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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Oct 1936, p. 7

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r" Aucnou SALE I ",,"l,','l'l'l'l',",',1' There will be sold by Public Auction on the premises. Lot 32, Con. a, Township of Wilmot, 6 mil.- touthvut of New Humburg, adjoin- in; Stern Bros.' Cider Hill, on 1047, ACRE rm "ran Stock. [nylons-b and M----, black gelding 6 you: old; bay more 6 year: old; bar geld- ing 11 yen-s old; roan gelding 18 your: old; bay mare 11 yearn old. High-Grad. Shorthor- Cutttt--6 cows aupposed to be in given n time of ale; cows; fat cow; , calves. 'hi-i Yorkshire now due time of sale; 3 Yorkshire sows supposed to be in pig; ll hogs weighing 150 lbs. up; 26 shouts? months old and up. Potutrr--75 Barred Rock hens. Ford-on trnctor recently rebuilt with extension run for tractor; Oliver trnetor plow; one 13-inch Joliette chopper; 60 ft. 6-inch belt, mg. Implement. - Massey-Harris bin- der, 6 ft. cut nearly new; Frost & Wood 5 ft. out mower with pea har- vester; John Deere hay loader; Maxwell side rake; l dump rake; hay tedder; Massey-Harris l3 disc drill; 2 cultivators for horses or tractor hitch; 2 disc harrows with tractor hitch; 2-rowed corn seuMer; l-horse scuMer; manure spreader; 2 walking plows; 2-furrow gang plow; 2 sets harrows; land roller; potato digger; 2 farm wagons; set wagon springs, 4000 lbs. cap.; 2 sets bobsleighs; 2-seated carriage with pole; 2 grain racks; 2 stock racks; cutting box with carrier; power rip saw; 1 emsry grinder; circular saw; platform scales, 2000 lbs. cap.; one 30-ft. extension ladder; one 10-ft. step ladder; 2 other ladders; grind- stone; hand grass seeder; l Probang clipper; turnip pulper; turnip drill; small cheese press; 2 lawn mowers;‘ 2 milk cans; DeLaval cream separ- ator; 1 meat barrel; 8 cords 4-rt.i, wood; large wood tub; flour bin; 2 poultry fattening crates; hog crate; gravel box; brooder stove; 2 sugar kettles; 1000 ft. lumber, mostly planed, including sills for hayracks; colony house 8 x 12; oak barrel charm broadaxe; steel mallet with wedges; crosscut saw; wheelbarrow; hay fork with ropes and pulleys; quantity of carpenter and mason tools; doubletrees; whifftetrees; neckyokes; logging chains; forks; hoes, and a large list of other ar- ticles too numerous to mention. Grain- Quantity of hay and stack; 300 bus. good malting barley or for seed; 300 bus. mixed grain; 200 bus. oats; 40 bus. 1935 Bumper King oats for seed; 150 bus. Early Alaska oats for seed. H--2 sets double harness; 1 set single harness. "rm-Consisting of 104% acres more or less will be offered for sale subject to a reserved bid. Thereon is a 6-roomed brick house with kit- chen attached, large bank barn, straw shed and driving shed, " cement stabling, 3 wells, water sup: plied in barn, cement silo 12 x 40 ft., 1'2. acres hardwood bush, 12 acres in fall wheat, balance in grass. Farm is well drained and fenced and in good state of cultivation. This is noted to be one of the clean. est farms in the Township. Anyone looking for a farm should inspect this. H THURSDAY. OCTOBER " I IDSO. con-cub; at 0.80 o'clock ' Terms 'tor Real Estate will be made known on day of sale and will be very reasonable. Terms for Chanel: are cash. Charles Schaefer and Conrad Wilker will be present to serve re- freshments throughout the day. Sale starts at 9.30 am. sharp. . of . Farm Stock, Implements and Household Effects. For Mr. Eimar Hannisch. on the farm situated on the town line 2 miles west of Blair, or 5 miles out of New Dundee, on Commencing " I p.m. sharp. Included in the offering will be the following: The entire farm stock, including') 2 horses, 7 head tine cattle, pigs, sheep, and poultry. Also harness and all produce and numerous household effects. A full line of Implemenls in excellent condition. including cevernl new implements. such an MMI. new c, ft. hinder, M m. mower like new, 2-see. spring tooth lever harrows. like new, l ningle plow. l farm wagon praetier ally new. No reserve. Everything sold to the highest bidder. Decision of Auctioneer final in case of dispute. SMITH BROS., Proprietors. M. R. ROTH, Auctioneer, Phone 30w. Tad-lock. ALF. CHRISTNER. Clerk. 44-1 AUCTION SALE Thm'o is, no rosm'vo as thr, propril-tnr iq lonvinz the fnrm Terms --e Can... ELIMAR HANNUSCH. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27th " H. TOMAN, Audion-or. Phone Mw, New Dundee F. E. PAGE, Cloth. t cull, date: 2 furrow Proprietor 44-1 ms l l. H. Toman, Auctioneer. has re-' ceivod instruction: from the undery ligand to all by public euction on' 'hil farm Iitulted on Lot 6, Con. 2,| .W-berloo Township, 1 mile north of Preston or 1 mile south of Heepeler,‘ 'on the Gilt - Hespeler highwny, known " the Brubaeher turn, on, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 80. "" I Sale to nut at it.” Oh" I on line. Hor----, bay Percheron gelding 8 years old, weight 1400 lbs.; lI grey Percheron gelding 9 years old, weight 1400 lbs.; I grey Percheron gelding l2 yelrs old, weight 1400, Entire Fu- Stock, Ireql an“. Produce til Holm- hll - " Cattie-This herd consists of all cows Ind 1 bull, ehiefiy Hol- steins. 1 cow due in Nov.; 6 cows due in Dee.; 4 cows due in Jun; 1 cbw due in Feb.; 2 cows due in March; 3 cows due ih April; 1 Shorthorn bull. Note--A good per- centage of these cows to cnlve early. lbs. Pin and Po.itrr--40 chunks of vuious weights; 2. sows, bred; l sow with litter at foot; 50 White Leghorn hens. Proio---20 tons good mixed hay, extra good quality; 500 bus. 1935 grain good for seed. Harlin” -- All harness will be sold. 1mrio-tr----M.-H. binder, 7 ft. cut; new Cockshutt 2-furrow riding plow; Deering mower, 6 ft. eat; M.-H. 13-disc drill, new; F. & W. spring tooth cultivator; new 12 ft. MMI. steel hay rake; new 16 plate MMI. disc; 10 ft. steel hay rake; Cockshutt single riding plow; 2 new single seuMers; 1 M.-H. and l Fleury 4-section iron harrow; 3-row 'id/ir., 1 set sloop sleighs; wagon box; hay rack; wheelbarrow; 1 set scales; new hay fork, rope and pulleys; gravel box; grain bags; a quantity of tools; a good pile of wood; doubletrees; neckyokes; logging chain, and a host of other good articles not mentioned. NOTE-This is probably the best ottering of implements of the sea- son as most of them are new. Plan to buy them. Household Ethel. - New M.-H. electric .or hand cream separator; Cloux kitchen range with high oven, nearly new; Quebec heater with pipes; writing desk; large extension table; 2 large wicker arm chairs; 1 Simmons walnut bed, springs and mattress; tdresser; oil lamps; 2 lanterns; linoleum rug 9 x 12 ft.; 1 new mail box, and many, many other articles. I Positively no reserve, the farm is sold. This is a fine sale to attend. T--Cash on day of sale. E. J. LESLIE, Proprietor. I. H. TOMAN, Auctioneer, street in the village of Breslau, on 1 SATURDAY, OCTOBER Mth At 1.30 [mm Six dining room chairs; extension table; sideboard; two rockers; an- I tique rocker; mamaphone with 50 t records; illustrated atlas of the l Dominion of Canada; Webster die- , tionary; jardiniere stand; Evansil Bros. piano, like new; iron bed com-d plete with springs and mattress; dresser; wash stand; four section bedroom screen; Webster Encyclo- pedia and World Atlas, also many [ other very useful books; bedroom _ chair; two linoleum rugs, 8 x 12; oilcloth, 6 x 9; oilcloth, 12' x 13';!, numerous scatter mats; wooden bed complete with springs and mat- tress; antique dresser; three small tables; antique spool bed complete; chamber set; coal oil lamps; bed couch; five kitchen chairs; antique arm chair, 150 years old; kitchen sink; kitchen table; Phonola short and long wave radio, like new; tot- tique home-made kitchen cupboard; Clare Jewel kitchen stove. new; Quebec heater, like new; combina- tion book case and Rower stand; eight-day kitchen clock; a lot of good dishes and all kitchen uten- 1 ails; ettrpenter's tools; two-gallon , crock; five-gallon crock; five-gallon granite crock; number of other crocks; galvanized wash tub; seal- ers; a lot of good bedding; blankets; y two electric table lamps; medicine chest; all curtains; lawn bench; 500 : lbs. nut coal; sprinkling can; forks; , shovels; hoes; picks; lawn mower; I wedges; scythe and snath; axes; , short cut hardwood; crow bar; f buck saw; adze; and many other . articles not mentioned here. TEiiianIjl Valuable Household Effects, Furniture, etc. Phone 2817, New Dundee. o. S. KOLB, Clerk. 4 non't miss this snlv of good and clvnn household effects. Terms __ ('ash m1 tiny of sale. J. G. SHANTZ. Prop. ADDISON B. SNIDER. Auctioneer. Phone Kitchener 384w. lOLIVER KOLB. Clark “J For J. G. Shantz, situated on Mill Dog Tue- Tom $2,750 A tidy nnmmn has hem: rnnliznd from dog taxpy in Si“)! 10 m Kitch- mwr tho total nnw Min: $2.750 an "trtt'pt)p or $150 Poll mum: too han- honn coming In fronlv and Mini 85.52) M mmnlrnd to $097 eolloctnd in 1936 AUCT ION SALE of 44-1 For the in. Jon. P. [Acid Estate,' For Goon. undo]. mum a on Lot 12, Con. A, Will” Town- nil.- wad of Kitchen» and 1 mile ship, Block B, on 'eut of Petersburg, thoroughfuo I SATURDAY, OCTOBER " I.” through View: haul-CM hm l At I.” pm. on l Consisting of In“. g wowed rod WEDNESDAY, mu M brick house with kitchen and out' At t pat.. buildings, hard and Ion wnur; duo K-oo---- mm " “a 16 '2 udjoining Iota on the out and of - oid, . "a hon.“ work can "he villnge of New Hamburg, on No. in good condition. 8 highway. This will make I “3100- C-Jersey cow duo Jun. 28; ldid home for someone. I." on dug fob. 89; Holstein l No. 2 property consist: of Lot 12, Con. 4, Elk. B, Wilmot Town- ship, containing M urea of land, 'more or less. On it is erected I large Hg story frame dwelling with kitchen and outbuildings, hard and lsoft water, roomy bank barn endz drive shed, fruit trees, ete. One 'look at this property will convince (you. . mmhmuu'vmhmmhgu- “use“! Block. I mun-ilk“ en, woodshed and outbuildings, overflowing spring water, large barn and straw shed, concrete stabling, drive shed; l9 sores of hardwood and cedar bush, 10 acres wheat, 40 acres ploughed, balance grass. This farm is in Al condition and must be seen to be appreciated. No. 3, conqitstintr of 107 acres of land, more or less, being Lot 10, Con. 4, Blk B, Wilmot Township. On this farm is erected a com- modious frame dwelling with kitch- The same day there will be offered for sale, farm implements and a full line of household elfects. Please take notice this is an estate and must be wound up. The decision of Auctioneer is to be final in all cases of dispute. Terms of real estate made known on day of sale. Terms of chattels are cash on day of sale. Jos. S. ROTH. Tavistock, JOHN E. LICHTI. Wollosloy, Pin-o 891w. Waurloo Oct. 24 iMturdto)-At 8 a.m., at my market auction stand, Kitch- ener, an extra good offering of cenn household effects for Mrs. Lister and Miss Loth. A _ A - I Nov. 18 (Wednesdtw)r-ht, 12.00 o'eloek noon sharp, valuable 168 acre farm with good buildings, farm stock, including fine herd of pure .bred and high grade Jersey cattle, implements, feed and household "sfreets, for the estate of the late lAmos Martin, 2 miles west of Waterloo, on the Erbaville road. See ad. next week. Catalogues on Oct. 24 (stvturdttyr-ht 10 a.m., " the Kitchener Sales Stables, - Percheron team 7 and 9 years old, weigh 3280 lbs.; new brass mounted team harness and wagons belonging to Breithaupt Leather Co., Kitch- ener. October 24 tsaturday)---" 2 It m., after the market, househo d effects for the late Mrs. Gerster, 52 Ezra Ave., Witty-loo; . - . _ Nov. 9 (Monday, Elmira "ir)-- In front of farmers' shed, horses. vehicles, poultry and I good line of furniture. List with Aaron Hoffman or1 Anson Gin_grich_, Pmitt. Nov. 17 t'ruesdto)--At l p.m., mortgage sale of 58 acre farm, stock, implements and feed on the farm of Orville W. Each. um El- min, for the Atrrieultural Develop- melt Loans, Egrtttratr.eeh Torontg.‘ w. W. FRICKEY. Augtioneer request. Auction Sale Lists - Phone 384'. Kitchen-r Oct. 24 (Saturday) -Auetion salts, of valuable household effects, furni. ture, etc., for J. G. Shantz, situated on Mill St, irlthe. villggqof 811351.11. Oct. 28 (Wednesday) - Farm stock, implements and feed for Geo. Hendel, 1 mile east of Petersburg, 5 miles west of Kitchener. E. J. SHANTZ. Auctioneer Phone 222. Kitchener Nov. 11 (Wednesday) -At 12 o'clock, at the Winter Fair Build- ings, Guelph, 70 head of choice pure bred, fully accredited and blood- tcsted Holstein cattle, cows fresh and springing, heifers and bulls. An outstanding sale. Don't miss it! TEiiiEEE Phone 30w, Tnviotock Oct. 29 (Thursdtty)--At 10 mm. sharp, auction sale of 104% acre farm with good buildings. This is . real farm. orses, Shorthorn cattle, implements and feed, " Lot 82, Con. 3, Wilmot, 5 miles south of New Hamburg, adjoining Stere Bros. Cider Mill, for Smith Bros. Nov. 3 (Tuesdtry)-6uetion sole of 25 high grade Holstein dairy cows and young cattle, fully ac- credited, at Lot 21, Con. 3, Downie, 1% miles south of Sebringville. for Edwin Erb. - _ _ Executor: of Ethic. VAL. NAFZIGER. Audio-cor, Tel. 24-4. Muverrtors. 42-2 Nov. 4 (Wednesday) --Auction sale of Reg. dual purpose Shorthorn cattle at Lot to, Con. 1, Morning- tor), at Brurtrter, tor?. It. Whitney. Nov. 9 (Monday) -.At 2 pan., auction sale of 150 ucre form with good buildings. ete., Lot 88, Con. 4, South Easthope, 2% miles scuttle-st of city of Stratford, for late John lsche Estate. 7 --- . Nov. 10 (Tuesday) - Ole-ring auction snle of horses, 2tt poul- try Ind feed, trnctor. thren ing mn- chine and implements, 1 mile east of Baden, 2 miles west of Peters" burg, for late Lloyd Hunstterrer's Estate. . --- __ _ Nov. 13 (Friday) - Wellesley community sale of horses, outdo. hogs. poultry Ind implements. Menno o. Erb, mmnger. A. B. SNIDER. Auctioneer VAL. NAFZIGER. Auctioneer Phone " r C. Miiverton, Ont. Oct. 1H (Rttturdayr-At 1.30 p. m., house and lots in New Hnmbur , 2 farms. implements and 1Td'I'lfd' effects 2 milen east of Wellenle ' for Pxecutnrs of late Jos. F. MII, estate. 00mm SPENT AT HOME WILL RETURN TO You M. R. ROTH, Analogue“ cow due Inch 8; Bobtail: cow due March 10; Durham cow in full ttow of milk and bred. Pi----' Yorkshire pics six weeks old; 1 you: new; 2 collie pupl Ind mother. flat rock 16 :07, new; 7 ft. H.-H. binder in good running order; tr ft. cut Deering mower; NJ]. sculller; S-section iron barrow; steel tire open buggy; cutter; M.-H. turnip pulper; cow chins; doubletreea; nockyokea; forks; wheelbarrow ; Ihovell; hoes; acythea; DeLaval cream separator with power attach- ment, in good condition; kitchen cupboard with gloss doors (a good one); scalding trough; iron kettle; single walking plow; disc; potato chute. 'u.---)" set of good team harness; single harness; col- lars; sweat pads, and odd harness parts. Hay and GraaU---About 5 tons good mixed hay; about 7 loads of good clean straw; 25 bushels oats; 26 bushels mixed grain and some buckwheat; about 100 bushels tur- nips; grain bags; feed boxes, ete. Eartr.--1927 Star couch in good running order. GEO. HENDEL, Proprietor. ADDISON S. SNIDER. Auctioneer. Phone 384v, Kitchener. VICTOR LAUTENSCHLAGER. Clark. 44..1 PL... " r 4. BI-in Nov. 9-cAt the market, Elmira Fnir Day, community sale of live stock. implements, vehicles, turni- ture or anything you wish to sell. Bend it out early. Phone 28". New Dundee Oct. 27 (Tuetsdtor--At l p.m., farm stock, implements and house- hold effeeta for Elimer Hennusch, on the farm situted on the town line 2 miles west of Blair or 5 miles cut of New Dundee. October 29 (Thursday) - At l'ki'l21'ti,geip fgng,tgf; ttlt Inc In ouse o e - teeta for E. J. Leslie on the farm one mile north .of Preston 3nd one mile south of Hespeler, on the Gait- Hesgfler highway. (Property known as e Brubacher form). . Auction Sale Lists GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer [111m L a, mum, Auctioneer, . DE FOREST CROSLEY RADIOS a“. APEX WASHERS NORGE ' REF RIGERATORS AUTO ACCESSORIES TOASTERS WAFFLE IRONS COFFEE PERCOLATORS Ere. 340 King St. W., HALWIG’S HOME 1PlN.Wl0lli8 hm Viv-con; 10.00-Binq Ora-by, CRCY . MtchTt of Tina, WJB ll. (N--N.mrs, CF33 llJo-Eddie Dustbin Orch., CFRB RADIO PROGRAMS o.MF--m9. VINIIUI, wavy ti---Ch.erio Par, CRCT tr.iMr-BreuNat C uh, CRCT io.00--luttr and Bob Sketch, WJR 10.66-trday'. Children, WBEN 11.hr--Mneine of the Air, CFRB It.8tN-Vie & Bade, WEAK li.46--Dr. A. R. Dafoe, ‘CFRB 12.00--Giri, Alone, warm ise.w--mee,, tmdteur Gardener, CKOC 12.46-rnrm Program, CFRB 2.00--New Thru Womn': Eyes, CFRB Fred Waring, WLW 9.80--Court of Human Relations, WHEN 10.0b-Little Jnck Little Orch., WGN 10.80--Red Grange Interviews, WBEN T - Ouie'Nelaon, wan 12.00-Guy Lombardo, WJR 'a9--m 0"” 'ttttMa, MAI. 0301‘ q.00--A- 'n' Andy. “A! WON T.t6-red ll . WGB q.t6---BoA. ' WGR 8.t0---pei, __ ._!9! CRC Frog" CRCT, CKOC 11.00---tfetrl3 _ ----6_ tLOG-Rudy nu... 0101' ha Smith. WJR tt.tNF--ahmr Boat, WLW “or Powu’ Amman. 8.00-Newrr, CFRB 10.15--Raissintr Your Parents, CRCT 10.80--Let's Pretend, WGR 12.lMr---ntrtn Forum, WHAM 12.46---Geo. Hull Orch., CFRB 1.t6--Rex Battle, WTAM 2.30--Foottsall Game, CKCL 8.15-Gale Pnge, Songs, KDKA 3.30---Week-end Revue, CRCT ti.4tr..-Fiank Bailey's Orch., WGR 6.8ty-Newa, CFRB 7.0tr--srrttEteyeview and Scores, 8.hr-NewB, CFRB. 8.1_6--E_e Qpegor. cEe. 2.itr-AmVsrienn School of the Air, CFRB 7.15-Ted Easing, WGR 8.00--Bat. Night Party. WJ R 9.oo--Nttt'l Barn Dance, WHAM 9.30--The Chateau, WLW 10.00-Your Hit Parade, WJR 10.i5--Kny Kayser Orch., WON 10.30---rrvin S..Cobb prog., WTAM 11.00-News, CFRB It.16-Tom Dorsey Oreh., CFRB li.4tr---Ray Noble Oreh., NBC WGR 8.ttr--Ma Perkins. WBEN 3.80---Vie & Sade, WBEN 6.30--fruurintr Lndy. CRCT 6.80--Newts, CFRB 6.45---Lowel1 Thomas, CRCT q.00---Amos 'n' Andy, WLW T.1g--Unele Ezra, WBEN 7.80--Lum a Abner, WLW 7.46-Botae Curter, WGR 8.00--CRC Program, CKOC 8.30---Andre Kostelanetz, WJR 9.0ty--r3o11ytyyrd, mtg. LTRB Edward ucHugh‘. want S-lunI-y A.M. F Illa, LI. “Electrical Servants for Your Home" P, - Our Get Acquainted Offer to Each and Every Housewife of Kitchener, Waterloo and District NOW being in our new location our fine lines of electrical appli- ances that we are carrying in stock. we are anxious to have as many people as possibjg call and inspect visit we have a GIFT for her tytrso1utely FREE: beautiful. il. lustrated Book-full of helpful and KITCHENER Open Evenings at 340 King st. W., Kitchener, To every worlpian paying us a t9.tNr-4ptrurrh of the Air, CBS v H - - Boutheraairea, NBC 11.8G--tulor Bowel. WAIC 1",:ltaetg Baum. CBS 18.89-? _ iq Cftr gum £311;sz 9.00--Mornintr Serenade 9.My-Aeeordion Band 9.4tr--Mentor 10.00---Anaon Weeks 10.1lr-Nurtse Woledge 10.30---R- 10.46--Vttrietietr li.00--Mra. chk Hylton tt.ttr---hrenta' Forum li.80--Coneert Gems 12.0ty-Organ RIupsodies ig.16-The Honorable Archie 12.80-Stoek Quotations 12.4tr-Mentor 1.00--Monitor Views the News 1.16---Dramn 1.80--Rex Battle 2.0ty-Poetie Rumblings 2.16--To be Innounced 2.80--To be announced 2.45-ruunted Raneho 3.00-9860 tr.00-0ld Time Rhythm 6.16-Uunttle Jim 6.80--Radio Rhythm ti.45-Stoek Quotations 6.00--Old Time Memories CKCR - Kitchener-Waterloo Salt lake Choir, WABC t.tto-A3hurett of the Air, CBS may Robb, CFRB 2.00--rt" Katie Key, CRCT final!“ SymphLQrch. CBS 8.09--8rmph. Orch., CBS Metropolitan Opera Audi- tionl of the Air, WHEN 8.80--Grand Botel, WEAF 4.8thglfg and Ficgsboule, CRCT '.0.--we, The People, NBC, WJR 6.80-9toopnagle & Bud, WHAI 6.00--H1te Palmer. WJR 6.M)--l'ltr, ETA! Rutiinott, WJR 7.ilo-JPe_k Beymy, CRCT, NBC T.8o---rutye-it-ii-_et Ripley, WEAK-NBC 8.0ir---N)on Eddy, WJB Good Will Court, CRCT Ir.81'-rlddie Clinton " - 9.00--Sunday Evening Hour, WJR Cull Lute" Kilocyclu eiaa. CFCF taunt an! Rbiu WBENrBZA WCAU WENR WGY WHAM W1 R W12 WKBW WE: WTIC Snub, A.M. Fridny ISIO IJIO II” "" “50 110 prove! facts and telling the secrets wife can afford to miss this FINE of the Art of Washing any name;- able fabric or material. No house: copy while. our :11ng offer. Come early and 3911“: OUR BUDGET PAYING PLAN I. THE MOIT IIMPLIFIID ONE IN THE TWIN CITIII Mano-I. Quiche: F._r.PP'. Toronto. Ontario ..tF._rr"' Hamilton. Ont-tic mmtrVVt Mutts]. ouch“: ..F....._ Waterloo. Ontario ......_ Windsor, Ontario ......._. Hun-Ilium, Ontario ..._..Pv St. Campinas, Ontario Ottawa, Ohmic .rr...r.F.__.'P'. Toronto. Ontario .....rr.._mrrrrr. Whiter. Ontario ...r.t..rr..r.. Plnnburlll. Pennlylvnni- vr Nev York City ..m.r....mmmm__m_.' Bufruo, New York............. BOIIOII, Mnlmhunth .....r Philadelphia. Pennsylvania New York City Chicago, Illinois .mmmr._.____..... Chicago. Illinois .....t.r.rw.r.r.. Dal-Io. New York _........... Scheneclldy, New York..... Roehe.ter, New York.-.. Detroit, Michl‘nn .....V_r...PVV New York City Eulnlo, Pie}! York ...rrr..F._" OF STATIONS Chicago. Illinois 'F.... Cincinnati. Ohio ..F.F.r Newark. New Janey Celavelnnd. Ohio _.... Hartford, Con. ..F...' Location 9.0G-Mornintr Sennuk 9.8ir--Msndoliera 9.te-Batta Ind Her Brothers 10.t4--X-Bar-B Boys ' 10n5--Coneert Music 10.80--Reminikuw Rhythms 10.45---orieties l 1i.00-Entrlish Dance Band l l 1.t5-Bing Crosby l 1.80---Coneert Gems 12.00--Orean Rhapoodiet t2.16--The Honorable Archie i t2.80-Stoek Quotations 12.46-George Hall, Orch. 1.0ir--Monitor Views The News t.16-Radio Play 1.80-Rex Battle 2.00---Poetie RAmblincu 2.16---To be announced 2.45--Wi1liams & Walsh, 1o.80-Cltussienl Varieties v i1.00---St. Matthew's Lutheran Church , 6.t5--Momenta of Melody 6.30-Orgtut Recital 7.00--Benton St. Baptist Church Removing a pane ot glass in the rear door burglars gained entrance to Sehreiter's turniture store Sunday morning. Investigation showed that the thieves thought better of carry- ing out large pieces of furniture and left empty handed. 0.1m pull. q.8tN--Bddu Min. Out 6.66--oid Till I010“. '.00---Melodr loudn- q.1b-Rnhrut T.MV--Wont Pm Drun- T.ts-91dort Becker 8.04r--Beatty lorry Mullen 8.8Ir-Rodey'n Iclody Band 9.00---Rudy gour- Suing En 8.00--l360 5.06---0ld Time Rhythm 6.t6-Varietiets 5.30---Radio Rhythm 6.45--Stoek Quotations 6.06--Old Time Memories 6.15-Resume of Collegiate Rugby 6.80--Ripplintr Rhythm 6.45-Oid Time Melodies 7.0ir---Melody Moments T.i5-Tales of the Tropic T.80-To be announced 7.45---Diek's Blue Jukets 8.00-Stroh Juvenile Orch. Burglar: at Schrelter'I Store "atrie Orehestratioms Sat-I'd.) Sunday Phone 57 of Network A era: .....cnc aarcal _CRC .CRC

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