" _ In.» Non-her 2. mo , District Markets - Radio News >4) Meat prices included pork chops Me; lard 15c; picnic hams 16 and 20 cents for fresh and smoked re- spectively; pork sausnge, 23 and 25 cents; beef roast 12 to 18 cents; summer sausage 25 cents; liver sausage 15c; side bacon 28 cents, and home cured ham 25 cents. Eggs held firm at 36 to 42 cents. butter 25c, young chickens 22 to 25 cents, and It the close of the mar- ket 16 to 18 cents, rear-old birds 20_eenta," and ducks 25 cents. Vegetables offered included pota- toes " $1.25 per bag or 30 cents 3 Met; cabbage 10 cents I head; cauliflower 10 to 15 cents; carrots 20 cents for 6 quarts; beets 5c; turnips 5e; parsnips 20e a basket; rudiahes 5; peppers 15e for 6 qts.; onions 20c; tomatoes 15e for 6 qts.; ttttd lettuce 2 heads for 15c. Apple prices were as follows: Spies $1.85 a bus.; Tolman Sweets, 81.35; St. Lawrence $1.50; Mc- Intoshes $l.75 Ind Baldwins $1.25. cutting Juices, eieeiaiiy chirfrgglv, to get ri of their supplies, but were unsuccessful. Waterloo market wus rather do! on Saturday Avid: farmers Waterloo Market Slow Saturday urge Otterhttp, Mow Up Trad; irstr.-Egtrtr Bring "e.- Tuesday. Nov. , 9.00-Morrtintr Serenade. 9.80-Mtutdoiiers 9.46--Mentor 10.00--Att.on Weekn 10.80--Reminiscirttr Rhythm Mr."-.-)"), It.t6--mtrent% Forum 12ntr-Honornbie Archie t2.M-49toek Quotations t2.46-Rar Noble Orch. 1.00---The Monitor Views CKCR-Kitche-iteHoo 'COO-The Five Texan» 1.t5--Dr- 1.80--Rex Battle 2.00--Women's Hour 2.A6--Haunted Rancho B.80--Radio Rhythm 6.46-A9toek Quotuuma 6.16--Mentor. the Man in the Turban 6.89-Fietcher Henderson Orch. T.t6--Rahrut Startling to-dny we Introduce the “New Magic Vole. Trade-In Plan" to make it easier tor you to m on. of thumolousndlos. A bumifully finished chest (m cabinet. The big little set of the yen. Standard wnve "(union with an Iextended range including some police, aviation , and Imlteur calls... $37.50 155 King St. West died/t THE NEW mr RCA. VICTOR RADIO iiiWifiaiE© Come int See these radio marvels to-day. Hear . . . with your own cars the new radio miracle Magic Voice as discovered by the world's greatest radio laboratories. the News MODEL 14-2 incllidlnl And "mambo! . . . " " It's I Glob. $37.50 Tm lt's an RCA Victor." Wednesday. Nov. q WOO-Morning Serenade 9.80-Aeeurdion Band 9 45---Mentor 10.00-Attson Weeks 1o.16---Nurtse Woledne 10.80-Raymur 12.16--Honortsbie Archie 12.80---Stock Quotations 12i5--Flddy Duchin Orch. 1.tr0---The Monitor Views the News Ins-Radio Play t.80--Rex Battle 2.00--Women's Hour 2,M--Lombardo Orch. trA6--49toek Quotations 6.16-Mentor 6.80--A3oodmatt Orch. 7nlr---tuiput 8.00-kimrs of the Air tLIS-Freddie Oliver 9.00-Rpr Snider Orch. KITCHENER $157.50 ASK TO SEE...‘I'lIoNov 1931 Extra Value Series ttCA Victor ladle: . . . Fruits offered included apples gs follows in bushel lots: Spies $1.75; Tolman Sweets 81.35; St. Lawrence $1.50; McIntoshes $1.75; Russet: $1.25; Snows $1.35; pests, $1.25; Baldwin apples $1.50, and Green.. ings $1.50. Cut wood sold at $2.25 a load. All maple in single cord iota was quoted at $4.00 per cord. Eggs brought . top price of " cents innbriak trndintr at Kitchener market on Saturday, with prices holding up in all departments. Eggs ranged upwards from 32 cents a dozen. bushel Maple Wood ht $4.00 Per Cord Kitchener Market Brisk Buyers Get Week-End Thursday. Nov. 5 9.00-Morttinx Serenade 9_80-Mnndoliers 9Alr-Metttor 10.00--Anson Weeks 10.80--Rarmar 11n6--Erur, Dlnce Band 12.t6-Honor.tue Archie 12_Mr--Stoek Quot-tions 12.46--Lombardo Orch. 1.00---The Monitor Vie‘k 8.80--Porttut J uvenile oich 9Ar0--Melody Boys the News i.ilr--Radio Plly 1.80---Rex Battle 2.M-WomertU Hour 6.16--Movie Gossip 5.80--Radio Rhythms 6.46--Gtoek quotations 6.16--Mentor 6a0---DaV Ellington 7.is-Rahrut tl.00-Bartio and Guitar R. 1 s-Heinrich Schmidt Phone 4280 nu: _WAYBrtLOo CHRONICLE Joe De Coursey, CRCT 1t.00--News, CFRB Little "" Little. WGN tl_ts-H.rry Rent Orch., KDKA 11,80-C.eo. Olsen. CFRB ".00--Tommr Dorsey": Orch., WJR 8.00---Newre. CFRB 8a0---cheerio Prom. NHC-CRCT 9.00--Rrenkr.Bt Club. CRCT 9.80-Riehard Maxwell Songs. WGR t0.00-Mrs. Wings. Sketch. CRCY 10.16-Modern Cinderella. W“! ii.8N-Vie & Sade. WEAK ItA6-Dr. All-n Roy Dame. CFRB 12.00--'rhe Gunilla, CF33 12.15-Masrr Hurlin. WHEN 12.80--Romttnee of Helen Trent, W13 12.ts-F'.rrn Pro... CFRB Rich Inn's Darling. WJB tns-Hour-ood High Batten. CRCT 1.80--Rex Battle. CKOC 2.1s--Americnn School ot the Air. W1! 2.80--Manie Guild, WJZ 8.00-Mtsrine Band, CRCT 8.i6--Mtt Perkins. WTAK 8.80-Emery Deutsch, CFRB _ 4.00-Hettry Busse's Oreh.. WHEN 4.80-s- Knye‘n Oreh.. CKLW tr.00--Lee Gordon's Oreh.. WTAII tr.30-Jmek Armstrong? WTAI 10 1Mr--Navy Day From. “HAM National Sing Song. CRC-CKOC to.ts---Kay Kayncr Orch. WON Hr.80-45hep Field. 0rch.. WHAM Burns & Allen. WJR 9n0--Nino Martini. WJR Fred Allen-Town Hall. WHEN 9.30-A3ome on Let's Sing, WJR 10.00--Hit Par-dc. WHEN Gang Busters, WJR to.30-Ktw Klyser's Orch. WGN ll. 11 tMonday. Nov. 2, 1936) Prices quoted by Kitchener firms on the above date were as follows: Butterfat Special grade .... 19: grade .........rr... 2nd grade ..rr..m..r.. "A" large .._. "A" medium 1927 Buick sedan Serial No. 1414834. Por repairs and storage. C. Hamacher, Petersburg. 47-48 1 1.00--NeUs, CFRB John'. Other Wide. WHEN " "--Uumt Phil- llill. 'BEN\ "nb-ttare- “its. NBC-UTA. ll "---vie I Sudan 'JZ 11.66-Bd. IrHuh, Goth-l Songs. WJZ IS."---' Gaunt. cBtVCrrett ".16---h"rr lulin Story. WHEN "a.--.-. " Helen Trent. w" IZAbkFlrm Pro... CPR]! FOR SALE Cider. apple butter. Brttendie'ts Cider Mill, Heidelberg. We deliver. 47-2 Sinuing Lady. CRCT 6.46--L'tttie Orph-n Annie. WEAK 6.1tr-News, CRCT 6.30-Newts. cFau, CRC Overseas Prom. CRCT 6.4s-Lowell Thomas. CRCT T.00--Amos 'n' Andy Kitchener Produce B "--New.. CFIH U "--Cheeri. Pm., NBC-Cm I)...----." Club. NIlC-CICT ".--rueurd Inxwrll Bonn. C733 "dMt-Mr.. 'i... of the Clbb... Pitch. CICT " "-Modeem Chdcrclla 'JI 7.t5--Bonke Curler, WGR te.0tr-Casvtueade of Alex-in. WGR 8.30-Ethet Barrymore. WJZ Ken Murray. CFRB 'hoo-Ben Bernie. WLW Fred Waring. CFRB 9M0--Fred Alt-ire. CRCT CRC Pyor. CKOC 6.45-Lowell Thoma- 7 OO-Easy Aces. WHAM Amos 'n' Andy Little Jul: Little. CKLW T.t5-voiqe of Experience. NBC_WBEN Ted Busing, WGR Rex Battle. CRC. CHML Tao-Lum l Abner. WLW Al Leary Sports. CKCL T.46--ftoaske Carter. VCR ".00-Leo Reism-n Orrh. WGY 'CiMr---Wtsytte King, VIC-Y Son. Styli-la. CPIB 2 tS-American School of the Air. VCR 800-Al. PeareeU Gm. 'JB .rts---Mr. Perkins. WHEN 8 .80-49tritttr Quantum Wu"! tAMY-Geo. Heathen!" Orrh. CRC'T 'Mo-tOve Day Pram. WKBW s09---wttiie the City Shel". WHAM B 30--uaek Armstrotur. WHEN Rich Inn'u Darling. WJB 1.M--dfttae,. Slenrw- Orch. CICT I "-Geo. Hull's Oroh . CPR]! LM--Rex Bunk, CKOC 2,0.----Word. Ind Music Concert. '12 Singing ley. CRCT 5.45-derrv Scum Orch, WEAF Little Orphan Annie WHAN 6AMt-4UM? Dinner Hou"r From. CRCT q 'o-Ne-. (‘PRB Easy Aces. WHAM ri.5--Urtele Ezra. WBEN ao-Lam & Abner. WLW Goose Creek Parson. WGR CRC-Dr. Stanley Rune] and B. K. Sundwell. CRCT Henry Butane Orch., WHAM ts-Geo. Hun-is Orch., WBZ MO---' Gray Orch.. WGY .00--Ozzie Nelson Orch.. WJR Truck Delivered le .......... 24 26 .....rr.......w. 23 25 mr.........."... 20 22 Eggs Selling FOR SALE W-dnaoday FADE 44c 42c Bacon-hog prices delclned sharply at three points Saturday, but other markets were unchanged. Live- weights were drown 25 cents at Lon- Hog Quotations large pallets pullets .m...tr 1937 MARCONI RECEIVERS Small Down Payment Phone 4646 The Hit of thé~Season "tl,',,, $39.95 to $289 74 KING ST. S. Egg- agylng ....... 27 as .....e. 21 20 according to weight siorii, Producers .. 38 ST .. 35 " ' See Them On Display " G. EULER I King and Water Streets WATERLOO 30c 25c Live weights: Brantford. Kitchener. $7; London, $7; $7.25; strftrorV$7; Chatham, ‘Dressed weurtitirL--Urmion, P is.rr, Hui, $10; Chatham. $7; Stratford. $7 don and Stratford, and 10 cents low. er at Chatham. Dressed-weights were oft 35 cents " Stratford, 30c at London. and 13 cents at Chatham. Prince Edward Island, $1.30 per bag. carlot basis; Ontario, No. l, " to $1.05: New Brunswick, $1.25, car- lot basis. Prices to trade are 15 to 25e a bag higher. Potatoes Kitchener. Ont. PHONE 781 Easy Terms PAGE NINE $7.30; \Hull, 87. $9.35;