Mr, and Hrs: l. [in Grilcv Hull-wk ol Kill"! lor, in the viiuurs. nu Mr and Mrs' Wm Mr and Mo, Joliu Wo. 111-- o'. I lish rTrHIwmn-m str. guru-1m: w limp a) thr. hum tc.' It, mm .Iaulu-s Hoi Sumla‘. \‘mII-n‘s M In- .'I->m-' ul ('llznr "unit“: m1. u, ,xl-Il .5.â€qu â€wk qrl 'l‘mun‘n M, Mo Wallut . 'Ncats and tit ml- ' y ul' I'm-Inn. Sim “plum Sim†m"ctqtivdsr. 1n (In-um- Mr. James Willi-n: m’ Ila-mi spun! the, m-vk-rwl an 1hr ham his lull-rub, M, "ul Mrs N Wil., 111 All“ Mrs â€JII‘. Emir, u.- Mr, Jun-uh Srhmlm "tul-v, lb. Blll'll' t'siiu:duy sxilh I'I'i‘l'.»1\. Winn-1» in “minim-.1, (my Mv. llllll Mr" " it, or Kitchener “mm \ in the village min-ml) Mr and “gs lu' tG!ttihl, daughler Finn-luv u; KH- Enu- vi.~uurs ul the Inunv of “I "r, P Klvlnalswuln-r on SUIHLU Ilv, H MrWillium., Irt l Wsts. \i-Euu: In L'u. NIL-2v “u Mr. and Mos, Eli Hudwn ot' m mt. lord st'ettl Sunday .1! tlte kwuw ot Mr and Itre Harm Rude. Mr. and Mrs, " (bu-ll and â€an; t free ~rhuluhlup hiâ€: all In null from tht- [:Iclu|\ will ‘u Brite. [Mk dull"; I’ll-um: a Inâ€. 1.itomicie. Th.. lruinin; "isiUo" ul A sclvctinwr a frus \uung Im-n m ' thu- Trlc'\i~iun mill ‘nun'l p, mechanirally nr cGtricrrti, m. ur cvtmings. The Moon is our Hole’ 'l3Enrs by hir' Drum. Ira-A and She-(t “tn-n; vol-me about! a [an an hie: t Under Two _ flags _ W â€up“ _ TUESDAY _ WEDNESDAY _- MAY " . no Vin-t rteurtspht . r1193»! - QATUIDAV - - " - u Fred Muuunny 4- BM; A Supporting Cast of 10,000 At Tho mm..- TttddiirGi j "We thought going without a telephone would be any commonly. But we missed it . . . lerribly. We were out of much with frieruU, I couldn't reach the stoma. With Ted at the office, I was lonely all day long. "When we redial-d how mueh our lelvphone mum. we Midst! to have it luck. New Tee appreciate how inexpemivr a telephom rally it." th MllIaIIl Sun-v... Coh- _ CM“. Cult-I "cul- _ Inn-lulu...“ FREE" SlZIIUL \RSIHI’ W. MILNER Added Attraction DOON lN TELEVISION mm will: tr-'urmsc- “v on SHINLI} II lluil’n-II Jon: Bun-r11 In; n; mull uni tft, an!“ " M have it baekl" n K .. mls tl Il SI: I‘m-nun ', n " "r ll ttttt ttttl atP AND SOUND PICTURES of " " u “anâ€: Viviart and Winnie and i-‘ma M 'j,unit w-l'eet.tii"""y' in Kit- str, wr tir,' mum“ I! Pride ofilldhtarines Ail-i Futu- SEN gang†" . The an... Pm. Van ",rLT lino-u] aunt. vol-m- A In“: Iolloul every thrill! I Edi-and Low. 1 Vitlili. Br- l., “The Gaidén mllh Charla 3““an A Flange In: “7;; SI: a gnu-NI. Fun. ll “THE CATTLE mixer" Wan Gen-v- “at“ M Ht 'sl, c m-m r. MM III III. Il Murder Case" Pm)“. HIE; 'r “an: l'rople's League of the l ( .trrrr ('unn-h held a mother's . ,u. " nu Sunday running. Miss E' T: , “.1" m tite chair anal 1 ll Wourr. 'st' Hull gaw- 'rIIl ud- tit ' um!“ _ Luv. _ Th.- awr- ‘hnll hum llu\.a the m-i Ur- Fwd Holsbs, and [ Fyh. A we!“ Sunday at the I u: and Mrs Wm. Caster ot min-ling 11w traosportation .. lust mum-"L III I's, I‘nn Numlrer "m u l l’nlurv umnuL-rmrrr i, Jitt fur future positions in huh.“ ~u~ln1nl must be Iirrer, to studs qurr limo U:, I’M-d Smith ot Gall “tw‘k rm] at their summer VKWA Feature Urs. Wut Buserer ot Kit. m Sun-lay at their sum- ;u the village. Ins Harry Bade. Mr. and Wm m.- were business vi- w‘u-n nu Monday. I ,m.| S Playtjuiot Gall -' in» Ink in the village on NI U llâ€. um! “I: U tl {undid} mun of Gall "pertt lllv Inn-w ttf Mr, and “In A. U Wolfe. mm u 'icilor itt Gall NJdmt’sh of Maplss ALI) visitors at the â€Imam" oi "restou r's Day service at [ Hun (‘hurrlL Mrs, 175' '17... Notethe LOW COST of Residence Service (Wall-Typo 1W) “on You I Tam h YOUR Home? I Ciut.rae (sang. "Tell Mother I'll be .Tlmre“. The choir of the church sang (the anthem "Flowers of the Field". lttev. C. Herbert Woltg ot Gatt can. (mu-teu the Mothet"s Day Berviee at Hm "oott United Church (m Sunday afternoon. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrm Jams. A, Keuueoy were Mr. and Mrs. than. Harman and Mrs. Mary Ken- nedy “I; of Waterloo and Mr. and Mn, Thus. Lime-man and daughters "orothy and ftoyetta nt Dunning. Mr and Mrs. Len |Harrimm and sun tmn "rum-n1. spent Sunday with an: and Mrs. DerrnistHamey. Miss Angela Gibbonu spenl the “PM: and at her home in London. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kocher and Mrs. Simon Stemmler apex)! Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Klein ot Walk. I null. Mr and Mrs. Harry Eve-wind chu- dren Delores and Midwel ot Toronto waned on the lath-Wu aunt. Miss A. Bani-man on Hand“ awning. Mios Eh-auur Maser is spending a row days at Sler home here after hav- ine her "mails rammed at the Lis- Ium-l 1tetwrriaI Hospital Saturday. Mr, Simon Slommler made a mm gums [rip to Elmira on Monday. _ vrsitor,s on Sunday with Mr. and Me Isillnrr Maser were Mr. and Mrs Joe Kekert and family or St. (‘lmnn-ms. Mrs, Alttert Straws of Jo- wphslmrg and Mr. and Mrtr. Gem-go Toll and Lnuily ul' near .uavton. Mes-cus, Juhll and Ht-urgo teaster spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs, Mei, vin Manley. Miss Evelyn Huntley is visiting with friends in Guelph. Mr. Pat Gin-dat or Toronto spent Sunday all his home hero. “in; Martorie McAIlInler of Lon. don spent Monday with her mother.- Mrs A McAllister The many friends at Mrs. J H Shepherd ulll be do"; to learn of her mums and hope tor a snugly my toyery. Retell! guests " the home or Mr. and Mrs Kenneth McAllister wwrv Mrs, Hislop of Salmon Arm, ttc. ami Mr and Mrs, E, Clamp of Pure Mr. and In. David Blade: and lulu: - Sana, I“. it. 'or ner'l motor, In. an“! Sand-t. Br.. Mus Ruth Brubacher ot Snuuyllde was a Sunday guest of her smud- umlhm; Mrs. J, (Wu-suns). mu unum'unliul oe an no In. A, Bhutan†Guy _ - - ' - - __ 'I'CMIIL‘II't buy or near Koo-um called on the I uncullum [mum'- mother, In Jottrt mm“ diam: ou 1 on Buadtsy, Lam“... H-“ Ur and Mrs. A. A Stutrt of Royal Oak, mm t spent the weekend with then cousin, muses luv and Abbie Benn» ' In. Ilium not]: spent Smithy ll her home in Wallenuom. It um In. Witon Bechtel and In. Anna Damn" ot Commune Muted Him “In (hi-cl on Sunday Two nth-tribunal“.- $2.25," null A line to mac" ""'""-'1ettttt_rHes' M... HESSON tuner “I mnrtaitci “is Mr. and Mrs (11» Allsurrartp, "I' St. (‘10ml-Ills. Mrs. Um. Wtsirummilbsr and dauqtttor-Miss Marion ol' Elmira- and Mrs. M. June". Mr., J Dummy: and danghle‘r Frantic nf I'm-sum wan-v Similar turn" at lhe. (:ii‘u' lmnw Min..- Harjnriu 1toh spun ll).- mnl and nvvr Sutulay ot the ny her parPnts m-ar Lnndnn, Ditrtvio Irinnvrs wrw Infurnwd has! Friday at the deals: m Toronto nu that day of Mrs. Wizatreth b'seyler, nae Miller. horn and brought up in the Hui-mm Gtovr. Bruin" "my EI- miru. Loral vmlatiu-a annulml the. fanecat 11.4.! in Waterloo on Monday allernmm, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hwidlingor and two daughters of Radon WPre Sunday {meals m rn-lutin-s in Ihr. village, Mr Fwd (ml-.4 of Filming. qu-nl Sunday wirit irietts'u; luv-"run Miss Marie Kimzrlu of Khrhnm-r sun-m mmr Sunday umlvr tho yum-n- tat root. Rev. s, J. Wiriig mlvndml tho ieaguo m'uluriral cont-st finals held in Xow "umhuru 'm Sunday ttttms not"). _-. . Mr. and Mrs llm-ln-rnlahmpr uf Itetroit. Mr, and Mrs "PM lluhnu-r and daughlvm nr LinwumL Mrs. Harry IRtxx-frl-r and dam-mum, Miss Marjnriv "3lroh aud hruhlvr llm'nlll or Kitl'lu-m‘l Wetu. ..|w|nlinu Sunday :II tfao pun-Inn! home uitlt Mrs. Henry " Hanan-r and Mr. and Mrs. M. C Ell-oh Mr. lnrns- Durst rttol the Misros Ada and Vtxra "'rtydtw of West “MIL hw- Were Sunday Huh-rs with Ihu-ir frinmL Miss Murmur! ' Mr and “ti. J.n- Drvismgor, Ilaughler L- sum. , on Edwin and Mr. DreiMtw,eu"s Lao sisters. Mrs. Wm. "rox and. Mrs Fh ml Hal-km"; Mr. and Mrs. Alvin "iwaisitretu. daughter Alum. and \Il and Mrs Wm. Hahn and nluuglllrr VI'IJ. all vi Elmira. wrrv \)v~ilillg M, Mu': "etiiiuvrtue itt lln- hulnr all u, and “m Hu-I‘IL Hnehn on Sunday Mr, and Mia" Louis Ohrrger of Owen Smmd. Mr, and “rs. Albert Srhael'er Httl Edward and Mrs. Geo, Sehaefer ct Watru'too, Mr and Mrs Gordon Srhuimll of Elmira. and Mrs John srlnin-rlmlvz new Sunday uni-sly: at I‘m futtn hull!" u: Mr. .IIIII Mo,. "run K Srhnl‘fl-r. Mo,. Allm of Kin-lu-Ih-r has un- u-n-tl myâ€) hm drum“: as " (lumvvlu: at tlt" homes ot' Mr, Vlnrnh Sv'uwn-i- IZH'. TI Mr. and Mrs Hawkhurr and tannin: Mr. and Mrs. horn" s‘hmiull and Misses Marita Ida and "evrha Hack, hart visited with MI: and Mm. ('hm'lo-s Markham vu Sum-ulny 0VI‘H- I'm: in hunnr of ltr- Ila-Mum‘s _ q nty~1hinl Wyn-Hula), The early m the season heat wave that “ruck the proviure the latter part of his! week had 9y. in [hr tstrade Thermometer readings, which is a "soon! (or hot "Pells so early m the 80351)" Agriculture trom out, were in this district on Tuealuy of In! week. pur- chasing am†pm: of Advanced Re ;Iury stock trum members at the Waterloo County Adraoced Registry Swine Atstrociatiort, including BeTeral lrum the pens ot the local members, Muslin. Unns G. Weber and Walter Strott This sunk III- delivered to Kitchener on Friday trom where " Nuts transported to Durham County Mr and Mrs Mun Good and daughter Ethel last 'rtsurraiay Allend- ml 3 'hinhday eelebratrou in hulmr of the 83rd birthday at In: Good} fa- ther. Rev Peter Cuber '" Kitchener. Totvmstsio Road superintendent Norman Sunder mas mperv'haing the work or a gang ot men engaged last weekend in planting a runner 6,000 trems m the township bushlol located tu the Sand Hula In North Woolwich. Mr. and Mrs. John Kropf and Mr. “when 'c",eifort spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs, Alvin Iwiw. u! llanysvilln Mr, and “rs. Johnny wood visited Wirth Mr hurt “or: an Sunday. monriay visitors “its. M, an0 Ur,, Charles, Harkhzu't urn- Mr and Mrs: Emil Selim-Mm- and family" Mrs Ed, Hull]? and NH" Fro/11H†nr Hunllwr‘L Mrs. Harry Hacoart and dauelttote Trsrna. “has uatararvt and Mr Al- trod Hackbart nf t'roswahii, Mrs, Amo- Ha Wtoglvv. Mr, Harald llvirmwl, Mr and Mrs. Wm Srlmnmz of Kinhvu- Pr. Mrs. Wm. HNmpel and son Adair sun or “our "villa-11mm. Mrs, Wm Ram-r and "re, Henry l'luusinu ul‘ Wt"erloo. Mrs Wm. llam‘r ot "mi Cato. NY, and Mr. and Mrs Edwin Markham and family. Mr. William WIN.“ ot he Dom- mkm Lire stock mm“. m Tom and It a I. annualâ€, dune: "F remand†ut the Dunn-mm. ot Mr and Mr: (Him-r 811110101. Mr. and Mrs, August sum-go] and Mite Marlyn vam or Kitrhtmor 3pm“ Sunday with Mr and “no Ttotrltrsrt Selle". 1‘)" WI chit than who! any. nut ban on My ot tnat not a and: up by Ito-rut luck. [my on, we. Maberrrsottt, like. mum. mm mum. Dunn such, Shirley mum, Ill-M water and John Wont Mr. John Kmm smut shun-tiny running with his sish-r :n Watt'rlor, Mr and Mrs Album Roth. Miss. Elimhpfh and Mr Kvnnt-Ih “MM spent Sunday with Mr. and “n Jer slah 'Mttlor at Ilnwkssvillo l-Zlimhofh and Mr Kwnnt-th “MM Mt and “In Ttavid Snider and spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs .hr mm mulled an {rh-nds in Kitchener slah qitllor at "awk-mo nu Sunday Mrs, Alvin Lela and daughter ship Mis; Naumi "inRrich 'wt'ttt Sunday ivy an unending n tem an». wilh The with “in l.urittdrt \‘ni-h-r, (nrmvr's pnrr’llN, Mr and Mrs John Sun-Lu rinimrn with Mr and Mrtr Kmpf Amis “math-h n‘orn' Mr and Mrs, Mr: (‘lnrom'c- Jacobi and “in Adm. Martin and sons and Vlr and Print-Illa Roth ot Kitchen". yli,t:'/itir, Mt-nnn llruhm'hor. Kluahettt Ruth "f moominttdam.l Mr and Mrs Alhnrt III-or Mr, “mars Kmnwth and Wm Roth orLFY"'nyr" Ululriuh and “he; Loni. (‘I-mshnL Mr, Jon Roth ot llnldv‘nwru (“1th h nn-l VII“ How (mum-M of and Mr lit-“hm: Roth of maltyye"ii'1hr":st tisitrul frimuh at Zurlrh qwm Swim†at tho homo of Ihrir‘mi Sunday pal-NIH, Mr, and MN Alharl ttoth l “nu Altttrlt EM "rent Sauna†.u Mr. and Mrs "Hwy ()0leth and lcnlly of thither)“ - Sunday with Mr. In In. Wm. Ooidhock. “In Minorvn Srhnnillor and Mr I Howard Kain-y of kitrttoner vhilNH with the tormerur (nlllilL “in How Roirhprl on Sunday, i, HESSEN ROAD .isitsetu. daughter d Mrs. Wnt, Hahn Isl. all " bllttha. Mu': II.ri-‘IIIu-~r at and ‘IIS Hrrh, Louis Ohrrger of and \lrs. Albert an! and Mrs. Geo. 1011 Mr and Mrs 1:' Elmira um! Mrs Eydl :nlltl of Kine “my Al ssutk, hum" ( Mr. Henry Martin of Lancaster, Prc. visited with friends in the millage on Sunday. Mr. Aaron Martin of the Three xBridges set-Linn wertt to the Free- port Sanitarium on Monday morn- ]ing for lroatmonl and receive in, structinns how to treat himself. He }.will return home in ahout a month and in the mpantimy they are build- iinss a min-1mm at his home for him to occupy. y Mrs. Hvrb. Schmidt and family visited in Waterloo last Wednrsdny. M r. A ttst in Kelterborne of Illnmilhm spent a few (layx at the (home of Mr. and MIN, Georcre kelten,ornv. Mr. and Mrs. Levi M. Marlin. Mr. Mum†Holi‘man and Mr. and Mrs. “an Hoffman of near llawkexvillc attended the funeral of the late Noah S. Shantz at Baden on Sun- Jan Mr. and Mrs. John Sully visited with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Winfield near West Montrose. Visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. John G. Hahn ott Sunday were Mrs. Melvin Hahn, Mrs. Gordon Hahn and daughters. Mildred and Viola of Waterloo, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Funk of Kitchener. and Mr. and Mrs. Jack MrCarty of Hamil- lnn. ' Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Good and daughters Mrs. Jack Wanda" and Mrs. Arno Good attended the funeral of the late Mr. C. F, Witte at Baden on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Eli Brubacher visit ml with Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Sau, dvr, S. s. No. 3. Woolwich. on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs, (ivorm- B. Ober, balm-1- spent Sunday in Kitchener. Miss Anuvlinr Martin of Hawkes- ville spent Sunday evening with Mrs. Eli Ih-uhncher. Miss Katie Westfall visited at the hunlt' of Mr. and Mrs. F.lias Martin, Three Hritlgvs. on Sunday. Mr. A. K. lh'uhachor-visited at the home of Rev. Israel Weber, SS. NoC3, on Sunday. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Brubaker and family of Sunnyside, Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Schweitzer of Waterloo bvere Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Anson Brubaker. Miss Dorothy Kelterborne spent the week-end at Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. W. ll. Scham-r a!“ mum of the family visited at 'tcts let',, Csumer "ttseas'. Mrs. W. Berberich and Mrs. Ernst of Kitchener visited wth friend; in the village last Thursday. piece of re . work on the St. .1qu hill all, Inch. When. the 'pavement in laid from the comet down, ordinary clay field tile were put in the ditch to drain the surf-c2 from the north. Theae were hrohn down in tome pin-es. flooding the [and north of the corner. The“ old tiles were removed and cement tiles put in their place. son. Piot of ' Mr. Peter P. Martin of the Wet, leaky wwnahip line across the Three Bridges, sold a block of two acres of land to Mr. Lloyd Kniplel of Kitchener, who intends to "an- lish . summer home there. He has already pllnted about in" of it with spruce trees, Ola-rye "other? Oar. _ - Mothers' Day was suitably ob- served by the Evangelicul Sunday School on Sunday. After the usual class sessions were over, the school met in the auditorium of the church and a short program of choruses by several individual chases was given A reading was contributed by Janet Morlock and I short talk on the subject "Mother" was given by J, G, Hurst. Rev. J. P. "and: Moved Here. There is general satisNetion ex- pressed by the members of the Evangelical Oturch with the ap- pointment of Rev. J. P. Hauch as their new minister. He will get a royal welcome. Penna-h. Mr. and Mrs, Amos Martin and family of Preston spent Sunday at the home of the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elias Martin, near the Three Hridgtes. " Mr: and Mrs. Reward Svhutzid Elmira Were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon “enrich. Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Barium-r and fanny were Sunday vmeRCs of Mr. and Mrs. Ben. Eby. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Filsinger of New Hamburg were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Holden Appel. Messrs. Gordon Hollinger and J. G. Hurst attended the meeting of the Nulth Waterloo Lihrrnls in the Town "all. Wan-Hun, an Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ede-i Cressman and faeily visited in Kilnmtfm Sunday: Mr, and Mrs, Harold Cress arid family and Miss Violet Schaner spent Sunday at Neustatlt. u, and Mrs: “unassvh (:ingrirh rpout mnnlay with Mr and Mn, "varies Koch. Qvnoslogo W “I... V -7, -mm The read demon}: did u â€an! Bannx were proclaimed in the Mennonite 1'hurch on Sunday for Mr. Aaron Widrrman of Hawkesvilh- and Miss Lucinda Martin, daughter of Mr. Dan Martin ttnd the late Mrs. “an Martin. m-m Warwrr's Cornets. the - 'iuarika " aim doamiattotumitt-dt-- 'aetttN',tNtttgPte2tt c596 tuning. mind . dam both am- ' - "mam: hon. post My th- in - ll'.h'htrV, half II?‘_U’_h pk. However it luv“ . iitf7it 31;} down the 00th of tan or Mtgen in; into the In: below. Guru-humbly... Olin-Mum h†“r and " 'I-le, Slum-r Mr, Jo- wph Sniulm' to'. Mrs meph Snldor and sun 1tilfortl and Mn harm Mar- litt twin-1| wlth Mr, and Mrs. John Martm “our Linwund an Sun-In! “1-H Alrttrsuit Why "will Smith" "t who lmnw "t "avid n thlvr'a tluutiut viritor, a! the homo ot Mr and “W Fat Sun-r!" wore “mm l-Zlmvr and Willard Marvin and tht' Mm»- Naomi. Willing and hurlndn Mnrlln, all ot Flor-duh) and Mr Abner Marlin at Constant SNIDER’S CORNERS I Mr, and Mrs, Frank McGeoy and 'ans John and Edward and daughter "rary and Heien Schummer spent 'smulny afternoon in I't'eston, l Mc. and Mrs. K. K. Jortes and tam- ily ito' sirrmrlitr. a week in Hamilton. I “Km-n [)uruthy Krnspv and Aileen inn)»: qwm the week-trttel in Kitch- ' pm C. The May meetirttr or the Linwood “'ullien's Immune was held at the "ttttste of Mts. [human Mac-Phenom: on Tuesday awning. May 5. Twenty- lhru- members were pruenl and live visitors. The meeting opened by mixing the opening ode, Minutes of Why last meeting were read and luaupu-d Itoll call, “A tribute to am ‘lhm" and "Buying Fees". After the husinvss part of the meeting. Mr. Kel, (:'ifcl'i, of Mirs.-rton favored the la- div“ mini a number ot vocal solos ( mu. pimto atiompanimettt. A 9898! ie" "Health . “as given by Mrs. A. o. Srmmrr and number paper on "Peace iiaind,tidif, by Mrs. G. Glalster l Mrs. MitH'lttwsott, the secretary, ',rtod the lllillllll‘s ot' last year‘s an- l‘uuul me- ‘Vlllp: and also gan- u turlen- 'dist In...†on in»: year's work. The "istrirt Amnml will be held at Witt. 'ln-rlmmm' an Jump 4th. Miss Jean Boga» Nas' ummimrd chair lady dar. liug the elm-rim: or ottieerg. Follow, ling we†Hoard: president. Miss in. 1.. Srlmux'r; Ist vlce-presidenl. lulu. Em "Miami; 2nd vice-presi- (ir/ri. Mrs, A, A Laing; secretary- 1ituinut'tu". IU-, I). Macpherson; as- l5:-~[.IIII srn'vlurr. Mir-a Marjory tin-gm; "itvctors, Mrs. A. Peebles. iMvs, Inn-t- Beggs, Miss A. Wllker. l “in; Ruth "icltamawr; district direco llll-~.~'_ Mrs It. Beggs; pianist. Miss Ilr. Mekay: auditors. Mrs. R. K. Miss Inn-i. Wilson is spending a umplv ot' weds in Nesllemn. Tim Irv-Ming closed by singing the N,niumnl Anllmm. after which lunch “as Svrvr-(l by the harness and her assistants; June meeting will he at the home of Misses, Jean and Mar. jury Reigns. Miss Hull) Srhummer amended the Girls ('0lll'vl'0lu‘u at MacDonald Han (nu-um during the week. 114sst.stt, .lnhn and Bruce Lamp; ot Toronto and Misses Marion ot Guelph "net Betty Laing or Toronto spun [hr \vvek-emi at their home here. Miss M Muir spom the week-end in St. Austustine, Miss " lemund spent the weete "ml at her home in Auburn. . Tht. play. "A Fighting Chance" was gin-n in Srhnurr's Hall on Fri. day hy Kin-x Young People at Kitch- Hh-r. Muris. ln-lwovn arts by Cross" hill turbo-Sin] and piano riraleetion hr Miss J. MaTuow. Ir. Mekay: auditors. I PUSH-r and Miss Kate S rummillmu Mus. F. H. Mrs. t), l, Lump, press nun, Miss Jam Mauser. Mr, and Mrs. Graham of Haysvillc spun! Sunday with Mr um! Mrs Geo. Wilson. 5111mm “I: W w, Wortittson visited in In“ u an sulurclay. \Ir. and Mrs. J. W IhITllPll vie,itett in ‘l-t‘NE'NIPS Friday owning. Mus" Edna MavKay o? Toronto is vinilinu al her home here Mr Grunt Srhmu-r is attending a Young I'mplo-‘s Rally in Arthur on Monday. Give a dog a good name and he will live up to it. Kmor.-dotroor't-terr-uno.oteuoauo.-a who. tho Taught and that - bo tunlhd you in tho “on. ' "Ind on your â€an.“ in the for. of a Silver Dollar. BUT - begin-in. my a“, all-d.) “on“, closing tor Sun-ct Inc-IL: - It GOUDIES s,2"tyo'L., F R E E LINWOOD auditors. Mrs. ft. K. Miss Kale Sew: flower Mm. F. H. thummer. Luna; press correspon- Open AU - Day Wednesdays Landing “adv-n and 'I-INQ' Murcia-Io. Phone I“ . WATEILOO Kikhour'n Moder- Dcpnrt-o-c Star. CONRAD BROS. Walter meman. Sunday. Mrs. Amanda R. birnty and Mr. Jonathon " Martin visited with Mr. and MPs. Peter B. Martin. Three Bridges on Surutay. At the Christian Endeavor meeting Evangvlicul Church, Sunday evening. Mrs, Hum Maurer was leader. Cole. man [lawman wad the scripture leg. mm. tollowed by a duet, "Where Jesus les" by Mrs. Waiter Baum!) and um Paul Bowman. Address. "Great Mothers of To-day", by Wel- lington Weber, Recitation. "Motkterus Love". Dora Fahreukopf. Quartette. "Tell Mother Int be more? Reading “A Mother in a Home". Mrs. w. We- ILPL topic on. "Hagar a Biblical Mo- ther". Lloyd Snyder. The meeting (-105.le with the mizpah of the league. of the church [an Friday evening In Rumor of Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Mul- belman, recent newty-weds. After contests and protrresmie (lea, re! freshmeuls were served and Mr. and Mrs. Musselmn were presented with a pair ot blankets, Interesting Program. Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Dietrich, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dietrich ot Toronto were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Nic. Dietrich. Mr, and Mrs. Sylvester Bowman, Elmira were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Bowman. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Koren and baby Mary visited with Mr. and MN. Walter meman. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bowman and daughters weN' Sunday visitors with Mrs. "an tjesstttan at the K.-W. Hospital. A numb'er of young people utend~ ed the May meeting ot the Keystone Literary Society at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hottman near HeldeL berg. Thursday evening. Homer's Day Program. Mr. and Mrs. Martin M Bowman vin’ileal with Mr. and Mrs. Enos Bow- man near Linwood on Sunday. Bridal Couple Honored. The young people or Trinity Luth. kran Church met In the school room Futurit- Illa It tomato and Edmund Gulch M NOW is an lime to mt, your build-n? which have " mp nvnidub y neglected during trying awn-anion nun-s. Get toeta1roohte with its permanenccund low upkeep -tsnd ave! Eastern Steel Prodnm ale" two great values in New] Rootus.t Rib-Roll Ind Tile-[Avl Each hi! exclusive features mm- nwily weathertightneu and Olly 'ggltitlogt, They do not urn. a rink. truck. curl. or buue, Ask Ibo nbouI F..SP. turns.. . made by the fonmonl Compuny~Built Etna maouUcturer in Carurds “Wigwam-undam- Wdhnn-u-Mm F LORADALE