g| AtT'hettnttt-Tt-trtt.t Boyd Memorial Tablet Unveiled hero of Mr. Boyd's Nmily, the Mises Sarah and Mary Boyd, of Troy, N.Y. A portrait of the late Mr. Boyd was ht'g.T'tptd, to the church by Rev. R. . Ferris of Lon- don. The tablet was unveiled by Mr. Henry Kelly of Millbnnk (former member bf Zion Church. 3rd line). and Mr. Andrew Playford of El- min, (former member of Bad Church), both churches being e late Mr. Boyd's curges. The service wu conducted by Rev. R. B. Ferris of London, a grandson of the late Mr. Boyd, as- sisted by Rev. A. A. hing, the present pastor. A great grandson of the Rev. James Boyd, Boyd Ferris and a friend of his rendered two duets. A solo was 11tL'gg.r by Miss Jean Rennie of Kite ener. There were also present four other gent grandchildren, Miss Kathleen th, Kitchener, end the Misses May, Betty and Peggy Ferris of London. The Rev. Mr. Boyd served Cross- hill church for twenty-nine yen-s from 1859 to 1888. Dr. James Boyd Physician and Minister Here Fifty Years Ago-Memorial Service Largely Attended. Boyd Church wu the scene of I very interesting ceremony on Sun- day, Oct. 24, when a tablet to the memory of the late Rev. June- Boyd was unveiled. The tablet we: erected fry, the Lrnlryytrvfsring mer. The large number of people who attended this service from runny surrounding points 3nd London, Stratford, Kitchener, Hespeler. Waterford, (,t',t',tr%t Monkton, Atwood, MoorAsiiel ' Qleqnllen, El- min, wUs evidence" of the esteem in whielrhe was held. Mr. Boyd had studied medicine and as medical men were stationed at great distances in those days he was both physician and minister to, them. Many of those who attended this service were worshippers under Mr, Bordyyrer fiftyyears ago. - Rev. Mr. Ferris read from Isaiah, Chap. M, and took as his text lst Epistle of John, Chap. 2, verse 17 : "The world passed: away and the lust thereof, but he that doeth the will of God nbideth for- ever." He spoke of the 'att md ditBeuit times through w ich the pioneers had passed and the faith of the people in the building of their church, thus laying the oundatlon of . religious life And character in their eommunity. Alter had thrown triiGsito usGitd itiraa our duty to 1tpld yr that fyith any! carry It.. __ tkdirnm, chosen by Reir, Mr. Ferris for. thig_o_ct;asi9n w1TAyery fitting, being "Faith of our Flthen, living still’ ' "The Churches one Foundation", and "For all the saints who from their labour rest." Mr. With "2rtdtrt a'let2'.g'ta. Walter Hilton I.“ Chm-m- . Ina-y but 'tiiiiiisaw noun" . mug“ mmbxv - savanna . a . 4 TheW.G.Young Co. [he KW. 83an Electric Co. Dumb-non M" I". W.. [mu- SHIRLEY TEIPLE Syn-mod by Ye-" Univ-uh, A“ Foam" "NO MORE LADIES" Jeweller- With I. “ugh r. J. Crud.“ 8 KING E., KiTCHENER Ask About Our Extended Pavilion! Plan u Witt Opio-olrhh CROSSHILL n The Screen Version d a. Alain. INovd -- With Ju- Pulw . Chain "Hard Putin has precfmred n memoir of the into Mr. Boy in book form which are "nibble " the home of Mrs. R. Foster, Crouhill, for an; one de- uiring them, n the sum 0 twenty- thrt can}: te cover eyt of printing. Another feature of the ceremony which was very much apprecinted by the congregation was the presents- tion-of 1 large Bible to the church by Mrs. F. C. Knight of London, 3 former member of the congrego- tion. This Bible g't1,',"'a",, the one tthieh WE presented _ y Willing and Henry Wird whei, this ehui/eh has optntd in_.1‘8§8_. _ _ - "A treautffisi basket of mums was a gift to the congregation from Rev. Ind Mrs. R. B. Ferris. ttid tabret heirs the following in.. scription: - -- _ In Memory of REVEREND JAMES BOYD Born at PollotFhaws, Scotland, December 8rd, 1814 Died June 10th, 1888. Having 1tltgtif, the duties of a faithful Shep erd for 29 years, A Workman who needeth not to be naUrned, Rightly dividing the Word of Truth. VILLAGE SETTLED Ninety years have passed since Crosshlll was tirat settled. A directory issued in 1864 cites 1846 as the year in which the dis- trict was flrat settled ,the original pioneers being William Hastings and Hugh tHucthinson. The post ottice was established in 1852, William Lo- gan being the tirat postmaster. James MoCutcheon was postmaster in 1864 and was also treasurer of Wellesley township at that time. Crouhlll'; History Date. Back to 1M6.-...Poqt office Opened in 1852. The village In 1864 was consider- ably bigger than to-day as the direc- tory list shows that in 1864 it had one store, one fruit nursery stand, two hotels, two wagon shops, three blacksmith stands, two shoe shops, two tailor shops and other establish- ments. "DOWN THE STRETCH†The my.“ a!" fee um "h WICKED m» rptwggdom. 'ttttBERT VAYLOI uni n. Brink-c N" In: Many CHRISTIAN! A“ Future: “on Young - Bony Fur-nu Stuart Bulb There were tour religious denomin- ations. Church ot England, Presby- terian, Primitive and Wesleyan Me- thodist. The church ot England and the Methodists met in the Public Hall. The directory does not state where the other congregations held services, but states they were erect- lug substantial stone churches. The Public School at that time had 80 scholars, Leanord A. Rose being the teacher. “THE BAND PLAYS ON" There were two benevolent orders in 1864. Loyal Orange Lodge No. 363, with 22 members, organized in 1857 and the sons of Temperance, with 40 members. Lodge No. 113 organized in 1857. Officers ot the Orange Lodge were: James McCutcheon, W.M.; James Mauser, D. M.; Robert Hynd- man, treasurer and Edward stucliife. srcretary. The Temperance body was headed try William Barbour, D.G.M.; Thomas Campbell, W.P.; and Alford Manger, RS. Crosahlll's population in 1864 was 150, according to the directory. Pouonlu. Mr. and Mrs. Angus von and dnutthter Jenn Ind Mrs. Annetta Knight spent the week-end at the Intter's home net! Lucknow. Mr. 3nd Mrs. Nory Campbell and non Clifford and Mrs. Boyd Comp- bell and dougmer Marion of Ita: borough, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Let - bridge of Toronto visited with M. Shgpty {pd family pn 1uyturtl.yy. - -ititr.U." Wulters is visiting friends in Lambeth. ttrs." Andrew CHristie and non Altie arid Mr. Met: of Moorefteld called or} Mry. 3. Foster Thpradly Friends of Harvey MacPherson will be pleued to know he was nuc- ceuful in peasing his examination receiving his private pilot license in London. Mrs. Claude Fowler (nee Emma Lackner) of Trochee, Alberta, visit- ed with Mrs. M. Shantz on Sunday evgging and_ Monday: . _ Mr. Ind Mrs. Henry Schmidt ttnd family spent Sunday with John Roy; and family, Iudshi)l, _ Thomo Birmingham delivered ot the Linwood station on Monday a welHlllod grove! truck of vegetables and fruit for t e stricken ore. 1n the west, whie woo left in the tosrrtiftfrt_ull. y srrmmthiEertr.. .. A Hullowe'en 'gtttt'g/u, frolic nnd Progressive erok nola will be held n t a township hall on Thurs- day evening. October 29. Charged With Embezzling Funds Kitrhottpr Jonoph Oswald. King strum was rnnmnrlnd Tunnday m lo- rot polio court on a champ of otm lv/anz funds totallimt $M2 of a 10m] German Club. (pm-Md was ttrrpttiod In Brannon! n. his release from honpnal where to had been treated for fractured ribs sustained in an auto maiden; moms than .30. "allâ€: N I NETY YEARS AGO Tho mroNesotNa"rBr_Hth. "Hannah; community m - ed to but Dr. “1.10:" " - nock gm Eu ot Ml UM Wo- loxueu ulna-nod with t",',PMt tum in laminar: Matt on evening. Dr. Krupp II n who at this community, having - her- on the tarm now occupod by his 'gil an, Mr. list Rein. no nil- M or the vii Be. He is the only an oe Mrs. B. B. Krupp and the ht. Uni Krupp ot New Hamburg. 5n MI 1-- troductory remark. Dr. Krupp ml or the happy memorial or " ttor- hood days spent here and and. this! statement: "Ot all the pile“ in tho world, New Dundee in the udiedil epot to my heart" Dr. Krupp, who graduated from Toronto Univerlity. twenty-eight years no, In: mulled _ extensively, in the lat tan yearn he has covered 100,000 mile. try can liner and has visited approximately 90 per cent or the principal ennui-loo ot the world. He has silo taken 20,000 tt. or moving picture tum. a part ot which he so wonderiully de- scribed to the capacity audience dur- ing the evening. The tttat aeolian was devoted to pictures of Mexico. showing both modern and old hil- ltoric scenes ot the Maya people ‘nhich proved very interesting and ‘educational. in the second hilt boon- ‘tiful pictures ot Florida were may} The semi-monthly meeting ot the U.B.C.E. Society was held at the home at Mrs. Clemens on Thursday evening. 'Mrs. A. McKsssock presid- ed and the scripture lesson was read by Mr Russel saitzberry. Mrs. Clare Hilkopn gave a reading, "Ask and Ye Shall Receive", after which Mrs. J. Cassel and Mrs. W. Spaeztel ren- dered a vocal duet. The topic. "What? Me? A Missionary?" was given by Miss Irene Ksster followed by a reading entitled, “Stir 'Me", by Mrs. MoKessock. Mrs. E. Gingerich then favored with a piano solo. Mrs. Quentin Hellman gave a report of :13 Provincial Christian Endeavor Oo vention which which was held " London recently following which Miss Ellen Page ’gave a report at several of the sessions ot the U. B. Religious Education Convention at Port Elgin. Christian Fellowship Moon. in the modern Technicolor. Mr. Quentin Hellman, chairman of the Community Park Board who mm sored the entertainment, presided throughout the evening and during intervals. musical numbers were given by Roy Prob] and Harley Sta- ger and a vocal solo by Miriam Hil- born. At the close of the evening Mr. R ll. Page moved n vote ot than" on behalf ot the audience to Dr. Krupp, which was seconded by Mr. E. K. Bock. U.B.C.E. Meetlng. _ The N.D.CS. Christian Fellow- ship meeting was held last Wednel- day with Gordon Bean occupying the chair. Several choruses were Inns ir opening and scripture verses were given by the members. Hilda Bun gave a talk on the subject, "Cain and The Leper" after which Arnold m. pher and Lorne Baer contributed a vocal duet. Bathe! Mission Circle. The Bethel Mission Circle met at the home or Mrs. Eli Rosenberger last Wednesday. A short Devotional and business session was conducted by the President, Mrs. A. W. Exer- dee and this remainder ot the day was spent in quilting. B.V.P.U. Elects ofrat" For Coming Your. The annual reorganization meet- ing ot th Baptist Young People's Union was held at the d1urch on Monday evening. The devotions were led by Miss Irene Sher-k and the scripture lesson was read by Miss Evelyn Haetie. Miss Doris Bechtel rI-ndered a vocal solo after which readings were given by Mrs.. L. H. (Tassel and Miss Grace Tomsn. The following officers were then elected Hon. President, Mr. V. E. Dinger: president. Mr. Anson Lang; ftret vicepresldent, (Miss Greta Buck: second vice-president, Mrs. M. Bech- tel; secretary-treasurer, Miss Muriel Path; pianist, Mr. A. H. McKague; asst. pianist, Miss Grace Toma; adult councillor, Mr. E. A. Path; com- mission leaders, devotional, Mrs. L. ll. Cassei; Stewardship, Mrs. V. E. Dinger; service, Miss Muriel Path. Fellowship. Miss Doris Bechtel. Entertain. 8.8. Clan. if!“ - A" Mrs. E. t Coleman entertained the members of her class ot the |MILO. Sunday School at her home last Sut- urday. The afternoon was spent in making Christmas gifts for Africa after which a dainty supper was served by the hostess. tutr-Parker Mart-Inge. The many friends of Mr. Wilfred gamma will be interested to learn if his marriage to Miss Lillian Par- ‘mr'nn Saturday, Oct. 24th. at Web wyn Sash. Mr. Sararas In a non of 'ho lam Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sm- ‘ns of this community. ht The Churches. The Singing smooi which oom- moncpd at the Baptist Church on Oct. lith in being continued each WM.. ‘wsday night for a period of In works under the direction of Mill Kathleen-Snider. AtC.M. of Kitch- "ter. Per-00min. Miss ideiin Schwau has returned to her home after spending govern weeks with Mr. And Mn. Giibort Smetzei at Beam-ville. 1Mr. and Mrs. Allan mum“ of Kitchener visited at the home ot Mr. Titus Binnmnn on Friday. A REV. tnitto-rd Hallmhn of Dldsbury. \lta. occupied the pulpit ot the NRC. Church on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Mltchell III Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Ebbuo and daughter. Barium of Kitohmr m rvm-m viuitorm with “his F) Shah- maker. Mm. Arnold 110th and (humor Faro] of Kitchen.» spent a few days or In! wash with In. H. (“Idiot Res and Mrw w. Nolting and chil- dron. Marjorie. Joan and Billy mu- pd with Mr and Mtm. G. Yonn at " tnrlno last Tuscany. Mr. and MN. Wiltttsrt nodule] And gon, [1mm mntand to Ningnra Falls lam Sunday Row. C. P. Krauth of Kitchener was tl champ of the service at the Bap- iat Church on Sunday. htdwm NI' DUNE" n-ttgnu-iii-ia-F. - .-.e..--.I._- . rï¬â€œâ€â€˜:."‘wm“m“ st"sePq-eand-.Bari. ,g."artd."hdgtu'frSrd ul"e. . manual-tam.“ . Mr.nradtbcaL.Sit.S-- '-rrt.ttqet-rMnr. Tl'tteytrgttse"""- Mammoth!â€- - M‘m- MI on - no: In. I, Tuttttuaet-ma-tltatt-amtaneieitatt" . Hmtoestot-B.-.qr+ It. W trut-n a! - altt Int wo-weather-nt, lb when“). until. Mr. all In. " Ada-a-. ti."ittrae"u"'""" “I. no m. li-l 'NN",tt, _anIMr. ggr.-tgm.AttertgatartV g m m.3LAmtt-attain a...“ '6tqrSatt "rosatem.r.chtr-yetr$te+ of norms“. LID- mlmunn 'r0irCc'r"iGG.iirvtutudvrttorerre..a""r [Ll In- day new butmumy. bl n. -.4 NI-m an... an“... “.4 “Ill-8M oatiAttrrpet.ata, Davin an Sandâ€. new. LILPlphoruullrJMIM. George Gal-n- "* am a. Omen! Contact» of tho Inc. Church which II boll. hold u Wm hm... Int, this nook. _ Mr. and In. Ben Brttttadurr ot Elwin visited " a. homo- od Mr. and Mn. Nomi: Mr and Mr. and Mm. Lloyd manual»! on and“. Mr. and In". A. W. unborn ot Gan. Dr. and In. G. V. mun-n And sons. David and 'Nets tad Mr. Ro. bert Hilborn ot Prawn we M at Mr. and In A, Hilton: on Sun- By. Mr. and In. Gideon mm oe Kit. chener spent the wooi-ond with Mr. and Mrs. Mun-ice shuns. Mr. 3nd In. Roy Buoy and (hunter Alice at New mum and 'Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B-itier 3nd (humor Joan ot Kimble:- rtaited with Mr. and Mrs. mum “than on Sunday. - Mr. and In. William Gordon. tha Misses My and Annie Wot-dun, Mr. John Worden tad Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Roddy of near Btrattord and at glue ham eot Mr. Wesley m on Sun- ay. Mr. and Mrs. Jamel Kellsey and Mr. Coon Kenuy visited with mW lives at 'Kitchener and Waterloo on Sunday. ' A Visitors at the hon. ot It. and Mrs. V. E. Dingo: on 81mm veto: Mm. Henry Vase] 1nd Mr. Lloyd mum all ot Tavistock. Qrr.a_drBt-Kalg" Ir: Mtth-ratqtMar$thl=.agt' in: muck-cm†Mr. mil untoucmuer at Kitch- ener spent, the week-end with reb- uven In the villus. - . '7"r2zoeGitssmistvuniarrisutedosuu, 1937 MOW“ mltlf 'lillhm1l .. hlallhlllji #ifYlilgllllilll 2nd =3; “human-nun 'rrta.-ea" In a... In. 'It..enBmtteqreMeet$aqtrqr.. ,tgttqHtt_aetep.V Hauntinuilnll. Mn. mutual-u - - Tam mum Mod with num- a Pen-ton and new»: on lol- y. Vulcan " the bone ot Mr. and In. Norm _ oq My wore: Mr. did In cunu Sinclair Ind children union and would of Guelph. In. M. "not and Mr. cutout Weber or Emu-c. Mr. ad In. I. t Bingo-n and on Mr. and In. Christian cream new Man-ville on Sunday. Vhlton " the ham ot Mr. Philip Path on Sunday were: Mr. and In. Fred Hatch and In. Ted Hotel all non of autumn. Mr. and In. Arthur Sooner. Mr. and Mn. August Documen- tad son Dough. and Rev. and In. C. P. Knuth ot Eamonâ€. mu Lulu Br]: and Mr. Wesley Er!) visual with Mr. and In mu Scrub at St. Agatha on Sunday. Town otrteil expect notice ot the cheque In a tow dun. Watttrloo we. not mentioned in the littt at cheque. lulled last week. . ',i, :r.'iii " '-|--.I..“ t " . Y l Waterloo In expecting s cheque {tom the Ontario ggvornmout for $13,338 tor Income tax consoled by the provimto for this town. "Grrsiid - -_ -iiiibke - Ut Amt)!“ " la. c. w. Backus all Mr. and In. Jack Schmidt and non wry visited with aer. and In. Metrvin Bowman at Pine mu on SIMIY. _ The line- Ruby mm and nor othy we: or Knew new in week-end " their home: In an " mu Mary-rot Cream visited with Mr. and Mn. Rune! Paar- near New Hamburg on andâ€. Mr. nad In. Hui-old Slope! of E min and on Mr. and In. V. In. Dinner on Blond". They save the purchaser of a used car or truck the fee for transferring the 1936 registration (1937 Permit an be procured without transfer fee). LMUE to the advance in the new car purchasing season and the fact that increasingly large numbers of used cars and trucks are now purchased at this time of year. 1937 Motor Vehicle Permits and Operators' Licenses are being made available November 2nd. 1937 Permits available November 2nd save the pur- chaser of a new car or truck the expense of " , 6 registration. This advance sale of 1937 Motor Vehicle Permits and Operators' Licenses Is for your convenience. Tare advan- tage of It. There are one hundred conveniently located issuing offices throughout the Province. You will receive quick, afflaettt service " the one nearest you. EXPECTING CH ECU! "rrqirtrrrtiattNresetttttmenttrrrrteCtrmtttrtiott "rrtrttherxr-mftdrmitg-tmdboe6 3m. End-plenum!“ â€banana loner. --. will at 69c M in wine -apaseta1 future in children's 00pm. blue, brown, but anti with: bloc-Ion " M)e. Navy Egon-had“. 861116118500 bhMs.tttmaftmtsttott6ti. Kiaii, Gii ic..UC.TrffG iiiviRiaafaGaii -- J. S?..,S?o1L!ylll,lii.1h. MINISTER OF HIGHWAYS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO Cotton Tweeds For School Girls 290 iiijii'i'; SLEEPERS WOOL 6mm [ pm, --. in m d†1 Atl'Ltut'2'gtt, the WIS. may , to 733:1: Katha-1" FrtieriEiiii titFirusrFdiiifv" irdiiktFi tMu'." than-ulna. too. Jan my Mum- M. hell I“ helm irdiiGufuiiuiaq "hi dam-ha). COATS THATIMANDPIIL [All Fun -ttherl Cloth ad whiten-uh â€All m- cgtrtrurt CPL CqATBWWNtt3Nrmtrr-Irt Tiiikftir" - "in Mm ‘nii -giir" but to; dub Inna. rim irnokiirirr' Jinris igpiet- bookif idol" t choo- tt','ii?r'is,riili"iii'tBu1v'lrti COATS " Girls' Own Floor (II. who)