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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 1 Oct 1936, p. 11

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"Ann, this is Jarred-and this, Jarred, is Jerry." Mary said eagerly. She wanted Jarred to like the kids. He was to be their guardian. As Mary looked at her young bro- ther and sister. she felt that she was more than repaid tor the grtbert$ict, she was making. They were both ttne yuungsters. "You will llke Jarred, both ot you she said. "I'lI see where he la.” CHAPTERXXVI _ 'Aml and Jerry arrived Al the that a-Vl'nlllg. Ann rushed Into Mary’s "ren.. i " hid out." He grinned. "Aunt Nettie wag making a pack animal out of me." Jarred took both Ann's hands, in his and smiled down into her tur turned (are, Then he turned-and held out a hand to Jerry. “I want to paint the town red, and you can take me around--" mean the night clubs and the dance places and all the bright lights," Ann said. "Mary hasn't let me see much ot those she thinks l'm too young." "Now, Ann." Mary cautioned. "Oh. you can't keep him all to yourself. I like handsome men. toot." Ann stepped close to Jarrod and smiiml up at him. Mary felt a little disturbed. uch’a will, “I “vi“ " ts» midnight-Flea“. tune bot-oe- her In - you.” “It's " ready." In, no“. brother and ulnar. Jerry and Ann] “than I think I'll so an and only on condition hat ah. uni-a shave." Jarred Marsh. a you“ III full He left the room. South America who. II. In never, "Are loin really wicked who no wen until he arrive. tor tho - to night clubs?" Ann III at!" of the wilt. She agree- to - If. archly. tor the take at Jerry and m, - "l'errbly risked but then We lie. aware that Jarrod and ear-lo Do to he wicked “eel-awhile." Jarrod Loss, secretary in the M M... answered unfit are confederate. in a plot to not "you’ll just have to who no out control ot the money. Don Harvey. before I go tech to achool. School newspaper reporter, who la in love in no Blow and ,anI. It bore. - with Mary, “Epoch a plot and ‘00- Ann slipped her arm through hia. some private snooping. “on I. I- "Come nloeur--lot'rt take a look at kidnapped aboard a freighter, he in the which." convinced that Jarred and Cal-mic: Mary watched them uneasily as have pald to get him out ot the way. they strolled out. Ann wa- ao young Meanwhile, preparations for thé‘od- and so toolkh. on]; arein run "in. I Meanwhile, Cal-Into De mu had "Sie. you are a fast worker'." she held Mary any from her and bull- ed. “Where is the groom? Tm dying to meet him! q 'Il'll you, I my try to cut you out!" Ste hesitated a moment. then went to the library. She found Jtrred sip- ping a whisky and soda. He got up quickly. T A Jerry had stood back with dig- nity. He now advanced with a grin. "Yes, produce him, sis," he Bald. slooping to kiss Mary. She 19d hlm into the living room. Hi., eyes fastened on Ann and stayed there, taking in her slender, flower. Iiko beauty Ann puckered her mouth into an arch pmno and stepped tor. ward. "Sn you are, to be our guardian?" Ann said with dancing eyes. That much of the provisions of the will had been made knoivn to her and Jerry. "rum, and I shall be a stern one," Jarred said, with mock gravity. - "I want you to meet the kids," Mary taid, - _ Theyinll laughed, and Maiy felt better. ' “I‘ll take you places and we'll see things." Jarred promised. Interesting Meet IW.F.A. Finals of U.B.C.E. Group,' Here Saturday The U.B.C.E. met in the church last Wednesday evening with Miss M. Bowman in charge ot the topic, "AreNi.qsions Done For?" The very interesting program included, "The History or our mission In China". by Miss Evelyn Brickor: “The History or our missions in Africa". try Rev. E. (Hugorloh of Now Dundee; "Tho Story of Doctor Liviretono in V rim". by Mrs. Elmer Stoltz; a solo, "I'll Go Whore You Want Mp to Go". try Gmrgo Prrrln; a duet by Miss liwlyn Hricker and Mrs. Elmer Stoltz, “IA-t the Lower Lighter be Burning"; and an impromptu debate on the subject, "Resolved that mis- sions are done for." _ IRev. Orville Thamer, missionary- ou-furlough from 'Ethiopia, will give an ilustrated address in the Evan- gr-lical Chmwh noxl gummy pvonlnx, ()rtohor 4. Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Hamnan and sons of [Impaler were guests at the home or the “have Hallman on Sun- any. Miss Ruth Henderson ot Btttttuo was a guest on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. w. Detweiler, Me. and MPS. Rum-r! volttm and Mrs. A. Yum-h visited at Winter- honrlw and Conestoga recently. Honry Innannn spent Sunday at his home in Palmerston. Weak-0nd ttttost" at tho home of Mr, T. Marshall were Mr. and Mrs. Ru" Marshall or Hamilton and Mr. and Mm. Harold Osborne and daugh- lm- “overly ot Toronto, Mis." IQSU'HA- llaymek of Waterloo "ite' a week-om! vlallnr In the vlllaga. Mr. and Mrs. kimer Stollz vlnlled 1sith Mn and Mm Merle Coleman at l'o-Hy's Corners on Sunday. Miss Florence slacNeill of Card|~ gnu. REL, Is a guest at the homo It' Mr. and Mrs. A, C. Becker. The Misses Bessie Hope and Cure! Nirholas and Mr George Hope visit- ml with the Mumps Orphn and Alma Dom-MIN at Kitchener on Sunday. \lr< A. Venom and T. Marshall mum! in Hamilton on sntnrdny. Among "19 Sunday guests at the homo or Mrs A Fried were Rev. and tir' Onlno Thamnrn and children. “I" M. Hallman and “I'D. Era Thumor of Kitchen". Mr. and Mm. Harry nrodhaocher and taught": of Divkin y1ettiprttortt, Mr. and Mm Wil- fmul “Humor and family and Mr. and Mrur Lortto Rownhnrzvr and daugh- luv of A7ur hundnn and 341111.th .Iml an" Murray or Pr'rry's Cotmprtt. him-n to Ihls, Hassle," said Mr. Tnhlr "Thu: arch-l0 many: that m unmt‘ or the old tnnman prisons thttt Dun.- Mon unmrlhnd ttuxy found tho [mu-mod rnmnlm of tho whom-rs" 'IlrttelouqV' "clan-nod In: wife. "Thou mnnt he what they all hud- pnod ctttgtitthlitr Mer 9".“"3'09‘ P? - JWMuNQN-f! ROSEVILLE l "How, now!" Ann laughed. axe Jumped up suddenly. and caught " hgnd. "I Just have to see It Mind In still in the pond," she cried. and ‘started dragging him along the path toward the tksh pond. "Did you learn all your charms lat a glrls' school?" Jarred asked. She tossed her early imbibed head. "Yon would ask a question like that.' IBut it you promise not to tell on me Ito Mary, 1'" tell you about my boy friends some time. l'm not an old- F'iiiis'i:ii girl like your bride-tome." She stopped beside the tish pond. I "Why. mm has grown a tall inch!" she cried. "You'll “It In. to an no out before I go hock to Ichool. School In so slow and Mull. It bore- me." An slipped her an through to. "Come nloe1tr--lot'. take I look at the which." Jarred made a mock bow. "You are an adorable person." he said. Ann giggled and propped her chin in her hands. "Yea. yes. KO on. 49V Jarred." " crave a this but am afraid to ask it," he said. Meanwhile, Canals Do to»: had missed nothing from when; Iho at In the library. her on cocked mind this half-upon door. She knew Jarred all too well. A "glrl that impeded to hlm turned his head completely. Ann and Jarred strolled acrosl the garden. she perched on a "at In the arbor and smiled molly up " him. "Now you an begin being our: nice to me," she said. “I've been cooped up with nothing hut girls for ages and I crave romance." "Which one is Mitzi?" Jarred slipped an arm around her and bent over the pond's edge. - - _ "The one with the white spots and hm eyes," Ann giggled. " we." He. turned her around. “So it're tho bright lights you want?" He was in a reckless mood. What did Mary or Carmie matter, with this slender wisp of a girl so vital and alive before him? "Byre," Ann answered. "We might sneak " tonight. Mary and Aunt Nettie wilt be run- ning around making no do things If we don't duck out." "Let's." Ann said eagerly. "About eight. I'll have my roadster at thaolde door. You can tell Mary you are sleepy and tired and are, go- ing to bed. Then you can slip oat." Jarrod was flushed and eager. “nut I never get run down that soon, and Mary known It. Make " ton." Ann turned toward the house. "And now, there'll be trouble it l don't son Aunt Nettie right away.“ "Ton it is," Jarred said. and fol- lowed her up the path. (To be Continued) o" Saturday, Oct. 3rd at 3.30 Fut. the Rosevllle-New Dundee football eleven wilt meet the strong Boynor love“ in the first ot the two ttnal gaining [or the intermediate run The return game will be playml at Raynor on Thanksgiving .Day. The Raynor leven wlth two straight wins nvor 'Wlarton In the sutnti4inal round are out to take homo the w. P. A. intermediate cup. A very In- tart-sling game in expoclod as the local boys are ready to give their hast hrnrder to brlng tho cup to Roseville tor the first llme in him tory. The referee will be Harold \thern of Guelph. Good luck to the boys! Mr. and Mrrt. Jack Svhinnmor and family returned to Detroit after spending a few days with friends here. Mr. Carl Allomnng accompanied by Flash Moyor of Dunnvllltn In attend. ing the World‘s Sorlws In New York. The many (Honda ot Miss Ramona Meyer. who In ponvalosvlng at the St. Mary's Hospital. ant-r a room]! oporatlon, are pleased to learn that she is Improving nicely. Miss Clara Trendnll of Kitchener wen! Sunday with Mr and Mrs. IPO, Wetror. Miss Ruth Sdmmmvr of Linwood i., spending a few days with hnr uncle, Mr. Matt. Schummer. Mrs. Kate Chtunherlttin has moved I ----- hm- honnohold 969013 to Kiichnner. "Strange a” Shells” by A. Hyatt where ahP will take up tttture retti. ITorrm (L. C Page Co., Bolton). A doneo fascinating hook giving the entire Mr. and Mrs. Henry Alli-man: and story ot am sheila. Interesting to Mr. and Mrs. Harvny Rmrgman of mung and old. Mount Hpnry and Ed, Eamon Inn for l‘ulnloy where "my nrn conduct- Ing a cider mill. Mr. Joseph .Runststlm' Sr, of Lin- wood walled friends and relatives Iwro recently. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Allnman: and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rmrgman of Detroit spent tho wppkmnd with Mr and Mn. A. Allemmg. MPs. Matt Schummer is npendlnx a ttrw days with friends in Detroit Mr Paul "ofNrth ro'nrnod home after spendlng a tow day: with Manda m Bruce County The Old Spudor A man. nearly night); walkod lwnnly mllns {mm hls home to an adjoining town Whon he reached hi: drannllon he MN “on"! with ~nllll' nolnnlqhmnnl In .In :u'uualnt .Hlt‘l‘ "You walkrd all tht, rlulmml tho aotuHini:tuco iott 2M along?" "Oh. tirgt rate" tlt" old man rr piled "That Is. I did hll l ramp to that nigh out than, ‘Slow Down to Fifteen Milo. Per Hour' That kept mo but *otrt* tw ST. CLEMENTS “4.) Hon did i Ed. Schleuter was a vleltor in town on Monday. , Mr. and Mrs. Frank McGoey spent Saturday evening in Kitchener. l Forty Hours Devotion was held in St. Mary's RC. Church, commencing Sunday mornlng and ending Tuesday ‘vvnning. 3 Miss: Mue Koehel and Ralph Mama viaited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarko Wright of Newton Sunday. United r.fur. PI- 1 For Season’- Won-k mmumt.r.u.uu (mud Chub-u a it - My.“ ".e.0.atae.. ”Nahum-uh balm-“mint. Incl.- nyuumucmm nip coin-or II the an... at“ Erud Falkner who In an to M Manhunt tun. Gulch It In. 'ttscHgtd that than. - tNtaM and the fourth uunsl convention of the Hamilton Yam Pooplo'a “or once of the United CM " GAI- ada to b. you In Trinity nut-g A number of member: ot the Young People's Union ot the United Church attended the welner uni corn mast on the (arm ot E. G. Wad, Pri. day evening. Church. Kitchener. on can]. 8 and uh. vet. to “and. no In.“ “I. of the tort-uh", .091qu rm M Thursday 0cm" r Lam Aid Mot. The Ladies' Aid ot Bt. Poul”- la- lheran Church held their meeting at the home of Mm. Wu. von. Omn- hlll. Hold Got-min unto... o'l'gifidtQ"fc,f 1'T.'"g'geh Sunday visitors " the home of Ban (his GU _ . . . . Hieronlmus were: Mr. and hlm. Pred- . erlck Hohnenz and son. Mrs. Earle Miss K Selp returned home After ot Bridgeport, Herman Hum ot spanning a law days with Menu Heidelberg, like Agnes Hieronimnl. lu Kitchener. Mm. mun. my and family, In. Dr. R. Hall or Millbanl van a re- Bphralm mu. Mr. and in. Jocob (-Pnl vlsnor In town. .Kautnun, Mr. and Mm. Frank Knut- Mms ‘Ruth Schummer its spending man and son of Kitchener. a few days with relatlves In St. um Rube! Hott who spent the Clements. past year In Hamilton, spent a. few Misses Dell and Mary and Mr. darts at the homes of her uncles. Jlmmy Brennan of Guelph called " Allan and George Gluten, prior to me home of Mr. Michael Stemmler, leaving tor her home In bandit. Sui. Misses Dell and Mary and Mr. .Hmmy Brennan of Guelph eatied n .he home of Mr. Michael Stemmler, Sunday. Mr. and Mrxr. Frank Stephano and children or Rochester 'rpeat . (ow days with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Far- rell. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumlmer, chil- dren Joanne and Peter ot Detroit spent Friday evening at the home or Mr. and Mrs. F. Schuimner. Mr. and Mrs. ‘Rou Warren ot To- ronto and Mrs. Clara Simpson ot Hespeler spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schultz. Mr. and Mrs. Weese ot Dresden spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nurse. Frank Amen! and Loyd Amen “ox-n visitors in Kitchener Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. 'R. E. Foster and tuildttn visited in Fergus Sunday. (Nu-man nervlcee were held In St. Peter's Lutheran church Sunny morning at 10.30 o'clock. Miss Adelaide Brenner was a re- reni visitor in North Bay. Mr. and Mm. Earl Taliban. Mr.. and Mrs. Chria. Timber! and Mrs. Conrad 'Koenig are spendlng the weke-end in 1Buimlo. Mr. and Mrs. Balm Mann and family of ‘Hawkesville spent Sundly at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hahn. Miss "Betty Zimmerman WN., ot Guelph is visiting at het homttere. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Linseman of Tralee spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Martin Linseman. Mr. and Mrs. Levi strlclmor of Monmavilln WPI‘p visitors In town K'alurday. , - . Gebrge sehumaer. Edgar McTaw ish. Tony Koebel, Sam Knobs] spent Qunday in oyto Scullg. _ _ noréuny White of Kitchener spent tho week-end with friends ln'town. Miss Gnce Redmond spent the week-end at her home In Auburn. Mr. Menno Schleuter, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schlonter arn visiting out Wosst. "The Adventures ot Lanny Cushion Tail" by Stern Rosa (E. P. Button Co., New York). Children never tire or bunny stories, and little Cushion Tail is such a loveable fellow that children will love him at once. He is still very young when his mother sent him out in the big world, and tho poor little rabbit had to depend nu Mother Nature to teach him. He met many other little animals of the ‘wmuls and had many adventures. 1 plenty ot tun. and not to know every- thing a rabbit should know. A rharming story beautifully produced, and the illustrations by Glenn La- timor are original and attractive. “Town- Gay" by (‘harlie May Simon ik. P. Button Co.. Now York). Miss Simon‘s two previous books are still vory popular and we feel aura this new one wilt find a ready wel- oumrx Toeny was the only child the Gay family had on their houseboat on tho White River and when her only playmate morn down the river. mo is vory lonely. She was happy “hon Rho found Dallma an orphan Inn): Tho ran-free life of these flgher Iuople on tho simple houseboat! is n happy one. even though tragedy hovers near when the flood "new them away: A very rim: story for children trom six to ten, "Romoono New to have" " Jan Tempo" (Mllls & Boon. London). Marcia Rollo loved her husband do. mlorlly tttttil another woman clmo tttio hln llfo Too proud to ttttht. Mar- l-In gm. up her beloved Carey, Aftor tho ullvnrcn shr- wanted dmporntely n. have mm.- nnr- to long int! mot Paul Kllroyd " would haw been an ill"'ll union. hut Pnul had an in- mlul wlfn and doop down In her Wart who ~dlll lonzod for Farm" She ii,1-, in " rrnnl 'ulomrut. and only Iinw told hnr no“ to am, A Maulllul luv Rtopr told with "ndeotartrMtttt Tho Chnriot of how" hv Elluholh Humm (NHL! & 'Room London) When "nary Wuyno married Donn}. Wrldine aha wn " luv” u the Literary Notes M310 l ilalketsheeilas Among those who attended the Gan Fah- were: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schmidt, Miss Mary 'Roll, Jacob Al- hrecht, Mr. and Mrs. Allan (Matter and (tinny. Mr. and Mrs. M. Shunt: and Mr. and Mrs. C. Shani: and daughter Win Prlzu with Cons. to “MI-Trick "Wt (in (to. local OI My .0.- tn .0. “In; . ”(V-8 matron-puma:- pnlp at Pour qather sad M " “no" oe an. After hull. that: rank itlied they and In. who: it the up up on would, and upon her looking may drove " without out“. he nu fortune aunt in wearing the number or their ll- colue M " once named tho pro- vincial police who responded. As yet no word in Do. roe-"ed ot their having been unwound“. Mr. tad Ins. E. Patch and dauah- let mu olive of was»: spent Sundpy at the home ot John L. 'Tara- Mr. and Mn. Sun Br]: tad son are spending a tow dun with rob lives In Detroit. Mr. and Mm. Charles Hieronlmus and son, Mrs. Jam Inner 3nd Ed- ward Ride] of Kitchener spent Wed- nesday with Sum HIeronlmus. Rev. Than. Marrywsather of Da- mascus will preach at Boyd Church anniversary services Sunday Oct. 4 at In an. and 7.30 pm. A mixed quartette from MooreM1d will pro- vide special music. All are cordially welcome. Din-4c! “PM. Walnut Rout. John R. Albrecht and sou who have been attending the Fall Fairs in the surrounding district have been very successful in bringing home a number ot tirtet prizes with their three colts. Anniversary Service. Next Sunday. A very enjoyable evening was spent last Friday when about 50 ot the 'Linwood, Hawkeeville and Cross- hill Y.P.U. met on the farm or Pfr. man Ward for a weiner roast. After playing games. Miss M. Kelly ot Guelph gave several very amusing recitations. Several musical numbers with violins and guitar were played by Mime: 'Ruby Ward and Jessie Hammond and Vincent Goats, after which all enjoyed the weinem and could be until she found good looks ple not count for much. Dennis ls shirtless and when Hilary succeeds in a venture where her husband Ind failed he refuses to (sin: advantage at " and they 'ttttttly separate. She ,lnim- meets him in Hollywood where .ho Is a (rent star In the movies, and |reallzes she has losi him, She dare. ,not rink other loves hut milenily .walis. Tho reward In all tho greater, Illr-vlrlmlly .1 wry tine ttteco of ileilnn I-,'-., "T éiéliTRAL oNiARIo BUS LINES, LTD. rt E TORONTO a tum-tm-tttmmm-ttist-tttmt-n-ttnm-tmr" "mmm-mum-ttttsm-tttttttttttttttmmm-tummm-l-.' POLICE [NV-STIGATING "Moonlight Cruise", try mum O‘nrian ("mu & Moon, London). Fat» threw throw ntrnnxo character. together on n delightful ”all? to Majorca Paula hated man, or thouth qhn did; tt'landlo who lnle vmmnn and Anthony who had loved 9nd forumrn Iovo Undnr tho mngh- ttPell of the Modlterranottrt tholr outlook on "to vhnnzm, and gradually thoy are nurprlaml to tind that low vnnnot hr' donlod. and M . result. tho next nrulne w" a wry happy honnymoon Ono of Mill, and know; but hook: this Fall Hotels - Travel - Resorts Arrow Basses To TORONTO - mANovnn - I310110011 - erh. plun- i. cull for nehedulou. at”. one. Georg. Campbell. 129 Kin. Street East, Kitchener - Phone 3679 To GODEBICH - :thaatttiu 7 - To HAMILTON - Nantu- Sound. Lave -t-r.--..---. 1.n, r- mu- .-.--_- from Kitchener depot - opposite City Hall. CROSSHILL 7 trips daily - vi: Guelph, Georgetown, pry_mirton-c1.?.0 a.m., 7.95 u.m., IHIr n.m.. 2 trips daily - via Palmerston, Wilkerton - 9.40 n.m., 4.50 pan. Also to Mount Forest, Durham nnd Owen Sound " above times. 9 tript jail! t.06 4 gigs daily :15“ Stringer-d - 12.135 mm; 1 a...» “u, .... _.-.__--_- - _ 11.05 a.m., 3.35 p.m., 5.40 pan. Sun. a Bol. 3130 at 10.86 pan. Connecting with Direct Motor Conch Service to Windsor, Detroit, ijago. 2 trips daily - via Mitchell, Clinton - 11,lm 3.111., 5.40 gm. tr trips dniiy - vin Guelph - 8.40 10.htii.tt1., 2.45 2.m., 4.50 2.111.. 7.45 1 trip GE 2.uriGiL,is0 pan.", 7.45 pan.) daily m-----...--..- ' a in. Soc-yd Pkg. in annulm- llhmduimth' MCI-nylon: “mutton u‘tho Wallaby - oup School In: loll In It. Chu- 0-1...de the county was held In Gull on Saturday. II." Mr Iood squig- u to be count-mod upon winning and place and m awarded the pure-bud “will!!! I weeks old now. Mr. boob a. Ar brecht I: also to be co-ttrut" upon Ming lbek conch. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Selp and ttum ily spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Corn. Reldt. Mr. and Man. Wm. Wettlluter um son Austin spent Tuesday evenlng with Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Selp. Billy owner and Blind no“. who var. new in ijI Mr. and In. t W. any!” 534 two hunter and Jetnes 'lar, le~ Queen of Guelph upon! and” with two datum»- uh! uh. Mary Me. Mr. and In. [Nebulselp And lor- lene nnd Mr. Howard Sou) upon: Sun- day anemoon with Mr. and In. Jacob my. MIKHand Mrs. Teltord Selp and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Fred Hath. Mr. Melvin Bender from New Haburg called on Mr. Allen Dela last Monday. _ _ 09inch Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wettlwter and son Austin spent Sunny with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Sculls In Kurt.- ville. . A number of people attended the hotel opening at St. Clements on Thursday evening. Mr. Alvin Schweltzsr spent last Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. John was Ruth Selp and Mr. Elmer Rou- ber. Mr. and Mrs. Anson Derrusrttng and baby spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Diets. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Krellor, Mr. and Mrs. Manson Dickert Bad Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Selp and Marlene and Mrs. Howard Sen) spent Sunday evening with Mr. and In. Eldon Demerllng. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Demanding are spending several days in Hamilton. Mr. David Roth and sons Jolfn, Milton and Ernie spent Sunny with Mr. and Mrs. Menno Roth. IMr. blaylon Ouch spent at Poole last Sunday. - - Last Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Ellen were: Mr. and Mrs. John Ellen and dough- ter Marguerite and Miss Marie E1- lert trom Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kraehllng and Miss Mme Meyer trom st. Agatha and um Agnes Kraehllng, Jerome and Ma- netta Wagner. 7 sr. inders. John Desch and fun- ily spent_Sunday at Nlthburg. ADVERTISING In The CHRONICLE PAYS : via Pukhill - 10.50 mm. I OUIIV. WILL CONDUOYID. OOIVIIIII', IODCII "to '00- NOYIL-II HIV“ DAV“ - '0. 'MDII VIII I " LUII TAXI V”. - 0. - Clo JOSEPHSBU " CL] FFORD at Standard Time Schedule on l Mr. Edward .Kirch, who had unfor- itunately cut his hand with a. men. slicer. returned to Ms Kitctteturr home and later entered hosplul for ltreatmem to the Injured member which would not yield to - mo- dlcal attention and home treatment. tit1lSie2tl2hidiiSel- 'ii. J. II: .. - no. an the m. In: no ‘Iclvdlor All new. a: “to. 7iG at My an. od 17m [ Mr. Jacob Kieuzle, who Ind joined Winterbourne and Heidelberg mud- on a linking up to northern Lake inshore points, mu rammed with 'M"- ion] beauties ot In.“ trout. ‘Iobby Kin-ch WIN Pdu. to.“ loud”- In Inch-or all other mm. Me. w. I. William and the Iain. linden mauu ot Kim I” - at the bong ot Mr. mid In. Artur James the other My. Iou ”an unnot- u the _ daughter It.“ were not". “than at the Raul] shuts long an: thy-ville. One ot our oldest residents, lira. Mary Veitch, rellct ot the late Wal- ter Veltch, passed away suddenly early Saturday evening, trom the " fects of a stroke suffered several days before The late Mrs. Veitch, ne Mary Duncan was in her mu year and had prior to a year's resi- dence in this village lived in the Winterbourne neighborhood tor many years. There survive a family of 8 daughters and 2 sons, namely, Wil- liam and Mrs. James Burnett ot near Winterbourne. Dr. Hugh Veiwh ot Toronto and-Mrs. McBride and Mrs. (.Dr.) McCriddeu of New York City. Mr. Veltch predeceased his wife by a year. Mr. Sol. Kirett and was Harry sud Bobby were at the an: m .on Fri- day exhlbmn the purebred Janey calf that had won the red ribbon in the Dairy breed elm at tho Town- uhlp School Fall- 3 for days Mote and won second money at out. The can 1nd been trained and handled by the son Bobby. Rev. S. J. Wittlg with half a dozen or so St. Matthew's Brotherhood mem. bers attended the unnuu convention in First Engllm Luther-tn Church In Kitchener on Sunday attertioon. A group at young friends or Wilbur “only were guests at a hirthday party in his honor at the Roy Comm home on Saturday afternoon. MARV VEITOH - Mr. Herb, Huh I” n baa-men Hutton: tn Heupeler and out on Sun- Mr. Fred Wepplor lost a nimble cow while on pasture, lust week. The funeral was held on Tuesday afternoon with a service at the late home at 2.30, after which interment was made in the Whtterttottrete ceme- tery. District relatives attended the fun- ral of Walter lRitter at Elmira on Sunday afternoon. Postpone Tea on Member’s Death. The Ladlea' Club who had com- pleted arrangements tor a tea to be held last Tuesday have postponed the event tor a week out of respect to the late Mrs. Veltch. one ot their valued members. valued members. l Silo filling is a common farm work The order or servlcec In the Lu- in the neighborhood now and the theran Church conducted on a spe- harvesting ot mangola and potatoes clal sumaler schedule, will now re. wlll follow In close order. ILMHGUOII-Iom'olll Illustrated Booklet gladly fur-lulled STEAM-HEATED THROUGHOUT - MODERN LOG CABINS A Licensed Airport - Seaplane Blue 'hh..-+rrGdtkrt-ora,thoks-ofh.hudim6onr-" 't_tho-e-odkoahh.Yo-oltt.ro-ur_ ”ulna-lot” mu. 'Fr-tk-h-o-h-dei-rr--'--'" -otoh--dt-1threhnt"6-ruvo.udit. "er-REA/Y-meter-u.--,,---. -ldt.tttr-d-t1-tth-uf-Phr_Cut- M-r-.-1- mood on” hello Ian-n Huddl- -hodqer-tarre1t-tthtm1r-fTtunah-how-" "nAerArWTr=rt-l.-oedu.-hau.ahu "tGoh-tta-ook-o-_-mo-l-.'-' m‘m‘ddmmhl ro--,"---- "r_r*ri.nmdLv-rrir.oa-rate-. ,h0ol.f-.oittvure-dmtar.eheqhuo-ut-h- -rrArq H "In nitolnloly "mfldeotui. P9.tBmBthruahtatPREEtfroe-io.BtHeee. ”ammo-QJQMM‘ -,-r_.es.hu'h..A.e4erratMkeuHekre-b-" nun-Illumi- 'rr-h-h-hh-tu-rd-lr-o-UO-hot ' / ‘r , Fd B, " " " kd EMMY Mth - %ttts, ‘lu . L ' u $2 "l"lr-S8, “Lid PA' 'illlltli IL “my. ' B, H ‘ a. a tC' Low FALL RATES , F. H. WHEEL“ NOW IN EFFECT I Man-(Ill mm... In Bed For Weeks With Buckache it - “the ho- ts lath-t tutudtidsar-totahsErV .nt5nttnNrurb.ehatehe,andb- ftrg2efgitthP,ttt't2 in.” “Kuhn“. 'u.iqthe uttqeahrmrvttas- "Aboettht.U-inatrear1hnd toll-known ran-din. bet to no avail. Then I not. to "a't"dt telling her of I, trouble. - to no by "turn of post 1atiLtt to try Kin-thou Bulb. 1 in t.- Ltre,ip,tPpthl'et2"e; ully any More I had his. a. Mth dose I could sit up. I kqt on taking them 1nd in lo. than tic weeks I In about min. I an never without Krulchen now."- odra.t A.G. nun ”in buyback M was prom.“ for thro. Inch l eon” Iotaarhoinbod. Imam-u Unless the kidneys function prop- uly, certain acid wastes. hit.“ of being expelled, are ullowed 'ut,',',-, lute the.blood~atreum and pr uce troublesome symptoms: he”. rheumatiam, rand exec-give ham. Kruschen Salts in in en: out diuretic or Hume): nperiont. valuable in 'r,!f,,t,t's the 'HJneyl ti, excrete acid impur ties. ' Mr. and Mrs. L P. Armstrong spent Sunday with Mr. and Mm. Ed- gar Denote“, near Tnlee. Mr. Geo. We": spent mu Satur- day In mauve]. RIVALRY QUICKENS BETWEEN PACIFIC BOATS "neouver.--Withdr-l of the Union Ron! Mail line, operating out of San Funcisco to Sydney, from the "eifle, is expected to quicken competition between "B. aels plying from this port arsd the American Mason Line of San Frnncisco. It is regarded ID quite probably that the Aonngi and Niagara, oper- ated by the Canadian Austnl-Aainn Line in which the Cnnndinn Neiite Railway bu In interest and which is linked to the line being cloud, my route its boats Vin Funciaco to give competition to the MItson line. Mrs. Joseph Brahman of Damascus spent a week with her daughter. Mm. William Kraemer. vert to the usual order. A German service will be held in the [Lutheran Church next Sundny morning at 10.30. On Sunday. Oct. ttth Harvest Thanksgiving with Holy Communion will be celebrated in an Englhh up vice commencing at 7.30 in the even- lug. Woolwich Council Mon. Oct. s. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Atkln and son John ot Milverton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William “when. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lerght and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Lambert attended the Galt Pall Fair on Sammy. Mr. Wilfred Walter spent In! Monday in Kltcpener. A - Next Tuesday's Woolwich Council meeting will have the Road Mummy Insurance as an important luminous matter to Lake up. was Retief with inn-elm. as nilen north of Montreal. DORKING I...

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