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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 6 Nov 1936, p. 7

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Moto-Thuuah-vutbd.rwuoam,dtude.roao.t. We aahrooohudtrBEoMTtME. "lo/eta-rat 18.5““... Home - Belgian team (Itnw- 400 bun. one; 800 hm. mixed min; berry roan) rising 3 you-o old. " bus. wheat; " bus. barter; " weight about 31001be., well match- ft. of emilnze; l bru- mounted ed and wellbroken; light bay gelding team lumen, nearly new; 2 set: g years old, e ilne delivery or mail plow lumen; new nieku-pintod route horse; dark bay general pur- single lumen; heavy mingle steel pose mare " years old, bred. home; delivery bru- mounted har- Catt1---26 head government test. “0.; counts, ete. - on“ - “MIDI-IUII Dunc Valuable 158 Acre Farm, Entire Farm - o: - _ Stock, including the Fine Herd of 123 Acre Farm, Elm Stock, Inplements, Pure Bred and High Grade Jersey . Hay, Grim, Roots, etc. Cattle, Implements, Feed and I. m to wind JrtirL"i"iriTi""i'i=- ..,. a... .u. be Household Effects. ttld Ir. "WE "ftttofptr"er. I mil, e", "! '"e 1"pe'o, Catt1---26 head government test. ed pure bred-Jerseys; 9 registered cows, some bred, and others fresh. (For further information write for catalogue). 3 pure bred cows but not eligible for registration, 2 are bred and one is due on dey of sale. I registered Jersey bull, 2 yesrs old; 2 registered Jersey heifers, bred in May; 6 pure-bred Jersey heifers not eligible, 3 bred in Key and 8 open; 1 registered yearly Jersey heifer; 2 pure-bred yearling heifers, not eligible; 2 small registered Jersey heifers. Pigs and Poultry - 1 registered? Yorkshire sow, bred; 1 reg. York-) shire sow with litter; 10 shoots; 5 pigs 2 months old; 60 Rock pallets; 65 Minorcu yearling hens; 1 good (healer) female dog with pups. "iwu-u---Mnaaey-Harris 6 ft. binder in good order; new Frost & Wood 5 ft. mower; 10 ft. steel dump rake; good Frost & Wood hay loader; 2 drum steel roller; Massey- Harris shoe drill with grass seeder; 2 section spring-tooth drag harrow; new Cockshutt 2-furrow plow com- plete with rolling colter; Massey- Harris 2-row corn cultivator; 4-sec. steel borrow; 2 'uname 1 new; No. 21 Pleury single plow; potato plow; root pulper; ttat reek with one-man loader; stock. pig and wood racks; stone boat; fanning mill; set bob sleighs; light sleigh; Portland cutter; Wagon and box; good rubber the open buggy; democrat; rubber tire peddling rig; new hay fork, rope and pulleys; large water tank; wheelbarrow; doublertees; neck- yokes; chains; forks; shovels; tools, 3nd many other useful articles too numerous for detail. Har, Grain, Ell-“age and Human --About 16 tons of good mixed hay; Valuable 70 here Farm with good Buildings, Entire Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and Household Effects. There will be sold by public auction on the farm of the Late Edmond Klein, situated 1 mile north of New Germany and 3 miles southwest of Aries, on _ Note - The sale "arts at 12.30 pm. sharp. Please be on timo.-- Tho clay- lre short and the okeHng is large. V The following: Household EFru--New DeLaval Homer-Black team (matched) 4 (Junior) 400 lbs. capacity cream and tr years old, weigh about 2800 separator; kitchen range, nearly lbs.; bay more (lady’s driver) 12 new; cook stove; box stove; 2 bed- years old and supposed to be in room suites; good kitchen cabinet; foal; bay colt 5 months old. kitchen table Ind chairs; rockers; 'mrumersu---Massrey-Httrris 6 ft. binder in good order; Deering 5 ft. mower; steel dump rake; Maxwell hay loader; 2 drum steel roller; Maturey-Httrris lO-hoe seed drill; Massey-Harris 13 spring-tooth culti- vator and seeder combined; new Fleury single plow; 2-furrow plow; 4-sec. iron harrow; turnip seeder; seuMer; fanning mill; 600 lb. beam scales; new wheelbarrow; new stone boat; 1 good farm wagon; good rub- ber tire top buggy; steel tire open buggy; democrat; itat hay rack; stock and pig racks; set bob sleighs; Portland cutter; cider press; grind- stone; gravel planks; roll barb wire; hay fork, rope and pulleys; bag truck; grain bags; new shingles;; root pulp‘gr; 52 cedar fence posts; cedar pore ; steel oil tank; new beet fork; pig hangers; doubletrees; neckyokes; chains; forks; hoes; shovels; tools; ladders. and many other useful articles too numerous for detail. Also 2 new of tum harness; single lumen; collars; woollen blankets; Imitation robe, etc. Hay. Grain and Roots-About 13 tons of good Duly; 400 bus. mu; 116 bun. mixed train; 300 bus. of turnips; some potatoes. WILLIAM ZETTLE and MRS. EDMOND (Margaret) KLEIN Executor: for the Estate. W. W. F'RICKEY, Auctioneer. Phone Waterloo Mmr. o. 3. K013. M M-t For the mm. of the nu A... In». mum mm 2 mites Tuesday, November 17th, 1936 II of Watorloo, on Will. road, just out”. the can limits. on ' m-_l__-__l-__ Wr_______E -_-- In Inn! At "." ouu" A”, Auction Sale 'I’ P. S. MUSSEIMAN, R. R. 2, West Montrose, A. B. MARTIN, Conestogo P.0. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, Phone 592w, Waterloo. Auction Sale Wednesday, November 18, 1936 Thursday, November 12, 1936 Household Bloch - Peninsular cook stove; 2 Jewel, box stoves; furnace kettle; DeIAval cream separator with power attachment; churn; butter worker; baking trough; kitchen cupboard; sink; extension table; 8 kitchen chairs; rockers; sideboard; writing desk with book case; leaf table; dresser; 3 beds; 2 springs; child's bed; baby buggy; cradle; bench; two 8-gal. cream cans; can; pails; crocks; empty sealers; 2 hanging lamps; carpets; " gals. good cider vinegar; lard can; wood box; benches; also colony house 8 x 12 ft., and many other articles not listed. Real Esuto--The farm consists of 158 acres, more or less, with 55 acres of second growth mixed bush, the balance clear and workable land in high Mate of cultivation, well fenced. 11 acres of Isl wheat, M acres grass, balance fall plowed ready for spring crop. Large bank barn, cement stabling, water on tap in stables, pig stable, cement silo, driving shed, new poultry house for 200 hens. New dairy house, large frame house, hard and soft water, hydro available. There is also a flowing spring on the farm. The buildings are in good state of repair. If you are looking for 1 form close to two good markets, then don't miss this one. This valuable farm is only offer- ed for sale owing to the unfortunate death of Mr. Martin, by accident, on Sept. 15th. Term. of Sale - Cash. Terms of Raul E.uto-Terms of farm will be made known on day of sale, or can be tsseertained by apply- ing to the undersigned ndminis- tratorm Household EFru--New DeLIVal' (Junior) 400 lbs. capacity cream separator; kitchen range, nearly new; cook stove; box stove; 2 bed- room suites; good kitchen cabinet; kitchen table and chairs; rockers; wardrobe; clothes chests; hand- power washing machine and wring- er; hedge trimmer; Daisy churn; cider barrels; sauerkraut barrel; ‘lard press; meat grinder; 2 iron PN?'" 6 cords of short cut mixed wood; milk pails and cans; all kitchen and cooking utensils; cracks; dishes; knives and forks; spoons, and many other articles. The Farm-Mt the same time and place there will also be offered for sale the farm of 70 acres. more or loss; 10 acres of bush with a never failing spring, balance all clear and workable land in high state of cultivation; fall plowing done, ready for spring crop; drilled' well with plenty of good water: brick house, kitchen and woodshed attached; bank barn. cement stabling. straw shed, pig stable underneath; driving shed and other necessary outbuild- ings, all in good repair. Owing to the death of Mr. Klein and in order to wind up the estate, the Exeeutorq are offering this farm for ule by auction. If you no looking for . nice farm on a main mud to highway, 1 mile to school, :church. and I" other village con- veniences. then don't miss this opportunity. _ Turn: on Farm---) Clsh on day of sale, and the [ml-nee within 30 days thereafter when possession will be given. Term. of Sal. ---- Cash on dly of sale. - Hay uni Grain-About 25 tons of consists good mixed hay; nbout 200 bus. with 55 wheat; about 150 bus. barley; about ed bush, 1000 bus. Improved American oats, yorkgble all flt for seed. 48-2 append to be in foal, shout 1509 Ill. I choice brood mu; brown gelding 9 you: old, thou! 1600 Iba.; brown mare rising 8 year: old, (a beauty), well broken; black Per. cheron iillr rising 2 yearn; brown colt gelding rising 2 years; spring beauty), well broken cheron iillr rising 2 colt gelding thing 2 colt. tlily; used mare, Cows-Two Durham gnde cows fresh by time of sale or s little before sale; Holstein grade cow due Nov. 24; Holstein gnde cow due Jan. 1st; Holstein grade cow due Dec. M; black Polled Angus due by time of sale; red Ind white cow due Feb. 10; Durham heifer due April 29. (The above are on A-t lot of dairy cows, in good condition end young). 2 steers two yenrs old; 8 spring colves. Ho---' sow, nbout 600 lbs.; 24 nice chunks' Ibout " lbs., in clean thrifty condition; 2 good brood York sows supposed to be in pttr. 1 is miles north of Gunlph-Ihcluur hkhwuy. in Waterloo Tarn-hip, on Roots-About 500 bus. good tur- nips; about 40 bugs Non" potatoes. Poatrr--About 60 Barred Rocks. H--one set of double team harness, nearly new; one set plough harness; one set single harness; a number of odd collars; good set of blankets. About 8 cords of stove wood, and a quantity of rails. Hay fork, rope and pulleys. Inplonouu - W-H. corn binder, nearly new; M.-H. 6-ft. grain bind- er; M.-H. tMt. mower; M.-H. hay loader and side delivery; fertilizer seed drill, nearly new; ll-hoe M.-H. seed drill, good us new; Frost & Wood hay rake; Cockshutt manure Farm Stock, Implements, Feed and Household Effects. There will be sold by public auction at the premises, one mile east of Baden, 2 miles west of Petersburg, on Highway No. 7 and 8, on F Commencing " 12.31 Horses-Dark bay team of geld- ings 6 and 6 years old, weighing 3100 lbs.; light bay team, more and gelding, weighing 2800 lbs.; mare supposed to be in fool; I filly 6 months old. The above are extra good farm horses. Hoe-l Yorkshire sow supposed to be in pig; 10 shouts 2 months old. "srrtementr--John Deere tractor. new, 10-20, with extra rubber tired wheels with tractor weights; Fleury 2-furrow plow; set 3-section spring tooth lever drag cultivator, new; Fleury double tractor disc, 16-diae; Case threshing machine, equipped with self-feeder, straw and chat! blowers and grain elevator, equipped for threshing grass seed, in A-l shape; grain crusher; 100 ft. 7-inch belting; 15 ft. belting; Massey- Harris binder, T ft. eut;, Massey- Harris mower, 6 ft. eat, new; John Deere hay loader; Massey-Harris side rake; l dump rake; Frost & Wood l3-disc drill; Frost & Wood cultivator with seeder; 2-horse scumer; turnip seeder; steel roller; 2 sets 4-section harrows; New Deal manure spreader; 2 Fleury walking plows; 2 farm wagons. one with box; 2 sets sloop sleighs; 2 flnt grain racks; open buggy; Portland cutter; hog crate; bone grinder; fanning mill; bag truck; a number of grain bags; set scales; wheel- barrow; extension ladder; grind- stone; gas drum; electric horse clippers; other horse clipper; 4 sap tubs; 175 sap pails and spouts; quantity pine and basswood lumber; K---Broarn mate 8 you." old, Maura. Simon Huber and Jmck Strung were business visitors to can recently. Mr. Boh Winder ot London was A business visitor here on Ft'day. Mrs. E. " Arnold And daughter Jun at Kitchener spent a few day- at tho home of Mrs. Arnold's para-nu. Mr. and Mm, Emil Starr ma Mm. Frank O'Connor of Toronto called in the village on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Starr rumod hr-r sight Mrs John am, HoIdolbm-u on Mun any. Mr. Ed Kaufman was a blulnm visitor to Kitchener on Tuesday. Sundny new». u the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Praia. wan: Mr. and Mrs. George Donner. Mr. and In. Wilfnd boomer and all“ Auction Sale OLIVER KOLB, Clerk, MARY MAY HAROLD MAY Executors. , C. M. CRAWLEY, Auctioneer, R. R. No. 6, Guelph. Auction Sale ESTATE OF THE LATE LIDYD HUNSBERGER, Mrs. Merrill Hunstrerger, Adminhrtratrtx. M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer, Phone 30w, Tlvistock. 48-1 Tuesday, Novemhgr IO, 1936 street mare, general pur- IAMIIRG spreader; steel land roll"; Fleur: Ilngle plough; Coehhutt Jingle plough; S-furrow plough; potato lifter; two let- iron horrowe; 2 cultlvntors, one nearly new; "utbrr; hay rock; 1 men louder; 1 good lum- her wagon and shelving box; top buggy; not bob sleight; turnip pul- per; weigh lulu, 2000 IU.; eculd- ing trough; copper kettle; iron kettle; cram separator in good shape; ebout 80 rode new barbed wire; good grindstone; silo full of good ennilnge; a number of good cider barrels; doubletreee; chains; (orb, hoes, 1nd various other nr- ticles too numerous to mention. Real E.tato-At the some time and place the farm will be sold subject to s reserve bid, which will be euily within the reaeh of my person wanting I good farm. The farm consists of 128 acres. more or less, procticslly nil under culti- vation; ll scres full wheat; plough- ing done; well fenced and watered by spring sud wind-mill; young orchard. A Brat clnss stone house and bank barn, 2 driving sheds. One mile east of New Germany where there is church, school, stores Ind A quantity of household furniture including a good kitchen nnge. There will be I load of good ar- ticles in the wagon which will mm selling " 12.45 o'clock sharp. As the dnys are short, please come early. blacksmith. The Innd is any-loam, highly productive, and land that you an get on early in the spring. Tor-u of Chattot.-Cmh on day of sale. Tonn- of Farm--- 10% of pur- chnse price on any of sale, balnnce in 30 days when possession will be given. _ If any divine arises between two or more bidders, the Auetioneer's decision will be final. l o'clock pm... slurp. l and 2 in. doubletrees; neckyokes; logging chains; scythes; forks; shovels; hoes, and tt large list of other articles too numerous to men- tion. Grain - 1100 bins. good mixed grain; 500 bus. oats; 125 bus. bar- ley; quantity of alfnlfu seed. 'ur-s-ie sets double harness; 1 set single harness; number of collars; lot of extra good 10nkets and halters. Household EtGets-Atwttter Kent radio (electric); 3-piece mohair ehestertield suite; parlor rocker; round mahogany parlor table; small parlor table; couch; 2 rockers; 2 writing desks; round extension table with 6 leaves; 9 ft. extension table; 8 bedroom suites, complete; single bed and springs; 4 large mirrors; 2 Axminster rugs 7 x 9 ft.; ‘1 hall rug 6% x " ft.; 1 tapestry 10 x 12 ft.; 2 Congoleum rugs 9 x 10% ft.; stair carpet 30 ft.; quan- tity of linoleum; reed baby carriage; Hotpoint electric range with annex; 3-buruer coal oil stove; 6 dining chairs; 8 kitchen chairs; 1 large milk can; two 100-lb. milk cans; milk and cream tester; milk pails and strainer; 2 incubators (l elec- trie); lawn mower;»also a lot of bedding, dishes and kitchen utensils. The above is a good lot of furniture and rugs. Tarm- of Sale are Cash. No reserve as the farm is sold. Sale will start sharp at 12.30. De- cision of auctioneer final in case of dispute. Mo Kunt: and children ot near St. Clement. “I 1t,agre COLON Inactivity of the large bowel, or edon, lave: poisons in the system to cause serious Ind painful diseases. You can prevent Ind thoroughly Him this chronic form of comm- potion by using gt"eiriiAcJtt.tu, 48-50 - of . Valuable Farm Stock, Imple- ments, Feeds and House- hold Elects. There will be sold by public auction on the farm of the under- signed, situated 1 mile east of Josephsburg and 2 miles southwest of Erbsville, on WEDNESDAY. NOV. II. 1930 Sale at 1 [mm Hones - Bay team geldings (matched) 14 years old; hay horse 12 yents old; aged mare. Catthr--2 red cows due March 1 and 30; 2 red cows due in April; black cow due in April; 1 red cow due in April; Ayrshire cow sup- posed to be in calf; blue heifer due in June; 7 spring calves. 'mr1emenu----Massey-Harris 6 ft. binder; Deering 5 ft. mower, nearly new; new Eureka 'potato digger; MeCormiek-Deering seed drill; Frost & Wood stiff tooth cultivator; Massey-Harris spring-tooth culti- vator; 2 sets iron harrows; 2 good wagons; 2 sets good bob sleighs; Jumper cutter; top buggy; 10 ft. steel dump rake; turnip seeder; 2) flat racks; wagon box; root pulper;' fanning mill; 2000 lb. platform scales; 28 h.p. plant engine; 2 Tudhope-Anderson single plows; wheelbarrow; block and tackle; 185 feet hay rope; new hay fork; other ropes; pulleys; doubletrees; neck- yokes; forks, shovels, chains, scald- ing trough, gravel planks, some lumber, and nuhty other articles not Pin an! Poultrr---18 young pigs; 10 pullets; 12 hens; 6 roosters. _tistttisi', listed. Hay, Grain, Roots and H----. 10 tons good hay; 150 bus. of seed mixed; 400 bus. turnips; 2 sets team harness; single hurness. Household Elects -- DeLava] No.l, 12 cream separator in good order; 45 gal. kettle stove; 2 meat grind- ers; stufhT; Quebec cook stove; box stove and pipes; corner cup- board; 4 cider barrels; lamps; gaso- line lamp; dresser; washing mach- ine; Daisy churn; hanging lamp; Moderna Victrola and records; lcrocks; pails; shotgun and numerous other articles. Plan to attend this sale. No reserve, the farm is sold. Torlua - Cash on day of solo. FRED KIENAPPLE. Propriolor. W. W. FRICKEY. Auctioneer. Phone Waterloo 592w. WATERLO HUNTERS Among the party of hunters who left on Wednosdny for Trout Creek district no Messrs. Stanley Chnd- der, Wlterloa. Ind Cllude Thorne, Kitchener. They will be joined by Hurry Merner, I resident of that district. Tit? "gg) to return by Nov. tttth th t " full quota of door 1nd venison dinners will then Domenic. AUCTION SALE ED. KAUFMAN. Clark. 46-2 Look For the Sale Sign at . . . . 139 King W, Kitchener If you have not purchased your Winter Coat, here is a real opportunity. They ore of the smartest style, correct in tailorintt and nude to sell It eonsideratiir higher. They Ire the latest in colors and fabrics trimmed with the moat populnr furs of the aeuon. The original prices were as high as $35.00. Now selling " Zach' Full Sula for-. HATS - felt and Velvet All our Felt Hats are to sell " two prices during this sale, end we burgh reputation of stocking some of the smartest ts in town. Lovely velvet hats in misses’ end mutrons' styles end head sizes. Every Fall shade will be found in the collection. . COATS $7 $10 '12 $15 $20 AT TROUT CREEK . ZACK dik CO. Noah Hermon, Schneider avenue, Kitchener, passed away at St. Mary's Hospital Tuesday after a brief illness in " 80th year. A heart attack. suirered on Sunday evening, caused his demise. The deceased was a lite. long reeident ot this county and had farmed tor over 60 years near Cross- hill. In 1938 he retired, moving to this city. As a hobby utter his re- tirement he manufactured several medicinal extracts which have be- come quite popular. He Is survived by his widow, three sons, Nathaniel of Croeehm, Herbert ot Kitchener, Aloyes at Crosahill, ave daughters. Mm. Stephen mentor, Forest River, North Dakota. Mrs. Adolph Koeotedt, Braden, Mrs. City- ton Hurley, Kitchener. and Mrs. Aw drew Graveline, Windsor, Mrs. John Eilerbrun ot Mount Carmel, N.D. One brother, David Henson, St, 019mm, also survives with 28 grandchildren and one great grandchild. Two daughters predeceased him. The funeral] will be held Saturday morning trom his late home to St. Mary's R.C. church tor mass at 10 a.m. Interment will take place in St. Clements R.C. Cemetery. The re. mains will be at the RituBestel Funeral Home une, Friday noon. Mrs. Emma Sophia mantle. widow of the late James E. Hirtlo and mo- ther of Prof. Roy Hinle of Watorfoo College and Rev. s. W. Hirtle, Kitch- ener clergyman, died Monday at her hoe, 122 Albert street. Mrs. Rink, a daughter of John Ernst and.Sophia Eisentrauer, was born in Nova Beotia on May ir, 1861, and was in her 78th year. She attended Knox Presbyteri- an church. Waterloo. Mr. [little pro. deceased her in 1924. Surviving are four sons, May]: in Halifax, Prof. R. Birth), Waiemioo. Jmsen of Bridgewater, Rev. s. W. Hinie, Kitchener. one daughter, Mrs. L. M. Snow. mum, and 12 grand- children. She was the last surviving member or the John Ernst family. F'uneral services were held this afternoon at Schrelter-Sandrock Fum- eral Home, in charge of Ree. James Fleming, pastor Knox Presbyterian Church. Interment will take mace in Dartmouth Cemetery at Dart- mouth, N.S. M Christinn F. Lichtl, teed 79, died on Tuesday " the home of Christina Zehr. Wellesloy. Mr. Lichti, I re- tired farmer, was born in Wilmot township, o son of the late Joseph Lichti and Lena Flhrney. and re- turned to this country only lost your utter farming in New York state for some you". He Attended the anleview Amish Mennonite Church. Surviving are his widow, nee Morin Sweitzer. one daughter, Kn. Moles Lichti. New York state, two brothers, Peter of Wellesley, Jucob. Wilmot township, nnd one sister Mrs. Christian Leia. The tuner-Ii won held “murky. A former resident of North Eut- hoge in the person of Mnry 2t2,t: wi a of Mr. John Smith. of (he!!!) ' yuud away on Monti-y. he one"! wu held Wednesday lnd w“ attended by brothers of the deceased, Edwin Cnpling of Tees, Alberta, George of Pnlmenton, and Daniel of Moorefuld. Decal-ad w“ a dunghur of George um] Mun (Morley) Cnpllng of North Elothope and vu in her 88rd nu. FALL" SALE Mn. Emma Sophia letle TODAY 18 THE DAY! Yes, today our Annual Fall Sale betrins---the sale that is waited and watched for by all thrifty women in Waterloo Countr--Beeaumt ZACKS always give honest values! And this year is no exception. We have reduced every garment in our store to a NEW um PRICE - COME IN AND SEE FOR YOURSELF! Satisfaction guaranteed! Why wait? Buy at the ttrat of the season. Christian F. Idehtt Mrs. Mary Smith Noah Home“: If you went a emu-t lime Dru- end yet be economical, don't lulu looking over our thte selection. Popular shades end styles for mine. and matron. . . . Every vented shade and style. . . . Every popular material. Specklly priced for this solo "- 32 33 " 's 87 59 NEW COLORS N EW FABRICS Annual DRESSES" felts Mk to $1 Velvets $2 to $3 Mn. Cullen-in. Yuk There passed away at the K.-W. Hospital on Thursdly morning, Mm. Catherine Yuk. She was born in Kitchener in 1858, and on Oct. " L876, yea myriad t9_Fyed_ Y.yeA a Wdiérlob. They resided " Bridge- port a number of years. He was an gmnloyee pf S_hirk ' Spider Mill_nt sseeiid%rr twp y?" 130. employee of Shirl: a Snider Mill n BHdtrytort.. Ber husband predo- daughters, Oscar and George, 2Parg,',; Albert, Ridgeway. Ont., and C rence " home; Mrs. John Hnrnoch, Cmttirs, Alta., Mrs. Henry Sehnde, Mrs. H. Stahl, Kitch- ener, and Mrs. B. Gamble, Toronto; also 17 grandchildren and 2 great- trtndettildren., . _ .. - . Services will be held from her residence " Bridgeport on Sundny " 2.80 p.m. Interment in Bridge- port cemetery. Rev. B. J. Wittitt will otheiate. A I. will; FGGim, will be resting at the Schreiter-Sandrock Funeral Home until 4.30 Frldny afternoon. Mn. Elizabeth Neely The death occurred Tuesday of Mm Ellm'beth Neely at the home of her daughter, Mrs. B. L. Hill, May- nard avenue. Kitchener, with whom she had resided tor the past four years. Mrs. Neely was born in Dresden, Ont., and was in her 82nd year. She attended the United Church. Surviving are two sons. J. C. Hull of Dresden. H. W. Ttatt, Toronto. three daughter" Mrs. J. A. Aweson. Winnipeg, Mrs. w. J. Stewart To- ronto, and Mrs. B. L. Hill, Kitchener. as well an 13 grandchildren and one great gmndchlld. Dr. James Campbell, son-in-law of Mrs. Daniel 'Hlbner. Ellen street, Kitchener, died at Tottenham, 0nt.. Monday. Dr. Campbell had been m only a short time. Death was due to heart trouble. He was " your of age. Nelson Turel, a former resident ot KltothPr died Wednendny m Stur- geon Valley, “Sank. 111 tor some woeks, was 70 years of ago And I: survived by his widow and two chil- dren. "we was the husband of Rosetta Hlbner, and besides his wife, leaves three sons and two daughters. YOU KNOW THAT Waterloo No extra charge for use of our home-like Funeral Chpel. Walsh Funeral Service 160 King St. s. - Phone 677 There imrvivd four Gm, and four Schreiter - Sandrock United FUNERAL HOME 51 Benton Bt., Phone MM Dr. Janet Clmpboll Nelson Tun-0| OUR type of avails”. t o att, "gal-II.“ o f lids-co. and tog-lilo“ o f Inn-dd canolbnllonn.

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