_ . . District markets“: I'IivéEidék-braifi. -oon't Bot - without a WILL. . . San your loved on†the worry and extra - of ulnini-mtion. Como in and (lite-u your nod: in either Eaouh or German hangs. Ji.lLalliGlMli Recent sudden deaths have caught people unprepared. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR WILL? Cclluf2f)fif,efef, Your Will? 130 King St. S. - WATERLOO Roy Bell....................Hensall .............r.. 7 7 Alex Lang..................) Marys ............ 9 8 1 F. Walters ................Woodford ............ 9 7 2 A. Knox ....................Bright ..................14 10 l 3 Mr. McBeth..............Salford ...............no 8 2 Robt.Elgie................Kippen R. 2.......... 8 7 1 Mr. Gillespie..............lnnerkip ..............14 11 3 E. G. Croft................Dashwood ...........no 9 1 Hy.Nicholas..............Tavistock .......r.... 9 7 1 1 J. Ross o.............-....-, o................" 9 2 1 Dunrobin Farm ........Beaverton ............11 9 2 N. Welsh....................Brantford ............23 15 6 l 1 There were 17,202 hogs graded on the rail in Canada during the week, distributed as follows: Alberta 2,660; Saskatchewun 284763 Manitoba 1,594; Ontario 9,068; Quebec 2,130; Maritimes Nun. 1aiiiraiiiliitllliillDS Real Ethic And [nuance 102 KING SOUTH Waterloo J.M.Schneider Bran, Shorts. Corn. Barlay. Cod Liver Oil. SIII. Mont Scrupo. Tank-'3. Bone Moll. Seed Corn. Cotton Sud Mont, Oil Cake Mal. Vin Oat F.0d, Olin, ote., dc. TIE Int, SNIDER MILLING Cl. Eggs - cream Poultry SNIDER'S GROWING MASH LAYING MASH ........... PIGGROWER .q........... DAIRY FEED ............. CALF MEAL .............. HARLEY AND OAT FEED ... . .. $1.35 SOYA BEAN MEAL Highest Market Prices R. S. McPhail Phone 239 TAKE WARNING If you cannot bring in your produce, give us a phone all And our.th will pick It up. Best farmen' lots for week ending November tr, I936. (Furnished by Dominion Livestock Branch, Toronto) Bacon Hogs Graded Dressed CHICKENS Wo'kanl-nkuof G. L. BRAUN 310..“ " ' CORN DISTILLERS DRIED GRAINS HOMINY FEED QUALITY LOCKS KEYS MADE - Limited KITCHENER ..Hensall ... ..St. Marys ..Woodford .liright _""' Addrou paid for 2222E222Wl= Limited PIGS For Miers Katie Bowman, Wanamaein. |spem Sunday with her puma, Mr. .and Mrs. Martin M. Bowman. Mr. C. Gaming ot New Hamburg who recently purchased Mr. o. F. Baumn's garage. took possession Tuesday. Mr. Capling will operate a Cities' Service Station and will han- dle auto accessories. Mr. Emmanuel Bowman is eoqMined to his home stuttering (mm sprained ligaments of the knee. Friends wish him a speedy recovery. Fish DeaIer--da1dy, if it's looks you’re after, why don't you buy a goldfish? . Prince Edward Island, $1.35 to $140 per bag, earlot basis; Ontario No. 1, $1.10; New Brunswick, $1.30. earlot basis. Prices to trade are 15c to 25e a bag higher. Sunday visitors with Jack Sock- ner's were Mr. Wm. Soehner of Kitett, ener, Mr. ad uMgB. w. Klinckman and son ofE1mirn. Around 75 young people or the El. mira, Woolwich and Floradale EOE. societies gathered at the local church Monday evening. Rev. C. H. fJorn- well had charge of the devotional part. Later the group mblod in the basement where rarioqq contents were enjoyed, followed try refresh- ments. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowman and son Coleman, Messrs. Sol. and Man- tin Bowman In, spent Sunday with Levi Bowman's Blots. _ Customer---, don't like the looks of that haddock. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gingrich and Mary, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Martin open-t Sunday with D. M. Bowman’s. Mr. and Mm. Sam Horst of West. Montrose visited with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bowman Sunday. The young people ot the Trinity Lutheran Church held a Hallowe'en Social in the school room or the church on lFrlduy evening. Lunch wag served at the closing hour. Tot. Hog: A © $2.85 per @ $2.50 per © $2.30 per @ $2.25 per @ .85 per F LORADALI WATERLOO, ONT. Potatoes t , foam. CATTLE 100 lbs. 100 lbs. 100 lbs. 100 lbs. 25 lbs. l00 Ihs. vl.i\'t‘wt‘izhls qtrartttord, $T25; Kitrhonnr. " 13; London 3715; Hull. " 25, l‘mnrhornuzh, tr, Strntford. $7_15, Chtttham. $7 Dronsozlvwoighls Mndon. $9.55; Prtt'srhorotteh. " 40. Hull. 810; Rtrttt. tord, " 5.1; Chttthttttt. $9 33 HAY AND OTRAW ‘Hvowplght baron home gained 15 rpntn at {our raportlng points yen- tprday, and dreupdwolghta added 20 00"â€! at two places. Other mar- kets shows-d Mandy quotations. Live. “1‘11th ndvancPd at Brnnlford, km honor. lnndnn and Stratford. and thr, drns-wd variety were’ higher at tho last two points. Special grade Istgrade VqqT TF 2nd ttradp T (Thursday, Nov. 12. 1936) Prices quoted by Kitchener tirtrttt on the above date were as follows: Eggs Selling Egg-. "A" large .... "A" medium Plrllets "A" "B" large '_.. "H" medium Butter--. First grade ereamery prints 27%e 2nd grade creamery prints 26%c Selling Price: United Farmers' Cooperative Co. yesterday were ottering produce to retail dealers at the .rollowing prices: Hay qnolnnnns to winners In To- ronto ymtorday as provided try don] Hens- Over 5 this. .s..r_r___r.__r..r.._rr. .... 14 4 to 5 lbs. mt.....t...F_m_m...F.r9. .... 13 3% to 4 lbs. ...._.___Frmr_.r.__. .... 10 3 to 3% lbs. .......F....F...._.. .r.. 9 Old roosters m................... .... 9 "B" grade poultry 2e less than "A", "C" grade poultry te less than "B" Kitchener Produce Spring Chickens-u Over 6 lbs. t.ttm_rm._mmr_mr. 5 to 6 lbs. m..__.F.r._r___.. 4% to 5 lbs. ..w.trr.r.._.._ Under 4% lbs. F........ Spring Brouerg- 1% to 2% lbs. ..FF... E-Prices, to producers, cases returnable basis, delivered Toronto: "A" large .tr...F.P.F..rF.mrmr.Fmr..m..rmr.... 39c "A" medium ..rM.t...r....F......mrrrt._.. 37c Pullets "A" t...m.rr..r.Trrr.rm_....m..r..._ 27c Butter-No. 1 Ontario sollds 25% to 25%c; No. 2, 24% to 24%e. Poultry-. Grassers Do., medium ..t..rrWr_r... 4.50 Cows, good ...-r...r.r........ 3.00 Do... medium m............. 2.76 Do. common 'r.......... 2.25 (Banners and cutters .. 1.25 Bulls. good .....r.rr.mPr.rrr... 2.75 Do., common ...F..m.P... 2.60 Stocker and feeder steam, good .wr.....m_m. 3.75 Do., common ......mm..r. 2.75 Mllkers and sprhgers 35.00 Calves. good and choice Hogs, t.o.h. w..................... Do., on (much .....r_..... oo., " cars .mrm.....rrm.mrr Good ewe and wether lambs .r....F.mmF._r_......_r. Do., medium ......m.rm...... Bucks ....m.T_m....mPM.mr.PmP_..._.. 'oo., chIa .....m..mr_rF._..... Sheep, good light mm...... Do., heavies‘ m............. Do.. culls .....m.rrrm..mm..m.. _ Buying Prices United Farmem' Co-operative Co. yesterday were paying the following prices for produce: Toronto, Nov ".---A fairly Metrt new fun enabled laden to clear out m. 0mm cloth; ot killing cat- tle at study who. on m Iced lint clock whet yummy. The stale holdover ot come '00 head. In nude up mostly ot plain qtmiitr stock. Veil calves. weep and lamb. vote unchanged. Commol§ to medium butcher. brought ' to 84.50 with . few good quality up to 86. 8mm Iota ot choice heavy use“ went nt 85.85. Butcher cowl ranged tom 82.35 to " with owners mostly 81.50. Some medium to good led “he. traded between 85.50 and $1.50. Plain qtgrre cattle Ient at $2.15 to $3.60. Ofotatiomr.- - Steers. up to 1,050 Mm., A few calves reached 39, but gem oral range tor choice 1.3 " to 88.60 with common vealen down to " Rough heavy calves were priced It " to 83.50. Good eve and wether Ituntm were $7.75 to " and other grades " to $7.25. Watch! feeders sold " " Sheepusold steady at. $1.50 to " cwt. oo., medium .w.tr.r.P.P.P. oo., common ......r.F'.. Steers, over 1,050 tha., choice .mr.._rr.Fr_..r._'_'FP.. Do., medium .r..F__m.... Do., common ..r..r...... Heiters. good and choice.........-......, 'Do., medium .r..r._rrrrrF. Do., common ............ Fed calves, chaise mm...'.. Prices Unchanged With Only 400 Had Uni " Hog Quotations large pallets large .... medium pullets Produce Prices OICaltlelart (Quotations in cents) Dressed Dressed M.F. Select Egg- Bgylng Storm Producers ............ " " ..F...F..... " " .m....m_..r. 27 " ...m...._... 21 " according to weight Butter!“ to Truck Delivered 26 28 _ 25 27 22 24 , 4.75 4.25 4.50 It', .00 7.50 7.75 6.75 6.00 4.00 5.25 4.75 4.25 3.50 7.75 1.50 4.75 4.25 7.26 6.50 4.50 19 18 17. 15 17 44c 42c Me 30c 25c 25c 47c 37c ' 6.00 4.76 17 16 15 13 15 4.25 3.50 60.00 d " Cattle-M head government test- ed pure bred Jerseys; 9 registered IT cows, some bred, and others fresh. " I (For further information write for cwt. catalogue). 3 pure bred cows but {not eligible for registration, 2 are 5 00 bred and one ia due on day of sale. 4:75 1 registered Jersey bull, 2 years old; 4.00 2 registered Jersey heifers, bred in May; 6 pure-bred Jersey heifers not 'm..... eligible, 8 bred in May and 3 open; if; 1 registered yearly Jersey heifer; 2 4.35 pure-bred yearling heifers. not eligible; 2 small registered Jersey 5-00 heifers. 4.76 n:__ __J n_._IA_ 1 ___‘_L-_-_I tll', Pin and Poultry - 1 registered GG Yorkshire BOW, bred; 1 reg. York- 7.00 shire sow with litter; 10 shouts; 5 6.00 pigs 2 months old; 60 Rock pullets; 3'3: 65 Minoren yearling hens; 1 good EG thealer) female dog with pups. 2.00 "qNmorsts---huatsey-Httrria 6 ft. 3.26 binder in good order; new Frost & 2.60 Wood 5 ft. mower; 10 ft. steel 425 dump rake; good Frost & Wood hay 3,50 loader; 2 drum steel roller; Mossey- 'O.00 Harris shoe drill with grus seeder; 850 2 section Trintrtotth drag harrow; Fi/i new Coekth--fisrrow plow com- 3.50 plete with rolling colter; Massey- ....... Harris 2-row corn cultivstor; l-sec. 7.60 steel harrow; 2 acumen, 1 new; No. .....m. 21 Fleury single plow; potato plow; 8.00 root pulper; &tt rack with one-man 7.50 loader; stock, pig and wood racks; T.00 stone boat; fanning mill; set bob 'lf', sleighs; light sleigh; Portland cutter; i.E wagon and box; good rubber tire 2.60 open buggy; democrst; rubber tire peddling rig; new hay fork, rope and pulleys; large water tank; wheelbarrow; doublertees; neck- yokes; chsins; forks; shovels; tools, Co. and many other useful srticles too ring numerous for detail. 6.50 4.50 3.25 2.60 era were: Nov. 2 timothy hay, baled. $10 to $11 a ton; PNo. 3 timothy hay, baled. $9 to $10 a ton; Oat and wheat straw. baled. " to $7 a ton.. FOR SALE Two- Jersey cows, milking, one registered, T.B. tested; also Jersey bull, yearling, pure bred. Apply John Drudge, R.R. l, Linwood, f2li 5 -2 _ Two 1000mm farms belonging to lthe estate of the late Robert Honey and being composed of East Half Lot 5, Con. 7, Western Section, Township of Wellesley, on which is erected 3 frame house with kitchen and woodshed stuched Ind bank bun and driving shed; also West Half Lot 7, Con. 6, Western Section. Township of Wellesley, on which is erected a two storey brick house and bank barn. These farms are situ- ated on a main highway and must be sold to wind up the estate. For further particulars npply to June- Hammond, Cree-hill, Executor, Robert Hooey Estate. 48-49-50 _ We also luv. for “I. on. tt" Joliet Grinlor on truth with upon] he} and new OBI“... bolt (for no. with under). in very good shun Theodore Dietrich Garage Fur, Grain, Ennilage and Han-cu ing to the unders --Aboat 16 tons of good mixed hay; tutors. P. S. MUSSELMAN, , R. 2, West Montrose, A. B. MARTIN, Conestoga P.0. _ Bee us for demonstration, or Ink us for Inge list of 'satisfied useâ€. I No bugging up, Hauling nwny on cold, stormy dnya. waiting for your chop, and then make the trip ntl over again. Will grind your feed while you dq your chores. It is safe, con- venient. nnd economical. Ko---.--" mm (strew- berry roan)..ehinq , year, old, weight about 3100 lbe., well match- ed and well broken; light bay gelding it your: old, e tine delivery or mail route hone; dark bay general pur- pose mere " years old, bred. Tho chap.“ method of grinding [min for food, on hm. oqratprod with Hydro. Will [fl-I food " a can of Charla“, of only Koto--TH.u_uWdnv-uama6odnr.aroahort. We ukyo-hHIJIy IEWTl-l. Su-re-Karr" " o'clock - Valuable 158 Acre Farm, Entire Fan Stock, including the Fine Herd of Pure Bred and High Grade Jersey Cattle, Implements, Feed and . Household Effects. For the Estate of the L». A... Mn. Iitmtod than: 2 miles north of Waterloo, on Brit-ville road, jut outside the town limits, on Wednesday, November 18, 1936 Wood’s Electric Feed Grinder Farms For Sale Auction' Sale I CENT PER BAG W. w. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, Phone 592w, Waterloo. Pho.o " r 2-! 123E ---o_hh.,.-. The land. will be sold subject to a reuerve bid. Term. of Sale of Chattels-- Cash. Tonn- of Sula of und-Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down It the time of sale. Ind the Mllnce within thirty days. For further plrticullru and con- ditions of sale, lpply to R. G. M. MeDOUGALL. East Block. Patna-on! Bldg... Toronto, Ontario. Solicitor lo tho Mom-goo. Outed It Toronto. Ontario, this 17th day of October, 1986. 46-60 On the said farm there is said to be erected I dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. l brown horse, 15 years; 1 Hol- stein grade cow, 8 years; 0 brood sows (Yorkshire); 6 shoats, 70 lbs. [eachg quantity of hay; quantity of buckwheat; quantity of corn and roots; spring crop, not threshed; seed drill; walking plow; 1 two- furrow plow; 1 set three-section harrows; manure spreader; land roller and all other tools and im- plements used on the farm; hay loader; hay fork and ropes; i') geese. At the same time and place nnd under the authority of a Landlord and Tenant Distress Warrant, there will be offered for sale the follow- ing goods tnd chlttela: ‘ Part of Lot 105 of the German Company Tact, containing 58 acres more or less, in the said Township of Woolwich, in the County of Waterloo, more particularly de- scribed in mortgnge number 15774, Woolwich. UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain mortgage, which will be produced " the time of sale, there will be offered for Bale by w. W. FRICKEY, at PUBLIC AUCTION TUESDAY, NOVEMBER tr, 1938 " the farm of Orville W. Eseh, near Elmira, Ontario, " one o'eloek in the afternoon, the following prop- erty, namely: . of - a 58 ACRE FARM ' and Farm Stock, Implements and Feed. MORTGAGE SALE Ron] Eatato---The farm consists of 158 acres, more or less, with 55 acres of second growth mixed bush, the balance clear and workable land in high state ttf cultivation, well fenced. 11 acres of la] wheat, 35 acres grass, balance fall plowed ready for spring crop. Large bank barn, cement stabling, water on tap in stables, pig stable, cement silo, driving shed, new poultry house for 200 hens. New dairy house, large frame house, hard and soft water, hydro available. There is also a flowing spring on the farm. The buildings are in good'state of repair. Household Elects - Peninsular cook stove; 2 Jewel box stoves; furnace kettle; Dehval cream separator with power attachment; churn; butter worker; baking trough; kitchen cupboard; sink; extension table; 8 kitchen chairs; rockers; sideboard; writing desk' with book case; leaf table; dresser; tt beds; 2 springs; child’s bed; baby buggy; cradle; bench; two 8-gal. cream cans; can; pails; cracks; empty sealers; 2 hanging lamps; carpets; 40 gals. good cider vinegar; lard can; wood box; benches; also colony house 8 x 12 ft., and many other articles not listed. If you Ire looking for n farm close to two good markets, then don't miss this one. This valunble farm is only offer- ed for sale owing to the unfortunate death of Mr. Martin, by accident, on Sept. 15th. Term. of Sal. - Cull. Tonn- of Raul Estate-Terms of farm will be made known on dey of ale, or can be ascertained by npply. ing to the undersigned adminis- tutors. ft. of enlilnze; l bras mounted tum lumen, newly new; 2 sets plow harness; new niekle-plnted single harness; heavy single Iteel llama; delivery has: mounted har- neu; callus, etc. (00 bun. oats; 800 bar. mixed min; " bun. wheat; " bus. butley; " 48-2 AND THAT if the assent of the 'primed electors is obtained to the said proposed Bylaw it will be taken into consideration by the Municipal Council of the said Cor- L',"?,,',?,'," at a meeting thereof to e held after the expiration of one month from the "te of the tlr" publication of thin notice, and that such first publication was made on the 6th day of November, 1936. Dlted It Wnterloo this 4th day of November, 1986. NPRMh_N G. BOImUC. AND THAT camber, 1936, o'clock in the fixed for the sons to Attend for the flrml . by the Clerk. AND THAT The following is a synopsis of a proposed By-Lew of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo to be submitted to the votes of the electors on the day of the Annunl Municipal Elec- tions, namely: The purpose of the By-an _ is to obtain the opinion of the l electors on the fo lowing ques- l tion: "Aro you in favor of adopting Daylight Saving Time F for the months of July and) Augu’lr' 1 TAKE NOTICE that the fore- going is a true ayno sis of the pro- posed By-an of the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo to be sub- mitted to the votes of the electors on the 7th day of December, 1936,. from 10 o'clock mm. to 7 o'cloekl About 8 cords of stove wood, and a quantity of rails. Hay fork, rope and pulleys. Implements - M.-H. corn binder, nearly new; M.-H. 6-ft. grain bind- er; M.-H. 5-ft. mower; M.-H. hay loader and side delivery; fertilizer seed drill, nearly new; ll-hoe M.-H. seed drill, good as mew; Frost & Wood hay rake; Cockshutt manure Roots-About 500 bus. good tur- nips; about 40 bags Noxall potatoes. Porntrr--About 60 Barred Rocks. H--one set of double team harness, nearly new; one set plough harness; one set single harness; 11 number of odd collars; good set of blankets. "i-tat sow, about 600 lbs.; 24 nice chunks about 75 lbs., in clean thrifty condition; 2 good brood York sows supposed to be in Hay and Grain-About 25 tons of good mixed hay; about 200 bus. wheat; about 150 bus. barley; about 1000 bus. Improved American oats, all fit for seed. Co-Two Durham grade cows fresh by time of sale or a little before sale; Holstein grade cow due Nov. 24; Holstein grade cow due Jan. 1st; Holstein grade cow due Dee. 26; black Polled Angus due by time of sale; fed and white cow due Feb. 10; Durham heifer due April 29. .(The above are an A-l lot of dairy cows, in good condition and young). 2 steers two years old; 6 spring calves. Hor-Brown mare 8 years old, supposed to be in foal, about 1500 lbs., . choice brood more; brown gelding 9 years old, about 1600 lbs.; brown more rising 3 yen-s old, (n beauty), well broken; black Per- cheron tUly rising 2 years; brown colt gelding rising 2 yelrs; spring _eolt, filly; aged more, general pur- pose. " In order to wind up the Estate of the Late Mark May. there will be sold by public auction on the premises 1 mile out of New Germany, 1 % miles north of Guelph-Kitchener highway, in Waterloo Township, on 123 Acre Farm, Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Roots, etc. Executors. C. M. CRAWLEY, Auctioneer, R. R. No. 6, Guelph. OLIVER KOLB, Clerk. COURTLAND AVE. Auction Sale An Excellent Market Grading, testing, and your cash while you wait. Bring a an or case in for trial to Clerk Town of NOTICE Tuesday, November 17th, 1936 8ihmrmtod's' , Dream and Eggs Kitchener Dairy T the 3rd thy of i, It the hour of e forenoon has I nppointment of I " polling places summing up of v MARY MAY EXECUTORS’ CLEARING HIGHEST PRICES PAID F W. Him. 484%,}54 At 12.45 o'clock slurp. For Your of of been _ per- tt nnd votes De- 10 UMP dlghlllli ; ,1; \ 4:15:23? ', tuuuomiii'riii A Tip For The Operator The kind old lady had just used the public tolephone for the timt time, and had given the operator quite a lot of trouble. After we had tt,nished "or conversation she called the exchange. "I'm very sorry to have given yon so much troublm miss.“ .qhe said. "so l'tr pulling another ttickol in the "lot for yourself." SEE PAGE 7 FOR AUCTION SALE LIST There will be a load of good ar- ticles in the wagon which will start selling at 12.45 o'clock slurp. As the days are short, please come early. _ Terms of Farm-lor/r, of pur- chase price on day of sale, balance in 30 days when possession will be given. If any dispute arises between two or more bidders, the Auctioneer's decision will be final. HAROLD MAY Terms of ChatteU-CtuUt on day of sale. _ Real Eatater---At the same time and place the farm will be sold Fsubject to a reserve bid, which will be easily within the reach of any person wanting a good farm. The farm consists of 123 acres, mole or less, practically all under cuiti- vation; 11 acres fall wheat; plough- ing done; well fenced and watered by spring and wind-mm; young orchard. A first class stone house and bank barn, 2 driving sheds. One mile east of New Germany where there is church, school, stores and blacksmith. The land is clay-loam, highly productive, and land that you can get on early in the spring. spreader; steel land roller; Fleury single plough; Cockshutt single plough; 2-furrow plough; potato lifter; two sets iron harrows; 2 cultivators, one nearly new; seuMer; hay rack; 1 man loader; l good lam.. ber wagon and shelving box; top buggy; set bob sleighs; turnip pul- per; weigh scales, 2000 lbs.; scald- ing trough; copper kettle; iron kettle; cream separator in good shape; about 80 rods new barbed wire; good grindstone; silo full of good ensilnge; a number of good cider barrels; doubletrees; chains; forks, hoes, and various other or- ticles too numerous to mention. A quantity of household furniture including a good kitchen"rnnge. King and Wale! Sh Phono "" KITCHENS. KITCHENER 48-50