(Continued from Page 1) Canada‘s recovery with that ot other countries he said that while the trade increase or the 24 leading court. mas was 4.1 per trent., Canada could he proud of an increase or 11.3 per cent. Friction Point A first class constitutional row is predicted it the Liberal Government's proposal to replete? the Canadian Na. tional Railway trustees with a board or directors reaches the Senate. High- lights from the bill‘s rather stormy passage through the House were the reports that B. J. Hungertord. pres- ent. president or the C.N.R.. would head the mm- board ot directors and that $L'i00,0M,000 or the system‘s Although the government had given consideration to the possibility i ot boosting personal incomp rates and possibly lower postal rates those considerations were abandoned. Next to the mm per vent. jump in the sales tax greatest interest in the govern- ment's search tor increased revenues centered about the Iti, to 2 per cent. ( added to corporation income tax ( Mines Benefit l, Mining interests, which hare long' appealed for aid, were granted a can. cession in a three year exemption , trom corporation income tax from the date on which production is eom-i, menced. Mr. Dunning explained that' he recognized uncertainty about tax- aton as an important factor in deter- ing mining ventures and gave assur- ance that the mining industry would not be discriminated against. I With the puhlication of the budget came deitttite details on the require- ments tor benefit under the $100 (rm: import plan for Canadian visitors to the United States. A stop or is hours on American so! is necessary and ndvantage can only be taken of the privileges ot the clause threw lime a Fear. A chop of tive per cent. in farm im- plement prices was generally antici- pasted. Prior to the U.S, trade agree- ment the rate was 25 per cent. under the reciprocal treaty it was reduced to 12% per cent. and it is now cut to 7% per cent. In all there were 104 Harm reductions in the hudget and " Increases, Mr. Dunning reported a surplus ot expons over imports [or the year ot $216,000,000. adding gold and tourist business he brought the tom) up to $446,000,000. The "Pour Sat",,'.') during uni-lint. who tALI free nu daily " The Couklul I-Cunltlhn than. now playing In honor. The Week at Ottawa “in. 3711'. " Ontario St. s KITCHENER Store Your Furs With Furriers! 8rodey-lh'aimio Fur Go. 106 King West ,ORDON' s .000 Satisfy FUR COATS kept in trunks, bags and boxes, are deprived of air circulation, which is necessary to preserve the natural oils in the skins. Place your coat in the Brodey- Draimin Storage vaults, and you’ll be playing safe. It will be hung in 3 Below Freezing Storage Vault, in- sured against moths, heat, theft and tire. Storage with Brudey-Draimin costs but two per cent. of your own valuation. Telephone Kitchener 3020 Brodey-Draimin. with thivty-five years experience in the fur manu- facturing business, also offer you remodelling at summer prices. _ KITCHENER C, H. GERMANN. Mgr The "unit-mus iuvrsugatiotts now umtvrmuy are establishing a new high in their field. With at least 150 shorthand reports-rs. stenographena. and other assistnnm employed " Is estimated that thrs cost is mounting at the rate of about $2.000 a day. The raviin committee has spent con. sidr-rahlr- timp probing the political hrnmlrasts of lam yr-ar's election with emphasis on what were known as the "Mr. Sago" "rrraricasts. It has how-n rowan-d that politirol partial qua)! about 8175.000 tor the use ot txt*t\\'nl'kn to preset" their arguments In ttu- (‘anndinn voters last fall. In adrUtiott an "ttestimated sum was 'sxpandod tot ttte We of individual stationa. The private prnhe government momher< dealt mainly wilt the ac- lions or Juhn I. McFarland, Conserva~ tln- appointed chairman, who was raglan-0d hy J. R. Murray, whose ac- tions were also questioned. Investi- gators heard that Mr. McFarland pur- chased 10.000.000 bushels of wheat options last [all without the proper outhority. Also, on the day before the price of wheat was fixed at 81k; units “or hustle], Sept. 5. Chairman Mn'l-‘atrland. purrhased 1gM0.000 lumht-ls at" futures. at prices ranging 1mm 83% to M%e per bushel. Thomas Wood. Liberal, commented. Ot' prim» inn-rest he gave usur- Qu1L'ts that his bill prohibits amalga maliun aith me “ER. or even uni- [iml mum») and management ot can- Replying opposition leader Bennett slilfvll that the hill held on solution m the (NR. problem, the cost or “hint: was dragging the country [Maw the surface of fittarteial 3min. lily and that " paved the way tor lumi. al interference. The Wheat Tangle ttiotlwr lluyal Commssion invent :AUHIL one that will command major utttuttion, In probe the actions ot the ms! and ])l‘*‘~‘0lli wheat hnm‘ds is be- ing moon-ll tttwe. As ttw private gov- vrnmvnt pinin- ot the grain boards wached the tittal state, authorities cxpressnl the ballet that the matter was too important and that several matters had not been properly seb Mod and they proposed an impartial rnquiry. Chairman Murray denim] that ttto u lumps-g grain oxrhaugp dominated ths. anions at his hoard and also ttto cluu'zs- that ha- and board members WHO' tiiendl.v with tho "shorts" in L'w market. capital debt now Involved In dupllr canon at liabilities and losses would be eliminated thus slashing the puh- llsh debt, Hon Ctutclth, Howe, railway minia- let, in x-vcommendlng the replace- mem or the present board at three trustees with a board ot seven dime. [on attavked Charles Fullerton, pres- mu chairman. and intimated Mr. Hungerfurd's appointment. .u-liun Railway; untter either public or' private ownership. "than was no summation. " was " 1.~.ul Itipo cinch." Phone 3020 I,",',")," on rnml t I" I" rum! G, 7.2.1, I t, II rmld \ Ct.55, t 'qud 'o. nan; M, Mud 1- 5:5, n nu rnml ll, 13"“, _ In" Inml 12 6.50, ‘un mm! 1.1. 79.83; J,," mad II 133: luan‘ am rn.nl 15. ‘um‘k nu 10ml IR. j “ark an rum! 17, 9, as what pram-[lure is heat to partiel- pat" for u quick settlement: Mr. Goodwin putvhased his present home “than! tire roam ago from a tseparate whoâ€: summrler and sent his children ‘m publit' school section number one mm- aim-u He now wants to send (lawn In puluie school section number pun-mm: which is somewhat tttr. Ether than to section one. but to um l her otTrm his children have to go about. our mil" on the side road whereas I It) unmiwr 17 the children go on the mnrmsinu mad running east to west Iii,:',).',',; ot' north to south on the aide made There is very little trattie on the "ide road and the roads are apt to he him-km! badly at times durlng tho winter. l Ily. Norman's reply follows: I it would appear to be the simplest xvii-tin" to allow his children to It- “did number 1 until June, and then hav,. the township council transter hi, {arm to strction number 17. Prim- ubly thr- tramcter would not be elec- tive till the and or the year. In that tie ittrs rhildrr-n might have to com Iimw at numbn- 1 till December um i " a» they urn-mind nn_ 17 "a nun-resi- ytit-111:! from sown-tuber to December. l Payment of Account- t \InH'tl by J. A. “eggs, seconded by H mm, ahat tiw Reeve tmytruct lure â€mun-w m issue cheques in payment of the following accounts rurl that hr grant his: orders accord- "tlv. a.“ fullnwxl. There In no doubt that the Uhunl . government, no nutter that tt any do that tiispleaoes caution. of tho public, certainly is bent on “new lasting tunings lo the province EV.- L‘unuervuuve nQIpnpers, “no do haunting the government In blttot[ humane tor uncut nations, lave nothing but tummendntlon for Ita acts of economy The word economy in government mu little hand of II the sunny days at old when money was plentiful and every man on the street had pturer wont- on stock transacumm Governments were rpanting bodlcu and nothin- also and the patronage system became hue and costly tuacttitutrs. l So whrn will u- wane and to 'euues dwludled, governments of l‘auudu. among them the Ontario administration, faced the tnture with "ieNeted ue-asuriea and the hulls?! 'patronage system to reed. Some 30" unments decided to keep their Inp- ,wu'lers satisfied. no matttrr mt the “out. But the Liberal administration, while taking care or many or that: ’aupporters, have not lost sight or the tact that in these times government- must face the facts Ind tighten up. Lavie,lt exprsuditttres are a thing of the pan! roliet. 4.85: John hon-nu. relief. 2.15; All. Meyer. relivl. 2.58; Henderson Hokm'): rolipr. 1.0'r, w. o. Hones. writ-f. 90v; lat-av] Martin. relief, 6.33; Aix Hahn who!) 2,52: J. C. Haight. n-livf. $22!: Hmhn tttos., reief, 2.90; N, \Viluli'l. work an road I. 10.75; E. Fvhott, work on road 3. 6.00; J. Mil. 1m_ work on road 3, 9.1:"; S Huber, aork on rmlrl O In rm; J Roth, work .n rum! in 7.3.1, " l'halmers. work .u nun! \ 152.3, (' Lidny, work on mu] a, "any M I, herb. work on 'thI 1- tlc'?,. " llivronlmus. work nll tuvaet ll, 17-00, F'. Markham. work HI] [and 12 55m " Hrrrttott, work 'ltt I'm“! Lt 79 39. H "ietrlrh, work .va [nu-l tt 13318, J Runstedler. Asrtk on mm 13. 800. A. Dlebom. “ark nu mud M. 22.25: C. Hackett. nor}; an Ir all IT. 9 75; c. 11019], work -n mad l'9, ll on, S Friedman. work "n mad 'Ju, 200. J Schlnvter. work m1 road 25 y) 00, A SchluMor. work n marl is lt0tt: Wm, McCormack. “ml. nu yum! 27 â€no J Gullllnd, ,\H"\ "tl oratl Yi. 19.25. s.IPriedmatt, stork on road .10 100. " zone], ro- pmu. 4 13, Thv Pndlnr home, cul- u-w Jinx A F. Reiner. repairs. IN. J Wmtto'r. no and run-Em. 27 Km " Duhr'Ny. sahry, 60.00: E F'au'hatrar. urn-rating vow" [radar 231$ Tom). $757 " -4urrimt. Vlrwnrl bv P. Huehm "mm! by 0 , Vol} that this round] is forced to H-I'nw pump!“ tor any morohnndlu mid In rrlirsysrsse that chwdn the ammml " allownncv on the relief 1ortror Aw meow! hr the council I'M-null PM: (‘lmlw rattte to can the mum l " that m and when no experienc- nm a lot ot water trotthle Whlnh In f'wmllnx thr undo Along lot. " And t2, rom‘mllnnn " and tr western nocllon Ho w†lmlrwud to follow thp regulations of a. ditches and rune-sun†not and to not! the Hepburn gout-nun In! val when l a: Premier Honour- ulna-cod tho "- u. " mm: ot the Norman: sTGiiiiaGal'uc,di' t Bunch and the tun-ta or a; - i 30-. the") road- to the Donn-on! 01..."... Highway: omen savanna.“ ll douam the put "or eonsxderdalh mm mm Ol to thus prNyposal but att “and“ it “do... tor “Arman tsunami, most ot than lucked political I a“ t By The Want-u Ire';'."; “In It. can an": b lib dhqtnrear-t w " Tommi). In: '.---a long-Gum . but. N do... Ad tho ','fe'.'e'e, £111.12? ee.?., “.322: New"?! at Ishm- '" 0.1- b. 11,0"; In) Faullmrm‘, rrmet. 3.51; J Inâ€, rr-livx‘. 5.120; Chr. Roth. relief. 4.53: A. Allpnmng, relief, 59.13: humor LI'higl) Coat. relief. 135; Hy. Ks-ln-rhmn. mm: C8r. A. E. Rainer, mlin. 3.3â€: K. L. Stahle. relief. 1.00: W J Burnt-IL rem-f. 7.38; F. H. Sqluunmn-r. ro-liuf. 61.59; o. A. <chtturr, I'i‘lih‘l'. 21...“. Math. Schum- mm: rem-L .'lli.6N; Harvey Bean. re. lir-r. 2,83; mum Lam, relief. 5.00: m. Kioswoner. relief, 5.00; J. iGiiil ihrtntttutticatiuns, hills and ac- (mints and Government circulars were plum! on the table tor the mem- burs pen-ml. consideration and no lion COUNCIL WARNS MERCHANTS wr TO EXCEED VOUCHERS “mm-shy. municipal council met. pursuit“: to adjournment at tho mum-11's chamber, Crosshill. Mondty. May uh. 1936, 10 o'clock in the tore nuon. the memhecs were in attend- .un-v, It A. Wagner. the Reeve. oecie “in! Ote l-Imir. The minutes "t the prvvhuu, ~(‘-~siun. were read and mlnmml on ru-mluliun by G. J, Vol! and 1: Lirth rurriud hy the chair- mun. Mrs Thoe Playford, Kitchener re- 1M. 51mm; Mise K, Stroh. mud, Tlie Nuulmu Develupmem Branch involved n duplication ot other Bee vices. It “as a relic of more proa- Vouchers Will Only Be Hon- oured for Face Amount by Wellesley Township. The following oihool proposition was mail-d to 1.. Norman. public win-m) 'ttteu-r". Gait, for his advise ph ttlt mm! road road ThiQi'ucnf Park, Ame in muvuum’nwhavm ‘wmmdmm. p80†mmw-nzw. -uyln¢o(mo(Mo( l Mr. Ind Mn. A. Bricker 1nd d-ughter Beverly of Elwin spent Sunday at the home of He. and '.Mrst. N. Wilfong. - _ _ _ i Rev. C. Hubert Woltl of Gd: conducted Holy Communion We at the Doom United Church on Sugd-y ttterPron. _ _ The "mun! Arbor D.) It. hold " the boon Public School on h-L any. In Mit, when all the dandy-n we" [may cleaning the new "on and the on“. Am!†In the “V Grirtacaii.uu __ --'e Nit" a ihe' - k." 17h ""'a'tt'S'u'tMtgrttltu',rdg.'h%tu2t Ree. W. Patterson of Puma conducted the - u the Boon Presbyterian Chureh on Sunday afternoon. lothen' Dar We wiltlhhe held on Sum!†nut. In, In . Messrs. win. Guilette. sunley; Jones and A. G. Wolfe were visitors) in -fult_ott_fhmtur. _ - _ " Mrs. Bert Wintermerer and daughter Dolores returned to their home in Kitchener ulcer spending the put week " the home of Kr. and Mrs. Wm. Guillette. - - Mrs. M. Chlpmln and son Lloyd of Bancroft are spending some time tul" home of Mr. 3nd Mrs. Wm. Ho l. Louise Goddard of Kitchener is spending some time It the home of her mother, Into. Goddard. - Rev. C. Sparks of the Gospel Tabernacle, Preston. conducted a cottage payer meeting n the home M Mr. and mm. C, Borne landâ€. Mr. and Mia. A. Bickert and sum "ck of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of Mr. ind Mrs. C. Butt. Mrs. P. [hog-mun and daughter Ruth of Kitchener were visitors at the home of Mr. Ind Mum James Hofie on Wednesdlyu _ -- _ dottam nun- vl- . tom - mm ol in, almo- or - In con- udorut Bet " all! not be out- Iuotod um a nun; ot I In boun- ud- hate .u ' tour thor-d. then; m. u: Inn-In; can It. added up. Add In a. pictu- tho b ere-led nun... puma-ht†In. succession 4tutteq all noon-o an. and the outlook .000.- nae. brunet. The Hem": gown-om. N am, more "In a: actor tourn- ment In the put, not forgetting tho Drury “lamination, in. .0. err ticised and “tucked on I trig mu. q Mr. and Mrs. L. Wail-ml and two children. Ruth and Phyllis, of Kitchener, spent Monday u the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jones. This criticism my be hauled in some one. No government in IE tumble. No qovqrturgqttt in: our done myth!“ worth with without committing anon. And It. 1dbqrat government is and. up 0! hum being: who ue jut u prone to min blunders u the Connervwven. But. in mum "teettrttr 6mm, the Hepburn administration in. a good record. It is refreshing to ttoto that even opponents ot the Queen] Put regime are sporting enough to admit this tact. Mrs. H. McWilli-ms of Preston was visiting in the village on Fridsy. Wm. A. Bolduc of Preston was I business visitor in the villnge on Friday. _ A _ _.- Mr. uni urn. w.â€Near of Prim": were visitors at the home of Mr. Cher Render; 9n "turdi., _ It is to be hoped am an. work at pruning down expendlturu um can. In; “my expensive and ulna-try accuser!“ of the _ will be continued In the future. All can- paign prom“ are not to»! by that. who made them, but It mullet Hop- barn Is able to mm his - of economy. he will have done well. Bo tar he has kept N. word. The (man is another matter. Alf. Boll, Mr. ind Mrs. Robert Bouncy and daughter Delores of Toronto spent Smithy " the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boll. Mr. and Mrs. Barry nude and Joseph Schunk were visitors in Kitchener 9n mural-y. A ___ - Mr. and Mrs. sunley Quelch and two sons were visitors in Preston ottAuturtinr., _ _ - A Mr. and mi. C. BJme and Mrs. Wm, Jones were visitors in kiteh, we: â€pm-y: . -- _ . _ 7 ifr. Lid it}. B. McGnvey Ind daughter Loraine upent Sunday with relatives in Fergus. VA}; Nth]; of Preston WI! whiting f rityds in_ the villyry, on Fer., Mr. Archie Ferguson. Gait, who in a pas! Warden of (his county. spent whom halt hour with our membem (Hamming municipal mattem. Owing to Mr. Ferguson's pan wardennhlp our reeve and deputy reeve were well acquainted with him which made the discussion a real ettterttgigummt. Outstanding accounts _ " 141.02 Moved by O. uchty, seconded hr K. Huehn that this council do now adjourn to - again at the I'orrtt- ship Hall. Crouhm. Monday, the ttret day ot June. â€It. 10 o'clock In the mrauoun. Court or revision, to hear assessment appeals. will be held at the same day at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. St. Clements. May 5th, 1936. Mr. Vnrdon' Lunch}! Kitchener, the relief ottteer of Waterloo Tp.. weprisitintr iy thy village Y? End!» 7 311' Ch]; iiGiier,kk. N. Gretits Ind Mrs. R. Jones were visitors in Galt, on Saturday. _ -- . - _ _ clerk at hi. otrice tor further unlu- sure, Moved try G. Lichly, second†by ' A. Bangs that hencetonh labor In this Township will be paid It the toi- lowing rates, namely 40 cent: per hour tor man and team labor. and 20 cents per hour tor man Iahor.-4?ar, tied, Mrs. Sim" Dealer was I visitor in Kittherrtolt Suturgay. _ -- Treasurcr'. Fin-new Statement April 30, current “account M: 399.18 April rFCPipls Vr"V__ _ F.mVr'_V.r._ 11533.72 April IO. total paymenta Peter F. Schumann, Clerk t 1356.15 ' “I.†$124350 11377.35 i A numper of ladle- trom this vlcln- Hy attended the leles' Aid (on on Thad-y which was held at the lhone ot Mrs William Holt ot (New 'he funeral of the late Mr. Rom lof then-dine we. held on [outlay efhrnoon with service e: Mn lute reeldence ht Ithteerdhte. Intel-mun m made In Deon cemetery. Quite I hm 9|"ng Pl Dyon_people et- ThoCJ’Jl. Company are buy bar butlng the malted In um “daily. I A urge number from chl- vicinity attended the presentation tor In ,and Mrs. Wellington Matthews ot Glen-Alan on Snturday evening, Mr. ‘aud mu. Matthews intend moving 'to imam In the neu- mime. _ Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Adkln were Kitchener Hallow Saturdny. iuaa ti; $1713an at-the oiud came. my. This“ Mr. Roam-mi- dogg of__l)oon 59m. {can} "o. _ -the Young 'att uie" of the Doon United C arch held thetr ridding on Sunday "cum. Coon {has '0 ly a, 1h.trend Am mnn'n Purl: when they w," (Ime- man's Purk where " pured game! gm! toned pinch. All re- Mr, and Mrs. Joe Stub)†of Wellan- Irv visited, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs Ctsarim, Rutherford. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Jackson and family of Waterloo were Sands, "" um: at the home or Mrs, Wblllnston “than. iGrtod mm a d time, The funeral ome Inc - In you: b. m. 'u-t_-ru-dd to In an Quinn-on Wt. tor. a. you) than Mr. loaning- animal-nonunion“ gunk uncut-uneconom- Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Chrintiatt Martin were: Mr. Ind Mrs. Enoch Martin, Mr. and Mm. mm. Martin. Mr. nnd Mrs. Norman Mathews. Mr. Ind Mrs. Wellington Matthews. Mr. Buehler. Mr. and In. lilo Mnrtln and Mr. Ind Mm Emmer- won ertin of Ilium. ' Mr. And In. Andrew he) “a to. Gordon snout a ", In Ilium In: Mr. and Mm. Hamid Jackson and son Donald spent tho week-end It me home of Mr. and Mn. John R. Jackson. or the an: ui. Pool. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob King and Mr. and Mrs. Israel Wdher ot Elmira were Thursday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrtt. Christian Mirth. "retirees:,'.",,", w l , . WW.†iii'iiiiiiiiiiiisr,:.sstl [lltt$trlBtkllllttltt_trmN5 l Nation.) "umtokrt In. in man but wane-day. Sunday visitor. with Mr, All In. Hamid mum- to“. Me. all In. WWI: Bum at out. Mr. not In. anon Sum 11 (We! at It. and In. an» Jaeuttag m - Mr. not In, Elm w. luau won Sammy Hyman with Mr. ane In: um. In!» at and“. Mr. and In. Christian P. I In maids Mr. a: Bunch, visitors with Mr. and In. Elm w. lama were the _ Ro- meo. Brush-char or Blah-n ma Knie Holmn ot Heidelberg. Mr. Ira Jackson ma mother tyre recent Sunday visitors at the home of Mn. Jonathan Kilgour ot Delhi. Mrs. John R. Jackson spent Sunr- day with rrttmds at Waterloo. __ Salsa Ttart, Jackson of Waterloo smut Sunday at her home tet The friends or Mrs. George Jack-on aymputhlle Wm] her In the has of her thrower. Mr. Jonathan Kitqour. who panned â€my III his home near Delhi. Mr. and Mrs. Martin M. Baum were the Sands: sue-u ot Mr. and Mn. Hana-eh Martin and Mr. and Mn on. WM. “gut-nine. The line. Marr Ann “a mull Martin were Sand†“one" with Mu. snou- Bowman. Sunday gum a the home or Mr. and Mn. Abnm Shun: were their daughter been ttttd Mr. Alfred any of New Jerustlem mm Mr. and Mn. Manna Bani-nu of Hawks-ville. A numb" of friends and neighbors or Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Matthews gathered at their home on Saturday evening to spmd a few so- cial hour: with them helore their de- parlure tor their new home in El- mira, During the evening a presen- tation was made to them of two floor ‘umps. The address was read by Mr. Desm- Wright and Mr. Gordon Cherry and Mr. Ralph Jackson pm semen me gifts, after which a short nrogrnm was given by Mitm Doreen McKee and Mr. Jim Jackey of To- ronto.and others. A dainty lunch was served and the best wishes of the frlond- so with Mr. and In. Mauhengo their new llama. Mia. Mary Martini. spent Sutur- day evening in Kthheuu. - __ Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mn. Henry k? Bauman were Ileana. Oliver McLaughlin, Amo- sunmnn and Dick Firm-om of Guelph. Mr. and She. George ‘Wldeman visited at the homes of Mr. uni Mrs. Clemson Bellman. Waterloo, Mrs. Ad. disc" Marlin and Mr Edwin Martin on Sunday Mr. Mnnnsseh Martin and sister Miss Sunnnnh were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ell M. “Al-run at Nor-dole. Sunday visitors at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Noah Widemnn were the Misses Mary Ann Holman. Erma Ha- bermehl, Violet Biehn and . Oliver Koch. Mr. Charle- Matthews spent the week-end In Toronto. Five an ot export cum And one car at hogs wen shipped from the local stock yuan In! week. 7 Mr. Henry Widen-n and “not MIBI Home apem Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah “only. Romano, Sunday meals ot Mr. and Mrs.’ [hristlzn P. Martin or 3rd line Peel. were Mr, and Mrs. Enoch F. Martin and son Away. Mr. Ind Mrs. halal“ P, Mnrtln. Wallenuteln and Mr. and] Mrs. Emerson Martin and family of [cumin I Mr. and Mrs. Louie Goodlng 1nd daughter Velm spent Monday even- ing IlrlKitchener. _ __ Mr. and Mrs. Noah Willem]: spent Sunday with Mr, Simon Brubapher: Mr, 'Wealey Sandor spent Sunday wlth his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sander. TATTON I Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hachborn and family ot he" Bloomingdale were Sunday visitors at the Leander Bow, man home. Mr. and In. Harry Behllng of Kitchener were Sunday ulnar» at 'lt home at the latter's father. Moore Ill. Mrs. Gordon Good and humor Ruth of 'KMchener are spending new Tho Engllsh tterviee In the Luther an Church on Sand-y “human will commence at 1.30 to mow the mm:- to attend a Young People“. gather- ing in New Hnmhurx Inter In the afternoon. Sunday School will he held It 9.30 gm. . St. Matthew's Lutheran Ladiew Aid were the guest; of the Ladlen' Aid ot St, James Lutheran Church. El- mira. on Tuscany eve-nun. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Dreisinger and daughter Alma ot Elmira was Sun- day sued: at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Huehn. Mr. and Mn. Ralph boerr 1nd Bom, a! Kllchener open Sunday afternoon with the farmer's father. Mr. Juan shoemaker and son Em- umnuel ot launcher. called on VIP lngg friends, on Sum!†atternogn. Mr, and In. Oscar 'Huehn were ween: Ambitiou- City whiten. Rev. s. J. “mug attended tb meet- lng at the Luther League Executive held in Wilkerlon recently. Mr and Mrs. Emil “In; with Mr, and Mm Erna“ Ash] and fam- ily of Kitchener and Mr. and Mrs, Walter Campbell ot Guelph were IN. [on at the Fred Weppler home tho other Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Good and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Rumba-gar or near New Hamburg were recent guests ot Mr. and Mm Phll‘el Koch. Mn. Koehn and MrB. Angus Wollel of Kitchener were recent with": at, the home or their brother Henry H. l and Mrs. Dunner In the village. l Mr. and Mn. Osear Schlemolu and family or Broom: were Sunday guesls ot the Martin Schweitzer horn» in the Jerusalem auction. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Huehn mud aqua were Sunday vlnltm‘s with Mr. and Mrs. Dale] Sham: ot near st. Jtcobl spent Sunday It the home ot Mr. and Him. Israel Frey. Mrs. uluan Bank ot Kruttetrl spent but midweek with minivan] here and with Mr. and Mm. cittMrdi Snldor and Jacob " Cunt; vhBItedy Baden relatives Wodnoulny evenlng. . IRee. 8, J. Wittig. president of the Kitchener district ot the Lutheran Canada Synod. attended and presided at the spring conference held Jointly by the Kitchener and ill-milieu dia- triets, in St. Peier’n Luth. Churdl. Kitchener, last Thursday. Mr, and Mrs. Louis Christen moved trom me village to tho Clayton Scheilele arm home near the Schelf- vie bridges, last Ptidar. MR and Mrs. Bot. Kira. Mrs. Getty Uhrtg and Mr. Walter Such were Twin City Inn-Ines visitors on Thurs day afternoon. . Mr. 'Roy Kimmie has it to his honor or being the tirtgt or the season": swimmpm. Mr. Klenzle took Ill: dlp on Saturday and round the water fairly refreshing. Armor Day was nltingly downed at the local school on may The Shoemaker property here has been sold during the week-end to Mr. David Min-Donald of Kitchener. who gets immediate possession. friends In 'Bnnnela Mr. and Mn Ed. Mustin and son Hurry ot Bridgeport were Vllilol'l at the home ot Mr. and him. Walter Kleuxle during last midweek. mu trtamw.recetvit with regret l the new: or the annulus ot Mn] (‘hnrlec Hus at his home in Water; loo early In! week. The late Mr.; Hue was a former well-known huai- I use man ot this village for many! years, having come here when a young man and conducted a wagon-l maker business tor "may veers. The departed while here was an active church worker and had been a mem- ber of the Church Council ot the Lutheran "tarch. of its mixed and‘ men's choir where he rendered all», able service, Local friends attended his funeral in Waterloo last Wednen-i day. Mr. and Mn. Milton Poll aid son Kenneth or Kitchener were Friday ovenlng guest. ot friends here. IIJ ate, laid} 'rar, Vanni {given 'i;.nr-;;. we: Trout-II! In (Em urine! runny hit. of on. Ink} "it mm tmat-t 83.50 " an “tori-c he. nu) (on. of Rheum-Hun, am at aim bah to cool In)“. 80.4 cut at - order to " W. Ari-III“ Ln... 0-. " Gnu Briui-‘g most ‘oremoll tunes... in this to up "Riot-nit. is a - tragic Jinn-o rich“, In!“ " att u " both rttt: Ind kill. people." Cancer my a... no" loath. than loin-ulna“ bet Rheum-(inn em dirk-n- nud Ila-Ho. no" pool. "In: Cancer. A.†my year- of "but“. march, " is our plenum to anion-o. that {his Ire-“II din-cg in " in forms, such as Arahegek, Harlan, Link... a... reg-VII.†how thronic uni ttt - Ibo an my bo, en. now In completely overcome _ 'lKll'llU"shG ‘IHEUHAT'C REMEDY. A we" proven- ImmuddmhbymMMm tHo.to--rbt-othobou-oetkot-,amd a-.thotaaoor- In. “It“. {or In. gym“. WTttboatgoq.od-tho-oVtl.ootif.oidr.itklSro i-tu-teq-o-tto" pot-nun. Tu. Panic at the Town Hall. Waterloo. WI. UFFELIAN. Colloclor. IPAY BY CHEQUE IF POSSIBLE) h Startling Disclosure to Rheumatic Sufferers '_.' -', "lava-1p F CONmOGO _ THE NATURAL REMEDY COMPANY A Two Per Cent. Discount NOW DUE In: and Pun-t. In, at. was (Hort Sputnik) I†You†St.. Toronto It“... â€I! to " - " Canada. “Kl-cw. hexruive Glasses "TUE IND THAT SATISFY†STEELE'S \'lailors a! tho lmmr st', Mr and Mrs, Allan llruhnrlu-r nu Snnulm were': Mrs David Korit .nul dauzhlw ltasetort, of I'llmirn. Mr. and Mrs Go, [inn Brllhmlwr and Maura. Addison and Alvin llruhmhm' ol'. of Kitr‘h Aonerv ‘- Miss Slnlml hawk-r ct; sprntditu: " tow days with Mrs A t' Mailman. Kitchener. The girls from this mania gum-ml in: thr, Girls 1'ottfervrtre at thr, O.AA"., Gnolph. an- the Miesis Lin-Ila Schullz. Marion llamm. Iva "sittldrar and Alice Stlliodur 5 Mr. and Mes, Alvin Itorscht and (daughter of Watevio"o visited ttw Irormer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. JPeter Dortehh on Sunday. ’ Mr. and Mrs. John kieswetter and sons of Kitchener were Sunday ivisitors with friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Cectl Mud-w and sun Bobby Sunday-0d at th" hum» of Mrc Mador'n parents. Mr and Mrs, , c, Shanta. Rivorhank Mr. and Mrs. John Hulwrnwhl oi Nine Pines spent “minim with Mr and Mrs. Jamh Sandor. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lithium "I Thedrord spent the weekimt a! lln‘ home of the lanor‘s pzlrmns, Mt. mu! Mm. M Muller. Preston. hold in ""11le where Mr Gingerich will have (‘hurgu Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin of m J.n robs and Mr. and Mm. M, lit-in of Conemugn called on Mr Wm Huh-w. melll Sr., on Sunday. eral weeks at the home at Mr and Mrs. Allan Good. Miss l-llho-l Good ua, ieetitt'ireu (ruin a two weeks visit ttt ttts. home of Kit. thenep admins. Mr and Mrs. Allan Good were sues!“ at the home of Mr and Mrs, S. Harvey Btaatrer tn Khrheut-Ir Mr. Ed. Kaufman, by Mr. Cecil Barbour were business visitors recently. Mr, null Mrs mmily and Min dayrut with trim 1atttily amt Miss Alice Tutton thm. ulayod wilh friends in Gmnmlown How. am! Mrs. “Nair ttuNcholttvr and family attenrlot Ill" “mummy. sorvim- top Mr. Annual GinRerich of Mrs Aaron Mailm- spun Saturday with Mr, and Mrs. Fiuyul "whirl Kit chener. Mrs. " [wash-r and mm .Ialrla railed on Mm. A. " Mailman. kitrh enm- recently. Mr. J. G. Shanty. Sulldayml ut 1tw home or his son. Mr. Roy 8112mm And Mrs. Shantz. Kitdwner Mr. and Mrs. Seraphim Kres- wetter and family and Mr. Ed. Kaufman attended the funeral of the lute Carl Schneider It Heidel- berg on Saturday afternoon. The late Mr. Schneider farmed mm of the village for many yeah. Mr. Claude Straus of St. Jerortte',, College. Kitchener, spent the week- end and Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Simon Straus. Miss Nora Srllic-dz-l and Mr. Curl Sloppler spom lllu “wk-mm with trie"tts in Toontto. MesErs. Simon Vol] and Claytmh Stealer were visitors to the Twin- City on Sunday. Mrs. John W. Maser and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Maser of Waterloo visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Maser. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Seraphim Kieswetter were: Mrs. Theobold Dietrich. St. Aguthn. Misses Edna Kieswetter, Waterloo, Laura Kieswetter, kitch, ener, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Luna and son Boniface of [lesson Road. Mr. and Mrs. Emil Starr of To~ route And Mr. and Mrs. Albert Her, gun of Waterloo visited the form, er’s mother, Mrs. Mary Starr. on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dietrich and daughter Esther of Rummelhnrt visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kieswetter. Mr, and Mrs. Peter Schwartzen- truber of Elmira called on friends in the vipryteyyt _S_unday arguing. Mr. George Lemp and son Alfred Lemp of Kitchener visited the former', sister. Mrs. lttto Kress, on Sunday. BAMBERG BRESLAU KITCHENS! Jan-uh accompanied of Wellesley to Brantford Sumlvr and Tut ton Sun-