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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 29 Oct 1936, p. 1

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in fe,h'tgI'g i'r't',dettn the If yen-o sun was arrested s few minutes before . Grand Jury was scheduled to "a: on s murder indictment mint Mary Stroh, widow of the shin farmer and Lenin's grandmother. Court "are Calm“; His long-deny“ confession wss presented to the All“ Court sev- eral hours Inter. He Itttut' to gtth a “public misc by mousing is grandmother of tho murder. The new cw. laid under the common lsw of Enchnd curries a _mnximum sentence of iii' h- 9: we; two- you" In 1iiuiiifiiGGat Gr will Strph’u Bere 33mg” - der, hand-om. Ind [allot m taken to Bruce Contain] m "r-conf-d Miter. 0 cannot In tried min for murder unlo- a Crown appeal in mud. . (Elwin: , we Pen-"d 1mm- prisonment. I LeMer, whoae conic-lion not out A. he 'teeidentallr struck his “war-old s. grandfather with In In and killed him during I quarrel, was tried for murder here in November, 1984. He wag lcqujtted._ -- - _ Yesterday he wee listed es I Crown witness to testify against his grandmother. Mrs. Stroll. slender and grey-haired, we: muted [at June after LefBer made a statement in which he nemed her an the killer. He was to titft,Qh,t bitter Que!- rel: he had said too piece between .t.he grandparents, with whom he Trill Scan. Dr-atle. boy W“ arrested, ttttttttd. With. M. b. Dobbin, appealing against creating a "public mischief." The moment on his prize property Grand Jury returned . "no bill" " King and William atreeta,elaimed uninst Mrs. Stroll, and Mr. Juatiee that u the front part of the garage Mikina deV the “war-old m not used for business it should wow? without 20mm .. . . . not be unused. D. R. Htter held But the trial scene changed quick- ly and dramatically. Upon instruc- tions of Mr. Justice J. C. Hakim the boy was arrested, eharged with creating a "public mischief." The and JAsry returned Af'nt bill" Under the Cnnndhn Criminal that m. the an remained stored Code, a person tried for murder end in the front ttrt of the building, nequitted cannot be tried "airs, ex- moat 2'l,% stand. Ald. cept where a Crown appeal in " Whey concurred. Meyer Ratt lowed and . new trial We“ No broke the tie voting with Reeve appeal was entered following Leer, McKenie and Aid. Toletzki to re- lerluteqyi.ttt1 i.? 19?4.. . aR, , duce the naaetmnent. _ - #allrertamnth Pleads Guilty As Grandmother Faces Charge (What is believed to be the only case in the British Empire where e man once acquitted for murder we: later tried, convicted end executed is that of Norman Pitre, lunged at Bathurst, N.B., June l, 1933. In this case I Crown appeal wu granted and he wee tried spin on the nuns charge: The .Attt.srytGtneP1 er: gued that the trial Judge lad erred m excluding from evi once 1mm tie's evidence and a letter written by A'itre.), . . . A. A . (An oftieitd in the Ontario Attorney-Generali Department, To- ronto, said he wu unaware of an- other case like that of Letfier in the Province's legal history.) To_Tot+nttlitr, - -- -. -e.eLdr.et_'.syi'l, tntift'kattitt MURDER 2 YEARS AFTER AGQUITTAI. - -rfr.-gatCraVitt of Humilton, noted t',e,1",g,ft will examine the yputl; efore_ _suyttenels_is passed by youth Before sentence is passed by Mr. Justice Makins. There was no indication when sentence would be handed down, though it was believed likely it would be delayed until the Auizes end, late this week or early next week. - _ _ Lefrler was 17 years old when Philip Btroh's body was found near his Garrick Township home on April l, 1984. The body had apparently been dragged some distance to the road and Provincial Police estab- lished that the farmer was actually struck by _an_ax_e in his barn. . Karl W, 19, Am I WWMCIIN Ila-Trial (at In“ Arrested, LeMer scented at the 1984 Pa" Assizes in nlkerton and was acquitted. He did not him the stand as a witness. No automatic hnd been nude by him up to that time. But last June, more than eighteen months After his nequittal, the boy signed . statement naming his grandmother " the any". The statement aid the woman forced him to help her curry Stroh'l body from the barn to the road. On the strength of the statement, In. Stroh was arrested and charged with the murder. FACES LIFE SENTENCE Liberal Club Head Retiring Dr. W. L. Hilliard Will Resign at Annual Meettrttt.--tkrved Tho executive of the North Water. loo Liberal Association in session Monday night vs: informed ty Dr. w. L. Hilliard, veteran president of the organisation, thst he would re m e trdtn his post at the Annual meet- ing to be held In the Waterloo Town Hall on Saturday, November M. _ Dr. Hilliard In’r'eurlng mar may years of nervlco with the orgotisttr mm. Vernon Jones, Wnterloo oath, wus arrested by Police Chief il',',','.".'; um week on a chum of cur-wing ofremtive wapom. Jones at the time In cut-yin. I .22 culibn rifle. Hi: can in humus"! in the council dumber. fore _the iiJaGaiiuk AU tomorrow AM- CARRYING FIREARMS M).-] auitiiritiidd -_ "76E {Mela-Heavy ' l ‘inStrongGales Hun - which "up: north krona-I - Tue-thy brought datattt to crown of two modern Ihlpl. The cuw ot " ot the German Light-hip Elbe was lost when the usual tonndoredln the Elbe entuary. Font numb"! ot the Luau: nun". Halon Fanlbuuna. swam ashore not: Ola-tow, Scotland. with new. that the reot ot the crew at 20 went down with the ship In a heavy gale. Nomination inxlichoner and Wa- troloo tor municipl other. are slat, ed tor Monday “gains November 27. Now)“ an be 8 pound in 1mm- onor outlining the regulations with which I an contesting a public once mun comply. Four upped: were heard animal: the 1986 easement by the Court of Revision of the town council on Tuna? will“. Two of them were gnu wh e on the other two no “don wsq_ttrkeut. v-, _ but Bull tttth ngte grant of L' 0 on is ouae I who on lend wu granted a I“ of $100 on 3 split vote, with layer Rut: voting with Reeve McKenie and Ald. Frickey ezainat tttt Reeve Beer and Ald. To eta . - 7 Revision Court Hears 4 Assessment Appeals Mr. B. E. Young, a member of the session of the Church of the Holy Saviour on Allan street, up- penred before the court with coun- lel G. E. Eastman of Clement, Hattin and Eastman, of Kitchener, and naked that the rectory of the church not be assessed. They quoted the action of Windsor in allowing egemption JP.. the church"? ‘that city. Tu Collector Wm. Ufrelrnnn with“! that the f,',"'atf,"d was not bu it " the same time as t e church, or u put of it, and that under the wt it must be assessed. The mem- bers of the Revision Court declined (Continued on Page " L Barby and H. o. Dobbin B-NL-Amman Church and Dr. Nouker Appeals Refused. NOIIMTION. MONTH AWAY Entrivn from in Mr tthold an [Amh- inn Httlton. Oxford. Perth and Wtsl, Huston mnntioa participated in the It Marlon Towmhip plowing match 4" the farm of Tom Andaman, at n-Mlan. The match attracted I crowd of 500 sped-ton and, while an chum wot-o up to mviou to Record Number of Entries Features Waterloo Plowing Match No Authority l To Vote Refuge ““h- . “Wen!“ that“ that 1uyt_il a ar Elise Chicago Plains Big SI yll .__ -_--m..-- The Waterloo Fire Department In. called out at one o'clock Timothy afternoon to a chimney fire on Queen street, Nb damage was done. Kitchener. - 10terloo County Council will be omeituly notified by City Clerk Lips, of Kitchener, tut the increase of $500 in salary to the manager of the House of Re- fuge at its last session was con; tnry to the provision of the statutes and tit city wee thereby giving no- tice that it will not pay its share of the prpposed increase._ __ Kitchener Gives County Notice It Will Not Contribute to An opinion was read by Mayor J. A. Smith, who is the city's repre- sentative on the board of manage- ment from City Solicitor G. M. Bray, that the act gives power only to the municipal councils represent- ed to fix and increase salaries. The County Council, Moyor Smith contended, had been informed that where the municipalities could not agree on the salary question, the County Council had the power to vote the increase. City Solicitor Bray informed the f1nttrtee committee that the act is not clear-cut in respect to the posi- tion of three different municipalities sharing in the management of In institution, but the right to fix and (continued on Page " Magistrate Clayton mod-y grantee defense counlel's motion of alumina] or the charge or hum; inrormation and devices tor disposal. The charge ot having for sale wa- dismissed last week. Miss Palmer is an employee ot the Kitchener Parents' Information Bu- reau, and has been engaged in loch] service work In this Ottawa suburb for some time. Trial May Last Until Christmas Enllvlew, Oct. 89.--eronrtt equal v the mu or In: Dorothe- rumor here on charge. at dunking birth control Informstlon and device. lull- mated today that the taking ot mu- mony my last until Chrlnunu. It bu already been bolero Kahuna Lester Clayton tor two weeks. Swine Sale Brings Big Prices mrds I‘M-x 2 had moo' nnlrlm than wvr lwt‘m‘v This was won by Wll. lmrl Mr'F'addin, of Millhank. Other major who winnnrs were Edward F‘ivk. n R No 2, Kitchen”; Ward shunt». RR. No, 1 \Vnterloo; J. R. Hargrnnvrs. or nonchvllle; uvornc 'ooh, of Preston; cuyton Sta-u. Manager's Salary Increase. roosarrrvEasts,rA-ami1rmuanm-.r-arot CHIMNEY FIRE Wanna. 0mm “I. 0cm S9, 1986 ve n wiiiirttii whiten“; ot. an; larstyt annual oxhthittdit of pure- bred farm animus ud‘cro _ in the" sasttrror,rauas _i'?tilyi'il',i,i'4h" mu- agemem, one ot the gent mail In' its history. Chicago, Oct. M "America's an- nual continenm co u ot gale!!!- ture, the Itttttrrttttt Live Stock Exposition, will trey M November 28 to Decemper 5 i be new Inter- national Amphitheat " the omen. ko Stock Yardi. _ Expect 13,000 Animal. B. H. Home, Beeretarrrtuuubtter of the Exposition, states that plans are now under way to house over 13,000 animals: at the 1936 show. He reports that entries are pouring in from leading stockmen and farmers in nearly every state in the Union and province of Canada, listing their prize herds and tioeks tor the com- petitions that will feature more than 30 different breeds ot draft and light horses, beet cattle, sheep and swine. Loyalist: turn put in mun to welcome the 8.8. Biryanin from F,ovi.et Rani, on thy wirritn1..o.f tht ship_lt_ Bere.eion, with sqppligento lid the loynlist forces in combatting thiGistsuGiGirtirihd iiiUriiarksii ViF. The supplies were paid for by contributions from the Rania: pane. Russia denied charges that munitions were on board. Entries tor the live stock classes will close on November l, with the exception ot the cariot contests tor commercial stock that are displayed Approximately $100,000 will he paid in cash premiums to winning exhibi- tors in the Vanious divisions ot the Exposition, says Home. by the contestants Plrluroti AMY; are some of the leane- from the plow- intt much”. Upper left It (In board " ll, No 2, Klirhnnnr; Ward Rhantr., RH No. 1 Kitrttrir. The start of tho comm! mu delayed by tor, but the various clan-m providod great cr.tttitotltlot" with ucollnnt plowing Livéstock' Exhihit Russian Mennonites Hold Convention Rustin: ‘Humonltu. who hue come to Main“ 1928. not in New Humbug Sunday for three genions, leyl. .31sz free Lem: IIvV 1"au'htl'n"irl,l'lrl't Inn lui, e ttttt C a?“ m. M. Cemetery Receipts ' Total $827.50 385810113, Ina cowl-tea Irom mm- ington, Windsor', Kingsvillo. Port Rowan, Vineland, Hupeler, Wager.. loo and Kitchener attended. David Tower, of Bostherli. Sash, president of the 0mm Mennon- It__e board 91 Lttpirrtsisatktyptd q.y. Notices sent out by the Lown'a auditors to delinquent payer: ot u- sessments tor Waterloo cemetery are given as the main reason tor Septem- 'ber'a Cemetery Board receipts ot $827.50. The total is higher than for the same month ot either 1934 or 1935. The amount was made up ot $460 tor sale of lots, some accounts owing over three years; annual upkeep 8227.50 and Eerpetual care Iota 8106. in Mock yard open pens. Feeders have until November 21 to reserve span? for exhibits in this event. of (“rm-101's, front row. left to right, and mnipmnm ownrut by Clayton F'. M. Snyder. '"xeroutr.v-treatttlre. isortt.z, R R No 4. Kitchener. which I. It WM)”; W. D. Snider. preni- urn their (Emu. Lou-n lptt lanteam :gn'lrprgi- 'l'..oe,ric; ii1ii'ir)','ii'i)i?':iii Lower right. wagon and ,y.,. c;lcr0w.o . lt mmhpl. A. C, Sunder, H. SIM". pnr horn roam. prim winner: m their J. Buckle, E. l. Molnauhry, BMA.; |nutlnn owned by J, S. Sunruennu- 9 Kittgit Upper right " m “an her. and drlvon by Homer Barnum. I. It WM)”; W. D. Snider. presi- dunk; P, A. Snider, c. Wilhelm. O. I Ehy, R Flick; back row. lot to right. ft (Hmhpl. A. C sander, H. Snider. J. and”. E. l. Mruntghry, B.8.A,; , KInsIoA Upper right in m can 1'- PI.- Gait Plowman Woolwich Winner Elmira. - Woolwich Town-hip'o second annual plowing match, held on Alfred Stroh'e farm, a half mile west of here, attracted TOO spec- tators on Monday, drf.,'g wing weather conditions. A itter no wind swept tile tul4 all_ day, with Witti.sn Hen-inn, Gait, won the open chompionehip, and C. Wu:- mn, Mitchell, ceptured the hector event. for the two highest honors of the dar. Junior entries were heavy and cloeely contested. Regi- nald Burnett, West Montrose, placed ilmt emong boye 20 year- end un- der. Archie t9herriihs, else of West Montroee, won the under 16 year: event. . Donald 2gult e T, To: c he. won the tutlrtut. gm" wind IM,',', the tield ill dar, with snow sift at anytime-t amt-pt- ',' akin}? FiiiditiGCtHiii Fiiiii-ta Kg; you 3nd homo. tr New Hamtrtrrq.-4h" men in blamed tor three break-lee in Wttmot township in the put three week. eccordln; to locel police. Three week- Mo the o. M. Becker etore here we: entered. Shortly atterwnrde the Petersburg Itore wee broken into and Int week the thlet made a narrow escape " Plettevllle when he broke Into the J. B. mull! store. In all three the “no method: were used. the glue on the dean be- ing broken end the door unlocked trom the Inllde. crown. and for' m ' , 1mm: bncher, West Neutron, winning the my: itrisein.eUats "e... A _ Plowmnship was excellent under the conditions, stated Reeve Nomnn McLeod, Gut, judge of the match, and one time provinchl chum ion. Class I, openr-t, William 'dl",'? non, Gilt; 2, Glen HeFodden, Mill- bank; 8, Clifford Cox, Gait. Best crown; William Harrison; best tin- iahcWiliiyn Harrison. Ft.. - Blame One Man For 3 Break-ins Luge Crowd at Second Annual Meet Braves Wintry Clul s, open to all who lave never won I prize in class 1, or a tlmt prize tn chat 2--1, Gordon 13:.de Millttytki9, Foyyr 'tttest, amti)hite Bgeeders Sale _ Attracts :400‘0ntario Buyer§ Eydt: Hillbsnk- 2, Poster' Sugar. Kitchens}; , Willard _Slu_ntz, - qt.- Jrhio.' He'd 'crown dimion" Eydt, Millbnnk; but iiiiiik, Gordon Eydt, umbmk. Clix: i, open only to boys 20 (Continued on Page " Weather. ale was the attended. l Putt emaciated bathe W.tar. oo nun nae Rm Swine Clix attracted our 60. buycn from may put- ot the province. Chill- who attended the South stucco county a]. " Alliaton and the Ontario Agricul- tunl Collette ale were unanimou- in_their deinttiott that 19¢.ng- " now: were sold for an - price of '" And " be”: sold'avet- ezed $32. Top price new we con- 4899 yr Wang's“. R. Muv 3-1. Following Iff result: of a; mule, giving nuns consignm- an Pur- chuer and who: Levi Shanta, R.R. it, Waterloo, 8 sows at $40.00, $32.60 and $48.60. 1old toHr, itD'riGiiil, Bngnqun, Thar' -sGin,5raaiidit, um 'Jolu': L. Fletcher, Fletcher. Ont. The Inga-t of thus urine a]. held in flfe%tt you W -tiottalir - " m yummy. 4, Kitchener, Club maiden, 334! sold fox-$56.00. 2t price boar In: cousin: str, Elm d Bin-claw. $5.008, Italoo, and brought J. Lloyd Huge ' Rat. 2, Frauen. 8 sows " $40, "sr'.'i'l 3nd $47.60. sold to B. R. Bownrd, Bruntyon. J. B. Mdcolm, Puma-non, and . L. Cunpbell. Luann]. Clayton Bhuh, Rat. 1, Waterloo, now for $25.00 to Eph. Neancw Dundee. Elmer Stout, Ayr, 2 now- at $42.50 and $52.50 sold to J. L. Fletcher, Fletcher, and Wnlker Ferry' Ltd; Wslketvillsv ont., A Edwin W., M. Snyder, R.R. I, Whteruo, sold to Thou. Foote, Am- henthurg. Wendell R. Shunt; & Son-“8.2. 4. Kitchener, top {me-tow sold to Wnlkanm L . tai- $55.00. «W. ital-un- and no. mid to J. L. Congas", We], for “0.00. J. B. GEM an“, Rag. s, Waterloo, " , sold to Peter Mir. tin, Waterloo; -. - . - Boot Sale of The. Held In Province This "lh---rar PtieeNwt5stBmtrts0. 2 sows from Simon Huber, Bun- berg, sold " $37.50 and $35.00 to J. E. Brethour, Buford, gtnd A. C. Martin, Waterlgo._ _ _ - 2 sows from C. B. Boehner, Plon- dale, 'sold " $52.50 each to Alex MacDonnld, Bluevale, and John Stggkle! _K_itphe_ner. _ - -. - _ Mafia, fo.rA40Lth, Sow sold by John Stuns, Bun- berg, to C. H. Boehner, Mondale. for $32.50; four more sold " $87.50, $37.50. $32.50 Ind $30.00 to N. McCully, St. Maya (2), H. R. Howard, Brampton, Ind W. G. Hamilton, Ayr. Wilfred Snyder, Rat. 2, Waterloo, to _W_nl_ker_F:mp_a, tor. '8T.60.. . _ The ule wu in ehnrtte bf Wm. 8. McMullern, Waterloo, swine grader for the Federal Livestock ranch at Kitchener. E. 1. le- Loughry of Gait is mercury of 01 gin!) qn_d E. 3. Sent}, minus Peder-l hog grader, usiétant = tary. Auctioneer A. R. Linn of t harldled t1yspys1llntt. __ _ _ J -iiiiGifiiiGiGiier, R.R. 3. Wnt- gg-loo, 39w told Ao N. McCully, St. - 1993 "iiiUnta, Waterloo, sold. to Ontario Livestock Brunch, Toronto, for_$35.Q0_;_2 others "J27.6Ayeh Elmer Stoltz, Apr, ti bong, 3 " 880.00, others " $26.00 and 832.60 to Brampton, Clinton, Corrie. Wel- lnng and Toronto, buyers. - --.. Homer J. Muybeo, Director of tho Peder-l Swine Graders for Ontario and W. P. Watson, of the Fiat Extension Department of the On- mm Livestock Brunch, addressed the buyers briefly. Edwin W. M. Snider, sold " Dales Bros., f,itae for $42.60. Harold muse berger, R.R. 8, Waterloo, top price animal 'YIM',','. $60 to Dumobin Farms, J. A. an, Beaverton. - Jul pond"), n unusu- ... qnuulv mu to Wm. Miles, Ingersoll, and C. D. MucDonald, Waterloo. John Straua, Bumbag. $30.00, to W._swekltyne_r, Acton. --- _ Dr. M. o. Bingemnn, Kitchener. $25, to J. W. DeLottinville, Dundu. Harvey Hallman, Air, $26, to Doug. Hart, Woodstoc . W. R. Shnntz & Sons, $22.60, to Adgig Cr_esamnn,_ Ne_w jinmbgrg. _ John' B. nun-an a Son: R.ft. 2, Waterloo, $22.50. to w. i. Walsh, Ilderton. Town Should Pay More To Collegiate So Say Members of Kitchener Public School Board.--Sutp. Tho KitrhranprWtmyrtoo "In 'x'lhmhl MC ornod 12 your: Ago m vim-a that tho two munirlpaliuu "r lutrl lhr- ('nllnglmn on a population hands With so many Kitcheor public school graduates rpmnlnlng for fun- ther "Indian at the puhlie Ichooh. the mumps hoann \Vatnrlm should " on Attendance Mala, Kltchener. JMembern of the Kitch- nnnr Pnbllc School Board are of the nplnlnn that Waterloo in not count- hullng oroomth towards the Pductuon 07 pupils trom that town at the K.-W. (‘nllr‘ginta gut Attendance Basis. Sold Pt-sth-

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