‘Sunday and recent callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. leaiah Cressâ€" man were Miss Tillie Gingerich of Baden, Mr. and Mrs. Manassah Creesâ€" man and children Earl, Clare and Reta, Misses Elsie and Margery Evens and Kathleen Wismer, Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Snider and Miss Araâ€" belle Snider, Mre. Ida Wismer and Misses Gladys Bauman and Clara Yoeman of Kitchener. Mrs. Herb Wismer and daughter ‘Betty of Kitchener e«pent the past week with Mrs. Ida Wismer. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Cairn and son iRonald of Toronto were recent visiâ€" tors at the home of the latter‘s parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs.. Bob Creseman Miss Ermina Bauman spent Sunâ€" day with her friends, Missea Vera and â€"Almeda Bearinger at. German Mills. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr and Mrs. Norman Brenneman were Misses Iva Roth und Shirley Boomer and Messrs. John Roth and Melvin iRoth of Imlay City and Mr. and Mré. John Jantzi and family of Waterloo and Miss Mary Wagler of Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd snider and Miss Arabelie Sniderâ€" accompanied by Mrs. 1. B. Erh and daughiter Betty of Kitchener motored to Toronto on Friday where they attended the graâ€" duation exercises of the Toronto Biâ€" ble College where Mrs. Erb‘s son, Pau} Erb, was a graduate. The graduation exercises were held in the Massey Hall Miss Norma Brenneman spent Sunâ€" day afternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Brenneman. Sunday evening callers of Misses Reta and Marjorie Cressman were Miss Mary Wagler of Kitchener, Miss Mabe? Jantzi and Mr. Glenn Jantzl of Waterloo and Miss Norma Brenâ€" neman. We are glad to report that Marâ€" jorie Creseman returned to her home on Friday evening from the Kâ€"W. hospital where she recently underâ€" went an operation for mastoids. Her many friends wish her i «peedy re covery. Miss Betty Easton «pent the Easter holidays at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Easton of Ayr. Mr. and Mrs. Manassah Creseman and family were Sunday visitors at the home of the latter‘s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gingerich of Baden. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Wismer and daughters Vera, Eleanor and Yvyonne of Centreville were recent visitors with the former‘s mother, Mrs. Ida ‘Wismer. Sunday guests at the home of Mr and Mrs. Nei Wanner were Mr. and Mrs. Telford: Broadhecker and son Ward of Roseville. Ward of Roseville. | _ ine conmcest tnai nas been in proâ€" Sunday afternoon callers with MFS. press in the Young reopies Umon Ida Wiemecr were Mrs. Simon MaAtâ€" ror the past few months 4s dr&awIng tin and Misses Ruth and Doris FeicK. to a ciose. it certainiy increased Miss Elsie Martin called on beTi{the interest and aauea greaty to friend, Marjorie Creesman on Monâ€"| the quaicy of the weekiy program. day. a w | n monaay evenmng, april z1, the Miss â€" Tillte: Gingorich ofâ€" Baden | Cnrisuan Uitizensnip committee unâ€" spent a few daye with her f.lsh-r.’ucr the chairmarmsnup ol tud. rush Mrs. Manassah Cree<smian and }lr.lnad charge. . _ > Prices Rise Miss Tillte: Gingerich of Baden spent a few daye with her éilster, Mrs. Manassah Creesmin and Mr. Cressman. Mr. Herh Wismer and danghter Kathleen called at the home of Mr. and â€" Mrs. Manaseah (Creasman on Monday afternoon. Mr. Hurst of Kitchener spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. Musclow. Rev. and Mrs. Simon Martin spent Sunday afternoon at Preston. The farmers are busy working their land for geeding. Quite a numâ€" ber of farmers having already done some seeding. Quite a number from this communâ€" Ity attended the funeral of the late Mrs. â€" Nabrgang of Mannheim on Wednesday. Communion services were held at the Weber Mennonite Church on Sunday morning with Bishop C. F. Derstine, pastor of the East End Mennonite Churet at Kitchener in charge of the gervices. _ Lovesick Son: "I know, dad, but they all dress that way nowndays." Irate Father: "L can see right through that chorus girl‘s intrigue." Factories also at Toronto and Montreal Selling Out on times. Order your roo?" Te befers advances in thy price of Tackie Ssd Products udere ns m& valaes in Metal Roofing ! Rib and Titeâ€"Lap ! Each has exclusâ€" jve features guarantecing weatherâ€" They do not warp, shrink, crack, curl, or buige. Ask also about E.S.P. Barns . . . . made by the foremost butors of Jamesway poultry equipment. 12 Mansion St. KITCHENER, ONT. Phone 2777w. 50 Ontario St. S KITCHENER L. GOHENCIOUS A Complete Stock of $15, $12 and $10 Trusses Selling for $8, $7 and $6. STRASBURG Trusses Must Be Sold ORDON‘S Oop At Cost! Built Barn manufacturer Satisfy Woolwich Township 'Moums Passing of Well Known Citizen The passing of Alex. 3. Fonbes at the home of his brother George and Mrs. Forbes. a few miles north of here jate Saturday afternoon Te moved oune of Woolwich Township‘s former prominent public men. The late Mr. Forbes served iis municiâ€" pality 3 years as councilier, two as deputyâ€"reeve and 2 as reeve and durâ€" ing his term was a county council vember for 4 years, the last of which, in the year 1927, he had been honâ€" ored with the Wardenship the highâ€" est office in county officialdom. Since retiring from municipal office he has served in other minor offices for some years. . A large number . of iriends from this village and surâ€" Boru To Mr= an Schweitzer ut KoW Wednesday, April 220 Begin Seeding. EPn n nc oo Farmers have commenced working on the land and this week with favorâ€" able weather, will see seeding off to a good staUl. Planting 15,000 Trees. A gang of workmen are busy on the Hilliard farm planting trees of which about 15,000 will be set out as part of the extensive reforeetation scheme comemnced last yvear. Woolwich Township will enlarge l« bush lot by planting a further h,und trees npon arrival, Mr. am| Mrs. Phares Koch have taken up residence in their village home recently acquired | from Mr. Lon Bauman. M on eeniodh Next â€" Tuesday is the township council‘s monthly meeting day. Personals. Master Livle Dahmer has returned home from a week‘s holidaying with Gowanstown friends. Mr. John Struck and friend of Brantford calied on friends in the village the other Sunday. Mro and Mra. Chas. Doerr and Mr and Mre. John Doerr of Kitchener were visiting Mr. Adam Doerr durâ€" ing the forepart of last week. Mess enc L5 Eue neeneeenent t \[rs. Vincent Koebel and babe of law, Rev. Moses DT Kitchener were visiting with friends a patient in the G in the village during the past week. | Guelph, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Danmer gnd Mrs. Ieaae Bean s sons of Waterloo were recent visitors week with her sis at the home of the former‘s parent. Longley at Stratford Mrs. (Caharine Schinbein bhas reâ€" Hev. P. S. Banes turned to herâ€" village home @ff©" c.ycryp ealls in the spending the winter at the fome ©0) wognesday her daugbter, Mrs. Waster Shantz Jt ululh A\|rc Fer and Mr. shants in Wateri00. _ o sns +s Melwin Mr. Jacen shoemaker of Kitchener was visitme tmends here on Satur day. Eoi ons ‘iwemie Hau gave &A reaging, *"yhe | sau uame‘, in ner pieasing manner, ana mir. 1. Quanal gave A ViOnn *aum. accompaniedt by rd. rergusson. at lne pianu. mr. Dan. SL&AUneT Was gtne guest spea@rer tor the evening: |and gave an inceresumg . taik on ‘~cauzensmp‘. bhe meeung c10seq | wiun thne »izpah beneaicuon. + Jacob mrease Laid to Kest. 0| ane dunerar service or the late |Mr. aucoo mrease was heud nom nis | mce nome in tne viuage Of tiattsâ€" | vine on punuay, April <n. lhe serâ€" ‘\'lce was conuuctea by eVy. A. B. | nupper @t L.ov p.ML., and DurIdl was neiu In UNC€ Pudusyine Cé€ meLwry. wir. mcease Tormerny resmed near Preston ano & siarge numver 01 his former frenas and Telalives. AU \tenged | tng service. . air. nrease ieaves to mourn ms loss an invand wire. bus many ILnienins Tendger their oyimpainy 10 ms. nrease. ..ews ivotes. ine rumic Library has been reâ€" upened | ana . theâ€" pubiic J8 well preased with the ciass of books anu ine service. . Mr. Chae. Herman and Mr. Chas. W. Ssdnernoluz and daughter Miss Nora or himira, were Sunday after poon visicore with rewatives in and near the vi.lage. Fresent Successiul Drama. â€"Warden Alex. $. Forbes Served on Municipal Council for Twelve Years. Tne caste proved themselves quite capaoie by toeir olllelanding taient to receive repealed appiause during tne â€"renariou . aud rue cd@raciers carned jot Uiemseives great credit by â€" laeir . peitoo mance, . MessTs Â¥. micetibach alnd harvey SCawartz of lms pmace assisuend by Mr. WOoner of nitcuener piayed several musicai Seâ€" echetls hnelween uie acts. Young People‘s Meeting. n o ORtiy t vuring wne evening Jean English gave a reaaing, ‘ave Mmarig." aiiss worotny Lacnimann and miss Heien nopper renuered & vocar quet. Miss mm ne e No mie s ooo es Un Tuesday evening of last week the Evening Auxiliary of Plattsville held their annual Easter service in the church. The guest speaker was Rev. J. A. Walker of Hickson, who was formerly a missionary in China. Messrs. A. Eckel, Fred Barrett, EO URRUnnmct â€" the mvening Auxiliary are quilt ing two quuts this week. Sopdis sc Messrs. A. Eckel, Fred barrell, Frank Parkhouse and Chas. Coldâ€" ham, accompanied by Rev. A. E. Hopper, attended the Presbytery of the United Church on April 23rd in the village of Drumbo. Carman Hopper of Hamilton was a weekâ€"end visitor with his parents at the United Church parsonage. “;Ir‘ kuvr;;aynntl family of Barrie visited Mr. Ramsay‘s aunt of this village. T se ts on decait cae Eis iems Mr. and Mrs. George Scott of Innerkip were Sunday visitors in the village. _ __ â€" Mr. Wm. House of Ayr was a Sunday visitor in the village. § MI®RON POCMIE COs boeiie Dr. Berst of Wellesley spent Sunâ€" day with his mother in the village Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs. J. M. Shantz were Grace Schlicter and Pearl Schlicter. Mrs. Currah of Listowel visited with her son, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Currah, over the weekâ€"end Miss Hazel Gofton of Verachoyle spent a week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. 8. Green. D PLATTSYILLE M Y.P. Meets. On Friday night, April 24th, an enâ€" joywble evening was spent at the riome of Mr. and Mrs. Rudy L. Roth when the Young People‘s Classes of Bethel United Church gathered for their monthly meeting. The proâ€" gram was arranged by the culture governor, Margaret Bean. The preâ€" sident, _ Ellworth Bean, . presided. Following the singing of & number of hymus, Carman Facey and Ted Snider led in short prayers. Alec Mcâ€" Iutyre read the scripture reading, 1 Corinthians, 6th chapter verses 1â€"6. SOUTHâ€"WEST WILMOT| _ ST. CLEMENTS Lorne Roth conducted the Bible Study on "God, the forgiving Father". The roll call was well responded to with each member giving a favorite hy mn. Oliver Baird gave Current Events after which a guitar solo was 'n-ndered by Oliver Pacey. Marjorie Mcelutyre gave a paper 08 the life of â€" the great â€" musical â€" composer, "Mendolson and played his compostâ€" ton, "On Wings of Song". Olive Ruddel] spoke on Schuman and played his selection "Traumerei". Clarence Diamond gave an account of the one day short course held at the Agriculâ€" lture College, Guelph, several weeks '.ngu. A paper on the appreciation of good music was presented by Florâ€" ence Facey. Misses Helen Facey and, Elizabeth Hesse favored with a voâ€" cal duet after which Jessie Pentelow gave an Easter reading, "The Movâ€" ing Finger having Writ". Misg Maâ€" hel Gilmar, president of the College Avenue Young People, Woodstock, who was present at the meeting spoke a few words to the classes. ‘The meeting closed with the singâ€" ing of the hymn, "Blessed be the Tie that Binds", after which all repeated j the Mizpah benediction. The social hour was conducted by Kenneth Weicker after which a dainty lunch was served by the hostess, â€" Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Zenas Snider and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. und Mrs. Manassah Shantz of near Baden. Messrs. Noah and Lioyd Cressman visited with the former‘s brotherâ€"inâ€" law, Rev. Moses Brubacher, who is a patient in the General Hospital, Guelph. Mrs. Ieaae Bean apent a day last week with herâ€"sister. Mrs. Eliza Rev. P. S. Banes of Bright made several ealls in the community on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Good and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Hunsberger and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Phares Koch at St. Jacobs; A unmber from the vicinity attendâ€" c the debate on Wednesday night at Wushington United Church between Washington and Shower‘s Corners. Miss Mabe! Gilmar of Woodstock spent the weekâ€"end with relatives in the community, Mr. Menno Nahrgang and daughâ€" ter Alice. Miss Isabel Cressman and Messrs. Fred and Philip Richardson were Sunday visitors with the forâ€" nier‘s sister, Mrs. Irvin Snyder and Mr. Snyder of near Baden. Mrs. W.‘H. Diamond and sons Clarâ€" ence and Maurice visited with the former‘s sister, Mrs. Will Stevenson at Cathcart on Sunday. Miss Gertrude Robinson of Millâ€" lank is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Fred Bean. Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Wilhelm and family of Wellesley were Sunday vislâ€" tors with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Weicker. Miss Jessie Pentelow, teacher at 5.$. 4, Wilmot, spent the weekâ€"end ut her home near Guelph. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Garland visited with relatives at Salford last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Schiede] visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Snider at Baâ€" den on Sunday. Mr.â€"and Mrs. A. Fleming and sons Jim and Murray and daughter Janie visited with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Roâ€" bertson «it Hampstead on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Welcker and | lamily were Sunday visitors with the | former‘s father, Mr. and Mre. Frod | Weiecker at New Hamburg. Miss Mary Baker spent Sunday al> her home near Guelpb i wmt. sim F.eming of near Taviatock / pent Sunday under the parental ; nof. Mr. Max Lars of Ratho has re-uted1 he farm of Mr. Fred Weicker and oved his household effects on Monâ€" lay. | An executive meeting of the young | eople‘s organized classes of Bethel . Inited Church wase held on Monday iight at the home of Mr. and Mrs. w. ‘ H. Diamond. i Miss Mildred Chapman of Kitch ener spent Sunday at the home o her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alber Chapman. P smm F7 1 o e Mr. Milton Bender and fami‘ly 0° Clarence, N.Y., called on Mr. an Mrs. Emanuel Swartzentruber on junday evening. Mr. Herbert Chapman and sons Vilfred and Fred of Stratford call d on Mr. and Mrs. A. Chapman o1 junday. Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Hamacher were: Mr. and Mrs. Quin Hamacher and son Kenneth, and Mrs. Shoeâ€" maker and Mrs. Morrish, all of Kitchener, and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Schafer of Toronto. Mesers. Ted and Lawrence Snider pent Sunday at their home in Baâ€" ten. ~ '.\':i‘l:.‘;fll‘i;er.tv(-‘ii;ï¬;mn called on his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Chapman, Roseville. _ â€" Miss Norma Swartz spent Saturâ€" Aay afternoon with her friend, Miss Frieda Penner Mr. and Mrs. Norman Martin and .aughter Verda of Elmira and Mr. bner Martin of Southwest Wilmot pent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Isaiah Martin. Mr. Bertram Chapman of Roseâ€" hank spent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mra. Albert (‘h;'pmnn‘ t. Gideon Hamacher has left for a trip to White Horse, Yukon, where he will spend a few months. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Schneider spent Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Chapman. . m Em on Nee o se neen A large number of relatives and neighbours attended the funeral of the late William Zehr, which was held on Sunday at the East Zorra A. M. Church. Porsonals and other items as told by Waterloo Chronicle . DISTRICT NEWS ||8 Year Old Child ï¬.iiton Bender and fe:nily of PINE HILL Mrs. M. Greyerbiel has been reâ€" moved to the St. Mary‘s Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Reide! and uaughters Bertilia and Dorothy and son Michael and Miss Bella Beaupre of Kitchener spent Sunday with friends in Hesson. Mr. and Mre. Albert Sibele and tamily of Weterlco spent Sunday with Mrs. Joihn Melrowski Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Lorentz visited wiht Mr. and Mre. Nick Kitte! at Josephsburg on Sunday Mr. and Mre. Authony Dietrich of Kitchener spent Sunday with Mr und Mrs. Eugene Dietrich. A number of softball fans attended the North Waterloo Softball League meeting held at Bloomingdale on Monday evening Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Schnitzler and tamily of 8t. Agatha visited with Mr. and Mrs. James Ertel on Sunday. M# and Mrs. Geo. Massel and the Misses Clara, Alfrieda and Edna Dietrich of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dietrich on Sunâ€" day. Mr. Frank Runstetlier and daughâ€" ters Marian and Betty of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Runâ€" stetler on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hinschberger and family, Mr. and Mrs. Phinp Hinschberger, Miss Bella Beaupre, Messrs. Vincent and Raymond Reiâ€" del and the Misses Dorothy and Berâ€" tilla Reidel all of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Reidel on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Max Locrentz and son Jimmy and Mr. Leo Gies of Waterloo visited with Mr. and Mrs. Leo Voison on Sunday Mr.â€"and Mrs. Eimil Diebold and family of Kitchener apent Sunday at the home of Mr. Louis Freiburger. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seyler and aughter Selina and sons Allan, Oltâ€" ver, Lorne, La Verne and Norman visited with Mr. and Mrs. Herman Cook at North Easthope on Sunday. â€" â€"\‘l-l-'s-L'\l Schaefer of Bamberg visited with her cousin, Mrs. Wm Dammeter on Sunday. Miss Ide!la Seyler of Erbsville and Messrs. Milton and Elmer Seyler of North Easthope spent Sunday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seyler. Messrs. Irvin Lips, Harold Hieroniâ€" mus, Allen Reichert and Mr. Edward Reichert of Rummelbardt spent Sunâ€" day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hackbart. â€"Mr. Jerome Freiburger spent Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs Jack Strauss near Bamberg. \â€"Irâ€"uml Mrs. John Kropf visited with friends at Waterloo on Sunday. Sunday visitors at the bome of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Seyler were Misses Viola Heinrich, Marie and Laurine Dammefler and Messrs. Irvin Lips and Mervin Kropf of the 3rd line. â€" Mr. amd Mrs. Elmer Moser of Milâ€" verton spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Wim. Dammeier. Mrs. L. M. Schaefer of Bambers spent a few days Jast week with Mrs Reuben Selfert. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Voisin of Doon spent Sunday with the laiter‘s parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hieronyâ€" mus. Mr. and Mrs. John Schlegel of Kitâ€" chener spent one day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Seifert. Miss Frieda Gremm spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Lips. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Seifert and family vieited at the home of Mr. J Heimbuch near Linwood on Sunday. HESSEN ROAD kove fo# Y/c»wucq W d in eomiptand suPdaioal T7¢ the world learned that Dr. Robertson and Alfred Scadding had been res cued from their living tomb. Among. the â€" thousands â€" of â€" little childrenm whom Dr. Rubertson has treated and who anxiously awaited news of him during is tenâ€"day imprisonment un derground, was t-lghi».\‘ur-o? Frankâ€" lin Glebe. «on of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glebe of Lisbon, who for the past two years has been a periodical paâ€" tient of Dr. Robertson‘s at the Sick Children‘s Hospital, Toronto. . Pre vious to the two operations perâ€" formed on his paralized right arm, Franklin cunltf not use it, but now be can hold a ballâ€"bat, carry fls lunch pail and do. numerous other helpful things. When he was first told of the misâ€" bap tears filled his eyes. His conâ€" stant concern all day long was for me safety of the doctor, who had helped bim so much. After school he went to a neighbor who had a iadio to follow the progress of res cue workers and when told that the men had not yet been rescued he went sadly back to play with hbis compantons, When he finally learned that they had been safely taken from the mine, his face Ut up with a smile and he rushed to his mother saying: Mamma‘ mamma‘ now I can see Dr.Robertson again at the Clinic this summer." Personals. Mr. Oliver Glebe has resgined his position as cutter in the Wellesley Wear Ltd., and has accepted a simfâ€" lar posttion with the Superior Kanitâ€" ting Mills, Mount Forest, where he will take up dutles in the near future, Mies Catharine Hohl spent the weekâ€"end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. (eo. Hohl ‘F'-mkvaxwu!‘w | Marylin of Ritchener spent SuUnday â€"â€" Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Heury ; with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Becker. Knelse] and Mrs. John D. Koch last | â€" Mr. Wm. Reist attended the funeâ€" week | were: â€" Mr._ and Mrs._ OfIC / ya} of the late Mr. Geo. Johannes of 's( hmidt and family of Hampstead; | Blair. Mr. and Mrs. J. Geiger and son Wilâ€" i3 . dard and Mr. and Mrs. David Geiger, I @ I:J‘ m\]l?%itM:: I{":{S l?:rll:leelofwï¬'ef' \Kitchener; Mrs. Geo. Glebe and son U:rentl‘: NMr. o..n; Mrs. Ed. Siebert Franklin; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kneisel, IG)el'ma;': Milii mt t * Giadshill; Mrs. John Jacobs and !hel Sunday g‘;égm and callers at the Misses â€" Mahelâ€" andâ€" Dorothy â€" Jacobe ho;m: of M and Mrs. Fred Becker ""_l;"m"ilvl“", . _ |\ were Misses Jean Toman, Vern | te writer wishes to make known Stoltz, of New Dundee, Mr. Lyle varough this column, that if any Binge;n:n Mr Eugene' Tu.pmln members of the community have any Mr. and iVIrs -Jumes Tupman ‘mi new. {tems they think he has 1Ot Y€L Mics Mable Thoman of Kitchener. knowledge of, and which they would en {like him to include in his weekb" ’hu(IL',c t, ey are requested to kindly MANNH!I" | communicate with him before Monâ€"| . sâ€"â€" .. ilay morning of any week. | . I!I!r:. E‘l‘lt“'_ll'l Land M‘l-‘:‘ Ellel:l' ‘I":h)' Mr. Arthur Berg of Hesson Road spent Sunday afternoon with â€" Mr Oliver Glehe Rejoices at Rescue l Mr. and Mrs. Ross Battler, Misses Beatrice Becker, Florence Shantz, Ruby Schmitt and Evelyn Wells, and l!\l(-ssrs Max and Lloyd Becker, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker motored to Toronto on Friday, going down to cettend the graduation exercises of | the fortyâ€"second | session of the . Toronto Bible College held at Masâ€" ise_v Hall. Miss Ruth Devitt is a graduate of the 1936 class. \h ‘érnlllvy Hoh] called on his brother, Mr. Elmer Hohl Phillipeâ€" Lurg on Sunday Many were the _.lglu of n_lhl when \n number from heve attended the funerals of the late Andrew Wilhelm South Easthope, and Andrew Daub, Quite a number from this comâ€" munity attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Julia Berge, which was held in the Strasburg Mennonite Church on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Reuben Eby and Miss Mildred Eby spent Sunday at the home of the former‘s daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oswald. _ _ Mrs. Fred Becker spent Thursday with her friend, Miss Ruby Schiedel, Baden. s _0 A. LOCKHART & CO. Ltd. g(nfï¬lay guests at the East View GIVES YOU ALL SIX ...PERFECTED WYDRAULIC BRAKES . . TURRET TOP BODIES BY FISHER . . . VALVEANâ€" HFAD ENCINE .._FISHER NO DRAFT VENTILATION . .. KNEEâ€"ACTION (om Master De Lute Models: ... SAFETY GLASS THROUGHOUT Y WILLIAMSBURG KITCHENER, ONT f Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Thoman, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Witmer and daughter | Marylin of Kitchener spent §undny Farm were Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Fried, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Shrieber and son Gen of Roseville, Alfred and Earl Kurt of Rosebank. Mrs. Wim. Reist spent Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Fisher and Mrs. Tilt of Doon. * Mrs. Ross Battler is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Becker. Mr. and Mrs. Lioyd Snider were Sunday visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Siebert, German Mills. _ _ Sunday guests and callers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Becker were Misses Jean Toman, Vern Stoltz, of New Dundee, Mr. Lyle Bingeman, Mr. Eugene Tupman, Mr. and Mrs. James Tupman and Miss Mable Thoman of Kitchener. Mr. Edwin and Miss Ellen Eby visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Bachert on Sunday. _ _ _ Mr. and Mis. vgiliï¬ié)' Snider and family visited with Mr. and Mrs. Joyce Witmer. _ _ 2o l _ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Jacobs of New Hamburg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Klie. â€" Mr. Simon Bricker and Miss Laura Bricker of Tavistock visited with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Devitt on Sunday. _ _ o Misses Nellie Bachert of Kitchâ€" cner and Edith Bachert, RN., of St. Catharines spent the weekâ€"end at their homes here. The latter is spending a short vacation with her parents and friends. _ Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jacob spent the weekâ€"end with the former‘s parâ€" ents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jacob at New Dundee. 0 _ _ Miss Bernice Howald spent Sunâ€" day at her home here. _ _ _ Mr. Rueben Eby and Mildred Eby visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Osâ€" wald on Sunday. e 2o Eunha_vf ~visitors with Mrs. Levi FOR INTERIOR WALLS and CEILINGS ... in any room in your home, church, school or office. On cement, plaster, wallboard. wood and metal surfaces. It produces a subdued, dignified finish you‘ll be proud of. Sanitary «+ Washable _ Very Economical Color card shows suggested color combinations. Let us give you one. Leading VELV ET CONRAD BROS. ; Hardware and Plumbing Merchants Phone 260 â€" WATERLOO A DULL LUSTRE FINISH MADE IN CANADA "Lemve$ mo Hallman were Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Hallman, Messrs Kenneth and Howâ€" ard and Miss Evelyn Hallman, and Mr. and Mrs. Noah Strome. The revival meetings at the local U.B. Church are being well attendâ€" ed. The evangelist, Mrs. B. Jordon, of Grand Rapids, Mich., brings the gospel message each evening. These services will continue throughout the week and on Sunday. Mr and Mrs. E. J. Devitt and son Homer and Ella Eckert spent Friâ€" day and Saturday in Toronto, goâ€" ing down to attend the graduation exercises of the fortyâ€"second session of the Toronto Bible College held at Massey Hall on Friday evening. Miss Ruth Devitt is a graduate of the 1936 class. The former were guests of Miss Martha Devitt, Spadina Avenue. | Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Stock of Cassel ‘spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Facey. _ ____ 0 . Mr. and Mrs. Charles Grace of Stratford were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Otto. Mr. and Mrs. Moses Schwartzenâ€" truber and family of Petersburg spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth. A very large crowd attended the funeral of the late Wm. Zehr of Pine Hill on Sunday. _ Mr. Herman Williams and daughâ€" ter of New Hamburg were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Weil. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Thurgood and Miss Olive Wettlaufer of Kitchener called on the latter‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs.John Wettlaufer, one eveâ€" ning last week. _ Mrs. Robt. Vance, Sr., spent the weekâ€"end with Mrs. Robert Facey, who is not so well at present.. â€" Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Gascho of New Dundee called on Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Helmuth on Sunday. â€" _ Mrs. Ethel Morley of Hamilton called on her father, Mr. Adam Lingelbach, on Sunday. _ â€" Mr. and Mrs. John Roth and famâ€" ily of Imlay City, Michigan, were visiting friends and relatives in this vicinity over the weekâ€"end. EAST ZORRA (Standard Series ?â€"pass. Coupe) Master Deture Models Deivared mmm. Ont . Fully * Tegieriet im mi wiee""" PRICED FROM 772 C @5