"ff Preston Admitted To Waterloo league, nl Resignâ€, Says Dotzert “EITHER PRESTON "I said ul th- taut meeting that I would have nothing to do with Prea- ton in our league Mr. Hoch. our vice president, says he represented the league on Tuesday night, and asked Preston to defer their formation of" their own league until the matter was reopened tomorrow night. I knew nothing about it, and I'll fight to keep Preston out. “Mr. schmalz, Preston manager, merely wants to keep his Cuba in- tact tor Juvenile hockey, and wants our league to be the goats", Mr. Dott- ert said. “Preston has been trying to get Bridgeport and Breslnu away from us. Bridgeport told me last night that although Preston ottered to pay all team expenses to Preston games. the Bridgeport lads want to play in Waterloo. As, tor Breslau, although there is good material avail- able, both last year's sponsors will be busy this year. and transportation is not available. unless some one in the village takes over the team. It is unfortunate that l5 lads from the village won't have hockey just. be- cause of lack of transportation. “It the league players reopen the case tomorrow night and allow Pres- ton to enter, it means they lack con- tidence in their executive. and the only thing left for me to do will he to tender my resignation." General uague Meeting camd"rmtria'rrms RESIGNATION for Friday 8 p.m. at M. I ----i- Waterloo officials claim Simon, 9. member of the 1935 Waterloo Colts, Junior "B" club. is still Waterloo property. Lorentz, former K.-W. Ju- Nor player, was in the northern mines last year, returning too late to quality for local hockey under the residence rule. Transfer Player Waterloo Property “Waterloo Juvenile Hockey League can have their choice between Pres- ton or we", Pmldent Clayton Dou- er: told the Chronicle um mornlnl when questioned as to a (launch saying that Preston Queen's Club entry III the local league would be discussant] at tomorrow night'n league gum-ml Ineetlux. Mr. Dotzert holds that with twelve teams In the Waten'loo League some 15 Waterloo boys on one team would be deprived of hockey 'try Preston's entry. Preston can form its own league with teams trom Galt, Preston and Hespeler. The list of transfers published yes- terday by the 0.H.A. lists Kitchener getting three transfers. _sirltort_an1 Lorentz or Sachville. The meefing tomorrow night is called tor 8 o'clock at the Town Hall. Guns to Rent. Sines dune-led 15c hollow (round. Oil "uh. Phone Btomr., GUNS and AMMUNITION Satisfy Phone Mir " Onturlo St. s. T KITCHENLR "Where Sportsmen Meet" 50 King St. S. - Waterloo Pipes Cigars Channel Dan hby’s TO "STEP UP" your appearance yet cling to the practice of sound eeonomy-that's the smart thing to do. Choose your Suit, Topcoat and Hat from the wide assortment at The Hub Clothiers. They're styled perteer---1ong wear- intr--and tailored to hold their own in the smartest company. . . One look will convince you that they are the Twin City's greatest values for the money. See them! Jull hum .ttstutrtt In weight-- in thr rink! hip. and in the now unumn Ind winter chad-n. Add that to the who bqlnw and you huvo lxInIIy tho hi! vuu Inn: for 1h. union 12.95. 14.50 to 22.50 SUNS One and two pair Punt: It" 14.00 to 22.50 THE HUB ORDON s ooo LASSES Mitrtmdertstandirnr. NEW fAll “AIS "IE HUB’S -""""'"""""-'rHE HUB"""""-'""""""""- Smart economy! Gunrantred to Fit OVERCOA IS Waterloo and Jonah of r. 112 ttrseen St. s. KITCHEN ER Clothiers 148 King St. W. - KI New Winter THE HUB Tab-ech- THE HUB The club this year cleared ott the remaining debt ot the $875 club house built in 1932. The next step, members were informed would be to secure improved lighting tor the greens. _ Wuterlm, Lawn Bowling Club In annual session at the Hotel Water- loo Monday night named Wm. James Jr., as president for the 1937 season. Mr. Jamos succeeds Herb Foerster. Other otrieers are: Hon. president, E F'. Seagram; vice-president, Dr. J. E. Johnston; secretary-Weasuror, John Wa'tsh; executive. Ernie Snoxell, Clitt Hines. Robert McClay. President of the Waterloo Juven- ile Hockey League, told the Chron- iele this morning that he would re- sign if the league re-opene the Preston case Ind nlloms the 1t',t2 Cubs in the local Juvenile ockey league. Tendered Wedding 'tutters. Wm. James Is . Bowling President Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hammer were tendered two showers follow- ing their marriage last week. The first shower was tendered by close relatives of Mrs. Hammer’s and took place on Thursday evening at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Emmanuel Wagner, when about sixty-five were p"esent from the neighboring towns. The evening being spent in social chat, games, chivarie and also a "mock wedding stunt". The second shower' took place on Saturday evening at the home of the groom when about 75 immediate re- latives and some friends were pres- ont from the neighboring towns. Some of those attending came in liui‘owe'en costume. A colorful mas- querade mock wedding was staged. Five members ot the Wellesley band were present as well as a mouth or- gan, guitar and an accordion player, who took turns in the playing of old time and popular tunes for the dance that wound up the evening after Mr. and Mrs. Hammer were made the recipients of many useful gifts rang- ing from groceries to kitchen, dining room and bed room articles. Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Hobormehl moved their household effects to Hanover last week, where Mr. Halber- mohl secured a permanent position in tho neat flour mills ot that town. Moved Here. Mrs. Edward Hammer with her (hihlron Lorraine, aged 13 and Ray- mond. age 10, moved into their new place of residence on Tumday and Wednesday this week. Furnwrs arts having quite a time liming their turnip crop during the Wt',' spell. It is about an average crop. sh. and Mrs. Louis Helse and tam. ily visited on Sunday with Mr. and Ylrs. Herman Wagner in Kitchener. BERLET'S CORNER CLAYTON DOTEERY KITCHENER Mr, Roy Bean of the Waterloo (hronic'e again appeared before the muncil on behalf or his request tpttde In! tho Inst session, for assistant» in who dMraying of tho posts in the Luann or an anniversary number of (which 50 copies would he delivered 'n mnm‘il free, I Sim-ad hy Edmund Schwindt and Million Weber that we grant The ma. 1mm Chronicle the sum of $60.00 Howl-1MB detraying the expenses m ‘the [5419 of their annivernary num- (hssr.--turrried. I Mom! by Herbert Stwhol and Nor- ‘man Wilkinson that the Municipal Irmpnmnon of tho Township of '\\'noluich. dovlarm \VPdnmday, Nor 11th (Armlstlrn Dav) A holiday In llhis munir'ipttllty and requests Ha qwnp‘o to nhaarw " as much. -Car. riod l The Ladies' Aid had an enjoyable time at u croklnole party held in the Sunday School room Wednesday, October Mth. Dainty refreshments twere served at the close. l Miss Clara Slpes ot Toronto spent the week-end in the village. l’KEmN,~AWith Preston, Bren. '.iu and Bridgeport represented 'at a meeting here Tuesday night to form 1 league which would break away from the Waterloo Juvenile Hockey league, Michael Hoch ot Kitchener appeared as peacemaker and asked t that no deiinltay action be when until latter the next meeting ot the Juve- nile League at Waterloo, at which (the question or allowing Prelton .Qnoon'a Cute, to enter will he du. tmsBed. Rumor Places Twin City Hockey T Teams in Same 0.H.A. Grouping Mnvod by Norman Wilkinson and Milton Wettarr, that no Reeve and Clark of the Township are heroby nnthorltod to affix the†“mum-on M an nnraoment with the Deput- mout of Puhllr Kuhn" ot Ott- Tho Municipal Council of the Township of Woolwich mm at Cones. togo, on Tuosday, Nov. 3rd, 1936, pur- suant to ndjournmont from last ses- sion. One of Smallest Month's Totals For Year Passed at Nov- ember Session. If rumour- would bequ reality. the 2",tSt, would be in for . humor no hockey! _ _ _ Eddie sehmala and his players were up in arms over Waterloo'a boosting them out of the Juvenile group which Cubs won last year. Sehmala will arrange a group ot " own it Preston is not allowed to re enter the Waterloo league. Mr. and Mrs. David Steinman of Vineland visited with the latter‘s sister, Mrs, J. Yntzi, on Monday A gloom was cast over the com- munity upon hearing of the sudden death on Frday of Mrs. Archibald Seiguer of Moopetield. The late Mrs. Seignor, nee Jean Kelly. of North Easthope, resided here for a number of years following her marriage to Mr. Arch. Seigner, youngest son of .\Ir. and Mrs. Jacob Seigner, during “hick time she made many friends who held her In very high regard, and who sincerely regret her early demise. Archie has many friends in this community, having lived hem all his life prior to moving to Moore. field some years ago, who extend to him and his family heartfelt sym- pathy in their sad bereavement. Quite a number from here attended the funeral which was held in Bell's cemetery, North Easthope, on Sun- day afternoon. ' Aeeoriruw to rerata heard in town today, Kiuhencr’l Grunuhirt Hockey Club, yhlgh lgnLyguLopgr and a tan in the O.H.A. Senior "B" group, will operate that mm this year in Inter-edit“ "A" nah, the an. " Wuurloo'l 0.H.A. angling. of In! [out --- _ Mrs. nibadeau and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Parkhouse and young son were Sunday visitors in Wang:qut Mr. and Mrs. Archie Baird, Miss A. Copley and Mrs. Peter Shosen- berg spent Sunday in Waterloo. -- air. ’and Mrs. 'Wm. Daniels, Mr. Stewart Scott and Miss Muxworthy visited with friends in Elora on Sun- day. WOOLWICH ACCOUNTS TOTAL ONLY $653.26 FOR OCTOBER Tho minute: of the previous sea- Riott “mm read and adopted. Tho communications wire read and dispoaod or. It is rumoured that {than my took to can: the up in which Waterloo plum but you. This would moon t one nun would drog out of the group. If the Twin- ity's two major hockey Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Curran are visiting with friends in West Vir- ginia. The Misses Ramsey are visiting with friends in Detroit and Petoskey. Miss Janet Harvey was a recent visitor with Mrs. Jacob Shantz. Mr. J. Cockorlon mwnt the week. vnd In Toronto. Mrs. J. Yutzi and son Elmer visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Yutzi at Topping. _ Mrs. C. Kénnel attended the nels- Roth wedding at Britton last Wed- nesday. Mrs. A. Eydt of Welleeley, spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John EM! and also called on Mrs. C. Schmidt and Mrs. C. Kennel. All thn memhers were present Thn move was in the chair. Preston Defers Forming League ur. and Mrs. Henry Schlicter of New Dundee were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Shana. Mr. George ICOXSOII of Woodstock is visiting with his sister. Mrs. Thomas Calder. Eckol Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Brighton and Family of Freeport were Sunday visi- tors with Mr. and Mrs. John Poor. Mrs. H. Lederman or Wallacetown was a recent visitor with Mrs. Abe PLATTSVILLE KINGWOOD iE,‘â€W§KY’SwJWEile [Halli HEAD '; J. G. Hurst, township hull fire in- tanrance premium, $6.00; P. J. Adams ICH., professional services. 3.50; J. l Schmidt. printing tax notices, 7 no; Hydro Electric Power Commb. Islott, Heidelberg tatretttB lights, 99.00; Municipal World, marriage register. ‘4 52. Waterloo Chronicle. grant. 50m; Solomon Bender. weed inspec- tor's salary. 23.15; Norman Snyder. l uy vmlchor, "3:10.“; Total, $653.26.- -- CHrrir,d. NOAH STROH. Clerk. Tho following items were int-ind- mi in the Road mtmrrlntondot's my muohnr. gamma] (Tassel, calcium mioridn. $218.76; J, B. sander. 'rprinr. 2851; Norman Snyder. ttaurr, :h; on, wire {onrn bonus, M.16; 131-an Fwy. wt‘r‘iling and labor. 1430; UN") Rum-man. weeding. 700; John Sinhiimum, weeding. Rim; Henry Lacknnr. morning and grading‘ 2.10; Wm. Reinhardt. grading, 300; D. B. Hoffman, grading, 4AO: Irvin Snyder. grader operator, 32.00; Imperial Oil Co. an, 500: Lot-on and Winnoid. us. 2895; (Morn POI-boo. labor. “)5; Archie Shmmnkar. wading. mo. Total. "00a& Edwin Doerlng visited Bun- day with Mr. Christian Humberger. Mr. Otto Kuntz spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Neeb at Hampstead. Miss lla Eldt of Kitchener spent Saturday at her home here. - Mr. and Mrs. Walter Axt and Mr. and Mrs. John Schmidt and Mr. and Mrs. He!muth Wagner and Mrs. Henry Wagner all ot Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Snyder ot LB- bon visited with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Axt on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Doering and ion Earl visited Sunday with Mr. Wilmot Doerlng at Amulree. - _ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Woods and Mrs. Allan Woolflp and Miss Ethel Kinzie and Mr. Lorne Kinzie spent the week- 0nd at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. MrTavish and Mr. and Mrs. John Wooler of Paisley. ‘ Momd by Norman Wilkinaon and Edmund Srhwindt. that this council do now adjourn to moot admin at the council chamlwr. Conestoga. on Tues. day. Doc 1st, next, at 10 o'clork am. Carried. myâ€? "aalutur.At' would G thi Aret yup tours!- iriitii.G, heck, the Mr. ind Mrs. rum-b. Eidt spent the week-end at Sebringvllle. Mr. and Mrs. William Seyler spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Menno Roth at New Hamburg. . Mrs. James Anthony and children of Indianapolis, Ind., spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reist. Mr. Kenneth Swan? spent Thurs. day at the East View Farm. anod by Milton Weber and Her- bprt Strebel. that the following at:- vuunts he passed and that the raeve grant his orders mr the same. ue" my 's Ae - .3"??? Mr. and Mrs. Ross Good and tam. lly of Kitchener vUited Sunday with Miss Emella ooering and Mr. Stanley Doering. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Doering and son Claire spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mohr at Ralzburg. Mr. and Mrs. William Quehl and family ot Wellesley and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Frank ot Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sey- lor. 310mm. Milton Kneisel. Elmer Hohl and Edgar Seyier spent Sunday waning with Mr. Armand Doering. Mr. and Mrs. Rev. E. Sidner ot Mannheim spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Eby and Tuesday with Mr. and Winn Fred Bocker. tann, with wizard to the construc- tfnn of a footpath south of the vil- lagw or Rt. Jacohs.--Carried. itiutste tonmrdB1seirtbatqbaekthq 'h'lu'2,ThTrlfi'ltST'liN'lt of the comm. when my pu- ' crowd- gukod the rinks to capacity and tttar fooling "in“ baboon - followen during the hockey noon. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Welthuter and Mr. Alvin Wellluuier and Mr. Milton Knelsei visited Sammy with Mrs. Cora Ola-nor. Mr. and Mrs. “neodbre bearing spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W11- liam Wetllaufer at nBurnside.‘ Mr. and Mrs. Val. Reluer of Kitch- enpr visited Sunday with Mr. John Mohr and Miss Otillia Mahr. 1Born--To Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fried, a. son, Nov. lat. Sunday visitors at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker were Mr. and Mrs. Percy Woods and children Grace and Norma of West Montrose and Mr. and Mm. Robert Trussier of th1s"Pltdna. V Mrs. anso Thoman and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd li']':,',',",,' ot Kitchener spent Friday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker. H _ Mr. Wlllam Mitchell and Dr. and Mrs. Btautter of Waterloo were Sun- day guests with Mr. and Mrg. Wm. Rem. . Mr. and Mrs. Ross Battier spent: the weekend at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker. l [dot inch, in the Twin-City In: in the last In your: commenced te pick PP,. And such ' you n to pick up. Ind such I move as placing the_t_wo gum in a!!!" About forty young people com- prised ot the member. ot the Bible Clue here and the member: ot the Luther League of Baden ot the st. James Lutheran Church attended the Hailowe'en party at the home ot Mr. Stanley Doerinx. The evening we: spent in playing games. Mine Pub ricia ‘Keyes ot Baden won the prize a. having the most appropriate COIN thine. while Mr. Edgar Seyler won the prize for the meet comic-l coe- tume in the crowd. At the close at the evening dainty reirelhment were served by the lady member; Mr. Elmer Hohl spent Sunday with his parents. Mr. and Mm. George fiohl at Lisbon. , from) would be the menu of bring- ng hockey back to the tttl when the B.R.O. “f" would us out " - inter-e ty - WILLIAMSBURG PHILI PIIU Re Oddly Enough: Nelson Eddy, the baritone Mar of “Vick's Open House," once used a fountain pen to ink in studs to a dress tshirt-- and then discovered it wns on in- formal lparty. . . . Phil Baker insists he real i did spot "Bottle" (Hurry Mchug ton) wearing a hunting Jacket at the Bronx Zoo. . . . Murray "Till 8-9988 is the strangest tele- phone number in New ork. It’s renlly a hundred numbers condensed into one end rings only on Thurs- idsy night for telePhone voters dur- ing Major Bowers Amateur Hour. '. . . A woman in Montana wrote in 'to ask Phil Lord of PE Busters fume to do her I favor. er grand- parents were murdered in August ('iik)iriniriiid wants Lord to and Mr. Ind Mrs. Wm. Delion and Mr. And Mrs, Emmanuel Dollon aloud to 3rutloo tt1ttthtrdsr. - _ Mr. Wm. Shaikh -ii, Tue-d†tor Guelph who" it will to“. In Mr. J. J. Wilkinson of Kitchener called pn frigid! here Tngupy. J Local friends attended - the funeral of the late John Burnett In Winterbourne. introduced by Gerard IU",',' chair- man of the netionel ehar ty move- ment and preddent of the General Electric Company. After the Presl- dent's talk, Swope will be heard {addressing the inaugural mus meet. ;ing of the 1986 “Human Needs" Maura. Ray s. Bean of Wuterloo and Robt. cCrnckon of Guelph were buuinesa visitors here the fore. pet om: wet., _ _ I Mr; Citdordiiiitder "a a business vultor in Guelph pn Tuegdgy. _ Mr. hue Hilborn of Kitchener m . business visitor throughout this district Int week-end. Miss Erma Kireh of Kitchener w†on over Sunday visitor " her parental home.: _ _ _ - ' Rev. J. Neil,'Ph.D., based his din- coune at the Sunday evening anni- versgry service in tthnited Church 3 'Mr. Ind Mrs. Norm" Clemmer of Koscuth were Monti-K dinner gugggs " the Ally! Good ome. A . Mrs. Lenon Beckmnn and (laugh- ter, Miss Lenora. of Toronto, spent a ttw derxwftll, vil)nttrelests. Mrs. Cminn Rank "of Kitchener apgnt e fey titew_ithfrteryhhere. on the 9th verse of the 2nd chapterl of Int Corinthians. At this service Mrs. Adam of th. Jacobs sang the, beautiful solo, "Nearer My God to Thee" for which Mr. Adam Accom- pnnled on the org-In. Next Sunday's service begins " 1.30 .m. with the Sundsy School ud'hltl'li; follow- ing the service. U Miss Janet Pith had returned after spending I month with New York rel-(Jul. Speeking from the White House, President Roosevelt will open the 1936 Mobilization for Human Needs in a broadcut over the combined CBS end NBC-Red networks Fridly, November 6, from l0.00 to 10.80 p.m.cE.&'r, The Preeldent will be Friday, November 6 " 8.00 pan. --"Broruhray Vnrietles†featuring Oscar Shaw, baritone; Gun-mel- Pon- selle, mezzo-soprano; Elizabeth Len- nox, contralto, and Victor Arden’s Orchestra. Friday, November 6 ot 8.30 pan. --Andre Kostelanetz ond his Dance Orchestn with Kay Thompson, Ray Heatherton and The Rhythm Sing- Friday, November 6 " 9 pan.-- “Hollywood Hotel.†Dram-tic mu- sical revue with Dick Powell, Frances ie'.'%f/,',; Anne Jamison, Igor Gavin, ymond Paige's or- c estra and guests. Saturday, November 7 " 9.00 t'hdlTI Gibbons presides over the . Nyslt- rAtrettls S_peedshow_ My?- med " by viGeUkt Yioiiauiid" m. Saturday, November 7 at 10.00 p.b.---"Your Hit Parade and Sweep- stakes.†ProsHo.t Rooscvolt " Open 1930 “Ht-nun Needs" SoHo. on Radio drive in the Muonlc Tem le at Cleveland. Leopold 's'ftod,',"Jtl. will conduct the Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra in the music-l portions of the program. Orchestra: mic {who did it Ttgg, m1 Whitman end his Wood my [mic-l Varieties will reeume broadeaata from NBC's Radio City on November 8, when they'll be oined by that city slicker. hank Parker. Parker’a association with White- man was temporarily diacontinued when Whiteman and " troupe left for their long engagement at the Frontier Celebration in Port Worth. Parker, one of the most popular tenor: on the air, will be heard on the November 8 program over the NBC-Blue Network " 9.15 gm" M.T., and every Sunday ere- their touraGiti 'duR,ent, in the c_owbor souptrL , Fort Trottlu funk Pol-hr NEW YORKLNov. 6.--Baek, frqm Joins Whiteman RADIO CONISTOGO C.BS. Highlights Gossip min i , “-8 p... [mums '.6.--u-tor "ae-a- "nb-Pet'. Fetu- "ao-sto" Quotation iiu'cuilu a Co.t IIJHOII Dal L60--he Ionian VI..- RADIO PROGRAMS _ Kato Snub. WJI '.e-atsow Boat. WL' Major ancu' Ann-tours. CFRB ".00a-Butq Cronin. CRCT "aih--Marett of Thug"!!! ".00-New.. CF33 - . 1i."--Bddie Duchln Ouch. CFRB t2.80--Parm Forum, WEAK ".66-42eo. Hull (itch. CFRB t.Ilr--Rex Battle, WTAI "O-Football Game, cttct, It."--' Page. Songs. KDKA '.80--Weetr-std Revue, CBC? tLoo-N-., CF33 8.tb.-Ere 01mm. CKOC a "--A3heerio Prog., CBC? '.00-a_t Club. crtc'r ".0'-Bettr and Bob Sketch. WJrt ".66-'roV Children. WBEN 1t.00_irte of tte, Arr. CPR]! ".oo--duk -LGtsnrdo wan 8.00--News, cum - ".16-.aui.intr Your Parents. CRCT 10.80--Letu Preun3,__wcn ttair-vie" Sade. quu' itA6-Dr. A. R, on». ann Eduard '"raf want ".00--mrt Mono. whim 1?.81r--ryee, Qua-tear 63:93", CKOC gao-eiGt of "in". Relation., WBEN Mt.00--uttu Jul: Lime Orch.. WGN "ao-ated Grunge LnttrvupiprBEN iiitc no.7. CRCT, cxdc 1t.00-a_qrRB _-__ "as-rr" Bron-3|. only --qh,-i'. Bout 34H wet _ tiGiuion. 1.1%- V '."--B- Ina; 6."-Hew., dhiti" - "W '."---uo.qtt Tho-u. cm T-04r--Amo. w Andy. WM]? In, Len. VJ! Little Juk Little Oreh.. WON T.t6--'NI "II-"II. W63 T.A6--Boak. Carter. 'om '.00--Fdr Yul... CBC? Loo-Nun Tbra wim.nu Even. CFRB 2.t6--Americ.n School ot the Air. WGR '.o-a" Perkins, WHEN 'ao-vu G Sade. WHEN '.80-4mtgirttr Lady, CRCT '."-N-u, CF38 SM6--Lowe" Thom-I. CRC'r T.00--Amo. 'n' Andy. WLW T.t6-uneu Esra, WEEK 2.80--Lam & Abner. WLW T.q6--Boak Caner. won tMIr---CRC Program CKOC 8.80--Andre Kontehnctl. WJR '.00-Honrwood Hotel, CF38 Fred Wy!ng. WLW AUTO SUPPLIES 14-16 Young St. - KITCHENER . Phone 396 All Accessories Installed Free The doctor is a tine elurncter as is also his charming dsughter. He is the centre " I rural community. the eonttdant of young and old, lumiliar with their joys Ind sorrows, their hopes Ind tears. Other interesting char-c- ters are the Irish housekeeper. and the doctor‘s man of I" puts. Grandpa is I scream Ind then there is the strange lady who Rives rise to some mysterious problems. Against Bad Weather We believe that you will enjoy "THE FAMILY time and station. ems kc coo 2.30 “a. Mo... CKOC KC 1110 2.30 pm. Mon., . CKCR KC 1510 2.30 pan. Tu“. CFCO KC 630 ".30 Ian. Mom, PRESTONE ANTI-FREEZE mlo PROGRAMS -- TMed" P.M. U. S. L. BATTERIES bill; tleuon, WG_R CHAN§0N HEATERS is" it." CFRB CKOC CKCR CFCO 3-3254-1- A.M. Ere" AM The Dr. Chase Almanac of the Air “HIE FAMILY DOCIOR†SATURDAY Imuo- a. - , “-3 p... Future-'1 '.66-6t. Waller ".e-E-Bor-B Boy: tr1b-thsqtuts Dance Band "n6-Roaorntru Archi- T."---rroat Pun Dru. '.0.--Boat" [try It". 'a.--atod.r'. Idol, it '...-Rofr Io}?- lulu. g.tF--iatoe 6a.-43oodma t.i.-auuo lone-l.- T. "-a_taJet - -- Where the going is toughest--- through deep mud. snow or un- improved roads-Firestone Ground Grip Tires take you safely through WITHOUT THE USE OF CHAINS. The patented Ground Grip tread grips on any gurfaee--. is seIf-eleanin-nd gives positive traction. Don't take chances of getting stuck in soft roads. Put a set of Ground Grip tires on your car or truck today. No increase in price. E . H ETT Ground Grip Tires Protect it against sudden cold spells and heavy snows, protect it against icy roads and quick thaws. Protect it‘against every type of winter weather. Condition your car now-prepare it for safe, de.. pendable and economical perform- anee--be sure that ith ready for the weather man. 2.30 Pan. 2.30 Inn. 2.30 pan. ".30 Ian. Presents Save starch Do not throw away starch left in a bowl. Put bowl aside until starch has settled at the bottom. Pour on the water. Place bowl with starch in the oven for a few minutes until the starch cakes. Then it can be put away and used another day. 7n6-a'ed Ruling. "GR tt.00--lut. Null! Party. "JR 9Ar0--N.tionat Bun Dance. WHAI itn0---The Chan-u. WLW 10Ar0--Yoa Hit Panda. WJB t0.t6---K.y Kuy-er Orch., WON t0.80--irvin B. Cobb Frog. WTAI it.00-New., CFIB _ "ns-Tom Done)! Oreh.. CURB Sunday A.M. t0_00--Chureh of the Air. CBS souttterrusire.. NBC 1t.80-MUor Bowes., WABC Station orrtreant---Wpll, you're charged with assault and battery. Constable put him in a dry cell. 11.46-Ray Noble bun. NBC lens-for Bowen. CBS ttao-Radio City Music Hull. WJE SI". Lake Choir, WABC 1.iy0-Church of the Air, CBS levey Robb, CF33 8.00-The Maurie Key. CRCT Pilubur: Symph. Orch.. CB8 r00-Srmph. Orch, CBS Metropolitan Opera Auditions of the Air, WBEN 8.80--Grnnd Hotel, WEAF 4.80-FisttNee Ind 'tttHottie, CICT 6.00--We, the People. NBC, W13 6.8tt--Stoopnatrle b Bud, WHAM '.00--Moe Penner. WJR 6.80-r'iar, Wfl‘Al Everything Electrical Station sergeant. to prisoner just brought inAWhav. In Four name and occupation? Prisoner-My name is Sparks and I'm a electrician. s "--N-. ennui 7Aur-etrty, 'ueiettnft Scorn. CPI]! 6.B6--Prosk Dulloy'n Orch.. W63 7 __ kubTnoe, WJR 7.00-0tek Benny CRCT. NBC T.80-Believe-it-or-rtot Ripley, WHAI- NBC 'COO-Nelson Eddy, WJR Good Will Court. CRC'I' IMO-Eddie Cantor, WJR B.00---t5urtdny Evening Hour WJR Mom, Wad. I Fri. Mom, Wad. & Fri. Tun... Thin. & Sat. Mom, Wed. & Sat. ".8.--4hto" Qua-mu "a.-4Juneat Vidal.“- t1Aro--4K. Hunk". tab-Dr- ' "-ate= Bonk ro.--.-'. Moa. 2ab--Wuti-. and Wall. 6n6--into. 6a.--ruteu. Ila-dono- '.9.--atroh Immune 0ND. ia.-Norr. liul Latina Chunk 6.tF--aEornertt. ot It“! 6."--ore loch-d T_.0--Berttors Bt. 3mm Church DOCTOR." Note the SUNDAY