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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Mar 1935, p. 6

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mom P _ Kitchener - Wail-loo " New C ATTRACTIVE PRICES AND A WIDE CHOKE' _ _ . Cal Time was when buyers feared that a lowered price meant lowered glity. “There ,mnst he something wrong with the goods" VI" “’1"? t the thought of the wary urehaser. Modern merchandising has changed t. Progressive merchants who have survived the many changes .35"- 7‘ in the business world or the last few years, and who are holding their Own and advancing, have been able to weather the economic storm! il 'ill; only by cutting their margin of profit, handling standard brands of [ merchandise-the brand names alone are worth thousands-and up- "ir/il to.date styles. That’s profit-sharing in its most attractive form. But it gives real dividends to both customer and merchant. Who are some (),isjjt, of these wide-awake merchants? A perusal of the columns of The Chronicle will give you a representative list of a large percentage of, _ ': Waterloo County’s most modern and forward-looking business houses. Buy from them, it will pay-two ways. Get the community spirit! t _ ". _:"': “Gold‘s- - “I.“ - “lob-4M was baked by Mrs. Weber of West Montrose (competing in a large class of keen competition) with SNIDER’S WHITE DAISY BRAND pure Manitoba flour. Stunt-.01“. - Plum-0365111 - mom. mummmmm “Mu-mama's PHONE 148 - - NEW HAMBURG but" u nude. . We wish to thank the tel-men for the quality cream the! have "applied In which cur-bled In to receive the highest minding Gavmment (riding report for 1934. NWWCo-hu...NovlolyRoon...NcwInh-... Now M . . . Eula- Stating. OUR SALES AND SERVICE POLICY EQUAL TO THE BEST. Soul your can lo the Now Ila-Int. JIIhrlStocLquu. Phone 105, New m.,udontr-chvillall a your door. J... su... E. - wn'mno . ‘ Hon-“N OLIVE MA1THEWS mowaucmun - lawman - numgw. SNIDER FLOUR MILLING CO. OSTEOPATHY natal-in] of the right grade. wall manufactured and seasoned. and dalivared promptly, " reasonable pricu, ha: gainad Ila hundreds of "tipdUd autumn. We have "reed in: (livid for twain year-i HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR BUTTER FAT L U M I IE R ALL KINDS or SAW. 1068 WANTED Bollard in mill yard, St. Clown. Wdlonatein and limb-ah. or Ildddod convenient for trucldng. Got partial.“ and!“ length before cutting. A use: SUPPLY or DIY WOOD ON BAND FOR PIES AND CAKES Use SNIDER’S GOLD PASTRY Flour. For but mull. dwnyn III. I “unilat- Io-r for hand and I Pun-y lou- for pl“ III also. Support your home industry and buy good tittttr " remmble prices. If you_ ttart not done so, give it NEW HAMBURG CREAMERY THE FIRST PRIZE BREAD _ at the Elmira Fall Fair WATIRLOO COUNTY HATCHIRY BABY CHICKS Yumi-viudloinnoctaldrideinthe New FORD V-8 for 1935 E. a. HAMMER LIMITED 3.1.. .. roan - - Osteopathic treatment of Net for {slim when. Flu-MT“de Yeah“ for in. vigor and on WWII in a won-bud an. SERVICE BRAND 1mMattit-altth-etitithatind "atom BOYER LUMBER CO. H. E. RATZ AaoororsrNu1-.tsdgreieaa. Nature’s Way to Halt]: Inorhrholulindu Phone 190 . .3: - . , T n: "Tte v. 'N -* '"c"itr'rr 'Tl'7.rfriiT'j"" I ( g f if, "TT V fr“ __ "tr "swap Haw“ 4% 'r.4ir'.r F. " ' E ia'iiis l __. ' W's, A: . "My; 'v-r' f.- _ v“ T g c' ..~' "IC) _ "0,: . q rt'- 'im,: ' . . " J 's,:, FAM, l . r _ A . ‘x: "V , ; _ _ h _ Q 'r . i v " ' _ “I, r were Mr. and in. I. Mum and con, Juno. Gaunt. John mac: 3nd Mr. and In. Harley Humor and tunly. Wilma-butt. vuritom at m We at all. and In. William Douala! on Sunday and bushel- Shula; and Dorothy. Settlement. were new: a! Ttytford Meeker: on Sand-y. Rev, and In. Elmer Backu- and chlldren Ruth, Betty and Win-ton amt Sammy at the home ot an former: parents, Mr. Ind Mrs. A. C. Backer. George 11mins. Preston, was a guest at A. Shelley’s on Sunday. A number or relatives and friend- from this loamy aloud“ the fun- enu at the' late Ban). Snyder of Kit shorter last Wednesday. Mun Mary munch” spent no week-end In Hamilton with her pu- Gum. C. w. Shelley. Purl- opent Sunday I! the home 01min. J. B. Bricks: Henry Schriebor and All; and Mn. Harold PM! vioitmr with trlettdis in Gall, Smithy. The Tr.B.C.E. of New Dundee were In charge ot a. special service in the U. B. Church on Sunday moms. The pm consisted ot .0108. duets, ttwrrtottmr, choruses, reading: and piano numbers. i Mr. Amo- Sendai, uho - . m. - “new. m mod to tk. MW. Hound. was " audition h nub-I‘d. Tutt-oeNru,T.t.0rntetsrfil be sorry to in: on .0 I. win“ to In be! - mun Mr. an! In. In“: use“ and was Stella Slant: um a guest at her home in mod-Mlle on Sunday. Mrs. J. B. Bricker and‘ Funk Clemens Included the (anon! or the late. Mm. D. W. Clemens, out Inst Tuesday. l Nil. V011 Todd Open! the week ‘end with (Hench In Toronto. _rrtatyt-uythoorrePe?fr: and In. - You m Mr. and In. wan-u Yum: ot Kim" and air. an: Mr. - roiiTurr, an. use? with hand; in Kitchenet. In abservance at the Day ot Pray- er. there will be a union prayer nor- vice in the U. B. Church on Friday evening. The monthly meeting of the local W.C.T.U. was held last Wednesday afternoon at the home of A. Shell”. Mrs. A. Smiley and Mrs. L Hows were In charge ot the 11mm The following In the report tor Rosevllle, 3.3. No. 22, North Dum- trim, tor the months of January 1nd February. Nam are in order ot merit. A star bookie a name denotes perfect attendance. Lorene Hussy. _ Sunday gum l! the home or Mr. land all. t L cm won Mr. uni In. William mm and Mr. and cMn. “may Imam and may of Kitchener. I Mr. and Mn. Kenneth mum-m and daughters Joyce Ind mallow And In. A. ”Winter were Sunday mmm In Tam I Mr. and mm. We Snyder ac- oornpniod my Mr. tad In. - Bedford m (um at In. late Bowman Bgtd In. McIntyre at Kit- chener on Sammy. uMr. and Mn. mules Maya?! ot Bro-Inn spent sand” with Mr. and In. Albert Yams. -troro"tghe-donMr.m" InWMumw. MIKIICIIMMOI‘ mun-mmuovm-o gunman-rm "33 iirLub,mud "Primi- hon, 'Eden Hilborn hon., Virden Hume; Dtr- vid Hilbom‘. Grace Swans; "irrrr-aroru Haney. Grtuge an. born'. Gordon Mehol. - A unit Booh-qak Sheila! hon., John Brubadwr', Bmhel Stellar, Jim. diugIW at lasagna "to - of to former'. mm, Mr. at] In Robert Inn an away. Jr. iv--geaa Fried! Sr. m-H-R Haves‘ hon. Eve‘lyn Hilborn‘, Lillian Swgltgpr'. .--- We are pleased to note . new in- terest in the attendance at the Unit- ed Clhurch services. he people ere the community are availing thun- uelvea of the epochl Inc-(o. by the matter. Rev. Wi1tuart Cram. On Sand-y, Hum 10. he will speck on the theme, "Hue Your Enemies". It n I pour-ya of life's dram Ind the price mph ply In the - A general Invitation " extended to Sr. u-a4aar, Swoluer'. Mary Perrin". Norma Phedt Everett Unit-d Church ”tend-poo Growing. Ill Miss Bessie Hope is spending , is/ "ivC-amarim, Parrin', Marjorie ILOOMINGDALI P-u-ie-et-r-tad-Wat-Go-o CrCECMEE? aiacher, M. E. Bundle} DISTRICT NEWS iiuiiFadurt%a - .1. Mr. J. Netti at Toronto was s buns“ visitor In tho village on Tue-any. Mrs. A. Woke is spending a low day- at the home at Mr. and Mrs. Chum, 'Rosenberg ot can. _ fl mm In“: m, pullout and Von Dunn-r Wm. can only. Int-u, am". no can. In “In. no - W. but. Ruth on! york)“. IE0 J. Abra at English Settlement was whiting In the - recently Oscar Bully or Waterloo spent Tuesday with relative: In the vi]- lute. Mrs. L Cluthé and you Lawrence spent Saturday with rel-lives in Preston. held thah non-alga” Ind Ee Mrs. H. Bide was a vmlar In Preston on Sunday Mm. J. Bryéo and con William were n6Mtors in Kitchener on sunr- Mr. C [gourd And two can: Ken- neth and Ronald and Alt. Bail ot Toronto were My vhitorn at the tome or Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Boll, Quite a number or people ot the villnxe attended the hockey sumo: d the Preston Rlvuletbes Ind the Montreal Humans on Prldly 3nd Sum-day evenings. The Young People's League ot the United Church held their media; on Sunday evening. Middleton Fish- er chose as his subject. "Jeous' Am. tude Toward: Slnnem". The meet- Ing was closed with the benediction. Rev. W. Paterson ot Prawn con- ducted the service at the Presby- terian Church and 'ReV. E. R. Hall ot Gan at the United (Bunch on Sun~ day snernnon. 'Mr. (than Matt hid the misfortune to Blip on the Icy mm on Thurman and cracked three ribs Mr. and Mrs. chullams and daughter Katherine or Preston were visitor; In the village on Monday. The ice storm on Monday made the road so slippery on the sMehoob house hill that it had to be sanded to allow motor traffic to get up the hill. Sunday guests at the home ot Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Snider were: Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Snider and cons Junior and John ot St. Agatha and Maura. Rum. and Wallace Junie and Mia Loretta Jutlle of Williams- Mr. 1nd .1113. Henry Patch Ind Mia- Mary Batch of Dom: Opont sun- day It the bane of Mr. and Mrs. Herb Fuck. It: may lawn spent the - ood u the ham: or her you", 'Mr. no mm Tau lam u Arr, ”In. elm. [not Moon. The Junior Bun-MI. Sowing Circle Saturday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Jones were Mr. and Mrs. Lester Welland and two daugh- ters Phyllha and Ruth and Mrs. P. Wuddell and daughter Bectrlce and Joe Lounger. all or Kitchener. The Deon Sewer Farm reoelved a car or steam coal in noon on Friday. Mr. and Mm. W. Near and Roscoe Sheppard of Preston were Sunday visitors at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. C Reader. In”. and Mrs. Simon Martin and daughter [his called It the homes ot Mr. and Mrs. Jonah Shun: at German Mills and 'Mr. cud Mn. Uri-a Snider. Sum-y calls. at the homo of Mr. and Mm. laugh ere-mm were Mr. pm! In. Harvey Snider and dllllh- new. no. and Betty and cons Glen and Wsklwo at new Mllla um ‘Mr. Clue Cm. In. inning Bum - tNw day with nor Manda. mu. not: and mm mm. - Sunny guests at the home ot Mrs. A. s. (37m wen Mr. and Mn. vCMortl Grumman at Kitchener and JIM; hob enema of New Hun- hurg. - Mr. 1nd Mu. mm Winner and (“utter Batty spent Sunny at the home of the latter. Mr. Mr. and Mn, trunk Home a Kitchen». Recent Tuitors It the home of Mr. and Mn. Herb Fold: were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Felck and tturdly ot Pine Hill. "if; Ida Winn" spent Sunny with hero an", Mm Carrie techntrer it Kitchener. _ Mr. and In. Lloyd Snider and In" Arabella Snider “lied at the home at Mr. and Inn. Ollyton Reich on Monday evening. fl aa vLii-ariurt nut ”out and” " the home ttd tor prams. Mr. an! In. Dina Boot-Ina It Osman mm Saturday callers at the home of Mr. and Mm. lulu: Cranium were: News. Vernon and Hillard Crou- man and Dal-ter- Dolton and Orville Oren-mu of Kitchener and Mr, Ne mum Enid». duct“ Reforestation and Fly Control by Farmers Stressed A large crowd or (”men of an. district attended a mum hold un- der the auspices at the Wilma! Town- ship Agricultural Society The 1w- lures which were tuned on “The con- trot a the wu'blo nr um related:- luon" Were given by two government 1 The warble tV ls will; damage (ot between ttvo and ten salmon dol- lam you-U. This Insect which eul- jaede "sell in the hide ot the cow bores little holes whlch are covered with mks. Tide disease while It h comparatively em to treat has sane so in some Can-dun tuning Ne. torles refuse to 'buy Ontario m. In closing he mum. plans are be ing laid so that all (at-meta will be able to treat their stock tor this dlselee. moo. who unsound In a. all- mrr,roroi..rsdaet-hshere mmomm.ndaumnoum of6th1htt Ir. 934 In Alan -. and -tri-ttort._-e?r" macaw-Moll“ The bot fly was the cubical dealt with, Tho specter outed that the death rate of horses in this town-hip was about 10 per cent. - due to thls alum. List your there were 3.000 homes nested for this duet-o in Wilma. The can: at trotting these horses on the average an about " cents a horse, Mr. Rich-Moon, who spoke on re» lowsmtlon said this department was formed in 1905 tor two reasons: to help the Inner " his wood-lot and to supply tumors with trees to punt on waste land. Above all he strand the plnntlug of n. municipal forest. This alds the township in my re- spect; and mlnly in supplying wood tor unemployed. Lantern slides were also shown which helped to make it more Interesting. The school chil- dren of Room TV. acceded tho litter part of the meeUng. This Is the ttrtn in series of three addresses which are being sponsored by the Winn-ct Tawnhisp Agricul- tum] Society. The epidemic of tht in the vllJuo s, now commencing to nah-ride con- siden'bly. The local doctor has been kept quite busy. , Mr. Fin-nun WIN! 1. will“ to his bed ,etthassattneaeIthodhr. Tho-nu Birmingham. an“! Shuts. C. Gerber, In"). mu took In the Wot hockey (“no in Racine! My gvonlu. Colour-m no. ”why. Mn. Doom Him-ooh- aging-Ik- in} an! by a “My”. The roads on Monday morning were in a very icy and bagel-on- condition. musing the can to drive very slowly to avoid taking the ditch. Mr. and Mrs. John humor and little son left Irr1eur for mm. Slot, where they will ”and a in wool- al the hm of her mother. Mm. Friends ot mu Jenn Hammond will be plan-adminowothoruv- In; been nnoconll’nl in winning the (he trip to Otto" thb an tor "r clency during the three MU anon comma In Hm Economic. in Linwood which cloned on “and”. February :8. N9oatBmtthtttm. Iona". mono Jun ond Judo Hammond nnd brother IM. And We, lo Phonon attended tho our. "no Arrival at mm". In mum Sutur- day evening. . Mr. Leonard Bender of Dadwood called at the home at In. Hy. Stun]: on Sunday afternoon. [ Mm. Wm. Vol] upon! several days at the home of her Ion Calvin and Mus. Von m at. Thom-a. Miss Ruth L. Honderich spent the week-end In Kitchener. Visitors at the home of John L. Hammond on Sundry were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed Perch, Hm. Ronnie, nan. Fred Wolnowaky and daughter. ll!- Bernice and con Thon tR Kitch- ener. The W.M.S. will hold their um meeting st the home of Wu 1(th Wedneldty, Much " at a an. World's Day Of Payer. The World's Day at Punt wlll be observed‘ln United march, Unwed. Friday. March 8 " I.” an. A. tt will not be observed in Bord Church the Indies ot the 00an no muted to joln the Unwed MI... The theme: "Beer Ye one Allende Burdens”. Mr. and Mm. Thou. Birmingham and Mia. Bell - Saturday m friends in Shim. Mr. and Mn. M. Shams visited at the home of the former. went. in Waterloo on sum-any. Fin! of This.“ Sponsor-J " Wm! Agricultuul CROSSI'IILL " SLJacobi " Baden Koegler’s Hamnmelit' Qintmept Koegler’s Lin . Lax Koegler’s Tooth Push; The above In . few will bargains. This is an opportunity for you to obtain . real good car at an exceptional price. Come in and use them. . Buddel " Garage FOR TWO was” ONLY ":8ng SmCupV-I - My“ 'V" in? Juno' _ -sdci. "Mt I...“ Coupe. : "" 'oooa _ I,” 1heeo pal I”: hid: 3.1.. Im Anion Cabriolet. LV-. any. " Inc-Bier St. - KITCHENER - Phone 403 MGR. H. W. STORM 'Iles-tite “STOR- DOR" 110 Ontario South Spring May Be 'Mound the Comer, BUT DO NOT FORGET We Will Have More Give Us a Chance to Serve You So you will'knaw from whom to [my next season. SPECIAL OFFER on USED CARS run Mt “m “WING. "o. 7.00. ON 0103. longer Lehigh 9931 HUDSON 6 Ind 8 Ind TERRAPLANE . - HUPMOBILE " Sen INTERNATIOK‘,L HARVESTER TRUCKS VA vain-bl. Ointment for Ulcer-I. hemorrhoid. or Pl]... Burl-u. Bed Sons. Injurhl. ultimatum. Vulcan Vol". " 1h. kahuna: and prevention of Pym-rhea, Cunt" cox-u ind omit Teeth um! Gum Troubles. _ h nIhI‘rll Luz-the. eontaitts no harmful or habit form- in. mint. - ELLIS AND HOWARD LTD. For Solo u “no" On. to... Wand-o. wteot.ESALERs and RETAILERS Cold Weather . WATEILOO - Waterloo County Distributors for I iii} i-Juumm... brake. " win M). I.” Olin-chil- Sol-n Rollin. “I... Solute-cube it. mu. Flat fronting do“ for freed-x donor“ and is. l emu. luau for the Electrically “and an. IWNIG family. lorior. ONE OF THE 25 WESTINGHOUSE FEATURES msrmnuroas - KITCHENER " com. I hm tube. 26 cent; u lam tube. " cent. a box. The MecoRMICK-DEER1NG is the ONLY Cream, Separator with stainless steel discs having electrically welded stainless steel spacers. IMPLEMENTS INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER Phone 152 r " - ST. JACOBS " Something! HERE J. B. SAUDER Suva food and manila for will tho now “not-Jot" Ge - shelf - in avail- ;blo Enid. tho food -rt- 'eoote 51-in unwed for clot-int. Phone 3300. Service

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