CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT Telephone 2426 . 4812 King St. E. Kitchener, Ont. siMS,-MciNTosH, Sl'HUFlELU C SIMS. Banners. Solicitors, can; Medical Arts Building, 47 King Street West, Telephone 4640, kitchene, . Ontario, DR. J. W. HAGEY, Dentist, 69 110 Weber Chambers, King St. W., Kitchener. Phone 1756. LEO G. LA'N'HFUKI), BAKRISTER and Solicitor, Notary Public; Bank of Commerce Bldg" 1 king .'it. East, Kitchener. Telephone ti27, Residence 4400 Kitchener. (opp. Weber's Feed Store) 22 Benin†St. - KITCHENER D. a. BO'LBY, KC.. BAnlSTKR. Solicitor. Noun Public and ' uyucor. Ola. " Quota Bt. N.. Phone 687, Kitchener, Ont. ItROCK & WEIR. G. R. Brock and H. B. Weir, Barristers. Solicitors, Notaries; 410 King St. East. Kitch- rner. Telephone 4030. Ahrr and I'm M. J. HOFFMAN. D.S.C. Chiropodist -- Foot Specialist Graduate of Illinois Collcrw "r Chitopody litritu. Hours: In - l:..' HJIL. I - C, p. Eveninm T to y, gun. CLEMENT,MAT'rm l EASTIAN. Law oiNea, Bank of Torah Buildintr, 19 King Street East. Kitchener, Phone 2310. (11' LAltlF'.yi' 'k UEN'I‘S' CLOTHING cl'WrAlN's V “RAPHS BITZEB t SIYTH, BARBIE?†_ Sgligiwn, NOW ALLAN MacKENYJE Phont, “7. In“. 3:: LYP.t .‘Itwllrul 1rt, Wit-r. .IERRYS SPORT & CYCLE KI'I‘CH ENE“ "YF', WORKS 47 Queen St. S. _ Phone 808 Kitchener, Ont. DR. J. E. HETT 223 King St. E.. Kitchener. Specialist: Nose, Throat, Ear. Cancer-internal and extend. Coroner for County of Waterloo. DYI‘IRS ANIt CLEANERS Office: 44 Willi-In St., Waterloo T. H. H. HRUl‘K t'HARTERFHY At't'OUNTANT tTrustee m Bankruptcy) 49 Kim: Street. East Phone 11ml! - Kitchener. Est-ad lass" ASSETS OVER $1,500.000 Governmcn‘ Dope-it - 3100.000. _, u "MRECTOM5 - I.. "2 '91.! 315233; fir/ii" iiaii(irT tiiui'ciEiiiiet, _ 1jiniCrGiiiirio. _ F. H. "one! - W. G. Wekkel - - - Pun“! J. How-rd Sin-yum - Vite-PreoIant F. H. Mun - "In." and '-- J. A. Rube: - - An'l Seem-r7 E. E. III-rind H. M. Hahn. I - - ta-tor. “an; -riatiriiTGG" _ i". 35:33.2 _ Waterloo Mutual Fire Insurance Company [obi-din. Benin, an»... Hymn and Prirboou I aged-Ill Add more hook, to your home library by tt!orintr, your jaws"!!! IOOKBINDEI " Q...- St. N. _ “on. "" Kink-nor l-lIi-Ihg Club tur.. Silks-OI. Price: "notable. Good. called for uni dettvseq& C. A. BOEHM INSURANCE AGENCIES LIMITED District A30!“ J. H. mm, RAT " Queen St. 8.. Kitchener Phone 628 i. -iiiiGG" t - mainiie hernia-into books. FOOT SPECIALIST J. C. Lehmann BUSINESS CARDS BHIYCLES u! l'q-ul $24.31) and up tvossoriv.s and Parts CHIROPRACTIC (DST l-IOI' ITH Y stiéié} - E. G. FRY CHIROPRACTOR MEDICINAL Phone 76thr DENTAL OFFICERS The Eu 1rt, “ML-Z Kin-h - - U" - GIL-I'D - _ Wat-rho m Pill} "stvopattt, tu ; "mee, mee khan-r Villa].- WERE; Waterloo I: 11.1)) “Naming is CoMidetstiai to one of those- yellow than!" Jarred tuned. "He has made a toot out of me Ind uni paid for ll. " puts mo in a fktte posuion.' with tite whole world know- n": about that provision In the will. H! be runsidt-ned Just a cheap tor- vunn- hunter if! marry you. But that Yu-Uow Harvey doesn't care how many "rmtideruis he betrays, or how much iorm hrs does to any one, so long an Ito pan make a little extra money wilt, a scoop'." Mary new )5 trapped by the will ur her l'ncie Nathan. eccentric old mm.:umm- He between†his for- lull" n Mary and her younger flam- thet J/hilt'"',,,'.'. Jerry and Ann, but uni) on coutiition that Mary shall [Hurry Jarrtul Marsh. sou or an old nil-ml m Iter uncle's. Jarred, sum- mnln'tl from his home in South Arucrica. i“ a “Iran." to Mars. But mums she marries him. Jerry and Ann will be cut ott without a Penn!- Iron Harvey. newspaper reporter, Blur m in love with Mary, malts tltat “luv defy the will. But Jarred and Mary agree to marry. Later that any, Jurted bursts n on Marr, angrily waving a newspaper in his hand and dmnamling that she read It. . (11!.me v Mary was so startled. by Jarredus angry ('IllI‘HIu‘P that she just stared in him fur u moment. He was no Innum‘ 1hr sure and polished young mun H" kept waving the paper he- mn- ]an and urging her to read it. sm- took it and saw the big head- line' STRANGE WILL DEMANDS HEmkss “'l-XD STRANGE}! "That nvwspaper reporter or yours .um us out!" Jarred's voice was shaking with wrath. Mury sun- Don Harvey's name .‘Iu-r.‘ the article. "Hut hut it was supposed to be In)†tumtiUrmtialt" Ate stammered. "Dun know Hunt What made him (In this?" Mary mum! up into Ml “to. “I think you are thte," do Inn], "And I lumw we will (at mum to "on mhnr it it up Ink!» 1 ttttte thtto." Jarrod frm‘d her man. “I'm a mom “I an up and fro-hon up a bit I “Cu-(l harn- 'ttt ml " I roulll. and dashing thrrtutttt the “'0 o'clock rush ll no tov." He turnod um] Ion ttto mun Mary mm up (In phonn. an. mm nodded ttot to no on! gum. hut my Insult new with to 'tum to tett “suntan“ a Slowly Mary's anger begun to mount. Bttrs did not agree with Jarred that Don had wrltten the Mm; fur the extra money he could It»: for it. Ho wouldn't do that. But --h.- knt‘w why ho had released the awry, and " made her furious. He Wltex trying to place. Jarred in and: a humiliating position before the pub- “r that he would not go Hmong]: “inn tho marriage. "tm knm‘l his hand on!" Jarrod mowlml “Selim; us Out!" In Imam! acmslnxly at My. She met his gaze squarely. "rs not. rm money that he ha! nun» it." trhrs said. "Don thlnkl he (are: far me. and has a alllr idea he mm" sun-n mp from trom mylell'. He man that story to make you turn mo down l'ttt sure ot It." 1w took “an": hand In lib. "rm sorry tet have made much I m of myself I hope you“ mm me." "Well. ho can‘l Mull the!" aid Jarrod Thon Mn tttcts smoothed and With a “can movement. the DIMVIrOd the piece ot crumpled paper trom the “hat. Teacher of EEO-O, ttiqtrte, all Punk and Ch- Instruction. Studio-z " lay St.. â€0‘... It... "11-. Tub. Tau-l 9-... - E. I. "In"! " King s. - up. "t wan-Lao lulu-dull.- 'ttlit-tiris?:'." Hugh... - a...“ VANâ€. FE? 'N1ftttyIItNY ll, _-'....',-?,,.'-'.:,...,'-.'-'...')?..,?.,,'..?.,.'-...'-.,-.:.,) (rt MUSIC Mr I. no my use. b In. ',"l'd't2Wfd'2h3t= I “83d! publicity: Shocking!" bo splulterpd. l "t know." Mary admins-ll wc-urily. ."l‘m sorry. I Kllp-‘ié it mm my fault," l "Du um let that ymuu: “can". in- (ride the house again. He will luv tak. ‘ ing pictures allover the place “PM." I "I'll do my best? said Mary, "hut H, have no (-omml "ver" Dun Harvoy or the Leader." I The lawyer 509mm! mulliliml. "I'll be over to take the will In tho " have read tlre story you wrote of the Radar, and I think you ae horrid!" she said angrily, "Now, Mary, it was pan or my "cheme to help you," Dun said. It was plain that ho had been superb ing this call, "You nul only violated u lrunl, but you were nanny, Yum plastered Jarredls name all mmr ttte from page." Mary snuppml "Aud yon vul him in the worst IiKhl uusalblv," his conduct. It took her some time to get him on the line. When she did get her cmtnection. she was very angry "We are to bp married almost at once," Mary cut lt, She wantvd tn hart Don as much as sh? could. "Like a gentleman. " hurt him, hut he refuses to be ‘bhlm’d by u all" ma newspaper story" "Y5u'll Ihauk me .mnw any,“ Ihrn insisted. ' "And Iril give a bigger and hulls-r writeup to the wedding." Don said. "lm lrying to help you. Mary, so don't be a dummy." “Don't call mo» ur mum lie-rmmaiu." she told him. "I can't trust you.'" She slammed the phone clown. Now she wkhed she had Ilul called Dun. She stamped upstairs. But it little later she Wu; railed down again to answer a mill {mm Erorilt t'rlotsn. His cracked voice was excited and worried and amen all in one. Ir. and In C.mats, Dnrnuu called - Wlmrhourue triemia on aunt-y. It. and In. â€any 'Burnett spent 3-Day m Toronto, l Min Alice Forum. or Kitchener es9ertt Illa I'M-end hen- "How did he take it?" Don asked with poorly hidden eagm‘nm. It. and In. John Banner uni Om child!“ of Winston and A luv dune! the week with Mr .110 In Peter Bold! It. and In. hum.†Wald and little unmet. "rent the week. .d um: Gnu relatives. Mr Harry McNally of Guelph Uspout ttte week-end with Mr. and In. "is, Mills Mr. and Inn 'Ruasel Whale or my†"one and It» Flora Forbe- ot Beta â€on! Sunday at the home ot their parents, Mr and Mrs, Frank Forbes bum-u. comm. Wharton-u. The local W.C.T.U. not at h (a-rot-roots-Mow home of In. A. C. new inat tttrod a dune at tho bone at Joe Tuguhy event}... In. .L. 'todd-lay Tmoe' u Elk-y. Att reported an ltd the GCVOCIOB.’ period uni a mu good ' 'tyrtit.tutery guy-god up. yolk Probate Court in " couple or das; I am very ‘lmsy on the Inventory at your unclo'a ProPoriy rizhl now" With a land clearing of his throat. he hung up. As Man turned [rum Ilu- 1thotuv. thrs donrlwli ram: Thr, maid minu- trom mmlmvk ot thr homu- In mmwvr it, She run-mod and Immlml a "MP to but; _ Mary t'ipped mum Nu- yvliow 9n- volnpp Thr, now was from Don: No mtonPr had 3hr In" thc mum man (‘nrmio no In“ rump out of the 1iitrttry Shes "mused nuickly lo the ttreplt"ve. amt with n "In mow» mom. peroverod ltte pine of vrum- pletl paper from the “has Fnrxh'oly. aha returned to the library. Mary ripped mum Nu- yvliow 9n- volnpp Thr, now was from Don: New developments, Have lo we you tottittht Will ho- at the Cafe Ell. DON. She glued at tho gnaw] for a tew minaret then crushed the ullp ot van" in hor palm and wrtlhmt to tho ttreplace. where to was") " among the â€has, “or tttrt was nusheil m trtte tnrned and went hark "pat-in. (Tn hr Cotttmttodt 7 Vtritoi, at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. 1'larvnce Uilburn this past Inn-cl; wun- Mr. and Mrs. Norman ‘Snyrlor. Miss Blanche Hilborn Ind {Miss Geraldine Burk of Kitchener, IMr. and Mrs. Melvin Rickie and Mums and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore iliuck of Hespeler. t Mn. W. Heatttie of Preston tusd .Mrm (‘arman Treen of Hamilton Ivisiu-ul at the horny of Mr. and Mrs. J. llope on Wednesday. " Rev. K, Becker and daughter Ruth of Kitchener called on Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Becker last Wednel- day. Messrs. Henry [nnanen and Bill Wuhber visited at their respective homes in Palmerston on Sunday. Mr. A. McKague of New Dundee was a mm»! at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hope on Tuesday. Members of the t Evangelical Church gathered It the home of Mrs. L. Fried on Wednesday eve- ning in honour of the recent nur- riage of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fried. Mr. Harvey Hathnan acted as chir- man for the impromptu program. During the evening an address was tend by Mr. Harry Brodhnecker Ind Mr. Melville Veitch presented In! and Mrs. Fried with a lovely mutel' clock. The servmg of lunch brought the enjoyable evening to I close. , Arbor Dny WIS observed at the local school lust Friday. In the afternoon the teacher and pupils jooneyed to the Plains where aut txciting game of softball was pl|y~ ed with the score resulting in a large majority for the local players. Rev. and Mrs. G. I). Fleming of New llumlvo were guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. Perrin on Sunday. Mr. Fl Fried was a business visit- or in Toronto last Wednesday. Mr. Ray Marshall of Hamilton visited with his father, Mr. T. Mar- shall. on Sunday. Mrs. Isabelle Veitch is spending I few weeks in Galt. A number from here attended the sale on Dickson's Jersey Farm near Galt last Wednesday. Mrs. Fl H, Nchammer returned hunu aftvr spanning the past three “994m with I'PluHVl-s in Detroit. Mr. and Mes. Sun-1mm and family m Elmira . Ins-m Sunday with friends in hunt. Missts Mary and Margaret Logol of Iittt'umrt syn-m ths. wN-k-Pnd at 'lteiv hum-1 Ila-11' Hr ..Hll Mum Joe. Rum-3- and tam- In "Pt m Situday "Ht't"ttttott in Wa- My: Lloyd ‘mhrm-k rNurnPd to his Immc- in Liudsay aflvr spending tho Rittrrt months at the home or Mr. and Mrs. Gentle Wilson. Mr and Mrs. F. H. Srhummer and daughters Ruth and Betty sponl sun- day afternoon m Waterloo. A special Mothers' Day _ will be held in the United Brethren Church on Sunday evening, In, Mt.' lines lulu Bowman m in Becker Ind his". Roy Motta, Henry lnnnnen and Kelvin Backu- attended the Waterloo County ‘l'hl'isllln Endeavour ban net and rnlly held in the w'lt','S'f, Fan- uunuel Evgnxelicul Church Iv! Tuesday evening. During the eve- uing the omeers for the ensuing year were installed and Melvin Becker of the local U. B. Swim WB.s elected President of the County Union. "urn to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Pat. [pram “(-0 Mean Farnm'ham ot Dunsfma nu Thursday, April Mt. n dunuhlm' (Irvm-L :arr-iot, _ M, 7111 Lrll 1-;Iz'I-m sienna-r w. A Tum-y evening. In. L. new: ltd the dcvotionsl period “I a Myrtle Bach: “and the tore "Arrti-Naeeotie.", followed by a round-table eonNrqnee on the - jun. W: 4 hmmhy Krnsln- spoil! the Luau ml in Iu-r luvm.- in Kitchener. Mi, tin-r.» lb-dmnml spent the “wk mu! m (tcy home in Auburn W.- Jlr- surly Yo rnpurt that Mrs, Inâ€. |=--.:::~ nlnh'lwvnl an nperalhm m lln- K-n Hum-ital [mu week, Mr F" tl Su'lmmmu-r 3pm†" fvw tiny-z in quninnu an dumim‘ss. Wr, aw NWT) lo r0110" that Com lihl Wilksw'.; an- nuarantined for Marlo: Fever. Mm, George Wilson H-tul'ned home vu Sunday after spending the past “wk in Nrsllmnn. u.“ " Rreat \u-Ii 11km! by Tllr Young Mr " "nil “r M ,Ithd and Mr .1 nova 4mm Saturday anornmn nnd .wnivm m Kltrhonor Mr Min-r1 mm)" was a human ' hum m Kutmrttor on hmrdny Wm- Gram “on! has m to Mr home an" Irwin; two Icon with man. m his. Mr and Mrs Wm Wttetrter of Ni- mum Falls, NY. won: manhunt] vieitor.a at tho home nr str and Mn 1:0,. Li-hh gummy Haiku}; at mo homo of Miss; Miunie nm'duu wmv Mr and ttr, Smith and Wm Sargent-I of Km 'nnnm' znnl Mrs. Gryt, Pnrwoll ot «ppm Sun-lay with tho Inlter‘s i. It, nun] mu Jamil! Imm- P-t_.-----. WELLESLEY LINWOOD 'blS‘l'RICI‘ HIV! A meeting of the teachers and directors and thoae taking part In the spelling competition ot the Bap- urale and Paulie Schools ot Welles- ley Township was held in the Cro- hill School on Saturday. May , with a good attendance. The president. JoritrHt Fose1t. of St. Clements and K, l. MeLouqhry. district agricultural rept'esentaCrTe of Gall. presided when the usual routine ot business was tramsacted and discounted regarding the school lair, which is to be bald in St. Ciemenls, it nthfaclory to the trustees. The iollowing oitieers were elected: president, Douglas Mc- Kay, SS. 18. Wallemteln; vitkpl'hii- Gent. Anthony Schnarr, 8.8. ll, St. Clemente; secretary. Helen Dc-ckerL ss, 4. Linwood»: Twenty one pupils took part in the spelling competition conducted hy Wm. G. Rae ot Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs Campbell Shunt; and little daughter Audrey winked with Mr. and Mats. Allan Sham: In Kitch- ener on Sunday. A pleasant evening was spent at me home or Mr. and Mm. Geo. Globe last Thursday when a large number or young people (mm Wellesley lendered their son Oliver a surprise- farewelt party prior to his removal to Mount Porest. where he his se- rnrpd a position as cutter in the Sttperior 'Knitting Milk tRudy an had the Wonune of losing {our head of young cattle after being mammal. Mrs. Simon Squires and was of mutation has purchased the tarm one hull mile an! ot Orv-shin, tor- merly owned by the mentor dihrtate and James Birmlruhun. who has had it rented not he past two you. has routed the Rom. Honey estate tarm better known as John Hair turn on the 7th line went, Wellesley town- ship, and lu‘ummulyd Vole-lunmuuumm;‘m. â€Mtumhmofm Amman. Immunity“ and - In B. Intact Kitch- unatthohmoollarymm; 2ff and In. [an “be H (lair ttr of Net Dumbo with "have. lere; Mr mm In, My w and DMWMWCIW» with Mandy a. Rev. Mr, Willow MW occupied the pulpit or Bord Chum on Bun- day in alanine with Rev, A A 1411);. . Alma But I: - employed with George GIN-fer tor the met :He was presented with a lovely hill-fold by the group who Expressed their regrets at seeing him leave the community, Dancing and music were enjoyed by all, afler which de- licious refreshments were served. Personals. Mr: Harvey Kueisel spent Sunday at his home in Lisbon. _ Mun-um t.qo..' It. Pd", In. Wm. m and - M Ulla- and "- 'uataedqtt. "oA-Wit-rust Manhunt Mr. Mr and In. “and Hahn. Roy and Florence spent many anernoon with Victor luruy's In Installer. Mr, John Murdox of Kitchener was visiting with Mr, Semen Snyder lam Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. IHohl were visit. ing with Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Doer. in: M [Mering'a Corner on Sunday. Mr. Oliver Glehe accompanipd In his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo, G'telr" and his hmlhor Franklin motored to Mouat Fermi "" Sunday. Oliver has sAecttred a which in Superior Knitt. in: Milk tttore and commenced work on Mummy 'me cunnuuuily wish him the heist potrsihlo sum-ass. In, Wuhan amt a any at the bone at be: new“. Harold Knight h Guelph, Mr. John Mathies and Mr. Emmet: Reader spent Sunday at their reaper- tirp homes here. Mias Iihrthor mm, formerly em- ],loyed in Kitchener. has volume] to her home hare for tlr. summin- momma. Mr, and Mrs. .lqmu Nannies and latnuy allll Mr, "avid (‘nnk ated sun Norman were visitors in ‘Kithn-m-r and Waterloo on Sunday. USE CHRONICLE WANT ADS. TO SELL OR TO BUY, mam "TT's AN iLLVwTRiBVV’: Eré. ;lr Mr, and Mrs. Isaau Snyder and Clan-mice and Howard Wismer tspent Sunday with Mrs. Clare Schmitt y Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Herner spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs, Abe Her- Her. Mr' and Mrs Leonard Shanta uud sun Keith spent Sunday eh'eerlng Mm Mr and Mn. Geo. S. Schmitt. Mics Evelyn Cressman spew the week-en at m-r home, Rottebank, The Missas Selena Roll: and Edna Schmm were guests ot Miss Dummy Wilhelm on suudny. Mr and Sir: Elmer Wismer and family or Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs 'Leonard Shaun and sun Keith and Mr, Herbert Wfsmev were Sunday gunk; of Mr and Mrs Lorne Sham: Mr. and Mrs Herb cook and Yam- ily, wnny Road, spent Sunday with Mr, and Mrs John E Wilhelm Mr and Mrs Noah Roth East Zorn: visinl Sunday with Mrs. M. Ruth, Sunday guest: an the home or Kr and Mn. Noah Herner and Mr and In. Herman shun: were Mr and In Jeremiah Good near New Haw- ' Mr, and Mrs David Shanta and Valid Mrs Clarence Roth. _ Rev and Mu orphan Wttsuter spent Sunday with Geo. S Schwinn, Mr and Mrs Jeremiah mun: spent Sunday with friends at Elmira. Mr and “Th '"TE'tt £35.?" tiii?! The Perfect The PHYSICAL CULTURE HOTEL, Inc. DANSVILLE, NEW YORK 'unMr "ant-h "tooktet FREE V you mrotio" this paper. David Snyde1 and .. -> A Restore pep and energy “if/L; by combining a health r'" course and ,meatitm-.- . play while getting well. Me" Find the magic Key to It Health at this world _ .- famous Institution, founded by Berna" Madadden. Where results gre often miraculous. Health Chautauqua and Physical Culture Convention June, My Ind August. Special pro am each week. Sports, competitive 5'r',',"es', entertain. ment, exercise. hikes. tennis, swim. ming, golf, dancing, Congenial corn. mninns Pleasure and enioyment for cbcrvone This great health resort is super- vised by experienced experts. No drugs, medicines nor operations. Na. tural methods only. A delightful and charming atmosphere of friendliness and good fellowship. Moderate rates, fine food, comfort- abke rooms, restful sleep, IN.- for "Book of View I and rate scbcrlutrr, No obligation Write today, l Mr and In. H“! wt for. ‘Sunday guest: with Ir. all In. kAlbert Mueller at [It-tenor. Mrs E s Humbert†and In: Nora Hulnsbergur were - tte t. Miet,tt, Maryann and Annie - on Sunday The Nile: Margaret Barb: at Khulna Cred-man mum “A, with “In Vera t5ettmdtt. m:- Em Snyder of 'u-ot-tBe spent Sunday with Mr mi In. nu- man Snyder A QUIIY. "ELL OOIDIIOYII. COIVIIIII‘I’, IODIII I0. 300‘ Moi-.. II?" can “Iâ€! Fore Moll , TARE I " LUII VIII Iâ€. - OI III‘IF-ICO acation ////m anr'. menu.-