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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 6 Nov 1936, p. 2

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Now it may be that the method taken to collect the money is not above reproach. If the painter tries to give the impression that he is commissioned by the government he is apt to get into trouble. If he paints the box before consulting the owner, he is taking a chance on being unable to collect. The news items do not say whether he makes a good job or not, but if he does, then he is not "eyppintt" anybody when he charges fifty cents for his work. We believe 'that the law requires the owner of a rural mail box to keep it properly erected and in good repair. and the name of the owner must be legibly painted on the box. There is no charge for the de- livery of letters and papers to the rural mail box, but there is this one condition. Everybody knows that few farmers live up to the agreement on some, rural routes. The boxes sag, they become rusty or dirty, the name fades " or is not changed when the, farm is sold. Under these circumstances the mailman is not obliged to deliver mail. Along some main roads. every box is kept in repair and 'neatly and uniformly painted. if this is the work of some ambitious young man. he is to be commended rather than censured. so long as he does not misrepresent his position. Autumn-“mutt.“ ‘uww’ww’ thmd'mm'mM.“ 'ugr$s-ageeogg-iah.M,qrvttdngt. at Waterloo, Ont., - Tim “I My, thmn-h.muunu-h p.vidBe.aaBortn,Ltd..o-mdrublinh-. 'ueeii-rarutu-se-a- 1ehronieieio-beertftuGnrtadimsr"utrH--eitt-t-,tt--dtt.t"tu- -Amoei.tion,andtheontarittee “mi-PC In“: at subject nut. in. -tnat and do- main. 'mmmmwum-u. SUBSCRIPTION RATES m." In the “an d has teqeh-' cont.- 02-00I1Wilcm, ”Vibhinm'- (tttttuh,',,::,".':.::'.,'.,,::':,',:',:::':': ADVERTISING RATES hi“, and than no --" up by one a! a. Many weekly papers are telling the sad story of farmers being "gypped" by a man who has discovered a new way to make his living. He goes to a farm with a mail box that hasn't seen a coat of paint since it was new, and he paint: it all over, puts the name on again and charges fifty cents for doing the Job. In the Quebec Legislature members are much interested in the action of Premier Duplessis in exposing every offense it alleges the Taschereau Liberal government was guilty of. One case was where $45,000 was paid in indemnities to non-existent members of the Legislature. Another case is where a prominent supporter of the government is alleged to have paid employees with public funds. A third case is an alleged shortage of $56,000 in Montreal court house funds. Premier Duplessis is de- termined to make a full investigation which may not be pleasing to some former members and officials of the Government. In recent years young people have had a - if ' . craving for thrills and the other day it cost the D.eath . _removed another outstanding lives of ten persons near Pittsburg, Pa. "A American te.itizen m Mr James Qouzens, for.mer thrill or your money back" was the 2iosrGSl.1t,th,a,y, citizen, who invested his. small savmgs which induced them to go for a ride in an aero- with Henry Ford.. When he Withdreyv some plane. A few minutes after the plane left the years ago he received f.3,0.,000,.0llo for his shore. ground it plunged into a woods and caught fire, He gave generously of his millions to charity. and the ten exeut.tsion.i.st.s, were given 'c) -r-r-....-..--r- 'Thrill", but it was the thrill of death. Eight million dollars was the total Ontario Aeroplanes have their place but foolhardy fire loss in 1986, as compared to sixteen million driving to give thrills to young folks frequently dollars in 1981. Careless smokers continue to result in accidents and this keeps many people be responsible for fires, being 2,763 out of a from becoming air-minded. .total of 16,686. A case came to the attention of the Ontario welfare minister where twenty-two families on relief at Riverside, near Windsor, owned and operated motor cars. The administration im- mediately ordered the license plates taken up but the t0wn council ordered them restored. For the second time the Ontario government order- ed them lifted and the municipality again or- dered them restored, claiming the cars were needed by these people on relief in their search for work. It is wrong to allow people receiving direct relief to operate motor cars while the taxpayer contributing toward relief is unable to afford and enjoy the advantages of car ownership. If people own and operate motor cars they surely cannot be classed as destitute. It is unfair to the taxpayer and should not be allowed. On Application. Advertising copy must reach tic h tht. my: “Gin Ill . by on tti Job. on that we also not later than may uni Tue-day noon: to h- m and upon twenty-fo- bm c (by. and '0'" sun Won in the next hive. IR it will». .114 my In 0th: words, COUNTY COUNCIL cotrN I Now (It b mod him and the VIIII of Incl him to o I. cannot be cw. Recently the Hanover Post quoted a letter mug. and 'fl'llfd,11t are not enough. An - from Reeve W. J. Cunningham, of Alliston, who ’10”. 1... to be d-sdatrle " well " "eient to be strongly opposed the move to abolish county or considered anti-futon. And just what doe. it mean township councils as a further step in the cen- to be “amuuwz To be no...“ and truthful .1. tralization of government. He. admits some ways, conscientiou- in the discharge of -rtaitrilitien, members render little or no servwe and believes never taking . Bettiatt advent-3e, trustworthy under some changes for better administration could on gimme... be made. His letter in past follows: t “The time is coming." can this principl, “when "l would propose a county council of reeves eumeur-tmitditw will hold Brat Plnee in .dueation." only. The chairman of tour or five of the most We on inclined to In“; for what this dun-ed important committees would form what we will world nood- Ibovo everythlnz else in undoubtedly call a Beard of Control-they would meet and m of “I. with“! quality implicit in the word form estimates and plans to submit to the "eh-er". Edueation isthehope of democmy. and county council, with authority to carry on the an it produce! the highest type of eitisen-arho must work of the county between sessions but not be righteous " well " 'sdugtated---it will not have to vote money, and the whole council meeting 'uitiiUd ita million for Immunity. But, whatever for two or three days in January and November "edmattion" my or my not do about it in future, would be sufficient. The expense of this body the “MW should tom, no time in “tint for him- would be small in comparison with a special sett, " hereif. m, ". tho buihUm of our 0'11 chr- department of political heelers which might “at and have no greater responsibility to see to it easily become ttheavy." , "ll-t the result of our building does us credit. We are inclined to agree with the Alliston Reeve in not wanting county councils abolished. It has been proven in many instances that the farther away governments get from the people they represent, the poorer the administration. Township and county councils have been care- ful to keep expenditures as low as possible but this cannot be said of provincial government expenditures during the past few decades as they have been increased many times. The Hepburn government is doing its best to keep expenditures within bounds but once there is a fixed overhead it is difficult to reduce it. Ontario municipalities have done well by its needy and no one has been allowed to go hungry or without clothing and shelter. In some cases more than actually needed has been given to people on relief, resulting in an un- necessary imposition on the taxpayer. $45,000 FOR NON-EXISTENT MEMBERS m mm 1uiiiiiiiLii F' r,- a'" ""," 'i"'T"""rrGriii; IMPROPER USE OF RELIEF FUNDS "THRrLLS" PROVE COSTLY VALUE FOR THE MONEY (Fergus News-Record) With the new stream-lined railway pas- senger coaches, travel by rail is becoming more popular in Canada, United States and England. thirteen years. {scoured his eyesight over- night. The war equipment in tanks and aeroplanes received by the Spanish government has stiff- ened their resistance against the Fascist in- surgent forces. Coal mining accidents in fifty per cent. of' the cases is attributed to carelessness by a British Royal Commission. In Brownsville, Tennessee, five lion cubs born recently have been named after the Dionne quintuplets. But they will not be lionized as the Callander babies. East Hastings by-election has been fixed for December 9th, and bath Liberals and Con- servatives are determine to win this seat. Communist propaganda among school children in Canada should be stamped out. Recently a child went to school with children who attended a juvenile Red Sunday school class and was told there was no God. In the United States little pigs Were thrown into the river, much surplus grain and cotton burned in the hope of raising prices. In Ger- many where there was a surplus of 6,000,000 gallons of wine, the people were invited by the Nazi government to drink it up, and they did so in no uncertain manner. Death removed another outstanding American citizen in Mr. James Couzens, former Chatham citizen, who invested his small savings with Henry Ford. When he withdrew some years ago he received $30,000,000 for his share. He gave generously of his millions to charity. There is a good deal said about the desirability of the store, owner in the smaller communities, yet people go to the city and hunt out the larger stores when they want to buy an article, thus making the big fellow bigger and the little fellow smaller. And the strengepsrt of it is that the same person, after having helped the bigger fellow with his patronage, will sit down and howl his head oft about how big business in this country is strangling the little fellow. It isn't big business that strangled the little fellow-- it is the customer who gives his trade to the big fellow who is responsible.' Prince Arthur is quoted in a Washington news- paper as saying after four weeks in the United States that he is impressed with the beauty of the American girl: he has seen. "But," he tsitrnithtmstlr adds, "the prettiest American girls are in the small towns, I have noticed. Their beauty is fresher and more natural than that of the girls in the big cities." Complaints by taxpayers over tax bills are so frequent that municinal treasurers pay little heed to them. At Fort Erie, a woman who paid a $120 tax bill, remarked: "My, but taxes are getting terrible in this town." Auditors later found she had been assessed $2,500 on a vacant gt, instead of $600, and she was refunded 1.20. A European prince, being interviewed in the United Staten, could not, of course, hope to escape being naked his opinion of Americun girls. And a European prince, of course, would never be other than tectful. Prince Arthur Gilbaut of Belgium is no exception. Here is balm for the young lady who perhaps has envied the sleekly polished nsils, the sophisticated lips and eyebrows and the meticulously plutered eoithrre of her cousin who went to New York. If after all a prince’s eyes are sutBeiently discerning to-Well, no need to day-dream Cinderella stories; for there’s some- thing to be said for the trrnal1 town boy. He's often I prince of a fellow. . The other day a Wisconsin man, blind for SUPPORT THE LITTLE FELLOW (“MI-Yuck!» Ill“.- to tho-“v conu- SMALL TOWN GIRL (Christian Science Monitor) EDITORIAL NOTES (Listowel Banner) mutt“ by many units and have checked plans tn mechanize a lung section or the Canadian militia. Such con- ditions. departmental authorities lie-organization of the non-perman- ent militia is being pressed forward and will be completed, it is anticipat- tua', 'before the end ot the year. For some tlme military experts have openly recognized the need tor changes in the non-permanent mili- tia to bring in more in keeping with present times and method. ot wu- tare. Curtailed budget: have practic- ally brought to a stop active training Murray is acquainted with condi- tions in Canada and has studied ra- dio in Canada tor the Canadian Gov- ernment. Since his recent arrival in Canada 118.111! travelled extens- ively refreshing his memo? on the problems of Canadian ta io. The new general manager is well aware of the delicate matter ot bilingualism, he understands sectional opinion in the Dominion and-the methods which no decides to follow in meeting these conditions will be closely watdlod by all within sound of loud speakers. Under existing legislation the Do. minion can grant charters over which the provinces have limited jurisdic- tion and the provinces have similar rights. Elimination of this divided control is the main essential to uni- form company laws. Loopholes which at present exist allow ‘11-er pro- moters to use unscrupulous methods and still remain within the bounds ot the law. f As the figures indicated much has been accomplished under the act but it was never regarded as permanent legislation and if the time in not rs. garded appropriate to remove it alto. gether from the statute books some modification in likely. The act was originally intended to relieve farmers in the western drought areas bat many have taken advantage ot it in Ontario and Quebec. 3.039.511 mandala“. when whale, to no“ tut... t Cut tow “up. No In.) should be but" In: In din-nut. 6. roll tru- lnto on. I“, so a not to damn you; (with. lune-cum bad all. procu- ot mm... T. Do not mt. am "all. a. Dunn-to tho snout. of Biting In to be done by plum-g And and 'stsrly tor your trees. - If farm conditions are regarded as favorable the Farmers' Creditors Ar- rangement Act may be terminated at the end orthe present crop year. July M. 1937. Reports up to Septem- ber 1 show that under the act 120.- 018 farmers have been interviewed. 22,678 creditors meetings held, and 14.588 settlements made. The total debt involved was $140,975.200. The a...“ wool cum-3h” tgrJn"cttfdetNUlT tortorthetaMuttn."Noq. istottttioqrtFalrqur_ I. '"rAatitr-toboemt.ettAr. via-Mormuplu. thhnouoootpodnuluor ”good-up. [taunt-01v. Inch- indtaatotortre-thqUht. Residents of the little Britilh Cor lumMs town ot Maple Ridge. his birthplace and ot Vancouver ltill re- member him as an ardent debater, no matter what the topic. At McGill University in Montreal his name is still recalled in amusing episodes. He went overseas and was one of the first Canadians to join the Royal Air Force, transferred trom the infantry. His first position with the BBC. was director of public relations. Public opinion and the press was bitterly critical ot the 3.8.0., and Murray faced no easy task. Pene- verence. tact, and clever technique steadily won tor him, and tor the B.B.C., friends. He gained one pro- motion after another climbing to the important oinee of program director and being the subject of frequent rpre- dictions " the future Cur of the [3.8.0. . Unification of the Company laws ot Canada is the object being sought by representatives ot the nine pro- vincee in conference here. First " tort of the parley will be to lay down broad principles upon which there can be general agreement. It the pro- vinces can agree upon the steps to be taken then the Federal cabinet wil' be approached to hare necessary legislation passed. 'utArmttqr.--- OTTAWA, Nov. '.m--twNPO-- The new -Cnnndinn Broadeaatinq Corporation went on the " thin week and radio in Cut-do entered its third important pLurtr-ttus nut in " introduction, the second un- der the deposed Cnnodinn Radio Commission, and now the third un- der the recently created Gnu-din: Radio Corporation. A Canadian by birth, Major Mur- ray has with the British Broadeasting Corporation gained an enviable re- putation tor tact in bundling am- cnlt problem, an attribute whim he Its going to and extremely valuble Just u the new crops hn tho mm are tended In order to with the. to produce their maximum ruid, In uh winner the tom! crop mu! be cared tor. A R. a. Smith. The Week At tt Ottawa What outage " will mun to Cen- ada'g listening public "ttmated at 5,000,000 is " yet unknown. There Is strong opinion that W. 11.0. Mur- ray. newly appointed aenerll mun- ager ot the new governing body will favor British broadeaatiug Ideal leaning toward music in its highelt forms and giving Jazz a minor role Laying up In our. far than. new“ . good foundation Iqaluit tho tlmo to come. that they may lay hold on otornal mo. That they do good, that they be mm In good works. ready to dlurlbuto. mum. to communion“; Charge them that an rich In (hi. world, that they tre mm hlgwmlndod. ttttf In"! In uncertain rich“, bu! In tho Ilvlng God, who mth an rlchly all "may. to ”Joy; In Meditative Mood I. Tim. t: 17-11 state, have hastened the necessity tor reorganization. Pistol Registration Valuable IRecent legislation requiring the registration ot all pistols and revol‘ var. in Canada has proven its worth Royal Canadian Mounted Police om. cials report. Registration now total over 98,000. In the short time that the information made available by the registration has been on depart- mental files it has proven elective in determining those responsible tor several crimes. Revolver owners are required to register their weapons with local police and the information is then forwarded to R.C.M.P. oilices where a central registry is kept. Do lam Woch en Owet henn die Weibsleld won der Sewing Club en Hullowe'en Party mt drunne bei’s Rollbeel's uf dem Schtore tttttT, is es loos gauge. Die Sop ie is middags achon riwwer komme vot die Arrangements mche was en than alt vor Sebtrech ff,',,',',' sollt. Die Mnndie hot ihre enn SIM-etion sews veil ich in der Ollicial Ottawa's reception of the loan application from William Aber- hart, Alberta's Social Credit Premier, tutfilled expectations. The province needed $3,500,000 to mean: maturity. Premier Alberlmrt tamed to the Bank ot Canada after Finance Min- ister Dunning had turned him down with the explanation that govern- ment had not statutory authority to make such a. low. The Bank of Canada based it: re- fusal on an opinion that the province was not a good munch! risk. De. fault of previous maturities was un- doubtedly an important factor in the decision. Der Mike un die Mandie otsh where small aeeo LOAN S HOME IMFIROVEMENT BANK OF MONTREAL ESTABLISHED " I T mmoed by the Dominion Government for assisting hunt owners who wish to mom, modernize or other- wise impme their homes, and it is now prepared to make loans to property owners under the new provisions of the Daninion Housing Act. Briefly, the provisions reading home improvement loans In: 0mm loan on one my - 82.0004 .Diatpuetr-<hnrg, equal to 83.23 per 8100. of tltefueevahgeadt"ertote,formiermr,Pe able in than“. lcpayment by monthly iasul- Waterloo Branch: J. R. BEATON, .Sundm' So f taxes. , -. be “min. T'a'"l'a'te, 2rgf,'li'o'i."c '". If you wish to obtain funds to repair, improve or modernize your property, we would be very glad to have you all and discuss your requirements with us. Udortbauwp rep-u unsung ' not or ht alum IU' 1f,'l2a'ldll include " "was M to ovum oylr, mm on qNoendttaersare ‘zm Rollbeel, so viel Gram brunch die nett vor nehe; do is Ebb“ tuners In der go. Sei Fra, die Sophie, hett Belly-Gutts Taffy (mum, un en KIN) vol] Ess tlehtoff ready, er glubt sic debt vor e put 'Dag nett heem komme. l leh hat, ihm g'saht er troll heid Owet komme; ya, hott er g’saht, nwer die Betta geht an die Meeting. Sell in grad was mir welle; heid lOwet sin mir vor um. Ich bin von 'dert tum "nneflteker vor's dem use. Der mehnt des wer fine, 'twer wu henn die Weibsleid vor, die lambda Seek voWBehtoftt niwwer ce. Fixture. which m In, {mun-51: taxi mu or appliances, are considered improve- which ' my her ind: 'includéz mime .hetes, dur.iexes, gm", mum hoysey fam- rom Won 1egtcgrei,geg menus. at. Fixture. which are no! mm le attach, Macs: LianisliririG"sira"Gd dv'veuing Schtub g'hoekt hab un Zeitung g’leese. Ich hnb die Hint g'numme, un bin fott niwwer tum Donnie. Er wnr am Apple Dumplings mache, un mehnt Du kommst mir grad recht. Heit bleibst Du emol bei mir vor Supper. leh hub ihm vor die In- 21"te,ui',t'ttt. awwer no wees die Handle nett vor was ich nett heem komm. Getter hab ich wee g'mnaehte Hahne g'butchert, aye duht ale alle well rotate, un se le Kiel will ich non mime. Awwer do Der Donnie mehnt alright. Die Apple Dumplings kennt er uf halte vor e put Dag, die deht er ver- schtee vor muche, er kommt. Ich bin fort zum Hans, der war am Holt: schpulte; " hott druf nei g’hackt wie sues un mehnt sci Fr. is wehr am Grebeln bucks was mir in unser Schproch Fett Kuche un in English Dough Nuts heest, un wet so cranky wie e Wand Lang. bleibt noch e ft, Dehl tat davon un-heh Owet enn.die Wei sleid e #tretiryr, do kommst Du nunner BU min Ich frog der Pttnneflieker un der Hans noe vor komme, un dann henn mir den Hana an die g'ronste Hume vor um. “a Dani-Jo. Housing Act . . HEAD OFFICE. MONTREAL Wie, mir den hinn komme Bin wn'a grad wie on Clhthumpbn Show. Die from Hume. die Sundwitches, er Betta ihre Domin- Nnts. Selle nee Kerb wu- on dart, un henn e Hei Old Time tr'rett, un mir Innate drucke irehleife. leh hub ihm g'uht du teh der Hun un der Donne Invite lab utt Owet selle Hume belie eue, me kennte grad so gut e Hellowe'en Petty helte "rie die Sewing Club. Er my!” fr Winn we: Ker!) voll Wie sie dam fort war nn’s Party sin die Kerls komme. Der Kasper mehnt er hen der Knrb nett thine kenne, hett yult en Boddel Grape Juice. Er hott sic at g'mucht un nus tr'sehenkt .Der Hum hott die erat Doon (rich; or mehnt dues mist am vermente sci, es deht nom- schmecke. leh lub's venucht: dos is yo Tomato Ketchub, ich hoht yetzt die Hahne. leh hub alien nus lucht aWwer sie wnhre fort. Der ' mehnt mir gehne niwwer sum Roll- ttl un ttueke emol zum Fen-tel- ne . leh bin heem un in's Hans. - die Maudie un die Sophie wnhre nett BU sehne. leh bin net in die Schtub vor’s Radio in schpiele. Iwwer emol nbbeltss uf dem Schpeiger. Teh binn der Selim: nuf, an and widder nunner, hub die Mnndie g'rutte, awwer sic w fort. Ich niwwer tum Kasper. Komm tr'aehwind mitt, ea sin twee Ken-ls uf unscrew: Schpeiger un vor kee Geld see ich dort net. Der Tas. per in mitt, un mir sinn widder mm. awwer ulles war fort. Du must, tr'tramnt have, es in Nimnd do. Die Mundie ls vom Schull hehr BU lute komme, hott die Ange sua- g'butzt. Wat, in diet g'hnppened du du heile duhatt Sic mehnt die thne wehre noch nett or. mir dehte gust en kammen Supper nehme. ' Eu Behtoit mit iin en Boddet vol] Grape Juice. Mike un Mnndie.

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