PAGE TIN In IM- Prloho " In! 111!“qu "ep" The funeral ot In. 'we Plight! mother ot Mm. J. L. m. In: . -r-r.rr"ir- street south, Waterloo. who died wu' lm‘“ 3'5." thu, Thundny, I" held from her home, Emtortabar.oa" with In. I. B. ntar Cheney, Saturday. In. Pdobe Sn,“- Gmp Winning. was " years ot 350. Four dunner.†and three was survive. I " "I Auteur N18!!! " the Nor Edward M. Brenner Edward M. Brenner, Linwood far- mer, passed away Saturday, as the result ot two heart attack; which he mtttered in quick succession a few hours previously. The deceased was born in Wellesley township on the 11th concession 61 years ago. He had been a resident of the commun- ty all his life. Ile was a son ot the YOU KN OW THAT Church ot the village. The tuners] is being held on Wed- nesday afternoon . Public service will be held at Chalmers Church at 2 pan., followed by interment in Win- iertsirurne cement?- His wife survives him. Also tive sons and two daughters David B. of W'interbourne; Ellen (Mrs. Charles Mann) of Vancouver: James R., John t. Henry W., George B.. Georgina (Mrs. Milton Sherrms) all ot'W‘im terboume. Deceased was prominent in farm- ing circles and was a prominent worker in Chalmers Presbyterian Marion. Dori- Kennedy Marlene Doris. mum hunter or Mr and In. John Kennedy, died at New Hamburg Wednesday. The ba- by, 12 week: old, contracted measles last Sunday and Inner pneumonia [in Sunday and hue: which canned the death, mu... --- ---', - Beside: the parents Jwo women and three sisters ire let! to mourn the pasting. They are Howard and Donald at home, Madge and Ttttttt ot Hespeler and Jean at home. ‘Winterbourne's oldest resident. John Burnett. a life-long resident at the (“strict died at his home early this morning in his 90th year. 'me late Mr. Burnett, who was born on the Burnett homestead a few miles from the village, was the oidest surviving member of his tren- eration. He tarmed on the home stead until his retirement in 1915. Death was caused by old age. The funeral held. this afternoon from the residence to Waterloo Mount 'Hope cemetery tor Interment. Mn. James P. Fennel! Sum-ring tt heart attack while shopping in Goudles store in Kitch- ener late Friday afternoon, Mrs. James Fennel]. 63. well known in Kitchener Women's Circles, col- lapsed and died while being removed in an ambulance to the W-W. 11w Mll‘ Albert. A. Wagner Miss Alberta A. wane:- died at her relldence, George street. on Sat: urday after a lengthy ulna-a. iiuf Wagner was born in Waterloo town- ship, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. Wagner. She attend- ed Emmanuel Evangelical Church, Waterloo. One ulster. Mists Matilda " Wagner, also of Waterloo, sur- yuan Deceased was a daughter of the late Dr. D. S. Bowhly and was born in Kitchener. She is survved by her husband. one daughter. Mrs. Vaugh- an, Bramtford, one brother, D. 3. Bowlby. K.C.. and Mrs. E. P. Clem. em or Kitchener. vlves Tire. "GG.irivas held this after- noon. l ulw gyroâ€: ali', mm‘ Radio Broadcast Schreiter "tyndroek FUNERAL HOME 5t Benton St, Plume 4480 John Burnett N cod o 1tt11t and: for the uni-Rod in hides! resident, Wins Amateur Night The late Edward Brenner was ttrat married to Minnie MoGoey who prev deceased him 32 years ago. His sec- ond wife, who, before her marriage was Alberta 'Haid, survives, together with nine sons and one daughter. They are as 1011mm: Roy, Marcel, Patrick, Frederick, Larry and Earl, all at home, Jerome ot Mondale, Ed- win of near Kingston, Raymond ot Reason and Evan, the only daugh- ter, at home. Also surviving are four ttrothem.. George and Joseph Bren- ner ot st. Clements, Clements of Tralee, Leo ot omfbeld and one sin- ter, Mrs. Gustave Eisenmenger of Linwood. n was Auteur Night at the 1.e men’s Institute meeting which is: held st the home of Hrs. A. M. Barn ton last Tuesday event“. The pro- Bram was presented in three sections by three diluent groups under th- leadership of Mrs. N. B. Snyder, In. M, Bechtel and Mrs. Barton. Both Mrs. Snyder and In. Bechtel's groups gave their part of the even- ing's entertsinment in the form of radio broadcasts while Hrs. Barton's group enacted in costume the well- knowu scenes ot the day helore the lold-ushioned school examinations. The Brst and second prim were nwsrded to Mrs. “Snyder and ‘Mrs. Bechtel’s groups. respectively and the judges tor the occasion were er8. A. Hilborn, Mrs. R. J. Davis and Mrs. 'Donald Tommi. During the business session Mrs. E. B. Hellman 'was elected delegate to the London Area Women's institute Convention to be held at London Nov. 3, 4 and 5, ‘and Mrs. W. Spaetzel was elected alternate delegate. Retrtmtttnerttig were. served at the conclusion ot the evening. The funeral will he held Tuesday morning at 9.30. Services will be conducted in St. Josem's RC. church. (Manon, by Rev. v. J. Mor- gan. Interment will be made in the adjoining cemetery. l The man who makes every minute count often becomes the man of the hour. Visitors at the home ot Mrs. Geo. Pullman last Wednesday were: Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hallman and (laugh- ter, Bernice of Burford, Miss Zone. Hallman and Miss McMahon. nurses- in-training at the tic-1W. Hospital. late Peter Brenner who passed away three years ago. _ Mr. and Mrs. Austin Schweitger and family of Maple Grove moved into Mrs. w. Spaetzel's house in the village on Thursday. Mr. and Mn. Walter Sheard. Miss Isabel Matthews and Mr. Arthur Sheard of IKtclIener called on Mrs. A. Sheard last Monday. The Misses Adina, 'tebeeea and Lillian Hellman. Clara [Baken Laura. Shark, Seleds Heckendorn, Cecelia Shantz Fannie Jana! and Illda Bau- man ot Kitchener were guests of Miss Vera Mailman on Thursday. A large quantity ot vegetables and fruit was donated by members of the various churches during the past few weeks for relief purposes in the Western Provinces. Borti--To Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hill on Oct. 18th, a daughter (Margaret Jean). Pencils“. Mr. and Mrs. William Goettiing. the Mines Edna and Lydia Goettiing and Mr. Harry Goettling visited with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goldbeck at Kitetv ener last Sunday. Rev. w. Notting attended the Kitchener District Conference and Sunday School Teachers' Rally which was held at the St. James La- threan Church at Emma last Tues- day. Miss Velma Bauer. president of the N.D.CS. Christian Fellowship occuv pied the chair at the regular meet- ing which was held last Wednesday. Rev. E. Gingerich gave an interest- lug talk and the Misses Betty Tuch- mist! and vocal duet Waterloo l No extra chase for use of our home-like Funeral Chapel. Walsh Funeral Service 160 King St. B. - Phone 677 Ruth Plpher rendered a Till WATIILOO CHRONICLI Foster Lad Suffers 1 . Broken Leg ou Th. Full. on L... Frau-tin. " I“! Ankle. Brock Falter. 4-yeu-old son ot Mr. and Mrtr, In. B. Plotter Ind the ml.- lortnue to We“ hi. leg 'l‘uudny morning. . Brock was watching In: ttther chan30 tins on the truck, than one ot the lure urea accident- ally knocked him over and (all on In: leg. braking the bone between the knee and the mile, ale wu men to a Kitchener hospital by Dr. G. R. I2airt, where an X-rar revealed the lnjury. 3rd quarter There was no score in the third quarter, with intercepted (ox-wards by both teams, coupled with poor ottenaive play and penalties by Kitch- ener, keeping the hall between the two 25-yard areas most ot the time. The quarter wu featured by Mac- doneil's kicking, with Kennedy mak- ing several good brotrenild runs. Kitchener received the kickoir on their own 40-yard line, Macdonell booting to the Guelph IO. Guelph re- turned the kick to their own 40, with K.-W. moving the sticks . twice in succession to the Guelph 13-yard line. Totzke scoring a touchdown. The convert tailed, making the score 25-0. Halfway through the quarter, K.-W. gained possession on the Guelph " yard line. moved the yardsticks to the Guelph 16. and IBoehmer went over for a major score. Seyler con- verted to make the score 31-0. With only three minutes to go, Wettlauter recovered a Guelph fum- ble on the Guelph M, K-W. moving sticks to the Guelph 3-yard line. Boehmer plunged through the centre or the line tor a touch, Macdonell converting to mum the scoring at 38-0. Several minutes later, after moving the sticks to the Guelph Ab, Mae donell kicked to the line, Snyder rousing the Guelph halfback, mak- ing the score Sb0. Just before the half ended, Totghe roused Wilton ot Guelph, making the score at In]! time Kitchener M, Guelph 0. Mrume. [Burnett is spending a few days with Rev. and Mrs. M. F. Stewart at Bellwood. On Friday evening a comedy ttl ma “Cloned Ups". It: held in Schnurr'a Hall put on by St. Peter'll Luther League. I Kaufman ran back the Guelph luck-01! to centre field, Macdonell scoring a single point on an attempt- ed placement from the Guelph 18. Score MFO. hie quarfer ended with the score Still ‘20~0. Mr. and In. J. Blue] and chil- dren of Baden and Mrs. K. ‘Kaufmn and son William spent Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Mouser. (Continued from Page T) from the Guelph 12-yard line to score a touchdown, Macdouell con- verting, making the score 18-0. _ - Miss M. Mair igspending the week‘ end at her home in Teeswater. Mr, Simon Dechert is spending a tew days In (Hamilton. - _ Mr. qucmy and Mrs. M. Wescott or 'Wellesley spent Tuesday with Mr. and Mrs. C. Lulu. Mr. and Mn. Louis Volt and Mrs. Jerry Mouser spent Wednesday In Mllverton. Mr. Anthony Koebel Sr., moved his household enema from Mr. Emerson Burnett's to Mia. Casper Boegel's house. e Quite a number from here attend- ed the towl supper and dance in St. Joseph's parish hall, Macton, Tues- day evening. Dr. and Nita. Tye of Mllverton called on Dr. and Mrs. G. R. Ham, Thursday evening. -- _ Mrs. Ken Wright and daughter Mo. na Mae of Tralee are spending a week with the former', parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tony Koehel. Mr. Wm. Lula was a business visi- tor in Goderich last week. â€Rev. rand Mrs. Schultz and son Erich spent Thursday afternoon with friends tn the Twin Cities. _ The November meeting of the Wo- men's Institute will be held at the home or Mrs. A. 0. Schnurr, Tues, day, the 10th. Mrs. A. o. Schnurr and Miss M. L. Schnurr spent Wednesday in Ham- “ton. Collegiute Teams Mr. and Mm. Stolztus. Mr. and Mrs. Lapp ot Pennsylvania, and Mr. and Mrs. Dave Rehte of Poole were weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. D. IRoth. Mr. amt Mrs. Oscar Weieker spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Wil- ker, 9th line. - Mr. and Mrs. Enos Zehr and fam- ily spent Sunday with relatives at Wellealey. - Mr. and Mrs. Nick S. Roth visited at Kitchener wth Mr. and Mrs. (Cy- ranus Klpter on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. charlie Kuntze spent Monday wig: re1atireCtytfilmira. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. hall‘s Rube. Overdue“; sizes 6 to 10 .... w....v. Rumor}, sizes 4 to s -........_..- Gin-Iv Ribbon, sites 11 to 2 e....................., China Rubin“, sizes 6 to 10 w.................' 11:1an and Rubber Overohoos You’ll Pay Les If You Buy Here. Wane-'1 Robber orerhoos, 2 dome, lined, sizes 4 to 8 .... iiiiair ititiir dviresoo., sizes ll to? o...'...........,............... icys' Rubbers; sizes 1 to 5 ............ Youths'r Rgblygn, dire: 11 to 13 .... MCI'I Rubbers, sizes B to 11 ........... WOMEN'S GLOVE SPE- Hand T Dwelling - - 150 yd. SAILOR DRESSES AT ".i--Navy botany wool serge. White braid or white and red brtid and red belt. Sizes 8 to 14 years. PRINTED CREPE DRESSES AT 'LDS-- Cotton - with smocked yoke. Inching bloomers. Sizes 2 to 6 yen-s. WOOL CREPE AT $4.95 - WOOL PLAIDS AT $5.95 - Mes 12 x 14X. Altogether an interesting nnge to come White Flannelette - 12540 yd. Gloves Sh: 21 Erb St. W. SiS?. 2.2155... EAST ZORRA CIA]. in smooth suede- finished rubrics, in a rough - tsurfaced sand- like texture, Ind in shiny silk benclL ine. Tlilo'i-ed shi-ons and n o v e l t y styles. and Bee. -Two feature values this week. The hand towelling from Ireland. 15 inches wide. Colored borders. . BOHLENDER'S THESE ARE ALL FIRSTS COIDED VELVBTEEN DRESS†AT CREPE JUMPER DRESSES AT 'a."-- Wool crepe: with plaid silk tops. Brown with ounce. N-vy with red. Sizes q to 10. .. PLAID DRESSES AT 't.M-8iaes 8 to " years, Long-sleeve styles in cotton phidl. Blue. red and you: “on. -Aino use 21.0 6 years. with bloomers [alum . Button fronta and leather belts. I31.95). on the girls' yroor "ii.iiir-, Very tine -eordine, with crou- stitch trimming. Red, rust an! ton] blue dudes. Sizes , to 10 yem A hoch of lovely little Dresses _ ‘His companion grinned. "And did they get away y“): I'" ttttted. Wilson shook his head. "No", he replied. "Apparently the humm- were Scots. They were arrested when they came back tor the brick." John -artxerttrutser were Mr. And Mrs. Peter R Zehr ot Nev Hamburg, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Ruby, Mrs. Clan. Bender and family and Mr. and In. Peter Bender. “l've just heard that there watt 3 big smash-and-grab raid at Brigg-1 the jewelers, yesterday," said Wil- eon. Mr. and Mm. Moses Holman: called on Mr. and Mrs. Henry We“ on Sun- day. - The Mezzanine my, Non-hot ' "" WATERIDO n 8 .... 81.30 p.......... 81.20 r.......... 8145 Red Sole no: and Me 70: and to: 85c and Ttte