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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 May 1936, p. 8

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5 h Cattle Market 00., common .r....t.e._ 3.00 Blocker and feeder ueers, good .. .t... .. {.15 Do., comma t_-trr-ter-m 8.50 Miller: and swingers“ 35.00 Calves. good and choice veala m.rtrre_"._rtPr'P__r"._ 8.00 00.. com., to med., PN 4.00 Do., srassers AW 3.50 Hogs, Lola, '_._.Pe..'F.. __. 8_00 Do., " trucks F.t.'P"Vr. 8.40 Do.. " cam .mV. ..r.'.._ T 8.75 Good awe and wether lambs ..e.e._.t......FV-..P_ 10.00 IM., medium F_V_V'V.V'r. 9.00 Culll ..m_Ft_wF-_t.e.mPmr_r9mrrr..tt.' 7.00 Sheep, good light wr-_-tt 4.50 Do., heavies 'v-VP'.-. .,.._. 300 Do., culls .ee-et._._ee8..ee.se 1.50 Hay and Straw No. 2 timothy hay, baled,u)n, $9 to $10: No. 3 timothy hay. ton, $7 to as; straw, wheat, baled, ton, " to $6; oat straw. $5. Do., medium 'r-PrP-W.... Do., common .mt__rrr"'r_ Stem, over 1,050 INS., choice .mr6re.P.t.eVt._V._..Pe. Do, good PP__..P. _ .. -tVFr. Do., medlum 'et.." TVV Do., common '_.'-.-..'-. Halters, good and choice -.eV.rr..Vr-_PV.r_ ._, Do., medium t..'.-r9'__ Do., common .rrPN..VPtV. Fed calves, good and choice wr.m'_r.'._r-__r-"rrr Do., medium ....e.e Cows, good .".t.'8_.rVr'_ Do., medium ....,_ Do., common .-...._ Gunners and cutters Bulls, good .rFre-"e.-_T__' W, In, C--weutrtg “at. In. mm, in“, " a. Union - nu. ”and”. own: "an 'rehiNrsmtMnlotrlpatabotttrur chug“ but A mm mm man "I: died in reducing the “do We: to upmxmnlely 1.000 new. Val _ cheep Ind [um were My with the previous an clone. A to. medium to good weighty no.“ brought $4.60 to tos, um good butcher and. went at $4.15 to " Common grade. ringed down- wud to " Good con sold at $3.50 to " with phln cowl ”.50 to " Bull- ranxed trom $3.25 to "N. and choice fed calves " to $6.50. Medium calms sold down to "T5. A ttrw good Spring lumi- lold u " to $8.60 each um teed-tot hubs cold needy at no tor tho but and " to t7.60tor culll. Good light we: brought " to " a cwt. 1n the sheep section. ' The all! section developed In outer tone after A steady Opening an coined at 38.50 for gays. Cour 'll'."' to medium calves sold " " to T. 4tttotattttatr:- Steers, up to 1.050 Dbl. - Stun Cut. on“! bunt-t for Hancock. D. Ferguson,.............Pt. Hope R. 3.......,12 10 2 A.Beaten”........,_.....0nwmeo ...........10 7 2 1 Joe Collins.....-;'; R. 3......... 7 7 F. Danika .....m..........Dartford ......_......13 R c, R. McFarlnne............Wulton R. 4..........ll 7 3 1 Josiah Gingrich ......,.Wnllennein R. 2.. . T I Alvin Capes _.....,.......8rigden _.. .........15 8 6 l E. Mrers--...lhelburne .........ll 7 I l I I H.Rose..,...................Piclon ..tr.r'.t.--tr..t. 9 G 3 H.MeDonnld ............Picton mrm,.tetrr".FF..mm 6 6 J. J-nlsi ...............,....Milverlon mtep_-rrmrr. , O 1 Rufickard ,...............Copetown ............16 " 4 l J. . McCurthy ..........Cnmpbellvil1e ..c..13 8 4 1 There were 5,786 hogs sold on the dressed basis in Cnnadn during the week, distributed as follows: Alberta 640; Ms- katchewan 82: Manitoba 57; Ontario 3,611: Quebec 782; Maritime: 614. D. Ferguson,....... A. Boate...._..., Joe Collins.., F. Danika .F..-me..t. R. McFarlnne..... Joni-In Gingrich . Alvin Capes -.v._e. E. Myers.....,....m H. Rose............... H. MeDonnld 'metre J. J-nlzi ....e..t.r.-_ Rfickard TFF..-... J. . McCarthy _.. hai-Ei/Illicit"? Protect your molar by nail-g on that in gxraraoteed hi.to.t. PER GALLON 83 Cents 102 Albert Street, Waterloo TIE Tll!, SNIDER MILUNG Ul.. LAYING MASH _.--,,..) 32.00 peri00itm. "G GROWER. _ , _ _ _ _ _ T (V .@ L90 perllNHbs. DAIRY FEED "r._.re _,-...Ct) 1.80 perlOOlbs. CALFIREAL.., ‘.....‘..,@ .75per 2.'iltm. For CHICKENS PIGS CATTLE Bean. Show. Corn. hrloy, Cod Liv" Oil. Sit, "out Set-pa. Tank... loll. Mod. 309d Corn, Cotton 'ood Mod. Ott Cole I... Matt Syn-h. Vin ou Food, Mil-Moh- On“. ote., he. LAYING MAS PIG GROWER DAIRY FEED CALF MEAL. THE HIGH GRADE LUBRICATING OIL NELSON BRAUN SNIDER‘S CHICK STARTER " GROWING MASH " CHICK SCRATCH (In 8 gallon lot.) Local Agent Bacon Hogs, Graded Dressed Ben! farmen' lot. for week ending April 30. 1936. (Furnished by Dominion Livestock Branch, Toronto) "BRYC0" CORN DISTILLERS DRIED GRAINS SOYA BEAN MEAL GRASS SEED and SEED GRAIN QUALITY For BABY CHICKS ' 4.75 _ t.35 8.00 4.00 3.50 8.00 8.40 8.75 5.50 4.75 2.50 3.00 2.50 LIN 3 50 550 6.00 4.50 4.00 Address t 5.23 4.75 4.25 4.50 4.00 60.00 Link“ 4.25 2.50 8.50 7.50 t.00 6.50 8.00 5.25 4.00 3.50 3.00 2.25 4.00 3.25 5.00 175 4.25 8.00 5.50 5.00 4.50 Ontario potatoes by truck or "ii,'pork 16e, beef rout 18e, pot rout ltrs" per bag. according to quality, beef, te to N, and boiling beef, 8 New Brunswick Mountains, 3175; to 10 cents; picnic hams " and 18 Ptlnu- Edward Island Mountains, “tents for fresh Ind smoked; pork tldi0; to $1.85. These prices are bc- sausage, 23 and 25 cents for fresh ltr, paid by wholesalers tor stock ot and smered.; summer misuse, " good quality. Prices to jobber: or de- ( cgnts; side baton 25 cents; Iplre hivered to retailers. hotels, rmstaurrribs 2? cents, and him 25 cents. gums. em, 10 to 15 cents higher. _ctstl Choice Northern Spy - [med seed potatoes same price as brought 32.00 t bushel, or 80 to " table Stuvk. [cents a basket. Ontario grain, approximate prices track shipping pohtt--Wheat, 70 to 72c; mats. 25 to 23C; barley. 32 to 35e: corn. 40 to "c; rye. 40 to 43e; buckwheat " to “Sc; making bdrley, " to 49c; milling oats. " to 32e. It's a wise man who has his after. thought: fired. Manitoba barter-No. 42%c; No. 6 barley. 4Mie Manitoba wheat-s No, 1 Northern, we; No. 2 Northern, 81%C; No. 8 Northern, i'T%e; No. 4 Northern. Me; No. 5 Northern. Gillie: No. 6 wheat. 58ykr'. Western oats -No. 2 CAC. .39jie; No, 3 C.W.. 36%e; extra No, l feed mate, 3555c; No. 1 feed oats, 3816c; No. 1 teed screenings, $16 per tom Pullowiug are Tuesday‘s closing quotations on grain transactions tor 1111‘ mm, prices on basis a”. bay Itortts-- Luv-weight bacunng prices con- tinned their unchanged levels at eight reporting market points Tues- day, while three drtsstred-wtstgttt re- porting 'polnts also ruled unchanged. Hull continued to Show the high among live-welsh! markets with a price or $8.65 per hundredwelght. Othef prices: London, ": Petefboro', $8; Kitch- ener. SS; Barrie, $3.10; Chathnm. $8; Brumrurd. $8.10; Hamilton, $8.15. “arms dressed-weight price was 1p 5e t $11.15. while the Chatham Inrnwm market showed at 812 price. Peterhoro' was unchanged at 810.15. Toronto dealer: Tueadny were of. fering the [allowing prices for grad rd eggs, cases tree: Grade "A" large wr-P. TtF FPV 13c .r_. Do., medium 'r-..-'..-'-.....- 18c _... Do, pallets 'r_r.re._r.twr.te.rt 16c _ Grade "O" ___ FP.rr tVt-. qre__P? 16e “can. Prion tuned Parmerts' Co-uperqllve co, Tuesday were ousting produce to re tail dealers at the folk-vim; prices Butter an t ”estuary prints, 32c; No. 2. 21950 hoods, you mg no but!“ M00. D! "I“: "e.-I'riee. to Wm can waned huh, Contact Toronto: "A" [nu __r_._- vr___r._. --q Ite "A" medium T.rv FTW,., N 16c Over 5 Ill 4 to 5 III 3 to 4 lbs, Old roosters Hen.--- "t%e---No, l Onmlo toll-in, toe No, 2, In“ E--- A" large Grain Quotations Poultry-- ue' Ari-'5' 000mm. co, Hog Quotations Tut. Holt, - A medium Potato Prices GRADED EGG PRICES WATKRW, ONT. (Quaint lotta bu can“) $2.50 $2.35 $2.00 Live Drama foam. " " ll 22c 21 r , Oc IF 15c IT u 10 s'Pmmtttttttmtttmttttttmttttt; u __ "H - _ Four Provincial Premiers- Hetp- It burn of Ontario, lit-chm of Mlnl- Mr. _ labs, Pattullo of British Columbia, that and Patterson of Sntrkatehmmn.-- num' at in the distinguished villm' expe [Illery looking down at him u he corn! touched upon Provincial, at well u got u Federal M.nees. Premier Mitchell of " F. Hepburn at directly over the his I clock. the place usually reserved for clam the most distinguished. and had to ward Standing in precisely the same place where six years ago to I (it! he presented his “mum “Dunning Budget", the Finance Mlniltcr. spick Ind span in morning dro- and winged collu. mule tn Im- pressive presentation to I ctowded Commons Ind 'talltrier. _ Intermediate mm raised on cer- tain glove leathers. and both inter. mediate and general on baby chicks. lmprcuive Presentation. Used mitiresseCGd periodicals prehibited gntry. Under intermediate tariff mini- mum nd valorem 1'th3 imposed on printed advertising matter Ind con- tainers of paperboard. Prefere'nce in {Iva} trfhGliaian raisins and currlnts restored to 4 cen_ts a pound. Couniervtcmng duties imposed on rags, out ffo.wers ITd, pqhtogs. - Commodities free listed or re- duced in rate under all tarilh in- elude certain materi-ls for produc- tion of publications, may equip- ment, highway scrapers, deautthta- men's and surveyors' tools, hospital utensils, chilled Ind forged steel rolls, photographic supplies, nil Br- ticles for the blind. 48-Hour Tourist thgc. ‘ A more generally interesting item of change is the permission when to Canadians returning from thread to bring in, duty free, 8100 worth of articles far personal use. They must be away forty-eight hours, however, and may not exercise the privilege more than once each three months. Preferential triennial? iii" vided Empire Turkish tobacco; wearing apparel and manufactured articles of artificial silk. Meat prices quoted included pork roasts at 18 to 20 cents, boiling pork at 16e, beef roast " 15 to " cents. boiling beef 8 to 10 cents, picnic ham I5 and 18 cents, pork sausage, 22 Ind 25 cents for fresh and smoked respectively, summer sausage 25 cents, side bacon Me and spare ribs 22 cents. lard brought 15 cent: n ”and. Lettuce sold at b cents I head or bunch, cucumbers at 5 cents each for small and 16e for large; onions and radishes, 5 cents I bunch; parrmips, 5 cents a bunch or We a basket; carrots 10 cents I basket. Early Cobbler seed pou- toes $2.00 a bag, and cabbage 3 to tl cents a head. 1936 Budget Increases In the produce section eggs sold at 17 to 19 cents a dozen, butter at 22 to 23 cents, cream " 18 to 20 tents, year-old chickens It Me, old birds at 22 cents, and broilers at 30 cents. Maple syrup brought $1.85 to $2110 a gallon or 50 cents a quart. Honey sold It 23 eentr for 211, pound pails. 50 cents for 5 pounds and " to 20 cents a in. Cheese prices remained the same at 16 to 25 cents, while apple butter sold at 15 cepgs a pint measure. Large quvftities of farm produce were otfered at Kitchener market on Saturday, with prices in the pro- duce section falling slightly. Pota- to prices held firm while maple syrup advanced. There was I good- ly offering of early fruits and vexe- tables. In the at 17 to at 22 to Largo OfGritu" of Earty Vega-[.5100 Feature Market. In the vegetable stalls, lettuce aold at 2 bunches for 15 cents. cucumbers at 2 for 26 eenta, onions and “dishes. 5 cents a bunch, pom. toes, 40 cents n basket; Certified Cobbler seed potatoes It $1.75 I bag; cabbage, 10 to 15 cent! I held, parsnips and carrots " " cent- for a G-quart basket. “not; " T cents a bunch, spinach 10 cent: n men- sure, celery, 15 cents. torn-toe- " cents a box or 2 for 25 cents. - Bower " 25 cents a head, and. ap- parlgus at 2 bunetyys for, 15 eenta, Potato prices jump“ 10 to " cents, the 90-pound In. Hui-c “.55 to 82.00 " min“ $1.70 the week More. t In' the meat stalls prices quoted inclydef york roat_20e, boiling Eggs Fall Sharply at Kitchener Mart Young chicken! sold at " cents I pound and old bird. " " eqattx Cheese brought the anunl " to " cents for various and“, with m cheese at 22 cents ind brick white n 22 cunts. Liz-burger sold " tho usqu 20 cents, and cooked choc-o at 5 to l5 cents_pcr bowl. _ _ Maple syrup ok, tone sharply, " vulwing 25 cents to 32.00 t gluon m fo gents u gm}. .. _ ---..-- M In - It. - .. ng primal fell , a - ‘Am', - IL I... loo market on Sat . Mfr. u a I.” M two cents u doun to t. 03h M m a... halo!“ " cents, Butter duo {all to all at ' ' 20w '.e2eeata-osd,qniue- ”mumbled 'eHimodtht- held at the previous weer: price of the mu; ‘3” and he“; 1lsyysd " etysutrirt, -- “can: - able. unto-u E..- " Kim S. - WATERIDO . M 131 Kelvinator Refrigeratiop Marconi Radios Willard Batteries (Continued tram Pig. " Fall at“ A. G. EULER chug-sci, iii?“ um iii-d daa Mr. Danni yrs-cum, in the ms. the it a? not hit the ordinm man's pochtbood u had " In: expected. law of increased u- come mum, John Public actually got modem concessions In the my of lessened Intuition K he mksed‘ hf: paymugtl. Aryl of no M] smile and take tn inland-l how when his {mu Libenl colleagues. ”win: him before but-non pro- ceedinp, [In him u round of M- plague. - A - - A presentation was hold A the home or Mr. 1nd In Thou. Linen- man on Mona” waning in honor ot Mr. and In. cm Lineman. newly. weds. All Join“ In wishing them a life ot hurrah-u. Several people from this section attended an presentation for m. \and Mrs. Wolllnutnn Matthews ot the If, line Peal. Mr. and In. Minnow: intend to move to mm in . that days, All Join m wishing them hair otamss in their new home. . Mr. and Mn. Humid Crook: ot West Mantra” agent Sandi, with Mr. and Mn. any Calder. Mr. and urn. Divan! Deon of Tra. lee spent Sand-y with Mr. Ind In. M. Brenner. Mr. and In. W. N. Aim-(inn spin! In; Tuesday In WHOM. Mr. Anthony Swim m a In» ne_a_s visitor m Waterloo on m. Mr. aid 7M“. J. L. Wright amt Sunday with Mrs. Bush Writ” at Trulee. Mr. and In. Norman Crook: of London spent sundcy with Mr. and an}. Rot Calder. Mr. and In. Jack Boehner, Esther 3nd Bobby, were Friday visitors with Mr. und Mrs. Jae. Oberle, Balsam Grove. unread In. Ed. Snyder spent Sunday with Mr. em! Mrs. Levi B. Bowman. Mr. and In. Kenna Frey and baby Eunice faked with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hilker. Elmira. on Suggay. _ ,4 __-- Miss Mildred Ruth: and Mute: Leonard KAI-tin of Edam Grove, Misses Sylvia Weber and My" Shaun-hr of near Elmin were Sunday visitor. with Mr. end Mn. Serums March. Mr, and Mrs. Clsymn Bomnsn, Roberts Edward, and Ruth, of Mlnnheim visited with relatives here Sands}. - Mr. Solamon Bowman visited friteds 333% mum» Sign!» Mr. and mi. luau News" of the Three Bride” were Sundny visitors with Mr. and In. Martin M. Bowman. DIOR! THAI $4.000 PAID FOR “OI-STEINS AT SALE Stratum. In? L-More then '4,000 VII mind in a ale of Holstein: at the fem of Robert Low, Downie Town-hip. when " head of cutie were dkpoeed of. Buyere from all on:- Western On- tario “tended the Baie. The herd sire, Silver Acre: Tomi: Pub“, we- Bold to J. C. Spa-h of BqiUid, President of the Perth Holstein Breeders' Club. for 8200. A high of 8206 we: received for one cow, while the - price was 8167. Mrs. Jacob, Spies, “is iriG, Spies sud In. Emmerson Spiel were Maxi-m;- in; KEN-encr- Mr. Elmer Martin had charge of the Young People's Meeting of the Mennonite Church on Sunday eve hing. Miss Lucinde Mirth read the scripture lesson. The theme for the entire prognm was “Christan Stability." Essays were given by the line. Florence Zeigler and Alice Ham. The speaker: were M535". Ben Sander end Enos Dett.. WI er. Messrs. C. N. Pirie, London, Bruce Fowley, Toronto, H. Evan and Alex Beard, Eamon. Knechtel. Rutherford, Helwig. Koehler and Zeigler. of Kitchener. were recent busineu vinimrs here. parlor table, all» bench; Yemen ; pedestals; end able; unable mental clock; We stead; hell trees; ‘csrd tsbles; a media. hinge; t dan- ble beds; springs; Merry dr-- er; single bod sud springs; bureau; Turin; Ira-chines. Singer snd Wil- liens; kitchen Mk; theirs; good linoleum, ' x " ft.; consoleum run; rugs end scatter mete; Beatty electric washing machine; 2 burner electric plea; sink; clothes lump- cr; trunk; counter; electric heater; tubs; sellers; {any end phln dish- es; cooking sud kitchen utensils; garden tools; step ladder; hoes; lawn mower; pictures end msny other useful ”titles not listed. Do not Isles this ah, the Jedi. - and eth- abhot; coo-y cor- It)": , "mrrrrHs" 'rye" which Tor-ahah u - barr. MRS. HAIRY MANN. W. W. FIICKIY, Autiomr. PM“ Wgtlrloo 502W. FLORADALI COUNTY TREASURER’S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES COUNTY OF WATIRLOO _ Plasmid Service Limited with it men-m summed ”mm... Ind in ”tun yem' L'trttr, in the Bttnatet.t ndvkory " d, In in the but which to the you the neat my omtion to help form your investment policy. WE HAVE NOTHING TO SELL EXCEPT FINANCIAL INFORMATIOH "e ot Per Investigate . . . BEFORE . . . You Invest I um" GIVI. NOTICE. ”nu-M " Th. Anna-col Aet. tbat cpl-u tbo all tun. tog-thy will: " can. be sooner all. I an]: on SATURDAY. it. thtr-t& a! I“ in it tho - ot TWO o'clock I. [In slur-non. II the Court Home In the (y at KIND-nor. not... I. all by - and. IL- oud In... or to uni MI. In any " window to and"... "ttrt, -oo't--d-t-ev.deti-e.uaGaruiiaiihuiGAw%oGuirhii. I St. James' Luther“ we was the scene ot a quiet wedding recently when Elsie Pine. "tatrh- ter ot Mr. and Mrs. June: Payne was united in marriage to Milton Ru- dow. son ot Mrs. 510. Rndow and the late Mr. Radar. The attendants were Miss Reta Rudoyv And Mr. George Willem. Rpm L H. Kalb- 'no1eMt officiated. Immediately after the ceremony the newly weds left on I motor trip to Detroit ma other points. On their return they will waldo In limit-I. IV VII")! " 1 WARRANT “and A. . " ch County " "and“ and auto-meal“ by the Seat " the I“ 'a-tr. huh. I.“ tho all}. any " I75... I .d h In Ila-bl. In th. coll-eno- ol the urn-n of In" due h an. - I... an “I Wm M d.serqb.% HI. III ti- tan-sly of Waterloo. Mt " which has: no REMOVE ELMiRA TOWER l WELL KNOWN SKYLINE l Dismantling operations on the large water tower which topped the ‘plant formerly occupied hr (tomcat Foot Co, 'were completed last week. The tower which served a I are pmteclion tor the Inge building Wage a familiu part of the town's ekyline for many years. its remOVII was ne- celeilated by an “are condition arising from several years ot dim. nuclear-Payne Wedding. PM. 30'. Tavinloek lily 8 (Fridny) - Community sale at Wellesley Motel, of horses. cattle, hogs, implements and other articles. Manna Erb, clerk. GEO. G. CLASS, Auctioneer “on 50 r 4. El-in Mar 9 (Saturday) - Valuable furniture and household elects, garden mots. eta, belonging to the estate of the late Elizabeth Ann Sctqnetzer, Cceptre, St..j11min. May 11 (Elmira Fair Day) --.At the muket, community sale of live stock, implements. vehicles, furni- ture or anything you wish to sell. send it out curly. April sale I suc~ cesa, everything offered brought . good price. L H. TOMAN. Auctioneer. “on ”It. New Dunla- Mly 14 (Thur-y-At 10 mm. sharp, entire ale of hotel furnish- ings in the will-32 of Baden, at Central Hotel, for C. P. Witte. No reserve, property is sold. May 28 (Thursday) 12 "otbn--- At the Summit View Farm, three- qnarter mile northwest of Bridge- Eort. 40 head of fully accredited loud tested pure-bred and high grade Holstein cow: and you; out. tle. Also I lot of than" for A. B. Brubeher. This is n splendid offer- tGrF Saturchy morning, 8 Ban., " In; union "and, kitehener In- ket, minute and household elects. Wknt hare rout Attend these lulu. Every Snatch: morning " 10 1.3)., st the Kite ener Sales Barn. livestock, oultry, vehicles, and furniture. %|nt lave you? F. J. Stealer, Phone 1714'. Adio baAa, -. t',tfhhife tCGk"ietik GGri ot odds and and: of al detention, lily 80 (Biturday)~At 8 an, at my whet suction star, Utah; ener, an extra good 0 eri o hominid elect: for Iran? T. It! " (Hunky) A 1.80 p... --Real ”his of O-roolnod kick home, furniture and bomb“ " "eta for In. Jacob D. Behmidt unto, 126 Woulloo Bt., KW. Soc ad nut ink. .- _ In 'tl 1Wrierd.rt---AtAtac, by " 1Wmtnanturt---At It: " Jud bloody Durham M for gnu attic. Hound 100 lbs. each, for Jacob he?“ Estate, 5 mile south of Haida but. Do not min this a.le. my " Waturdayt--At I pan. WT, valuable f) too-nod home. fugitive. hanging! along. boll, tir W. "JfriidaisiaitrirGi St., Waterloo. Thin in a ale should not min. noun. which}. an iF2tiili2 " 15.20““ re, and“. an or a: - or . Arelt ale. 8700 out. Wt in" w. 'upttea St.""", E. J. SHAN'IZ. Auctioneer FINANCIAL SERVICE LIMITED Canadi- Munch! 1lt'rt'g?dNN'h'ti',",,' I“ Nun I)... St. We“ MONTREAL my. ROTH, Auctioneer Sat-via nod-,6 ELMIRA In! M“I- I mud " the City of Ottawa, 17th day of Inch, All. 1986. , AmIJb-rzon- FC., H NOTéCE ishherehg {Nagy the; err: . Cong try. 0 t a tMt District of Montreal, in the County _ of Buchanan, in the Province of Quebec. Stock Broker, will apply to the Pulhment of elude, It the present or next Sen-ion thereof, for a bill of divorce from his wife] Dune Ads lly Tnylor, of 14km Wales, in the Shh of Flume, one of the United Slam of America. on [the ground of adultery. 'rrf'.h!iii'ii.i.i.i.ll," “3 no "at“... - W ' GuCdiGG, 2% Solicitor for the Applicant. "You mutn't do that," she ex-. claimed. "Only indies use Trowder-. gentiernem wall themselves." A small boy Ind taken his moth, er'l ponder pa! and WIS in the act of _ Requiem; his _Nee when Ahin from liiin. "You In $2.40 on my. Broaden $2.50. Baby Chicks tre to 10e each. QUALITY HATCHERY " Chapel St., Kim, Ph. 1830!! And Hatchery Highest quality baby chicks, pallets, eggs. English Leghorn, Barred or White Roch; Black or White Ieees Gia_n_ts_. re, free. Used bicycle: at 88.50 and up. W. than carry a large “torment " bug-in price; Also new “eyelet, tricycle. Ind ucemrtu. Pinon. ll . " Nearly new; made aott, proof, Will In: I lifetime, and guaranteed Very log: Bring: 7 - _ CA-RL HEINTZMAN In Scimitar: Lad. - KITCHENER POI I” I." WWI W not! 11.00 per 100 or 80.00 por 1,000. Stravkrry plank, Senator Dun- hp and Pam-I Bounty, do can“ per 100; Prank: " nub per 100. Aho rubber the Mg, _ Apply Austin tttty er. KR. i, Wlurloo. 16-4 % up. to 5 hi. dunk motors, $10.00 und nun he 6-inch Wood: chopper. Dob Gm“, Kitchens; _ 18- Grafting win} tiuiiat that van on the job. Stand 220, Kitchener Market, or E M. Martin, St. Jacob; 19- Yum ai, - iii-in; iirGiGore. Apply " Elgin Bt., Wnterloo. 19-1 Maple Lane Farm '0Mqgttrqtrqegtu.aat.gte V JCrry'n Sport I C do (Opp. Weber's Peed gun) " Benton St. _ Kitch-orz 18- 6 W!” or WATIIIDO ELM- y; i Riff-Tide. new; Union Blvd. ard York St., KITCHENER . Near Bargains For Farms Bearings - Bushings - Brackets - Levers Sinus - oyEatrstrtr_- _Bolts - Nuts J'iano Bargains Douiiji%iFiige EMPLOYMENT WANTED '1tFroFqlmaM" gist". vagedi I“; "uGt"eit"ed 1934 Chevrolet Conch 1981 Chrysler Sedan 1935 Tompkins Sedan 1934 Ford Sedan 1936 Hudson sign-ch cnmm- Scan: 1929 Oakland Coach 1929 Oldnnohile Sedan 192T Chevrolet Coach A927 phtmlet Truck CUSTOM MATCHING Mal" Not For Guillem- "and, lot " kinds of "pain on hm machinery Four Wheel Drive Auto Co. Ltd. Used Cars Gf D. MADER WANT“! NOTICE AT VERY LOW PRICES and mini other items. BRESLAU 1 tr-t 2 1 9-52 this I’m- 1e.tf In... it 4i.li " 19-1 Ji.lLGliSiliiM Best of Waterloo County land, situate at Lexington; good solid- brick house, barn and outbuildings. Heavy 5 h.p. motor wiring, good garden, splendid well. Electric lights all through house and outbuildings. An opportunity to get located close in. Land in excellent state of cultiva- ASPARAGUS STRAWBERRY RASPBERRY Theodore Dietrich ST. AGATH A Soo III Hum! your farm II- chinory requirement. and also the loves! l936 Chevrolcl can. HAINES: AND SHor [UNI But wotkmunhip in hunt. and binder emu: remixing. Bring your shoe- here for re- Model T Ford radiator, like new, and other Model T " King St. "or“ - Wutorloo 1 Standard cream separo ator . 1 pr. of Fordson tractor rear wheels bonnie. lo! - 108 King St. South Waterloo H. W. STEYANUS Bred-ll. R.R. No. t Phone Kitchener 745 r 21 “dim Mary Washington $10.00 pet thou-and tractor. Massey-Harris 7' (looks like new) set of 1 carriage in tine condition. G' Massey-Harris Dunlap, Pocomoke, Marvel 3530 per thou-Ind soc per 100 Latham Viking 33.00 per 100 Herbert Cuthbert $2.00 per 100 Premier 6 ACRES Frost & Wood 5' 12" 10-20 McCormick Buick PLANTS 81.00 per Ihounand Cain. on Fordson extension O a." t I.” 22,36 "" a.” I." ll.“ P. A. SNIDER. Tp, Clerk. Muiunl Life mower mower w heels $103.32 tot I! binder loll! Ill! Tout 10.70

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