' mun c"tt2",gt"ra/dt,'",g'Mt Mm. nervous m Pale. to: the drive, when Juror: cu Ill mm; u: n turmoil, new. ul- been Frid- " - IO! tttarm "- aqed to 3.. Into In wedding dom._ we "INN“ that but not to. vlth sud And 3 tttaid Mu MCI-JIM. all“ dinner. mu]. II. The" In a tap on the door, and Jarrod and Jerry can. in. "Stunning!" Jarrod exclaimed. a. "and slightly. " vu plain he ind lull too much to drink. any never knew how Ibo got downstairs, on Jerry'a arm in n daze, aground her-ail landing below the minister in the living room, with Jarred at her side. The few new were cinllered about. The mini-tor dared " throat and began. Isl-y stepped clone to him and whispered, "Not lumber drink before the ceremony!" . Mary hold tight to her crumbled handkerchief. here eyes downcut. She tried to follow every word, but could not. She thought of Don on Ash ploughing toward China. pulling and "was. 7 Anti poppéd Inf “You look uh I Inllliou, Inn!" “The minister itt “was, and the guests are all here," and Jerry. “Sure not," he “read, and patted her had. He went out. And then, “Dost thou, Mary Dean, take this man to be thy wedded hus- band?“ Mary heard herself answer, "I do". And presently, she was re- mulls after the minister, "I, Mary, take thee, Jarred, to have and to hold, trom this day forward, for bet- ter, tor worse . . ." And then, in a moment. it was all over, and she was in Jarred's arms, trembling as she let him kiss her. The guests were crowding round, Jerry was pounding Jarred on the back. and Ann was giggling nervous- ly. Aunt Nettie had oried a little dur- lrg the ceremony. but now one was bustling about, making ready for the serving of the refreshments. Mary could hear her ordering the servants about at a lively rate. Jarred very soon disappeared into the library with Jerry to drink the health of the. bride. Everitt Sloan sat l down to wait till he could get hold of him to sign the necessary papers under the provisions of Uncle Na- than’s will. But Jarred did not come back out ot the library. V Mary approached the attorney. "You are staying on to dinner, Mr. Sloan?" “I'm sorry, but just as soon as Mr. Marsh is free to Sign these papers. I'll he on my way." He was not eager to stay. “I'll go and get Jarred," Mary said. She went Into the library, but quickly saw that she would have trouble in getting Jarred anywhere. Jerry was propping him up and try- ing to persuade him not to take an- other drink. Jerry looked shame- facedly at Mary. mi-i‘in“ a mun} to let him take so many." he said. "I guess we'd better not him ttstairs. the; back way." '.'That's all right, Jerry. You could not stop him." She gave her brother a pat on the arm. Jarred grinned at her foolishly. “OI! t--Habtr--anna--dar1ing. Have (Yul-mic get the tic-het) I'm--I'm tight." he announced and slumped back Into Jerry's arms. "I can handle him," Jerry answer- I ed eonttidently. He would have liked I to knock Jarred down and drag him out and dugnp him in the yard. The way Jarred was treating Mary anger- ed him. l '"ciiarrs% iret Min up to his room?" Mary asked gyxipusly. Mary returned to Everitt Sloan to tell him that he had better wait until another time to transact his business with Jarred. The old attorney left, and it was not long before the guests, sensing that also departed Dinner that evening was a rather strained affair. Jarred, having been removed to his room by Jerry, had not reappeared. Sarah and her hus- band, Tommy. who had stayed on, did their host to liven things up, but without much success. After dinner, they all went into', the living room and just sat around.i Jcrry was nervous and smoked one; cigaret after another. Sarah hatad to leave Mary, but she and Tommy had an engagement and finally had to go. Aunt Nettle soon gave up to the wearinosu of the day's struggle and l retired. Cavrnie had disappeared ) soon after dinner. Jerry strolled out into the garden. leaving Mary and Ann alone m the living room. I "I ought to go up and see about Jarred," Mary said. “You wait here." ; She went upstairs, shoved open‘ Jarred's door, and peaped inside. She l saw that his bed was in disorder} “iwre Jorry had laid him down, but i Jarrod was gone. Slto closed they door crossed to her own room. l wxflpmgwm‘mflxgm an“: t,egut,t,r,'tTti t 'ttgt,,',',':??. popular GG"Griaii 'r7it1"ii'i11d':" . all Unis not weft, had l Mr. and Mrs. Walter Stroll and family were accompanied by It. Victor Eisenbach and Miss Marjorie Box on a visit to the home ot Mr. ttttd Mrs. Rudolph Potts, in Waterloo, on Wednesday evening pt last week. The.vitsitors had the opportunity to see the vast collection ot lindian and {other relics and antiques, handsome- ly arranged and stored in the POW: home. The visitors enjoyed greatly the very interesting and instructive information regarding the various articles so cheerfully given them by "tr. and Mrs. Potts’ who have been giving this their hobby an intensive study. " l Messrs. Ross MacDonald and Lyl- ton Jones of Detroit. were over Sun- _dny guestd at the home of the for- Lmer‘s parents, the MacDonald home. The farmer's mother, Mrs. David MacDonald who had spent some time [ in Detroit. has returned to her home .here with the Detrolters. coupled Catch and Jarrod in In mind. In the urdu. III could no Jen-y'- cigar“ [lowing a be It!“ About. “Five yearn ot all!" the (mud. and out do" on the window and. Halt tut bout later. All and lorry round her than. luring out "no tho night. l Mr. Orvai Snyder ot Oxenden was mu over Sunday visitor with his ta- ther. MP. Nelson Snyder. l Mr. and Min. Louis 'Bauman and family or Kitchener spent Sunday at the Gies homo. l Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Toman and sun and Mrs. Violet Houston, Jack mud Ppggy of Kitchener were week- end and Sunday visitors at the home ot' Mr. and Mrs. Byron Schwartz. Mr. (has. R. Koch ha! recently "N turned from a bush“. trip to the Western Province; Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Koch ot neu- New Hamburg moved to the villager last Wednesday, occupying part of was Marie Wegener's house. Mr. Koch has Joined his brothers, the Koch Bros.. in their butdxoring busi- nes. Mr. and In. Thou. Gulliver and family of Waterloo were recent viab lorg It the home of Mr. and In. Plums Koch. A number or local members ot the Waterloo Advanced Registry Swine Breeders' Association attended the club's sale held in out last Wednw day. Mr. and Mrs. Angus Weber and tamlly attended the tuneral of Mrs. Weher's mother, Mrs. MoNally in Kitchener on Saturday afternoon. -ixiifridnas attended the funeral ot Mrs. Wm. Winkler In St. Jacobs on Sunday afternoon, __ " Mr. Ernest Carpenter of Gait was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. 'Clitford Snider. i Several from here, {mended the l Several from here attended the ‘sorvlco in St. John's Lutheran 1 Church. Waterloo, on Thursday even- ‘ing. marking the 25th anniversary of the founding ot Waterloo Semin- ary. This event is all the more of interest locally as the late Rev. Prof. o. Lincke. being chosen aathe tthst morossor of the institution, resigned {the pastorate of St. Matthew's :(‘hurch here to accept the new post iin the fall of 1911. l Halloween passed oft with a few or tho usual harmless boy pranks. x tow bands of youngsters made rounds calling at homes and bust- m as places during the owning Otter. ‘ing their merry tunes. ""siirfii; Egan oi the Chronicle was a business visitor hare Fridgy._ Mr, and Mrs. Hort Woods of West Montrose were Summy guests at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Jacob menzle. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Schelfele and; family of Detroit were over Sunday visitors with relatives in the village.! Mr. and Mm. Howrad Gran and children of Waterloo, and Mr. and. Mrs. Harry Brubacher of Kitchener! were over Sunday visitors at the) parental home. . :01" Glenallen, who preamed two force- It'ul sermons. For the afternoon ser- 1 vice he had chosen the 13th and Mth in was or the 3rd chapter of Exodus, ms: the basis ot his discourse. Mr. Mimosa Carpenter ot Gait. favored (thrs afternoon gathering with a mas- itvrly solo, "Open the Gates of the irertiple", and the choir gave special gnnihems both afternoon and even- ;ing, assisting to further edlfy the :.:ervicos. Friends, were present from lElmim and West Montrose congre , Rations. The United Church. where the Mth anniversary services were held on Sunday afternoon and evening, was filled on each occasion with huge congregations greeting the guest preacher, Rev. J. Neil, Ph.D., St. Mathew's Brotherhood and La- tlivs‘ Aid will meet on Wednesday wonlng. when after the devotional and business periods, (Rev. Wittig “ill continue with the Bible study. .mnmenrod at the last monthly meet. Ing or these bodies. CON ESTOGO (To be Continued) -"-" V foam-Ia the a! Mom-Inn. um whom l Toman ana The bride wore a Rtmsian green 'ougton, Jack crepe dress with accessories to yr" were week- match and the bridesmaid was also 5 at the home in green with accessories. After the Schwartz. ceremony tho newlyweds and their Woods of West attendants walked across the street guests at the ,In the home or the bride for their Jacob Kienzle. Invaktaqt after which Mr. and Mrs. Schelfele and i.a. St'hetlewitz left for a honeymoon g over Sunday to Butralo and other Eastern points. in the village.!0n their return they will reside at . the bride's residence, Henson. 211332: Sh Mr. Joe Henley is spending a tew F at “when†Idays at Toronto. ‘l [!"j"iia'it"liii'i'iiii,'] 'filiaiir'"""h'r"lh'll'rhil our any." 33‘5““ Gia “w’ - sari {Stinky-n?" ttig y foot. ttU,,PAt'f, my claw ahotikr, has} by. g wan-unuLNwleI-Iou tttresets", with “Wham nlythpgoyhp Jaa," shun? â€viii-on? ur a itk Quin III wrayNwleg-vgg irtltmsett.n -g.tta. buly than viii Fend M in eonatant PPP' with†hit 16} years an "Elia what it in tol" fre."-HMry.) LA. _ -- It in depot“: of one. uric “ELI lodging between the joint; which no Wendy the can of rhounn.‘ than. when Sula contain two than. lira-chm sun contain two irttrmduatt-oditmt 3nd Quinn .-orhiett are elective â€rent: of Mr. Jim hunt-on and friend ot Guelph called on Mr. and Mrs. Wil- tred Huxley on Sunday. -- A Don't tdrirsst the bingo guns " Heston In" Thursday evening. Nov. 12th. Miss Kay Hauler spent the week end " (helm. - Mrs. Mei Moaer and sons Herbert and Ted spent Sundny with friend. at Walkerlon. Mr. Chas. Doherty ot Elmira â€out Sunday " his homqhoro. _ - iHataor'en pas-ed " rather quiet in our burl. There passed away at his home on the 13th concession ot Wellesley, on Saturday, Oct. 31st. in the person of Ed. Brenner in " 61st year. Mr. Brenner was a prominent tanner ot this district and he is survived by his wife and nine sons and one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Manley spent Sunday at Haysutt -- A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at St. Mary's R.C. Church, Reason, on Saturday morning, when Rev. Father stroeder united mm holy bonds ot matrimony Mm Pau- line Schiebel, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. August Schiebel and lAlbert Schedewitz. son of are late l-Mr. and Mrs. John Schedewitz ot Elmira. Min; Len LHarrison went. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Dennis mnley. Mrs: Louis Vietenheimer is spend- ing some time at, London. _ _ Miss Mary Hanley spent the week- end with her aunt at Guelph. Tie funeral took place on Tues- day morning at St. Joseph's Church, Macton. Interment was made in the nearby R.C. cemetery there. Sr.hedewitaAkhlttttm Woddlng. The attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Joe O'Grady, Mrs. O'Grady being a sister of the bride. Wham-II 'th-ttmat. Mr. Sydney Reist and sons and Mr. Wilfred Hanley motored to Formosa on Saturday. On Thursday evening, the ladies called on Miss Pauline Schlehei showering her with groceries prior to her wedding. Tho evening was 'spent in a mock marriage and cards and music after which an wished her prosperity and happiness in her coming event. A large number ot our people at- tended the (owl supper at Macton on Tuesday evening. A hallowe'en masquerade frolic and progressive croklnole was held in the township hall Thursday evening with nearly 75 ot an attendance. About 25 ot whom took part in the masquerade parade. Thos. Wilford with his violin supplied the music tor the march. The winners which were rather hard to decide upon were: fancy dressed lady, 'Mrs. Camp- bell Shantz, Crosshili; fancy dressed gent, Mr. Clayton Playford, Elmira; best man's costume. Miss Jean Ham, mond; comic couple, Mrs. Claude Fowler. Trochu. Alta., and Earl Tyack, Hawkesviile. Sandwiches, tarts and coilee were then served. The windows were nicely decorated tor the occasion with haliowe'eu colors. Rev. R. A. Mitchell, D.D., ot To- ronto, formerly head ot Theology In Cheeloo University, Shantung, China, will address Bord Church congrega- tion this Sunday. Nov. g at 3.30 p.m.. “hen It In; to he hoped there will be a good attendance. Ten tables of croklnole were then played, Willie MacPherson of Lin- wood winning the many points. As this will be missionary Sunday the thankofterine envelopes of the WMS. will be received. Miss Annie antzi. Misses Nancy and Marie Gascho and Sam Gascho of Pinon. Mich, and Miss Naner 20hr of Poole, visited with Chris. (:arhnr's Thursday and Friday. Mr. and Mrs.latnptMr11 spent Fridny evening with In Maryhnrough. Mira Mary Bell entertained her pupils m a tHallowe'en party on Fri- day annrnnnn tn tho school. A tort program was given and games played attrtr which lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Thou. Blrmlnzlnm span! Rttndtty with Stratford friendl, little Minn Mildred Murray returning with them and will spend several wookg with than. Mr. and Mn Wilfred and son spent Sunday with George “wr- good]. near Bright. Mr and Mrs. Mu Griffith. Ml" "nu-l (‘nmrr‘wll and Melvin Willis of Mstryhorotuth. Mr. and Mm Noah 9mm: of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Allan Shnnlz and two daughters of Kitrtusnpr mom Sunday with M. Hhtttttr.'tt. Mm. Patter, Mm Laura and Mr. and Mn. L Ronnie spent Sunday nvFMnl with Henry Rullurd'n on the ttth "no. Mr. and Mn. Wm. Gromm of Wel- -Fi'kivGai"i" an taiiiii St CROSSHILL mm Sham: friends Wallaby lamina Could] not par-um to adjourn-eat at the Township Hall. cw. My. Nov. 8, use, the mania-a we wear out, P. A. WWI. the no". ocea- Ned the chair. The nun-tea of the pnvloul “an; In]! la Octet-r. were read aad adopted on resolution by 0. J. Volt and G. Cdehty an†by the claim. Cone-We“. hula, relief and other account: Ion given to the mention. road and acted upon. Mr. Bean. representatve ot the " t. rloo Chroncla, who addreaaed thi- councll " our October meetlng rein. tive towards tuning a County like torlcal number again, today continued In: eo‘lcltatlon tor name purpou. The council were very careful in their action, they allowed only my ($50.00) dollars a; be placed on the [my aheat. A delegation trom Dumber; oom- plnlned about their road north be- tween lot- 5 and 6. conceuonl 4 and 6 cut section. being snow blocked during the winter monthl. They asked the council to provide them with better roads for winter tulle. After the situation In. llirly well cleared up it In: decided that the location be investigated by the Town- ship Road Superintendent and the patrolman. Proposed by E. Huehn and J, A. Begs! that the Reeve inltruct'the ileum-er to issue his cheques in Itar- mom of the following accounia and that the Reeve grant his orders, as (allows: Wm. Voll, weed inspector's salary $89.20; C. H. Fleischauer, tor etove and pipes, 14.55; H. W. Kaufman. tax schedules and envelom, 18.00; Henry Hone, dvision court fees, 24.00; Peter P. Schummer, selector of jurors. 6.00; W. J. Hayes, selector ot jurors. 4.00; W. A. Dammeler, se lector of jurors, 4.00; P. A. Wagner, selector ot Jurors, 4.00; Ptrman Ward, grant to Plowmen'a Associa- tion, 45.00; Kitchener-Waterloo Col. legiate, county supplies. 773.94; A. Aliemsng, relief 38.90; Koebel Bros., brick, 1.40; Peter Kuntz. relief, truck- ing, 6.00; Alt. Meyer, relief, 3.72; Sisters "Notre Dame, relief (school books), 2.65; P. Lather. relief, 3.00; Henderson Bakery, relief, 1.67; Math. smummer. relief. 11.35; A. o. Schnurr, relief, 1.86; W. C. Pommsr, relief, 1.87; Frank Schummer, re- lier, 5.80; Elton Lana, relief, Me; John Lorentz, relief. 3.15; Fred Schmidt, not relief, 6.50; N. Wesler, BEMEMBRANGE DAY Low Rail Fares Wit-WWW bdeldnyOu-dl. - N-tio. it. - RETURN LIMIT to louv- (Intuition MI Inter Akin _midn|!ht.i _ THURSDAY. Tick“. good going Tuud-y. Nov. IO, alt“ I _p.n.. wed-tur, MINIMUM SPECIAL FARE, Me Full information from any agent Canadian Pacific male}- visited with Mrs. A. Bigam and son on Sunday. 7 Mr. and Mrs. Omar Hastings and daughter Miss Marguerite and Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Hastings ot Liar :mu-i visited with Mr. and Mrs. 000. Richardson on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mundell spent Sunday with Strntford friends. Mid Mary Boll upent the week- cnd with her Maud. Mrs Fraser Da- wnr. 5m Una. Between nll polllll in PMt and to "rtei. *.otirtatior" In the Un tad Sula Mr. and Mrs. Harm-rt. Preiburxer vlnIth with Mr. and Mrs Mttrtin Kiogwrttor at Hamburg. Mr, and Mrs. Dank-i Seyier and dnughler- â€Mia and Snlina and non Norman visited with Mr. and Mn. Peter Seyler at Weiinsley on Sunday, Pater Seyler at Wellnsley on Sunday,’ Mr, and Mrs. Norman Schism] qunday visitors It the home ot Mr. l tallssd on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hiero- nnd Mm Jacob Reichert were Mr.|n}'m1n on Sunday Honing. ' nnd Mrs, Walter â€album, Mr. and“ Mr and Mrs. Charles Hackhart. Mn. Cumin Zlnk. Mm Minerva Mr. and Mrs. NIH-on anhhlrt tnd Schneider and Mr. Howard Kenny daughter Norma Ind Harbnt 1nd City Faun." Ago-L 120 King " W. . Plum. “5 KITCHENER. ONT. "Ni, A,NUW"MPD To Toronto -6 trips daily via Guelph, Georgetown, Bump- tom - x6.00 n.m., 8.00 a.m., 11.30 u.m., 3.20 p.m., 5.30 p.m., 7.45 pan. x - Daily except Sundays. Arrow Basses Sift s,ttt,t',1',',,e To Hanover --1 Hip daily - via Palmerston, Walkerbon - To, Guelph To London Ttr6GGl'%Girri..--2tTiptdttur - via Mt. Forest, Durham - -__-_-_- 9.45 a.m., 5.30 gm. To Goderich --2 trips daily - via Mitchell, Clinton - 11.05 a.m., 6.30 gm. iir%lmiitori" _6 trips daily - via Guelph - x6.00 a.m., 9.45 a.m., 11.30 n.m., 3.20 2.13., 5.30 p.331" _8.30 To Sarnia -1 trip daily - via Parkhill - 11.05 a.m. Hotels - Travel - Resorts Write, phone or cnll for "hedutes, rates, etc. Fred Wenon. 129 King Street East, Kitchener - Phone 3879 Payments of Account. HESBIN ROAD ....---._-----. Nbr Tan Gnu-m“ -.-_ Leave from Kitchener depot - opposite City Hall. November If. igsg V. M. WOOD CENTRAL ONTARIO TRAILWAYS TORONTO _ trigs daily‘ 5.30-pan. - e (9.45 am. Saturday. Sunday and Holidnzs) .3 trips daily - vin Stratford - 11.05 n.m., 3.85 Pan., 6.80 pan. Sundays and Holidlys also " 8.30 p.m. Connecting with direct motor coach service to _W_indtior, Detroit, Chine. "no-mlezhlq-uo._von mu 5. no; J. nun-cu, an; ' "0;ag.uarts.ortoamadt0. 4.00; H. dileronlnu, work on ml u. 6.60; I. MacW.rt, work on and lt, 7.00; J. III-loll“ work on you 15. 9.40; C. mum, work on my! 17, 13.00; c. mo], wk on will IO, 0.00; A. Lie-harm. work on road a. 13.80; J. Sella-nor. work on mad M, 780; A. Salaam, work on road " 9.55; t 0111mm. work on - M. 16.00; D. J. Emory, calcium emu. "or, B. Friedman, work on road " 8.80; S. MI. calcium allow“. 271.45; C. Faulkner, operating pow- a? (ruler. 50.11; M. Doherty. _ sin; B. Brtcker, w “count, “.00; J. Birmingham. true]. “a; B. Huehu, road s, 8.25; A. Jam. ro. pairn, S.N; M. Zeno], town, Tsr, A. Marlon. [u ttfe, 5.59; J. Want, ttt" and repairs. 11.15;. C. B. arbour, clerical work. (.00; (I. 111mb". work on road lt, 22.40; J. annual", 931mm; sign. 1.00; D. China". “on: on road 8, 4.60; H. momma-I, work on ' 8, 21.40; “RI-nulls. work on road IS, 6.80; J. 0|“th. work on road 28, 10.00; Total. 19M.23.-9rrierd. Hut and Mud loading of Iy-lnw. Moved by IR. a. Hahn. seconded by G. J. Volt that by-lsw number ........ to appoint n plsce tor holding the nomination of .cnndidntes tor tho olices ot a were. a deputy more and three councillors to serve for the year 1937. to " the polling pineal. appoint a deputy-returning other and a poll clerk tor each of the seven polling places in the township ot Wellimiey be read the Bratt and sec- ond titne.--Ahrrried. 'Proposed by J. A. Bogus and G. Lichty that by-law number ----erv titled a by-llw to provide tor the cor- poration's consent to the Bell Tele- phone Company of Canada construct- ing its lines upon the highwuys, streets, bridges and other public places of the corporation. and to authorize the township road superin- tendent to supervise and approve the construction ot ouch lines now to be read the flrttt and second time.-AV ried. Moved by G. J. Vol], seconded by G. Lichty that council adjourn to meet again at the towndup hull, crosshill, Monday, December Tth, 1936, 10 o'etoek in the toregtoon.-- Carried. Treasurer's statement Cash on hand, Odt. 1...........1 Cash received in October .... Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Hachbart. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hackbart and daughter Norma and Herbert and Kenneth Hackhart spent Friday .ovening with Mr. and Mm. Lorne ‘Sdimidt at Heidelberg. I Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Lichty of Went-sin)- visited with Mr. and Mrs. {Lorin Gremm on Sunday. Mr and Mrs Reuben Seitert and family and Mill A. Arnold spent Sunday attrxrnoott with Mr. Ind Mrs. thnh Schantz at \Vatarioo. n: Kitchener, Misses Chats and Mtg. rletta Reichert of Waterloo and Mr, Louis Gremm. Mr. and Mrs, Aaron Duench and son Arnold of l‘lattavllla visited with Mr and Mrs, Edwin Hackhlrt on gummy. Mr and Mm. Alvin Lies and tlauRhtrr QhIrlny of Hay-vino and Mr. Morvm Kropf of the 3rd line Rpm" Sunday at the home or Mr. and Mrs John Kropf, I OUIIT. WILL CONDUCTIB. CONVIII‘IY. locum "" '00. "OT"--" WITH IAIN 'IITI '0. FOLDII I'll. A " LUXI TAXI m- - OI ttetqateF--Mbqr )2 4 bails} exeepi Suhdays. Adjournment 51120.18 ‘. 2082.84 2203.02 666.53 Outstanding accounts ...........5 216.02 St. Clements, Nov. 3rd 1936. Payments in October Mr. and Mrs. Norman 1mm from Rochester, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ham and Marlene tram Niagara nus, Mr. and Mm. Teltord Selp and ttmitr Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Selp and Mer- lene spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wetthufer. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob 301p, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Selp and Marlene and Mrs. Jacob Frey spent Sunday with Han-Seton friends. Krnnoth Irttcklrttrt spent Sunday mu-nlng wllh Mr and Mrs Henry Hloronymu.q, Miss Idona S'oylor ot Erhsvllle and Mr. Elmer savior of North Euthnpe upon! the weak-0nd with thpir par- r-n'-<. Mr and Mrs. Daniel Soyler. “Mark (‘lnrnnrn Kropt and Mnlvln MM spun! Sunday at ‘VPHF‘IIPX. Mrr hauls Srhnl] is spending n ff‘w day" with her danghlor, Mrs â€nun Hlnmnymm and Mr. Niomny~ mun. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodwin pnter- tamed a number of their friends and rriniivna nt thoir hump on Saiurdny owning Tho owning was upent in Much". FARE AND ONE-THIRD FOR ROUND TRIP Returning: to have destinulon not Inter thin mldnl-ht, Nov. It, 1986. CANADIAN NATIONAL STEAM-HEATED THROUGHOUT - MODERN LOG CABINS Lice-nod Airport - Seaplane Btu Tirkelu Ind information from any 130M. Illustrated Booklet (My fur-lulled Low FA R E S Illill0illBlthlEli DAY Phone 4646 Going Nov. 10 Until 2.00 PM. Nov. 11 Minimum Spock] Fare 25c , rr,!,',,;",:,:,,:,;,,,,:,:,,,,,,,,,,.;;-]--!,-,:;--,:, I)". m m t"tit'A-s'r'4 " 'liiiit' m i.ii,rt.iji'.'ai' ‘iédn 2;, 'ilte25'.la URENTiAN MOUNTAIN L " S RlAtL" au. .J ITE. UE., ANA Peter F. Sehummer, Clerk CLIFFORD King and Water Streets LOW FALL RATES NOW IN EFFECT ‘. MM.48 a AUTUMN WITH ITS RIOTOUS COLOUR! . . . . A Perfect Season for Sports! - Golf, on a sporty, private course. -- Riding, on trails painted with the myriad colours of Fall. -- Tennis. - Camping parties. - Fishing. - Hunting for partridge, deer, bear and moose. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm Hath, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Weber from Neusmdt spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Selp. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kreller spent sundly In Kurtsvllle and were prelont at Mm. A. Orthh funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Selp spent Sun. day afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dickert. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Dicks“ spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jacques. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hath Jr., and Carol spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hath Sr. " mile: north of Montreal. f Physical Culture Hotel, Inc. Dun-ville. New York Thousands testify to the "In: S of natural methods - no drugs, medicines nor Oper- ' W, ations, Msnaged by the ' Berna" Macfadden g?, Foundationonanon- g g profit basir--thlsin- tft, f was very moderate a" A6 rates. Ask about $25 nc’é your health a. © 4%? problem--- 095; %0 C’ we can § help It 11162, solve ht _ a it. I? ---READ THE ADB.-- Kitchener, Ont. F. H. WHEELER Managing Ditch?