The W.G.Young Co. END PAM-soothe SORE HANDS Jeweller. - Optometrists 8 KING E., KITCHENER CLARK CABLE MARION DAVIES All“ Jenkins - Rocco. Kohl MONDAY - TUESDAY .‘vnuubTv _uovunu o. " u Cain & Mabel tau-sou . mm .. “my - m a . c : "The Big Bruins! of 1937" Jack Beam, BummAllu "arahouro . In,“ A an - In Big " the Stars it Unites At The Kitchener TtuiitFa" 7 ‘ wI“ CALL HOME. . 'IM H OWARI) looks forward to the weekends. He likes to spend» them " home in the bosom of his family. So, when a prolonged busi- neu trip found him " loose ends in I atnnge town that Sunday morning. his cup of sorrowand dis- content was overflowing -until he ludtlt-nly thought of Long Distance and the new Low Sunday Rates. "It will be aln: 'gt as gwod as being with them" thought Jim as he beukly stepped to the telephone. With l The district st-hoofnurso from Ayr payed a recent visit to the local school. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Uraul of Kitch- ener visited with Mr. and Mrs. M. Vehch on Sunday. The Ruscville Literary Society held an enjoyable Hallowe'en party in the school house last Friday evening. The room was atrpropriatety decor- axed and the evening was spent in contests suitable tor the occasion. A. C. Becker and Roy Stoltz business visitors in Toronto Tuesday. Mr. and NHL E. Fried and (Iron. Donlud, Ruth and Walter Sunday visitors with Mr. and A. B. Brubacher ot Brealau. Betty, Ruth, and Winston Becker of Kitt-hener were week-end visitors in tho village. Mics Isabelle Cleland ot Ayr was a recent visitor with Miss Bessie Hope. Jloy Stoltz was a week-end guest in Hamilton. The members of the Junior Chris- tian Endeavor enjoyed a thrilling evening at the home ot their sum iutendent Mrs. Elmer Stoltz on Hal- Inwe'en Eve. Tho local W.C.T.U. held their Oc- tober meeting at the home ot Mrs. Clarenve Mllborn on Wednesday attornoou. The president Mm..A. Slwlhy was in charge of the program. At the conclusion of the meeting a dainty lunch was served by the hon- toss. Mn and Mrs. Ausu’n Bricker, Mr. A. E. Stoltz and Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Baker were Sunday guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Cranson Hallman ot near Plattsvillty. Mrs. James 'Hope was a week-end visitor with the Misses Orpha and Alma Detweiler at Kltmener. “Tm: Iristal Gentle-en" Ralph Boll-y, I.“ Jewel “WIVES NEVER [Ml “mummmcr Given Awny Flo. Every Mom., Tues, Wed. CHARLIE IUGGLES Craig’s We “Pa-Jib" Dunc-van JOHN nouns ROSEV I LL! With hues Dunn On both “Anyonr†and "Per, Person" "III, Low Night Rain apply all" f p.m.. Ind ALL DAY SUNDAY. were last chil- were A JIallowe'en program was given at the Public School last Friday afternoon by the members of the Lit. erary Society. The president, Ivy Wanner presided and the song b6 Tis Hallowe'en" was sung in open- ing A mouth organ solo was given by Gordon Snider followed by a rect- tion by Russel Snider. Dorothy and Reta Wanner sang a number entitled, "I Love Little Willie", after which Reta Wanner gave the Editor's re- port. Thelma Lang gave a recitation entitled, "Hallowe'en" and riddles Mere given Iby Earl Toman. George Bechtel contributed a Jews Harp solo and Ruth Erb read a paper on. "Leap Year in New Dundee". Con- tests were then enjoyed following which refreshments were served. Mrs. R. R. Ballie entertained eight little folks at a delightful masquer- ade party at her home last. may afternoon. Games were played after which dainty reueshments were served. ot Velma Bauer, Mary Atkinson. Ev- elyn Ham“: and Gleunls Mugaelman rendered several numbers and Ar- thur ‘Baer gave a reading, "How Paul Spent Hallowe'en". The N.D.C.S. Ex, change was read by Muriel Egerdee. At the conclusion or the evening a dainty lunch was served. Public School. Asterisks denote perfect attend- ance tor the month. Min Wreath: E. hing, Totem. Hullowo'eu POP“... Continuation School The annual Hallowe‘en masquer- ade party was held at the New Dun- dee continuation School but Thurs- day evening. Following an enjoyable hour of semen in the basement, an interesting program was presented. Lorne Beer, president, of the Liter- ary Society occupied the chair and "O Canada", was sung in opening. A reading entitled, "The Meaning of Hallowe'en was given by Ellen Page atter which Howard Bowman played a comet solo. A play “The Five Ghosts" was then given by twelve students. A girl; quartette composed Jr. I-Eva Snider 76. ‘Ihl: Exor- dee 75, 'Delmore Tom TO, Marie Howling " Br. g.-mAlvtn Mylar N, Gunm- Tom TS, "on ,PtNtor, 00. Dough-I Foot. " Thou-o. but; u. Star no tubular " am “mountings; " Mary than n. Beryl Div“ 00. Leon: Mumlmu M, Elmo:- Poll " Myrtle nailing a. Burns Tom u. Jr. m-A3in.o Enid" N, Gordon Howling " Beta Coleman " hr! Toma " Dorothy Wanner 61. Or- ville Bare " George comm; " at. R 1Miliet, Principal. Junior Room '%eond-HIlen Path " Elmore ms oenberxer M, Howard room N. “Eur! Brighton 70, 'Whlur Poll " Jr. Iv-a-l We! 11, My Tuchlunll 10, Ruth wt, IS, and“. Toma a. Khu- M " _ Poll 51. Goon. Baetrtet OI. Br. 1-"Joan Dinar 89, Jean Poll 8ts, 'Lincoln Coleman N. 8r. 'v-auth My). "s. Gado- "M.. 15, Nyb We .0, One. Schmidt Cl. Mn Walla u. I" “and a. M an: a. Clan Wan-or (nu-t). maul-UM nus-murmur. w. MlLNER NEW DUNDEE l The Misses Grace Lehman, Ger- ltrude Lutz and Dorothy Shanta, Rev. S. In. Swartz and Mr. Dllman Eby The Misses Minerva Snider and Bettie Wideman and Messrs. Clea, son Snider. (Henry Wideman and Wilbert Brubacher or St. Jacobs visit- ed at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bean and Mr. and Mrs. Noses Beer on Sunday. Mrs. B. B. Krupp of New Hamburg and Dr. W. Krupp of Woodstock visit- t-d with Mr. and Mrs. Allan Bowman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Tainan, Mr. and Mrs. Aler McKeesock and Mr. Willard Schmidt attended the first annual banquet or the Grand River Buttermakem Club whim was held at Trall's End Hotel, Conestoga, last Thursday evening. The Misses Heme Horst, Edna Brubacher and vElmeda Martin and Messrs. Nelson Weber 3nd Martin and Gleason IHomt of St. Jacobs Vinit- ed at the homes of Rev. and Mm. M. H. Shanta and Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bergey on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. W. Nolting and chil- dren. Marjorie, Joan and Billy at- tended the twentyWth anniversary ot the founding of the Waterloo Sem- inary at St. John's Lutheran Parish Hall and Church, Waterloo, last Thursday., or Kitchener were guests at the home ot ‘Rev. and Mrs. L. R. Pipher or Sunday. Visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. cMervin Bechtel on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bechtel and son, Wilson and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Snyder ot Bloomingdale, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Hottman ot Kitch- ener, Mrs. Catherine Walker, Mrs. Aaron Miller and Mr. Stanley Miller of Bright. . Mr. and Mm; Jack Borsje and daughter Lorraine of Baden visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. Greulich on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. Bacher and daugh- ter Doris ot Kitcheper visited with yr., and Mrs. V. E. Dinger on Sun- day". Miss Zoe Zlnkenrof Plausville is qwndlng a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Zlnken. Mr. and Mrs, Henry Waterman. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Egerdee and the Misses Hattie and ldella WateHnan visited with Mr. and Mar. Cicero Got. ton at Plattsvllle on Sunday. Miss Vera Rosenberger of Hes- Fergns spent the week-end with their; pelor and Mr. Stuart. Rosenberger ot I parents, Mr. and Mrs. Menno Rosen- I hcrger. I Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Armstrong ot Owen Sound and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shouldine of Chatsworth were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alex McKessock over tho wepk-end. Mrs. wunnm Hall went a few days or last week with her ulster, Mrs. Frank Vance and Mr.. Vance at To. route. Mr. and Mm. Elwood Weber and son Norman of Windsor spent a few days or this week with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Weber. _ Mr. anit Mrs. Eli Rosenberger visit- vd with Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Cole- man at Kitchener on Sunday. Arr. an'd Henry Waterman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Klinckman at Elmira recently. Mr. and Mrs. T. L Kalb and daugh. (or Gertrude and Mr. and Mrs. Pe- ter Martin and, son Otyettr ot Kitch- ener visited with Rev. and Mrs. M. H. shantz on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hershey of Fort Erie Mrs. M. Learn and Miss M. Baxter ot Kitchener visited with Rev. and Mrs. C. W. Backus last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Zlnkne or Plattsvnle visited with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Zinken on Sunday. yir. and Mrs. Otto Herz and daugh- ter Anita ot Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Weber on Sun- day. Born-To Mr. 9nd Mrs. Prod Tachuml u 61. Inn'- Hoopla], Kitchen“. on ‘Wednudny. Oct. M, . daughter. Persona". Mr. R. Fleming Sn, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fleming and Miss Abbie Fleming or Brampton were guest: ot Mr. and Mrs. Manna Rosenberg" on Sunday. IMP. and m. wnuam Hall attend- at] the funeral of the late Mm. John McNally at Kitchener last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. William Main and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Gedcke and daughter Carolyn ot Kitchener mn- ed with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nader- Mn on Sunday. Rev. B. H. Swan: ot “Kitchens occupied the pulpit or the HM. (hard: on Sunday morning um menu“. _ Mr. and Mrs. William Copley and Mr. and Mrs. R. Barrett of Piattnvilie visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Cop- Ely on Sunday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Bean on Sunday were: Mrs. John Behaefor and the Misses Liziza and Sue Bean ot Kitchener and Min. Lillian Richardson of l'laiinvilla. Mr. and Mm. o. F. Dannacker of Kiirhonvr called on Rev. and Mm. anilng on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lavernp Bingevman and non Torrance of Kitchener visit- nd with Mr. and Mrs. Henry Water- man on Sundny. Quito a number from her» attend- ml tho n.Y.P.U, Pall Rally ot the Wpgtprn District of tho Guelph Anso- riainu whirh was hold M the Ontario St. nuptial Church, Sirniford on Sum dnv m‘nniux Tho lncal 910.“le we! in chariro of tho (Irrational period. Mr and Mn. "rsorgss Jacob Mm Rpm Jnrnh and Donald Jnmh HAHN! p' the home of Mr and Mm Addigott erkm-v m Mnnnhem on Sunday. The result luau at no Blu- hol- lunch. “in; 1’00pr 30- clety In mid " the church on Su- day evening. Mr. Jun- Ola-mu presided and a. script“ lam was read by Hill Ruth Erh. my. on the topic, “Choloe Bible Starla". were given by unlu- Venn 30¢:th Mr. Allan Oren-nun and Manor not. don Snider. Mrs J W. Burton and Rev. and Mn. C. I: Carlson and daughter Eleanor Joan ot Hudson Ind, were gumm- of Rov. and In. E. Glnxnrloh tor I to. clay- "III _ T“ 333.0. laid a My Mab IoI¢oI Myuhmdlr. and In. Clan-u Bhon a I“. nu. In! My ovum. 'Br this; moo-0 In. -tturaotsomt" Mr (I. luau cough. and “wall. "can; was out In Old an... A dainty huh m and " the mom Blot-Min VJ... IVJJJ. I Dr. Chase's Qintmcnt {A}: aha. Mrs. Levi Martin of the Heidelberg road were visitors of Mrs. Joseph Martin onAIPiit. Mrs. Elias Snider with her family moved into part ot Mrs. Levi Monty's house. Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Bowman, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Sander and daughters Melinda and Edna were Sunday visi- tors of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Frey at Breslau. Mr. Chrstian Martin and daughter Mina Nancy of BS. No. 2. Woolwich, were Sunday visitors of Miss Re. becca Martin. Mm. Irvin Aldridge and daughter Catherine or St. Mary's are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cress. Mrs. Davis at Mount Forest with her children, spent the weekend with Mr. and :Mrs. John G. Hahn. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Wall], Mr. and Mrs. George ‘Stocknsh and mu Minerva Scheifdle. The Hay was also the birthday of Mrs. Ross Wan]. Mr. and Mrs. Art Shana and chil- dren Jean, Billy and Betty and Mr. and Mrs. Crt1iehshtynk and children or Kitchener visited at the home ot Mr. and Mm. Andrew Wahl but Thursday. Miss Sabina Hollinger and Min Helen He!“ of Waterloo more Sun- day visitors at the Ke1ter1tormr homo. Mr. and Mrs. George 1119th and son Robert ot Kitchener called on Mr. and Mm.’Andrew Wahl on Sat- urday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Abner ‘Musselman of the Jerusalem section were Sunday visitors or Mr. and Mm. Isaac Hurst. Mr. Edén Cressman is laid up with the grippe. _ Mr. and Mrs. William snicker and Mr. and Mrs. McCabe ot [Breslau were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. IP. E. Welker on Sunday evenng. "‘Mnrnrnd Mrs. Tobias (Bowman of Elmira were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Mike Bowman. - __ u Mrs. J. Shelly and daughter Mrs. Hemp Rev. and Mrs, S. R. [Knechtel and Miss Rennie of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Weber Sun.. day afternoon. Miss Donaldn Gray spent a few days last week with, trieryYat yolk: Mr. and MN. Wilbur Hyde attend- ed the funeral or the farmer's aunt, the late Mrs. Ed. Campbell lust Thursday at Strattord. / Mr. and Mrs. Harold ICreu spent the week-end in 'Neultadt. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. George Buchanan of Owen Sound, who spent several weeks visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Ground with friends at Kitchener and Gait. Mr. Sylvester Good and Mr. and Mrs. Arno Good visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Thaier at Williamnburg on Sunday. Mr'. and Mia. Ross Wan] celebrat- ed the flrirt anniversary or their mar. riage on Sunday. They had as guestg Mrs. Levi Lichty and daughter Miss Leah and son Lincoln visited with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Clemmer, near Ttumme1hartit on Sunday. MP. Gd Mrs. F'. E. Walker spent Sunday Prenoot1_irLitrPpft1.. _ Mr. Henry Martin of incidelberg was a Sunday visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Eli rBrubacher. 7 - _ __ -.uu, Matilda Bowman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leander Lichty near Linwood on Sunday. ,4 Mr. GPO. ianner and Mr. Bert Bur. rows upon! last Saturday evening In Stratford. Mrs. Geo. Wray spam the week- end via-[ting friends In Detroit. Tuesday tor the arat “no at. an the water. ot no river an - " and mo somewhat swollan though when has boon . good dos! ot rd- during October, The no" in bacon- In: alumna after the Ian dry up.“ of the Bummer. Cattle feeder. in this vicinity use their share in helping out the In- men in the drought stricken neon of its wen. They bought all had do. livered here some eleven out ot eat. tle end distributed them help about. The 13-year-old dnttqhtrr, Nucy, or Mr. end Mrs. Levi Harlin. had the misfortune or traetturing her leg lut Friday while " play in the hue- ment ot the echolo. For some unex- pluned reach her ieet got tangled up and Ihe tell with the realm of [he broken limb. Friendl visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Thom and funny on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. t Sounder and son Stanley and Mr. and Mrs. Wit. liam Gross of Kitchener. _ Mrs. .iained Hyde of irtramesvttte spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hyde. Mrs. Hester Tanner returned home last Friday after spending a very hipnmnt ton days, vialt with her "lotus. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hawk!- heo at. Fordwlch. We are pleased to report Mr. R. B. Hamilton Is improving very nicely. He has been out tor a car ride and Monday spent a couple of hours in his, stow. Mrs. J. Garvett of Drayton " lay- lng with her ulster, Mm. J. Ruther- ford. who, we are sorry to report is not as well as her many friends would will. Mr and Mrs. Junk Ranger and chtldron ot Monkton and Mr. and Mrs Warren Morrison Ind children of Atwood vinitod recently with Mr. ll. n Hamilton Ind sisters. Mrs. W, “ml. and Mrs Lair-Bruin Mr. and Mrs. Arrie Hollinger and Mrs. Jacob Conrad ot Elmira called on Mrs. George Kelterborne on Bat- urday. Mr, James Rutherford spent last Saturday yum tritsnd1ln_Palmtrrtetort: We" Mm "orb Mnmnan has returned hnmn atter wishing for the put can» No of month; with frlonda In tho “mumsuutthoulnnm "ttHetadtowaatrotaa-tt -3dt-otroaatoapotentorbq trotted to thou-o (nu-on. Inch cruel conduct m a strong row!- lnalgl mm of husbands-tho than ta1.ia.mtt.ts- Lt,tiiatitll?tet,i!t4tt! ‘Wuommu- "teo-un-. “but". - qt-quet mm. .th-cMMI-n .toeltm..etbrtulttr,qrert- “melon-mum‘s“. mmmmdnudunum to the will“. an: m (to ooullct ot n new. it I. - cov- WtttsarerordMlfor-mtt+t km ".0me Int pik- or "moerhohd_ you ttset Manly but! on MILLBANK ' Mrs. W 'lit m returned E " pm" cotr E "In In tho = =='Ci-r27.:H, Cis'. = E a - I = Inuit-Hr s WWI. I tment a. Sunday visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mm. c. S. Both were: Mrs. Peter Schultz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Schultz and son Deltord of Topping and Mr. and Mrs. John Poole and daughter Beatrice of Poole, Mr. Clarence Roth of IMllverton. The bride was gowned in navy blue chiffon crepe with matching acces- sories. The bridesmaid, Miss Alma Leia. sister of the groom. wore mouet blue crepe. Mr. Clarence Roth, bro. ther of the 'bride was best man. After the ceremony a recepton took place at the home of the bride's par- ents. Guests being present from Oregon, Michigan, New Hamburg. Waterloo, Topping Poole and Lin- Mr. and Mrs. Managua: (Munich and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Elias Martin near Het- dolberg. Mr. and Mrs Ed. Snydor spent Sunday with friends nam- Wallet:- atom. Mr. and Mrs. William Nellson made a business trip to Kitchener on Sat- urday. Mr. Gerald O’Grady, Ed. Maser, Charlie Han! and a number of other young folks spent an evening with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stemmler. Mr. and Mrs. Abner Leia motored to Buffalo. N.Y.. and other point. on Friday. The hallowe'en party held at the Fernbank school on Friday evening was well attended and all enjoyed a good time. A tine lunch was Ierved at the close. Lela-Roth Nuptta% The sale or the laté David Henry was well attended on tFriday after. noon and prices were good. A pretty wedding was solemnized at two p.m. on Wednesday afternoon at the Poole Mennonite Church, Mr. and Mrs. David Harrow at when Viola daughter of Mr. and Mrs. wood. C. S. Roth of Fernbank was united _------------ In marriage to Mr. Abner Lela son I ----BUY FROM ADB.--- ot Mr. and Mm. John Lela of Wel- ---'---ia---'---"--7aa"iawa--'--"'Graa lesley. Rev. E. Schultz performed the ceremony. Ji By Mullen of Canada’- TIM 'The young couple left to spend their honeymoon at Buffalo and other points. After their return they will reside in Wellesley. Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingrich and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Israel Ging- rich visited with friends near Flora- dale on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Snider and daughters Mable' and Ruth and son Mahlon spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Davld Snider. Mm." Joseph Snider and son " ford spent Sunday with friends near t,inwood. Mr. Manna Bnnman and Mr. Joseph Snider were recent guests ot Mr. um! Mrs. Isaac Hilborn. Kitchener. Mr. Oliver Keck spent Sunday at Hm home of Ed. Snyder's. Miss Violet Blehn spent Sum!" with Miss Wilma Shana. SNIDIR'B CORNERS ~Nico for wooing with tho codi- m quoted than, " In the third place with inland nib. V-nockllno and Mt style. in-- MIK-And-Wool Bench Knit $3.95 $4.95 Separate Pullout: In White And Eggshell Shade .-&t..Nrextmamrmthundereoid, '.-thoreoatqorto-rtthahtrt. and can pullovqn. Ribbed hit. will. can. Won-5 dun: " " King St. W. ---muan and cosy for making little tots' coats and all-over snow suit: with lgggings ._. . up}! .130 sports 39c!etu_und atiI%dU for older mom-ban it the fam- ily. Red, green, rust, blue. All wool. " inches wide. 81.69 yard. 2.9.. £9155... Glut... Th! SCH-Cy FERNBANK All-Wool Cardig- Sweaters at $2. 5 Polo Cloth $1.69 yd. KIM. lull-Mo Wu for " You" F. STEELE LTD. AT VERY MormtA'rrinsiticrts “STEELE: --White Night Com with Short also". in this [articula- special. Hannalette I 00 Pajamas $ . --Loneaueve style: with V-nocklinu or callus. Small, medium and hm lino. White - Blue - Peach - Pink Hamelellc Nightia 59e EACH OR TWO for tl .00 Mr. John MaoPherlon who has been engaged hy Mr. Stanley Gor- don of Mlll’bank for the coming your left to assume his duties but non- day. Mr. Hunter IM. Coote and Miss A. E. Coote and Mr. and lira. My?! Lavery spent last Tuesday in Kitch- ener. Mr. Hunter M. Coats and Min A, E. Coote attended the Masonic ban- quet held In Drayton last Tuesday evening. ' Mr. Wilfred Walter spent last Sat. urggy in Flt_ehemar. - Mr. and Mrs. o. L. Lam: of Un- wood and Mr. and Mrs. mush hvory and daughter 'ttttit spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mun-q at Moorefield. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Alumina: spent last Sunday with Mr. Rom. Alllngham at MHIbank. Mr. Geo. Welt: spent last, Thurs- day in Drayton. A -i'wrrhiiirri'eiru. Coote am am. A. E. Coote spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. David Harrow at At- Mr. Fred Weltz ot Untowel was a business visitor here last Friday. a: (Ahrens & Victoria Sta.) It!) “I 188 King St. N., '01 Waterloo tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttMmm The lbw. aim-lea [lecttic Co. Distributors 204 In]. W.. KIWI- GUARANTEED WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRING Located in Steele'l Optical Put-Ion. " King St. W. . Kile..." The Bengal Stations in Kitchener 491 King E. A - _ 600 Queen S. (At Master's Mill) The White Rose Station (Acton fiom Ford Gnnge) friff tht AT W. G. SAHLI DORKING " Eng-Inn!“ Then-[In Eye “on. 20! "