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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 22 Oct 1936, p. 3

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DISMISSED WILMOT WAGE CLAIM "iitchener.--Glagistrate Blake in police court here dismissed a claim laid by Clarence Schedler against Simeon Shantz of Wilmot township [or $13 wages. From - GUELPH - - KITCHENER - STRATFORD I'?. - St. Marys, Sarnia, Goderieh, Ifinetr.di.nt, Southampton, Wiarton,0wen Sound, Durham, Harriston, Listoivef, Georgetown And All Intermediate Points. _ Ask Agents for particulars of Conada’s Maple Leaf Contest. You may win $100.00 with one leaf! Farm, Trannit Limits. Tlckots and Tr.in Information trom Agnntn T982 We will give a fro. ticket to College Theatre good for Friday, Oct. 23rd, or Saturday. Oct. Mth, to every boy or girl " - old or under who brings in all old or worn-on! auto- mobile tire, any nix. or make. Ticket. available any day this week. See “Case of the Velvet Claw." ---Warren Williams, and "Call of Tho Prmiru"-WtiiUm Bord. Get Your Free Ticket Early BOYS and GIRLS FREE TICKETS Ti) COLLEGE THEATRE Goodrich Silvertown Stores The W.G.Young Co. Monday - Tue-by . Wed-ooh, When-MI.” The Last of . . Chronicle Advertisers 1kff'er You Exceptional Values ”- "l)0lW0lml" UlodbruroroeC-trr-- Tor-Aunbylml. nWo-n-I Jeweller: . Optometrists 8 KING E., KITCHENER CENT A MILE A“ Mit: "Three Married Men" With R. Montgomery - J. Crawford CANADIAN NATIONAL At The Kltchonor We“ "NO MORE LADIES" OCTOBER " - " - " Ash About Our Extended Payment Plan Sale of Curtains TI'SCAN PANELS ANUS'TA TOP CURTAINS FRILLED CURTAINS Kin. all Wator Stu. KITCHENER 1 3 Queen St. N. Walter Huston Ruth Chatterton Vannier dk Cook ting . Molina: Silk panels, marquisetuk and novelty weaves. a big collection on sale ttt, etch ....t.r.___.r.__...__'-_ Fine filet mesh, suitable for Living Rooms and Dining Rooms. All 2% yds. long. Plir A Inge assortment and vuiety of colours, u well Is plain cream and white. 2% yds. long, with 99c Priscilla tops. Plir ...........t....wt._t'.__m_r"."'""_ TTT _.. With With Saturday, October 31 HOUSECLEANING (Minimum Fuel: Adults 78c: Children Met Round Trip Bargain (3/32?) Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bender and daughter Violet ot Alma were Bttn- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bender. Messrs. Enoch Schneider and N. Drimmie were business visitors in Goth-rich recently, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Spies and daughter Irene of Floradale visited Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bender on Sun- day. Miss Othpa Miller spent the week- end with her friend, Miss Alma Stickney in Upper Pljkington. ___ Recent guests at the home ot Mr. Philip Bonn were'. Mr. and Mrs. Ju- lius Berger and son Gerald of Mllver- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmidt and sons Stuart and Frederick of German Mills. Mr. Albert _Krauter ot Heidelberg is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Maurer. a... 'tmtto-Po.t-'. B-t Id M "The Ilihllmismt" Ana-law ' --- - Niimirdai.. Messrs. Nathaniel and Oslah Horst were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gingerich in St. Jacobs. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Plummet and and son Arthur of Kitchener were Sugday visitors at the home ot Mr. an Mrs. Addison Bauman. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Schwlndt and son, Mr. Maurice Schwindt spent Sunday at Galt at the homes ot Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hagey and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. King. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Schmidt visit- ml Mr. and Mrs. Lev! Yost in Bridge- )wort on Sunday. _ Miss Margaret Bender is spending a few days, at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Willard Snyder in Waterloo. Mr. Kennet/f schwimlt of Kitch. ener is spending a week at his home here. Mr. Irvin Schneider led the Evan- gelical League meeting on Sunday evening. The topic, "The Serious- ness of Divorce”, was given by Mr. Homer Schwlndt. Mr. Edward Sen- ing gave a reading and M155 Laura Miller sang a solo. The farmers in the district are busy taking up potatoes, mangNs and turnips. Peter Waechter is going in for big potatoes. He has some that weigh over 2 lbs. of the Early"Ftrrtune va- riety. Mr. and Mrs, Albert Moser and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Dorscht, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dietrich at Waterloo visited with Mr. and Mrs. George Dorscht Sunday. 'Mr. Alvin Duench, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gremm. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Holst of Waterloo were Sunday visi- tors at Hy. BachU. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kieswetter and family and Peter Moser visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ries- wpttar. Np. Alvin svltcit'uer lul’l for Water. loo whore he is crnplotl at tho Wa- terloo Sunshine Mfg, Co. NORTH WOOLWICH “Walking on Air" 'lE0sa3t3ay_Ar1o you LA!!! Collin. "The Texas Rangers" “SEVEN SINNERS” -- ”Viki-an" 7. -- Will) Edmund Lowe Cont-nu Cunning- BAMBERG Kitchener fill. the 5|.- " in FARES $1.29 98e At ”Mm W Anniversary ad Hana ”a Service. "to hold on the W! Church on Bunch, with I". J. N. Norton at Morton. I - - ot the church, boll; the [not - or tor the day. Mr. Willin- Mott of Wellsnd rondorod nun! col-not solo: at both tho nor-1n: and on.- m; service; and you] “do. we" use given by I and (when trom mutton. The chunk In beautifully decorated with not". (run.- and vouu‘bl- for I. occa- lion. Dr. Krupp comll. Oat. "ed. ‘ Mrs. Willard locker; A reception was held at the home ol Mr. and Mrs. Chm-lea Miller lat Thursday evening tor Mr. and in. Willard Becker; nee Miss Knthieen :Millel'l whose marriage took place recently. Approximately thirty guests were present ind a, dainty bonnet lunch was served from . table centred with a large wedding cake [and tall pink taper; Forum mum-y o-Me. mp! Don't forget the moving mun-u ot "Mratatrkum Mexico with it May: Rain" and 'Tloridl" in loch- nicolor which Dr. W. Krupp of Wood- stock will present in Kavelnnn’n Hall on Friday evening. Oct. "rd under the duping ot the commun- ity Park Bond. Silver collection. Rocoptlon For Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. lean Hilbert: ob served their twentr-titth wedding an- niversary on Sunday, Oct. 18th. Baptist Minion circle Holds Thenkegivlng Meeting. The October meeting ot the Bap- tist Mission Circle was held at the home of Mrs. L. Zlnken last Wednes- day afternoon. The president, Mrs. L. H. Cassel presided during the de- votional period. Mrs. J. Buck reed Psalm 96 and the members respond- ed to the roll call with, "A Thanks- giving Thought" Mrs. Cease! and Mrs. E. R. Poth were then appointed 'delegates to the Women’s Mission Circle Convention which is being held at Toronto next month. Mrs. Fred Poth rendered a vocal solo after which Mrs. V. E. Dinger occupied the chair tor the remainder of the inro- gram. Mrs. A. Mask of Elmira pre- sented a splendid paper on the ttttle Jeet of '"Thanhsgivintr" and gave a reading, "An Invitation". A reading entitled, "The Master Is Coming", was also given by Mrs. Zinken. Thanksgiving Program Given At M.BAh Young People's Meeting. ThelM.B.C. Young People's Society held a Thanksgiving program at the church last Friday evening. The president, Mr. Eldon Sherk presided and Psalm 100 was read by Mrs. Floyd Sherk. Miss Dorothy Burkhol- der gave a talk on, "The Origin ot Thanksgiving ", after whim Miss Willa Cressman spoke on the sub- ieet, "Why Give Thanks". Musical numbers were rendered by a boys chorus and a male quartette com- posed ot Messrs. Elgin Reiet, Camer- lon Bock, Lorne Rosen'berger and El- ‘don Sher. Mrs. A. W. Egerdee and ‘ Miss Helen Pipher gave a vocal duet _and Mr. Clare Stoltz read a poem entitled, "The Deacon's Thanksgiv- ing". The Misses Miriam, Evelyn and Willa Cressman also favored with a vocal trio. Literary Meeting. The Public School Literary Society met last Friday afternoon with the. president, Ivy Wanner in we chair. Miss Wreatha Laing told an interest, ing Thanksgiving story after which Eldon and Alvin P_lpher eontri1yptedt a vocal duet. The following readings were then given: "At Grandma's \House", by Grace Schmidt; and "Thankful" by Betty Tuchlinski. _ Riddles were given by Miriam Colm) man and charades were enjoyed un-l der the direction or Mr. R. R. Ballie. Jr. Luther League. I Miss Grace Toman, president of. the Jr. Luther League presided at the' regular meeting which was held at the church on Sunday morning! Psalm 26 was read responsively fol- lowing which the topic, "Thankstriw ing to God" was presented by the superintendent, Mr. oarfield Weber. An exercise entitled, "Do We Say Thank You to God", was given Inn Fvveral of the members and the re-' sponse to the roll call was /'Ons of Christ's Miracles.” I Christian Fellowship Group l Addressed by Rev. King. Rev. H. King of Harper, Kansas, gave an interesting talk on "Three Men who would not bend, budge or hmm", at the N.D.C.‘S. Christian Fel- lowship meeting which was held last Wednesday. The president, Miss Velma Bauer presided and Miss Ellen Page contributed a piano solo. The rinsing prayer was uttered by Mr. Gilbert iBergey. i B.V.P.U. Meeting. , Mr. v, E. Dinner gave a paper on tho subject, "Thanksgiving" at the weekly monting of the B.Y:P.U. which “.19 held at the church on Monday t-vening. Miss [rank Shark rendered “(n-oral accordion numbers and read. ines were given by Miss Greta Buck and Mr. A. H. MeKague. Pertonall. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Riepert of Waterloo wpre guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Toman on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Merle Coleman visit- od with Mr. and Mrs. Leighton Colo- man at Kitchener on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Dedels and son Dennis of Paris were recent vial- tort, with Mr. and Mrs. Elton Baer. Miss Ethel Klnzle of Williatttemurtt spent tho wnek-ond with Mr. and Mrs. James Hanan Mm Ohlah Sham: and daughter Jowol of Plattsvme visited with Mr. and Mrs. L. K.. Bingeman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Seemnler and daughter Jean of Kitdlennr called on Mr and Mrs. G. B, Hallman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Felck of Stru- hurg visited with Mrs. [use Rosen- horznr on Sunday. Mr. and Mm. Lloyd 009mm; and son Edward attended the funeral of the latn Mr. Henry Winner " Phil. Ipahurg Ian! Wednesday. -Mr. ind Mrs. Chnrles Tomo Preston visited with Mr. and l Harold Shanlz on Sunday. Miss Alive Witre1 of Wctoriatrurg is npnndlng a tow weeks at the home of Mr. and Mr! Lloyd [Malen- hnrhor Look Over The Ads Carefully Nl' DUNDII of I Mm Dorothy Tomnn and Manor |Cameron Tainan spent the week-end iat the home qt Mr. and Mrs, Fred Schadler at Kitchener. lbw-m (mid-h}: ,htmot (you. ”on! and” m It. Bert It [and - at Inn-nun ”out My with Ir. III In. " but m.dqgutn. Mr. and In. Bury Koch. Mr. and In Hot-com nd Mr. an In. Inn ot Kitchen! 1W will It. and in. Arthur nun-cm on Sunday. Mr. Peta: . am... Mr. Bad In. Clue-on W Old II. In“! Hallm- ot Hut-ville all“ Q to new: a. '91“. - 8-945; _ Mr. and In. - "In. ot tendon nu! ",ialP't.'t In. of Do. troit, Itch, " with Mr. and In. M. B. 8-140: may. I Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Schade are spending a few weeks at Robinson Creek, Kentucky, where Rev. Sdmde 'in conducting Evangelistic services. Fit, their return trip they will visit In. D. C. by and daughters, " rion, Ruth and Grace ot macho-or were guests of Mr. Bad In. I. t Column on Thank-shin: Du. Ir. tad In. sunk: Buckborouh and long. Donald and any ot Vane- spent . tow an ot In! week with Row and Mn. C. W. helm. Mr. And In Ephraim Hallman and Mr. and Mrs. Josh); ' um, ed with Mr. and In. Ephraim Sni- der at German Milli Mat Thuudny. l Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Toman and son Douglas ot Kitchener visited with ‘Mr. and Mrs. Moses Tainan on Sun- ‘day. A number from this community attended the funeral of the late Mr. Ephraim Weber at Elmira bn Mon- day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Humberger, we: Marion Hunaberger and Mrs. Clu- ence Humberger ot Wnterloo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Weber on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. William Holt ot Wel- land andqu. and Mm. Thomas Morn. son and daughter Margaret ot Brant- ford were guests at the homes ot Mr. and .Mrs. John Buck and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Poth on Sunday. Arthur Museelmn and sons, Eigin and Leotis visited with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Shunt: at Kitchener on Sunday on the occasion ot their wed- ding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. B. Grab, Mr. E. P. Crab and Mrs. Liberty ot Toronto called on Mr. and Mrs. Moses Bock recently. Dr. and Mrs. L. J. Andaman ot Scotland and Dr. and Mrs. Ritchie of Guelph were guests ot Dr. and Mrs. w. S. Note on Sunday. Mrs. Noah Stunt: ot Waterloo spent a few days of this week with friends and relatives in the village and community. A large number from here attend- ed the annual convention of the On- tario U. B. Religious Education Asso- ciation which was held near Port EL gin over the week-end. The Misses Arlene Rosenberger and Ferne Stoltz of Kitchener spent the week-end with the farmer’s par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ell Rosenberger. Miss Olive Shark ot Centrevlne and Mr. Erie 130th ot Kltdlonor were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Shel-k. Rev. H. F. Schade, Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Dinger, Mina Muriel Poth and Mr. E. A. Path attended the Thanks. giving Rally ot tho B.Ya'.U. of the Guelph Association which was held at Brampton on the holiday, Mr. Fred Ruetter and daughters, Helen and Ruth of Waterloo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Simon Weber on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Greulich and son Ronald visited with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Radke at Kitchener on Sun- day. Mr. and Mm. James Bérgey were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kenyon at Kitchener. Mrs. Rennington of Kitchener spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Coleman. Visitors at the local schoois last Thursday were: Continuation School Inspector W. A. Jennings of Toronto, Public School Inspector L. Norman of Galt and or. W. H. Harvey ot Ba- den, Health Inspector. Ttev. and Mrs. J. N. Norton and granddaughter Virginia -oi' Wiarton were guests ot Mr. and Mrs. John Buck over the week-end. relatives in Clevelafld Ohio and But- tato. N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Weiss ind family of Drumbo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Egerdee on Sunday. Visitors at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Moses Baer on Sunday were: Miss Mabel own of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Shantz of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. John Wilhelm and son Walter and Miss Dorothy Wilhelm ot Baden and Master Donald Fetch of Strasburg. Mr. and Mm. Elton Baer and daugh ter Bernice visited with Mr. and Mrs George Huturey at Rosevllle on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. H. Kavelman, Mrs. August Kavelman. Mlss Nellie Kavel- man and Mr. Clare Elnwachtar mo- torod to Hamilton last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. August Mildbrandi of near Wellesley visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Path on Sunday. Mr. Elmer Cause] of Platiavllle called on Mr. and Mrs. [van Hilborn on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Alfréd Mom: of Br mira were guests of Mr. and Mrs. V E. Dinger for a few days ot hat week Messrs. Attrrtin Bauer and Melvin Sunder attended a Dairymen's Con- vention at the Royal York Hotel. To, rnnm Inst Wedneldny. Mr. and Mrs. Jomiph unborn of Preston visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Hilborn last Wednesday. on” on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Grenlich visited with Mrs, Jacob Schweitzer at Kitch- Miss Ethel Musselman and Mr, Vim-mould” “snout-tb- tnetory Ira-fluent [or m or lambda. yon run pod‘ivoly w on t9r._CuiOi.ntr-ent t Mr. M. Matter ot Toront-o was a Ibusiness visitor in the village on qMonday. tum-ulna.“ WWW-tad” mum-co” aethi-eeaEr.arsdl» and", In. I. Baku] m In. In: unborn stand-d ' join now In; ot the Nov [hub-n, RIM“. and New Dundee Woman Institute- Ihht m hold n New Ill-bur; on My anon-non . _ MSW. with us no“, Mr. 011M some! and In. an.” Mat My. - the took-cu with “In. " in. Leonard Help“ and environ Lorraine and mymond and Mr. Ed- ward Hammer or Wells-lay Tuit-rd with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd (healing on Sunday. Mr. and Mn. Melvin - And tamil, ot Dutch, an, not. "at: ot In. H. (manor ova: to rub and. new. And In. H. P. Home “and. ed the ordination service for an. Orville Tallinn. at the Benton " Brynn church, Kitchener on Tue.- day evening ot lutjook. _ Mr. and in. Wllnun Ghent and non Russel visited with relative. " Waterloo on and”. Mr. and In. William Buck and Mr. and Mrs. George Buck ot Kitett, ener visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Buck on Sunday. , _ Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd DIetenb-cher on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Hirvey Schleu- ter of Kitchener, Mr. and Mn. Mate rice Kellsey ot Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Emery strome nnd children Glen and Darlene of Bridgeport. Mr. Kenneth Prueter, senior teach. er ot the Doon Public School and his 'pupils hiked to the Doon pinnacle on Friday afternoon where they had a good time. Mr. and Mrs. Seramu Martin and children and Mr. and Mrs. S. Ziegler or Fiondale visited with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Betsey on Sunday. Messrs Norman IrABter and Dome Zinken attended the annual conven- tion ot the Canadian Independent Te- lephone Association which was held at Toronto this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tony mam-ti or Preston were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Wolfe. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weaver and family were [Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Shah ot Kitchener. h Mr. and Mrs. 'Melvin Holt and fam- ily were visitors at the home or Mr. and-Mrs. Fred Anderson of Wash- ington, Ont. on Saturday. Mr. Robert Bonny ot Toronto was a recent visitor m the village. Oscar Sully ot Waterloo spent. Tuesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb 0h1heiser. The home ot the late Mr. Homer Watson wits opened on Tuesday even- ing and Wednesday afternoon tor visitors. The home-made baking and Christmas novelties that was for sale was a success. A large number ot names were registered on these two occasions. his was the last show- l ing of the late Mr. Watson’s pictures. All donations were in aid of the iDoon Presbyterian Church. Mr." and Mn. Wallace Neu- of Preston were visitors at the home or ‘Mr. Charles Render on Sunday. Miss M.. Ross ot Strauord spent the weekend at her summer home here. Mrs. Richard Jones and Miss Kath- leen Jones were visitors in Preston on Friday. er. rand IMrs. Earl Lawrence ot Preston were Sunday visitors at the home or Mr. and Mrs. C. ohlheluer. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Voisin were Bun. day visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schoil of Kitchener. Mr. William Besserer -spent Sun- day at his summer home in the vil- lags. Mr. Fred Hobbs spent Thursday " the home or Mr. and Mn. Harvey 'Linsey trrvKitet"sturr. The Young People's League ot the United Church held their meeting on Sunday evening with William Wolfe in the chair. Miss Audrey Teet con- ducted the worship service and Jean Brown read the scripture. The topic was given by Earl Fisher. The meet. ing was closed with the benediction. Mrs. Fred Hobbs spent Monday with relatives In Galt. Mr. and Mrs. John woe1flty spent Thursday with relatives in Kitchener. Rev. Walter Patterson "of Preston conducted the service at the Doon Presbytertan Church. The choir sang the anthem, (The Christ of the Royal Road". Rev. t Herbert Waltz or Galt conducted the service " the Doon United Church on Sunday afternoon. Tho Young People's Society of the PreMrytorian Phurrh held a social evening in the form of a weiner roast on Thursday evening of last week. A very enjoyable time was bpent. The farmers of this district are busy taking up their potatoes this 'week. Mrs. Albert Strauss returned home after spending a week's holidays with relatives in Elmira. Mm: moulds: Srhnelder spent Thanksgiving Day at Waterdown. Miss Violet Schneltzer spent the wek-ond with Mr. and Mrs. John Oesch. Miss clotllde Schneider spent Sun- day with Miss Jolnnta Strauss at Bamberg. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Oeach were: Mr. and Mrs. Nor. man Schweitzer and Alvin and Em- erson Schweluer, all of Nithburg and Ervln Jantzi from here. Mrs. Mary Deniinger and daugh- tnrs Dorothy and Monica trom Lon- don spent tho week-end with Mr. and Mrs Eugene Dietrich. Mr. Clayton Ouch spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Ervin Jantxl. Mm Priarilltt hath spent TuesdAy with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Dietrich of SI, Axathn. Mr ,and Mn. Aha, Harner and non Earl upon; Prlar In Wnterloo. Mr. and Mot. Jam?) Gingorirh spent Sunday with frlnndn " East Zorn. JOSEPHSBU RG l Miss Hannah Hammond at Camp- bellvme and Miss Sarah Hammond tot Royal oak, Mich., spent last week at the home ot Mr. their nephew, Mr. VM. Hammond. 'Mr. and Mrs. Allan Yost and fam- ily and Mrs. Young of Humberatone Spent the week-end with friends here and were accompanied home by Mrs. M. You. Mrs. J. Fetch, Mrs. John Ham- mond, Mrs. Tom Birmingham and Mr. Jas. L. Hammond ot Crosshlll visited on aSturday at Mr. Ed. Ham- mond’s. Mr. Samuel Helm, who has been contlned' to the house tor seven] months is now able to be about and his My friends hope he may soon enjoy robust health again. We Mean It! NeverBeforeysuchvaiuessl Our Entire Stock of Cars Must Be Sold, and We Have Slashed Prices to Sell them Quickly Till MODEL ILLUSTRATED. WESTINGHOUSE Electric Washer 1934 Chevrolet Sedan 1934 Pontiac 8 Sedan " 1931 Buick 8 1935 Ford V-8 Kitchens?- Modem Depart-non! Star. DELUXE SEDAN . 1931 Oldsmobile Coupe - 1929 Plymouth Sedan " 1929 Pontiac Sedan - 1929 Essex Sedan " - 1929 Star Coupe - - 1932 Chevrolet 2 ton " Ontario St. S. DUMP TRUCK 1929 Ford Dump Truck - moeuIsGtugU0 up. . . . the. u.telrst in quality . . . " askitaiiG lfllTali8lill AUTO EXCHANGE The work involved in operating the Washer and Wrinzer is so little and so simple that enyone except an invalid can complete an ever-5e femu¥ washing in 40 to 60 minutes. The operation of o and: he is designed to save wear on clothes . . . . . by eliminating rubbing, wrenching and friction methods. it should make your clothes last up to 60% longer. Each machine is built for a generation of use under normal conditions without break-down or repairs. GEOUDIES am upon” um clothing “mum. - lifetime quality KINGWOOD At Our Clean-Up Fall Sale of Used Cars all LOSS G YOUR GAIN in}? - 3:71:35; joi- SO DON'T MISS THIS SALE! DELUXE SEDAN Many Others. KITCHENER Ego marks the spot where many a Hollywood marriage goes to pieces. --Butralo Courier-Express. H I188 King St. N., Waterloo llllllllIllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllll Wallpapers Reduced Patterns for all rooms. ALL 1936 PATTERNS mow clearance priced. (Across From Ford Garage) 600 Queen S. The Bengal Stations in Kitchener 491 King E. - - 7 ' (At Master’s Mill) The White Rose Station (Ahrens & Victoria Sts.) 81%? BUY GAS AT Save Up To 50% Telephone 950 $575 SS90 SSTS S2TS $175 $175 $135 SSS $350 S'5iliE $150 DAG. LLCrr: Phone 2661

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