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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 6 Nov 1936, p. 10

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We are glad to report that M/it. Kneise] who suffered /a__s!evere ap- Mrs. Kate Hohl and Mr. Jack Mc- Dermid of Stratford visited at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hohl on Sunday. Mrs; Henry Cook spent a day at Stgtford last week on business. Mr. and Mrs. E. 1Vettlaurer, New Hamburg called on Mr. and Mrs. E. Roeder on Sunday. Visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knelse] on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Roy Koenig, Miss Ger- trude and Mr. Norman Jacky. Wa. terloo, and Mr, Wm. (Hebe. Mr. Oliver Giebe of Mt. Forest, Mr. Elmer H0111 of 1milllpsburg and Mr. Harvey Kneisei spent Sunday at their respectiw homes here. Mr. and Mrs. Art Kabel of Kitch- ener and a number ot their friends made a short can at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glebe on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Hohl spent a few days last week at the home of Mrs. Kate Mom ot Strattord. Mr. and Mrs. John Mathias and family were visitors at Vineland on Sunday. Rev. John Hameater and son Wal- ter visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krteisel on Sunday evening. FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIllllllllllllllllIIllllllllllllllIll!"I"lIIll"Ill"llllllllllflllllllllllllfl‘ L-_--------------------"-" Personals. ":'i:i:',,'ii"i:.' J.llk8plltpisider CClii.envdcrvrf:yLcfet 130 King St. S. - WATERLOO . . Distriét MtarV‘kVétws - LIVeStOck - Grain . . ClhttmnrMeurkerd5t. Marys R. 5...... 8 7 1 Jno. Stalls-um ..........Elmin r................." 8 6 Mr. Radford.....,........)-; ............26 16 10 J. W. Heine!..............Watorloo .....w........ 8 tt Geo. Gunn ................Hickspn ...............15 11 , 4 E. 291m.....................Bright o.,.............." 9 6 N. Metealf................Petrolia ................ 8 7 l R. Henry....................Keswick ..............12 8 4 W. Garbutt................Malton ................. 8 7 l C. L. Winch...............Agincourt .............10 8 1 1 There were 18,469 hogs sold on the dressed basis in Canada during the week, distributed as follows: Alberta 2,196; Sas. katchewan 681; Manitoba 1,813; Ontario 9,814; Quebec 2,442; Maritimes 1,523. Nlme tiiiariarillliiilliiiilDS THE 1jllliS. SNIDER MILLING (IQ Phone 239 R. S. McBhail Brut. Shorts, Corn, Barley. Cod Liver Oil, Salt. Moat Setups. Tank-go. Bone Meal, Seed Corn. Cotton Saul Moll. on Cake Meal. Vim Oat Feed, tuu, OIL. ole. SNIDER’S GROWING MASH LAYING MASH........... PIG GROWER ..'.r.mw.'r.. DAIRY FEED............. CALF MEAL ..tt...rt._... HARLEY AND OAT FEED Eggs - Cream Poultry Highest Market Prices Bacon Hogs Graded Dressed If you cannot bring in your produce, give us a phone call and our truck will pick it up. Best farmen' lots for week ending Oct. 29. 1938. (Furnished by Dominion Livestock Branch, Toronto) CHICKENS CAR HOMINY FEED NOW IN We pick " make: of LISBON G. L.. BRAUN 2ttt King St. E. Phone 2781 Kitchener QUALITY LOCKS KEYS MADE All Kind.. Limited KITCHENER OAT FEED ...... $1.35 per 100 lbs. SOYA BEAN MEAL Address paid for Limited PIGS A number ot young people from here attended the Haliowe'en Social given by the Literary Society or the Wellesley Continuation School as guests of William G'ebe, who is vice- president ot the society. i The second largest shipment. 60 head to P. L. Hellman & Son of Cle- Iona Pa, was selected principally from Waterloo County and Bruce Peninsula breeders, a partial list of which follows: David S. Martin, El- mira; A. W. Kopas. Mooremeld; Eph. Fried, New Dundee; Abner Muasei- man, Elmira; Ervin B. Shams, Pres- ton; Jacob Mogk & Son. Tavistock; Wm. H. Mogk, Tavistock; Eden Mar- tin, Waterloo; Jon. A. Kasey, Prem ton; Irvin Gimme, Breslau; Annaniaa Martin, Waterloo; Oliver A. Snyder, Hespeier. pendlx attack is improving nicely. Breeders In the county contribut- ing included: It. J. Bean, New Ham- burg; Enoch E. Martin, Elmira: Fred W. Bagg, Hespeler; Grover C. Mac- donald, Gan; J. A. Dryden. Gan; Edwin B, Eby, Kitchener; Allan W. Jantzi, Petersburg; Moses Naleger, Mllverton. The heaviest purchaser was C. S. Erb & Co., at Middletown, Pa., with two shipments numbering 105 ani- mais, the majority ot which were Be- iected trom the herds ot Oxford. Wa- terloo, Perth and Middlesex counties. As the largest number selected trom any one herd was seven animals it is estimated that more than 40 bree- ders shared in the receipts ot these two shipments. United States exports of pure-bred Holstein cattle from Ontario herds during late September and the tirtrt three weeks ot October number slightly more than 500 animals, ac- cording to fitrurtur lurnlshed by the home ottiee of the Ho!ntein-erieqituy Association ot Canada, Branttord, Ontario. Heavy Holstein Shipments From Waterloo County Tot. Hon, A, o $2.85 per @ $2.50 per © $2.30 per © $2.25 per @ .85 per WATERLOO, ONT. CATTLE 100 lbs. 100 lbs. 100 lbs. 100 lbs. 25 lbs. l _ Others Two major can”: for the norldenu worn infirm or tsttrr+stut pndmlrlann and sldn nn rolllglnns. In tall, person: who walk along of anempt to cross huthwttyit were hlamod for 2,562 of 8.229 areldentn chnokod. It was snld that tho majorlty of catch" walker! were children. London.--41reat Britain's automo- bile Assnriation ls leading a cam. palgn to Interest the government tn spending 82.500.000 m a safety ttrirt campaign and to expend further sum; in modernizing roads and highway lighting. A report. recently compiled by police departments made the A. A. cnnacioug of the need for greater safety and driving on the country‘a roads. Specs! grade lat grade ___...., 2nd grade TPV' "A" large "A" pulleta Prices quoted by Kitchener tIrma on the above date were " follows: ___-. _ Eggs Selling Prince Edward Island, - $1.30 to $135 per bag, earlot basis; Ontario. N0. 1, $1.05 to $1.10; New Brunswick, $130. earlot basis. Prices to trade are 15 to 25c a bag higher. Bacon-hog prices were steady at all reporting points Wednesday. Dressed weights: Hull, $10; Peter- ‘borough, $9.40; London, $9.35; Strat, ford, $9.35; Chatham, $9.33. Live weights: Brantford, $7.10; Kitchener, $7; Hull, $7.25; Peter- borough, $7; Stratford, $7; Chatham, $7; London, $7. Brluin Con-Idea Big safety Drive l Spring Chietreng--. Over 6 ma. ................ " to 6 lbs. B................. 1% to 5'lbs. ......rmmP_r...' 'Under 4% lbs. ....mm..mm.. Kitchener Produce HAY AND BTRAW ‘Hay quotations to shippers In To- ronto Wednesday as provided by dealers were: No. 2 timothy hay, baled, $10 to $11 a ton; No. , timothy hay, baled. $9 to $10 a ton. Out. and wheat straw, baled, $6 to $7 a ton. Spring Brouer- 1% to 2% lbs. ....r.., trim CHRONICLE WANT ADS TO " OR “in. Buying Prices United Farmens' Cooperative Co. Wednesday were paying the follow- Iug prices for produce. Poultryr- _ Do., common .........rr. 2.25 Stacker and feeder steers. good ............ 3.75 Do., common ...m....mrm. 2.75 Milkers and springer: 35.00 Calves, good and choice veals .........._............. 8,00 Do., com., to med. .... 4.50 Grassers A'""-'""'""-" 3.00 Hogs, t.o.h. ....W.6.TtT...F..F.. 7.00 Do., on tracks ............ 7.35 Do., on cars .._............. 7.75 Good ewe and wether lambs _....................... 7.75 Do., medium ............ 7.25 Bucks ....r...r.r...r...r.r......... 6.75 Do., culls ......m............. 6.00 Sheep, good light .......... 3.50 Do., heavies ..b............. 2.50 Do., culls ..............F...r. 1.50 Do., medium '.....r.r Do, common WW.WWW_ Camera and cutters Buns, good m.............. Do., medium .mrm....'rm.m. Do., common ...F..F.r.r. Heifers. good and choice .rm....._....r.r..m... Do., medium .t..m..r..F... Do., common ....._...r.. Fed calves, choice _..... Cows, Do., Quotations: Steers, up to 1,050 Iba., good F.'.......................' Do., medium .r..F..prmm. Do., common PrPPPPP.Prr. Steers, over 1,050 Its., choice .r.m._......_.t.m_.mm.._ Choice other brought " to 88.50 with plan: grades down to W. Heavy western calves went at " to 83.76. Lambs were steady at $7.75 to " for good ewes and weathers, with bucks and bends! " less. Gulls were " One car ot western (coders averaging " lb... cold at 86.60. Me- dium quaMty western lambs went at $7.50. Sheep were unchanged " $1.50 to 84.50 cm. Light western ewes brought $4.75. _ Toronto, Nov. E---agt and. ot eat. tlq moved low" tn the he. ot tUht fro-h alarm;- u tho Union Stock You. "and”. No good butcher cattle were cloud. Tho nu. hold- over In; Mum to around 1.600 head. Cohen, - and limb- to- wed untidy. Common to medulla butchou sold at n to " Medium quality wdxhty also" moved at " to 84.50, with one choice lot $5.25. Common neon were la low as $3.35. A few good butcher cow- traded at $2.75 to ”.25. Bulla were claw at 82.50 to ".10. Common to medium anchors sold at 82.50 to $3.25. Some good leaders were as high as 83.76 to " All Grade: love [over with Light Fresh “who. “Mover Reduced i Mr.. a; lk Cattle Mart 'iiii?5iy Hog Quotations large .... medium pullets (Thursday. Nov. ii, 1936) (Quotations In cents) medium Potatoes Eggs Buying __r....r...__ 27 " '_..w.w_r_er9 " 20 according to weight Butter!“ Siore'g Producers .. " " .. M " Truck Delivered " 27 24 " 21 " Dressed Dressed ME. Select t 4.76 4.00 3.00 17 " 18 17 15 7.75 7.25 6.75 6.00 3.50 2.50 1.50 4.75 4.00 3.00 7.00 6.25 4.75 3.00 2.75 2.25 1.25 2.75 2.25 5.16 4.75 4.25 3.50 44c 42c 33c Me 25c ' 5.00 4.65 3.75 4.10 3.50 65.00 8.00 7.50 7.00 l 8.50 4.50 3.50 2.50 I 9.00 7.50 7.50 4.00 ; 15 17 " " 13 5.00 4.65 3.7 5 7.50 6.76 6.00 3.25 3.00 2.60 2.00 3.00 2.60 5.25 5.10 4.76 4.25 Many a man would have kept out ot hot water had he stuck closer to cold water. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Blerwagen and family Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Doerr ot Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Theo Lautenschlager. Mr. Harold Shame and in. Jack Knipfel and son Ross spent the week- end with relatives here. The Misses Irene Horst and Grace Grady spent the week-end at the for- mer's parents in Almuree. nos mans sold locally by MASTER MILLING CO. - KITCHEN!!! M. L. WEBER . " ST. JAconl J. Lorz . . - WILLllLIY HUEHN BROS. - - HjmlLIIRG Mr. and MES; d." h.iAiIiater of Guelph were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth McAllister on Sunduy. Mrs. John Bechtel spent I fewI Nov. daiys with her son, Mr. and Mrs. m” Mi ton Bechtel, near Kossuth. no". al Mr. Ind Mrs. David Sander and turnips children Roy and Bernice were Sun- on the '. tiny guests of Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Ville or Martin near Wuterloo. Inn-o on Sunduy. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Bechtel und son Wilson visited friends in New Dundee on Sunday. Miss Msgige Mayer and Mr. Ben Mayer were guests of their sister, Mrs. Nancy Buehler, near Waterloo, on Sundsy. Mr. TL'iL'Eon visited his son. Mr. Roy Croft, at Port Hope, on Supgay." _ Quito u number from this un- attended the hot tow] nupw at Gold- "te 'P, Tuna." evening. Recent caller- " the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Sander were In. Irvin Sittler Ind little non Tttug. Miss Sue-mu Buehler and Kr. . Ruler of Patton, and Mr. and Mrs. Amos B. Mnrtin and little daughter Mrrtha of Preston. _ Mr. nit} iirLiGudrie of Detroit called on Mine: Mary and Abbie Bonus recently. Mn. Oliver Schism and In. Att. Trunler of Waterloo 'were Monday visitors. at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson. . Quite a number trom this vicinity attended the funeral ot the late Mr. Johnson Kidd ot Oiemlhn, which was held on Tuesday woman. Mr. Ind In, gym and Mr. all Mn. annual] or Palmer-ton veto Sunday “ORG" at the home at Mr. and Mrs. Gordon humor. mu Ruth henna b unending al low day- at the home ot her Danna. Mr. and Mn. John nelson. Mr. Clayton dull. of imam - the weak-end with m. ulnar, Mr. wmmn Gum. Mr. John Juck$on and Ian Harley were Sunday vial om a the home ot yr. and Mrs. William Sub” ot [an . t . ' Ta; Feed with Kes. tijiilli,'it', Watch Your Profits Grow! ' tt%rlltllrr POULTRY-FARM PROVEN by In mania that has experience. knowledge, and the nee- equipment to give MAXIMUM RESULTS fair can. Small wonder that more and more poultrymcn m depending on ROE FEEDS, because they on Essential to any mixture is that certain milling called EXPERIENCE, plus the "know-how" - adapting the parts to one another to give unity and I pleasing whole. Without this EXPERIENCE, plus outstanding qlulity in. gredients, it just becomes another disappointment and failure. -. to\i:‘§ie s'iiii'icizizjzt cake I When Mother bakes her {mom cake - Inn-arm. " good! But m- bee the time Sister Susie tried to match " Recipe book in hand uh: did her best, yet the cake fell flat, and tasted ml British-American Products Dunlog Tires and " King St. S. “@49le am 1" j/fit iiaAisd mo IE Man ILOOMINGDALI PETERSBURG J. D. M. Fish". Prop. Service Station St. S. - Phone .12 WATERLOO YAmN ultimatum-y Iirl Nov. 2 (Honda) .--At" 1 .m. k slurp, auction uh of 10 Yorhtire no", shouts, 1,000 Leghorn puller. d turnip: and meals, for But Bros, t agate fym..% miltr.ttoqttAof lium elude u not. 10, won. I, lornmg~| Orley Uffelman, owner of the ‘ton, at Brunner, for M. L. Whitney. Ontario Seed Co. Ltd., has been Nov. l (Saturday) :.z,f,tPt.f,tr11 I Brominent in civic work form num.. Community 8nle " Cote'a Livery er of years. As president of the Barn of homes, cattle, lat poultry Waterloo Curling Club he was and implements. Jana on Cole, named to represent the curlers on manager. 'the cpmmittee. Nov. " (Tuesday) - Clearing Poirtmaater Clayton Dotzert. and auction sale of horses, h poul- a former detp'uty reeve, keenly in- try and feed, tractor, tin-m; ma. terested in s boys and girls en- chine and implements, 1 mile east joying the great winter pastime of tf, Pt,' it??? vault! of tttttt 'tttttgt hockey, is Jg'g,"'g'ilt', arc, or oy unabergora or to in; open air n in t e Estate. Eons ','"iliPiisf/a'g,tr1 aebSislfdn Nov. 1 Frida - Welleale tre , 'ttt ting u or common“: g', ol)horses “mg, guvemles. He is president of the hogs, poultry and implements. uvenile Hockey League. . Menno o. Erb. manager. I Former Mayor Wm. "Pete" Brill, Nov. 24 (Tuesday) - At 2 In"... owner of the Brill Recreation Hall, auction sale of 160 acre farm with has done much in recent years_to od buildings, ete., Lot 88, Con. d, Bromote amateur baseball. .Li.k.e goth Euthope. 2% milea southeast undrede of others of enthusiastic of city of Stradord, for late John Torts, he has Been the need of an tsehe Estate. ice arena for Waterloo for some Nov. " (Tuesday) - Clearing auction sale of homes, h poul- try and feed, tutor, 'tu'letlQ ml- ehine and implement, 1 mile out of Men. 2 mile- Treat of Peter.- ttter, for late Lloyd Hun-hem!“- Nov. 18 W/W) - Wallaby community ale o horses cattle, hogs, poultry and iiiii;GriGi.' Meyto 9, Mr. manager. _ _ Barn of 1digii2'fiteie; pal“; and implements. Jon: on Cole, manger. sale of hPial pirbas'e gtidAiGFii cattle at t 10, Con. 1, Homing ton, at Brunner, for M. L. Whitney. Nov. 6 (hfdq)---Auetion ale of (umiture and dishes " Rntho for Phone Sthe, Tovi-lock Nov. 8 (Tuessdny)--Auetion sale of 26 high grade Holstein dairy cows and young tattle, lolly IC- credited, " Lot 21, Con. 8, Downie, 1% miles south of Sebringville, for Edwin Erb. E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer Phone 313. Kink-nor Nov. 11 (Wednesday) --At " o'clock, et the Winter Fair Build- ings, Guelph, 70 head of choice pure bred, full Beeredited and blood- tested 'lll,7,,dlfi cattle, cows fresh end springing, heifers and bulls. An outstanding sale. Don't min it! bred and high'mde Jersey Jule. implements, food and household ednseta, for the estate of the late Amos Martin, 2 miles west of Waterloo, on the Erbnille road. Sue ed. next week. Catalogues on toque-t. Nov. " 1Wedne.dnn.-At 12.00 o'clock noon slurp, “In”. 158 acre fun with good buildings. (In: 'ttsth. WM!" flny W of I?!" Nov. " (“and”) - At " o’clock noon valuable " an (on: with good building. oath. in stock, Implement. food and hon-o- hold etNttta for the out“. of tho I.“ Edmond nah, 1 all. not“: of Now Germany. 8 all. now of Art. Witch (or ad. Nov. " (Tuesday-At u,',",;: mantis In]. of " are In, stock. Want- and food on the ("In , Orvillo W. {full no: ll- Intn,_or the Apia! - Dtior Mani Loam. mititaieudimsiatd ouch-.7 --- W iirad t" W? t','t'ttarlltut aur,'utu', " Anon Ow “a. .Nov, -f (Wednesday) :Angtion Auction Sale Lim I, l. 3. Town, Auetioreer, Ne. " KEMPM 1 Pe M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer 8 mitiiis Mail: "oriVi,-. iiGL Bu" iii-'1'; Fia “a; 1 any out at rr,iiriiiui Gaiiloart " AND THAT tf the nssent of the qiulifted elector: In obtained to the laid proposed 2eI it will be taken into cons dention by the Municipal Council of the said Cor, Eontlon It I meeting thereof to e held after the expiration of one month from the date of the that publication of this notice. and that such ftrnrt publiration was made on the_ 8th any f1f Noyernl?er, 1938. Dated If Waterloo thin, 4ik any of November, 1986. tfPRMhN G. BO_LDUC. AND camber. o'clock fixed ft sons to for the by the on the from 1 I The following is a synopsis of a proposed By-Law of the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Waterloo to be submitted to the votes of the electors on the day of the Annual Municipel Elec- tions, nemely: The purpose of the By-an is to obtain the orinion of the electors on the fo lowing quep tion: "Are on in favor of adopting Daylight Saving This. for the nonlin- of July and Allin?" TAKE NOTICE that the fore- going is 1 true TIT? of the pro- pose Bruw of t e Corporation of the Town of Waterloo to be sub- mitted to, the votes of the electors George B. Moogk, who has handled many large building con- tacts in Ontario, will be helpful to the committee in planning the new arena. His Worship Mayor H. E. Ratz, a member of the committee, called a meeting for last nght. Former Alderman A. A. Me- Intyre, aaaitrtant treasurer of the Mutant Life, who has taken a keen and uctive interest in town civic affairs for years, is another valued member of the committee. A. C. Hoffman, local Royal Bank mansger, an enthusiastic curler and golfer, sees the urgent need of pro- Iridintr the town with a rink. He believes the csmpaign to raise funds by public subscription will be a real success. The people of Wat- erloo, now very much interested, are certain to give it their.whole- beg-ted supper}. Jack Hemphill, executive member of the Dominion Life stall. is I wen known ell round athlete. Be starred on Senior 0.H.A. teem: and was one of the beat referees for years in the 0.H.A. He declined I per- msnent position on referee with the National Professional Hockey have __ __ - staunch supporter of sports. pu- ticuhrly hockey. \His family in- cludes I number of boys, ail smart hockeyiats, with one son, Robert “Bobby", o member of the Boston Bruins National Hockey League C. M. CRAWLEY, Auctioneer R. R. No. C. Guelph. Nov. 17 /,,'2'g?e,Tf,',tgg farm stock, implements, y, grain roots and house furniture, for the executors of the estate of the late Mark tiny, 1 mile east of New Germany. It is one of the best farms in the great county of Water- loo, 123 acres with A-l buildings. ND THAT the 3rd day of her. 1980, It the hour ol tek in the foreman his i l for the .ppointment of r to attend at polling places the tttttsl summing up of v :he Clerk. Auction Sale Lists GEOLG. CLASS, Auctioneer 10 to the , 7th A" An Excellent Market (Continued from Page " Grading, testing, and your cash while you wait. Bring a can or case in for trial to COURTLAND AVE. Clark; Town of Wuhan-7160. NOTICE PM“. so . i, Bl-in o'clo'ck $illversood's Dream and Eggs Kitchener Dairy votes of the e r of December, ck mm. to 7 ‘340-62-56 HIGHEST PRICES PAID , 1986, o'clock of of For Your been per- 3 and votes De- 10 :1 WEIALADS $lIfrtt M, illr, l l I o o a 2a q irr,jllll [l / (gig (f 'iitllllli ' - It - 45:15:51" ‘ imminent“ l H: A.K.CRESSMAN --Don't got cumin without I WILL. . . 8". your lovod on“ the worry and oxln expo-u of ldnlnlatruion. Come in and duet". your nod. in “the! English or Gamma language. Recent sudden deaths have caught people unprepared. HAVE YOU MADE YOUR WILL? Theodore Dietrich G arage St. Agutln See us for demonstration, or ask us for large list of Batiistied users. T We “no hive for sate on. tt" Jolie! Grinder on truck viii speed jack and new “all." boll (for use with tractor). in vary good dupe. Your Will? fun- equippul with Hydro. Will [rind food u . out of electricity of only I t CENT ran no No bagging up. hauling Amy on cold, 'stormy days, waiting for your chop, and then make the trip all over again. Will grind your feed while you do your chores. It is safe, con- venient, and economical. The clienput mound of grinding train, for feod, on Rod Estate and Ill-PIIICO 102 KING SOUTH Waterloo Farms For Sale Wood’s Electric Feed Grinder Kin. nu! Water Sh Phone "" KITCHENER TAKE WARNING KITCHENER Phone " r a-t

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