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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 May 1936, p. 1

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i"' THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE lot, 5t). No “I 1936 Budget Increases l Sales Tax To liiiglt Per Cent, I IN Items Increased, 12 Ml Twenty-nine million dollars of tit'G Canadian taxation was proclaimed in the House of t'orttmotts on Friday by Finance Minister Charles Dunnig in his 1936 Itudget---and it will stilil leave the Dominion SIlHUNlILlIIlIl short of a balanced Budget) a year hence. 1 Outstanding in the list ot' taritf and taxation changes is an increase from 6 turd per cent. in the sales tax. which is to", net the government an estimated $23,000,000 additional revenue Printing paper and ink for magazines and periodicals and crushed stone and grand for Provincial. county and town- ship roads are added to the list at exemptions. The next biggest “nation increasi- occurs in corporation income tax, being lumen-i! Hum l.",", to 15 per cent., and on consolidated returns. from lr, to l7 per cent. This, with certain other minor variations in th, income tax field. will provide the other $6.000,0()U of the s29,i)tto,i)fttt total. Individual income tax schedules remain the same. The dvticit for the lineal year ending March 31 last was revealed at $ll$l.lt|l.llim. tlu. lllg‘llt’bt but one in the past tive years. With “(Human)" ol economies and the $9,000.“ of new taNation reunite. the Finance Minister sai the Govern- ment huped to keep the current vear's deficit "below $100,- mmJuMi.“ and even that objective will he imperilled with any omr,idttal hum-i nu th" tlmernnivul'x' wheat operations. $29,000,000 NEW TAXATION IN BURNING BUDGET Ilunning Budgets for Detieit "Below $100,000.00." for Curr-t Year.--British Trade Asitsted.--$100 Free tor Mk- Tun big ileum nl' change stood out in the Minister's pro- claimed (arm changes. which “we tvcottuttended hy the Tariff Board under the Bennett Government's veferenee--the duty on gasoline is to 1w reduced from 2i r cents to 1 cent per gallon; and the mtr on agricultural implements, lately reduced from 25 to 12' g pvr cm“. undo. mp Canada-United States agreement. is lowered lo "ire lwr ccnl.. --|lm'li\‘r May 2. _ Complicutcd dump-w in :Illvfulnuhilr duties and excise are outlined durum-n». but thc move. as anticipated. is to reduce duty imposts ulul mwtvml compensation to the manufacturer on machinery and parts and tires and tubes. Other Lesser Change: Other taritf and taxation changw of lesser gem-ml importance wen- announced as follows: New mining companies are to be uxemptmi from l-Iu'porauun ineome tax for a period of three years. Imam-st u!) unpaid instalments "f income tax is reduced from " to 5 per cent, with reduction trom 1 to h' per u-ut. in penalty' rate. Payment of gift tax to lw th'- nuired annually instead ot' at time of gift; also gift! up n $1.00" an» nually In am mw lu-l‘nm In In- N rmpl. . 1etvecttttettt hul-lim: 1ousiutttitrs wholly mun-d by mtn-reilcttts to Ire, taxed at one-half ordinary raw. and dividends of thew companies to by exrrmpt from r, pvr m-nl. um on dividends going to nun-residents. Reduction from l to 'd rents pet hundred in t-Vrisc ml ciuravctte tubes. Excim- nu ('unavllan bluntly rt - ---Me_- v v J rlucml frmn S4 In 535 l"" Liam)" to "' . "T.--'--'-.-;"- l u‘ualizs- with Aurtvalia am! Suuth Ihll’d Policeman‘s Pay Raised A frica. , . Spirits [ht-d in "uuiiviucr, (N C From $960 in $1020 1ig,lst'"/ic1"1/t,t,"11,1'y rl,','")";','.?,, UH mu: 'rtt of (he Police' rummitlm‘ n , llnu . -r' _ F ," w (nu n ' mlnril ml Monday night in per J" _ _ _ _ . It ”my 1.. olarv "r tho third wa, Extisv on _ tolracctt In In- transfm'n-Il to ru~mm< taritr. In the customs writ? chang'w clearer detinitin" ls In 1w mull.- In the term "ot' " ciasy tet kiln! mm!" in Canada", Imporlnnl ("Illt't'>~lnll~ sue "ram. to Hriti>h trade sm-h an frer “Hing of all iron and su-l-l machinery not made in ('unarla; tin-mical Mum-- waw. eavthcnwarv. [tunings for “urinal ir.struments. pnwdurml kelp, Iva “th. . \n'samn- \vlul nil Burl ttrt. vngirtes. Removal "f cxir1itt.u' tspvcit'i, duties from Hritich mum at fabrics‘ wholly of cotton and of artifieial Silk: reductions in duty on iron or steel machinery of a kind made in ('anada; and an all unvnumcralml articles of 1rutt or Ami Ill-tivcutcul cocoattut, lvaf tnharrw Porto and \tuut. pnnn- ssintr, mail -~\qul- and ttowdct'.s and Irish pnplin. Psvdurtiou, in rate, nu- to apply on a list "f ponds whrn imported under British preferential or inter, medinh- tavitfr. notably heat-resist- mit ulnsswsrp. "ickel-Plateti warm srtttle stool luhinu, cotton lama any hroideries, rntlnn clothing, i'luthimr. [Continued on Page 8) Highlights of Budget “Mint [In the ll~l1|l Mun of hm than sImt,000,000. compared with <qu.aml,mm in thc mm yval Additiutml tannlim: on mum-lulu)“ mcumcs lo yield $6,000,000 :uhhliunal nvrnm» tntlrs Mn im'vrawul from G to R per cent. to yield *23.U|DI|.IHIH :ul-lllmnul 1CSr't an In toorpcrity days the sale, tax W“ o'ly 1 pm crrd ll "up: lu-l't-Ip ruwwlwl 6 per cent (If ltr; taritf rhangm. m! m.- u-duc'linns Ind only l2 inure-lea. Itt-itish Emmi.» gumL will lu, mlmimul frm- of duties under 700 of the mun items in l'anmla‘~ Ittciott' whululm Tariff on Unitr0 '.Oatrc :mnlivu- 'ed-d from '.?'i cents per gallon In I cont pm tralMv Escire hum or autumn-huhk nrlu‘ally changed. Preliminary verdict of marvofnctttrvrs h pl'rulurrinr of Mwer-prirred models will bortettt it Mponw nf lughm hurt " Cttty, Duly on completed cur! reduced to 17% ‘N'l m-m . rmuparwl “ilk IT‘g, 2."; Illlll " per cent. at prettertt. _ Tm nu demure (ulna ls w-lucvzl from 3 to 2 cents; excise duty on ('ann-lmn brandy Is ”alum-ti hum SI N! " a gallon to equalize with brandy from Anehalin and South Africa Suhstanlinl tHttVisjArTs tn ltritich protluvtsr and new trade Igneo- ment with tho l'vilm' Kira-10m ”within: tor comprehensive arm re- duetions, Funmnrnw 1mm) in -~lmmlnln~ Faun-Hun mining industry Ex- eruption from cnrpmnh- mumw lax of 13 pcr Cent. to nny met-Ilium!” mum running on!" pnvrhnlnm leuwr‘" today and Jan l. 1940, for Arst three yonw of production (fin: up in sunny annually to any nun Int-rum to be exempt from gift tin. Gift; up 'n sum” rtvrsrtally m any nan prrwnn to be exempt from Mr Mlnnlng'n mom] blldxnl pmcw-ln " 1 gift ttex “dad a trw nurprlsoa When ho Pr'" .‘unml Irv th anilT frmrd lvmmmnwlallml of "no Mango" in in“? rate of 30 getttrd Ma ttrrt Mar any budget "IT")'""'"? l lwl com on Alumina" fulmlmr adopted, you. no condition. were more In Ito. mum“ , fhutuctiotos in Ill”) my Ill-h Free State products would» At [hut Hm:- hn was "ttts ‘n-nnl partir Nrt deht ll. Carrttrlt, introcrt! lt, Ian <i\- vars by sus7.000.ooo to lo report I surplml of 830,000,000 u prnvlnvosl $r',,trtr'l.0mt,00" .umpnrod with n 3102191900 Ite.ti lvlwllnu Gram! totul vlul‘ull rm llw )l-m w mummy“, including speck! for the ftsrttt your just ondmt.attttttt. mru Mum! upondiluros for "ruutwloyrturnt roliof. construction mm! to prune 1y higher nun lull than “Unglued [dul- llw am amploymem and lullwny "efleit of 347,000,000. Mo force-Med. howl-"tr, that thn as Mr Dunn‘m "vorBble mile balance for year a“ luck " I. no no. ' “It would no ml to Ml"! 81.000960,- lml nrrlrnvl plus sll9.ono,ona for gold bullion. In...” “the 'dttdtt “an nu. Inm- m m ulna" unlit-1 the world In “46,000,000 tbe - l n. -plwnl rovlow two-andr- ln~00wrnmom Tourists Making "Approach to Balance". m wu'v-vlntmn mcumcs lo yield $6.000,000 tax im'uawul from G to R per cent. to yield ,rv an In punprnty days the "tslw, tax wu lu-fc-Ir , xcceded " ppr cent ". in: tTit' u-duvliuns Ind only I2 inn-ones. lu, ndlnxlttml frm- of 4min under 700 of the Il<lnlr scrwr!ules I's' s:-acilirw Ivtl'lnt-ll from '.?1/a cents per gallon clue-ttter Raises 1630 lb. Steer any Chronicle Corre-mndtntl Linwood. _"____ Mr. Art Schlueter, “In. farms th mile and a half east of brie. warmly sold a Hereford deer that weighed 1630 pounds. This steet' was raised by Mr. Schluvter himself, 9nd was nearly three grim olu. . Council Raises ()flicer's Sa Thu: vtsietttioually good weight of thv animal is a rerord in this part ol tin county. 1m ..,..; 'tit of the Police' committee my 1mm ' mmril on Monday night in ll aural Ht, -nlnry nl' the third Wa, tryl Ft I'olrcr. otricr-r ttom $960 to 'l"'.!" “pr VAL Thu-v new summer 'rcrer"trs, will 1w purrlmsml tor tshe .‘n'i. a» .uul " 5:4 tri [lulhing locker: "-t,uirul Ill the lu‘Ii-v "Rivers at a \--~l of let.N Tlt, ~lwIII-r whirl» Wtuc used at the mm‘ V; 1hr "tarkest building during Ho. JirHrH will luv moved to tho rear of rt... mun halt during mo summer it'i " sioritR" "ttod " tho motorcyNo 1.: -l..~ Poli, .. ulepartnwm Supplementary estimates for the [97:6 Canadian budget were tabled lry Finance Minister Hon. Chas. A. [Dunning in the House of Commons uh April :22. The estimates. total~ lulu: almost S125,iur0.o00, are di- \lll04l as follows: lbitcrt relief grants to provinces. s:O1.uo0.0M; works projects already ~lmt4nl. $30,600.000; new works pvorits. $2C.ut0,000; nnd the Canadian National Railways defteit, nlmuxl $10,000,000 1N.R. Deficit is Nearlv M0.000.000 than sttttt,000dt00. compared with (Ill: UNILINH DUI I MI Highlights of Finances m " ti. lunch] "View for the lull Mod Inch II. 1986, == by Finance limiter Dun- Ill‘ Jn the course of his Budget nu "over-ti" tuaeits of $162.‘ 191,000 compared with "MAM.- 000 I year ago. Revenues for the [at tueat ya! "72,100,000, an increase of 810,. 229.000 over the [unions year; ex. ttttttT for n! purposes, $534,- 91,000. General decrease in interest mm and increase in volume of security “cations. both Government and private. Cuudu's trade inn-cue in I»! you 11.3 per cent, comp-red with avenge increase for " lending countriex of 4.1 per cent. Total trade gain of 3152.000,000 with surplus of exports over imports $216,000.000, exclusive of gold or tourist trade, which brings total surplus to estimated $445,000,000. Trude negotiations proposed with several countries and discussions with United Kingdom on Ottaw. Cortrerenee trade ngreements to bu opened soon. Italian Victory ls Complete Loans to Provinces tench grand total of 'ii6,500,000. Farther loans to be mule only under proposed Loan Council scheme which will be proceeded with. Mussolini’s Forces Now In Full Occupation of Ethiopian Capital. Rome, April 6.---The lulinn Tri- color ttuttered from the palace of Emperor Haile Selassie in half- rlzed Addis Ablb: yesterday, and Premier Mussolini. in a voice trembling with emotion. announced in Rome that peace‘ had some. A dusty, motorized column of Fmist troops cluttered into the Ethiopian Capital on Tuesday after- noon to end the tail of.conquest they began to haw seven months The arrival brought relief to thousands of foreigners. They had been barricaded within the various Leg-thus against manuding war- riors since Emperor Huile Seltcusie fied his throne Saturday, A “Ethiopia is Italian'." ll Duce shouted at a gigantic Fucist cells. bration in Rome. "The war is ended'." All Italy joined in delirious cete-l brations. When word of the or:qu pation came sirens screamed and! bells tolled everyyvheye. '. Premier Mussolini last night pro- claimed to 40,000,000 rejoicing Italians mused throughout the country that the Roman legions had swept into Addis Ahlbl. _ "Ethiopia is Italian'." 11 lluce thundered from a balcony in the Palazzo Venezia to thousands of men. women and children assembled in the big square below and to other millions specially mobilized for the announcement in cities and villages throurhou1 the kingdom. "l announce to the Italian people and to the world that the wit is finished," the Fascist dictator de- clnred. "I announce to the Italian people and to tho world that peace has been re-established!" f8i--foliorirw pre - high- Farmer Burns Home To Be Sold In London police court his! week, William Telford. 47-yetir-olrt Muss township farmer. was sentenced to 2 to 4 years in the Ontario Re- formatory when he was found guilty on charges of arson. The court found that Telford, father of six children. became 'utttered when the farm on which he has lived all his life was to be put in at a mortgage sale. and Iccordingl; proceeded to set fsre to the house Ind hum it to ‘the ground the thy before the sale. POLICE PULVERIZE Winnipet--Some 500 lethal we?- '; pans. I" makes. shapes and styles,) were ground to pieces in a giant crusher recently. The revolvers 'iiiiil other deadly weapons were when! by Winnipeg police during the ptsst: 25 yank Ottawa, May a -tWNP'3t #Parlln- mun! hill was lhln th avalnnched with mum-ages ot tt comptlrmttthtry and crltiral natura u ('mudlln bund- ttet" man studied "no Mnor vainl- of the budge! Members or the Home. Gtoanwtiiie. “we to ond their tOM8- Minn hy the mlddlo ot Junta. At Mortgage Sale “I new YEARS UAW ovum LEADING SEIZED WEAPONS (the Week at ®ttawa Wuuwo. (Jun-lo. Tum“, Mat 7, t936 Town Tax hears Total 56032025 COUNCIL “wuss . DEPUTY CLERK’S PAY Arranges Being 'fteadiiy Re- dueed.--U-t Mark in Five Yum. A new [ma mark lor live Yeats no» on“: in tax “manuals for Wat- who (Tm-mam E J. Miller ot the oOce Committee. manned to the (own counril at that ttody's regular monthly moaning an Monday night. “0.02015 in the total “roars owing the mun. while payment of arream In the first tour months ot the rur- con! year trivevi gown grounds for be llevlug that the prevent total will be tomrrderatrly Ivan-um»! 1rtattuum mm mllu around Chairman Miilru stated that m.- uuting down "l urn-an is all exceF lenl indication of tttore pl‘nspt-rulh limes tor Wirirlso ' Manama In Ann] $3.36] ‘32: was ouiected tor arl'v'nn- ot' taxee Salary Diupuud h " nun) ringing-ll in . Iengtlu‘ angu- mem und‘ [in- rmnuneratiun for “wt. deputy cysrk and 'lepatr treasure: ot , llu- [own who .m- -rillitue In" ottit " . Micro-sum run be appointed In “10'. \'2|ri|llr\ rulwnl in, [IN i'r/ls'V,rvariJul, " furnwr clt.rii. Nurmun A. Kit-k l AM, Millm [mlnlml mu tin. Itepitly l Th-umur-I lt " [mamm- “An lwinu ptrid "" the Nmr hands an witen {Iv} nrruplv-Il th, post urn-ml \vm's "F'" It ths, rln-Ih‘2- Mum-urt- Mr, Imc) (lt um the ttentury I‘XPl'k should al. ‘50 he roimhm'nL-tl zur his work. andi thi., view was vootrutrred in by Reeve' 'tetirurie. Dunn} Iteeve Heer and' Aid. Frn-kvy. Alda-rman Toletski and. Aittermtun Haunmn slated that tiillr) vu'n- again“ paying tire deputy 1.ierg mr HI.- I'.\ll‘al work. since he ls "l l ready "" 1hr Imu- mum“ as Tux Cor' Inwlm' Ju,r herduvl- " mull was Ill". ing aumhm' kind o', “ul'k Wits nu I'lv'ilu'UH why tse "ho tld no! “(in tummy. i Tim matter win Iimlix lull in ..lt" hands of the otrice , omtnittew with) the Instructions that the lulu] my tttuueratious tor the vm doputy "ri fivials should not FRI." tod 11w amount . lwim: paid tlt" form. r rlr'l‘k 41-0518- I ',urcr. l $1,300 Damages _, Awarded Elmira f Coach Lines Lishman Gets $1300 in 53.000 Suit Arising from Maeton Accident. Dem-ember t. Kitchener. Ilanmgvs totalling; about $1.2m: were awartled Arthur: Lishman. Kitchener. mun-r of the: Elmira has Hum. in his suit againle Leney (lama wit-Mum]. and the; latter':; employers. William Nvilsort,l MIL. Tun-mun. br Mr. Justice J., Keillm MavKay m It numjury It-l Prem" l'uurt :z-~~i(\n tttwe on Tues- day. i Phsintitr'y anion \\ as the n-.~u|t of a crush between his bus and (mate's cur at Marlon u-urm-I, Waterloo- Weilirurttut botutdaey rum]. hvr. 4. when Lishman was taking 22 pupils to Elmira high whim], Iznlh uh hides were damaged. Plaintiff based his chum nu these I“-rl‘“"“7“ "1“l“ damages and impairment of health.! - - _------.- (mgr also sufrvred three hroken 11m". Property Committee An ribs. Plaintitrs mumeI, ~mnming" B titi ti I up his rlaim; tcsked tot damages "ouneeB "m 'T" tott " totalling about $5.6le while do" Gart"ute D'IPOM' fenre had a $3.30 cotmtvr-cteaiett. Site. His Lordship found that 70 IN't' cent. of the m-gligenn- that caused the accident was dun- to Cape who, he said. apprnarlu-d the rump: at an excessive spun-IV Thirty pn-r cont. M the nt-ulizem'v could bc traced In Lishmun herauw hn- uli-‘ no! ktip a proper lookout. Defendant wtV. allowed “.0 pm cent of his eruertterilaim, Veteran Teacher Leaves Collv,eiate The Kilvhrnvr Wmmhm Hulk-31L: ate Inditulv is IINIIL'. ni the emf of the wrhunl trim In June. its} Veteran scioncv tvachtu. Edmund l‘ugslry. who jnilwd the, tvnchinsti 5135' of the old Hrllin "nth School it, 11min. m the only sci- in sll’uclm Hi ruxiwmtmn wag Bt" ceptvd by the ('nlh‘uiatr Ronni lasl: week Ih. " thuir‘u from thr pm I Irsainn .mriul luwiriun .nn'.nn-~-l mun im rr-rosrmg and six-"lawn"! {minis " was nalnrnl that In- would dm'uln an [mm-rum “In... to Hm financial rp- mumm of luv hum‘ninn and O" Pro vim-vi n "mill-v 'rurrr,ul'x vh’unrdml " I‘llzh inuwrinnn- Th" luau council 1".qu. hr Hindu u -1".‘u hu, “an I'm-n 'Friuitsh "tram -'nnml 1w the envmnmu-nl hm will to, 'trttji1rui in sum-- nuulmvu'mns n»: tit" trvswult of thr. diffnum- a rnrmm tered [\nrtiruhvr" "ltht thr. wnslnrn provlnces. "Inn-Hing ulna-Hun ltt m.- tc.?. gru- mm lamb-d In l’.lVH\I\-l provimrse Tttl. _ the dlffnrl‘nl roiiet m Is 1m" your Mr Dunning ulwlnrml mm the tim" had ttrrivod whun s,uptt aann would hays: m ha vharkorl If the P‘ndaml Dow-rumor" w" to avoid Mrnminx UH Nl)l Same Name and Age Two Die Same Day South Bend, Ind., Muy Fc--Two men died in the Epworth Hospital here last night, Both were named Stephen Vartro. Both were 53 yearn old, Both Ind been named Stephen and each had a daughter named O‘Donnell Hangs For Ravine Murder ”any O'Donnell, 26-yenrrold moi [or mechanic. was hanged at the Toronto Don Jail at eight mm. Tuesday. There was none but " ticials present at his death. Death was unnouncenl I7 minutes later. The posting of the small notice on the wall Just outside the heavy portals of the Don Jail told of the death of the convicted murderer. and the carrying out of the order of the court. Many stood on the .sidrwalks of Gerrard street opposite the jail. and also on Broadview avenue A cordon of polite pre- vented any person (-I'os.~ing jail property. Elisabeth. They were not related ', lerlwlh-r'. -City Council at us I l ink-rid} w-siun Monday night. n1nanf-'hl _trtiuts13 ~uppm'1ml the tiwolution iircl, _ ‘~~'lll"l] In Alderman, Geo, Gordon and , F Iti,, N'uhuvfl'l', Huh-Hing Hm “mun. "r',')",", iniiiulwl by the inn-a1 Board or!, “PI-nap In .xm-urt- from th" l-‘wlrrul‘ Works hum-rune"! the incluerio" “fl yin: propusA-d mo,0ao_mm um-mwuy. Ti "ttr"tt relief program to the ',is'sx'jFiij,l ur mu certtetr-ttctiettt in Kilrhem-r orl M mum "ride-d huh-ml building to Hung” and "trriietitty "ccontruodftel ‘Ilw vitt'ious mlliunzll |‘r\'|'llllf' pro-luv In; \n-I'Virt's unwind on in this city I" \Sllrh ...~x .nsmms‘ "Minn, inmma» 1,txlr'l 'znul pusml tlvpurlmunls "I . ll Wilts puimwl ml! in tho rusnln-t" 'Iion what the community affords a ti: "um! nun-0mm to the Dominion t_lya: V \ul‘y “r “Luann" annually. exclusive i " u; (Mada! rpm-nu:-~ and monitor? Ilw IItotniuion Ih:vtumttTrntt would tte 11n- H “I'm-Y to Kirvlumn-r rilizvm‘ in "musing tb flu m‘uuiu'u mm'v- nth-quail- iII'K‘nmmo- _ tl ‘.‘.~.Imn for 'luw surirvl public c4'r-)" The crinu- for which Harry O'Donnell paid the suprettte penalty was the murder of 20-yettr-uid Ruth Taylor, ,aenostrapher, whose body was found in the Gainsbuw “wine on the afternoon of November I by mchool boys. It was found she had been criminally assaulted before bun inn: murdered. Injuries lo her head. unison! by It hum- lurk. rtwuln-J In .lrullL Mulls 7 Magnum" FI: L oak Watt, alter -" -- - ‘lt‘llllt'lny ”Ir “”ng than)!» mi "ds- ., 1st1ult "Ckilrrulltt..: “mm; harm tr, . ‘a.~.~aul!. lulu“ Hun: huh 1m vvirlvncc to 'ruppott It Ct .tsvtction Hr cum- I t ener an ' mented that In vlicrt allpm'vnlfy :\\'rm in War-', Huh-l luukim: {m . . mum!“ ur-i an! v.h:tt hr sie-vol. Feder Ill lug} lick, It. . Minn-1 lu- Wyn in Wag- le'~ btwsrac, tttitll, April -ul navi- umhl, duh-L- " uh min-h at a table _ . . . . in! which Pct,ur Wav,ne, um «and. City Cottneil Petitions Govern- yum. Wacruu amp culll to anuthvr merit for New Postoffire ;!'m'l of the huh 1. lickert claimed Watvthu, i~ lo Invgil' lt, hea"tr "icatio" ca1ttPt11Vtt chortly. with the ‘unnuuucu-nwm that yum": “us will lw Manual nu [nun [and Tht. site 1>|"1'|'ll'd rm (hr phlnlinu iy tlu. UM dump on lite south side. of the ‘Waln-Iluu park lakc. which the ir “as J|<u Nahum! that tlt" in- (lllvll‘iéll inuu-I'lzmw of Kilvhc-m‘r has lnw'll Inn lulu; num‘lmll‘ml hy tho HOP vl'HmI-III :u Ottawa in lawn-rt of tho unulanlb i1triu'ct.siste "outributions In tlt" fwlm'u! trouqu‘y, hum indigi» "Hai.,. I-nnnllu-niu]. tiuoncia: and m- ulnMrml "stuhlis1tmrus oiuu.atiurr in 15w ciry. To Plan! Trees (III Reclaimed Land t' ACCIDENTAL SHOT FATAL Hod [Iv-m Alt" Hm I Vssc H Its, I' ~I=|Inhlvi "s eh. urn! .l-mn Ihv -',ttt m hm Irtttlt II-Imv Hum 'lu: Irv piral III-x hr MHz-1»! nmlnn: u! H.. mm st,ttrul m.“ n. “mum lu- "ode uni-w»: rlm do lunankiun. u" H1 M, IIII'HH‘IX'i I--I‘v-1,n'n-.~ io I Mu "tatrtr's; um u-n-uumnlnz Tmr. Ito m‘nlnn h,. anhl had er‘W‘d trom .‘in‘nh In ~alvh plar" among tho Had- my nulvmu "t thr wnrld (‘nmmring Ir‘nntlnued on Pics 0 "I n tlt, tit H h, "" hrot Structure. m lou' Ll'll] IquII- 1trull 2.3..ulihln I ll:- sh» was rhulg‘ d. o. hull»! will“: luv-Inn s'h, 'i-wl m hm! in my h, al lin- wovincmi ' y'mIlwr 14mm Ihrex wmv Im- 'hn ircrrt totttt 51mm. of tho gm}: mm mm aid 1 h n 112N111 J Warden Wagner l Freed (lf Assault ( Run-hm.“ Hun Pctct Wagner H-I’ Welhwlrg. waolerl of Waterloo ('uunty. and his mu, Plan-urn. were 'tscuiuitted of rlmlgrs uf assaulting '(‘luytnn hrrkcrl of Linwood, in pm ', Ilrr court hm- “I: 'l'uceoitey. Charge Brouv,ht by Clayton "when After Fieht at Wellesley Hotel. "0KCfih'itT LOOKING FOR 'rmu'm,h'---Fot'N'tt IT" H‘um. um mm Fhrul _t'illyrtttt " fr” .mll I am " Three Year Search for No. l Entmy Ends in alro'lleu Arrest. Kitchener Groups Seek Faster Time Federal “on Captuve Kal'pis VIM “ll-gnu. May Jinn Kaulh l’uhlw i u.’ ths. l’lLIw-Ii Slut-n mun-fr iti 1hr rulmuw nun: npnrlmn-m h‘nl'lill tirm,u "fa .sltot. The Mo1ttyrutl Inn: tl right llillllr and run vtrututrut In mi 'lI'IH‘rN” Th, right Sill] Knrlri- uni-w kirirrap;riuc, of it' wrufih} til l‘nnl Fhlu.srd lh'n 'd.. rlu Wmlnbouuu Thc old M11 lard {mm mm hru- has been sold und- M: >lalllry Millard and aialrr, Mr,, If Millard. are "mung Lo the" “1'“ home in this village Farm in Family For 97 Years Deeded to The Mina-u Ian“ has been m the fumil; fun in? year:, being: deeded to Mr. Mum-dz grand- father hy rln ("n-“u in the year Itb3y, tttrrrrtrtttple _ and tltut of tite sesTrhmt, "t il lu- prrt in [hr t'ln-I hquN trr 1-3le uh“ ‘hulirln 1nm- III Mhu' tlt tlw ptr-l fru your May-Jr Smith “hm. the suh.icct. duh-I . put 1hr qmuhnn to I" May if hr, urn-n» mic-dun: th,. ioirr, -: therd "i [In vtrrctso Wntvrtoo “NIH Inky th, 51v» sfth, I "davuced' do. k, m ttw CROWS ARE MONEY How-Iv ~~Ix ..-lr nu mm Th I l f I ml-VI In: th. '.eul "t, suis":."." . 'ret"eolbs Hun by “album "uruts' I 2': lb 'l ‘lmnu-l 'tl'utt In} J. I‘ll: 'mlrmt Hm ttt town In 1539. 1.2km) Hutil" It"! Wm d tu I‘V‘. v'v' haul! up hn'um-n n {mun-x Ind " Nut-r! man hrtt. tt "in-1| A".tc [lug-'mnll rnmhmdnzw a hruvily " firtsrsm and tt I‘ pull IIIHJIIIII Local Family by . Minn Mo “w "In IF ONE IS LUCKY a " nu pond-1“! I1 l .Nsttorious than) N'o. I “as vaptutuul "g' "1' " nil-“u- I: without ‘53-- I”. qlh'dinh A In " head a lu‘wa fuxtrr lzn|~$lnH Iu-m; 5 q-mmriK Tr, l' ~-\l';ll yf'rtr Riv-In"! 1. V Th “an Must Not Homily .'Ih mun”) " Kurpitvics "' rrs Fur' :‘n:' " squati tttr Hit' ofti- Ir'.' l, t'ltivt' “a ['l‘Il‘lc [July ”um I1t .l mm; aim zlu t " M trty ret'r Jimmy till! st' v.". that "mu“ ot at, Jth' in 'hn um! 3371‘ Lu! Troll! Fishers .‘i ”vspiu' 88 Years h. w I nlt Royal Commissh; To Probe Wheat Ol To Imesligate Marketing Puts, ~ihilities for Large Goverrt. ment Holdings. Il It Olivet Pastor To Leave Charge n‘m‘m May 4 Appoiuusurat 01; "s _ rl lumxunslull to study with t' rmm.~ And "itroad, will) the ' Hmhn,‘ the hrsl method ot NIG- Lg the. ("Amman wheat surplus on "“‘IKH Hunk-‘h, us likely to bo tlttt overt 1- " mutodation ot the lmhl wmmHh‘r of the Hume of Commu- sCrn h p muddmmg the problem. r1... ~uh‘ummlllt’t‘ now preparing [t nun" m vampusvd ot Trade. “"1 ' In Knit-r, Interior Emitter lt-lst (tpI-iii-rt: Leader Bennett. , n.‘ [gm ILH. “was. Jawy,Y.r. Mm .s', ‘Lxly Wood “our-tat!” Ind kl , t'rr.iireef! ft ,l'.!"., Risk-[Own- v, Rm. S. l3. KncrhteI. Superan- nunh-(l Hunngolical Pastor, Requests Retirement. ll Humlus WNW-k Vivlim lwarded Sum of SIZJNNI x’;...v :h voniituul 'i') Net 75 Crotts a Bushel to Can-dill- lad lime tle. Minn-d Opening Wu THH, Years Ago. l'urnips at Highest Prim- Yet Recorded It, I'l h “hum, n.” toltlYie, depends on Cie. ' tr't mti m prn'vs. " nature JK'HLI Mum "mam be avail- m ll‘kv ”numb-3 All 60 to " J Urn v-x ('mau-uuhh- weather tt ‘M'lh lm-mzhmn lllv worm _ ts, x [Ix-wimp “uh-liar wheat", t Tul’le ,.uetillwhat willhap. 1 th, " six monthsv rm! 'ihl‘l- 'H'urd May Lou Sam In m‘m.m umwumem has a Awmnnxmvm ot not lean than tttttO m “In.“ at the present "III VIM-ugh “on: ot the ex- ttl, m; puqlively what the ' v.11 m until the account _. V nun-d Jud the Government :‘n mum" lo the pools or ').lt I p 1w, tlt" [pulenual [on “H “I " 'res', ls Ss than $50,- In K1 [ lun- um) committee pre- I " Hm William D Euler, 'tt H,.n " " Bonner! as the m' m"!l1hl"l' HE the 099081- ts ulhutlr rim-MM to re- ! ' 'hn 1lousrs "t' Commons t crttttH-Hrtt in make an in- 'Inzh'xsnlml. non-political of IMP (‘unurlian when mar- :.m,»m Tlu. Royal Commit" ml br. ‘v-mporel! ot men of um .--’ sir Joriah Stamp and .Id Hymn who have nothing 'm'Emm! nun-rem tn serve. Him " M M Fwy m: HID-5 sh.- received M.» 't.iiH wowk ot' Christ- i If: arvtt C, pe'ople were ii‘x'n stcphensou was Him-v! Janna-1. by an as- iriy ..m~n " 12-day tvial. a]? br,, Hrs-ind thiyo for a: l “a ", ard. III-I court costs. mm; \\-~m:m was thrown _ 'uilxxay orach and was in IIs Hamilton Urueral in :'--nr months, tltt h; In linv-‘im b m {an um...“ h. Twin,“ no A} their Ir ', " 3.0 l K Martin. ryu' x: it.. hm rant mum» form I'r‘m- “to" ‘-'~ nxwkMs at rr, mums Lu‘llv"~ Unr- man (Ir-H “twin-l» io whiph _ hulk urn-r ttw pas- 'nu:rlt whim it was 21 nuiwiuu house tour " nu tlr snpprannm “Mu-2h Henry/man's (io Sunday School tr. [rs «My an nxlem mn- last your order mix. .uml Flu, $2500 i--- i-lauml d year ago. VI: up in years. states r" mu m'll'Jl for him. . hr [Jamal tirmnitely u! HM " armers ”nu-L pastor' of Kit- iancilical church. l, quvstinss the Can- . In. ( hum-h in ses- 1 Tlt., “wk to INV 'aovprs V lit, t't' \.-artl ' Huhmim' (he he ttMs ssitlt al', the .u-nhn for tho u- ~-~.I~mn He I In, ,u‘r tttiatred lulm <lumN. 72. In” tho one he an nuns ago. tus r ,trl.r "t' Ihu ttrttt , _ mnkn up tor 4 1y. hum! nun tIll? l an: "torim,

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