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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 May 1936, p. 6

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Selling Out *rr0POTrERtr--Within limit of turlwn. both (In. And returninlvlt Port Arthur. OIL. Armstrong, Ont, and watt: nigh M Cite-go. “L. Sault Rte. lurio. Mich, um] _ In ucordlnce with "with "I I'nited III-m "no. ____. 'ill infatuation from any ngont. " n - -- 'tmNm--'rietteo Inn-d going \m Port Artbar. OIL. Arman-1mg, ont,, Chicaku. m.. or Saul! Ste. Marie. returning win MO roman lnd line only vamu- nu- lbn-I mun-n. PW Tick-II aloe on “It. J",ru.L- tat but“! sleeping can I! approximately In Irt,trtr, Te. 'h" -retoUr, ball: ure. CI!) ",iakovh%.t I. 'tueAt. y]... - Pho. V ._- - .....‘. I.m- - can; nu. (M "by and “M :loepin. nu ll main-holy “A: per mile, plus - In: or berth tare. alarms of Mrs. F. Krieger will be M to learn that she has re- turned home after her recent opera- tion In the Woodstock hospital and is doing Mao. Special Bargain EXCURSIONS Mr. Kaiser or Roeeville was " re, cent visitor with friends in the vil. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Witze) and children were Sunday visitors at the hoyy? ot Mm. Andrew Gotten. TO ALL STATIONS m 7 WESTERN CANADA L WHENGIOUS " MnatMeret 81. 1MtKl'mHB8t, ONT. Those on the sick list are Miss A. Cooley. Mrs. Wm. Copley and Mrs. Grimes. Their many friends wish them a speed y recovery. did a number ot gymnastic stunts and Mrs, Fulcher sang a solo, Mr. Rained}; then put on a short play and "The Meeting of The Fools" Game 'Hothnan gave a recitation. "Ambition". The Lord's Prayer was lung In the benediction. The Young People's meeting 4srni1e Unued Church was held in the Sun thy School room Monday evening, Icy 4th. The program was in charge of the Christian Culture Committee with union Holman In the chair. Aden mean! portraying the child. hood life ot Samuel was given dur- Ing the Scrlptnre reading. Marion Holman (“and with a solo and an Idireau. "Mother" was given by Mrs. HAITI-on. The Trail Ranger boys .u - -- fl . A a vlolln solo accompanied by Mar- garet Routley at the piano, A Dunk dance was put on by tour girls, Jean English, Margaret Oliver, Helen Hop. per Ind Jean Stewart. Jean Engiish and Helen Hopper then favored with . plum duet. Ruth Stunner delight- ed the audience by giving a reading ‘Tho Cattle Thief". A duet was sung by Helen and irene Facey with Flor- ence he” at the piano. An address by the pruitiple, Mr. Cuombs, was Iollmvod by "God Save The King". After the program the visitors were: served with a dainty lunch by a number ot the girls. swarms CAR pimuzczs An enjoyable evening was spent at the Public and Continuation 5111001 Thursday evening. April 30. when the parents and triendes were lnvttad in to view the work of the Fepihr. 'me rooms were decorated in the school wiom. red and white and the puplis’ art decorated the walls andttacehoardss. in the science room I lumber ot Dunne were demonstrat- ing diluent interesting experiments. After viewing the different room an enjoyable program was put on by the senior pupils with Jean English in tho chair. "O Canada" was sung in French by pupils ot the Lower School. Blair Graham favored with Cu. .1! and "(I Trout- .“ In a. " tn! " APPROXIMATELY ONE, CENT PER mu: A Complete Stock of ‘ Going Dates: Daily May 14 to 28, 1936 - Return Limit: 45 Days Trusses Must Be Sold At Cost I (was; mi. PLA'I'TBVILLE tt wean bu Floors in spite of the hard usage they "can. ts equally good for other mterror sutfaccs mixing a high gloss vamish. Runny Tonight - Use Tomorrow Wears on the Job--- Not thr FOR FLOORS, STAIRS AND LINOLEUM [K0illllf'2 N(iNllCo2 FLOOR VARN ISII Loading Hardware an! Plumbing Movi.tn. P50.- 2.0 - WATERLOO MADE " CAIADA Pai,it'id AK‘, JUL],- only 550:. BM CONRAD BROS. Fan-nor: in this "may carted mending Int wool but an no! mule much hoad‘ny. " uhowm m an". frequent. - '""' _...'. "q.F'N ....., .'Er.w.b ... mm. W Mrs Mlhlon Bender vi.ited her man on Sunday afternoon than New. mg. Anon Bender and Mr. ‘moy anndorl the ”new man an “and” on Monday. lui) mm Union Sunday School my» Mrs Harry M I. staying with hy m" Yon and Min Rumor of m. her (hummer. Mn. Wilton " smn- Thom... ford, tho mm being sick with 'trl Sunday Pvening canon " monon- pnndwus. (or Mr and Mrs. In” Cm Fan-nor: in this "may carted 1mm Mr. Imd run. thmUtt “not. uehdlng not week but an no! mule MIA-o. on» attd Erna Blunts. In much hoad‘ny. " chow.“ m an". M. Winn» Ind Mb. "I! It!- ...--. Mr, and Mn. Clayton Zehr and family Ind Mr. And In. Reuben Zen: and family spent Salinity with In. Mono. stelnmln. Mm Robert Vance I: spending Romp titms with her son, Mr. and Mrc, Jim Vance at Park. I Mr and MN. Charles Koch ot Honestugo and Mr. and Mrs. Amos Hrubaoher of Hawkesvllle and Miss ' Mattgio Cres‘snun at Kitthenor were Ld'/i'iiii0. rieltors or Mr. and Mrs John l, Horst. ur and Mrs Aaron Helmuth nnd Mugdalt‘ne and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ban visited relatives at Mlllhsnk and Newton on Sunny. I Mr, and Mrs, “nasal Hahn. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Ritter and Mr. and him. Henry stroll visited with Mr. and Mrs. T. Richardson in London on Sunday. i Mr. Harry Garner spent Sunday in jK'nrhener. .. Mr. and Mn. Allan Otto and Jon called on the latter] parents, Mr. and Mrs C B. Schmidt " Lisbon Irsqt week. Rev. W. J. Yngor and Mr. Solomon Ehy are summing the annuu Evan- gellral mnlmnce at Dushwood the laUm' ttee dnlagau- trom Bt Jacobs rlrruit, Mr. and Mrs. Eons Warn have taken up rvsldence In rooms rented from Mrs Martin Schmidt at "In south end of the village. Mr. and Mrs, Mike Brrebaehepand run Isaac visited on Sunday with Mr. and Shun Isaiah Brutratmer at Set- t'rrv'at. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ross and family ot Hamilton and Mr. and Mrs. H. Newmeister and baby Lagern ot Kitchener were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Kelterborne. ' Mrs. Moses Gingrich an Mr. Eli "rmgrich of the 4th ot Peel visited le:h Mr. and Mrs. Simeon Martin ion Thursday. Mises Ruth mm» of Bloomingdale vpout a week with her grandmother, Mrs. William Westfall. Mr. and Mrs. Manna Horst and suns. David. Amen and Melvin and Mr, A. K. Brubuher were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Knot-r. Lexington. Mn" and Mm. Bert EM and Mrs. Mums llearinger spent Monday with Mr, and Mrs. Josiah Bearingw Wa- mrkln. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hurst. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. .Un' Shaun. Waterloo. Mise, Katie Westfall spew two mu-ks with her ”other, John In EV mini. Mr. and itrs, Amos Brubacher of Hawkee,wille warp Sunday visitors ot “rs ani Liehty. Mr, and Mrs. Simeon Bowman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Moses We- her in the Lexington section. Mr. aid Mrs. Sylvester good and .sott Lincoln visited In Baden on_Snn- day. Miss Melinda Bowman spent Sat urrlay in Kitchener. Mv. and Mrs _oranson Martin ot SS Yo. 3 Woulwich visited with Mt'. and Mm. Mike Bowman on Sunday Mrs. Geo. H. Oberholtzer spam last Thursday in Kitchener, ', Mr lput "er- ot Detroit is tttttsud- I ill-,1 mum» Cun,s with his mother, “Ill Jolt" [largest MragAaron Bowman has returned. mom the KJV. Hospital thre she umlr'rwn-m an operation. , m and Mrs. Donald Davie and! .un Donald spent the week-9nd atl the homo "t' Mr, and Mm. John 6.! Hahm I Mrs. John Buchanan supplied for Miss Ctzrssrttan last week. owing to tito lam-rs il'mess, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wall] spent last Tur-oar in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Welker spent Sunday in Kitchener and attended .wrvivv and Sunday School at Olive! l'hun-h. The balance or the land was tsold to Mr. Samuel Good, reserving how- uu-r. all the lots on the west side Young street. Mr. Norman Brubacher bought a villam- lot nu the corner uf Water and Church guests from the Wllllam “Human rebate, w, munalnlale the two pupils “in: qualilml for the 'semHimua in the spelliux comm. namely, Master Aden Martin and Miss Katherine Ro, biusou of our local school, a credit io Hwir lrainer, Mr. Claire MaoLeod urmripal of our Behool. Land Sold. Qualify For Finals. "an” no...- - EAST ZORRA mum-noun? 'rr. JACOBS I Mn. Ida Wismor and mu Mary WM: and Minn weld: accompnlod er. and Mrs Henry Puck of Boon to JPtir on Sunday afternoon than l Thp Junlnr Sunshine sowing circle held their monthly meeting or the homo ot Mrs. Martin on gummy afternoon, After the ttttyoung the to]. Inwlng girls called on one or ther mombpm Marjorie, Cred-mun, qthtt has been on the nick mt: Aimed. Hearing" ot German Hills, Grace “1er ot English Schumann Norms Brpnneman and Ruth and Dori-l Felek. Miss Erma Shanta, of Kitchener spent the weekend with her parent». Mr. and Mrs. Um”: Shuts. Sunday visitors at the homo ot Mr. and Mrs, Simon Martin were Mr. 5nd Urs, Manama]; Cream-n. Mr. Foster Snider spent Sunny with his panama Mr. Ind In. Esr- rpy Snider at Germ“ Mills. ttr and Mrs, Kennard Snlder ‘nd mm and Mr. Joe Modlln of Germ": Mills and Mr. and ms, Gullah! Sni- dur and sons of St. “Mill. Recent vallers at the home ot Mr. and Mrs Isaiah (‘ressmnn were: Mr. David nearing", Misses Vera. Al- Ins-(la and Doris nearinger ot Wu Mills. Miss Loreen Pry of Wuittbmgt- bum Miss Ermine Baum and - ter Hamid Poll. Mrs. 'mttort Hull! and Mr and Mrs. Manual: Cron- may and ramlly. Mrs. Irvin Wetter and non Morris of English Settlement. Mr. Cinema Wimmsr of Certtreville and Marjorie ('rossman called on Mm. Ida Muller. Mire. Norma and Ruby Brennemm and Miss Elsip Evans spent. thut- day with Violet. Elsin and Lola Mur- tin, . Mr. .uu! Mrs Lloyd Snider spent Sunday with Mr, and Mn. Jacob Sham: an Baden Rev. Simon Mnrtln, Mr. and Mn. Isaiah Cressman, Misses Ram and Marjorie (‘rpssman and Miss Erwin: Haumnn railed at the home of Har- Try Snider's at German Mills. All: and Mm. Thursday with nuts. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Boettgor ind fttrttrly of Mnnkmn were Sunday TtBi, tars with the farmer‘s. father, Mr, Orin "orttger. 3er James Wietott or the Bank of (‘omlnoru- start, Forest, spent Bun- day at thv home of Mr. L G. Pequvgnat. Mr, and Mrs. J. J. Blackwell ot Helio" attemlert the funeral or Mrs. " tl. Schultz on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Watson and family ot' Montreal spent several a...” at tht, home of Mr, and Mrs. Jnhu E. Bingeman. Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stahl and son and “Rs Bulk: Corrie, who spent the [KIRK (on days at the lanai”: home Inn-9. returned on Saturday to Chl- raga. Ill. Mr. and M rs. Victor Knot! of Shat- rurd were visitors on Saturday with tho latter‘s rather, Mr. Ben Forrest. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Williams and mo childrvn ot m-anlmrd were Bum 'lay visitors, with her lather, Mr. S. ll. I'eaacotk Miss Alive livid. ttarse-in-tr) ut N:. Mary".; Hospital, Kitchener. "lint the wwk-and with her parents. Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Reid. Miss Mona Sparrer spent Sunday at her ttorm. in town. ' Miss M Douglas ot Kllmener wu " Sunday \I'edmr with Miss Loni-e linvtlgvr. Mr, and Mrs. A. Mans: and family of 1-11"qu "ppm Sunday with the tor- mnrk mother, Mrs. War. Mus; Service rhust-xl W twr" shortiy Mr Ward Coukortoa of Stratlord Sp“!!! Sunday with relatives in mm). Hr Clrttkrrd Huehn. employee of m.- K. " Hammkr. Ford Sales & Mr and Mn Allan Wilhelm and Camus who fur the past few years Ilalvp rcsidett in Kitchener. unwed back to town on Monday. They have taken residence in the house former- 1y wupiml by the late Mm. Mary Rm: Mr, and Mrs. o. mum-house And 1.1mm ttt' London and the farmer’- mother. Mrs, Katie Ritterhoase of Kitchener were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William Roth. “rs, Marty Burke ot Chicago spr'ti', law wm-k with Mr. and Mm. ll. C. ,“l'l‘llt'l Mrs. G'starge 1a'ruudent"rrtrer ot De tyoit spent n few days with relatives In lawn . m keeping aim the park mm. Tho lumen]! diamond in getting um 1=hape and the adjacent iUdd In: M. ittlowert and is being worked um shape tur softball diamond; The rwimming pool ha undergone ttn sprlng cleaning but the noor " to ttult'e considerable rennin. , lir, Walter sparrer nu been appoint» "d parhs rarelaller and dready has] the flowers literally pushing out to uteet him. ' Pomona". , Mr. and Mrs. c. K. Berg and Mr. and Mre, Walter Bechlhold were vill- tore, in Tummo last week. Mrs Harry Barnes at Luger-oil I: \‘blling with her puenu. Mr. and “rs, Jun. museum“. uay evening plan. were laid to 1- prove parts or the park prom. Spare at both entrances (om mad as parking Iota on the M ground: mu be levelled and -ded. At the nm niacin of (lo wk imam! mm m F‘ouuum Park on _ 'outuu-y. l Tho do.tht at In. liar- . Sena“: Occurred n In: - CI“. Timmy noting. a. - OI. ill nearly three month. - a h damn. In an”: no - " Bridgeport, Much I. "" i“ " yea.“ or Me, we can. to New - boa Nth her wan, [In In. In. Kuorber In! Mr. John Koch.- and In: Handed More “no. cannon an. um married to liar-LI t Schultz on December M, m1. Suruvtng are her husband. on. s,OU Jack, a and“: u Wan-haw huge, and her “than Jam M of New Hlmhurg. The “new! Ga held on My afternoon at the Willem. Ml ura- made in Rinaldo cometary. Move lo 'e""' Park. for Severn! years. has our- an huslm-ss ut Heidelberg, no will take up residence Boh Pressman spent friends " St. Clem- 'Jnly l7-uAyr VI. PIA-is. l Preston we. Smttord. Baden n. Wells-lay. July 28---stmttorxt vs. Arr. I Trustee! rs. Walls-101. I Purl. vs. New Hamburg. 'July 24~Wellasloy u. Strum. Arr VI. Tulsa-ck. New dumbing n. Eden Paris VI. Pro-ton. July 29-13mm u. Arr. Prawn n. Balm. .l-uly 1i-a'ttrt. n. fwd-lock. July "--'Paeiatoe& VI. Station}. New lumbar; vs. Park - _ - 1..-.-. "mm, -" autumn by the Park vs. Baden. . 'mzle quartet“; composed or Mel-rs. Ayr YB. Welleoley. i1'lare Whom. Albert noduleln. June IF95trtrttord vs. N. Hamburg. iAlex Make-lock and Rev. o. D. Baden vs. Paris. “naming; an address on “The Spirit Walla-lav vs. Arr. or Santos". my Ru. Fleming; a vocal June 2ir-Wrmrton n. Thvutoeh. duet entitled. “Sundown", hr Elk: June 28--Arr n. Preston. Evelyn Bunker and Mrs. Elmer June M--N. Hamburg vs. Wellecley. smug at Roseville; and an anthem. Tnvlstock yo. man. a "I Wilt Ema! Thee", by tho choir. . Paris vs. Station]. 3.Y.P.U. Mating. June 36--Pmqton " Put. The regulur meeting ot the RY. ( Baden vs. Ayr. PD. was held at the church last week Stamford vs. “vista-j. lwilh Mr. Roy Glidner presiding. The Wellesley vs. N. Humburg. scripture lesson was read by Mr. Am July 2--Btratmrd vs. Preston. [son Lang after which Instrumental July 3--We11e- n. Paris. numbers were rendered by Miss Irene Ayr u. Baden. leerk. The topic, "The Observance N. Hamburg u. Taviltock. 80' Sunday". was wanted by Mr. July b-Preston n. Walk-19!. M. W. Armstrong [allowed by a brief VV Baden vs. New Mars. (Cid by the water. Rev. H. F. Sch-dc. July wu- moi-Erna? June Inna June Haw 'Eunbux VI. Pram. June My-Batten n. Tgvluock. Arr n. Station. Pan. 7.. Wane-lay. Jur"y18---wrrtht- vs. Man. Tuluock vs, N. mum. Stratford v3. Pam. Prawn nr. Arr. June "--'Nristock u. Preston. The tsehedute drifted In. u fot. to": June hall-don n. Eamon. June salve. Rubin: n. Arr. Strum“! TB. Wollaaley. TIMI n. ”Park. June 5~Prenlon vs. New ‘Humburs. station! n. Men. . Boom ot two-III mm In the [an " In. loaned to We (to an! tout than In the [pl-roll mum at tttme. The ttmt ltd third The "usury nut forward a copy will!" to and: club, -. --. -. - "m. -.i loom-(m, Mr. C. J. “at. 15mm only no- a. an to“ u the m1; Ducal-ion- tor the Adm-u:- or 417th a. [mug “no no you). were voted “nee an count but two In "and, and “(at - no non-1M3. me may (no was let! nun-cu " one daily but cont-ll chug- were much the all. of tho lug“. tt"sekr.tetrartaswaitid"iii-aa', ot I u. we: " - H, in my- ?trtrHr-lttreotnradtouttaa Instead ot dividing mu. laun- to not an m “can and (earth. Umpire. an Imam to he provided by the tone club and visit- Ing club. --W'. v“. I-vm; VI 0-1.)". J. a. mum-r, Winor Luau -- TiGrTiiari um um. although m .- - 313"”. ter, T5. one," cha- 'IH’O u l F-N. yawn, G. 'rGGoie n. Strattord “ my "ht iufiaiui iii an 'fJtttud'ett ”bu-u- ” than.“ ”may... - ”I, . 'N “In Rina-Jam“ In“. r. 'd'tuatithtdt"tt.'g.1idd m. -at-tsot-oe W eeP-rtAtauoetr'tur'ieiike.r I. Petarrf_ttaiattd,tiiiiisi In mm man, I'm manta a. he!- -et-t1iitwtttutattaraitt Mr. lulu-mum. . M Mun...“ “3 'te-ttmt-u-ti- n" “‘""" m - Mr. c, C. Hanan or I “in. County “in.“ n “In. cu!“ '" by mammary hum. Fiiiiiii) tel," 0:03:qu rm madam um- A-uNllEMARTaco.Lag. Mr. David Barge: occupied the chair at the regular meeting of the Blenheim Mennonite Young We! Society whlch was held at tbs dutch on Sunday afternoon. We scripture lesson was read by Mr. Morgan Bier. Miss mm: Snider gave In my on the topic. “The Book at Book!" uld Mr. Walter stunt: m the speaker for the meeting. Rev. G. R. Schultz gave an address based on the cerium"; me, John 212144 at the H.003. Chrlsuul m1- lovslup meeting which was held ttt the school Mutt Wednesday. Blenhelm Young People's Moldy. sou Lang after which GaraGirririiiiiii numbers were rendered by Miss Irene Mb Shark. The topic, "The observance spent or Sunday". was presented by Mr. Mm. T J. W. Armstrong [allowed by a brief Mr. a talk by the pastor. Rev. H. F. Sch-dc. Mr. an page; Chi-lulu filloulhlp. _ son. Ro -. - ,,.,..__., ~,..--.-. u-.. v. run-mung clueu the place which he has occupled tor on Mrs. Henry Elmchler on Tues. seveml yous. day or last week. as. Society PM Program. Mr. I, M. unborn attended a Dist- The members at the Christian Eh trict Purin- Dealers Banquet at Ba- deavor Soclely were in charge at the den last Wednesdcy evening. Sunday cvonlng Iervluce at the may Vllllora at the home or an... Elin- led Brethren church. The president. both sebum: on Sunday were: Mr. (Mr. Clare Ruben. pruned um the and Mrs. George Quehl and dinner. following program was Dreamed: Dorothy or Wuerloo and Mr. and 'gcrlpture lesson by Illu‘Velm. Bur Mn. Harry Thoma ot Kitchen“. er; a plane duel by thd Mines Marr Rev. H. P, Gentle II ”tending the unborn and Ellen Page; 3 muted World‘s ”Mammal Convention reading entitled. "Receugbml", ‘bx what In being held at Tmnto this “It. may. Balaton; 3 Election by week. _ ’the Junior Choir. "Be strong To Do Mr. and Mrs. Ahnr Cred-mm 1'i Elam"; . plum solo by Mrs. W. 6. New Hummus "sttod with Mr. and) Roots; several numbers by the Mrs. H. Snyder on Sunday. male quartet“; "ompoaed or Mum. Mus Bennie Gunn or Ayr called on Clare whom. Albert Malena. friends In the villus. on Monday. Alex Mame-lock and IBM. o. D. The Misses Clara Ind Eda; Kael- F'lemlu; an address on “The Spirit m sad Mr. Eldon [tavern-n ot or Sonics". In, Rte. Fleming; I vocal I Plan-ville mum at the home or duet osttitled. "Stratdomt", hr mural: and Mrs. Hen-mm Knvelmn on Evelyn Bucket and Mrs. Elmer Sunday. sum: or Rosevllle; and an anthem. Mb. Liiramutetmehuasrr and Mr. "I Wilt Extal Thee", by tho choir. Ed. 'Ltotemretttagtrr all“ on Miss 3.Y.P.u. unsung. Lydia Latstmttrettmtresr at Kinsman" The regulu meeting ot the BY. on Sunday. . on -..- 1.-.; -A a“ _.__, l ., . _ _ an“ an: In! Thur-day "all; Mr. 8:va cloudy “who! unob- nethe- ot Ila Mention “I atnt. ad that through their mm m cm 1mm has boon M Ill tag tt annular! to mark butter grades on att mm was. mu can now-ha. Tho-um 'oo-ation moth. Ge a. New Dumbo damn cm I. who“ a nun W. IMLrry in: rook and the following one." were elect“ (or the or"rruq you: W- dont, In. Hall; manger, In] Eln- m; “usury-trauma. 'tat" To”; ouch. Gariteld Weber; mu- m, Dalton Home]; Add “or. Rotta Toma, New Location For Barter limp. 1 Mr. Jack Schmidt, the local barber, has moved to a new [canon In Mr. NONI-ll Weber‘s building. adjoining] ' Mrs. A. Linton or Nun-n. Falls In spendlng a few days with her bro- ther, Mr. Josiah Case! and Mrs. Canal. Menu. Ralph Tom and James Berger Jr., Ietrt last Friday for Nor- thern Ontario where they will spend seven] months. Min Mary Sulder of Waterloo spent the weekend with Mr. and Mm. Titus Hinton-n. Mr. and Mrs. 10001:): ormrlieh and Mr. and Mn. Hubert 0mm and son, Ronald m "can whiten with Mr. and In. Anthony Gruelieh at New Humans" Mr. and Mn. Quentin Mailman visited with Min Edith Marne:- at London and with friends It Cold- stream on Sunday. Mus Bennie Gain of Ayr called on friends In the villus. on Monday. The Misses Clan Ind Eda; Kael- m and Mr. Eldon Knvelmnn ot Plan-ville villtsd at the home or Vulture at the home ot Mm.. Elin- both Schmidt on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. George Quehl and dinner. Dorothy or Wuerloo and Mr. and Mn. Harry Thom- ot Kitchener. Mr. Christian [a]... Maura, Dune! Imam; and tMcar [Al-a. Min K, Let“, It. Annie Bender and Mr. and Mrs. Wilma Bender or Tavhlock and Mr. and Mot. Sylvester Bur of Planning called on Mrs. Henry Elmchter on Tues. day of Inst week. Ree. rtmistne um tiisGGUGTrr- Jon; the occasion. In. I -- - a by '9rPotu-riuafr.nuidik" We. 02h- " (In... It All In but but - non, Glen and It. mm “It" "et min-lo.udln.lor M n -ttdik Mr. no Inn. has.“ an Ion. - and 'Ms.darq..N- and a a. h- at a “In Me mar at I. run - - It. and In. I. I - III “In, am a sum mm m Itching.“ In.“ In. “as Canal and qMe. nad In. I. H. Bunk on Bands}. in“ Ada lingo-n agent the took-end with “have. and (Hand- at M... . Among those who attended the Waterloo County am: New: Union Banquet which was held at the Bracelet] church " Wturloo On May "on!” ot but nook were: Rev G. D. 0mm, Mr. andi were: Rev G. D. [Homing Mr. and In. Clue unborn. the like. Oh- dyu amnion. Alla Baum. Ellen Phge and Veins - and learn, Bert Gunman m Willard Hulls-n, The Evangelism. Son'vicps held at the local u. B. Church during the put two weeks were largely attend- ed. Mrs. B. Jordon. the evangelist, bmuxht‘the gospel mes-sage each night and at hath services on Sun- Mr. and Mrs. "sttuvart Kaufman and sun Dunn“! visited with Mr. and Mrs. Stank-y Snidvr on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwinn! and family moved to their new home near Kitchener on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. orandJiiowman and sons VISHHI with Mr. and Mrs. Her, bert Raster on Sunday: Mr. and Mm. vim-our.- Klie and Erma and Elmer Klie span Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Human-her at Pelvmburg. Mr. (‘lan- Rivkvrl and the Misses Bony and Margaret Ott and Dorothy Rickert of Windsor spent the wer end with the farmer's parentes. I Miss Jean Shanta at Pine Hill toty Sunday with Miss Mary Shaun. Guests an the home ot Mr. and Mrs. William Guellling on Sunday were: Mr. and um. Juhu Goetz, Miss Mar- Raret (men. Umisrs. Angus! Weick. ert, Herman Ilausrhil-l and William Schultz and Mr Weber ot Kitchener, Mr. and Mrs Edward Heckler of German Mills and My: Herman Hage- dorn or Shetrieid. Miss Thelma Bastian ot Kitchener spent me week-end at her home in the villaxv. Mr. and Mn. Ortey Urn-Imam ot Warerloo visited with Mr. and Mrs, Josiah 'Castel on) Sunday. Mr. E. B. Hallman mus a business vililor in Btstralo, NA', on Monday. Visitors at the home or Mr. and Mrs, l. H, Tuman on Saturday and Sunday were: Mr. and Mm. Gordon Hamacher and sons, Earl and George of Pine Hill, Mies Blanche Wolfe of Kitchener and Mr. Carl Class of Elmira. Mr. and Mus L. K. Blagémau culled on Mr and Mrs, Beulah Rosen- honor at PineAh" on Sunday. The Misses Elsie (iron and Luella Slant: and Messrs. Gordon Shani; and mum Baer Hailed with Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Good mar matte yllle on Sunday. at her parents Mr and Slim Ed Koehler. . R; (Ml Sub has. a...) nut-pug! M Immufmmlulnd $73 MANNHEIM b,trt,tt, I. ha..- u

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