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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Nov 1936, p. 9

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“Jen-y and I mu mind . copy or Uncle Ned-en'- mu the! Mr. Blow Ian." She panned. _ "We read it," Jerry added. "And wo know but what you hove done.” He plunged Into that they had come to any. “You have " Mi ml. lot- ter overhaul. We don't need a! (orlnne that comes the! high, and we won't die it." Jared. “I think a lot of Jarred. and Je agreed to data marl-lugs lust tor your Rakes. [L's merely a manage of convenience. Illa drlnke too much, than; true, but perhaps we can cure him or 'that. When he's not drink- lng, he's really quite a different per- Jetty, tn the neuronal, count“ A“ than an. [or-ad. "lie Ila (one courts» In " ear," Mary an, all in“ ml]. Jerry u: do" on to window can battle not. Ann .1 don a hot but. Thom In silence for u Inca; (hon Ann spoke. " throw her in:- “and to} it". “You silly boy," she add. and “sled him. N'tn going to get a job." Ann and. "I'm sick and tired ot school and ot being a my. selfish chit-yea. dun!" She spoke with tttgreet meat. "In". Cults. l- Junl can In than about" Ann a“, u a. Mary at up suddenly. Jetty! lords went straight to her ban. “the sllppod an arm ”and him. nose. “You kids listen to me." Mtrry all. She was proud of them tor taking it thits way. but there wu no turning "Now, you kids ean help me. We'll [mat Jarred nice, and maybe con have some elect on him. If we can't -weU. we'll face the problem to- gf-lher.” Mary drew them to her lightly. - _ Jorry released himself and stood up. Mary looked up at him. She thought or the blonde one had seen fighting with htm that morning. She must have a talk with him. “It's bedtime, Ann," she said. "You run along while I have a talk with Jerry." - _ _ "I'm. to be in on all the plotting." Ann objected. - - . Ann left, and Jerry sat down again. Ha was MraId ot what migm be coming. Jerry.'" Mary asked. He hesitated. 'He was ashamed to burden Mary with his trouble: at a tie like mic. "Maybe I can help." Mary urged. "Not a bad spot." Jerry began care- tuur. "I've been running around a lime with a chorus girl and she seems to expect me to marry her." "No; nothing but the usual Une." Jerry hesitated. “Gosh. I had no idea ' would act up like this. I know lots ot the boys who have swell girl Manda In the shows. "weai make a full report," Mary promised. _ A "Yoil atiould he hank with her," Maryrsaid. _ - ‘. awouUdivt promiao adythinist" Mary askedgently. . “Tiara ire as many nice girls in show business as anywhere else,“ Mary agroqd slncprgpf. "fidk found I did not care for her," Jerry explained. - - _ ,_ N have-thath, the trouble. She claims I promised to marry her and a lot ot trad] like that," Jerry said. "Well. mayho 1 did write her a few foolish letters, but gosh. I don't think I said anything that she could hold over me-a never thought ahe'd svvvvu I On Thursday, Nov. 5th. a pleas-l ant evening was spent at the Hays. , ville Halt, when the members ot the "The Ttoy Mechanics Library", Haysville Women's Institute tender- (Popular Mechanics Press. Chicago). ed a banquet to their husbands and This library of tour books continues friends. The hall was attractively to he the best hootu, on mechanics decorated in autumn colors and the tor boys yet produced. Each long table decorations included yellow book is substantially bound in cloth candles ma chrrstuytttemunttr. A and has about eight hundred articles sumptuous dinner was served by the on subjects that every troy is inter- indies alter which a splendid pro- rated in, such as sports. electricity. gram followed. The guest speaker ot photography. radio, automobile, tste., the evening was Miss Bernice Loft. a etc., and clear instructions are given hereditary princess ot the Six My how to make innumerable articles tions Indians, Mohaiwk Tribe. W1. tor both pleasure and profit. Only a ford Reeerve. Miss butt, who was few simple tools are needed, and gamed in tribal costume held the with the hundreds of Illustrations clctco attention of tho audience as tho boy wil' be happy and irrotttaply with perfect command of English and employed. Make the 'boy happy by in cultured tones she described the getting our» or more of these splen- customs and characterstos ot her did seritsg. iribe: their religious rituals and their __-.-.- l reaction to the modernizing "ect of For the very small children inst civilization. “Despite the fact." said before or when starting to read, there the speaker, "that the North Ameri.. are no finer b00101 than the 80! ot can Indiana are few in number. they tour Sally and Billy Stories try Mar. I have left an impress on this contin- jorie Hardy, (Wheeler coinpanr,lont that will never be forgotten. For Chicago). Boautitul pictures in do not many ot our “has, rivers and colors with simple sentences below cities bear Indian named." Mind will Intrigue the children and hold Loft brought with hor many volu- tholr attention. and start them out able Indian heirlooms and relies with u love of pretty books that will _ which the audience round very inter- xreatiy help in forming character. I (Ming. The speaker. who is also an They are inexpensive and make ae-iaccomplished reader, recited three coptahle gifts. 'scloctions from Pauline_ Johnston, to he tho best books on mechanics tor boys yet produced. Each long book is substantially bound in cloth and has about eight hundred articles on subjects that every troy ls inter- acted in, such as sports. electricity. photography, radio, automobile, etc.. etc., and clear Instructions are given how to make innumerable articles tor both pleasure and profit. Only a few simple tools are needed, and with the hundreds of Illustrations tho boy wil' be happy and profltapty employed. Make the 'boy happy by melting ours or more of these aplen- did series. neatly help in forming character. ', mung. The speaker. who is also an They are Incxpcnslvo and make at'-,iwomplished reader, recited three ceptahle gifts. (iiii,i,riiiij,ijj. from Pauline Johnston, -.r-.---- "Tho Corn liuakor", “Indian Lulla- llurtnn Holmes Travel Stork“ .y".and Ojistoh". Mrs. Ralph mr mntlnuo to he the most widely read horn moved a hearty vow of thanks published hy Wheeler Co. ot Chicago, to Miss Loft tor her address. other of all travel trtttrlos. "China" by "natures of the program me: an Eunice Tictiens, is one of the latcr local-(lion solo by Clarence 0m ones, and is produced in the usual piano instrumental by Mrs. Balm attractive form with many original liilborn. selection by the Bean Male pitrtttrett. The book fully describes Trio and a short talk by Rev. R. C. the lives and habits, and gives lnti- i‘irts who expressed appreciation to mate pictures ot family lite which iv, tho ladies tor the dinner and enter- zrcnt value and all readers will hp Ialnment. The program closed with doiightnd with this splendid trawl “Anld Lang Sync" and tho Nation” story. i Anthem. “Y6: are not in a spot, are you.' "The Window Garden" by liivsaio Raymond .Buxton, (Orange-Judd Co, New York). Window gardening in a liolixhlml pastime. especially in our Northern rum-lo whore tho outdoor blooming cannon in an short Not only in It lninroailug hut brings now Iitr into tho rooms and moors many a pasanrhy. Tho aulhor has made a "tolorttr lllldy of house ilowom until in"! tho amateur all about propaxa- l tion. mil potting. waivrlng. and (on ( oral ran Rho lolla all about the gera- nium and hoxoniaa, which porhapa nro tho moat common. and [on on with othor hardy planis and many raro variant-g which rmuiro moral on", Truly delightful hook to uni homo lovor who in union to follow I m “Hamlin. um”. I literary Notes "Gee. Mary, you're n brick. I thought youd give me the very do vii." He slipped Ins arm ground ha. “I promise to be a good boy from now on. Good night, Sia.", After he had gone, nary locks! her door, Indra-led. and tumbled Into bed. Somehow. though" at Jarred failed to keep her unto. The way the kids had come through made her feel brave and Enlrn. Jerry's mtatdMeeteer an been re- alored. He rose. The man morning, when the cum down. she found Jerry, Ann and Aunt Nettie waning broaden: for her, Jerry was shy after the scene the night before. But Aunt Nettie was very stern. Over the grapefruit, the opened up. nun tam-g “out I new“... in an. Got. In. I teat It- an awful tool." _ "Young man." Aunt Nettie lov- eled here grapefruit spoon at him. "You are but a baby and know noth- INK." "Well. nub. you'll be who: non tune," In, and Indy. "Bttt don't worry. " nu Mably work out Mi right. “a girl b you” 1"! MI. in; you. But when you no buck to college. you'd honor click to your undkn, And now, like to bod." "You would Luke sharp manure: with Jarrod tor the dilutes!!! way he acted after the wedding," Ibo dd aptly. "What would you was“. Auntie --a paddling or the maur for a day?" - _ A Jerry grinned. His bent foe mu- ehiast bubbled to the aura-co. Jerry was properly ewelched. and Ann giggled. Aunt Nettle was much displeased. "You chlldren are badly spam-d." she said. hut the discussion or discipline tor Jarred was dropped. "Do i have to pack " to “001 again right way?" Ann asked. alter byeakfarst. "01' ammo, dear," said Mary. "But ynu'll soon be hack gm: no." For once, Ann did not argue a point. She did not want to worry Mary, and she did want to tou the Inn‘s about “no adventures she had had. Mary walked into the library. Carmle was seated at her typewriter, but she was not working. She looked as though we had been up most ot tho night. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Mader on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. N. Mader of Brennan. Mrs Arthur Lithgow of Thedtord, Mr. James ILehlanc and Mr. Earl Mn- der ot Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. I. Schindoi ot Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. l. Sohiedel of Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schiedel on Sunday. _ _f Mr. Is/rd Pomeroy and Miss MII- dred Rickem spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Mader. - Mr. Russel Tteitthart of Waterloo was a weok-end guest of Mr. Willard Brolunan. ”$163th Mm. Dave Miller and tarnlly of Baden Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Burkholder. Mr. anders. Aaron Muller spent Sunday with_Mrs. H: Peer. Wai RitfHorne ot sum: Station Sundayed with her sister, Mrs. In) bert Simone and Mr. Simona. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Brubadler and Messrs. Addison and Alvis Bru- hachor ot Kitchener Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. Allen 'Brtthtyclter. Messrs. Earl Mader and James Leblam of Hatni1tonppent the week- end at the home of the farmer's par- onta, Mr. and Mrs. M. Mader. “rubavid kia, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Hecr on Sunday. A SOUTH-WEST WILMOT By Irouuln the torpld, alu h liver to numb union. wading?“ the cause of eometipation and chronic indigestion. You can depend on this tinte-proven treatment, [Id-0!. In": PHI: CONSTIPA'I‘ION (To be Continued) BRESLAU Tony Nadrotski of Preston was a visitor at the home of Mr, and Mrs. A. Wolfe. I Mr. and Mrs. W. Guillette spent (Saturday with relatives in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Drager were visitors in out on Thai-gay. _.t.tt.eertst.qtre_tttyrtyr i'tt'tt1'2tt:'J'ar',t2rt,t :tlmuuwu when”. “Mutatiovd- antitank-blanks. Mushy Jon-I hunt-nod to "rho-tae-dt-o-ds" ammum.mlml.w¢ “all“. “MM-punts. human-hum. in“ WMWu-mm oomasttmoatthottt-e0er.-d In. Tony mum ot Pet. A Mr. Sin We: has lulu-nod to in. home an“ Win; I in any! with rehllvu In lunch." and - Mr. Charles Render and Mr. itch- ard Nua- won vuuon tn (in on “lanky, In. L Welland and children Phat. " and Ruth m mill-z u, tho non. of Mr. and In. wound Jones. _ Proton open: may at the bone ot Mr. uni Mu. not! Bomber. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart and Inn ot Preston have moved their tto-told also" to the property recently occn. pied by Mr. and Mn. Clem Ohlbo‘llet. Mr. nad In. mount Nath ot B'air [unmoved their Mold ot- tecu to the property recently occu~ pied by Mr. and Mm. C. Borne. r,ete.uriiF5iertpaPefr,3,1i,t1ttf -uiiiiiiiiii 55-1-7 "siitraiiiiiexiioeaattuvetu" atttott-ptMr.andMm.Fd Vita: in}. Gr at turnip. have been shipped trom Doon the early our! on thin week. - _ --- "iirrgdiG, Heals In. had hi. pro- perty wired tor electricity and Is now enjoying the reun_lu._ Mr. wmiaan :Keliey. who spent the past month in Northern mm was visiting at the home ot Mr. uni Mrs. John Woelne on Sunday. -. u;.'vii;don s. Latch of Kitchener, relief ottteer for this district. mu visiting P, the _tillaarey o? MOM. viii}. iiGidi Woods ot bright was a visitor In the whim} gn__Monday. The Young People's League at the United Church held their meeting on Sunday evening with Miss Loam Goddard la the chair. Tho-e taking -sU.ituriimin, a can spent su- urday at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith. A .. part were William Wolfe. Kay Jones. Mary Weaver. Miss Audrey Toet conducted the womhlp service and Miss Dorothy Toe-t gave the topic. Mr. Stanley Klnzle 3116 a. talk on the "Book ot Matthew". The meeting was closed with the mispah benedic- tion. m the Doon Presbyterian Church. The choir sang the anthem, "He Abidea With Me". Rev. C. Herbert Won: ot can conducted the Remem- brance Day service at the Doon Unit- ed chwrch on Sunday afternoon. Com- munion service will he held at the Doon Presbyterian Church on Sun- day, Nov. 15th, at 3 p'clock. -iG. W. Patterson ot Preston con- ducted a Remembrgnoe pay IPrvitt .iiri,iii . Giir%k"verms Goddard and Kathleen Jones were visitors in Preston on Saturday. mum, a.. - -.. -'---'-""'V' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herbs! and m mily and Mr. and Mrs. Veron Glut; of Waterloo were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Voiain. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jones and daughters Isobel and Yvonne were visitors In Kitchener on Sauna”. Mr. Charles Reader and Mrs. N. Quelch spent Monday at the home home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Potrutt of Hamilton. Sh; "DTriiiiria" a; blislness 'vIsl- tor in Centreville on Tuegdqsf. Robert Marshall of London spent a few days at the home of his par- ents. Mr. and Mrs. William Marshall. Miss Kahtleen Jones is spending a few days at the home of her sister. Mrs. L. Welland and Mr. Welland. Mr. and Mrs. Clem Ohiheiaer moved their household elects on Monday to Kitchener where they will reside. Mr. and Mrs. Bert McGarvey enter- tained a tow relatives and friends to a Haiiowe'en Party in honor ot their nee daughter. Lorraine" birthday, on Saturday evening. The evening was enjoyed with card games. Dain- ty refreshments were served at the close It the party. ‘._4' -..u- T.ea0...rs., A. much man A -iii..-EGire 'Jachon of Blair was a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Bryce on hiomur., -...- . A Hallowe'en party by the teach- are and pupils was held at the Doon Public school on Friday afternoon with the school decorated tor the occasion. The afternoon was spent In ‘Hallowe'en games. Candy and re. freshments were served at the close and a good time was had by all. -. iii,'iGtTirialskot Kitchener was visiting In tho village fm “93mm”. 'Bortt---To Mr. and Mrs. Tony Na- drntskl ot Preston, Oct. Mth, a son. Mrs. Nadrotskl was betore her mar- riage Miss Ella Wolfe of Doon. Mrs. Fred Hobbs was a visitor in Haysville on Monday. Tho children ot tho village com ducted their annual lHallowo‘en [minke on Saturday evening, but no damage was reported. 1hey were all out in various types of colorful coe- tumos and dbsgulses. Activities were coMned mostly to demands Mr can. dy which seemed to he forthcoming from every home. The Young People's League of the United Church held their meeting on Sunday evening. Min Eunice Toot ran! the scripture and Misc Audrey Teet gnve the topic. The meeting wag closed with the benediction. Tod 'wmrn of English Sank-mom spun! tho u-ookond " tho home of Mn paronIN. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wolfe, Tho Young People's Society of the Pruhwerlan Church are holding a manner and a good progr'am on Thursday, Nov, 12. Tickets are now on sale, if; Sounder and non any a In the absence ot Rev. Waltor Pat- terson the service in the Boon Prol- byterian Church wu conducted by Rev. G. C. Little of Alli-ton. Miss Little sang a aolo. "In the Garden". Rev. C. Herbal-t Waltz of out com ducted a communion service " the Doon United Church on Sunday " wmoon. Mr. and Mm, Melton! Snyder and son Ronald of Waterloo spent Sun- day u lhp homo of Mr. and Mrs. Dd. 'uotthopf. On Friday owning Novemhor (tth. in the Doon l'niiod Chureh the: dra. mailc rluh of Linmln Ave. United Church. Gnli, will present a three- net comedy drum, "Up the Hill to Pauli-o". Thin play Mt- An ub- aorbing “on with plenty of Action ', his: Mary Spencer of town and ,Mr. Jonathan Martin of Kitchener, [formerly I resident of St. Jacobs for mnny yous, are Kitcrener Hos- pity) patients, yttioutly. i la, . 1E0dr0iii"tGUiEt" ruidei ii bolt and and uh: - in. '4NT"llu. tgqugidtnnd tlh21iltiistitliti1titid: and ".BbrurdtiidtendMr. unmask-Henna”. ' Mr.gouW_tt-htudnrtth "'ttNu',t'atredTWi ' th-tim, P009103 n'?tiC2','lFiiidiiiiiiiiti,1's. aha-goo Monoc- Juk Gnmqrwaaettnirman',Rahth 'htysrte4ttoBerfrturgt-; P. E. Walker conduchd do tasti- Inonhl period; J. G. Hunt an I tale on huh-e0 Day and Rent P._udtrttheeto.irtq it. Ind In. Albert Luna of Contains. Mr. and In. Olen Lats And non Rodney, and Mr. and Hrs. Claude “Mal-ch and funny of “who”: wore Band” - of Mr. Old In. Gordon 11ml}. i2eiiingLieh2rtseiS5titdthh' a. [in Dorothy Keltat me, and lb 'dayyrta_Bord spent the week-end in Wilton: - In. David Era-t of that. viait, ed_i_n the _viy_n¢e 1et.rtey.Wr. _ Mr. and Mrs. Noah Sink: and daughter Salim. of neu- Flmdde, Mr. and In. D. M. Down of Floradale, and Mr. and In. Her- bert Wideman and son Jimmie of S. 8. No. 8, were Sand-y visitors " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Bowman. -- A - "11?th In. Ross wan spent Sand-v in. gum“; - " . _ Mr. Ind In. W. H. Schner 1nd Mr. and In. George Inlet of Kitch- ener visited with r. and In. John S. Koehler It Berlet's Corner on Sugdny. _ --_ -. --. - V Uitirgfi." {rial}; Mike Boiman on Snpsl-v- ., --.. - . . -ifrriusd Mrs. Dan W. Cream-n of F S. N923, nglwich, visited "TERM Mrs. Mike Brubacher spggt Sqnday tvyrrr.iryr in _W_at¢r!qo. Mrs. Anson Martin nnd daughter, Miss Edna, of the 4th of Peel, visited with Mrs. Levi Lichty on Molar.., - .- ".. -iirTGd Mrs. Levi Bomn of the 4th of Peel visited with Mrs. Joseph Martin on 'atpprdarAsyysnirtr. _ 1diGGiU, -AL," int; Mr. Sidney Weber of Lincuter County, Pa., gre visiting friends in the commun- Mrs. Snmuel Good is ill " her home here. The six-year-old daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Martin is seriously ill, in the K.-W. Hos- pital. Mr. Cari Wahl attended the Armistice Day service of the Fusiliers in Kochgnsr on_ 83nd”: -ifi." Gii3ihr."tiN, Eeretmer visited in Milverton onfmyur. - ity. -- Mrs. Hannah Bowman visited with Mrs. Henry Martin " Cones- togqron _S_uturd_ay. - _ . - -ifrrarsiikCiiiitii.d "Snider it non- Flondale were Sunduy visitors of Mr. md Mrs. Imc Hurst. and fun for everybody and adorning a moral. You will enjoy it. Comet Tickets are now on sale. - - MENTOR, The Man In the Turban 9.45 mm. CKCR 6.15 pm. - was Edréld (Balms spent the week- end at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Har- vey Linsey Pf IKigchener:__ -- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Welland and children Phyllis and Ruth and Gil- bert Welland ot Kitchener were visi- tors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jones. tors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. R. First-Laurent: Bast Idem Jantal, Jones. Irvin Jantzi, Mahlon Jantzi, ' Mrs. S. Dealer and daughter Etta once Falk. were visitors in Kitchener on Satur- Primer-lane Doering, John Cook. day. I S, u Doerlng, Teacher. Dotttiat---ym, confound him! no '-hedtheetr1t-trttovonrittt. honllnts' Nnm Dormr. It took you A lone limp to purl that last man‘s sited in Milverton on i',','geg; Mr. and Mrs. Henry 1trytselytr of [Ava Klubnn “I1 bttt L-.. 12.10 to... “to 9.... 8.10 p.-.. O." p... My to Frill: I.) p.-.; "Jo tlt Sunni-’3. - All ill! I." RIM-1. F _ SqrwIeq-Loave Ilnln no A... no p-.. 1.00 In. "on. Elli" I“ . KlthIo-or IMO A. LDHMAN. Mer. ELMIRA BUS SERVICE Arrow Basses To Hanover To Toronto To Guelph To London ,-8 trips duly - via Strutford - 11.05 ..m., 8.86 p.m., 6.80 gm. Sundnys and Holidays .150 " 8.80 p.m. onrusetintt with direct motor " couch servicemto Windsor, DetroitI Chicago. To Owen Bound-ut trips dlily LL. vin Mt. Forest. Durham - 9.45 tt.m., 5.80 gm. ’ To Goderich --2 trips daily - via Mitchell, Clinton - 11.05 a.m., 6.30 pm. To Sarnla To Hamilton -.6 Gips, daily - via Guelph - x8.00 I.m., 9.46 n.m., 11.30 u.m., 8.20 3:12., 6.80 PP" p.80 Hotels - T ravel - Resorts iii p.-.. w y... In M. "ttr no a-.. "tt u... I.” m... LID p-.. 433 pam., 1.00 p...) ttb." p... Schn- fe, balmy. All nigh“ buqro Write, phone or eail for ulna-In. "In. dc. Prod Wuuon. In Kill. Street Eat. Kitchen-r - Phone 3019 a-r-r---..'.-.-. 1.rs, 1~ “PM. .--.--. Leave from Kitchener depot - opposite' City Hall. CENTRAL ONTARIO TRAILWAYS TORONTO --1 Airs daily Irvs Palmerston, Walkerton - --'l trips daily. --1 trip daily - via Parkhill f LL35, mm. .6 trips daily via Guelph, Georgetown, Bramp- ton. - x6.00 a.m., 8.00 n.m., 11.80 n.m.. 3.20 p.m., 5.30 p.m., 7.45 p.m. at - Daily except Sundays. 5.30'p.m. - (9.45 mm. Summing1 10.10 -.--. ""' Miss Lueipo Em and Mr. Lloyd ited Elm. visited Sunday with Miss Anna neg. Stein at Taviatock. Mr. and Mos. Clayton Sewer and and daughter Jean visited Sunday 1th.): ner, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Que)“ at Wel- gobs lesley. answer Monaco and Ian W and Mr. and Mrs. Jack 1101me of Knoll- euor were Sunday Vanda with ae. and Mrs. Theodore Doom. . my 7' iitihoirikti-. son Wilfred an! dnughterr Hilda 'spent Sunday with friend! at Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. David Baylor and daughter Mu Viola Savior of Men visited Sunday with Mrs. Annie Ber ler. Mtsettoaramoarit_raiUtimr. abandon“! "qt-stu-t octetlvumhbtovulvhb- out-cue. [ruin-uh about 'ii"ttttaL"settQttaPc,dEt than. month In!“ t f = ur,butrurtonandstne. n1 tt-tseeasitt"and-era..dthq can. lyhndamdlout " m,_b_utthoygnn_l_-mwnnl “that .u a "u, "The! I _ neg lot_15 19.193919“ [M 83:13:13 irriikfG ' F, iG.?i-roEiir(h.L Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cooley and family of Shakespeare were Sunday meats with Mr. and Mn. Austin Doering. Mr. and Mrs. “Tired Wettlsufer ot Tavsitock spent one day Mat week with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Seller. her. Stanley Rom of “then is spending a few days with Mr. Elmer Hohl. _ - 'ti2e,',ttlN'tefAlgP.; [a than. month In!“ t f = unbutlkopt ennui-he. n1 tt-tseeasitt"and-era..dthq can. I, hula m :11 out " mumbutthoymd-mw-nl now. Of com I can“ not um wuwwumqul Mrs. Norman Gerth at wutorgoo spent Saturday with Mra.g. E. Deer~ ing. Mr. and Mrs. Enln Mohr aud none Ross and Alfred ot Burnside and Mr. and Mos. Amos Shoemaker and chit. dren Grace and Bruce of Kitchener were Sunday vitgitort, with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Molar. Mr. and MM. J. E. Doerlng “tend- ed the funeral ot the late Mn. Chris- tina Manner at Stratford on Mar- dny. _ A ani/ Joseph Kaufman of Burnside spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. George P. Schmidt. _ _ Mr. and Mrs. (Earl Katharine! and sons Gerald and Owen of Bridgeport were Sunday VIII-tors with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Doering. Mr, s. Howard Doering of Shake- speare visited Sunday with friends in this vicinity. School Report. "'i}.71ir;inén}y Taves 68*, Wilfred Kneiaet 65, Eileen But 64, Eileen Hammer 58. - "The thinking is the report ot as No. 18, Wilmot, for Sam and Pet: - "iGiie%sarkai with- an wen-ilk were absent tor one oranore enm- minions: Jr. IU-Ruth Jamal 72. Margaret Neeb 67. Wilson Koch 66, John Tues 6M, Vernm' Mathias Mr, Roy Cook and Earl Kraehling " equal. W's}? iV-4Lueme ‘Roeder 70%. wal. Lice Schmidt 57. _ - -iiriii-LNorma 'Hou as, Joe 1mm 57, Marie Noel) 56.6. Marie Wertord 54. "iieiGaCiiUGiii; iaiti 77, Lloyd Forler 60. _ Mr, Kl Hrs. " neonate Wm. . Mr. and Mrs. William sane: an! sl'll t'gla"tf.ffhiTt"dlrf,l, Au... 0 {may and 'nnwu uric again the SPECIAL F ARES CANADIAN NATIONAL for tho Round Trip Goimr---Nov. 17-26, inclusive Return Limit-Nov. so. Tit-hon and information from any 11ml. TORONTO ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR SINGLE FARE PH lLl [7cTITrrir? Sundgz ROUND TRIP mil}? excepi tguiuiar. Standard Time ttnd Holiduyn) To Schedule on Inna! ”Andaman”- win and um Dona all lu- Joty ot Guelph. loan. but Dru- Mer, Joe Wink and Mark Tatum at Elan. Mr. and In. Mano] la- nd nad son Donna ot mm and Mr. and In. Clarence WMr and um Arthur at Ilium were sun- day visitor: a the home ot Mr. and Mn. Oscar ml. mu Ruth We“ at ‘Weterloo ll ttoUUring u her home he" and is recovering Neely from her recent opetttion. Mn. Russel moon and Mm. Cyrus Shoemaker or 00mm" Ind In. Nancy Luby ot Kitchener were weekend who” at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sum Let-on epent Sunday with relative. In rat- Mm. Prltehard ot Elm-- ll Win; a tow days u the homo of how no then Mr. And Mrs. Chan. wtrMiaM. Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Muier and family event the week-end It Mill- grove and Bemvllle with Mr. and Mrs. Russel My and Mr. and In. Joe Sobyq respectively. A nurse number from here attend- ed the funeral ot the late Herbert Militant at Winterbourne on Satur- day afternoon. Our heartfelt lym- pathy is extended to the bereaved family. - Mil. Lynn and daughter Lida of Khohener spent Saturday mun; triendyln this community. We are sorry to remit that Mr. Peter Ziegler I. taondltted to ha. home owing to m balm. - - - -- Y.P.S. will meet " the home at Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Ricks". on - evening under the leader-hip ot Mr. Chas. Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Marriott and family spent Sunday at Mononelr at the home of Mr. and Mm. Frank Harrison. A large number ot our church mem bers attended anniverury services a: Conestogo Sunday “(moon and evening. Mrs. Vera IHorenama at Kitchener spent Saturday with friends here. Mr. Nelson Bug; ot Peterlrorottget spent the week-end with his tummy Mr. spent here. Mr. spent Mr. and Mm. Roy Schledel and family ot Breslau were visitors at the home or Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bow- man on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Woods and family spent Sunday at Williamsburg trt the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker. Mrs, were home char. Mr. Albert Vase] ot Guelph spent Sunday with his nephews, John and Joe Vase]. A man crossed a. trait1c411rled street while looking up at u: airplane over- head. Three hue- duved him so closely that his beard didn't apps" sum tor a week, tho wind from nix pausing mm raised the nap on his last year's suit, one Mer-pt-tttter at removed the shine from the hack of pu left shoe, and the drivers ot 'Bt?vtytt others of “sorted makes. while "striping their loan in an anon to avoid him, also stripped their voca- hulariea ot entry known high-power- ed adjective. After mumbling over a curboume on the further side of the road, the pedestrian wu heard to murmur, "My gracious, (hose shun do mks Huh!" Mr. EitirtmtUtut ma. mm was: A QUII‘I'. WILL d""""""". OOIVIIIIIT. IGDIII 1&0 I00. '""i.." “I?" DAV" II". m "LII. VIII A " LUXI YAXI VI” - OR BI""ttF-..Met . Edgir Lemon and children visitors at St.- Jacobs at the of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hool- Frank EArttman ot Hamilton Sunday with Mr. Jo? 231w. The Mar Gazer WEST MONTROSE Mr. Build Let-on. Toronto and Mr. ma In. aid. menu and m ot Guelph ”on! Sunday at the home ot Mr. and In. hue Leann. Mr. and Meat. Mano short ot war lcnltoln were visitors at the Weber home on Mucky. " and Mn. Hank" and dumb- ter Ethel ot Conn, upon-t Tue-day " the home of Mr. and Mm. Waits Sunday school at one tortrANe and church service at three o'clock on Sunday afternoon and will be con- tinued throughout the winter months. Mr. and Mn. H. H. Gingrich were Mrs. Margaret Hill and - o! Saskatchewan, In. Harvey M ot Elmira and son James ot Toronto. Mr. Jack way, Mr. and In. Levi Lemon and daughter Lou and“. Sunday at Orangele with In. Jan. Dick. The W.M.S. held n very mace-am thank ousting meeting at the home on Mrs. Hugh Woods. After the open- ug exercises Mrs. Whitehead Intro- duced the study book on “In all Women of tar Horizons". A number ot the ladies rtrpreaeating the (litter- em missionaries mentioned. luv. Mr. FRI-bury gave a short talk and closed the meeting with payer. Lunch was served by the hate-I: viking People't Méoung on My night at the home of Mr. and Mn. Whitehead. - "ET-.353 -.iGi." John but; ot Almi- ree visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Roads on and” tampon. - -- -iiud v%d Fi" ot Kitchener M ed With her mother. Mra. Henry Cook rt cently. _ - - ”Kiwi-{red Reuben; and can John visited at Mllverton one day last week. 7 POI-tomb. Miss Catharine {Holt} mat the weebend at the home at her cousin. Mics Father Hohi. - “1i; Stanley HoM viMted with his brother Elmer, ot Phillipsburg over the weekend. - - --- Mrs. Geo. Globe and con hank]!- kept an appointment with Dr. Ro. bertson at the Sick Cttudgxtn'. a“ pital, Toronto, on Saturday, whore Franklin's case ot infantile mini. is being looked after. Mr. John Mathias ot Phmipttburg spent the week-end at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knobs! spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Armand Lam: and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. unit! ot Phillipsburg. Mr. John Mamie: Jr., and Mr. Wat. ter Knelsel bicycled to Kitchener on Saturday vismng with than rupee- tive relatives. Dot-Theres' a man outside. daddy. A man with a moustache. Dad-TNI him I hue a Wool”. Week-end guest: at the hpm ot IS NO TO SEND EXCUSE tl, THE FOR famous PROOF BEING men ex. TO 'i) Jrugs, medi . t' otions. IC',Cd'1',', oper- 3 a gem“ Mncfndd the l 'tti 2'n'2ti'1C,'y,'dll" Ar i krrtP. profit 'C'i',Ctiii',"i"n1" 8 l A at' gunnery modernth At ' no? rumAsklbout g;'), tiii/iii/ii' f) if C we on tt 1523 is" kd " ye 55?? A It. IT LISBON ASK US TO SEND

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