PAGN you: A honey crop for 1936 ot only 20 to 25 per cent ot normal is reported from the British 13198 with the de- mand tor honey even better than in 1935 at higher prices. according to the “British Bee Journal". The Unit- ed States reports a lighter crop than in 1935 and Canadian reports to due indicate a crop of not more than 86 per cent ot last year. A hick town is a place where a mortgaged. tender retains its virgin ‘shape tor - at least a month. l ----B Porterhouse WiPS c we 7 Waffle 1 m. KLAEHN’S T. Bone c Sirloin 1 7 Pet Round lb. " Kb. s. Phone Ill WATERLOO FROST COP m†m" " ANTI-FREEZE PER GAL. Waterloo " EXIDE BATTERIES 6.65 UP H EATE RS 8.90 UP STEAKS nay winter road. Let Allen Shirk's Service the hazards. But when your car is in dupe --- and oil, radiator. button. lung When your car isn't in perfect condition and lights-role the safest motorill on uul tho but B-A Product: “at; [037150 safest and most economical driving. for winter driving, you practically double keep your car in the bost' of condition. Expert. thoroughly inspected workman-hip Erb St., WATERLOO - SERVICE STATION on GOODYEARS. That's been LET US REDUCE YOUR TIRE COSTS Tires cost last when you ride I On January l, 1936, thirtrtour per cent ot the 6,800,000 farm in the United States were mtg-{gnaw and 66 per cent were clear ot that type at indebtedness. The total farm mort- gage debt in the United States was "7,ir00,000,000, or 66 per cent of the ‘total value of the farm- which were Mrs. Claud Fowler, Trochen, the middleman ,apem the week with friends in the village. In. Ruler was formerly Miss Emma mkner, and a teacher ot the local school. The pupils ot our '11th school entertained the mother: and mud- to a 'Hallowe'en program Friday afternoon which was very much on- joyed. A geography match was staged, Mrs. Fowler taking curse. After the program a. light lunch was served. Mrs. Fowler treated the chil- dren to Hallowe'en candy, which came as a surprise to the children. Mr. and In. John Brunch†And an“, ot new mum and It. and in; L shun: and - - Sli- day with more prank, Mr. and In. Elia. Inna. In. John Dunn]: left on loudly tor New Hamburg, than an wtll ppend me Mme: with will rely tiom. Mr. and ‘Mrl. "on Armstrong, Mrs. Dcve Flulknor ot'l'hllon - Sunday with Mr. and In. Norma Steven. , The memes are â€realm. more rapidly, In new case- beln; reponod this pan week. --- " -ihi,%o. part on the blacksmith is now completed and make. a - improvement? tttht may“: aorn-Te Mr. and In. Josh. Mar. tin, Nov. 1, u "aqhtar. Mr. Christ. Barby of Kitchener - a week at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Will. 00.“. United Church service will b. at ten-thirty next Sand-y. Rev. Dr. Kitchen. million"! ne. 0th.. will be the Imker. - BRIDGEPORT t PHONE' t Kitchener " “WWII." -BUY FROM ADB.---- I'll WATIILOO CHRONICLI 7 The materials that make children ‘grow and that keep up their resist- 'anee come chiefly from fresh milk, butter, eggs, meat and tish, vege- tables and fresh fruit. Cereals that jam lightly milled also help. Bread, lpotatoes and sugar are not as useful for growth and form protection {against disease, hut they are the , great sor6ee,. we have for the energy Ave use They are the fuel of the i body. te i What mothers pack in the chil- drvn's school lunch-box will depend upon what the child is eating for breakfast and at other meals" at iii/iid. An ample and balanced break- last and evening meal will lessen the ‘nm-essary size and permit a wider selection for the school lunch. If the breakfast ls hurried and 'small, with not fruit and perhaps highly milled cereal and tea and teotteie instead of cocoa and milk, the The cause of the vibration in a piano may sometimes be found in something in the room? A 'vacuum cleaner will clean over- stuned furniture, pn'lows and heavy drapes as well as rugs? Lard rubbed around the edges of glass baking dishes will keep them (Health League Bulletin) When mothers are making up lunches for their children to take to school, they should remember that a diet adequate for growth and health must contain enough quantity of food and enough of those foods which 'ate used in growing audit: maintaining our daily resistance against disease. Steel sliding shoes. (little round pieces with prongs which resemble thumb lacks) in the legs, or chairs and tables will prevent scratched floors and save the rugs? Damp cloths pfaced between the mohair cushions of a chair or (laven- port will raise the pile? Milk Necessary Part of Lunches V . _ For Children at Rural Schools Water waving the hair becomes A simple speedy ptoceas it the combl are placed in the dry hair and the waves are steamed in by holding the head over a pan of boiling water tor tive or ten minutes? l, Willie of egg is tt splendid mutiny em? _ Spinach ought to be "Araied with salt utter washing and cooked In an uncovered, vessel over a low flame? Saddle soap is the only thing that will thoroughly clean and renew tan leather shoes? A little olive oil rubbed. into the eyebrows will darken them and pro- mote their growth? Soap jelly made from 'casme do"! to which olive on has been added-- (about. one part oil to tour ot map) â€is a soothing cleanser tor tender and dry skins? Golf clubs ought never to he stood on end when put away for the winter but ought to be laid ttatt Leather covered furniture can be kept from drying and cracking it rubbed with olive oil? Turkey grease makes shortening whicP Is as rich as butter? The big cumon was Bred In the early hours of January Itst, 1857, the date on which Waterloo became a village For many year- thereafter it wa- used to are I salute ot twenty- one guns in honor ot Her luau, Queen Victoria. each an.“ May. Equal parts of glycerine and cam- phor will hell and whiten chapped hands? " was manned by German gunners. trained in artillery in the Old Conn- try. A mishap however pit an and According to n paper read to the society in 1.988 by the late Dr. cur ton Woll- ot Waterloo, the cannon was cut by the heck Brick" loun- dry, now the Waterloo Manufactur- ing Company, in 1866, being We especially to celobnto Waterloo's ex- pected lncorporldon u n vmue. Park Cannon Cast in .Waterloo Foundry Fired Marking Incorporation in 1857 The " mm which In. mooted tor mu year: atop the tune. op- posite the guild-and a! the part-- unore did it come from? Hero's its lite story, a. mauled in old moor“ ot the waterloo'Hutorieal Society which incidentally held its 84th an- nun meeting Frill-y light. DO YOU KNOW THAT: A very good fondant may be made by mixing a small piece ot boiled who with as much contectioner’s sugar as necessary to bring it to the proper consistency and then flavors ing the mixture as desired? V Chdcolate ereanul may be made by dipping balls of the fondant into melted butter or sweet chocolate? The fondant may be varied by ad- ding to it chopped nuts, cherries, pineapple. coeoanut or chocolate? The fondant thus made may be colored with any pure fruit coloring? other meals must provide the "fuel" and the "growth foods" and the "pro- tecting foods" that were missed at breakfast. A school lunch is an excellent op- portunity to include much of the milk that is so essential in the diet ot a. child. The milk must be pasteurized if the child is to have complete pro- tection against diseases such as tu- berculosls, which may be borne by milk. The tow tempenture ot cold stor- age is necessary it nuts are to be kept through warm weather because they deteriorate chiefly by becoming wormy, rancid or musty? Shelled nuts tttrtrorb moisture from the air very quickly, and BO, I11on be kept in airtight jars and when necessary heated in the oven to re- store their crhpnees'! A garment being cleaned with naphta must not he rubbed as there is danger ot the friction causing an explosion? Naphta should never be used in a room near a flame, but it possible, kept oat of doors? A piece of potato the size ot a walnut will require a pound ot con- fectioner’s sugar in making fondant? Salt has not intitMtrute on the di- gestibility of nuts, but doesrimprxrve the flavor ot those rich In (at? Curtains will look better and stay clean longer it after being washed they are enrolled slightly? Stale rolls can be" freshened by sprinkling them with water and then warming them In the oven? Fresh fruits are easily carried and should be a part of every school 11mph. They provide vitamins. tree from food lulu: sud make them easy to clean? _ Almondl. butternut: and peanuts contain more protein than an equal weight of men! and therefore are often used my men. Iuhltitutel? Broken china may be Vmended by placing the rpiecel together and boil- inE in; miit until “my adhere? The cannon was left on ill wooden supports until the Inner decayed. It was then removed to the Waterloo Park where it was mounted on cem- ent tounittttims on the terrace, and where it In; rammed tor the past as youâ€. Liter tiriutr ot the ulute was re- sumed. A discharge a tew your: lu- ter sent the meal rammd used tor iiliintr the music tUintg from the "Bpritshaus" to strike the Sealant Distillery. This ended the celebra- done. to the celebration. tor a time. when itt being ttred one yen from the "Bpritatuuaa", the old en‘lne how ot the Waterloo Fire Department lo- cated tn front at the present me ot the Willie leruy;lt dismal-(ed pre- maturely, the clung severing the head ot u bum-(let who VI. near King street witchlng tte proceed- inges, standing alongl‘lde the old Hue- ther Hotel. Many adieu-ls are providing small IyiPllJltitl's MENS WEAR 94 King W., KITCHENER Re-Opening Bafgains . .' Now Located at stoves where children may make hot drinks such as cocoa and chocolate. Stoyes provide the opportunity to make soups, creamed potatoes or stewed tomatoes, etc. etc. In schools where a cafeteria is practicable it is essential that the teachers. school medical oilicers and a dietitian eo-operate in providing menus that will guarantee optimum growth and health. Probably 50 percent of the school mildren who take lunches to school will be provided with excellent, well- planned lunches. Our concern must be for the remaining group of chil- dren, who, because of limited income at home or .because of ignorant or careless mothers, need more and bet- ter foods at lunch it they are to suffer no malnutrition. " King St. N. - Phone " WATERLOO SITLER BROS. GROCERS 'ft 101.5151: COOKING ONIONS at SITLERS " as" " CORN SYRUP BEE HIVE or CROWN 'ir..... tSe BROOMS gtrings " C TUES. AND WED. f"t.....M5C WAX IRAN. $12.2...10c meat nuns 3 It" 2Se KETA SALMON GOLDEN BANTAM CORN FREE DELIVERY ' 10c SHREDDED COCOANUT ..... 10c F, Non-but t