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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 6 Nov 1936, p. 4

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Anniversary Sale Price rr" Anniversary Sale Price ... Anniversary Sale Price ... All the popular winter styles. - These coats have been chosen for their styles and tailoring. All the popular furs and ma- terials . . . every wanted color . . . linings fully guaranteed. Sizes for misses, and women. Large selection on sale this week- end at--- 111 King St. West Frilled Curtains Washable Window‘ Shades lnlaid Linoleum " Queen St. N. Sale of COATS Womhh, Services in chug. of the Minister. Mondnr, 7 p.m.-Munior Leone. 8 pan.-Yotutg People's League. Wod-dar--Midweek Devotional and Bible Study. MeHoibore--Sundnr, 9.45 a.m.--éurviee and Sunday School. _ A W 'a.vitatioa, to all m - Waterloo First United Church SUNDAY. NOVEMBER Sth, 10 ..m.--sunar School. cm for alt 11 Ban. Httt TAan,-. _ A _ 11.00 B.m.--Rev. Dr. Martin. President. of the Mn Con- ference. an outstanding and", will conduct the Annivenuy service. 7.00 pan.-Anniv-, union in chars. of Rev. Mr. Timon, the pastor. “.00 a.m.--The Pastor. 1.00 ..m.--The Putor. ROS=ANN SHOP’S Vannier mmanuel Evangelical Church Cor-u Cod.. - Wit-v SI... Walsh. “V. WA. $CELLEdtMAN, Pastor. SUNDAY. NOVEMBER Sth, I.” COATS Regular $39.95 COATS Regular $29.95 COATS Regular $24.95 Calvary Evangelical Church A large selection, priced for quick selling, wide, 2% yds. long. Price, per pair ...... 2 yards wide, new patterns that go right through to Ile, burkp ba'clfing. Smart for gingega, Bum-00m: or Halls. 'r%LiFriGi J.T.r.'U.,."'.'.".' Green or crenm window shades, complete with rollers. M" wide and 2 yards long. Eula .................... 55c ROS-ANN SHOP SUNDAY. [£0ku .05. Cunning-4m)...“ "V.LVALTILM.I.D..M “All“..I-u-lm Monday, 1 ..-.-Jrodoe C. E. C p.-.T-Yon' People's Society. e)» me Gay. And they are so reasonably priced! i. K "ss 2 \. C -1a . >s st' (n, a " \ l /\° 4iiiilm MEERiilliit --..-d a!" WIP, " T f COATS mam: tss, aillp/0 's . [iii-mm A) winter styles. -- These (BEM men for their styles and I tk a4lhl "ss,, popular furs and ma- . RWlllhl ranted color . . . linings r, Sizes for misses, and ction on sale this week- m i, , " _ A _ CIA, Kitchencr's Leading Ladies Wear St. Ja'eohs 29.95 sos ttsi' V" 10.95 19.95 15.00 - . 0.45 I... The Fifth Anniversary Sale of the Ros-Ann Shop continues into the second week. And it's a sale you ean't afford to miss! For here in one comprehensive collection are Dresses, Suits and Coats of every type for the woman of every age, all of them of the latest styles. Just to see them is to receive a thorough edu- cation in what "they" are wearing. But so individual are they that you will feel that they were styled for you alone. Every dress, every suit, every coat, is the kind that will take you smartly anywhere any time of the day. And they are so reasonably priced! $1.15 "sq. Continuing FRI. and SAT. Kitchener Took flu l M" to 82" a "N v yd. Trim tailored styles for street wear, beautifully fashioned dress-maker styles for afternoon, sleek sophisticated fash- ions for dinner wear. You will find here, as always, the perfect dress for every occasion at real saving prices--- New Dresses " The baking booth under the con- venorshlp of Mrs. H. Lobsinger and Mrs. Charles Btroh wss moat tungs- ing end the assistsnts were Mrs. . A. Fellmsn, Mrs. o. Schmuck, Mrs. John Watson, Mrs. W. Schnm were in charge of the sale of chsnces on 3 cake donated by Mrs. Jos. Zuber, Jr., and which wss won by Mrs. Milne Harvey. The general convener for this event was Mrs. Leonard Ruby. ale. The hoeteee, In. Lung, wee enlisted in reeeivint the meet- by In. Robert Dietrie . the preeident of the emulation. About 100 rue-ts celled during the efternoou and were welcomed in the t'Ttt room, tut-chug decanted . bronze chrylen enum- end roeee. mum“ 'tr Woman} m" e room where tee wee eerved on e beautifully appointed table covered with en mum cut work cloth end centered with e ellver howl of Amercen Beauty roeee and cheer- fully ll'fhted with red taper: in silver. he tee room we: in charge of Mitytyore Eby,_lln. C; Botshm- were In. V. Tuner and In. B. Kuntz. For the "eond hour, In. D. S. Bowlby and In. Human Krug, and for the third hour Mrs. B. Morley and Mrs. P. Hunt. Tea rpom mutants for the first lf of the-party were Mrs. J. A. Fellan, Mrs. N. Athnnon, Mrs. Jack Fischer, Mrs. A. Bernhardt, Mrs. R. Prueter, Mrs. R. Keller, Mm. J. Sch]. and for the second half of the party Mrs. Wm. Roos, Mrs. John Krugs In. I. Ileorn, Mrs. W. McGib n, In. Milne Harvey, and In. George Lang, Jr. Hospital Auxiliary Hold- Baking Sale loam-hug . 3: 133m 0 ' I Ito, m the new. JN q.eagt n and, when the mm A!!!“ of at. lur- Hound “mined til-on s!, . _oligit!ul_§oo and bath; 1 uwu um: run an" Ill . _ _ - .533. 'Till, to: room was in charge itg1te','ltt',toatt fe,'ptgl 82'll of may"? 2,pdit Cthdhgx- a Allen Bob Bum luau nus. er In H. n as. en . ' ' " my. Ammo: the am hour 'ttltr 2ex m..¥2m.m 260 KING ST. E. What book. If. your children Ive-ding? We swell only "to and sound boobs-the BEST Chrlninn Literature "ttlr--- Inland Ont-Ho's _Lu.ut 00ml Book chi-e for my BitieArui m. book had I strong “traction for me. . . " WAs'm-JADING A BOOK-t did not That Book brought about the con- version of JAMES M. GRAY, the noted Bible Expositor. Dingtjons were received by In. “THE STORY IV IV WON" By Rev. Juan Gray. D.D. "hey, coqverslon VII liker, 1hist I KITCHENER KITCHBNEI iiif"i"ii"iii2"i"iiici"2" g.lntmtttttMttmtmmnmtntttttnntt'i" . Thevnew' harkhié iiijilisCwit1 be ready for use in about three weeks. C.D.S. Remodelling Building Arcade An announcement by Manager Jack Allan states thet'parking ac- commodation wil be provided on the corner lot of Duke and Ontario streets, and will be available for theatre-goers and shoppers in the morning and afternoon, when a 10 cent charge will be made. At night, theatre patrons will drive to the theatre entrance and I theatre at- tendant will take their car to the paging lot, frets.of charge. ... _ Lyric Theatre in Kitchener will shortly have not only Enrkinf ac- eommodtttion' for can, at wil re- ceiye parking service, npd al_I_FREE. The postponed, hitiGrTfeistintrl xc-a-Si',',",';:,":,,)"--.. of the above Association will be Jllll.L- held in the council chambers of the gut “Mat 2T't I“. i I t Waterloo Town Hall on Saturdoy 'm. - to be ma. st'st",',g',y November 14th, 1986, an . pan. The Purpose of the meeting willl Eleotlon Eftttetta Market be for the election of omcere, and There-election“ mxytridentftoomN such other business " may be Felt " a constructive development brought before the meeting. All trom the angle that he has been lean- interested Liberals invited. in; toward an intlatiortary policy. -------_---- Consequently, his return to otnce is . bullish tor our mining 1"t,",lgi It is the consensus that the Amer can Free Parking public has chosen wisely in re-Ye of; . ing Mr. Roosevelt as he did a, g at Lyric Theatre job during his last period. The tact -r------- ‘that the New York market opened KITCHENER.-.Puront, of the firm to strong the morning after his Lyric Theatre in Kitchener will reelection confirms the oontidettce shortlv 1“,” not an“, o.rkhur n_,hel<i in the ability ot the President. WILL ATTEND SERVICE On Sundey, November 8, Woter- ‘loo Council will nttend the memorial service " the Kitchener eenotaph, ilay the wreath for the town, and then Join the parade to the Lyric Theatre where the service will be held. His Worship Mayor Rats will join the speakers on the platform. The council was invited by Mnjor Rance E. Bricker, of the Scots Fusiliers, which is in charge of the service. _ Pretty bordered pnttemt. Size 6 lt 9 ft. ............ '" Striped light 3nd dark. Per yard m......................, Council received letters from various bodies tusknowledtring re- ceipt of the town's resolution op- posing the Wlldemar dam project. Fergus opposed it, Waterloo county endorsed it, and Premier Hepburn, Department of Health, Public Works, Public Welfare, and Mr. N. Asmussen promised to bear Wnter- loo’s protest in mind. Gray Fluids, whipped Size 80 It 80 inches. l Each q......................... ' 36 Inch Flannelette CHOIR BOYS HONORED Good attendance by seven troy chorkstem ot Holy Saviour Anglican Church, Waterloo, was rewarded on Sunday when they were presented with collars or prayer books. tour of the seven boys having are average at. tendance of over 90 per cent. "Little Sinner" Ind “How to Train a Dog" Ind Talking Newi further enhance I well bahnced prognm. on. of the bint In" wipe-k 1tutteptetthe,tt 8% Student of 1981 ' with mind at the Lyric Mo this noon. BonnyGood-nnundhhm Th. liar “In“: womb}! b this Em: edition of 'ffll'll,TLl'r. annual tributc to radio. Forest. Bennie Fields, Elesnor Whit. new, Lsrry Adler end may others. Good old Gaels Allen comes to the screen in this picture es the sponsor of s radio progrun who hes her own idess on whst constitutes s good brosdcsst. Despite the dons of Husband George end Studio Direc- tor Benny to strsighten her out, she puts her ides serous. One of the things she does is to put Stun stsnsugh. the comic juggler who never says s word, on her progrsm. The love interest is curried by Shir- tg Ross, 3 new comer to the fursts, w o is possessed of s lovely voice sod is In excellent dancer, and Rnr, Mung.- -- _ ---- h TOWN NEWS will ttlie the “wing" dd. Ind hooped 8towoHt. t,ftgt,t"'t't Imam simple” conductor. lead " not]. oret-tm for the “nut" side. More the picture b a"! ttyy ”why whet-I152- toad-3 toot “win“ At tik it. tram (by!!! _ and tun-ad On Dept. Store WATERLOO The 1t1he1hagm The Store willl the Suck Ttse punk, hiriiver, in only an Wettlaufer's NORTH WATERLOO LIBERAL ASSOCIATION 9x9ft.. 9 x12ft. RESOLUTION RECEIVED Cam-dun Feltol Rugs De: . $3.75 $7.25 'sts lent Store 15c ' Questions H. C., Ehnira.-4n answer to your enquiry regarding S'HAWINIGAN POWER stock, the following is I report we have on hand which we trust will answer your questions. Shawinigsn's stock for long has been popular marketwise. This has been due to s variety ot reasons: rapid ex- pansion of operstions, increased earnings. stock rights, substsntlsl dividends. in not, all those [Actors have been present which so to nuke a stock popular with investors end speculators. The compsny is primer- ily a wholeselor ot power to industry and is less subject to “Stations for lower domestic rates than is the use with other oompsniesi A few yous back the oompeny undertook the de. l wfopmont ot the Rapids Butte pow-l or site and in order to dunno. this protect dividends were reduced. This I plant he. been completed end tin- anced, With power sues st would] _ Glamor. C. A. Newton, In charge ot work at Glenora Gold when, tn the Kirh. land Lake area. states that the shut ,has .readhed a depth of 462 feet. On Ite 450-foot level the station to near- ,lng completion. On the ttrat level .che west drift bu been advanced 62.5 (cot while the croucut north on ‘thle level In In approximately 50 feet. MoMlllln A meeting ot the directom of are- Mlllan Gold Mines will be held lhortr ly to decide on 3 program ot future operations u the property In Welt River area. Sudbury district. l Canada is interested in Tuesday's e'ectlon because ot the reciprocal trade agreeents between the two great countries wll not be jeopar- dized. The Canadian government ex- presses the opinion that the Can- adian..Atmyriettet trade treaties have worked out even better than was anticipated. Mallet Shoe Stores lllJlllllillli a11illtli)Jllgh: FINANCIAL NEWS “Fol-Incl, Nnboyhood" " Kb. " W. KITCHINII Complain Sunk of Rubber Footwear. --Att that quality. mu Ares. In III! Aw A . . Jul: Ian-y gagging! * Gama Inns and Osacla Illa. going any! * lob III-s buooking! Rania Iaya singin’ swing! * Ian-y Goad-ads Ouiaura turning on the heat! t Ian-y Halls singing! * laapald Maia-ski and his Symphony Orchestra! * and the 3:110:13 ”was luaulhis'lay loss! * Bay Mina-d! . Isa-II [was]! Mu seeatttes (r Innis DaProa! * Virgiaia (Pigtails) Wanna! Ilsa-an Whit-011* [any Idiot! * David no!!! * Billy he! Now Playing Directed by Mitch-ll Loiun t A Pal-noun! New” llevels and earnings increasing, the ‘company has moved the dividend up to 60e a share. Shawhsigan'tr oper' 'ationa this year have been at a. re- ‘cord level, with power output the highest in the company's history. While a great deal or this power is still being sold at very low rates tor electric boiler purposes, yet the trend ot income has been steadily upward. In addition, subsidiary activities. notably Shawinigsn Chemicals. etc., have been improving. Ag a result, earnings this year are expected to be around $1.25 a share or better, compared with the current dividend payment of 60 cents. While there is no talk at this time of a further in- crease in dividends, it is expected that when conditions are more sta- bilized, the directors will take steps to see that a larger share of the earnings are distributed to the share. holders. A 1titrh-ranking speculative investment. LYRIC Plea-o hadron coll-Immin- Holly: Fin-lucid Editor, Tho " Kin: Strut Wm ALEXANDER WATT a, COMPANY BONDS: GOVERNMENT AND PROVINCIAL MUNICIPAL AND HIGHGRADES DEFAULTED ISSUES PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL SERVICE Dim! win for fut quotation. on listed and unlined docks. "Our Principle Assures Your Interest” Huyhir Hotel Mine Office Head Office HILLSIDE MINES Active mining progressing favorably on main ore body 166 ft. wide. Diamond drill contract let . . . drill on way to property. Three important new discoveries . . . Quartz vein, fifteen feet wide, traced over five hun- dred feet . . . A large shear zone with well- mlneralized quartz stringers . . . . Quartz vein, heavily mineralized across ten-foot width; traced four hundred feet. MILL NOW IN OPERATION W. G. TAYLOR Write for Descriptive Circular. Map- and Lute-l Pro-ru- Roper" (NO PERSONAL LIABILITY) KITCHENER. ONTARIO KITCHENER Phone or Write - - Wawa. Ontario I'ssher Bum, Toronto, Canada LIMITED Financial Semee Limited with its extensive Statistical organisation and its fifteen years’ 'ettltrit in the finnnein1 advisory Be d, is in the beat position to give you the nee.- aary information to help form your investment policy. WE HAVE NOTHING TO SELL EXCEPT FINANCIAL INFORMATION Write for particular. about our Service today " Investigate . . . BEFORE . . . You Invest noon '" pouiblo withGt omit-lion. Chronicle. Waterloo. Ontario. Your answer will - I. FINANCIAL SERVICE LIMITED CI d ' I! int 'lllrtl'tufEtd1'itg,1 404 Notre Dunc " West MONTREAL Thurs. Fri. and Sat. For Information Toldplnono 4000

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