â€.mgnu Cuta nnd bruises and loan of seven] teeth were unlisted by Dr. H. N. Atkinson on Sunday after.. noon when his cat ntruck I lump pout near the market building. A cu driven by Edward Henna, (we: of R. R. 2, Kitchener, in mid by Kitchener police to have stuck a sanding cu on Quake] St. on Squad-y. Little damage III to- struck n car driven by Norm T013910, R. R. 2, Dnytqn, nt the intersection of Dominion and Purl: M on Sundny, cunning dun-3e of about $50. . A joint tension with Kitchener council was Invented by town coun- eil in Finance session on Friday night, to discuss the merits of adopting daylight saving in the two towns during the summer months. The two councils will likely get to- gether this week. The request of a Kitchener fruit dealer made to council Friday night that the ban on imported fruits " Waterloo market be removed during the winter months when home-grown fruits Are sclrce will be discussed to-night, and the amend- ing of the muket by-law con- sidered. MAY AMEND MARKET BY-LAWS Waterloo will receive a' cheque from the Ontario government for $13,838. a list ublished by Hon. David Croll on Jh'l'l'l revealed. When n local dairy’s truck turned the corner at King and Erb streets only Sand-y morning, a can of cream rolled oft and spilled across the intersection. The gutters for half an hour were a cat's Raradise, the cream running down ing St. No damage was reported to local police on Saturday night by Hallow- e'en pranksters. The younger citizen! conned their merriment to peaceable fun. The usual number of obstructions were remloved from the roadways by Chief Moreau who patrolled the streets mostlof Satur- day evening. A cement mlxer taken from the rear of the town hall was found on the roadway near Knox Presbyterian Church. '.oou-aooraouroooiacr . '"" avr/r DISCUSS DAYLIGHT SAVING Kitchener 1 KING STREET MILKY WAY " King St. W. - KITCHENER -GOOD GLASSES OCTOBER RELIEF DOWN It's Here! TB King St. S. WATERLOO Dodge tttd DeSoto HALLOWEEN QUIET the best place to get tenor lice todny re rted cu drygq by 'llT,1'lllTCl MINOR COLLISION HIT DIETRIOI'I’S GARAGE Town News $50 DAMAGE The Netw 1 937 -At- police' court Edi-i Aituiiaiid cuq of. VereonHo-, 1Mdtiretet nve waponn coated“ on lb - son. 'r1t'%U"."lrtlhu'l',df= Biee 'w__e|po'ln coEglgd u tomorrow. shield; dtiidraiiiiariaGaitiiu use of than: within the eqWPON- tion is prohibited. A Wuterloo motorist 'pltStt to the'floreagon My iv!!!- Mr. and Mrs. Henry smleuter ot Linwood have returned after an ex- tended visit with relatives and friends on the Ptut1tic Coast, and at Edmonton. Calgary, ‘Ribstone, Alsask, Acadia Valley and Regina. Mrs. Flora 611m. and daughter. Mina Margaret, who are in Waterloo tor the fall and winter month, no spending a few days at their home in Detroit. Mrs. [my Bean Jr., spent a few days at her home in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Clive B. Bean were guests of Waterloo friends on Fri- day. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. McTavlsh and Dr. W. L 'Hilliard spent a tew days at the Actuarial Convantlon held at White Sulphur Springs, West Vlr- ginia. Mr. Jack Cunningham, Waterloo. dislocated his shoulder while pant ciputing in the GuelphdC.-W. Colle. giate rugby game on Saturday. The injury is not serious. l Some 15 young people gathered at the home of Miss Martha Elms, A1- hert street, on Friday night, to hold l' Hallowe'en party. Novelty contests and games were enjoyed after which the hostess-served refreshments. Many Waterloo trienda ot Mrs. Chris. Pressman at near Phtuvllle, “in be pleased to know her condition m health is improving. Miss AI. Sdilicter has returned to her home in Kitchener from a visit in Eastern Ontario with friends and relatives. Mrs. George H. Harper has return. ed from Windsor where she attended the eonventionust the Imperial Order Daughters ot the Empire. Mrs. Har- per, Municipal regent, presented a. report showing the Kitchener chap- ters to be the most liberal in their airings with a total ot $18 per ca- pita as against the second place hold. em, Ottawa, with $8.62. Mr. and Mrs. John Haberrmshl, an- nounce the engagement ot their daughter Elvlna to Mr. Roy H. Pet.. ter, son or Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fetter or Milverton, the marriage to take place shortly. CASE mum mm Wu _8|_nkc At Want!†NARROW ESCAPE Personals Tl. WA'lli‘LOO m‘ORICLI Mayor-To Draw-- l Chair Winner “ammo-Ln. Wnldlthw-o "u-tCh.-.. The draw tor the In. chair which bu been donned by Snyder motion to tho Waterloo You; not. Club totroraidogttoraimsttAror hockey in Waterloo, will b. I“. u the unitary mun; at council on November 16, will Mayor mu - ing the draw. Ticks“ us on lab " " cell!- etch, and no "duh!- man an! member. at a. Young I.“ chm. " you In" not been. approached, drop In at the Post 01100, [0099‘- more, or we chronicle once and not youn Do your that. tovudl back» (or Wutorloo'n children. _ Luge crowds attended the Mth university service- of Waterloo 'Lutheran Seminu'y held in St. John'. Lutheran Church on Thu" The proceeds will be mod to " unce the North Wad, South Ward and the St. boul- Rmh this winter. brie. B. Clan-en, President of the Seminary, won in ch13. of the services. Guests includ [our Rats of Waterloo, layor Smith of Kitchener, and N. Amman, M.L.A. ‘lor North Waterloo. "U'hl.%, Among the speakers were Rev. I". A. A. Zinck of Milwaukee, former President of the Seminary, Rev. Dr. J. Reble of Bamilton, Rev. A. J. Jacobi, of Kitchener, Rev. C. S. Roberts, Rev. John Schmieder end Rev. J. Hunter. Krort--At the K.-W. Hospital, Oct. 80, to Mr. and Mn. Reuben Kropf, Kitchener, a mu. Dm-yrAt fit. New? HAL-nth!» who, to Mr. and in. Willi-mi Downey, R.R. 1, Alma, dsughur. MUutor---At the K.-W. mural. Oct. 81, to Mr. and Mrs. . J. Minister, 123 Albert Bt., a son. kiitutk--.At Windsor, Oct. 28, to (Mr. and Mrs. \Hsmid Klinek, a son.’ "humi--,At St. Mary's Hospital, Oct. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tshumi. RR. 1, Bright, tl daughter. B----At [Kitdleuen Oct. 21, to Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Borges, MB. jor street, a son. Norman-At Kitchener, Oct. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Norman, Gruhu street, a daughter. Cori-At St. Catharines General Hospital, Oct. 28, to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cords (nee Gldays Guenther of Kitchener), a daughter. MeKnlght-At Catharines, Oct. 28, to Mr. and rMB. Cecil McKnight Marion Stevenson), a son. "hauor-Tmeor---oet. 31, Berry Selmefer of Petersburg to Louiee Tracey of Waterloo. "hod-tttr.Sehubu--0et. 81, Al- bert Schedewitz of Elmira to Peullne Schiebel of Kitchener. "My-Hue - Oct. 81, Louis James Hollomy to Florence Hens, both of Ann Arbor, Mich. "tttgh-MF-Oct. 29, Wilfred Wil- liam HoCtt to Eleanor Margaret Minster, both ot 'Kitchener. Leu-Roth-Oct. 28, Edward Leia of Wellesley to Viola Roth ot near Linwood. "amrm"uHelmst--Oct. 418, Edvard N. Hammer ot St. Agatha to Olga c. Home] ot Welleeley villagq Bred-At the St. Mt Hospital, Nov. I, Walter B d, R.R. 1, Blair, in his 64th year. Lah-..-At St. Entree Hospital, Oct. 81, Catherine hman, 100 Shanley street, Kitchener, and cdlg,rgt: Tgh, St Mary ll ital . 's on) ' Nov.2 " Hts. Alice Cochnne, Hospelu. and 62 yours. USE CHRONICLE WANT ADS. TO BY OR m 25th Anniversary MARRIAGES DEATHS BIRTHS Over 200 people attended the chick- en supper at the Livingston Presby- terian Church here on Thursday evening which was held under the auspices ot the ‘Ladies' Aid Society of that Church. Big Fowl Supper. The basement was tittiugly decor- ated with Hallowe'en novelties, orange and black curtains and lamp shades. The tables were centred with tall flowers and lighted with black candles. The guests were ushered to the tables by Miss IR. L. Honderich. Those who assisted in the dining room were Miss M. West, Mrs. I. M. Nisbet, Miss L. L Livingston, Miss M. Gardner. Mrs. S. C. Kuhn, Mrs. A. Schmidt, Mrs. H. D. Parson and Mrs, L. R. Eastman. The kitchen commit- tee consisted ot Mrs l. Promersper- ger, Mm. C. Powell, Mrs. Smith, Mrs. Banjo, Mrs. Moist, Mrs. Henry Kuhn, Mrs. W. H. lervey, Mrs. J. P. Livingston, Mrs. H. D. Parson, Mr. T. M. ’Nisbet assisted by carving the towl. About 40 young people comprised ot the members of the Luther League ot the St. Jamea' Lutheran Church here and members ot the Bi- ble Class ot the Phillipsburg Luther. an Church attended the Hallowe’en party at the home of Stanley Doer- ing at lPhlllipsburg-last night. Miss Patricia Keys ot Baden won the prize {or the person with the most appropriate costume while' Ed- gar Seyler won the prize for the most comical costume in the crowd. Cos- tumes representing practically every race and clans of people were pres- ent trom the Scotch Lassie to Old Black Joe not to mention anything of the countless witches. The auction sale ot Miss Reta Hunsberger's household effects was largely attended on Saturday after- noon. Bidding wae brisk and prices tair. E. P. Sdierer was the auction; oer. Miss Hunsberger has moved to Kitchener and has sold the store and residence to Mr. C. J. ‘Leiskau. A new idea in rifle shooting in the Twin cities started last week with the opening or the Three EZE Ritle Club, opposite the Public Utilities Building. Cash prizes are awarded tor marksmanship. The club, the first ot its kind in tho district, seems to be meeting with much favor. Only the Latest style ot .22 calibre rifles are used. The house was decorated in Hal- lowe’en colors. Streamers of yellow and black adorned each room and large lighted pumpkins were placed in conspicuous places. The program tor the evening con- sisted of games which were under the supervision or Miss Theodore, Miss Irene Doering, Miss C. Heipel and Miss Patricia Reyes. At the close ot the evening's entertainment lunch was served by the lady mem- bers ot the societies. Award Cash Prizes Foy Marksmanship IADEN GEESE ATTRACT ATTENTION A flock ot some 25 geese settled on a pond on Allen street near the C.N.R. tracks caused some commo- tion among citizens this morning with the loud honkings. The game reported to be wild, are said to rise and fly into the trees, become mixed up and settle down again on the pond. Advertising promotes idoas ot all sortr--ineludiag the idea at buyin- OPERATE NIGHT SHIFT me sunr,hine-Waterlo Company is now operating on day and night shit-ts to till orders, the Chronicle learns. The plant ia operating " men on the night shift and 120 on the day ahitt. “Again" provides this quick relic! sun It is rated 91110.? the quickest methods for relief once has rf, discovered. t2 dpiriu" tablets are made, In ' a a. “Asfirln†is the resistant! trade-mark o the Bayer Coin ffl; Limited, of Windsor, ontario. Loo [for the name Bayer in the form of a cross on every tablet. E Ltf2 THIS when you ENJOY RELIEF BEFORE YOU'VE FINISHED DINING When you, wake up with a head- ache, do this: Take two quigbgct- ache. do .thi!s.: Take “agend- m guie.r:die.ttiy.ing C' INN" Demand , and Get- unmet} with i h'itiii7mui." - - . Bu .the time 1touloe Jtniatted dran- mf. tune chances in ten, you’ll feel re Le! tre.igr. numb“. old- â€.14. ASPlllRllN,iir,t, "Asptrhs"Tabtets Diuolve Almost Instantly “on m rug can! no; Wéke up with a Headache nu PM