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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 May 1936, p. 5

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" 1attetrratasratt. Oahu-hm " Kr. J, F. Guam), the for no my yeul has been u Inca-{Ill nuke: in Kitchener, should colo- brate the anniversary of " tntry Into the [tubing protein-ion by pUntintt two Scotch pines on tho collegiate grounds. A I. w...._._ -"'---" At Toronto, on the lame day, Mr. Janice Unlock ind Dr. Cody phat- ed trees for "The men of the trees", an animation written About I few week: .30, founded by n man of England who secured his practical mining in the lumber woods of Cumin Ind “tenant: carried on practical forestry work for the British Government in the states of Alden. On the Yonge St. highway. north of Toronto, motorists my see the splendid puntations of walnut let out over a period of years by Mr. Justice Mulock. One cln nppreeiate his remark that he htvs set out over 100.000 trees. A reforestation project to create growing wealth as a sinking fund for present capital expenditure for relief purposes was recently we sented by E. Fred Roberts, to the Grand Valley group of professional engineers. The plan is to establish and operate a co-operative re- forestry programme designed to utilize waste land and relief labor. All Township councils in Brant Courtty have been canvassed and have endorsed the plan. Toronto Basehail Team Opens Season Cul- Opening D-y Ceremonies Welcome the Boone'l I936 M-pk Lea! Squad. A street parade. civic reccption and ham! music 1teuore Iln- Kano were but Mime of the features arranged by enthusiastic Toronto fans for the opening day celebration when Man- __ '> h. I |.K.- ‘Iu‘ll'. " - ene0t"9u% to.reet that ”Wu...“ """* who” seer Ik.- “mun- prom-“It'd his 1936 edition of the Toronto Maple Leaf: M the Pin-m Siren-1 Sui-hum April 30 And hte genial Ike has reason to feel proud of his I936 ball squad as they appear to be well fortified in all departments. The Toronto Leafs this spring ap. pear to be the best balanced club to represent the Queen City since the championship crew of 1926. The Leafs of this season have a greatly improved ratehing staff, four slugging outtieiders and an in- field brigade capable of carrying their share of offensive power. The pitching staff boasts of a happy tombination or experienced and young hurlers who have all shown up well during the spring games. The ofticial scheduled home games of the Toronto Baseball Club at the Fleet Street Stadium for the month of May follow: \‘yl'urueu Chiefs. May T, 8, two games on May El; 14; Montreal Royals, May 21. 2.P.. 23; Rochester Red Wings, May 2r, IVietoria Day) morning and often noon games, May 26. May PA'; HuOlo Bisons. June l. 2, 3, ARTHUR P. PLUMMER I HEADS ASSOCIATION) Members of the Kitchener. Wat-) Lrlno and district Workers' Educa- tional Association at their annual meeting in Kin-hvnvr rvvelluy named Arthur P. Hummer as head of their group. Other officers elect- ul were Earl Kinsie. vice-president, l.. J. Burkholder. secretary, and Leslie Sim, treasurer. Foundation Garments Over "-. Tn“. Gifts For Mother, sPIRELLA “Honu-mhvr The lhte Who Never Fuvcrets" WE HAVE SEVERAL SUGGESTIONS Special Friday & Saturday CUT CRYSTAL FLOWER BOWLS Rv’gulnr $1.1m. Speci-l tr-N TBe Corsets Girdle. Brnuieren Designed exclusively for you. MRS. E. N. (LINE 125 Erl: St. le: _ J 035? EL? Plume 436w - JEWELLERY STORE " Kill. St. S. - Phone sos Reforestation Waterloo F MOTHER'S DAY MAY 10th Services ttoo-s.--"' BELIEVE IN PEOPLE" A review of the hook b The Young Pooplo'l Social, will .01 "0|... "who. Emmanuel Evareiifel, Church 7.00 ..m.---'vELrowsH"l Go socrU CHANGE" The soeood in the nriu of nor-o” on light" "parking. and Social Program ”.00 q.m.-- The "Ishtar. 1.00 ..m.--Sor- " " After s p.m W ATERLOO Corner King and Willi- se.., Wat-rho REV. E. VAL. 111.10". 3.0.. Minl-tov MISS A, R BEAN. Musical Dirottcr Waterloo Bible School on... cu» “a w“; Be... Wand an. n A. KSLLIW. rum SUNDAY, MAY Io. nu SUNDAY, MAY IO, I’36 Monday. , ...s.--9r_ C. I. . -rae-rtte.q. MID" -. It than Perf, TPitt,) Stttatttt woo-IAIN . . “I“ I 'w""',,'.".",',',', ltattMN,'iL.'ttgtrNlrNNN mmwronguuuhcfl-mumuwh um um um.- Ina-l In. J. I” u g. M n yum, I lawman-unduly. {mm-gm!“ liab- --- At WWI”. C, to It. and In. Curl gall. . daughter. Fold: 15rtiqtqr--At wuerloo. Ayn-n M. to Mr and In. Roy Mar, . not. I mum» -AI Waterloo. April I. to It. and Mrs. Alvin Hutu, a Alem- dra avenue, I “Hit“. , Mr and In. My mot, all. I'd1trt ira --. -- - Mink" At Waterloo. April a. to It. 'tit' J 3 u1"fattf, and Mrs. Alria Hutu, a Alom- uni gm... m m_ dra aveuue, . d.ttghtor. 'One m. In. m. cm. Elmira, Fraah--At St luf- quiul. lay page“ but nix month. cf; 3, to Mr. nod In. Otto but” mfnadwuhldthh( un- Waterloo, 1 Don. day) Imagination; an helm to at. s Ili --At St. ' 15 , Mary's C are a mu. Mormon '"lllrgrt/'td U'th'Nlt gum, till “he place in Woodland ceme- irst United Church _ Hunter ._ ..... ..._ __--.'-- .7, __ mu Al an. t, Kiwis-or, mu 3.3m uni-u. both a: - 33,to Mr and Inumm. GGF,udumeu3ek.. m. 'mi--, .14-.. "- Inh- In, ML the "minor. shAtaa5aou.cho -- May 2, Earl Shanta of Kitchener to Ruth Bundscho of Milverton. Wilson ‘Schlenter - May 2, John Alexander Wilson to Adela Bertha Sehlueter, both of W.ter. loo. l Sclnefer-Sclunidl - April M, Roy ) Schmidt to Emelia Marie Behae- [ fer, both of Erbsville. ( Rutherford . HO - April 30, John _ William Rutherford to Edna 1 Elizabeth Hall, both of Kitchener. of (lb-(1:03; by Archer Will-co FLYING INSTRUCTORS LEAVE LOCAL PORT Announcement has been made' that the two instructors at the K.- W. Flying Club hive left for North- em Quebec where they will engage in tlying supplies in from the end of the rail to mining enmps. The two men are Bill Drury, instructor, and his assistant. Ralph Leslie, 1 Kitchener Citizen who learned his I Ityitost a number of years ago at the ‘hmal airport. oit1curls of the Flying ;(‘lub are now looking for some per- 'tmtl to take their plnce. I Fines were levied in Kitchenerl malice court last week against two Waterloo men, E. G. Gran-u and H. Carrey, Gran-u. charged with public intoxication and with being Min-"k while in charge of I motor mar. was fined $10 and costs on the W tirst charge and the second Char ', was withdrawn. Carey " ttned g; Hand costs for speeding. 'r,' Robert Cordell, Wilmot township il youth, who was etusrited with ate-l- r, in): two blankets. a tuner- and o c.. suitcase from William Guthrie. I El Wilmot township farmer for whom E l he had been working, pleaded guilty Emmi was sentenced by Magistrwe ' Watt to three months in the Re- WATERLOO MEN FINED, WILMO'I‘ YOUTH JAILED (mug-urn, "ssttos---At the K..W. Hospital, April 28, to Mr, and Mrs. V. Gombos, Kitchener, I daughter. /iriiiiryrdore was out on par-i ole after hlving been (cum: guiltyl - - E,,,-, :__ -. JiiGiimonthshro, ol pIattsville and Elmira, I Marriages not! " the CI... of the 9.45 I... of bruit-iii: it . wood, In. Noun W. - 1qhe. my: 'eee nie terr, 'me death ot Charles Wilhelm oc- curred on Friday ulxln at his North EaMhope farm home following An lll- ness which extended over some years. He m born In WIlmot town- ship and was in his 86th year. Death was due to the "ttVries or old age. “as! u." ... -..- ,_._V_,, -e 'He is survived by tties axed wife, inrmerly Lydia Reiahiey. whom he married 62 years mm, a); three dautrh- ‘tn-ra. Mrs. Wm. Steiner (Susan). ot North Menthol». Mrs. J. Lohr (Emma). or Mon-hon and Barbara at home. by two sons. David and An- drew ot North ‘Ealthope. by three brothers. Joseph. Moses and David of North Easthope and by three sis- tors, Mrs. John D. Stilmldt ot North eausthope.Mrs. John Dahmer or New Hamburg and Mrs. Leah East ot Wel- lester . u -- nun“, The funeral was held on Tues- day. afternoon to the North Euthana- Retormed Mennonite church with burial in the adjoining cemetery. Mrs. tusri.tirsa Koerbcr There passed away at St.. Mary's Hospital on Friday, Mrs. chi-min Keel-her ot Lexington.""' her 62nd year. Deceased had entered the has- thal tor an operation. Mm. lKoer- ber. who was predeceased by her husband in June of last year, was _ um)” a... Hue-unuu In ......V v. _, _ T born in Baum; and attended an Paul's Lutheran Churvh in Bridge- port. Surviving are one son, Gordon of 'Bridtremrrt, and one daughter. Mrs. Moses Ishanlz. Lexington, tire grand- children and [mo skaters, Mrs. Walter Keller, Elmira. nnd Mrs. John Beck- tel, Bloomingdale, The funeral wns held Monday after- nuon from the late residence to St. Paul's Church at Bridgeport, Inter- mom wok place in 'Bridgeport remo- tery. "'"' .V..._. .7 - ,7 _ The funeral was held on Saturday Mrs. George Duper l There passed away at St. Mary% 'Hospital. Kitchener, an Monday Eli- msbeth M. Owner. wire ot George Draper. Queen street mum. Kitetr ener. In her as“; year. Deceased. “ho was born " Smith Falls had been an employee or ciuetta'etbody tor the past alum yearn, Sh? was tl meaiher or the Penieoonlal Taber: nacte. "at". Surviving are her husband. twot ierftiteGuipit in the United Churc" somanorge ot Orlllia. E." itt Brim?- Ill,",.':, on Spundav morning, while Rev. bridge, Ont, three daughters. “NHL Laing took. charge of the morn- mrrtrert Prfttee, 'mmtwtile. Mr“King service in the United Church Fred Hannaford, Kltchener, Mn. at Conn. I Roy Schmidt. Hamilton. 11 grand-i Mr. Onias Weber is installing a children and "'0 brothem, t I. new gasoline pump this week in Bai'fd- tmttinewood. and tTeomreqhttrd front of his blacksmith shop. I Smith "N I Miss Addie Snyder. Mrs. Alvin The funeral tet" held Wednesday. Iotiman and son Earl attended the -----. auction sale on Saturday afternoon Marry '“”hm of household effects fot Mr. K. G. Marry Buschert. Weber wire?! Winn in Elmira. west. Kitchener. died on April 29 at After spending the winter the qiittctsenerNmter1oo Hospital months in Gait with their daughter, after a short lune-I. He underwent Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scherrer nu , an oppondlcltla operation a jaw days turned to their home here on Salu‘r- ........-..... in minimum: Deceased was play last. - _ . A -.... mm”. u’nl‘n Marry Buschert. Weber street) west. Kitchener. died on April 29 at the qqttchenerNraterloo Hospital after a short lllnen. He underwent an oppondlcltla operation a jaw days previous in Kitchener. Deceased was born on August 18, 1912. a son ot Mr.‘ and Mrs. Joseph 'anchert. He wan employed as a getirt cutter at Clnetl- 'Paabody and was. a sergeanl In the 28111 Field Ambulance Corps. l Survlwing are me widow. nee Eva Krulkk, one mumhter,ugamuetine: this parents. one brother. qtniph. and one ulster. Evt. att of “Kitchener” ' A mnltary tuner“ was held on Saturday followed by interment In ISL Palm's Luthmn Cemetery an...“ ...._. ._ --- .V Mr: or WGIIO’ Methodist Church, um In his 19th year. 119 It. a cab- inet mknr hr trade. - r 7 I_L_ " Henry Craven. of Guelph. Hum-l4! with his son. Joseph Craven, Ster- Wut avenue. Kitchener. died there on F'rhdar. Deceased. who - born in England Ind wanna ot the old mem- ___ - --Au__.n_. Anny-I. "Tel nun-u u, .._‘.~, Sunlving are three was, John of Dundu. Jamel In St. him. NM., Jo- seph ot Kitchener. and one hunter, Mu. Ruth of Guelph. One brother Ind one ulnar. both In Entlnnd and " grandchildren, “no 'setrTtver. If: ., Ax.-- -_-4I-n--- will- (‘an Summon 'utettottor. on April 21. died in St. Michael's Hoopla], To- ronto. the maul! of I bnln tUmor. menu-I. In " Mth you, van born In Gunny. a son of In - turtdttt. and the late Mr. than“. He can to at. country " your. no. Surviving no " miller. vim, Iron-I. Barman-Ix. and. Alton “I (If... he ”on. bod In 001-. Fi", mnenl was held on Sunday Charles W itholm and on! Edie}; irredrrr-d Hoary Gavan Carl and“. children. on Tues- -. - at It. - I. an“. no died In Mfau'.' Hoopla ot own . .0 ttair "r "up. brmhor not. no a who! .1 chums. uncut - 3'" war um Wet at - W” ot iheWcIun-h In Mt mu died In st. MI teoqttat at [Inclina- on April I m " " you. themed. who was horn in We“ loam“, and Ind fumed were all II. We, ha been m MI alum Ins-11h ’until “use week! no when he VIII removed to hoopla“. _ The mural mu he“ trom the re “deuce or his nephew. .10th loyal: West Momma; on Salutduy monk in; to St ism-true nu: Church st New Germany roilowed by interment removed to the howl“! one Mia. may E. MacKinnon Miss May K. HuaKinnon, formerly or autumn", died at the Kincardiue Hospital on April 29. The deceased was born near Kincardine and resul- ed there the greater part of her lite. She was aged " years. Androv Vonutgn ot Well Ion:- a.“ m... -6“. V._ . She is survived by mh- ,,ieitt-t', Miss Lily MauKin-wn or Kitctteuer and by mm hrulher of (ll-mil. In nullnuuu _... ...v...._, _ brief illness, from pneumonial The deceased wink 66 years old. Surviving are his widow. Mrs. Salome Roberts Eby. and one daughter, Miss Ada H. Eby, of Kitchener. _ I I . Il', ,1._.,...I.n. Emanuel A. Ebr Emanuel A. Eby died at his home in Elmwood um Monday after a - 7 - .4- 1w.“ Anthony Tracr.. Kin-hvm-r. Mm m tom-try and .41-[Ilml I 1g", (lied weoesd; Hospilul. Tteco-used ‘gemz RELIEF Hdvsmu ACUTE PROBLEM 1ri'i,rrrc"NFat Fiaa services were held Friday The housing problem tor families on relief is hecohing dveidedly acute in Kitchener. " " ’ 77 -r bl.“ on BCIILC III I‘IWV-lun.‘_. At last week's session of the up. peal committee of the Famin Relief Board a number of heads of families informed the members that they had found it next to impossible to tind homes at the rentals allowed under the government regulations. Considerable diifieulty is found in iseeurinq homes for families of five or six at $15 and $16 per month, the maximum allowed under the 200 per cent. Lax regulation. At present the city treasury is paying monthly from $2530 to $40" in 1'.'.y) cess of the government allowance. The committee promised the home seekers the full uni-operation of the stuff in making contacts with land. lords to when! rents under relief retsultstioms. The ifa/n was held :61]; V funeral t Mr. Onias Weber is installing a new gasoline pump this week in front of his blacksmith shop. I Miss Addie Snyder. Mrs. Alvin Iotiman and son Earl attended the Inuction sale on Saturday afternoon at hmumhnld effects fin Mr. K. G. This district experienced a sen-re electric and wind storm on t'yatutu day afternoon, though im great damage was reported, Rev. Mr. Wilfong of Conn New pied the pulpit in the United Church here on Sundny morning, while Rev. (A. Laing took charge of the morn- ‘ing service in the United Church at Conn. _ ‘-' I . g-.,.-".'.,.. a um u.) 1.5!” A number of our youth were present at the play, "A Fighting Chimes," given in Wellesley town hill on Friday night. a . ..,..:H._ ___,. Mr. Ind Mrs. Anson Pattison and two children and Mr. Sam Rowe of Fergus spent Sunday with Mrs. Marin Fenton and Mrs. Fred Plain. Mr. Harry Beckner wls a but new visitor to Brantford on Mon- thy. Mr. E. G. Winn of Emma and grandson of Toronto visited with friends in the will-go last week. Mr. and Mrs. John K. Brublchm and family of Crosshill were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Ahram Mmtin Mr. and Mrs. John K. Brublchm and family of Crosshill were Sunday , visitors with Mrs. Ahram Mmtin und family. Miss Eva Bull-rd spent svvernl‘ days of last week with Mr. and Mrs. George Gluinter Crosahill. Mrs. William Yidir, Florence and Earl. and Mr. I. G. Martin viaited on Sunday sfternonn with Mr. and Mn, Clnrence McLaughlin of Anthony Tract illnny Trare. Wilmot strum. mus-r. Mm migrated to this I'y and 'cettled ther" son-n yt'al"i “it‘ll Wednesday in SI. Mary's Mal, Deanna-n1 W'ds in bis 4'Sth AMI.“ Von-anon Gownnstown HAWKESVILLE was held Wed nesday lingo“ Pattison and d Mr. Sam Rowerof on Saturday ', St. Thomas. May 4.--Heury morn.) Iiss the nmn “ho helm-d cut up the car- 1m! in.“ In .lumlm. the famous Barnum' rim-s elm-haul killed here on Sept.' IG. 1335, dim] in the Memorial Hosw ‘mtul “may tttter an extended illness. IKh- He had been in the butcher business AV in the city nearly sixty years. com- lied int: tttuu. as u youth from South Yur- muullL where hr want born, to learn ou: II.” n’mlu Ht, was "15 “Aura old. Mr, MN" (Hunt “an "no ot' the rrvw or local bm" Iuttcittu4 engaged by P. T. Barnum bEel- lu thin the huge Pachyderm and re- ner move tlte flesh {mm the bones. Mr. ttay. Gloyn treasured many souvenirs inuml in the ?lorilant's stomach. which included Piero,' ot glass. a ome polict'rttois whistle and a halterown, t" a Mr. til-.311 is survived by a daughter, The Mrs, H. Muppet city. A “I cl ." as." to: to electric-l " tho Ina-b0 Publi- U 0-b- do. in tut body’s W: for was. A proitt of $1,040.58 (or tha m dam in Here: fp, EECITO. Tioi.U. Tho man- of e that day-nun“ for "It were " fouoEt:1+e9t, "@3191- WELFARE BOARD AIDS BELIEF'EBS IN NEW JOBS ik":," i7.iirriWiiiCu," my nu. $24,511.18. Kitchener. --The Family Relief Board u their meeting luv. week voted to Assist. two retieNe. in re- estaMiahing themselves. Tho two men appeared before the Board with their requests. The gins PHY,' who mu. .-.,--_._. __-_ ___ ,. In: a stone muon before his job ail-appeared. naked the Board for assistance in starting I small mum“ and contracting business,in¢l in do- ing odd cement laying Joba about the city. The Board will back the man's credit with City for his initial supplies. A second mun who wished to try his luck at {arming} will be iitir'GtTeiVrGr's religf until he gets his firm in good run- ning order. __ -- . 4- 7,,L_A:--II_. '"Thrfrard Tn" emphatic-11y cut from the rolls I reliefee who hadrappenred twice in three weeks n-.. -r,,_.-_ _'""'" in Kitchener police court on chutes of drunkenness. The man Inst week was assessed $10 and costs by the; magistrate, by the Board ordered, his relief stopped. His family will be put on vouchers, but the allow- ances will not include the husband.‘ LINK WITH JUMBO SEVERED BY DEATH Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Helm and family of Waterloo spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Helm. - __ - a II:L-I. \VILII I'll, nlnl "In“. av- ___,,, Mr. Wilfred Linsemnn of Kitch- ener spent the past few weeks with friends here. , __ _ .7 "a, -- --. 'ii'i.'2iiGirs. Jas. Kennedy spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stemmler. - - c-. I ,1 "-... Ulrlllllllcl. Mr. Melvin Stemmler of Ferre, bank spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Isadore Maser. I Mrs. Jim Hanley and family and Messrs. Jerry Hunky and Ed.| Renahar. of Toronto spent the week- rm! with Miss Mary Hanley. ; I'v-lmrm- certitteatets reglateroll by the l‘unmliun National Lire Stock Records, unmoved by the Dominion Minister of Agrirulturu. during the month of Mann. 1936. included 217 horses; 2.711 cattle; 364 sheep: 528 s.wine; 2.777 foxes; 571 dogs; 161 poultry. and 4 soars-toil 7.299. CHOCOLATE PUFFS tt Lbs. tt5' DATED COFFEE QUEEN (gag/EA? - 'tVox. Jar tt3" PINK SALMON um " HESSON cowm ""0“ MATCHES (’23? 4 ... tp) 3 new " Am OLD DUTCH CLEANSER Irma" mum M It STA It D " LUXI 10 King St. S. WATERLOO Phone 894 fin POWDERS COCOA T E A 544». an no 2Te Old Dutch lab long" and does a no" Maui lob vii not“!!! AFIeienev, Sou the like” “my on“. you to My VI. A. Inch A , Ha Silver-on a wholmll cot Ask a ke - ------ Candl" umN" "---lr"' l-lb. Tu, 23c the l 217 t m 161 David Meisner Now Appearing at Show Plus. 1)qu Meisner, the Canadian-born Kentuelturrt, who was acquittal of a chute of kidnapping John B. Lab“ after serving " months of I 'lah' term in Penitentiary, h the afar attraction of the "Crime [Mei Not Pay" exhibit of the Coq lin All-canadian Show, now phyjng in Kitchener, yt. Meisner was convicted of ttti) abduction of the London brewer last year, alter Mr. “butt and " other witnesses testitied they could link him with the crime. but he was freed at his retrial, ordered by the Minister of Justice, lfter Michael MeCnrdell, another Canadian, con- fessed that he and three other men were the real kidnappers. McCardell and two of the men he named, Russell Knowles and Jack Blunon, is now in Portsmouth Peni- tenthry at Kingston, but the fourth man. Albert Pegram, is a fugitive from justice. He is believed to be in hiding in the United States. Mr. Meisner is making his first appearance with the carnival this week at Kitchener and large num- bers of people are turning out to hear him describe his experiences of serving time in prison for a crime he did not commit. In! His purpose in appearing with the Conklin Shows is to acquaint Canadians with one of the most re- markable cases of mistaken identity to come before the British courts. His tour will carry him throughout Ontario and almost to the PUeitie coast tmtod “up - I... ohCo-lli- Show. New Phil-j [ in Kink-nor. CHASE a. SANBORN'S 11c SPANISH SURE LITE FRESH TIA ll is estimated that there were 94.- ooo less egg-laying hens on (arms in (‘anada in 1935 than in 1934 but 268.- ooo dozen more eggs were kid. and the total estimated value of - 6317610001 shows an increase ot $3,309.00» over the revised "Julio. n! 1934. The average value ot "iss iin 1935 is estimated at " cent! PRr PM!“ amine! 15 cents per dozen . [934 “LESOOTT CAKE noun, . The sooner a fool and his driving license are parted the better for everyone else on the road. nu omen gun} mu DIM"! LUX FLAKES Muted To Better Vision . . . "iijiiiiitiiiowttErt l lab W- 175 .1. service. " por all. of culin- have innit“ vision. Emu of vision interior. Half the population oood a. mult- iron 0,. .tmu. "any ill. undid.“ to other can... an (mod to on." of viniol. Tho correction of the m u - bomoSeiat. The but pond“. rel-It. fol- low .. -uatioo it". (Continued non Tim!) "E JAM! WeN6IrY SERVES THE FOLU)WING ARE FACTB-- tub. Bag CHIPso urn- - 6 Tins " uniting 35"

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