Wat, Alric. in private life, Mm. Raymond Marian, In: stuck); the " o'clock thaw on the ifs-toot tower when the late] accident happened. The tour girl: had been currying on their in tor tire minutes. end had reached the point where the "trick†acts were to he curled out. One at the other members, Boots Strudby. was hanging try her knees from the top cross bar of the tower, holding a rope swing. mm mm commenced swinging, and on the tourth SWIM Mist struehy was to tet out an ext". over-lion or rope dropping Miss Alrtc some three feet. lenving the impres- sion to the crowds below that the swinging girl was tailing. The troop had been carrying on the act tor tea years. but last night when the extra rope was let out, the strands parted. Misc Alrlc took two more swings. hanging onto the remaining rope. and then was forced to let go. As she tell. a st‘relm was heard. which penetrated the stillness which had mime over the crowd. She landed with a dull thud In the son earth. tar clear of the bars. Her three oom- paniom were down the IO-root lad- dem and to her side below the crowd. too stunned at timt to move. could ruin (onward. Three police Mieers and a number or members of the Kitchener regiment of the Scots Fusiliers who were in uniform on the gmundm quickly organized the "rowd and a tight band or interlocked arms was. former] to hold hack the erowd. The ambulance was summoned and the girl removed to the K-W. Hue- pital where she died four hours la- ter. KiteNsrrer---PhuM" 100 loot to the ground at the Denim: lldwu Show plum; here on “andâ€, Sue Alrk'. bronchi member (0 tho “My!†Queens", . team ot toar thrill mu all-ll, vtq tawny In- lured dying In the Kitchens-Want. loo hospital at 3.40 o'clock may mun-mug. The new.“ dellh-ml was 'klelled by clue to 1.500 aim-30min seeker: who picked the grounds, akin; advantage of the un- usually. warm weather. $29 al-lil f, u. so J. W. Conklin, owner of the shows, which were playing here. sponsored by the Kitchener-Waterloo Cluty in aid or their summer boys ramp at Paradise Lake, stated that the rope Win; or tine Irish linen, and that it was new at the start or the current season. The rope is examined after each performance. Although a net would without a denim have saved the girl's lite, utnce she tell no in char or the guy wires or the tower, Mr. Conklin stated that the act would be worth nothing it a net were used. “You or I could do the art than", no said. nun, Fedora: I’ll-(u so Feet to Death at Kitchener 1500 Coroner Dr. J. E. ill-t1 ordered an inquest tor Monday morning. As a result. several officials of the Shows were forced to remain in the city while the rest of the midway pulled up Makes on Saturday night and mud to Ottawa where it opened on Monday night. Big Funeral l More than 300 "show talks" attend- 1 ml mineral service on Saturday. Setul vices were held in St. Mary's Church l with the entire cast ot the ontisiin,' midway in attendauee, The hotly was . sent to Toronto for cremation. The ashes will be sent to her family in has Angeles. l At the request of the polire, the girl‘s three companions did not go on with their trapeze am Friday and Saturday. A large crowd was nu hand. but Police Chief William Horhr- '4Ott asked that the act he deleted. _ Newton hd Seriously Injured As a tribute to the tmupPr. all lights were extinguished on the mid- way grounds tor a tow minutes while a Searchlight played m-Pr tho Impeac- qower trom which “his Alrir hml fallen. Kenneth Wright, 22. Struck by Hammer at Linwood. (By Chronic†Correspondent) Linwood.-Aht Saturday night a pe- ruliar accident happened hore when Kenneth Wright, 22. of Newton. SM. lend serious head injuriea i Wright watt watching Clayton Wilker. local 'rto"aRPmeTh, remove a rim from the wheel of his car. Wilher was using a hammer and as he swung the heavy ohlect bark aver his head, Wright stooped down he- hind the garazeman to vim-we- more closely what tte was doing. As ho did so, tho hammer drunk him hem“ ily on the torettpad, Dr. G. 'R. Ham was called and bad the boy removed to his home at New- Inn Since then he has been Nikon to the Btratford hospilnl whom it is feared he I. “Morin: from a frac- tured skuli. Round and Round Goes the Dog as Lamb Chops Sizzle on Stove (By Chronicle Corrospondmll um", Why tho “mulling odour of hunk chops “Malina" m a frying pun should ttttttte I dug art "3 mm off the aide" In morn than "no tttmuy ot Geo 1Motte or thin village» ran 1m: rt'metgtnd. Roman! Mrs 11lebe was tryInx lamb mom Mr alum-r. The lrro sklahlp odour uppnronlly rum-had tho nontrlln ot than do: shown: soundly behind the hum-a Suddvnly ho but“ up. oniinn. tho air. his my†honing from Mu had like mar- hln, Then " it In t (“not he be- - a and me with some nun-n my mind and around on no". SEE DEATH FALL " 'iiiiij,i,vij.tii.iii),'i,t',iiri h R li f Mary's Hun-ch C t ,r the cottktitt', _e ener e l Ih-mitlom Dr. W. L. Hilliard. who jossirttut Inn-r list, meetimr was in ttV Cc- or making a few changes in the 1 n-rxumel or the executive. Ho stated 3 titat [ho (on years he had headed the 'lovuatviza1ion had been much too long fl“ Less. Families on Relief _ Than Year Ago. Kiishtmor.--Arvorttietp, to the re- Hmn. fur April. preseuted at the ‘mummy meeting of tho Kitchener "'amily Relief “can! nu Friday. there was " marke4 rmlurllnn in ulhe mum het' ur (amine-u nu 11>va mmpared will: u ret" ago. There were TIT fam- um, a docrease M I†from the same month a year ago; 3.569 dependents, 1iiii sinzlou a total at 3.450 while in ‘Am'il ot 1933 ttere were 4,0M recl- l pionts. The muvr- wan .spconded by Huck] 'wazrttrv. who suggested that the ND- 1s,.iurttst' merning take the torm or a (linlh'l'. W. A, Boos. president ot the Twentieth l‘vntury Liberal PM!) re- uumm-nded that new mambers he adv "ed lo the executive or the senior body. N. Asmussen. M.L.A.. for North Waterloo suggested tint an meet- ?lng take the place of a "Btokqr rather alum dinner? law. with \PHINIIIE. V, H HullilL K.C., who moved the pustmnm-nmn or the election. pointed an! that there were over 100 mem- Iwrs m th" vxe-culive in addition to m.- un‘m-w Ho mount that It Watt .nty {air to wait tilt the lament ctutld attend. Milk“ 1itlkatloftlirl (‘orout'n 1.1 Roan-m Son: Sum, I’m-nu- Kitaloner.---t" on. will In hold responsible foe the d.ntt, of SI. Atrie, 215-wa Ionian mm artist, who fell h in death ulna . rope snapped on my 7th The in. quest jury by?! in . "dtrtg of accidenul den with recommend» tions that simmmo‘uud: be em- ployed in such eta, _ According to tho unk-tony of a. manager of the at, which formal t part of the Comm Mo. the ropes were input“ by him only . few minutes pr,†to the fall. 1!. expUined that u Alli an; have Known somewhu emu-s, or " had continually rm In: against hnnging by her knot. done. " Liberals Postpone Election Small Attendance " Snturday‘s Conve"ti-.--Weetiom in November. . The meeting ot the North Waterloo Liuerals In the town hall, here. but Sun-ram atterttoott “mummy de- t ided to posuume the alecllon ot on- tpry, until the lirtst Batardartn No- sember when ram": will be over their busy wagon and will he able to attend. The meeting last Saturday was at- lo'mlm] by a mere 35 due to hot man- Ihm= and the tact that farmers were, "ttss with walling, Tho mes-ting was adjourned into an infnrnmi gathering at which Hon. W. " Eulre. Minister of Trade and Com- merue and North Waterloo's federal mumlwr outlined tho program at the Tale-1:1 and provincial houses in the Last few months. Notwithstanding the recall ot the .nts'mmlinp: tscrip vouchers which m-w rnplm-ml by new vonvhm. the .usl nr rel-vi in April was manly {than low [lulu during April in 1935, the mm) being 330.6595]. The varl. nus Hams were allotted as follow-2 Fond, $11,752.59: seeds. onions. 'tr. meals for Iranians, $33.25; fuel, 38.- "?.,iui'. (-Inlhlng, $1379.88; trhMter, $q.897t.t: medical srtrviees, $86M0; tumool hookah $2; salaries, 8746.62: cums rem charges. 8475.54: lance!- lam-qua, $84018. The average cost pvr rociplr-nl was 3815, compared with $8.23 for April or last year, Mrs. Amy Johnson Mulligan. Berh tIyer, arrived al 4.30 pm. May 7, at t"rtpetotsm. Soath Africa, rreatlug a n-mrd fur tite mzh! trom England In Suulh Atrictt. Mrs Molutois lime wan three tlayse. six bonny Ind 25 mlnuleo. The prov-inns oseord. not lam Fem-nary hr Flinn Limit. Tommy Rose was three days, 17 hours and an minutes. Rom heat the earlier record ot Mrs, Mom- son. hut she has now regained ft. always lnnllm hark our his shoul- der M " upon": it to pounce upon Mm. All aHPmpls to Mott him proved fulilv. and m no way - R mama J0 make him come wlthtn a ruling ot a hundred tom otatte, kitchen door. 'Not mum the Inc Mt of mack!“ _ hm] boon outs-n dirt " woman In" a†the ore-ttn of me how-o with a hazard 'tre and then oMr [through tho mun-n door. ot thes chops - In" ramlnded mm ot .boop " In unnamed that ttrs would to In "tttt .etunt prmbmte. or (H m Tho only rnmnnlnlo mmhnlon that has Mon "3an 'ittrditte MR "mimic-ab" Inc-Hon in. Hill the Mom V " . t qs" A. . Li: -t' .. a. for REGAI NS RECORD Totals Drop ACT tor fully pild up than In tho con- trolling company. The was. how- our. retain. control by Appoinllns the churn-n Bad two hoard mem- im who '11) hum pom. 3 District Churches Have New Ministers Three congregation in the Wat- erloo District of the COB-d! Con- ference of the Evangelical Church are ducted by the 1986 report of the Bulimia; Committee approved It the usual sessions held at Dash- wood In! week. ; [ghoul at no uu- at “In. too-I u tho WAS-tho M In... a! m. to m m: and the “we“. ot .- mt. unr- ton Into gum" In: to no at m. at ' mm -ttg.ntrd an d â€.000. m noun“ by the Inn- Ioo an†con-cu In “In! - Thursday out an Kitchener In" “My ghoul their nppronL H urtgdoag.--Ttu, Irma (human! In: “new“ the up: Mt lulu try in a Mr-rear “mun during which production has been developed " a can to the “xv-yen at - $300,000,000. Following n memo! Winn the 15 manuals: convening the 8 (acumen urged to under to a can. tral company the-e punt. in return Mutual ot “0.000 [on " white Instr annually I: proposed, Thin Is between one-third um one-quarter the annu-I 'Brmsll count-push. Rev. W. J. Yoga. who has been stationed in charge of the St, Jacobs and Heidelberg contraption: for the put number of years, he- been “per-unlined and will be replaced by HIV. J. P. Hutch, Mr of the Student church. formerly pastor of the Waterloo church Ind Zion church in Kitchener. Rev. s. R. Knechtel also is superunnuaterl, and his Olivet church in Kitchener will be taken over by Rev. W. J. Zim- merman of Bridgeport, who will be succeeded in that village by Rev. W. Y. Dreier of Milverton. Rev. Yazer has served the church as a pastor for 49 years. The preeem guru" were mm to wool-odeu I 'nmata., but we the total number he. reached m. " a result. the knee equipment which . too lull end (er out ot at. will be replaced with modern convenient“. u I: proposed to “sure the tax- payers tour per cent. intact on their inventmenl and pen-lb): seven per cent. me total government In- vestment so tar this year ll nearly â€0.000.000. Armin M. Schlenker of Bridge- port was ndmitted into the ministry of the Evangelical Church and will be stationed with the Selkirk con- gregation in the Hamilton-Ottawa district. BRITISH TAXPAYERS BUY SUGAR INDUS'NY Evangelical Pastors at St. Jacobs Olivet, Bridgeport. Are Transferred. The delegates n the 72nd "mull session at Duhwood accepted the invitation of the Chesley congregm tion to hold the 1937 conference in that town. A Rev. W. 0. Kayne of Rodney and George Dippel of Kitchener were named to the Board of Directors of the Conference for the next three yeors, and Rev. G. F. Barthel end Rev. S. R. Kueehtel of Kitchener were nomed editor Ind publisher re- spectively of the Conference Jour- nal. -rihe complete report of the sta.. Honing pomlgittee {gnaw}: --. -- Hamilton-Ottawa mute4et---W. E. Beese, Superintendent; Atterelifre, N. R. Ernst; Campden, H. H. Lei- bold; Hamilton, W. E. Reese; Pel- ham. K. Gretzenger; Selkirk, Armin Schlenker; South Cnyngu, W. H. Campbell; Willaugllby. N. H. Reib- ling; Arnprior. N. E. Dahms; Golden Lake, G. L. Gross; Locksley, J. s. Burn; Pembroke, L. H, Fletch; Rockingham, J. _M. Oestreicher. Hanover "utrtet--E. N. Mohr, Superintendent; Obesity, F. M. Flist; Elmwood, J. N. Wetthsttfer; Hanover. W. M. Sippell; Listowel. E. H. Benn; Mildmly. A. W. Sauer; Normunby, J. D. Fenner; Parry 0m". May ".--fwNHn-'rh" alr cleared on budge! uncertaintlea member. hare settled dawn to an arduous ttrind in the hope of endhut their tyetmtott dullon " the capital about the middle of Mar. While it Us too early yet to determlne the date ot promuation ugly the more optimis- tic hold to ml June and more " strong opinion that the amnion will mntlnuo well inward the end or that month. Special Home committees are eroding their work in An snort to comput- report. on which loglslatlon will be hid. in addition to Import- ant legislation hell; prop-red for presentation In the Home den-n» mental oliclnb are working on a nun-nor ot minor chunks to diner an! Iris which may Ire union- to shave amended Iteroro the momhorn PmHmdxet dun-“Inn Ind criti- (inm hln ravulod little " a lurk- Hug nature. Opposition Lender R. B, Bennett, a. was expected, look thp Io-dlng rote I. budxol "We. FOCTII‘ lag mutation on the two per mm. Inna-n In ulna tn he medic!†Ihu an alum per cent. m. wind: the Igor-u. bu brought no I"! to, no. I m blow a a. Male une- M of the WI. mun. “so!“ the Week at ®ttawa Carry your rad!" m'nterial loose~ by. Judge Amedee tl',', of Montreal ruted on Friday I assume, tlghtly rolled and bound "trsiy with string. is a burglar tool. The rullng was given In the convictiott of Arthur and James Malina}: an pint-gen ot new; in possession or Musabrenhng In. slrumentn. Police aid the magnzlnes ‘were used to pry or automobile door ‘Inndleex They'll hi sentenced Mar I“ on“ Town-tip “W a- my; Chute. udiGais. tum. clicki- von du- "tut on. on to to city of ' “a by A. A. Eby ot the K1 tor Wolfâ€. bond were unit but use! by ‘oounler clans Vania: B. Latch, must "1c.oriPr to town- ‘shlp. "The 111333 I: exactly the hymns." Mr. H " CAtets?di- Wat-rho "istriet--H. A. Keller- mn. Superintendent; Bridgeport, w., Y. Dreier; Elmira, C. H. (our well; Kitchener Calvary, G. F. “and; Kitchen . Olivet, W. J. Zimmerman: 1"2ri,,J,'/ Zion. C. A. Hirsehman and E. F.. Hallman; Morriston, J. ll. Grcnr.ebaeh; New Hamburg, J. B. Deugis; North East- hope, J. R. Bender; Rowvillu. l.. H. Wagner; St. Jarnbs. J. P. Munch: Waterloo, H. A. Kellerman. Various Church Reports Reports were received from various societies. Offirers for the enggingjear wen: also elected. Sound. W, A. Durst; Port Elgin, Cl B. Heekendorn; “failure. E. N Mohr. Slr-tford DatHet--A. E. Fletch. Superintendent; Crediton, A. E. Fletch: Dushwood. H. E. Boppel; Hilverton and Rostoek, A. Clemens; Rodnev,,W. o. Harms; Sebringville, Full-non and Mekillop, F. B. Meyer: South Easthope. c. R. Knuth: Stratford, E. E. Patch: T'tsvistock, W. E, Seibert; Zurich, E. Burn. " W.M.S. and LA. activities indi- cated receipts of $11,490. an in- crease of over $1,000 above last year. The entire Evungelical W. M. S. raised $124,000 for missions last year. Dr. J. R. Niergarth reported the superannuation fund as having assets totalling $1,800,000. Ite also represented the commission on tin, Inca. indicating that 43 cents on every tl times to mission. 35 cents (Continued on Page 6) Magazines Are Burglar Tools N. ll. Marlin, atiompanied by his family. Ion Elmira lam week on a motor trip in whirh he intends to cover well over 13,000 miles, taking with him a completely equipped camp trailer. Mr. Martin “peas in visit l’vnnsylranin, Florida. California. Oregon and Atttetra. In Oregon, he is looking [mun-rd to seeing a bro- ther he lttts um moi in 25 y'oars and another In Alberta who. hr has not seen in 17 years. Amer visiting var!- mm relatives in Wmstern Canada. the family expects to return home by way of Michigan snmolimn m Orio- 1m:- salw tax inrrvam- “an admit. ted oven in Liberal circles In he a airings"! measure but it was regard- vd by xnvornmenl snpportr'rs as 05- nenlial to check runner debt in- rreasea. Som- smart-0N. usually critic of Liberal policies. have “pressed approval of the method adopted hy Finanrv Minis!" Dunning in show ing tho napkin] mania“ M the Do. million Deftnite Program "canary How tar Mr, Dunning win be nur- ransful in hi. avowed lnlonlimi ot re- lon'lPHHly pursuing a course that will load to a ihaInnde hudxpt k a mailer that grouse: I variuy of opinion. Mr. Dunning himself in. loft no doubt of his tttttyntiott. by Illinlnz, "What we an do and must do in to tttttho, In immedian- npprPclahlP amour): to " Minnow] hindâ€! n- the first MP]! m a domino pollute program which will assure the ailnining of our ftnn1 "ttFi' within a limited period " Contridorttttie 'uIttiftrastre is ham; nun-had to tho tart that "In Liberal govornmom In dmlgnlng In: hndlnt reaper!“ in the main tho rpmmmon- autumn of a (‘onurvnnwrwpulnlul lnrlu' hoard The 1-;an MIN-m to whim: Catt- Mun non-mur- will her-um from - Median- ln tho W M Elmira Resident mm Mile Trip On I'm" - Tii" “It.†(Farmers Sawing Clover Chiefly _ Due to Lower Price. ( Wtth ueodln; just likely under way my hon-m were not. yet mum-:- ol to the work. On Saturday non- In; u about nine o’clock when the has! I- the most intense such of than men had the misfortune to have Its valuable wort bar-o luccumb w it. Red Clover Replaces hhh For llay â€magma '00le- wouon onurlo. braking all prou- m record. for the than ot the yw, had alumnus an“. tor three 10ml lumen Doon Ld Shot While Swimming Doom-With a .22 calibre bullet lodged near his spine, 14-year-old Gilbert Wilfong. Jr., lies in the St. Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, I vie, tim of a bullet ricocheting. The rifle was fired by trr-rent-old Rein- hold Knuk. The boy's condition is reported to he only fair. Gilbert Wilfonx is the so" of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wi1fontr. The boy was :ccompanied by his two younger brothers, Douglas and Jack, and William Holt and Joe Swain. -iti; Gir,GrGaaiiie' srw'Giiiiim, shortly after 2 o'clock Sunday after- noon on the Kauk farm. Provincial police report that Reinhold Kauk was shooting at a target some 200 yards from the swimmers. The bullet is said to hove careened off some object be.. fore striking the boy. . Second Shooting Another accidental shooting over the week-end inflicted a flesh wound in the leg of Fred Grischow, Queen St., Kitchener. while he we: shooting groundhogs on the farm of Horace Homan, Jt.R. 2, Iriteheney. Police claim the .22 calibre ritte was in the hands of H. Robson, also of Kitchener, when the bolt slipped. The wgunded man was standing in front of the muzzle. Three Farm Home. Die in Heat Wave when this Wine generally known it was loam! that a number at other (airman; only ramped mm results try mixing the homes from the Imple menus and eta-Ming them tor a tttne. This is the greatest In" from has! ever known in this are. in uno a†since the land In: broken from the FowWV-luth-l-nh-a lZ-Year-Old Gilbert Wilfong in Hospital in Serious Condition. vimin wrest Thousands of bushels ot seed have gone into the ground at Waterloo thutrrty within the last week, where spring work is being rushed alter a tate start. Grain set-ding is never- theleuis a t'ortrtisrht later than normal uiul almost three wpeki, behind last year, when all spring wheat, oats and Irarle wen“ in the ground by the end ot April. Cold. trvt weather during tho latter half of April hold things up this year, Howtwet_ with ttw present fair weathor continuing. tho ond of the prawn! new}: will arc most of the grain :u-rt-agt' in the county eowtt. A large percentage ot the grain acro- ugo has also two“ Remind down with clover tor Oe 1936 hay crop. Farmers have shown a prPtr'renoo towards red duh-r this spring "ompared with ar talta. The prottsrtmo" was 1luoptrrstly In price, red 1'lortu' retailing I oeal semi tttttri?." at " to 39.30 a $i'ii'il. and alfalfa $12.50. Awarding t E, T. lit-Longhry. Waterioo County agri- t-vnltnral representative. more red 1lnver has been sown this year than in any other year or the last det'ade. Wheat and clover crops have made mpid pmgross within the last ten days. and humpm‘ now: are anticl- paled. The sudden rush or aprirtn work, mambilwtl with warm weather, has Mm" hard "" horses, and six-knead amour: work animals is rnmmon. Vetvrinariets roporl many humps threatened with pnmrmonia. my! yt't hevtt rnlly dvlmjmiuod In many mas-s " mum-am that the in, creased yak-s lax may "ttset advan- tagns In ilto (-nnsumrr ur luwm' iarin. Thur» in 1lotttp “muesli-m that othor manufacturer: and selling aunnrivn may adopt tho practice of the mlfomnhilo lndmxlry and quote 'ttice'.' "104.1 zorel'llmvnt tax" am that Hte pul'rImm-I' will hrs dirm-lly faced with the amount that In» ia mum] upon to donate to pllhlh" ran-vs In making bis purchasm Among the Imam-l critics was "on. H, H. Slovonm lender and Inns mem- bor ot thr Reconstruction party. Mr. Slowing roIlo‘ralpd his stand an a lons- wolf in ttte Hons» wtttsrt he at- tached the Liberal buck»! and " hnltoly refused to Ilign hlmtwlf with the 1‘1"]? amomlmt-m otFrinpt un- rlaiism as a solution. Tho CUP Iprmml Ilw luulzvi In "wry" and white welcoming the 1mm rednrtiotto critlcHmt the lu- urozusn (n so!†tax TTorder lawns. nrrmding In report-I here. haw- lulu-1y ndnnlm‘l a "wall um! 1:00" mutudn mwnrd thp Imw tttm nonunion tor rnnndlan Ionrlstu lo the [Ynlwd Mtatrs In Mr, Hon nnit'g mind: an "In Imam he asflm MM that It would Illow Illa fru- " (I) cheooh.h. corn-ought) The mean. he“ In" gAtetr an (Wu-h...) "I can well remember when my Irother left for St. Jerome's college nu a Monday morning and returned lmnw on Tuesday because he wa- sick." Frank Jagiowicz told The IHtrotticlts. "l was standing out on King sire-e: when I noticed Michael riding in a buggy. and he told me ha l-ml been homesick and had secured a rid" from Kitchener. He remained homo an that week and returned to whens the following Monday to re- sume his duties." Awarded Scholarship†l-‘alher Michael was 14 years old when ho entered St. Jerome‘s Col- loge During the neu "tt years he secured n complete college education. his gum imam-u in his Rtudims and natural ubilily to grasp practically gm;- suhiert resulting In his being awarded sm'sra] scholarships while he added to his collection or book mrizas. - At that time there was no Cstbollc school in Preston and Pr. Julowlcs secured his elementary education at the local public school and allowed oul>mmliug prumme as a scholar. He had a keen desire to which]: knnulmlg» resultlng in " heading the class an many occasions Ind winning, u number ot books for his ral'l) srluml protu%rtcy. _ Attended St. brown-'3 Completing his elementary school- ing, Rev. Michael had a strong " trire to enter the priesthood, but hls parents were not in a t1ttaaeial post- tion to meet the (union mam. 0m- rials of St. Jerome's College, at Ber- tm, mm Khulna-er, made esatimrasrtory tirtartrial arrangements. A brother ot Frank Janina, Queen sc, Preston, and In. R. Conghliu. (mun-h St., has: Jalo- wicz has made a wonderful "CCM" m me despite the my male-pl ot his early days. He not hold- an highs! post in the Resurrection“! Order Was Born on Fun Born on a small farm at the north end at Wellington St., Father Jag- luwicz was one or a tarnuy of nine. Farming conditions in thoBe days presumed many ditnealtim, In clear- lug land and plowing with primitive tools and machinery. As a hor, FI- ther Jaglowicz helped with the farm work in the evenings when to m turned trom his studies The farm- huuer has long since been torn down. IEhl)0fuTllI0utH0iliaiis j ItfilLJhiluMt2llBrGgtiltit Preston.~6upotlorionolu od all Catholic lchooll no â€ulna-m tn the world. Rev. Item “glam who mu born in Preston, the In. of ploueer parent», I. with; m 0111:“! Hail And holiday trip to "All vicinity and will Rene thb weak tor . (wo- munm tour or the Urinal emu. The ma story ot Fume! Julowiol, who“ headquarters no In Rome. .r. nenm " vivid plclure ot lace-- guinea mrouxh you: of â€nonr- auce, the annotation at an annual ability ttred by a strong mum to enter the priesthood. Sunder-Gm Wu Ban on hr- " Pt-taa.----" Kiteh-Nie.--or-toP_tu.d nth-chm“. (By The Watchman) Toronto. May 13, Millsllill Ran. .mm. the famous year-old Slum-thorn nun-husml trom the herd of that name in Scotland. arrived on Can. adian soil the other day and after spb'llllillg a month in quarantine will b.- wnt In the Ontario Agricultural College at Guelplll The Perth sale "vltPre this Me animal was purrhased with funds contrihuled by well. known business men or Toronto ‘I-rilm.~ out the heat specimens known ot' tlu- shorthurn and Aberdeen ‘Anmw lu’eeds and attracts buyers Emu“ all parts or Iho world. The Ar- 1m-min-a Ireland. Canada and the H'nilml States an. "tts most frequent ( purchasers. t While Laithrul to his studies, Miriam] found time to participate in athletic events, and was particularly so" gniiwas 1$1.600t Imlow the top prim nf the 1935 saw-a Mlllhills, Ran. sum. which cost 2.900 guineas, or I The price paid by Hon Duncan Marsha), Minister of Agriculture. was V , _ . ' nun, “nu-3 an Inf name lulu: ulell' _clruslttly more {mm swam} P, not Urogeny will he available for grading um Inn ()ulmln Timsuu a rent t11t tite h rd: ot th " Just Gvntro be left for Scotland. Mr. 1 e . e nrm ttee. Marshall succeeded in luloreeting th _----.------------ number or wealthy lmsinws men who . q mmrlhntoil the money for the pur- rhasts of tho sire. Among those who Bulldlng Total "outrittuted substantial sums of mum-y wer" Sir Joseph Flavelle. J. n a ' l Holman, (‘01. 'Harry Muse. C. L st i/iii. Jos. R. Atkinson and J. H. ea y lTanuy. A numb" of troutrittutiones to tho fund were also made itt Snat- T _ - _ -- Tum! by Snowmen inlprestad in (to New Addition to Box Company prumotiun and tmprovrment of 111m,~ , . _luuut btsrat cattle raising. Few our; Plant to Cost 320,000. l landing Shorllmrn sirps are breed-f ..-._..-- in: in Omarln today and this hull Wain-100's building total shot tar will lw awlilalilo to Howlers for “no "ttt in front of the figure tor the in in.» "Niall" Agriiulinral 1joysrt-1ysy nuriml last 1"'ur when a permit Thor" will bt. unlv u nominal iep was issued Last week for the con- rlonrged 1.r,'.1'.rt1',',1 nr a 52mm" addition to the \llllhllls "nu-mm is A dark null l plum ot tho Superior Box “will!!!“ (,iirurrllsyt'ollytr" Mmulalmu hull mid "H William “rem mm. The now to an in thi- Ar-ine hm! y'mir for I Mm: m the plum will provide much ti.H00 " la interesting to recall 2tl I";,','",',' 'storage, spin". and will IFro- in 1920 J. J I-tlllnit ot Guelph pa win " lu-linr fai'llllins tor the mgnu. tC600 gums-as, or roughly $35,000 for ramming Jepartrttout, (mlclals of Milihllls Comm ar,ot1tor lamnus 'l',",', /h" .‘umbam rtxport greatly lune-nod 1mm thin herd. In addition to t e husittrbqs. making “owner the new champion Shortharn, Mr Mamba“ building Thvmmimuy 'l'Um'l'li, Ire. purchased a“ nnlslnndlng .iiGiGirrrfiiiiiiis atritlvu in the past tour Angus bull. a DVOVI‘II sire hred at Muir-I wlwn Thu old Kilrhenpr r "atxiestttttn "ottt I)". T,-mpl(~mus will.“ i'nmpnm mid "a lrgei,2T, Snmlykmwn: Thin thr' \llnlslnr's the nrmwni mattaRptttpnt, Collie Dog, Runs Away from New Owner, Maltreatment Lands Farmer in Court "tr Chronirt. Porrvtpnndrnl) Br. Jam-h1- _ A tttte yrrtlow collie dug man-mm owned by Mr 0mm- Tter Im'lmuw hm: hall " .momewhat vulnd IRW'“I \lnllronlmt-nl landed his hat "ThtirH in tho polka mm“ and 'rt" l‘ullnwml with R Me ot $2600 And toetre, Mr Kenn-Morn.» 1mm tho dog to “r Manna M wottor tor farm turk. Ihcn. an" govern] yarn Mr, Wohor held an nut-Nun “In and sold the dog to Mr. [Ono] Fray. coulh " 003%. who tn mm mm the The Queens [ Driving a team or homes pulllng a three-section land roller, loaded with stones and weighing approximately une ton. the youth was thrown from the platrorm of the taller on which he was standing when the horses suddenly bolted. Grasping the was“ or the equipaze as he fell forward between the team, young Whmer held on to} a short time. Joltlng ot the heavy roller caused him to has ‘his grip and he tell beneath the not Jar. the Gregorian unlvmhy In Rome. and on May 30. 1888, new. limo] Jaglowlcz rallied the tuW1metttt at his life's ambition when he vu or- dained a priest at the Bullish of St. Mary Major by Cardinal Canon. In Kentucky so You: tn September, 1897. Rev. M. Jalo- wicz took over me post ot dump!!!» arlan or St. Mary's college, St. Marys. Kentucky. In 1899 he was nude "as president in this capacity until 1901. (Continued on Page 8) Sullen Slight Fracture of Skull and Back Injury When Horn. llly Chronicle Correspondent) Baden.-- Clarence Wlsmer, IS, lies injured with a slight [mature at the nkllll and a back injury at the home or his totrterparentrr, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Snyder, about a mile north ot this vittage, tunnelling at his mira- rulous escape from death late Sttttgr- day Mterttoon. policy of improving the government- ‘owned studs and herds is being vigor- ously carried mu. beading oil "ast year with the now unmou- tttee: stallion, Craigie Realiza- tion. the Minister ot Agriculture 39 cured the imported Angus females for tho Outer-lo Agricultural College. These were followed by the dual pur- pose Shorlhorna tor lhe New Lh- keard farm. Some excellent Perdi- ernns were also bought A noted Ayr- shire bull, Dunlap Reflection, donated try Senalur F. P. otonnor. Wexford. is now at the Ontario Agrlcultural College. The team was running an In! the [on rnllvr literally new throw]: the air .ror a distance of 24 feet after passing over me boy's body accord- ing to measurements taken by Dr. W. H. Harvey or Baden, who was called to attend young Wismer. The fact that the land recently plowed was still suit is believed to have saved the-boy‘s lite. outstanding at mu. At that tile Berlin *oaotatt A 5110.. m (netball lo.- novwn u the Mn Ran-cm. This mum an: “I; . may victor!» and on m- name they toured the on country. with lich’l a. . phyla. no“. Herb. Clan of Prawn - Ibo I pinyin; mu: in those can u - an Horace June. and W. - now deem. When " yea- ot no. Michel had completed his course " Bt. Jenna’- oollege, and left toe Rome In on]. to complete In. audio: and one: tin priesthood. Relative. roan; that many saluted at the old Gum Trunk sultan to bid farewell to Michael. The football club, faculty members ot the Carla‘s. student. friends and relatives were att pro.- em. 12 Year Old Lad Severely Injured; Falls Under Roller Park Arena 1'ont'ittuiuix the policy. some good Ayrshires and Ilulsteins and a small 519111 of Jerseys will shortly be added to tho KPmptville Agricultural School herds. The aim is to improve. all breeds of livestock so that stu- dents wilt become familiar with the lamp while at the same time their progeny will he available for grain“: up the herds ot the province dug to “I Jar-m Bowman. "I! ot HIV Javolm The dog did not "he his in" home and an "hill? Ills way back In SI Jacobs to tho yard ot his firgt owt3or. who "ottttod Mr. "owtnstt of Minn whoreohoutw or his dog. Mr. Bot- mlm ram» don-rmlnod to "Inch the do; to any at Immo. The yoitHrtg Ind \mel‘lu of the mum-1 no annual um 1t1tr.l2",.r,?"r. women that they I.†‘mmplalnf wuh the vmpor numeri- Ilon. hence (ha your» court and In [line and the and of u Inn dot. Tht next_nlx years were upon! in lee Fright.