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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 9 May 1935, p. 6

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â€" SCREEN EV ERY DOOR : WINDOW Little® Manâ€"Anything eise won‘t do. My wife is coming home tonight after a month‘s absence, and I told her 1 would water the geraninms while she was away. Little Manâ€" 1 want to buy three potted geraniums, please Floristâ€" â€"Well, I‘m afraid I‘m out of geraniums at present. | However, I‘ve got some other nice potted plants here andâ€" ONTARIO SAFETY LEAGUE SATURDAYâ€"MAY 18 To PORT HURON $2.30 FLINT*$3.65 DURAND $4.00 PASSING on a hill is just one form of haste . . . that craving to drive too fast . . . which is altogether too prevalent in Ontario. The appalling number of motor accidents in this province means a drastic checkâ€"up on reckless drivers. Public sentiment, speaking through the courts, will be increasâ€" ingly severe towards unreasonable, thoughtless motorists. You know what you should do. How you should drive. So, for your own safety and that of others, drive carefully ! CANADIAN NATIONAL IT ISs BETTER TO BE SAFE ...THAN SORRY Of 100 people who were asked "If you could have one wish granted for the rest of your li‘e, what would you wish for?" 92 answered "Health". Guard the health of your family against flies and mosquitoes. Flies are notorious disease carriers. The sting â€" of _ many _ mosquitoes â€" is poisonous. the gift without price HEALTH ... Friday, May 17 : CHICAGO *7â€" «‘Equally low fares from all adjacent C.NM.R. Stations _ Tickets, Train Information, Return Limits from Agents. ASK FOR HANDBILL ‘Equally low fares from . WINDSOR and DETROIT +345 ROUND TRIP RAIL TRAVEL BARGAINS From KITCHENER M?TOR VEHICLES BRANCH ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OFf HIGHYWaAys In Ontario, during 1934, there were nearly 10,000 autoâ€" mobile accidents. ... a considerable increase over 1933. It must be evident to all thinking neople that this muss stop. CARELESSNESS is TOO COSTLY! THIS MUST STOP! ALWAYS USE CANADIAN NATIONAL TELEGRAPHS 512 people were killed 8,990 people were injured ONTARIO and to Mr. Clayton Marriott has moved us houschold effects to Kitchener where he expects to reside in the Putive. _ f\?/:llld Mrs. Army Frank and faimily of Marden were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbert Melitzer "What happened when the hos« cammolt you reading a novel instead ol dloing your work?" [ lost my place, of course." Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bowman and Mr. Bowman‘s mother were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Gingrich. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and daughter of Toronto spent the holiday with Mrs. Evans‘ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harmen Letson, Miss Mildred Jackson of Hillsâ€" burg visited her sister, Mrs. Edgar Letson, on Sunday. The Missionary Committee will be in charge of next Friday‘s meeting to be held in the church. The first football game was playâ€" ed on Monday afternoon when our local team played with a Guelph team, The score was 4 to 1 in favor of the visiting team. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Woods of Waterloo spent the holiday with their son, Perey. Mrs. Garner and daughter Eileen of Port Dover spent the weekâ€"end with the former‘s sister, Mrs. N. H. Gingrich. Mr. d morning after spr The Y.1S. journeyed to Wellesâ€" ley on Wednesday snight of last week to compete with the Y.P.S. there in BiBle baseball. Sorry to report, they failed to win although the score was nearly equal. The deâ€" serve much credit for the able manâ€" ner in which they handled the subâ€" jeet. Born â€"â€" To Mr. and Mrs. Cecil l'lw_l_‘u:, Hamilton, a daughter. WEST MONTROSE Hon. T. B. McQuesten, Minister of Highuays rank Gump left Monday for his home in Germany mding five years in Canada. Student Knauff of the Waterioe Seminary Addresses Luther League A special program was presented at the 8t James‘ Lutheran Church on Sunday evening by the members of the Luther League. The devo Miss Clara Kavelman and Mr. El don Kavelman of Plattaville visited with Mr. and Mre George Rinwachâ€" ter on Sunday Mise Althea Bock presided at the regular meeting of the ND.CS. Christian Fellowship which was held last Wednesday. Following an openâ€" ing gong service Mise Ruth Snider wa« in charge of the business sesâ€" «lon. Miss Ruth Bean gave an address un the aubject, "What To Do With Our Life" Mre. Herman Reiha ‘and Mise Dorothy Retha of Kitchener and Mr Harold Schrieber of Galt visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Sararas on the holfday Miss Lorene Radke is apending a few weeka with Mr. and Mre. Jamea Mathleson at Toronto Bornâ€" To Mr. and ‘Mrs. Albert Fieâ€" derlein (nee Idella Spaetzel) on Tuesday, April 30th, a «on. (Robert William ) Personals. was closed with the Lord‘s Prayer and Doxology and a dainty lunch was then served by the hostese. . _ Mr.and Mra. Collver of Waterford were recent viaitors with Rev. and Mre. H. F. Schade Mrs. G. R. Schultz, president of the St. James‘ Lutheran Ladies‘ Aid, was in charge of the devotional peâ€" riod at the May meeting which was held at the home of Mré. Alex Brighton last Wednesday evening. I‘salm 66 was read responsively and the response to the reil call was, "A Bible name and verse of a mounâ€" tains". Mrs. H. Kavelman gave a reading entitled, "Sunshine in a Desert‘, after \l’th’dA Oliver Zinn read Psalm 131 he meeting The monthly meeting of the Bethel Micsion Circle was held at the home o{ Mrs. Eli Rosenberger last Wednesâ€" ilay afternoon. The president, Mrs. Albert *Egerdee, read the scripture leson and also gave a reading enâ€" titled, "Stewardship". Mrs. Robert Coleman offered prayer and the reâ€" mainder of the afternoon was epent in sewing. Easter Cantata Presented. The choir of the Alma St. U. B. Church, Kitchener, presented a canâ€" tata, "The First Easter", before a large and apprecialive audience at the United Brethren Church on Tuesâ€" ilay evening of last week. Chalk Talk Delights Audience. Rev. Elijah Baron, a Jewish miéâ€" slonary of Montreal will speak at the â€" Baptist Church on Thursday evening, May 9th at 8 o‘clock. N.D.C.8. News. The ND:.C.S. softball team was deâ€" feated by the Plattsville Continuaâ€" tion School team by a score of 17416 in an exciting game played at Platteâ€" ville on the holiday. Rev. M. H. Shantz delivered an adâ€" dreas at the Young People‘s meeting the Straeburg Mennonite Church on Sunday evening. Mr. Laverty of Toronto a represenâ€" tative of the Ontario Temperance Federation occupied the pulpit of the United Brethren Church on Sunday evening. A epiendid chalk talk was given ar the New Dundee School last Friâ€" day evening by Mre. Charles Ellerby of Galt. During the evening ‘Mrs. M. B. Snyder sang "Anchored", and Mr. H. D. Schmidt played a cornet solo. Young People‘s Meetings. Mr. Gordon Bean presided at the Blenheim Mennonite Young .People‘s meeting which was held at the hurch on Sunday evening. The â€"cripture Jesson was read by ‘Mr. Gordon Shantz and Miss Dorothy Bean gave an essay on the topic, "Present Day lssues". The speakers if the evening were Messrs. Moses M. Baer and Gilbert Bergey. The regular meeting of the B.Y. P.U. was dheld at, the church last week with ‘Mrs. V. E. Dinger occupyâ€" ing the chair. Mrs. Fred Poth offered the opening prayer after which Miss Muriel Poth rendered a piano solo. Mir. Harold Pot read the Scripture lesson and Mr. Andrew McKague gave a vocal solo, "The Beautiful Garden of Prayer". Rev. H. F. Schade gave a talk on ‘How To Read The Bible", following which an interâ€" esting Bible contest was enjoyed. The regular meeting of the Junior Luther League ‘was held at the church on Sunday morning with the presideut, Miss Muriel Egerdee in the chair. Miss Grace Toman read the Seripture lesson after which Psalm 17 was read responsively. The topic, "Our Local Church", was given by Miss Myrtle Hilgartner and discuesed by Mr. Myrum Wanner. Pealm 23 was read by Misa Dorothy Toman and readings on "My Church" were given by several of the memâ€" hers. The meeting was closed with the Lord‘s Prayer and the National Anthem. At The Churches. Rev. S. S. Shantz of Centreville veenpied the pulpit of the M.B.C Church on Sunday morning. en Hallman lagt Wednesday The president, Mré. M. occupied the chair and NEW DUNDEE a Jewish mieâ€" will speak at on â€" Thursday o‘clock. ‘â€" Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schnarr, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Schnarr and Mr. and Mra. William Helm attended the | funeral of the late Alex von Neubron it Kitchener on Monday. o e S o ie e e o ap i . . Ben t in P81 WATPERLOO CHRONICL Mr. George Fisleigh, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hammond and the Misses Helen and Jean Fishleigh of Ingerâ€" soll visited with Mrs. R. J. Davie on Sunday Mr. and ~Mre. A. Hilborn, Miss Mary Hilborn and ‘Mr. Clare Hilboru spent the weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mre. David Hilborn at Selkirk. Messrs. Adison Hill and Nyle Fuâ€" ther attended the annual meeting of the South Waterloo Rural Softball League which was held at Ayr last Thursday night. Mr. and Mre. Hengy Wettlaufer and son, Raiph of East Zorra called on Mr. and Mrs. William Goettling last Saturday. " Several people from here attendâ€" ed the King‘s Jubilee Service which was held at the New Hamburg Evanâ€" gelical Church on Sunday afternoon. Mrs. George Hallman, Miss Vera Hallman and Gordon and Russe} Snider visited with Mr. and Mrs. Anson Hallman at Preeton on Sunâ€" day. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schnarr and Mr. and Mre. Gilbert Schnarr and family spent Sunday with the latter‘s parent«. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Scheffâ€" Miss Ruth Sterling, B.A., of ford was the guest of Mr. and R R. Bailie over the weekâ€"end. Rev. and Mrs. S. S. Shantsz, Miss Dorothy Shantz and Messrs. Howard and Roy Shantz of Centreville visitâ€" ed with Mr. Christian Shants and family over the weekâ€"end. Mr. and Mré. Norman Weber and Mr. Garfield Weber attended the funâ€" eral of the late Mr. William Graf at Waterloo last Friday. Mr. and Mré. Ed. Koehler and sons, . Donald. Ni@al, Garnet and (ilen and Miss Dorothy Koehler vieitâ€" ed with Mr. and Mrs. George Bierâ€" man at Erbsville on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Runge and Mr. and Mrs Clarence Bierman of Clifâ€" ford and Miss Dorothy Runge of Toâ€" ronto viaited with Reinbardt Preies on Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Wiliam Helm and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Addieon Rickert at Mannheim Misa ()hdyd Brunton spent the weekâ€"end at her home at Tara. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Coleman and doughters Catherine and Charlotte of Galt visited with Nir. and Mrs. Roberi Coleman on the holiday. _ _ Rev. F. Paul Erb of Kitcherer called at the home of Mr. and Mre. \(:u-urgo Coleman on Tuesday of last Mr. Alvin Hartman of Waterloo «pent several days with his parenté. Mr. and Mrs, Dan. Seebach ai d daughter, Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. J. McGinley of Kitchener visited with Rev. and Mre. H. G. Schade on the holiday Mr. and Mrs. George Quehl and daughter, Dorothy of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Thomas of Kitâ€" chener visited at the home of Mrs. Elizabeth Schmidt onâ€"Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Charlie Buech and family were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mre. Edward Schnarr. Mr. Samuel Hill and Mesers. Adâ€" dison, _ Wilfred and Norman Hill were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hill at Washington on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Reist and children Elaine and Elmer of Cenâ€" treville visited at the homes of Mr. and Mre: Elgin Reist and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Coleman on Sunday. My. and Mrs. Julius Doerbecker, Mr. and Mre. Arthur Mank were reâ€" cent visitors with Mr. and $rs. Clayâ€" ton Helmpel at Conestogo. ‘Mr. Andrew McKague epent the weekâ€"end at his home at Teeswater Mr. and Mrs. Charles Heipel and Mr. Clarence Heipel of Baden were recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Goettling. Mrs. Josiah ‘("asfiel'.spem the week end wiht her sister, Mrs. Ervin Hoo: ver at Selkirk. The members of the Junior Woâ€" men‘s Inatitute will meet at the home of Miss Elizabeth Reist at Wilâ€" liamaburg _ on _ Tuesday â€" evening, May 14th. Mr. Emery ‘Radke of Kitchener spent the holiday at his home. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. ‘Moses Baer on Sunday were: The Misses Edna Musselman, Muriel Ernst and â€" Mildrea Wober and Messrs. Clifford Snider, Benjamin Jantzi and Joseph Rayner of Kitchâ€" ener and Mr. Edward Francis of Centreville.. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mr. George Boak: mer at Kitchener last Saturday, Mr. John Howling spent a few days of last week with his son Mr. Clarence Howling and Mrs. Howling at Windsor. Mr. Jacob Penner of Kitchener called on friends in the village last Wednesday. ‘Mr. and Mrs, A. Hilborn, Mrs_ J. Cassel and Miss Mary Hilborn atâ€" tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Moses Unger at Preston on Tuesday of lact week. weel Mrs. Lloyd Gedcke of Kitchener spent last week at the home of her mother, Mra. W. Spactzel. Mr. Walter Bowman of New.Hamâ€" burg called on friends in the village last Thursday. Mias Marfiuorile ‘Bechte] of To‘ ronto was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Koehler. | ERBSVILLE Bur Miss Kathleen Jones is «pending a few days with her aieter. Mrs. L Weiland of Kitchener T. Nadrofski of Preston «pent Sun day with friends in the village, Miss Louise Goddard of Kitchener spent Sunday at the home of her mother. Mrs. 0. Goddard. Miss M. Ros« of Stratford «pent the weekcend at her summer home in the village. Isobel Joneg was the guest of Dorie Jones of Preston on Monday. R. E. Boye« of Galt was a business vicitors in the village on Thureday Mr. Wm. Besserer of Kitchener spent Sunday at his summer home in the village. Melvin Wolfe of German Mills and Teddy Wolfe fo English Settiement spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mre. A. G. Wolfe. Mre. W. Jones and daughters Isoâ€" bel and Â¥vonne were visitor in Kitâ€" fhener on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W, Near of Preston were vieitors at the home of Mr. and Mre. C. Readeron Sunday. Richard Oste] of Beachville was a visitor in the village on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. D. Dahme and two wone of Kitchener «pent Jubilee day with relatives in the village Mr. and Mre. Leonard Nahis of Een ow isitors with friends in tre vPhese on Tuesday. Mrse 4. TCl of Blair was a Dusiâ€" bo~ visit vr on the village recently. A larke number of people of the viliage attended the fnneral of the late Mrs: Guetave Blaschke of Pres: ton which fook place from her late residence in Preston. Interment was made in Blair cemetery on Thursday afternoon. J. W. Abra of English settlement was a business visitor in the village recently. A large number of people of the village attended â€" the | program | at Riverside Park, Preston on Jubilee day. Mre. O. Goddard â€" and daughter Verna were visitors in Preeton on Saturday Per Little Miss Lillian turned to hber home spending a few days her aunt and ancle, John Sapeworth Norman | Frevy has returned . to Beachville â€"after | spending a â€" few weeks in the village with friends. Mre. F. Smith has returned to her nals rine has retarned to Chiâ€" spending the past two io his mother, Mrs. E. It‘s only a matter of minutes to round up a few Kindred Spirits ... via Long Distance. WHEN SPRING IS IN THE AIR ... AND YOUR THOUGHTS TURN TO FISHING . . . AND ALL YOUR TACKLE IS IN ORDER ... | DOON @© Whether it‘s social or business contacts, the telephone makes them quicker and easier. See the list of rates in the front pages of your directory; you can talk 100 miles or so for as little as 30 cents. Kenzie has reâ€" in Blair after t the home of Mr. and Mre. Mr. J. L. Switzer of St. George, M'c[grcm'ntalivv of the Ontario Temâ€" \perance Federation, gave an inâ€" ‘spiring address at the local U. B. ‘Church on Sunday morning. Mrs. E. J.+Devitt, Misses Ruth Devitt and Ella Eckert, spent Monâ€" day _ afternoon â€" with Mrs. Ezra Becker Mr. Pearlous Kaufman spent Sun day with his parents near Waterleo Mr. J. L. Switzer, St. George, was a Sunday guest with Mr. and Mrs. Rellinger. Meant Kindiyâ€"But Criminal (fwho ha« got a life senâ€" tence} Oh, Indee. 1 whall never live to do it Kindly Judgeâ€"Never mind, my man, do se much of it e@ you een Mr. and Mrs. Archic Hallman, Kitcherer, spent the holiday with the former‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hallman. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kurt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kurt spent Monday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kurt at Elmira. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Devitt, Ruth and Homer Devitt, were Sunday guests with Mrs. Catherine Herner, Church St., Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kinberger and family of Stratford spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kurt. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hallman and Mr. and Mrs. Ismiah Eby and chilâ€" dren were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hallman. Rev. L. R. Pipher of New Dundee called on friends here recently. Mr. and Mrs. Arno Neeb were Sunday guests with friends at Welâ€" lesley on Sunday. _ _ _ _ â€" Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Woolner and family and Miss Leona Shantz visited with Mr. and Mrs. Addison Woolner, Natchez, on Sunday. home after .pending a few weeks al the Galt Hospital taking treatments. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Devitt attendâ€" ed the funcral of the late Geo. Boehmer at the Benton Street Baptist _ Church, _ Kitchener, _ on Saturday afternoon. Miss Elsie Bavchert spent Sunday with Miss Ellen Eby. c s Mr. and Mrs. Addison Rickert and son Ross were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Rickert <at Breslau. Mr. and Mrs. Jiilette of Kitchener have moved their household effecte the property recently occupied by Mr. and Mrs. R. Ostell. . ~ The Presbyterion Ladies Aid held their meeting at the home of Miss P Waitson on Wedneeday afternoun. Rev. W. Patterson of Preston conâ€" ducted the Jubilee service at the Preshy terian Church and Rev. E. R. Hall of Galt at the United Church on Sumday affternoon. A number of people of the village attended the Hopewell Divine Healâ€" ing Temple on Sunday morning. The Junbilee «ervice was conducted by Rev. Dro Gen. \W. Hopewell, BD.. minister held at the Foorster‘s Hall, Preston Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snider and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. Samue! Shantz. Mr and Mrs. Herb Olheiser have moved their hougsehold effects to the property | recently. oceupied ‘by Mr. and Mrs. W. Golbeck. ‘The Doon Public School was «losed for the Jubilee day. MANNHEIM W. MILNER Manager Mother â€"No. Tommy, I‘ve told you a dozen times, | won‘t give you a penny for sweete Tommy din ag@neved tones) â€"] don‘t see where dad gete the idea that you are always changing your mind ‘ Mre. J Wo Burnett visited with her wistec, Mrs. George Richardson on Saturday Mrs. R. Focter, Miss Lanra Foster and Mro and Mrs. L. Rennie visited relatives in Elmira and near Linâ€" wood on Monday A humber of scholars of Crosshil School are confined to their home with chicken pox an# one case of scarlet fever Mr. and Mrs_ Â¥m. Witford and son Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. John Schneiâ€" der, Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hieronimus atil son Harvey and XMr. and Mrs. Anguet El& attended the funeral of Vie late Jolin Maneer in Kitchener en Snnday. Mr. arml Mrs. Herbert Sangbush of â€" Toronto. Mroâ€" and Mrs. Noah Shantz and Mis. Cassel of Waterloo spent Sunday at the home of M. Shantz. Mr. and Mi~â€" W. P. Rennie, Mr. wnd Mrs. A. Eo tennie, Mrs. Secord of Lictowe] vieited with Mr. and Mrs. A. WoRennie on Sunday. Mr. and Nrs. Arthur Slatge and little sen of Jarvis (formerly of Spalding, Saek ) visited at the home of her aunt. MréR. Foeter on Saturâ€" day. Rev A. A Laing gave a very imâ€" pressive sermon on,Sunday in honor of His Majesty, the King‘s Silver Jubilee, Miss Lorena Holmes eang a beautiful solo, very appropriate for the occasion Thomie Wilfond _ accompanied dohn H. Reinic of Kitchener to Vourt Albert last Wednesday. Mise Lefla Reep of Detroit is visitâ€" ing friends in this community. Mi«s Adella Glaister of K.W. Colâ€" legiste epent the weekâ€"end and holiâ€" ddas with hber mt and nncle, Miss Addie and Mr. Sam Harron. Miss Francis Lotz,0f Wellesley is employed at the bome of Peter Laâ€" ther h Mr. o and â€" Mre. RBirmingham and James â€" Hammond spent | Thursday evening atthe home of Ed. Hamâ€" mond, King wood CROSSHILL Herbert Sangbush and â€" Mrs. Noah Cussel of Waterloo the home of M.

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