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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 6 Nov 1936, p. 8

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service Directory-â€"a’ri“d"â€"“Buym CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT E. G. FRY _ CHIROPRACTOR 05:0: 44 Willi-n St. - W-urloo Phone 768v BRAY & BRAY. Burristers, Solicit- ors, eta; George Bray, K.C., G. Murray Bray, B.A., George H. Lochead, B.A.; Royal Bank Chambers, 77 King St. West. CLEMENT,HATTIN & EASTMAN, Law oitieer, Bank of Toronto Building, 19 King Street East, Kitchener, Phone 2310. M. J. HOFFMAN, D.S.C. Chiropodist - Foot Spam. Graduate of Illinois College of Chiropody Otttee Hours: 10 - 12 mm" 1 - 6 pan. Evenings 7 to tt pan. Telephone Paf - 48% King " E. 229 Liverpool, fl BROCK & WEIR, G. R. Brock and H. B. Weir, Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries; 49 King St. East,diitch- ener, Telephone 4080. WILLIAM CLARK Bttrrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Gonveytuueer Office at 10 Arthur St. Telephone 88 ELMIRA JAMES C. HAIGHT. BARRISTER. Solicitor, Notary Public. Convey- nncer, etc. Money to loan. Office Bank of Montreal Bldg., Wnterloo. DR. J. w. HAGEY. Dentin. " 110 Weber Chambers, Km. St. W., Kitchener. Phone 1756. BITZER & SMYTH, BARRISTERS, .58 King Street W EDWARD B. DOWDALL. Barrister. Solicitor. Notary, ete.; Telephone 329: C)ffice 108 King Street West, Kitchener. Ontario. J. C. HAY Barrister, Solicitor, Conveytuteer Weber Chambers KITCHriNER LEO G. LATCHr'iHU9. B.\RRISTER SIMS. MrINTUSH, SCHOFHF.LD & SIMS. Barnsh'rs. Solicitors. ete.; Medical Ark "uiltlinq. 47 King Street West. Telephone 4640. _ Kitchener. Ontario. i PROFESSIONAL cums DAUFMAN and PURCELL Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Harold L. Dlufm-n Gould M. Pure.“ Phone 1606 " King St. Ae. WATIRIDO CHOW GORDON McK. HONSBERGER. LLB. Barrister. Solicitor, Conveyttrteer, b. S. BOWLBY, KC., BARRISTER; Solicitor, Notary Public and Con- veyuncer. Ottiee 19 Queen St. N., Phone 537, Kitchener, Ont. Foot CorroetionUt And linker ol Arch Support. to the inure-Jinn ot thr toot. Medical Arts Bid . Phone 1868 - ,l'//T.,,., Dianna of Women Ind Surgery T. H. R. BROOK CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT (Trustee in Bankruptcy) Kitchener," Phone 4574. and Solicitor. Notary Public. Bank of l mnmvrcl‘ Bldg” 1 King St. East, Km-hmwr. Telephone 627, Resilenco “on Kitchener. FOOT CORRECTION IST Ion-It...“ hut-amen.“ Mo =.u"f.."12 It. - ml. "trg2LTri..d=ne1'l “than!“ at; Solicitors, Notaries. J. H. Smyth, B.A. 28 Queen St. s., Kitchener Phone 528 GEO. L. CARTLEDGE 49 King Street East Phone 4080 - Kitchen-r Phone 104 Office at 97 Frederick St. ' Kitchener Barrister, Solicitor, etc. Zen}: Hamil}; . FOOT SPECIALIST lNS'I’IUCTIMI you “Hm ADVEITW Mann-an In“ and tho “gimmick-91.0”“- Stats M M all. - adv-(WI b In. Sun how w I...“ - Wyhumynmubdm Ta; :7me3 CT- Gia. DR. A. L, Evening: Ilia, 6 -o.ctous, CHIROPRACTIC A. w. Boos, M.A._ Kitchen-r. Ont. MEDICINAL DENTAL Kitchener GUELPH LEGAL CAMPBELL Ara Bldg. Piano 1867 Ph- 3168 Kitchener " King m. E. 2t Woolwortl’l - --- Tokpbouo:__ __ __ BOUGHT - SOLD - FINANCE So. our Bundl- Int. BENTON ST. MOTOR SALES ll Bolto- St. - KITCHEN” Old Bureaus, Poster Beds, Chain I V’W'W‘” “u“ "l etc., bought ind sold. _ ' 90 Q R28 i','.""""'"; FRED BARANSKI - t. . Designer Ind Builder of High Grade KITCHEN‘R Furniture and Reproductions. Cr-TTI--...-'" " King s., Phono ATT, Waterloo Ktrep It New With-- Perm. Waves " to $10, including Zotos machineleu wave, Hnireuttintt and Mtwreellintt; finger WIVII by C. J. Boegel. Phono "th. _ M King St. B. JONES BEAUTY PARLOR Ogilvie Sisters Hair and Seth) Preparations and Treatments. " King St. W. - Phone 452. Kitchen-r SEIGEL’S GARAGE (Roar mother Bldg.) Can handle your moat perplexing motor cu problem. After one treat.- ment your at will run like new. Rate: renonable. KNKFP'S' WAu'fi PARLOR Harper Method Beauty Parlor lulu“. Park Em. For Your Cu GENERAL AUTO SUPPLY Now and Usod Pam. " Frodoveh St., Ono-it. City I“! . Phone 274 - Kiwi” Cars Wuhed. Greased and Stored. a William St. E. - Waterloo Phone 146.7 Roe. 518 AUTOMOBILE REPAIRS Of All Kink. FISHER & CLEMER GARAGE 8 Kroger St. S. - Kitchener (A: King St.) Welding - Radiator - Body Repairs 121 Hull's LII. - KITCHENER Phone staN . Ros. 3711 or En":an through Gbudnu Btorm Specializing in Per. Waves. F. Waves. Hair Cutting, Facials, Marcelling, Scalp Trutr ment, Manicunng Aim-luv.- Sanitation. Quality and sci-via. Now and Uni .- PARTS FOR YOUR CAR WATERLOO AUTO PARIS 134 King St. S. - Phone mu Wain-loo Phone 2898 - 129 King W. Careful Couture: udd a great. dull to smart appear-nee. Let us do your hmrdressmg, personal- ized to your indwldunl type. Opp. Lyric Theatre - Kitchener iri,irarii.ski," iiod. is.stf, inim' ringer Wave or "mail. MV Stumpy". "e. Va” fie-nifm- inseam. in; 262 King E., Kitchen-r, Phone Ill Waller “In-95m". Prop. Prrmnnrnt Wavn (Nappy; qryye. Eon-I. Connor for ceiardg Fiidiia. Jee Zinger Jerry Geiger GENERAL AUTO REPAIRING " Cedar St. N. - Phone 3450 Auto Accessories LYRIC BEAUTY PARLOR M. a E. Litt ___ L HUMMEL I... Nun. PM“ “0 t King M ttart . KM... dl', xiii iii. M" " " King Strep! We, Kitchgnar J. W. Heinrich, Prop. Repairs on All W of Can. Auto‘% Repairs Phone 387AfttSyyri1ttrettt, tr, our nod-r- nlzclrolylll no!“ I no noln and - No "ed to, be Run. 772' Zinger & Geiger iiaiua- EUR; Utr" in»... Can-Multan (no ALEXANDER GARAGE Beauty Culture ANTIQUE FURNITURE Antique; SUPERFLUOUS HAIR Permanently Removed. WE BUY USED CARS WALTERS BEAUTY PARLOR HAROLD I. {LUNG PERSONAL BUSINESS Used Cars Kitchen"- Kitchener Plum. 211 - thrloo Nyal Products for drug and toilet articles. SCIENTIFIC thrqdtr& m- Hodtll W I..." Inc-bu. - W“ “hug '.-..M-,hh..-.N.r_. $8.50 and my A-u.. Part: arsd 'ta-trt" Geo. C. Kruger Bicycle Shop " John St. R. . Wat-loo Out of the lush nut am Use our COUGH MIXTURE, only 26 Cents; Bore throat, sore chest and cold in head, use PINEMINT, only 50 Cents. At Geiger's Drug Store, 408 King St. Eat, Kitchener, Ont., Phone 671. nub-mun..-” tuna-Hag . M010 C.C.M. BICYCLE AGENT Lawn Mowers Sharpened. " than! St. - PM... 1000' mute-or HERBAL VAPOR BA!!! Pearl Laundry Co. CJeaners and Dyers Rug Shampooers Phone 3738 .- Kitchener Add more books to your home libnry ltr hpving your _fav_oritc Prices reuomble. Goods culled for and delivered. BOOKBINDER " Queen St. K. - Phon- 2m Kitchener f.Dyemg tsf ' Cleaning l mnirazihe helm?! 'mto books. hauling Club Ban, Sultana... BIN... Hymn _ Pniorlwoh " 'A Mother's Care to all You Fear" LEARN’S DRUG STORE BOOKBINDING DEL’S REPAIR SHOP New and Used Bicycle "I'MDIIIDW F?) Druggist-g‘! -. C. Lehmann THE SKIPPER HAS MADE THIS SAME CRACK AT THIS SAME POINT Kai EVERY DAY FOR THE LAST aux MONTHS a B U R T o L CLEANING BICYCLES Rghlnding Jreohae I. It“, ”was. but Cold D.P.A. M 6689. toordinc" Titocuiv"TVrT MikTiAU Thtt Mus-n: No.0 and HAM, for “in! Wounds. Phone 4 I 00 r " CN. I FOR SALE T l 1927 Buick aedan Sex-ill No. 1414834. For repairs and storage. Ah limiter, Petersburg. 47-dg Wiring - Alta-don - Ranch- 30 Chestnut St. - Phone 20011? Kitchener DYE” 'R,, CLEANERS LADIB' a Glmre CLOTHING Expért Repairs. Waterloo Sewing Machine Shop " King s., Wuorloo Phone Ttrt New? what ought B to do, knowing all the time that he has A's ball In his pocket? Four yum-- no we “and tttU and" At an. vary nth-cu" prico. and so III, poosrle jay} gallon “unm- _ot_ it thy 1.. have “It!“ to wry on " this ”at! price. We have also In additional an“. ol'vuuun cleaning hot " - with ovary rebuild tob. Pin-Mn. and Haul; Phone "" - I... 81031 323 Kill " W. - Kim. Oat. Singer, Tailor Machine ...... £24.50 Raymond,_l_)rop Wad "Y'""" 17.60 After a minute or two A nil: got my ball." Surely A leall A and In were having a round ot golf, and were both searching for Ah ball. which was last in the rough. FOR SALE . ELECTRIC MOTORS K h.p. to 6 ho., $10.00 md Dobbin Gauge, Kitchener. FOR SALE Cider, apple butter. Dnendle’h Cider Mill, Heidelberg. We "Wi DYIING AND CLEANING SUTHWLAND . SCHUL'IZ Clue Diebold, Prop. 200 King Ire. - M 1410 CLARE’S FLOWER SHOP USE CHRONICLE WANT ADS. TO BY OR SELL. smoky Furnaces! REBUlLT COMPLETELY Arai.turur-e"." Flower: uiiirAiud .nrrher.e. Agent. for PEAS]! Furnaces. E. P. KlESWE'l'l‘ER Electrical G o o d a Sewing Machine Bargains Florin: ELECTRIC MOTORS Int-au- ulv- OI mun. ALL wok: cuwmn Kilellonor Wm. Habich FURNACES New and up. LUXURY UMING (I). I'm“ - M “Natalie-w Pt-tit-dB-ts Insurance Agencies KITCHEN“ - ONT. Agent-z Great-Welt Life Ame. Co. Fire - Automobile - Accident And nit Candi, lines. Dominion Lt. Anita-u Connny Heed ”to: Wind”. Ont. haul-Id I“. ASSETS OVER 31,500.01” Conn-on! Doped! - 8100.000. limo” in")!!! FF?“- . - ".59“... -g.irriaiiu - - - Soc-707w g. $.30”! - Sun. “Am Furniture Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company c. A. BOENM INSURANCE AGENCIES “IITED Due-ice Ago-b Foot'.' Kltduet Sult- Stables Con-nu, Auctio- Bale " an. " 9mm. “wank. lWd'ST, or what. Inn you. - Sell your surplus for cub. F. J. I... I” . It... 1114- Spocial mica made possible by low business costs. _ KITCHEN“ PAINT & WALLPAPER co. T It" Kin; Fast . Kinks-or - Phone 706 Has It Ever Occurred to You? rzHuNBAcil MATTRESS Not no" in “or“. My All Clan-lilo“. 300 osoon St. S. . Kitchen" Ph. Stbq - Rea. Ph. Wat. 855v. (Manufactured In Klttlnllr) For the Kitchen Stove or Hester Superior Oil Bun-non and Hence Stoker for the Furnace. SUPERIOR BURNER CO. "on 4310 - - Ros. 435’ " 30-00- St. . KITCHENER Spacinl Reprountative "simpson's" 285 King E... .- Phone 3124 HANDS Fully tpmranteed. Small designs, nearly new. Thoroughly gone over and tuned. Mode moth-proof. Beautiful tiniah. Luge stock to choose from. From $79.00 up. CARL HEINTZMAN In Sal-robot: Ltd. - KITCHENS]! Phone 194 AUTOMATIC WATER PRESSURE PUMP, ___ -- For cuGArad WMU Have running water in your house, and glen” of rater for your mule. lnsul In Anton-tic Pressure Pump on your {arm or summer home. KITCHENER BRASS FOUNDRY '" 'thw St. E., Kitchener - on " - " Pumps. " "one St., Waterloo. Phone MN Repairs on All Makes of Furnnces. tnatal . NEW GILSON FURNACE Keep Comfortable This Winter. LOW PRICES - EASY TERMS H188 ANNA R. BEAN Teacher of Piano, Singing Ind Theory. Private and Clan Instruction. Studio“ " Roy St., Halo-or. ' Phone ttOM. MARVEL on, BURNERS That you wPrP young ynnmelf anon? That other, have a right to [hair own opinions? That what you do and my holim to shape other liven? That homo In whore you ought to ha at your best, not your wont? TMt you might live I little more army " you tried? That you can begin nun? That you mum may!!! har. Htts " ever occurred to yon--- That poss'l‘bly you are not per- foot? That olhr-r people may ttnd It difticttlt to got on with you? -- Livestock Fdr Sale NEW SUKWORTKY muggy-:3; " King 5. Radios Repaired MUSICAL thifiii1 RADIOS Plumbing Heating OIL BURNERS #or- Elie": particulars see EXPERT Radio Rewiring A. STRASSBURGER Anvhere ---_ Anytime. Al work ttuttrttnteed. MATTRESS J. W. SAUNDERS Tubes testéd free. E. K. HEARTH PIANOS ALL MAKES WATERLoo Kitchener Buy a You; Cattle Phone "t The h. M. Wilson G. " Ontario Shoot s. . “on. no KITCHENBI Whiter BUYING or SELLING I Ph.....16;.__.: . is if“, tLg- St. KITCHENBR REAL ESTATE - INSURANCE - LOANS “Washington lbnvolnpment ot I radio upowrnmx whhh reproduces “Hum wmtthnr rnportn in airplane rnrkmm. " nnnouncod by Sarreury nr r'nmmnrm Roper. A Mule broad. mmng mum“ can operate (In unto ttttttlc iypowrm-ra Mmnlttttteottet In . score of Ilr “no". Roper “Id. LII'. ing the new device " a "(rm my forward in the an of communion- "on." FARMS AND CITY. PROPERTY For Sula ard In“... ED. HOUSES. SHOE STORE and REPAIR - King St. S. - Phone “I WATERLOO ONT. RADIO TYPEWRITER FOR WEATHER REPORTS The Swiss Jeweller IRWIN'S CREDIT JEWELLERS 259 King St. W. - ”(than Pay More for Your Old Gold and Do Export Watch, Clock and Mol- Iory Rap-[ring " modern. _ Does en expert repair job on any kind of wetohu. clocks end Jewellery. Also a comgleto line of Watches, locks. etc. " Benton Street - Kitchener tore. Weber Food Store) DOES YOUR WATCH STOP? Duplicating and Adding Inching Fjling page}. D_esk31_szeg_ 905. We buy old and new stamps or collections. We send out tina selec- tions on approval to collectors. Call or drop n__line. Soiberlin' Tire Depot 207 King St. E. - Kitchener Now and Uued Tina, Rollie”. All tin. in stock. We Fix Flats - Vulcanizing Jhtiirio Ottiie OutdttAs Ltd. " Queen St. S. - Phono .7. Kitchener Goodrich Silvertown Stores King and Water Sta. TV, W;';'";-k"', u-uro you who. All Sunni». Mgr. Hessenaur & Shut: Repairing - Union Sump Co. " Queen St. s., Khulna-r, Ont. Watches The [learn Roofing Co. It It's Annual In MI. "w. Do It" E. L. Hearn, Mnnagir 305 King St. W. - Kink-or Phonon I775. Roe. as; Clocks Typewritert Limited Phony 985 - '" Kb. W. KITCHENEI ESTATE Al " King " W. . K_err-- Farms For Sale Listing. Invited. SHOE ( Local Tire Shop Used Tires $1.00 Up New and Used TYPEWRITERS SUPPLIES and REPAIRS Pic HOLTZE BENDERS In Businon Ova: " Years. HIV. it repaired by STAMPS WANTED ROOFING WANTED NOTICE! Credit Jewell-n KITCHENER

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