnnd (imm- mon rlaims “in statislim tor the part M wars attomplinz to prove this rinlm haw hoon critiripod by thp Farm Burma" Federation 1 Tho leomHnn, mmpmwd of tho rountry's I ding growers, cnnlonds that or: the Grain Statistic: Revert Chicago "WN'l'R) -Clalnsing that the law or supply and demand is not nearly M simpip a: the layman hrs, ”no, Homer n, Gmmmnn. Illinois farmer. and chairman ot [hr mark) in: division Hm American TVarretpttr. tation Ascorialinn has roloanr-d sin» “Mic: horn attacking ilu- "ornnomirn of ccarriiy" Special Representative "Simpson's" 236 King T, _- Phone 3124 " Mon-Io St., Waterloo. Phone MN Repairs on All Makes of Furnaces. (“mutant-and I. Kittie-Or) For the Kitchen Stove or Better Superior ”Bur-on and Hameo Stoker for the Fumnce. SUPERIOR BURNER'CO. Phone 4310 - - Ros. 435. " Benton St. - KITCHENER For cm’etin; In! well. Have rum-DI water in your hon-e. and plenty of water for your cutle. Install an Anton-tic Pressure Pump on your farm or summer home. KITCHENER BRASS FOUNDRY 983 King St. E., Kitchener he!" on I." Inke- at Pun”. you. - Sail roar nur'phu for cub. F. J. 3*. Prop. - M1114- Fully guaranteed. Small designs, nearly new. Thoroughly gone over ind tuned. Made moth-proof. Beautiful finish. Large stock to choose from. From $79.00 up. AUTOMATIC WATER PRESSURE PUMP, 7 - Community Auction Bah " Ban. "or! Saturday. Livestock: iltut menu, ltr that hate cmco’PEE HEIGHTS FARM Fat Cuts; (my. H. KWILHELM HARDWARE blah. t a Inn. St. s., vast; n... 400 Spatial prices made hossible by low business costs. KITCHENER PAINT & WALLPAPER CO. to; King Bust - Kitchener - Phone 705 99393911va Ihrehaytre FEHRBNBACFI MATTRESS Not so" in atom. Quality amd Clan-linen. 30. Q-u- St. s. - Kitchener Ph. 254 - Ru. PE. Wat. 655v. CARL HEINTZMAN In Sci-guitars Ltd. - KITCHENER Phone 194 6-9 LII. - 4-7 pan. "" King in KM, Ph. 83”" Keep Comfortable This Winter. LOW PRICES - EASY TERMS For further particulars see Hones, Cour}, Young Cattle MARVEL OIL BURNERS NEW GILSON FURNACE " King s. MISS ANNA R. BEAN Touche: of Piano, Singing and Theory. Private Ind Class Instruction. Studio" " Roy St., Kitchener. Pho- 117]". NEW SUNWORTHY WALLPAPERS ALL MAKES Radios Repaired RADIOS Livestock ttdr Sale thiirril MUSICAL Plumbing Heating p "a 3:153 OIL BURNERS Kitchener Sales Stables EXPERT Raglio Repairing A. STRASSBURGER Anywhere - Anytime. All work guaranteed. J. W. SAUNDERS MATTRESS Scrivuhw'nfnruh' _"_' . Grd All. - In III-nu. Tubes taste?! free. E. K. HEARTH PIANOS WATERLOO HANFOID’S Kitchener PIANOS huh! I 'rr, a Economic Scarcity Phone Ttgt PM... In tho " loan you". Drives wen» $101 for wheat, corn Ter, and "ttttt 43c. _ K I of props havn ohm) Mfr-rind prim“: Anmhor etatistirian admitted that during thn ym’HV mnntinnnd by Grom, mun thrs I' S whnat marhpt wnq attvrtrd by tho world wheat nupplv Taking tho prriod from 1909 in 1935, and ”hiding tho 13 host prop Taking tho prriod from 1909 to 1935, and l!i\itling tho If! host (‘I'Op 30.1” and tho 13 poor-st (rum ynars. ho round tho avnrazn priuw during tho hm! t mp 3mm wnrn whoa! $120 a hushnL rnrn 7:30 and out: 4.Tr Buy your Jewellery from the Modern Store We have a complete line of Jul lery and Silverware. 126 Kin| W., Kitchener, Phone 17“ IRWIN'S CREDIT JEWELLERS 259 King St. W. - Kitchener Pay More for Your Old Gold and Do Expert Watch, Clock Ind Javel- Iery Repairing " moderate prieet. The Swiss Jeweller clocks Ind jewellery. e Also a complete line of Watches, Clocks, etc. 24 Benton Street - Kink-nut (Opp. Weber Feed Slot.) We buy old and new stamps or collections. We send out fine selec- tions on approval to collectors. Call or drop a line. Farms For Sale Listings Invited. The A. M. Wilson G. Now and U-d. TYPEWRITERS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS Duplicating and Adding Machines, Filing Cabinets, Desks, Safes, etc. Ontario Office Outfitters Ltd. " Queen St. S. - Phone 979 Kitchener KITCHENER REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE . LOANS ED. HOUSES SHOE STORE “a REPAIR SHOP Mt Ontario Street s. - "on m KITCHENER Whether BUYING or SELLING . 207 King St. E. - Kitchener New cud Used Tires, Ro1inora, . All nine: in atoek. FARMS AND CITY. PROPERTY For Sale amd Exchange. Phone TOO We Fix Flats - Vulcanizing Goodrich Silvertown] - Union Slump Co. " Queen St. s., Kitchener. Ont. Watches Hessenaur & Shut: _ Limited Plan. 925 - 258 King W. KITCHENER Reisairing ote, A Typewriters, The [learn Roofing Co. " It’s Anything In Mn. “We Do lt" E. L. Helm, Man-ger- 305 King St. W. - Kitchener Phonon: "TS, Ros. ”5 ESTATE A Ire do Fixpert Irntrh Repairing Loéal Tire Shop Seiberlin‘ Tire Dope! SHOE r King St. S. Does an expert repair job on _nny kind, pf watches. Pic HOLTZE Used Tires BENDERS Stores King and Water Sta. KITCHENER In Bu-lncu Ova " You". STAMPS WANTED r St. S. - Phone “I WATERLOO. ONT. ROOFING [$1.00 Up WANTED NOTICE'. " Frederick St.

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