m 1 VI E (bin. ot inr- rum " can flour (or m) loll un- uM cut that _tho my} 'fu.a..-et.- , s at. and a! “a! aesaomte [with a lulu-um 'metCot.A" “on†"gamma-3'40 Have your old eheaterfleld suite completely re-nphol- stered and changed into moat modern design, if desired. Also your choice of the latest in uphoiatering cover- ings. The springs will be re- in your . . " placed and filling will be added 'itgel."t t direct wherever a',"d'l',','.f'"'d: The price . '"'"'.T:.- is moat m er- 'sw J.'ar'"" ate, with, easy $39"m terms if desired. No Extras. A FREE ESTIMATE WILL BE GIVEN at your home either any or night. Telephone Waterloo 828 or Waterloo 848w for appointment. DICK -The lhhotsttsrtr 44 Queen St. S. Waterloo It» was Chesterfield Suites I WV _ 7 _ _ - _,: a: _ tii?,'?, C ï¬g»; 5 rp.' .'." _ 55%;". I A'iii.l'itii, mat, "g, t if 5* _ "", - L 3-335";er jiiili'iirit',rihi'i7g,Cil,i) _ my. q, 'rt .. iiii 'iiii'iiji)iiiiii?iltil,ii, iiiiiiiiiii?iigiii Aaa aUhikti" 5i'td 9: â€two-Wâ€! V tttttrt"'"""' ' ' ‘Rum" N â€$52â€? . " _' _ . T . f 2&er Thai. Best Is" "W' _ -- ' ' -' ,Fcc'r" 9‘ 1,: 4. r.' lit, F rr. . .. _ atâ€? , tl,5t:'.f,,'l"r"', V - ' "ari'ssi, um‘m'EWE-lwm .-e'-Nq..-T.qiH-..le' aw "ie_ttuttrd0qmruttir'Mtortr 339195 “$289- PHeedfrom--. 74KhIgSLS. 6etThe . Greatest Entertain- ment Value In All Radio History tro the New 1937 MARCO!“ Receivers walla-a - M qrtth I I'ffh"lYlt'ik'?lrtUaTl (QAW) EEK? 'ttti-tto. I ,'lttlii'/tjlr"'uiti, â€or. . . SEE THEM ON DISPLAY I; li,,", Sandor WATERLOO EulLER. " FLT " F Tt:sr 1' lt 'T"tfr'm", I."- kit ' T"'" ' hu.. m