Pomona“. Mr. and Mrs, 'denas Snyder and lumily spent Sunday with: Mr and “I'd. John Pressman at Kitchener M is}; Elvin: Goud of near linden spell-l Sunday under the parental roof. Miss Isabel L‘rrssman .penl Sun» tlay with her mulln-r, Mrs. Leander (‘ressman at Perry's Corners. near Washington Mr and Mrs. Isaac Benn visited wi;h Mr. and “rat Merritt Pun-y of near Rulho on Saturday., Mr and Mrs. Fwd Millar ot' "ear Kitchener called on Mr Metttto Nahr- gang on Friday. Several from the community at- u-mled an vujoyahle lilo-raw program at the Chestermetd l'uin-tl t'hureh on Friday nigh! “um-r Ilw "auspices at the Ladies' Guild. SOUTH-WEST WILMOT Misr, Jeésie Ellis ot near mum. is spending me <ummvr months .11 the home at Mr. and Mrs, A B. t'hrir4tner'. Mr. Ellworlh Bean attended an Oxford l'reshylery Young People's MuBttnt1 contest held at Mount Elgin on “Juday night. Mr and Mrs. Addis ('1‘9~§lllull and family were Sunday visitors with nu knives at Waterloo. WIN DSOR DETROIT CHICAGO To WINDSOR-DETROIT, trains 150 Ind 635 May 15, all trains May l6. To CHICAGO. all trains Mny 15-16. From Branch Line points use connecting trains. From Detroit, up to 2.55 am. train May 19. From Chicago, up to 11.59 p.m. train, May 19. Consult Agents - Ask for handbill. V. M. WOOD City Passenger Agent 120 King St. W. - Phone 585 Kilthener, Ont. CANADIAN PACIFIC . ' 'MR. DEEDS EXCURSION THUMAY - MAY . MONDAY _ TUESDAY _ WEDNES0AV -r 'IAitt_. "_-__" If. the Goes to T own†um.- GARY WEB JEAN ARTHUR Miriu- Napkin. _ Hark Oberon Joel Mecro. Weve It... three the vicn-t of I thawing caudal that brought their world toppling “in on their hands? The Most Talked About Pictun " the Year'. “THESE THREE†Athi' From KITC HE N ER MAY IG -16 to BARGAIN Groin! VSI’ milk $3.65 $3.90 $7.00 SATQIMY - M. H. L. Bean and son Gordon ot Toronto called on Mr. and Mn. luau: “van on Sunday (m Manda! afternoon the "Cheer. ml Workers" sewing circle ot Dean’- and (Niger‘s lennoniw Church†in m .1 meeting at the home ot Rev. aud Mrs (“unis (.‘reumnn. Mr Laurence Snider spent Sunday “in: “ix parents. Mr and Mre Ed. fstt'ttiet at Baden. Ur, and Mrs. Chester Buschart no H'mlmlllrd by Mrs. Howard Crete mun aud sotus or Preston spent Sun- day with RH and Mrs, Curlls Cress- IIIJH Yu‘bWI-MI leouw (In Sunday, tter. P. S. Bans, pat ,itl' m 1mm United Church 'ex. rhangml pulphs with Rem Button ot Fun!“ h h. IV .mll Mrs, A. H. Flemlng and nluuxlnvr Janie spam Sunday (will: Mr. and Mn; Duncan Dow-r at King- tsootl, A. All um um Ila JACK WY - Ml WY 23:34“. ot Mo's-n: but; on the "Polk, -.t'. Mrs. Lee Gifford and daughter Mur- prrie of South Cayuga upon! the wevk-end with Mr. and Mrs, R. L. Hull] and amended the funeral of the former's ant“. Mrs. John Roth at St. Agatha on Sunday. Rummy visitors will] Mr. and Mn. Ituy lo-lh'were: Misses Myrtle Mul- mmhy or Hivkson, Gladys Buck of .\'.-v. Dundee and Misses Stuart and [Mu-um Scott of Plattsvtlle. Miss Reta Shaun is spending a week with her sister, Mrs Waller new al Weilesiey.. A mm Hazel yahrg'ang of w hing mu spent Sunday under the rental root A Misses Sylvia Graham and Ruth Schitlst are attending the girl‘s con- rl-I'rnu- at Tel' mtg week. ltr. Jack " event Sunday wlth his pal-0mg, m: and Mrs. Tre " \liln-rluu. Rundny visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Zoeller were Mr. and Mrs. Julm schwartzentrtrber and lamlly of Stratrord. Mr. and Mrs. him Ttmm of MitvhHll and We: Ruth Zoeller and Mr. Borne ~Schlemmer of New Hamburg. ' ‘Exclusivc Mr and Mrs. Rmitehcsfhitoieau um! family visited with the former“: mul’n-r. Mrs. Wm. ThIhldeau It I'lnlhwmu on Sunday. Ret R. c. Pitts and Mrs. Puts. Miss Corrie Brown accompanied by Mrs. J. L. F'eick of New Hamburg are um-ndlng the annual meeting of the Women's Auxiliary ot Anglia-n ('hnl'rh which is held at London to- Add" I“ Gnu.- Banach _ All “Hell Ship My.“ day Fvu-‘hot Ton _ Mutiny rule. the ruin. u-vnl BridHPatth" “I“. Story" Gad in on m - no, can a.“ u luv. It. look on Nd- my all an count-pd ‘a a... m but. a. Wacky Mr... In. Moot. trrt.ttrtotlow -etrta All to who calm-nun 0U who]. III. is an o‘mllnuon or “Mt-u ,rhmt wo Ire and by - may“, "on ma lut- lytho-octmbyod. Our -m We to - to "In! of our Mn "lulu: or ohm-wile We - - use: sum test that on“ on a. day or judgment. The row: sxnmtt"rtim" tor the Mtttrett When the Under, were held In old mum: than when cow veru were examined before joining the charm. This took place after - and mood one whole by and long mm tho eveuln‘, ihe one cttnmctrsritrth which if unlike that or our school. In that the pupils seldom all in the minus-I tions tor lack of knowledge, tttated Rev. Malls. l have known pnpr who mow: very brilliant In learn I mg tor mnlrmllion, and who after. wards drifted any from the church; others “Insulin slower or excited in the tea; have proven more tnlth- ; tut he tuned. In closing he stated‘ it ts not Inlays knowledge and wit; dom that count but rather the sure ot God and the tatctiftutteas of man Dunn; the qtteatiottttttr period Rev. Moslg questioned the cNttt.tlrmanus on the religious studies they had cav- ered during their learning. On Sundry afternoon the eight cotttlrmattttt were conttrmed by Rev. Mauls. We spoke on the verse of "Behold I come quickly", He said they were always to be prepared an the son of God may come quickly and they would be called hone-e. The church was very beautifully decorat- ed with flowers tor the occasion and it.waa well ttUed with friend! from tar and near. The cogtgirmation clan comprising ot 4 how and 4 girls ‘whose names ore as follows: Hazel "uutre. Evelyn Rittmgor Pearl Griffin, Margaretta Schumm. John Beemer. Clayton Nauman, Lyle MIL ler, Robert N'irdorr. After they re- ceived their cottBrmation certitieater, Holy Communion was observed for the cottttrtttaau,' and members. Mr, Godfrey â€is“. presented earh of tthv eottiirmtrmts with a treautitul ' Bible. , Vlsilors at the home or Mrs. Hy Btrtttit on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Idem-39 Butler and son Ray at Gram Road. Mr. and Mos. Wm. Raetter and family. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Ruetter and family. Mr. Com Ruler and Miss Edith Miller or Kitchener and Lyle Miller ot Fergus spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs Hy. M. Miller. Miss Annie Mme-x or New Htum miJi,irt'C,'r,.'r 4“,; burg is " present employed at memhlxhiv 1trruii, on mud“ home of Mr. and Mrs. Noah 8.: B"F ' "=====aTc=====:=z= Shunt. - i Miss R. M, IHunshemer, who undl-r- went an operation at the St. Mary’s “annual is now commencing at her home here and is as well as can he expected; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Miglarlni or New Hamburg were Sunday vitdtors with the latter‘s panama. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Rlltlnger. Rem J. B. Domain ot New Hamburg was a business visitor in town on Saturday. The Young Pimple}: Society of the Livingston Presbyterian Church held their regular meeting in the hare- menl ot the (hutch on Monday even- .--.t-.--6h._ th161 with It. Addison an I. a indu- vw in ButNIo Int nook. Ii- W I.“ " WOWIOO, It. Once Ereleu Won‘t-l iiiG.iiirirar.t In!" of mum: were vat-0nd - of Mr. and In. Wine! lunar. “in Essie Moldenhauer bu re- umml to Kitche- liter sanding . week with her pucnta. r. mid Hrs. Julius Holdenlnuer. Mr. nnd In. Edwin Bender um visitor: with relatives in Wnlhce on [in Alma Stickney of Up I Jlilkiptrtols, lime Yieitt 901155- EEG}? 117n- irisited their Mend, Kin June King, on Sundty. A group of young people enjoyed I Gospel rungfeht at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ben Sander on Sunday afternoon. Uias Lucinda “min of Wert Montrose, Mr, Howard Batman of Elmira. Mr, “an W. Horst of Flou- dnle were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and In. Dnniel Horst. Master Alvin Denier is visiting his grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Snyder It liespelen Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Weaver, Howard and limb of Kitchener visited Mr. and Mr,. Sim. Weaver on Sunday, Mr. Noah Miller went Monday in Toronto. Messrs. Alfrrd Jtuater and Gordon Bonn of Hreslau siesited friends in this community on Sunday. Miss Mildred Bonn led the Evan- gelical League on Sunday evening. The meeting upward with a song Seerk't' and want" of prayer. The Scripture lemon was read by Mr. Irvin Schtuiie, and Miss Laur- Miller sang tt solo, “Abide Wtttk Usâ€. Rev. I', H. Cornwell spoke on the subject, "The Abundant Life." Miss Roth hrhwindl and Mr. Edwmd Main ul' kitrlu-ner were Sunday Ktils “I the l'urnwr's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs Edmund Schwinn“. Mr. and um family and Il Fiunday with Mr mun nr M:\'-~xh.l Mr JIM Hir- urns Izlnw‘ .le al I'I-‘nsnm V,o. mg. Mos, John PcuGlt": atretttied the “moral of lxm- “New, Ihu rate Mrs. Km-rlwl- ul’ Lroiuvion an Monday.. Mr. "ml 1lrr Ann-ll and family of Rostutal" h; Vt' mum-d into the tor. mu-r Sclliwlvl ham-2 Sovm’ul t-.;-- 'm an t1uoopinrt mulgh m3- tipot'lqui in Hu- village. Mi'. and \l' T Sim-1‘ .Iml Ilaluzlllel'. Misc Juan oi' ?Oa Hun-luv. va1led at m3- tipot'lqui in Hu- villa: Mi'. and \l' T Sim-1‘ .Iml Misc Jtutit. oi' ?Oa hull-Im- i"ouisuut Yin-m "I: Mrmday Mr. illlll Mix I'. M. r, (hu'hlh whlwl ' _ Ui.scv,s iqu Rub. x: Kuhn. mun-mar or â€In IM-rolinn pix-mum. was in tho chair. Mit Pulp-Inn gar» " vI-rr inlen‘sliug talk on H1. -.arl_s (imrrh. tlte real rlmrrh "iissuus;t'..aiFc" tho real mean- ing or Holy i'nmmmm-II .mrl traptimn. The talk was m-n rnjnyml by ail. Rnth I., llululnrhil hulk the chair tor thr. businw. part II was decided an May tp. In twill am "KW“ meeting which will hr mu-ircc, The meeting plow-d hy an rlsprrutiue tho mlzpah In-nmlirliou Mtuc. (tun niuw ily of KiH'hrm-r “'I-r HI [ho hum.- att" “N BLOOMINGDALE "tire 'm an t1uoopinrt mulgh d in the village. Il' T Sim-r .nul almuzlller. Hunk ',r, <3 Hum “minim! amt ml [hum m-n- gin-sis UN“ un Snlm'lluy "vert- hirlvlmvyvr and tam- 1' “-n-p Sunday visUtors ttts- I‘ Hulwl. Fy.vin Sham: and Frnir,, Hhantz spent uml Mix Ham Cress- '. M. Human! ot Uir,cc.s Wavy and ".udoemsW-iMvtMb o “alum-own“ “It‘ll Ir.nuln-uom.ln mnmmm.mw do: Jan, “My!“ wt. Mi.. [urine hob-nut d M cur and In W “has“: ot Humbug - M, with - parents, It. .ld In. an M- 73m. Jinn may: or Waterloo spell! Sunday with her pram, Mr and Mrs. lotus XML Mr, no Irma Ink-lulu.†than“ one. vtnttad with In. K. Seton not when†on SW. Thou who would an tum ot the “to Cu! â€holder at BOB-l- berg on Gummy not. Mr. and In Charla Hum. It. Nobon inci- burl and Mr. and In. Wm. Goliath, Mr, and In. mm mm and Mr. Earl Dameier ot no“ unwind visited with Mr. Ind In. Wm. Dun- meler on Sunday. au, FOR TENDERS RR 6000 nm CRUSHED GRAVEI. Mr Paul Clan-in; of Waterloo spent Sundny with Mr. and In. Nvlson Hackbarl, soon parted Woolwich Cone“ Holt May Meeting. The Muuciipal Council ot the towrw,tsir, ot Wuolwich met at Cones- Inga on Tuesday. May Sth, 1936, pur- sue-m In mljunrnmenl trom Ital ses~ slow All the members were prtseat. T'te roevc- was In the chair. The minules of the previous 5&4» "mu were read and adonled Amung the communications re- nun-II and read was a letter from A R. Wilson and Company and in lunnn-clinn with the mad superin- tendent's bond they ortiviesed that it was "Peru""')' in such a clue that the were also sign the road superin- tertalent's cheques. lye-idea this om- rial. Several circular letters trom various departmental sources includ- ing a statement on last year's high- way expenditures summarised in turn! for the grant, and another ud- vining the aproval by the Department ot Pumic- Highways of Ontario or the estimated expenditure of $18,500 on Iuwnshtp roads and bridges during the current year were also dtapoaed at. The council diseuBesed the years gruelling proposition and decided that tenders will be called tor short- ty for the gushing of apIyroxirnate1y 60IN) yarde, of gravel and for haullng it on tuwnship roads. An account from the city ot Guelph tor veliet furnished a family eonsid- cred residuum to [his munlctpality was plan-d in the Clerk's hands for reply. Moved 'tty Milton Weber and Her- let" Sm-be-L that the following ao- munls Itt' passed and that the new gram! his orders tor the same: M. o. Mingeman. BA'.se, balance Warhle powder account, 814.12; J. t ou. supplies tor indigent families, 7.49; W. H. Schneider. indigent coal. 1.3.1; The Elmira Printing Co, print- ing Journals and advertising. 61.21: Norman Snyder. pay voucher. 431.00; Total. $r23.7r--carried. Moved by Edmund Schwindl and Norman Wilkinson, that this council do "ow adjourn to meet again at the ('nunril Chamber. Conestoga, on Tuesday. June 2nd next. at 10 o'clock in the torenoon and that the Court of Revision and Appeal on the assent» ment rolls for the current year be held on the sameday at 2 o'ctork in tho artmaurom-4?.arriard. J. T. Schmidl. concrete ale, roadl 15, 32 and 36. $17.45: Wm. Baumnn., wading and no": roads, road 1,1 31.15;’ Archie Shoemaker. grading and gnaw roads. road 2, 17.60; Wm, Mackie. grading and snow roads, road a, “1.90: Gordon Pirie. grading and snow roads. road 4, 10.MP, Oliver Wright. grading and snow roads. mad 5. 6.40; Joseph l. Friedman. grading and snow roads. road 7. 19.- 90; Joseph ‘Rrohman, grading and snuw roads, road. S, 6.96; Ben. Mll- lar. grading and sun-w roads, road 'l/ ".20; George IV. l-‘nnhm. snow roads, mail 11. TAO; Israel Prey. grading} and snow roads. road 12, 15.50: Aaron 1 ,Il. Weber, grading and snow roads; ‘rnall 13. 2140: Amos Each. anow‘ Honda road M, 9.40; M. C. Schei“ inâ€, grading and snow roads. road I7. T.00; Henry Bowman. - roads. [iii:,': 19, 1230; David Bott. henna and «now maria. road M, 1315: C. s.. Mar. tin, grading road 22. SAO; ibra Mar. iin. grading and snow roads. road M, 13.15; Henry ankner. grading and snow made, road 27. 2.80; Manna M. Weber. grading and anew roads, road 88. 4.80: Wm. Rnirlnarrli. snow roads. road 29, mm; Eman. M. human. arrow plow. road 31, 10.20; Rhine qhoemaher. Idbor and snow plow. mod 32. maze-m c. Spin-o, snow mania. rond M. 21%; Clayton ttetmei- der, grading and snow fence, rand NOAH STROH. Clerk. 1110 [allowing payments are mehtd. ed in the road superlntendonl's pay voucher: Mr, A carelou mm and a good in: are '15, 7.60: Elam M, Weber. grading and labor. mud M, 6.85; (hymn Subs, grading and snow roads, road le. 33.00; Dan. B. ‘Hol’m-n. trading. road 39. 4.00; Percy Woods, grading and labor. ram! 15. “.10; mm, M. Baum-n. trrotdittg and gnom- madn. road M. " 00; Total, "31.00 Sunday and mum with)" at the home of Ma Jonah Snider were: Mr and urn Inn Martin of an" Elmira. Mr. Aaron Wldnnnn of F'tts "tdale. "In urn-m Mart": and Mr mud “r.- [m Web" of ham» tott Mr. "when Gingrich spam Sunday with V's-man Sander. St. Jumbo. Mr and Mm 'iWbttt Mtrrtin and Mr, and Mrs In and" at St Jum- ralhd on Mr and In Thvid Sula" on Snail-y, Mr and Mrs Inn Martin of nu: minim, Mr “I Mn Joh- Sander. Bt, Jami. no Mr [an] an†F"ttod with It and m. H CI!- det o. - INIDIR'S CORNIRB l Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Jack of "luelph spent Sunday with the iformer's parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. ‘H. Winkler. ' Mr. and Mrs. Kd. Gale and son Huck of Sebrinuville spent Thurs- .dny of last week with Mr. um! Mrs, ,Roy Mulcahy. Mr. and Mrs. John Fewings spent the week-end with their daughter. Vera, at Niagara Falls. Mr. Jack McKie of Streetsville spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James McKie. Mrs. M. A. Lowrie is spending a) week with her daughter, Mrs. C: Hersey and fumily, and her daugh-l ter, Miss Daisy Low_rie. at Guelph., lcx. Anson “an; uv‘v-Aw. -- s""""'"' Mr. Roy Mulcahy left last Thursday for Bright where he has Iccepted a buttermaker's position. Our best wishes go with Roy and wish him success in his mark. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Hyde and) Kelly Kellerman on behalf of the baby Shirley and Miss Sadie Hyde: Leonard Transport Comptny. who spent the week-end with their par-I have taken over the manngement of ents, Mr. Ind Mrs. James Hyde, at the club. Thamesville, and also called on Rev.i Intensive practices will be held A. H. and Mrs. Johnston at Wards-i from now on as the season open! ville. here on May 16. If he con seem Mr. and Mrs. T. Hawthorne of his card to play in Kitchener, II he Chatham are spending a few days is now a reinstated professional. at their hgmghere. - __.. Savage. who if a pitcher, will pity if; W. Scott of Milverton is SPECIAL NOTICE "', You can now bur) THE BEST BRANDS or PREPARED HOUSE PAINT G, .75 per qallon To each of the m 500 â€non- conploting ml punch- of ‘20.00 or over on or after lay 6, 1986, a “Iver doit" till be given free as I refund on punkâ€; Tun-hr cud- bind for retrinterintr purclues in Union: department: by by “y. 22 King South. W; 100 King South - In In... South 'gr'rl,hlJRlill's DEPT. STORE Open Wednesday ALL DAY FREE for 3 MILLBANK Agents for SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS Why take a chance on paint of doubtful quality when you can now obtain the undernoted top quality brands of white lead paint at this popular figure? Insist upon one of these famous time-tested brands for all your exterior painting. Any one of them will assure you a job of outstanding beauty. long paint life and economy from $irst to last. There is a store in your vicinity that can supply you. M. WEICHEL ik SON LTD. Silver Dollars Ment- for MARTTN-tlF,NoUR PAINTS Kiuhonor'u “adorn Depart-on! Store OUDIES Agents for CANADA PAINT co. LlPHARDT BROS. HARDWARE STORE . WATERLOO Start right “my! 'aterloo. and Elmira l Mr. R. B. Hamilton, In. W. Blair and daughter Marion lid lb . Grace Wray spent Snndny 'rrertitq with friends It Atwood. WATERLOO Former Oriole Pro /ro I loach Kitchener visiting with Mrs. J. Huron all Mr. ttobt. Scott. Mms. John Klockmnn and ab ter Helen of Fernbank spent 8‘ day afternoon with the {which mother, Mrs R. Putter-on. Dr. and Mrs. Harold Bruce and Mr. and Mrs. "s. Allison of To ronto spent Sunday with Mr. all! Mrs. Bert Wray and Mrs. J. 31112.; L.0.L. Noo. 23 will hold a - meeting Friday evening, Buy 8th. Rev. Mr. Moore will be the guest weaker. A full meeting in re- for :iuested Kitchener-Fred Savage. former, Ls of Niagara Fllls, a former Bum. more Oriole professional bung-13!. "ill manage the Kitchener- uter- loo Intermediate ball club in the Intercounty League. Announcemept to this vffect was made here by Kelly Kellerman on behalf of the Leonard Transport Comptny. who haw taken aver the manngement of the club. Intensive practises will be held [He Vlocal club, Phone 215 Phone 274