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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Oct 1936, p. 5

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tWm. Wagner. Prop.) Now Open Under New Mango-nut. FULL COURSE MEALS AND LUNCHES King St. E., Kitcéeger. Phone 4019 We enter ti""iriGGiii' 'and Parties. Are You " " - Entertaining? DOWNING, STEEN and Co. En a m elwa re I "SECONDS" .t 'j At Bargain Prices. I SPERRY C. JOYCE "Halloween Bridge" Let us show you gifts suitable for prizes. REASONABLE. _ Buy it hon Diamonds - Watches . Jewellery -- [:va " KING ST. s.. WATEIW Binning Stqdiq " King St. W. Pinon. 1300 KITCHENER fiigrrvii iiiAMING DEPT. G. C. Crompton, Prop. Above Doe" Electric Opp. Lyric Theatre, Kitchener Portrait. CoGmereitu, and Wedding Photographyzu A sGieiieii "GhaCNG idiotic. No leg straps. LIGHT. lNEXPENSIVE. GUARANTEED. Investigate. Write or etul-- Smith "mini-during Company Dev:-.§-._-_. Ae. 29.9: St. Dnnker Bldg. ,3, Picture Framing E WATERLOO ti., F'innnsnnnnntmmnnmnnnnnnnnF, Picture: mad Artistic Freet Banqueh - Anniverurlu - Wedding. Cluh Groups SMITH’S STUDIO RUBBERS Maher Shoe Stores castle Inn 33 King Street East Kitchener . STUDIO LIGHTING Telephone 121 for Betta. Pieture. Service Hardware Store trs m... s:.__\y._ - no. abs 34 King St. S. Quality L ll. Detenbeck CLOTHES ll Sh M: THE NATIONS' LAXATIVE. Rid your - - .system of acid and poison. Rheumatism, Sciatica. and Stomach Trouble quickly vanish. - Get 0-SA-Kl from your Druggist. Listen FLORISTS Order lo-dly from RUPTURED? “Formerly Naborhood" 'FItE'sroN. oiriiiu6 Established 1898 . A “mac of - " . _ . e. mi 7 Rlce lakfuston'v ”Meson Seal W”; . " .' FUR COATS Eiil I , fi ac', V _ dal 'a . , , t _ V , A"; ' " . . , a I T t 3:3,. Isrirl ( i, " ' ~ BRODEY DRAIMIN "J ', FUR COMPANY F I - _ttt" I06 KING WEST , . w. - Lv, g . ar, M=R‘..¢-m°W~!‘"WF '(ng. Mari) KtiCHENER " King St. w. KITCHENER l to MENTOR over CKCR, Kitchener. 9.45 9.1m. G.1 He solves your problems and invites your questions Men's Outfitter One month's Ire-(man! _..- One Dollar. pootp-id Kitchetoet The Complete Stock of Rubber Footwenr. --Att first quality. of Hum} 3271 Phone 804 your Drugghl or direct from MENTOR. Mr. not In. Bert Outer, - ter Elisabeth Anne ot 3mm, no [new or Mr. and um. I. D. CI!- ninxhun. . Rev. B. w. Barton ot NW Fall. was a guest at Mr. :14 In. E. D. Cunnln‘um an. week. Ho nut-led in the tuner-l unto. ot the late Mrl. H. o. Bubbly on Wed“. day _lemberu of the vnrlonl Twin City Young People's Socials wlll meet at St, Matthew's Lutheran Church in Kitchener on Novembgr ' nt ' pan. to dlscnle world 9000.. The mem- bers believe that as they will be called upon In the event ot another war that they would take some steps te, promote peace. The spatter tor ‘the evening will be Dr, Sllcox of To- rulltu. "ilborn--At Roseville, Oct. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley (Hilborn. a daughter. Wander Mt tit. Mary’s Hospital, Oct. 19, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wunder, ‘Brubacher lst., Kitchener, a daughter. Pegeles-At dc-W', Hospital, Oct. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. W. Pegsle, Wilmot street, 'Kitchener, a daughter. Loth--At ac-rv. Hospital, Oct. 19. to Mr. and Mm. Harry B. moth. (nee Florence Squire). Waterloo street, Kiuhener, a son. Bruuki-At K.-W. Hospital, Oct. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. William Brutzkl. Waterloo, a daughter. Rook.---At St. Mary's Hospital, Oct. 20, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Rooks, Lydia street, Kitchener, daughter. Bleieh--At K.M’. Hospital, Oct. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Al Bleich, Gruhn street, 'Kitchener, a daughter. Smyth At K.-W. Hospital. Oct. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Smyth, Ly- dia street; Kitchener, a daughter. Durham---At JC-W. Hospital, Oct. 18, to Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Durham, Samuel street. Kitchener, daughter. Fehrertbarth-May--oct. 20, Albert l A new Bible class [or nouns WI” usI INhrettbach to Lena May, both of opened next month with Prof. “in” New Germany. |dni of Waterloo College as teacher. Rurttstedler-Vrm--oct. 20, Ephraim --LTT, "T - 5:332:33]. to Bertha Voll, both of l Conrad Lek, 86, sehelfeleauphardt--0ct. 20, Howard! . M. Sscheltele tolMargaret Elizabeth l calls on Friendp, Liphadrt, both of Waterloo. l ------. Brown-Cameron~Oct. 17, Earl St. I A welcome visitor to the Waterloo Brown to Mildred 'Bartlett Camer- Chronicle office on Monday was Mr. on, both of Mitchell. I Conrad Ziek, tor over halt a centuryi Gordon-Kellerman-Oct. 21, George a resident of Waterloo. He celebrat- Gordon to Kathleen JCelierman, ed his.86th birthday on September [ both ot Kitchener. 9th and despite his years continues LaekenbauttGeffrott---Oet. 17, Walter to enjoy excellent health .F'or the N Lackenbauer of Waterloo to Berna- past few years he has made his home date Gem-us. Bridgeport. with his daughter, Mrs. E. o. Ttitz, Nagy-Stevens-Oct. 17, Emil P. Nagy Heinz Avenue in Kitchener. or Toronto to Dorothy M. Stevens _-r-------'-- or Kitchener. l HALLOWE'EN COSTUMES Hagarty-8tuekey--Oct. 17, Walter C. For rent, choice of over 250. Hagarty of Alma to Ethel Bernice Dorothy Harlow, 28 Heins Ave., Stuckey or Elmira. Kitchener. 44-45 BoeekrtettuH-kttr-Ote. 17, George _-r-------------- Boeckner of Tavistock to Christina MENTOR, The Man In the Turban Hamacker ot Milverton. 9.45 mm. CKCR 6.15 leI. 'i., ll). boiled ham ' 1 onion 1 green pepper Salt and pepper. . ' Break spaghetti into inch pieces.' Cook in one quart bolllng. salted wa-, ter until tender. Add tomatoes, and I cook iuteen minutes longer. Remove , the tat trom the ham and try it out. Dice onion and green pepper, and try slowly in this tat until tender. Chop the ham and add it, with the onion, Social " personal Spaghetti, Spanish Style 'i, lb. spaghetti 1 mm tomatoes 'i., lb. boiled ham DON'T LET OVERSIGHT MEAN LACK OF SIGHT u Ki... lit., h. MARRIAGES w. P. FRANK Jeweller and Optometrist BIRTHS WATERLOO it? p.m Phone " Rlou s'ehold Yin ts fer thy Rev. J. P. hath l lsSpecialSpuka At Zion Church 08th Mc- I Excellent music was provided for" Ithe occasion by the choir under the direction of Mrs. Mulholland, with like. D. D. Rat: presiding some 'organ. Rev. C. H. Cornwel , pastor, ofBeiated at the communion service. I The services were continued Monday night with Rev. W. Y. Dreier of 'Bridgeport in charge. The soloist was Miss Jones of Toronto. A. S. Teachers Will Attend Elmira Meet 'trits'.'" £3“ “yak” an e- o n Church on Sunday. Rev. J. P. h of St. Jeeobe, one of the outatand- inc end - mini-tern of the church, the Ipecinl Ipeoker of the day. bee-me reminiscent. He told how he had worshipm in the old school house where . {ether wu amine pastor withURev. B. Morley and Rev. Mr. Meyer " the time of the present church's erection. He recalled the large pile of atone which lny__outsi_de the p.retent, tlyelrh Bite. Choosing us his text Palm 146: 12 and Ephesians 8: 21, he spoke on the theme “His glorious Kingdom". He referred to his world trsvels during which he had seen beautiful csthedrsls in Cologne, Westminster Abbey, St. Psul’s and Russia. There were Ilsa beautify) edtileets in oys- {.33. "ai BEWQKicTI Karen not for spectacular show but for mani- fesution in the glory of, Go.d.. . " . l, A welcome visitor to the Waterloo Chronicle office on Monday was Mr. I Conrad Ziek, tor over halt a century a resident of Waterloo. He celebrat- ed his.86th birthday on September 9th and despite his years continues to enjoy excellent health .F'or the} past few years he has made his home with his daughter, Mrs. E. o. Ttitz, Heinz Avenue in Kitchener. I Teachers ot the Sunday School at St. John's Lutheran Church will at- tend the District Sunday School rally at Elmira on October 27, it was " cided last week at a teachers' meet- ing, Increased attendance at the school will necessitate opening new classes. A new Bible class for adults will be opened next month with Prof. Niki!- den of Waterlou College as teacher. MENTOR, The Man In the Turban element, a soloist 9.45 a.m. CKCR 6.16 p.m. World", by Noble. green pepper and seasoning, to the 16 teaspoon salt spaghetti and tomatoes. Put in can- 8 marshmallows, quartered sol-010 and bake fifteen minutes. ' Id to % cup hot water - I mm chocolate in a double boiler. Macaroni Dressing ‘Add sweetened condensed milk and Roasted. stuffed chicken is a stir over boiling water five minutes primo fall and winter favorite. When until mixture thickens. Adi marsh- stun-Id with macaroni dressing it is mallnws which have been quartered. not only lighter, more easily digested Stir until they begin to blend but are and more nutritious, hat generally not fully dissolved. Add salt and hot ‘more welcome. and oh; how tasty! iwater. amount depending on the con- l '2 lb. elbow or broken macaroni Issistenq desired. Makes 2 or 2% 1 clove garlic 4 tablespoons shortening 2 or 3 onions, chopped tine 2 teaspoons salt ~(‘ook macaroni in plenty ot salted, rapidly boiling water for about 8 min- lites; then drain. Add beaten eggs, mound shortening, onions, salt, pa- prika and finely chopped garlic. Stuff chicken, not too tight. For iargnr towls, like geese and turkeys, nan proportionally larger quantities of the above ingredients. Chicken and Rice 8oufrie 1% cups chicken, diced 1 cup cooked rice % cup chicken gravy 2 0358, beaten Mix chicken and rice. Season with salt and moisten well with gravy. adding mare If needed. Add well lwaivn yolks and carefully fold In the brawn whltms. Bake in a moderate mm until golden brown on top. Chocolate Marshmallow Sauce 2 smt'r1t'Ps unsweetened mocolnte 1". cups (1 can) sweetened con- densed milk 2 eggs Itit teaspoons paprika DOROTHY ANN’S 're-stares. WOMEN HAVE BIG PLACE IN WORLD Kitehener.-"There are just- as clever women out ot city councils " men in it," declared Mm. A. Skunk, president or the Provincial Council ot Women ot Ontario, here Thursday night at the meeting ot the Kitch- ener council. “Sometimes we are ashamed ot the things the men do and say in the councils ot our country," she con- tinued. "You have often heard it said that n 'hunch ot women could do better.' I believe that the pre- mier would welcome women In the proving!“ governmeng." _ .. " ttie money question held a wo- man back from entering the provin- cial ring, Mrs. Shultis said she be- lieved that women in cities should supply the money and help campaign. Trinity Church Has 25th Anniversary mtehener.-iebration of the 95th anniversary of Trinity United Church featured special services, yes- terday, both morning and evening. ariere is rodm in thé world tor men.” she added, "but a bigger space for the womtn." I38. AIDE" DINNINGII. , Bred-u. Ell. No. I. who before her I amuse wu- Mi" We Kurt. Of , Rev. George A. Dickson of Metro- politan United Church, Toronto, preached in the morning. In the even- ing Judge .waley s. Mott of the Torohto Juvenile court. addressed the congregation, Under the direction of Professor George Ziegler," the choir presented part one otlf'Song of Thanksgiving" by Maunder, wlti: Miss Florence Clement. as soloist. and "Let All the cups Maple Sauce ly.', cups (1 can) sweetened con- densed milk V3 cup maple syrup Pew grains salt 1 cup water Thoroughly blend sweetened con- densed milk. maple syrup and salt in a hoavy saucepan. Cook over low heat about tleo minutes or until mix- ture thickens, stirrlng constantly, Cool. Add water and beat well. 6 eggs 6 tablespoons hot water 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 can shrimps 4 tablespoons lemon juice 16 teaspoon paprika Separate eggs. beat whites until Mltt and yolks until creamy. Add hot water and baking powder to yolks. Fold m whites. Pour Into a heated omelet pan which has been greased with melted butter. and cook slowly. When done crease through the center and cover half with the shrimps which have been drained, minced and seasoned with the lemon juice and paprika. Fold top half over lower halt and serve immediately‘. The, dried Lima been in a conch- trated food. rich in nutritious, body- huitding elements. Ag " may be pur- chased in can! during the entire your. the [allowing recipes may be iriod out in your tttsm-ny time: Lime and Hum Lent I ('llp cooked, dried Limes l u. (“up ground hear ld cup chili sauce or t'attrtrp 2 an, heelen I teaspoon minced onion 1 tnhioapoon melted butter l mp rrnrkpr crumhn 's inasmon .wit % inaspoon popper mo Limas thromrh a rnnmo strain- on Add ham, rhili "urn, eggs, pep par. "It. minced onion, butter and cracker crtttttbtt. Shape into a loaf, piece in a buttered pen in a modtyts ate oven (360 degree. P.) and heke for so minntee, belting oeetttttottntly with tho melted butter. Serve with brown new. Shrlmp Omelet (Serves 6) In. m mu b Nov Mt at he...“ an. Conn! ML gtttastboa"rr.--No mull" III. no. “Malcol- ol Waterloo county 11'S tt 912:3“ 12.22.".33; we pmvlnchl tub-mule“. 'nor an” rate in ".1 not 10...... It. cmu- "s, United at“... " all Brill-h Th. for the we you n- ll.” 3. 100,- 000. Dr. I. N. Col"... I“ unor- lnto-dut or [rayon mu... mold nonbou ot an 'teaster' could-I ot tho Institution at that and menu -. Mm. L. E. Weaver, Rapier. re. tired trom the presidency 3nd was Iucceeded Ihy mu. Fruit 'Hsight, WI- terloo, with Mini E. Lillian Bren- haupt, Kitchener u Brat vie-r pent; Mrs. A. K. Cream, Waterloo, Ai trenurer, and Mill Elizabeth Klara, Preston. as secret-r1. The council In an nut "" - pended $1,576 tor rural-Mn;- and equipment Bt the alumna-L That adult patient- ot the Preeport Sanatorlum are trying to at them. selves tor life outside the hospital was the manage in the report ot Miss Alice vBIugemn, superintendent. "Two patients plan to complete‘ their senior matriculation thi- you and be ready to enter a university when they leave here," snid Kin Bingeman. "One plans to become s teacher, and two, who pulsed their Junior matriculation in June, plsn to take business courses." She slid one patient completed zoology and Britt" metic in the lower school. two wrote manadian history and Englim com- ‘posltiona in the Junior matriculation examinations, and two passed in up- per school tests in English, algebra, trigonometry and German. All who tried the public schools examinations were successful. in all there were ,34 patients, 19 ot whom were " and Iunder. Ot 125 panama, Mil: Bingem continued, MI were men, 58 women and nine children. Beventy41ve per cent. were in the age groups between 15 and 45. “There are 16 nationalities here," she pointed out, "all working and living in harmony. During the past year more has been instruction in art, and it is surprising to see some or the talent of these people of vari- ous nationalities. The Kitchener 'ia- dies' auxiliary supplied two teachers to instruct and very ttne work has been turned oat in figure painting and drawing, commercial] art and plans for landscaping." 1'iee,hfau it." Salad, Brown Label During the year there had been re gular Sunday morning services by the Waterloo College choir end the students trom the Seminary. and the Anglican clergy oi the county had also held services. The Christmas tree. lighted on the lawn so the pa- 'tients might see it, was supplied by the Kitchener Young Men's club and the staff of the Dominion lute Assur- ance Co., Waterloo. Programs had been presented through the Commun- ity Concert association and the Knights of Columbus of Gait, Preston and Hespeier had given the patients p picnic at Puslindl lake. a- - __ " ----.---___ _-_A..An.l Aha-l _ Mrs. A. K. Cressman reported that there Is at' present a balance in the bank ot $1,289. Expenses since last October amounted to $2,865. The 'greater part of this money was used Ito purchase necessities for hospital work and the welfare of patients. Kitchener Men Will Tutiiy Members ot Kftchener'tr provincial police force will testify at the court case in which Mr. and Mn]. Mike Kllmowiteh will answer charges of Illegal possession of $18,000 worth of high grade gold ore. FAIR PLAY ...u--o--aodwitiehtottt Fairs-rr-err-dei"" Immuflhuâ€"himforoudelivuybyoâ€"ofliiuwmfawwe- hon-cmhdoquufotllnupponoflfunily)â€"mdenleworkhchowtfor ali-- ..nd NO SLAVEDRIVING. All than you by for you follow Canadian. when you ”mum “what's more.“ nah-l MI is all Cmdiuh-your many-alum! Pun - Stoned-g "-~‘ Cherry Tart DOMESTIC 2 Hutu. 25c CUISUROJSRIC BACON Om Marie Leaf CORNSTARCH alts 10c Bonnn'a iutter MINCEMEAT at! 10C Chou and Sanbom'l C 0 F F E E 1.tb Ag. 36c Bnnmvldl Chick... HADDI E 2 In Mc CARROLIIS 10 King St. s. that; 28c 2 lbs 25c ie. “In in which In. Harold Dobbin wu held by friends on Wodnudly Afternoon, when . LG lumbar of friend- attended lat rites. Service- were conducted " the home , Rev. Club Log-n of Trinity United Church, Kitchener, mud by Rev. E. Vol. Tilton of .Fint United Church, Wlterloo. and 'Rov. S. W. L. Barton of Nine". Folk. Rev. Hutton oiBeiqted " the We of Mr. And In. Dobbin 18 you: no when wear of the "Nterloo church. ' LARGE CROWD ATTEND: "JIM O? m. DODIIN Ptllbearers were Ionian. Clarence Snider, A. Hahn, Stanley Iaruten- nchlager, Alex Heimpel, H. G. liar tale and R. B. Bean. A beautiful soprano Bolo Wu rendered by Miss Vera Rats, an u- lociute member of the lute Mrs. Dobbin in the Trinity Church choir. " is expected that. with the restor- ation ot normal commercial relations between Canada and Russia, the lat- ter country will offer a market tor Canadian dairy cows, pedigree live- stock and cattle tor restocking Rus- sian farms, horses, seeds, metals, machinery, tools and other commo- dities. Dr. John Gotorth, is dead: he died bat recently Ibut his hook ot com- peling interest, "By My Spirit", 3 soulotirring'recltal ot God's gra- cious dealings in China still lives. Mr. Goforth as this book of his shows was wonderfully used of God, not only in declaring the incomparable mes- sage ot a Saviour": love but also in the inauguration ot revival move- ments which have brought rich bless- ings upon many churches .Blind, he dictated the thrilling story to his youngest son, Frederick. A book to I buy, to read and give to friends. mci Sit-w- JAM Jet, TOMATOES tt No. " Anna Lee Choice Choice Australian APRICOTS Mutual Boral tribute. ninth}! New Pack Eagle BLUEBERRIES Nn" LIMITED M.oa. in A PMuot of The CANADA STARCH COMPANY “MUM listen to "Syrup Symphonies" evergL Monday nightfpm 8 mi” 5.81. Me THE GREAT ENERGY FOOD with the delicious Flavor Literary Notes Ellllll SYllllP OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Flu-ml»:- "(om-nun] ou Dun-h bun» " lacon'l do. Juan. and un‘l new-uh bathroom "unn- Huuu-nvu bhr " been“. " really CLEAN! Oeith - minimum of elbow - osd mane-no enjoy- the [loaning ”kn-no that m... on Dunk unh- u only lo obi-in ' Loing'l Peanut (mp _ r A LI n\ EDWARDSIIIIIIG ' Chuclm toiteg BISCUITS tt lbs. 29c TEA CANDY E? It 31c f-~‘ lb. 25c 5.1.4. TEA Dedicutcd To Better Vision . . . WHY EXPECT A PERFECT SERVICE mt AGsot bo." Pint ,1, avoa Lina; bad and mud... --ato and" tho but .orveo . f . From i-pojocluoyu? Myvun. " you luv. an” to (:0.le of this gawk}. you “not coakutomtir ”on. your oyoo. You wouldn’t hvo to Llano ny- thing if you would permit u to n-ovo the auto of " 9c (Continued next fund”) Watches Clocks . Jewellery Repaired t magnum “was! same: J. D. NALON “N Rowntree's Buck's“ . Vrlb tin 19c Rowntuc's Baking CHOCOLATE halo Suntan“! Cong-med New Clover 16-01. tins SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Watchmaker 50 Ontario South KITCHENER No. 2 tin 13c GUEST IVORY CMIFSO FLAMES 2 tg. plus. Me GOLD SOAP COCOA HONEY LIFEBOUY M tins 21c 3 a... 20c 2 15-01:“. 35C MILK Health Soap N o 21g.atl w'b ok. in 'rad 29c 27c l at” Me ' Inn 19e 16c

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