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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Mar 1935, p. 12

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f gamma-hue. J. -rurfditu_.-ei-r..fP. -. balm-alumde 'ittttt"tgtQtp,tfJ,1't"r, at-io-tsro-trr “I. with the“ o! a. m ”numb-any - Owl-mama!” mmuumuuurm manumznuwu.“ maeat-atroaj."tot8ar put "L. neottedtnq tog-slay. 0.0 head "was”. I too at 81.15. Stock- arsnrag-reastVtot6d0. Val on". continued may. and My, Chou» '01]me u u to "so. with on“! "(it adv- " Wow-n m Ion mud " " to 81.35, u were tho (a nu?- a” to" we“. 000(1)th won an at $3.60 to " en's", up to 1.060 Itm., good and choice ....8 Mt Stool-s. over 1.050 in... coed Bad chain. .e.. Do., medium W. Do., common Wm Hello", good and Do., common ...rrrt..... Fed calves. toad and Do.. medium W Do., common W. Guinea and cuttem Do., common ..V_.._... Shocker and meter glean. good .rr-.m.trt_. Do., common trm-m...".. Milken and springs“; Curves good and choice "all: .rrr.trrmeetFtr_t....rr. Common to medium Hon. bacon, 1.03.. mv-.-. Do.. ott trucks .rVe_e.... oo., on can W. Good owes and nether limbs ......trmmm.___rrrF...'. Do., medium .. Do., bucks er...... Do., culh ........_. Sheep, good light oo., 11011163 .... Do., culls P.eP.e.... BACON HOG PRICES REMAIN UNCHANGED 'romynto.--'rorottto was the only major Canadian live stock mute! to dinghy eminent; in bacon hum Taois- dar. Montreal and Winnipeg "he: remtimd steady with the previous day's close, Outside points were un- changed, Otreringq were fairly light. head, Bacon hogs sold at ouhside points as tonomr--chatham, w, unchanged; London, $7, unchanged; Sanford. $7.35, unchanged; Kitchener. "as. unchanged: Branttord. $7.40. un- changed and Pater’hom, $7.26, un- changed. Hog prices were easier. locum. among sold at 31.40 10.12.. 87.76 on truck and $8.15 weighed on can. Btrms closed at $5.15 per cm. Butch- ers, lights and reader: sold " a db- count or $1. with extra hetti, $1.60 per head. Selects brought the nuns] $1 premium. Receipts totalled 680 Over 4 lbs. PPI PVeF 3 to 4.1m. ..e.r.r. Old. Mouton; mrvr.VV* Spring chieketter-- Over 6 lbs. tttVet Buying Prices United Farmers (Jo-Overture Co. Tuuday were paying the following prices tor produce: _ _ mgrs---41rad" "AW'. 33c and with cases returned, "A" large, 21e; "A" medium, 200; "A" pallets, 18e; "B", 16c, "C", 14c. Prices nominal. Batter-ontario No. l solids. 251,40; No. 2, Me. Poultry: PRODUCE PRICES (By United Farmer! _ _ Do., medium Hando- " v-rlou eo-oar ground [lulu I. . Int-rd mm HIM, I‘mli” and c "tld “the. For C “than. “til-I “his”. out SIW'O “Ho-M In!” a . actual. - ml in Mu. Brood all In... Over Tho nod-r- diot of soft in Cool- in and tho 31-:- "do. to I...“ _ SIM. “Ho-Rh - “a. a "u-e"- A Natural Roughhge Highly Nutrativo 'ro-u-seen-oe-r-te-bo-r-" (Quotations in cents) In" " you MAST 1m! W M Live mod MM. GoAtporatitm Co.) It 10 " 4.25 5.15 5.50 6.50 8.15 5.00 2.60 " " " ll t6.M " 7.15 "it tmk ”In "it Mc; om. 350 Me; corn, too buckwhect " " to "e. 3.75 - m Egg I t.26 4.75 4.00 8.50 3 .25 2 .00 6.75 6.50 " (By Punt): uni, What. no) l Following on Tuesday: chain; quotation. on Toronto (uh in» actions tor on Iota, who on - 0.11. by pom: l mam ,rtMtat--mo. 1 Northern, Me; No." Mon 8te; No. 3 Nov linen, Mt%e; No. 4 Northern. TT%e; No. 6 North-n. 755k; lunch. oatq-No. , co.. "v. Na. t C.W., $2562; “in No. 1 mod out, 4250:; No. 1 med, "Se; mind teed ooh. Mas lanolin barter-No. ' C.W., “c: No. 1 teed mooning, an per m. South Attic-n otrm--Me. Ontario min, owl-011m prion truck shipping potrtt---wtoat, it to Mc; om. " to 8Te; We]. " to Me; corn, " to 68e; rye. " to Me; buckwhect, " to Me; uniting why, " to "e. - I and Kiiii% -it.dta-t.. W a; - In. “bl.- 1" acting. an; I“. It: “I". WINNING can. - '_-wo. 1 hard. mu; Ht. t Non. Ila; No. 3 Nat. Re; No. 8 "on, 13m;.Na 4 Hon, "r. No. 6 all C. m; Ned, m; and. 81%e; No. I dun. Misc. , oat-No. 8 c.w., "lie; No. t c. W.) an“; om No. 1 mod. “it; No. l nod. M%es; No. , and. M%e; "No. 8 food. ”it; track, in“. Egg Pri_c_es Largo Crowd at! Sanity of Etta. Sand in Price. ur.---' Con-editio- Shady. The that still in some week- was recorded on the Preston market on Saturday when the quotations at can jumped from one to three cent- per dozen Ind rqtaiied at 8he. An unusually large crowd at buyer. end vendors attended the market The following are the quilt-none listed: Eeat-43rado "A" large 8le. me- dium 29c. and ml] Me. batter re- mained at " and Sth, e pound. Potatoes " to 60c a has; onions 20e a basket. cabbage 6 to 10e each. turnips Se each. carrots 16e a ban- ket, celery 15c I bunch, mum. '33:: “Silly. stupid, despicable, nasty, contemptible. smell.” were anon; the adjectives efreetivety used by the Minister " he took to task the former Attorney-General for ttavirtg cherged. last June, that Mr. Hir- shall had used corrupt election prac- tices thirty yeere ago. 10c a quart. rhubarb 10c bunch. cream 20c I pint. beets 20c a basket. Beet-Round ate-k 16c trib., por- terhouse roasts tlk a nr., sirloin steak 17c, drloln routs 10e, rolled prime ribs lee, chuck 8 to He, boil- in; boot a to Te. humbling stalk IOC, liver Mic. PorY-Rmn out: 10c a ttc, Boston buttm 19e, picnic hams 1415:. we let, 15e, work was 80e, cottage oils no, ham roasts 13c, side bacon sliced 30c. back bacon sliced 35c. pork chops, loin. 25e ' lb. A thundering barrage of inventive electrified the Ontario Leginhtnre on Tuesday night " Hon. Human Mnnhnll. Minister of Agriculture. opened ttre.on Hon. W. . Price in defgngp of hiCpo1.itiet1 reputation. TORONTO BRAIN QUO'I’ATIOM "irEailéze'ik Ee 41 1b., rolled veal 18e, blade roasts 15e, round bone roasts 15c, mowing val 10e a H). MARSHALL LASl-IES OUT AT FORMER MINISTER Heap Up Three Cents at Preston Foe Health 's Sake d.F.idAFit-ird -- but! maWhmuI-d -ateee.eeerete WWW-ch“: WW" -aaiat 7me Ii Wk- H) ”“3“- iiiG7ir.uiirturoamtirt- “m,“OmA-IW” iiiiiiTi2fat'PghdtatT/ ”(In Manama-Rand - ur- hula-nu. “I. lark 16e,wu1-tni+ue mus-a In. to. my now drsetatesai-rqC.tA-M wry. A an tut-"quart! at 'orts.i_etb,aoestteltuu-. mum-cu to otatur. Anioluma was who! ot ItgttutttSLS' «I - at86eoer.t. In “do“ with " on... Vent-What I and '" chewing hu- nt own. m 1min- ' to: Me. who; a all It to a. chilly tumor than. u- w‘qb,wm1k,mlkw Wilt than ‘tho. we not in. - " “I My quvalulIy ”unlike _tge,tottacoamr16r,eaatMhmV any in a am “like um each. an». Se n bud. - Countles- Mod rub m rippling 10c hutch, spinach " and us pr rmmm no. a] “notion; I!" pound. thing “about! ml. -. our Pt"rb--Pk+ oe yo... m vert" tho mom hull-ape ‘bnnd Lid! “1 onto the Wank» 'tom tho tor. d an - W town sun. on Sunday. You; on. aeettinq otqtqi tumor: Into an!!! .0” " " “a Me W lb, g). moi: arm-In; and. in tho god- mrun‘n bth MV and old on. WM WI: “ll-I11 In!" no. No duck: not not. van 0001* m“ 1" “m in a. CM M a. walling of moth-r donning winter n.....n.......... -..m. u m “in Over Fang- __ Mqat.---Btsgtt- nuns. " and Me, {rm pork me 11:. and Me. liver can-ace ITe. Mood was. 18c. rib- St)e, tallied tee, luv] Me. bacon 18e, hand - tre. Bod rout 19e, oil-loan not: lie. will!“ Te, ml rout 16e, stink we. at" lie. lamb (lac) 35c. and was! of In]: ITe. AON-Northern Sun. No. I. 82.00; Wigner. 81.75: Golda: Rut not! 8130 to $1.50; Ruth-In $1.85; Stark $1.60; Pippin tcranberry) t1.0. opinion that the other man could Install bowling alleys and thus keep open to the later hour. School late " Hills The Waterloo Public School Board met previous to the council meeting and a delegation appeared before the council to announce that the Board was unable to fore more than one-tenth of e mil from the school rate. Council had hoped that the rate might be 12% mills instead of1bmii1n., _" -- -t. Chairman Engel of the Board? stated the Board had decided to issue the December mocha-f cheques, amounting to $2,900, in the middle of December, end would not hold them over for payment until the tirat month of 1935. Sev- eral members of the council elm-ong- ly objected to this, chiming that the tax rate could be kept down by holding over theat, chequee. Aid. Henderson was in favor of “paying on you go, since you mey not know what expenditures the town may be facing in_19jt6.". .. .- . persona had pulled the "tmt" tint they hld to get sway to I Inna-ll and BO had induced farmem to sell their goods. Aid. Frickey suggested that exurypjea be mede of both -vdndor amftsurer. - ifr".-uhiidr" Martin, working in Wilmot, is home with his father, Ila-long!!!» Him-.DEK _ - . Reeve licKenie aid "if the coun- eil tried to do so many things I: the school bond, the town's tax rate would so". With probability that we will have to ply relief from boxes this year end the expenditur'e of a new vault at the town hall, the council will find it hurl to keep the rate down if the various town Bog-do refuse to pore their gates." _ Chairman Engel stressed the feet that the Board had pared their rite last year to such an extent that there we: I. large defieit " the end of 1934. _ _ ”1:58 Eouncil passed . motion ex- p_ressij_lg spyrechtiop of. the...t9ool Board's poring - th mill from their rate. Th town rate will pnb- nbly be than 42 mills this year. Wages So! The Board of Works gmt, which was adopted by the counel included the setting of rates " " cents a: hour for telms. " cents for In Ind 40 cents for foreman. Mariel Rule- lo " Enforeel. The Mnrket Committee recom- mended that the regulation be en- forced prohibiting e sole of my produce before the openirzirour of 1.30 pm: A_ld. [leer IPid . tyeyT Mm. William Wad-II and damgh- ten the Minus Ann-Ida tnd Katie Want", us atl sick in bed. "in Lucinda Martin of Elmira and Nina Ruth Wilkie of f,',1tttfgtt't irre1d-dyyhterrr, are. in " - ghee- Mrs. Victor Lee, R.N., ik at the home of Mr. Lee's mother, in Hmiuton. who is "dandy ill, attending her. "iiiv%irarei; iieieGA" 61' iitmt. ford In: a recent rldtor at the home of In Watt-ll. 7 W. iii Gordon Doing u ttie rr.-w. Hetetatt In Emma when he I. m m numb. will. -irinlri" Sbhcrir and Mr. John B. Widomn In muons the nick. Penal-In. Mr. My Mandol- bu mud to Toronto where he has secured . w anion. Mr. Sim Want attended the funeral of hit aunt, In. Douala, " Bram. We If. any to rt that It. Alhn Wagner is "gain. with a severe up}! bt_ed-rt.8yorttrt -- In. and In. Elmo Kin; and ttr.'urii; Holden": and In. Will. o. King nttmtdod the Bttd Mm. 1m Ot funeral of their aunt, In. Poyncr.l Mina Anal. In guardian]. wood about Sand: Mr. award Baum-n of Kitchcnuj Mm. a0rttrto Shark. in mending mm] month. " dual Mr. and In. W home of his brother, It. Addison 1!“th I‘m”, Baum-n and In. Banana. tom M RIM!!! Mr. 1trttt v'tl'g,t, 'dd"t",,T. t.Mrn new ottoM1 no a u y r pur- . . am, Kr. ml In. bum am All; {“391 IPP. "In. Kr. “(In Dunk] _ lb Indra! Bonn w " NORTH WOOLWICH l (Combined [tom Put " Town Police 'rr. JACOIS .iraFGvrFiu-" . .WW . 'tlt1tttty"- huh-huh“... 7.- u-.. Cauiuaii ii-hu-. Ila- luau-"WWW" IF. ah _ Inn. Ann-I --t-aTa%tr-a6 "mum-doub- “won-mm wry. Amtmqmcnld Mtgt1tutttgut,r'llgd".' “mu M41!”- Mr. DIV“ M. Marttn is was over the John Walter arm from " l:- thor, Mr. Anon W. Hulls, follow- lu the lanai nlo at (In: dock and implement. on Thur-thy or thin week. ' In“ Duly Rutherford In spend- ,lng seven] wash " the Winter- honrno home at Mr. and In. Arthur ‘1'.th I Mr. and In, AMI! Dunno!“ were lately Holden"; Tttrftort, with Mr. and Mrs. JIM Daemon. I Min. Anni. mum of an: my ,vood about Sunday with Mr, and "firT iaini. Bulb-char or Elmir- stripped I culond ol cattle from WI]- lenadn to West Toronto iatrt sunr- dar. Cattle Chipped. Function tmred on the menu or may of, the rural dining-tame. here on Tuesday and were bunny loll-had with In! year'- deliciou- nnple an». _ Ott Wanna-y, Palm 27. a baby daughter I'll born to Mr. and In. George H. “mum of South W11- lenntaln. They lute named the new arrival Ruth. "iii-ii}; ileum. Home and that of North Woolwich will be the two centres ot Hennonito Church wor- ship next Sundny mornlng. OIwmlllATo Open. _ _ In extremely poor health since the death of her father last Hummer, 'Mlls Lucinda tMartin of that Wal- lensIeln ls new nmrenlly regaining her normal strength. .. , Mr. nnd In. Wlmun Ham um daughter undone wore and” um- tom M Bridgeport with Mr. um Mn. Alonso cooling no funny. Mm. Alvin Holman at limit. In valumna; the summer month- with In" min. In. D. M. Wobol' (1 Boom “Bum I Mr. and In. line! B. "lulu ot Ruck-nor m annoy Vila”. In um vmy. layer fl. 1 M " Waterloo no a sum-day brtMttqqt, “on" In Wol- mm. In. Ruby Hun - may o " "ttor m Mold. and Ichth- to The county snow Now opened up the Elmira -'wat1enaur1n - Linwood highway tor motorlma trunk: on Mote day evening. Mr, and Mrs. Oman Martin moved to thelr new home. the Henry Wit- tlch farm one mile north of Elmira. on Tuesday this week. Early Spring slung Appear. The exceedlngly dxrkened plumage ot a twittering flock of snow‘hlrds men ln local ile1dts during the week- end In another Indication of an early spring. School Actual-nu Dawn. - The sitattemitein sawmill is expect- ed to be tuned up for but music shout the middle of Much. A mild form ot tnnttenga is pre-r valllng In thls district and school. attendance has been somewhat bel low normal In some ot our neighbor- ing schools. one ot which recently; registered tl for u a dozen pupus. rally a. Wm earlier than usual. a maple or goose eggs were‘ gnlhered trom south Wallenetein nests last Sunday. V “Recently mhed with Influenza and a threatened attack ot pnuumonln. Mr. George H. Wilton, Wallensteln septmeaemtrian, Is now pennllted to be up again by his Elmira physi- clan Feathered migrants already In our midst with the“ joyous” welcome mlnstreln Include mngspurrows, mr- bim. plovers. blast-lulu. meadow- larlrs and Manned gracklas common- ly' called bhcbhlrdn. Groundhog all-clown can. "Groundhog Buy", an: no shadow. hem on the “com! of Febmry, but shadow. at gmundhogs were seen in Wallenstein woodlands last week- and? Vlcinity VII-non. Min ero Gooding ot Kitettir want the mental“! tt the home of her plants, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie (loading. Mr. Nalhln B. Martin suffered. a partially dislocated hip no a result ot his car‘s skidding and overturning in Preston last Wednesday. The car was also damaged, a door being bro- ken oil and the reur axle being badly bent. Mr. ind Mrs. Inn Ore-3mm were lately “than with Mr. and “In, Samuel M. Bonn-n ot North Heidel- Mr. Alvin Weber and sister [Jule cl Emir: - Sunday with Mr. and Mn. Henry B. $833938. Mr. and la. lune) Holman and Mr. Erlu B. [Martin vol-e Sunni-y Peel visitor. wlth In. Noun B. Ban- nun and bunny ttf Spruce Green and '10: Mr. and In. Davld M. Frey of Croellbunk. MI:- eriorlo Cooper In. returned from a plenum colon"! amt with Ibrmer "land. In mutton]. Ru. and an. on» Junk: ot wa, torloo were sum-y visitor- wtth Mr. Ind In. In”: Mum: and with Mr. and In. Inn eras-mu. “if. Nana. B. Mmln motored to Preston last Wednesday. aT GuTairGdiGuneuiiuE. """""""""""'Tia"riii"ii -i-tg.tm.-Fob V - - gulch on Ch. MD mumnmmm‘. ilma.B°HLE Hamid-collation... Hui-an non-luau. “an. inq Y a - ' I I“ {JO-John 1'd'rd'l'orlUhTirdrdrioTltf2t.h'lltp'tt'llth, .'cir, mu-tmocloudmmawuLm,lz:;tdhi 1mm Intent! " the tutu-am to nu, Betahi, 1.51- Wall-d: 1100 porno” “an“. - 'ihiraiirtT"i"ileiTls"iijF3r. o-agthrt-tm6a.aetM. "et-ta-ne-_A,- uE. luau-nails women- tirmototivtoqttsoFwtt$ehf' no. bung mm br " min- APPIJCANTS RR RELIEF Ill _ WELLELEY TP, Several new relief applicants came before this Board at today‘s meeting demanding relief. The schedules, which are prepared for this purpose, must be tilied in with Itll the required information and ‘must be signed by those wishing to ':be granted relief. All those asking " relief must have their schedqu (sg',',',"'?,',,",',', before receiving relief. The appointment of an ofBeer to supervnse and regulate the operation of this relief proposition was also brought into discussion but its adop- tion was not upheld. l Payment of Bills all Annuals. Moved by G. Lichty. seconded by J. A. Beggs, that the treasurer pay the following accounts and that the Reeve grant his orders for same. as 't follows: Third session of Walla-lay Town. ship Council for 1935. Council Considers Proble- " Meeting De-ds-ate-t of School Officer. REDUCE TERM OF HYDRO CONTRACTS Wellesley municipd members met; pursuant to adjournment, at the Township lull, Crouhill, on Monday, the 4th day of Much, 1935, 10 o'elock in the htrertoon, The members were all in attend- ance. P. A. Won». the We. occupied the chair. The minute. of tho previous muting were read. whereupon it m moved by G. J. Vol]. seconded by G. Lichty. tint syid minute, Is read, be adopted.-- Tho 'tti" Electric Power Com- mission as given notice that all the townships comprising the Lis. towel Rural Power District hove passed . By~an which provide- for I reduction of the term of Inh- sistlng and future contra“ In run] power districts from twenty yum to 11vr years.__except in. ertain special cases. Therefore, in future al rural contracts which were originally for a term of twenty years, with the exception of thoael referred to in clause ll of the stand- ard form of By-uw, as passed by) this Para, may after the con- sumer has ta en power thereunder for at least five years. be termin- ated by the consumer giving one year’s notice in writing to the Township as provided in the By- Law. ew consumers, including those who have cancelled their WW- vious contracts in accordance with the By-uw, but not including those classes referred to in Clause 3 of the Br-uw. may enter into new contracts, which will be for a period of five years, and which will be sub- ject to cancellation thereafter upon the consumer giving one year’s no- tiee in writing to the Township. Tho Relief Pro“... The members were of the opinion that the Relief grunts should still be reduced somewhat but how to ac- complish this required a discussion of some duration, the result being somewhat lower grants. The queer- tion of not It blishing the names of those receiving relief in accordance with the Department's regulation. came up for discussion with the re- sult that the publication will be con- tinued as heretofore. Thuudly visitor with Mr. and Mrs. PM" MM of Wintomourno. m- m” Merton! of Winter- bonrno out Sunday with Mr. Ind Mm M. mum-n. _ New". Ill mu, In“ India, Min 'd',T','t"d') In!!! all but, Baum m I Vin; m hr t won't-om": qefttt - In Pul- -doGasssondenee, bills and le- counts were received and penned hubs sear-hers. _ _ - - In. Schiobol. 17.28; relief to An- drew Bellman 32.62; talk! to John licked, 18.52; Ed. hulk-(n, relief to Ed. Sehvnmnntrubcr. 2120; H. W. Ben-trel‘k! to John "tdeGi, 2.60; If b. Behnnrr. ro- 1L.80 i Peter F. Schummer, clerk’s msmi- annual salary $250.00. once my plies 8.90. total $268.90; The Municipal World, accounts, 8.40; The Municipal World. accounts. 6.00; Schmidt & Kramp, 4 amu- ment rolls complete. 42.44; S. R. Rut & Co., ledger sheets. 1.42; Peters. Morrison & Brown, for auditing 1934 treasure)": books, books, 166.00: J. Miner, work on mad 3, 7.50; J. new. road no. 2.25; C. Hackett. road 17, 11.60; C. Lose], road 19. 6.00: B. Friedman. rpm! 20rA.60; l. 4Giei/Fiiiirt7 clerk, calcium chloride. P.V. road 29, 28.50; W. C. Poomer. work YN. 80 8.80; S. (II-cl county dork, cufcium chloride. iv. road " 26.50; w. o. Harms. work on road Si, .66; H. Doheny. sultry, 26.85; H. Doherty, to Good Rand: Con- vention, 30.00. Total. 86t7.tl.-- Carried. Ieliel’ Acton-h. Hnehn Bram, relief to Roy Hem. 16.80; relief to John Wolfe, 17.60; [er-cl G. Martin. relief to Wm. Goetz, t7.72: A. J. Bergen. relief to John iiiiGii,] 22.¢_o; F, NIr mung. relief to Lin. Elia]. 15.81; relic to Otto Meyer 18.96; Jacob tata, relief to Ed. tiiGriiriaGiiG nub-apt.” he...“ In»: thhiirtmer, $01M. " lit! to John Pinuean, 5.90; 2tttt Koch]. and to Andrew Sch ' ) 8.36; hunk Schumann "tue to Nolan Brnhuhor. ILM.. relief to q Sun Kubcl. 13.44; raid to Chm Kurt. 16.25; relief to Wm. Beth.. . m. ”Jimmie! to Whiting] Inn. IKM; relief to John Hum, 85.66. Total, $319.78. Previous mount brought forward, 8617.11. Grand total, '996.M.--Nrriod. 2.“; E. Unis, relic! to In. Scum. 1.Mt relic! to John Phe eu.:.u;1. "6."iiGGuTiaVio Wm. Beth“. xo.u- "lid ”John than. .33; M. B. in. w a Chm Kim-r. 1.00; All. In“. "an to Otto Icy-r. 8.00: G. B. “In“. relic! to John Rumba. 6.0.; Hard. Ila-Um. ' to u. GoibeelF0; w. guys”; 'F J. L. Hammond, School Attend- ance Once. completed hin annual report to the Department of Educa- tion, Pulinment Buildings, Toronto, as requested by said Department. Treasurer's All-d Slate-out Cash on hand, Dee. Slut, - '"reh m. cash on hand....$3,892.87 outstanding Accounts ....3 560.60 Moved by G. J. Pd; seconded by E. Huehn. that thi council do now {adjourn to meet again nt the Town- shil Hall, Crouhill. April lat. 1935. :10 o'clock in the forenoon. "i631" -.r.u..r.-...C.........."....t an.” Receipt: during January.“ 4,918.11 Receipts during Febmry.. 2,889.88 $8,306.52 Payments during February 4,418.65 Peter P. Schummer. Clerk. St. Clements. Much 5th, 1935. Kitchener Saved Paid 85.71 Lou Thu Cool per Homo-var. Kitchener benefited from Hydro It the expense of the province to the extent}?! sfme 894,216 Auyieyr 19M, slid Mr. N. Ammun, M.L.A. for North Waterloo, recently. The cost per horsepower laid down in Kitchener is $33.83 while the price paid by the local commission was only $28.12, I net loss per horse- poler of $5.11.‘ . - . - . Tho manual debt of the Hydro Commission is npproximateiy '5.00h000 and this is threatening to grow if the Commission unnot find more f,T'r,l','l"l' The Adam Beck scheme is ot being adhered to, is the claim of Attorney-Genenl Roebuck, who is “tempting to dis- rove the legality of claims the auebec companies hive to deliver power which Ontario cunnot use LEARNS To CROW Bethune, Seek. - Don Celver'n tame crow. the one that broke into the public prints last {all by flying to I butcher shop for meat, has listed another achievement. Forced to winter in Cdver’s thicken coop, the crow hes tearued.to crow a well u eny rooster. ADAPTABLE CROW Your food and drink on the only tutorials Nature gets to maintain bod- ily strength and well-being. But the traaedy of modem foods is their short- age of iron, Sooner or later this has III that upon the health It cam. " tirst, a run-down condition and imple mania; then develops into serious att- ments, lf not checked. Thiswasghown tobetruelnngrwp oi fortr-&ve people when blood m examined by I competent euthority. In forty use. the blood was thinner and paler than it should have been, due to the shortage of iron. The outhority who condoned the tats recorded the met amount of the shortage for ench pereon. then put every one of then on I 30-day treatment? The E',,',',',",',',',"; hepvethemqur.Wi ms'Ph& Pills (called pink because they have a pink sum coating). In one month he examined their blood min and lound that the redecorpusda and the iron had dehtttetr increased In every cm. This test is I demonltntlon of what “on. 8111-. u Ola-O. " B. mum ' Nature Builds Your Bodr- Wouldn't you like ttt feel rally um and vigorous - Wouldnt you like to ent well, slap soundly. take a keen interest in tiff around you Imtmtnt with Dr. Willi-aw Pink Pllb. Directly you begin Ming this tell-bk old preparation, the moll- aria-live prams will start. The blood will now richer . . . will any more VII-lily . . . Ind your own [telling wil react pkasantty. Old aches and 0. ay.n%i1gfveqmytortewvittornm' brighter outlook on life, You will know an" lain the joy of Mn. that Mules Imam. ..henttht Funds: “If: $ine old remedy an dolor you. 1r...asisrarty...yourteedirmt. you supply tho mud-la. Haalth sugars if you run short of icon. $94,215 in Hydro Costs in 1934 “I. - .. Wang-u... Ith-tts 'tWI' thi “a“... an... "Crit..'.'."..'.?...". “may "e iii-F.7d up " ......... any. at. l " ”Jam: ft a. a. 3671 Liiiibiiitat mg. , 2eutttg"rT,rmzg,,3ti.'d ment with Dr. Willi-ms‘ Pf ‘ORDON '8 r.aurii 33 1.21;”; ', h ' tr9 “Orrn-namn Satisfy Grade No. 1 New): barter " 31.50 per bushel; Grade No. l 0.A.C. No. 144 oats, The per bu; Grade No. 2 0.A.C. No. 8 out. Tbe per tum. This latter in No. 2 on amount of 'tfa While it hit. Apply John Shae e, R. R. No. I. Kitchener, Bream: phone " tAt. 6 ho. MeCormiek-Deerintt Btation- ary engine on skid. - nu. Apslry- Ephraim B. Weber, KR. No. 2, yum. 9-2 FOR RENT Farm, 80 acres. puny in town- ship; good buildings; city “tat. Brcithaupt Estate Ltd., " Quest} " RIGHT BROKEN 'r11ioootturg.--tht Sum! tho splints were removed from in. Charles Prlddle’a left. arm. which ha] been fractured Maury M, when she tell on an icy pavement shout I block tram her home. The other day Mrs Prlddle stepped out the M door. atlpved on Ice Ind incurred I (nature of her right arm. Two Shorthorn bulls ready for msmriee; six Shorthorn cows due to calve in April and Mar. one good working horse weighing about 1200 lbs. Apply to Dnvid Trussler, Wol- lealey. Ont., R. R. No. 2. 9.2 St. N., Kitchener. FARM HAND WANTED An experienced farm hand, non- smoker, at good wares; yearly con- tact; farm near Kitchener. Apply Box tw, Chronicle. lel. FOUND . One license plate, No. ' 22. 1935. Owner please apply to Mr. Thos. H. Bulmer. Wallenstein. hm. . 10.1 FREE! FREE! A 35c Chick feeder given with every order or Custom Hatching of 100 egg. and over; .150 with every order of 25 thighs Ind 1ttorty_duringr Much. Custom Hatching, 8e per egg. Baby Chicks 12e and 18%e each, $1080 and $12.90 per 100. Liv an Gro Broader: $2.50 each. QUALITY HATCHERY Earl K. Lips _ Phone 16571 Fin-new tureiee Jettu'.t idtnttt1gtd"etet org-n In an an n your: urchin. the tutatutut advisory be d, is In the but pogitionjo (hogan: the - Ill" Information to up form your inn-uncut belie . WE HAVE 'la HING To SILL EXCEPT FINANCIAL INFORMATION Write for ”died-n about III Nedao _ to FINANCIAL SERVICE Investigate ...BEFORE.’.. You Invest LEFT ARM HEALS wusuoo ( You an Inn an kind of protection you desire. or a combination covering all your nood- for bullding on at“. gm! nodding I living but.“ Nothing like them ever be- fore ofNrqd. A.K.CRFSSMAN Insurance “Link Want aa. II-iu Ii. 36 curiGE "V u- ”Kink-av 1:1"; =tu'hrraN . _‘V.u'- “Walnut”: thmde _-e-r-tm-eds, " SEED GRAIN FOR SALE w“... - Canada's 1.13:: Fin-nah] Statistic-l nil-lion 4M Noll-o D.- " Va! . MONTREAL 101-108 King at South WamIOo Our Policies iifntra: n; I... It. ”bl-Who..." Is Always the Best Investment ?i'iititt?iicii?.lttsea' WANT ADS ' Write or call for {no booklets, FOR “iii! 'hrs

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