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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 2 Nov 1936, p. 1

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Will Close London Bevel-q Phat and Move it to Water- k loo at End of Year.-..- [nae-be [an] Matt. Tu Pap Waterloo}; large brewing industry, Kant; Limited, received a big boost on Thursday with the announcement that the Brewing Corporation ot Can- ada which controls several large brewing ttrms, will close Cnrling'e Breweries in Inndon, Ontario on December 31st, and will move the Carling plant to Waterloo. on of Gore. (Darling's in one of Lon- don“: oldest industries, being found- ed there in 11140. The Curling plant will be amalga- mated with Kuntz Limited and the new firm known as Carling-Kant' Limited. Mr. Herbert ICuntr, mun- ager ot the ‘Kuntz plant from 1925 to 1930 and 1934 to date will remain as manager ot the new tirm. Continue Brandt Both brands ot brew will be manu- factured at Waterloo, and this will necessitate removal ot some of the management and ottiee stat! ot the London firm to Waterloo'. Unfortun- ately some of the 100 employees of Carling's at London wll be thrown The reason tor the move he an- nounced by LE. P. Taylor of the Brew- In; Corporation of Canal; is to cut. down operating expenses. It is re ported from Toronto that three ot the Brewing Corporation's units luv. year lost $300,000 and three others showed a protlt of $600,000. Carling’l oqrating at a detieit, is being moved to he ‘Knntz plant, which in said to be the best owned by the Corpora- tion, and which operates closest to capacity, as well as being the moat centrally located for distribution. Addition Under Way The new brick and steel addition to tttif Knot: plant has been started on Caroline street, and will house the fermenting and cold storage plants ot the new firm. KIaxmeNER.--Waterloo County Canadian Club will carry on at least tor the winter months, at whim time decision will be made as to the club's future, said Secretary A. A. Eby here last week. The club executive was discouraged by non-interests at mem- bers, but last week's turnout at the Hon. W. D. Euler meetng was most encouraging. Elton-ts will be made to bring outside speakers to similar Carling-Kuntz Amalgamated, Enlarging Waterloo Brewery Canadian Club _ Planning Speaker ORPHANAGE GETS - KWxymirNaBR.--'rhe will of the late Homer s. Ford. prominent Kitchener manufacturer. bequeaths to the Kit- chener Orphanage the sum of $3.000. Transient Killed By Baden Oar meetings. Vol. an, No ADDITION UNDER WAY “You can any that I don't be- lieve Premier Hepburn will so to the people before 1938", Hon. N. o. Hipel told the Chronicle when queried as to the possibl- lity ot a provincial election in 1937. . "There is no demand for elec- tion with only three years of m term expired", Mr. Ripe] said. "It the tire year term, set up by the Henry government were ad- hered to we would not so to the country before 1939." Nd Election Until 1938 THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE {a trooUt 'r-teat' A committee has been tentativeOr drawn up to proceed with plans for Waterloo's ice arena, and it will prob- ably be confirmed by Mayor Rats and the council tonight. The Hydro Electric Power Com- mission of Toronto has reduced the Waterloo interm Power rate by $2.50 Regular Council Meetings End P.U.C. Endorses Taxation Protest Chairman Henderson Reports $3,486 Debenture Payments in September-Will Be Dehthee in 1941. If the propoul ot the Ontario Mu- nicipal Association that all Hydro properties in the province be assess- ed tor taxes were adopted, it would mean higher rates tor hydro con- sumers, according to Chairman (Ben- demon at a meeting of the Waterloo Public Utilities Commission held on Friday. The commission therefore endorsed the Branttord P.U.C.'s pro- test. During October debentures paid ott by the commission amounted to 82,605.98, with interest of 8881.00. Chairman Henderson stated that in four years' time the local commie- sion will he entirely tree of debt. Accounts passed tor payment by the commission during the past month were: Water, $3,876.05; Gas. $3,059.92; Electricity. $12,925.04. mak- ing a total of 8191861171. The town council is meeting to. night at their last regular meeting of the your. The statutory meeting will ”doubly be held on November 16th. two weeks away. Nominations are scheduled for the last Monday ot the month, November 30, with elec- tions following on December T. The Waterloo T'.O.c. has not sold a debenture since 1926, and after 1941, expect to build up a reserve fund so that no more debts will be accrued tor improvements after that date. ' The report by Manager Geo. Grout tor September follows: " Water pumped in September, Is,- 150,000 ttis., a decrease from August of 3,480,000 sis. Maximum pumped in September was on Sept. Iii, 630,000 ttls.; minimum pumped in September was on Sept. 20, 390,000 sis. Average daily pumping, 505.000 gls. [Pumps were operated, 204.4 hours. Current consumed for pumping 33100 k.w.h. Fire alarm on Sept. 17th. at 3.30 p.m., from box tre, pressure TO lbs. Gas purchased for the month ot September 2.311.100 cubic n., com- pared with the month of August, 2.- 212.000 cu. ft. an increase of 90,000. Peak load for the month of Sep- tember was on the 14th. at 11.24 ann.. 3054.9 mp., at 94.6% Power Factor, compared with August ot 2923 'H.P.. an increase ot 131.4 HP. per H.P. This will mean a 'Power cost saving to this Commission of over $2,000.00 per year. __ - We expect to put into erect by December billing a lower Domestic, Commercial and Power rate, which will be a considerable reduction to consumers. Cost of Power for September $6,873.52. (he Boil. Hold Yo-ht.- Olly Slat-Cory “noting Bolero Shelia-a. A HOME NEWSPAPER POI UAW. AND "FATNtuN, COUNTY PEBPUE Wanna, Olnno, Mon-u. Novas-n 2, tiid Mrs. Hannuach, . passenger in the reu- Beat with Mr. Hannusch, was unconscious for dmost half nn hour, nnd Buttered iniuries to her angles my! eEta_and. trruityy, Jetty Above is a car owned by Elmer Hannusch of Kitchener, which struck a culvert near the lenno Shiry farm on the Brealnu-Preaton road early Sunday morning. The bumper can be seen leaning against the torn radiator. In the foreground is the culvert and the guy post, which was struck by the car. Mr. Shiry told the Chronicle that when the culvert was built he asked the road engineer to build the post farther from the ditch. This was done, and Mr. Shiry believes it was this that kept the car from going down the steep embankment. Mrs. Elmer W. Munch, Water- too, m the moot seriously injured of four oeeuranta of a car driven by Jonah Dot-sch of St. Clement: whie struck I culvert wire and guard post net: the Henno Shiry farm on the Brake-Preston road enrlr Smithy morning. _ According to reports the cer wee proceeding towerds Preston when it slewed off the slippery grevel road during e heavy reinstorln about one e.m. end struck the culvert post et the mouth of the shiry fem lane. The on turned eround on the roed and rolled over on its side, the roof end body being badly dented end elmost every window shattered. The ra4intor wee almost torn from the wards Breshu, end Howard Snider of Peteraburg, going in the opposite direction, pulled the injured persons from the cu. Two women passen- tree wee. not injured._ _ Mr. Shiry was called to the scene by his son-in-law, Stanley Bush. who lives near by, and who came to his farm to borrow a lantern to enable the rescuers to extricate the injured. Lloyd Kasey, who resides across the road, heard the crash and came to aid the injured. Dr. Miller of Preston was called and removed Mrs. Hannusch to his oMee for treatment. ,» Elmer numb of Kitchener Injured on Brealtuaa?resgtmt PRESToN.---Damage estimated at close to 8500 was caused to the Shani: Foundry here early Thursday morning. when tire broke out on the second tioor. Origin of the blaze, dis- covered by Lorna Puller, n trarftsport driver, has not been determined. thr Shikes tutesreyhl _ of Breyley, drifigk: go'- SHANTZ FOU NDRV FIRE Hit Calvert Culvert Post fates Hamburg Cordnll also {sees a charge laid " High County Constable Whitesldo ot stealing the car of Lloyd Appel of Baden whlch wss Inter found wrecked against a tree poor Ayr. The secusod is suspected ot the rote bery ot the J. IE. English store at Plattsvllle, and Is facing tour other charges at Milton. He was roles-ed from the Onurlo Retormstory st Guelph only a. month ago. Presenting Band Festival Awards Miss Betty Fischer, 11-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Fischer, Peppier street, has won the distinction of being chosen by sir Ernest MacMillan, president ot the Toronto Conservatory of Music. to appear as guest artht with the To ronto Symphony Orchestra in their second series of concerts in Jannsry. Robert Cont-ll, M. who is facing nix marge. ot hunting and entering and theft of goods in this district, led Provincial Police on Wedneldny to a hey how in I William town-hip bun where he produced two M ot loot stolen from the o. M. Becker store " New Bambi"; Mr. Becker, Ice- in; the loot, realized more good- had been Itolen than at 'tr.t reveled, and estimated the cached goods " $160.00. \me. C. F. Thiele, Director ot the Waterloo Band, snd President Ford S. Kumpt of the Waterloo Musical Society were in Toronto Fridsy night where they presented awards to the Second Divisional signsi Corps, win. ner of the bugle hand contest and the march past at the 1936 Minion] Festival. he will visit Windsor 3nd Chesley.. next week Forest, Sunk and St. Thomas and later Hanover, George- town and Chadian. Betty Fischer To Be Guest Artist Miss Fischer has earned wide re- cognition with her rapid progress in violin. She is studying for the sec- ond year at the Toronto Conserva- tory. Mr. Thieie is visiting other Ontario points presenting awards. This week Ontario Towns “do Week With 1936 Winnem’ muck“ mddeaireWttrssotBrtm. Join the big parade in supporting the semi-weekly Chronicle. Delivery in Waterloo only 6 cents a week. Phone your name and address to MI, and the carrier will leave a paper at your door every Monday and Thursday. The first week’s returns made by Chronicle can- vassers today stood at 143 new subscribers. I43 NEW SUBSCRIBERS In One Week Canvasers report very favorable reception on all travehine . east “was Kitchener. A 13-"! min I! an»; and thttrttts i 10PrCHWmR.--'rhe Court ot mm. "sion in session here reduced the as- sessment on the Granite Athletic Club by 814,480, cutting it down to 810.000. Club reprmterttatNe w. W. Foot told the court the club ha been (i,iiii.'iticri, under . steadily mounting Idefieit. M. in. shunts of the Revision leourt held it would he better to get smaller mes than none " all it the ‘club went out of business. (Citizens See Rinks 1 This Afternoon William Brown, 28, Toronto, . tzaasairtstpmlhirw do” the Poten- Int-Ill injured when struck by l s.er itly nlke--2!..'- Itiven b; Vida: tniGta of “an. The uni: dent occurred that 8 o'eioek. M on?» Hitchcher Vriie, in: elyimn he n; blinded ii, magma of an oncoming car. and so did'not Bee Brown. A group of Wateroo citizen. who are interested in an ice arena for the town ere in Elan and Fergus this afternoon inepeeting the rinks in the two towns. Among those who were expected to make the trip were May- or H. E. Rata, AM. Welker and Frickey, Means. J. 'R. Benton. A. C. Holman, Ford S. Kumpf, W. D. Brill, E. J. Bauer, C. Dotzert. A. G. Hahn- el and the Chronicle sports writer. Shantz Car Hits Youth b . my sitar“? night, was {MIMJW when struck by A Iron Out Hitch Railwav Tracks tween the Grand River Railway ot C.N.R. mulbed on the stretch C.NN.'R. roadhed on the stretch along the Gait-Preston highway i gradually being ironed out, Hon. N. o. Ripe] told the Chronicle but week. Driver Said Blinded by Mead- lightsl! Beulah Granite Club Gets Lower Assessment E-LIMRA MAN INJURED ELMmA.-AuBUn Bricker, 38. of this town suffered a fractured ghoul- der on Saturday when he m struck " a car driven try Lawrence Anger. lini. The latter was arrested on a reckless driving charge. Work on the removing ot the tracks is progressing, and will be rushed to completion " soon u the “moment In tuned, Mr. alps] ma. The hitch over the agreement be- Ascoréigt to home” Higher Wyn-dud”

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