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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Mar 1935, p. 10

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i" AUCTIONSALE I Ihrttftt By Reading This List. of" 'litttitlitin 'iiiiiiiiiiili'_iii'i'it old; My mm. rising - old; VIII-U. I‘m .3205 MW. N In. J. _ Bit-ted " 38lo- can of new, on an Knew-Mu Highny, on TUESDAY. “ARCH In 4 "---ctyde ma, bitch. " you" old; by nan. rising 6 - black ”cling colt. . " Cud- - 5 Hamil: can due latter part of March; 1 Holstein can duo in Mar, 1>Holstein cow, due in June; 1 Jersey cow, due in April; 1 Jersey due in July; 1 Holstein heifer. Pie. tid Poarltrr--7 mixed he“; 1 York now, due and of April; 1 York sow, bred lit of SUreh; s pigs, eight weeks old by time of tile; 3 geese, good breeders; 1 collie pup, 5 months old. Prod--' ton: well cured hay; about 80 lbs. millet seed; " gals. molasses. Inplanalla - Frost & Wood binder, 6 ft. cut; 1 McCormick- DeerintrT ft. cut mower; 1 Halsey- Harris mower; MeCorniiek-Deerintt 18 disc drill; double dine, in-throw and out-throw; 2-drum steel roller; hay rake; 3-section iron barrow; Massey-Harris manure spreader; Haney-Harris walking plow; 1 walking plow; 1 gang plow; 1 fanning mill; Renfrew 2000 lb. scale; root pulper; cutting box; " ft. Rubber belt ; Fairbanks Morris 1% h.p. gas engine; circular saw' and frame; bob sleigh; 1 low wheel wagon; hay rack; log bunks; Fleury seuffler; 1 roll barbed wire; a num- ber of cow chains; 1 let road this and bolts: for MeCormiek-Deerintt 10-20 tractor; 2-wheel Ford trailer with racks; steel wheelbarrow; Cyclone grass seeder; clipping ma- chine; cream separator, No. 3 Me- Cormiek-Deering; Barrie churn; butter worker. IV M'FO.." I'vlrlud-mt Ivo- 'he-oe-To-sol-eo uni-r " hand. vllh tbe Sal " tho Cal-walk. " norm.vwmmaommmu.rmuakm. "" 'tr-to-dt-sehr-thi-Moe-' bimodal-Ida..-WMnlh-dhfivlmmulmsl'vathuuhhuflm,hgfibnvfllem t"eft,mLNtr.ra't I “on WEDNMDA ' (In TINT“ DAY APRU, 1"... ti. {M I. th. Ilhrlocl. ll thor-Hants...." oamotWnta0-dtoethrPta- Anemm .- Us." " Inch “In“ I. my be -.oeto-o-harverrtt8tmrAjudto.t-Aeuretb-. “Mum-Ilium DUI-d It Watch. 0. luv-lit - 04 um. IO... nouns a. Mot, Tum-w. iii/ii) 'iii) Ittt. lt',', 'ia'iii,iliiliiii E: if”. E! 'i'i'iiiiiii" la' M----', sets of team humus in good condition; set of single harness and odd harness parts. Household Eleet.---1 Finlly oval cook stove, practically new; cook stove; 30 gal. kettle stove; mull coal heater; hot water laundry stove; comer eapboard; iron bed with springs; meat grinder. Term. -. Cash on day of sale. MRS. J. BACHER, Propriotnn. ADDISON S. SNIDER. Auctioneer. Bridgeport, Pinon. Kilclnnor 384w. OLIVER KOLB. Clerk. 10-1 KoAurst. .-kte_, im"" TGGG '__-__ Kaar. gun - TO wus-. POPE RECEIVES REPLY A brief reply was received by ex- Alderman Pope of Waterloo In an- swer to his letter of commendation which he sent to E. J. Reilly. chief defence counsel for Hanptmnn. who was convicted on the charge or kid- napping the Lindbergh child. TnzAsunIIrs BALI. or LANDS m Alanna: FOR TAX” Town or WATIRLoo At tram. a H (iii-IV 'dPhhu'. I: “I. gun ndit't.tnIth.vitt-eft_tu, ortthr_uadtttqtotKJaeobn, hon-u " - old. C-u-att." cow fro-h 0 van; 8 Holstein can due in April; red heifer duo in April; 5 yearling aha; and! calf. binder; Haney-Harris 0 ft. mower; Halsey-Harris side delivery rake; Haney-Harris hay loader; Massey- Harn‘s manure spreader; _ Harris steel roller; MaatserRarrrirs 2- row corn cultivator; Halley-Harrie 18 arrinq-tooth cultivator with seed‘ box; seed drill; 2-horse dump rake;) disc borrow; Leection iron barrow; Verity sulky plow; walking plow; potato plow; S-furrow plow; aeuff- Jer; circular saw; Chatham fanning mill with banger; stone boat; root pulper; wagon and box; rubber tire top bum; get bob sleigh; 2 Port- land cutters; stock rack; gravel planks; wheoiharrow; bag truck; tank heater; 2 emery grinders; garden cultivator and seeder com- bined; block and taehhr; cross-cut sew; extension ladder; 2 step lad- ders; hay knife; doubtetreea; neck- |yokes; shovels; forks; picks; hoes; scythes; chains; carpenter tools, and mny. yes many, other useful articles too numerous to mention. "---1 set team harness; 2 sets single harness; set carriage bridlee; collars; 2 robes; blankets, etc. Not-por good Ink-ant- ac- knd this "u---h"atser-Harria 6 ft. A number from hem are his” drawing at" log: to Mr. J. J. Bouler'n where, he will start uwlm In the near future. Mr. wmred'Hamey was mum to serve on a Jury In Stamford the put week. Sir, and Mrs. Anthony Foeruter spent a few days with relatlves in Glenallan and min-won. ADVERTISING In no MON!“ BRINGS mm. A good lot of clean Household Elects - Good imperial Oxford range; cook stove; 30 gal. kettle stove; glass cupboard; sideboard: sink; extension table; kitchen table; electric washing machine with wringer; organ; bureau; Singer sewing machine; chest of drawers; 3 beds with mattress; leather couch; child’s bed; wash stand; electric blanket with pad; clock; some chairs; 240 lb. counter scales; iron kettle; oat sprouter; lawn mower; cooking utensils; dishes; sealers; pails; cans; also some potatoes, and many other articles too numerous for detail. _ Mr. w. new" ot Linwood was a. business visitor wlth Mr. Melrln Hanley Friday. - -.iiarAunk and Monica Schlebel visited Sunday with Miss Helen Gulf of Dorking. - . Air Giireace Kocher enterulned his friends and neighbors at a house party Friday evening. - Luuiii F MI! Br. Dam Fr. BM“ By. Data 9,. Dal" By. Pet, gr. FiG '13. Pk I. PI. l1 [KI-9L No ran-I've. Mr. Hail-an in re- tiring from farming. So meet your friend. at this rule. nu worthy of your anal-Junta. _ Torn. - Cash on day of sale. MENNO HOFFMAN, Proprietor. W. W. FRICKEY, Auctioneer, I ai. Melvin Hume} spentsuurdsy wiht Mr. GeorgeBnoler Jr. __ Personals. Mr. Joe ~Belsinger spent Saturday in Stratford. Fun-“mouthful- TUESDAY. we" ts, Ital J. m at " o'clock ”on. '6o--ch-tnut we " {an i; - has. " you: old; bay LEjii52EE Plano Waterloo 592*. AARON HOFFMAN.) 10-1 trCr=2l *"tt" In... “'II’ 86'Btrt80 must ”III- ”II“ INII“ "tel" ”ll“ “all. “II“ “.1“ ”II” ”I“. ' an. , an“ “I|.I I... ”all I'll. - tttlit' “II .I'...-. an“ "" “I'DJ. III “II. 'IIII-I Tr. “ll“ Ct". 99'!!! yt. Qua-Ill! tll S"; trg,'. ii'ti". 'i'liiit"iiil oeod-edatthet*trr.een.u,tharq "ttib.1-dNeanubrE.J. hum. A“. at Public Auc- thaldllbeo-hhdhu DAY N MARCH, I'll. .uséu-um.'.h¢hn. than... " tho I". " ALION ARTHUR mun. R, R. No. t, Rheum, Ontario, the following prom-11:, may, this turn situ- and w "rmdnu:--. ALL MP SINGULAB thou cu- tain ural: or that. of land- and promise- litunu, lying and being in the Town-hip of Woolwieh. in the County of Waterloo, and Province of Ontario, containing account by admeaeurement One Hundred and Ninety-two urea, be the lame more or lean, being compoud of pane of Lot Numbet 116, German Company Tract. of the mid Township of Woohrieh, and part of Lot " of the German Company Tract, of the laid Township, excepting each portion of the " feet road which may be within the deacribed limits, the above parcel- being more par- ticularly deacribed in Mortgage Number 16679 to the Agricultural Development Board. At the lune time and yel under the Inthority of . Landlord'- Dilbeu warrant, than will Ml othtred for Illa the following clutteln: 1 bay stallion, use "l years; 1 bay mare, age 11 varlaiLrN%ttiiFCiiik banana 1 driving mare, brown, 10 years; 1 '2Pn,tt dl', s'2t2o, Bt., Kitch- Flyde mate, 2 years; 1 Black geld-| March 28 'iriririiiui-1-At l p.,,,.,) mg, 12 3“": 1 general purpose valuable farm stock, implements. colt. brown, 2 years; 1 roan cow; .feed.and some household .er.eety be- 1 black cow; 2 black and white longing to Ed. Lam. Pttirtptstrurtt. cows; 1 black cow; 1 bail, 2 years: Farm " tsold. I brindle; ti heifers, 2 years; 2 baby --_-_---_ _ beefs; 9 feeding cattle. 2 years old A. tr, SNTDBR, Am . . Plan. 3.", ”than. (with lien on for $150.00) ' 2 white . sows- 20 white . . " Cl March " (Tuesday) -Atsetion ' . In!" W" sale of valuable farm stock, irrttrls M” trnetion entrme; IT h.p. menu ha and household 'streets for Waterloo threshcr; cutting box PA. Mrs. i.' {when situated 2% miles 16 inch; LEG. hinder, 7 ft. cut; Into! 'Idler: on the 1riteh-r- . . . Bruno Ira . I.H.C. mower, , ft.; Mal-I. disc drill, March " (Tiursday) - At one " tubes; 1 Climax cultivator, stiff- o'eioek, muetitrrt sale of farm stock, tooth; l spring-tooth cultivator, 8 tglntlt tTg,',e,'strd, roots for ft.; 1 IL-I-l. hay loader; t MAI. en cc tet, situat_ mMeB “at . . . of Breslau on Kitchener-Guelph Bide Pte; 1 steel dump rake, 10 ft.; highway, better known as the Noah Jit sets iron harrows; l set scales, Hergott tam. ‘2000 1bec; 1 fanning mill; I tractor -.----r.--r------ -mâ€" IdiIC: l Fordlon tractor; 1 John‘ B. J. Slim Auctionaor. Pe, tractor plow, 2PIT"y., " It... :12. Kitchener double riding plow; 1 'sirtttie.rhrmtr I have for sale farms of 25 acres plow; one 3-fun-ow gang plow; one "I', uph t, lol', $5113 A 2 2-furrow gang plow; 2 walking are " IV - t Ema . . . . mortgage sale of property, farm plows, 2 treuMerss; 1 corn cultivator; stock and implements belonglnx to 1 land roller: 1 had packer; 1 My Almon Arthur Snider, R. R. No. 1. tedder; 1 water tank; 2 sets bob 1thtti situated near Floradalc. sleigh; l cutter; 1 buggy; 2 sets t,gt, 'g,',',',) Development Board, long tug harness; l Niaeo manure: Aprll 9 1Tuesdary---Hohstein sale aprender; 1 new box; 3 hay " 12.00 noon of so head of pm- racks; 1 corn binder; 1 grain lined, fully 1teertditasd, gills tested Tenn- of Sale of "asd-Ten per cent. of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of ale, And the belence within thirty dun. Tor-o of Sale of Ch_-43aatt. For further penumbra and con- ditions of ale, apply to Hurry W. PI... , East Block. Porn-nun! BM..., Toro-to. Ontario. Solicitor In tho "on...“ 1Hted " Toronto this twenty-second thy of February. 1986. . 9-8 A prudent man advised Ms drunk. on servant to out by M! May for a rainy day. In a few weeks the muster inquired how mic]: or In: wages he had lured. _ _ "is-ttir," Liu, " all, sir; It ruined yesterday, and it all went." The lands will be sold subject to I reserve bid. On the Mid farm there in said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm buildings. 10118 "18 mum; I mu=o "l"Yflll AH!) 1Tuesdary---Hohrtein ale Much 15 so they can be well tMMrer- spreader; 1 “can box; 3 hr " 12.00 noon of so head of pm- titsed. racks; 1 corn binder; 1 grain tf.; fully ttg.'"',',',"',',",; tTill: Ptd ruawaa7t"iEiii7Ga than" 2000» has. oata and mixed ouuin a ' y In on at . . . , . . Winter Fair Bldg" Gualphn These . f',t'g,;/dl',','r,2,'d, 'L',',',',',',:':'""'"' a"? a: Pit quite 'iiiiiiiii? . A1SP* SALE , - ' o a n In snap on YI ' . . On the aid farm there in said t"iiiiii, one. Eg'. Brubnehir, Sales an]?! 'dag! ',tuttfirc't'mtt, be erected a dwelling house with! Iner, 1heguu, fmuth of Re Clement; Ind 1% WAY. THE NINETIINTH “I .l. '.'” I'll. In!!! /t'ia in 3&in (if: good are. Ttra, Jan in Iold. itLek . ta.ttsrdary--At 1.30 p. an. valuable real date and clean handheld - for the m " the late Richard Pallhaun, No. 169 Waterloo at. new. ' F _ latch 11 (Honda), Elmira hit) ---At any enema stand " the Farmera' Shed, a lot of good house- hold Glens. choice earring. team A and 5 years old, “and "mm in all harneaa. a real pair. t have ydu? Hard: " (May) -....At 18.80 pan.. valuable 1am and. imple- ment and hominid deck for New Holman, adjoining the mfV laga of Hawkeavllle, on the road teiAiatto_t9eotry » .A A m" . good otterintt of clan lumi- uooc clover and and was. sad. tun and household elect! for the for John Grant, adioinine Vin-8' of am. of an In: Mrs. luna- Stu-hm- Pohln. at 24 Cameron St. N.. Kitch- Avril 8 (Wed-min) - we of on». See full ad, lurch u. , T..B mug! Jen-y you tad heifer» . Auction Sale Lian In". DUI! un- Iu. “cu aw. -.- --. ---". -__e- -- ._-_nv, Inch " (Wodnudly) - At in. and III" typo Porch-ton 1:30 p.ln., farm stock. including rl/ltr," for Artur unumhhcer. good hot-us, 8 upland“! dairy cowl, adioinintt the Vin-80 of N" Dun- zggn; attic; 1:18!qu Ih_Oup, PW.- doe. boo In. [rain Ind Ion. household “at“ for Geo. A. Fllk. situated 6 mile. northwut of New Hamburg 29d 8 an» yreAt of T'hiiiyatryr. larch 28 (Saturday) ---At 8.80 mm. at my auction stand It the Kitchenw- mrh? furniture and household skeet. or E. B. Singer- mun. Much 28 (Suturdoy) --At 1.30 p.m.. furniture and household - " " Waterloo Bt., Kitch- ongr. for Hy.‘_lhrh_ofo_r. A March 28 IThurad.r)--At l rum, valuable farm stock. implements. feed and some household etfeeU be- longing to Ed. Luau. Pttirtptstrurtr. Farm in sold. Jr. "Inna, WW, Clayton Betch- ldl, Irvin Stem, Will-n] memo]. (horn naming. Billy Warner“ Vlsltorn In the put was! with Mr. and Man. Joseph Hun-ck were: Magus George Bone of Brain. Ed. and Bill Beechey. Ted and Fred Isley. Mll- Rose Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Khomei- and Mr 0- M-ph Mar. Second Ct---' Rimming. 10h Rhino". Donald Cranium no Andy ".7 "an, Mm Walla" first 1nn---tNNqt “not. m- m. Dacha, PM Fly. Prh-"ttt, Kip-p. m1“ Bin. Nahum”. Mareh " (Thursday) - At one o'eioek, suction sale of farm stock, implements, lay. grain and roots for Eden Bechtel, situated 3 miles mat of Breglnu, on Kitchener-Guelph highway, better known as the Noah Hergott fun-n. l R. T. AMOS, Auctioneer March " twednesawy-At 1.30 p.m., reduction sale of fully me- eredited Dual Purpose Shorthorn tattle for Jonas Bingemnn & Son. at the farm It Bloomingdale, near Kitchener. Mus ttftU Zuber was a weekend visitor at the home of her parents. Mr. and Mm. William Zuber. Mrs. Pater Voidenhetmisr spent Thnmday with "land: in Kitchener. Fttth ct-Nh'; Cree-mun. when Return", Lloyd Nam-ans. Fourth GT-Lila Boston. mu Homo, Thurs-s "r, Jam. Rott hart, Verna Bechtal. Clmorlllo Relu- hnrt. Stanley Blower, Simon Rolla- hlrt. Eul (km-n, Donna linger, Jun Nahum]. lug-rot H”. Br. Ill 1N---0erry “argon, Ihn|co Croatian, Mud. m. Hov- Ird Kama, ("up "which and Mat Knit" and], Ann Schllllu Mr. and Mrs. George may were recent vlmors at the home of An- drew Boonjpn'a. Mr. Henry Bomb"! can show u record for trees. hula; out. down an Elm 100 (out high. 4 not. q Inches new“ and cut up mrly a mrda'of Mr, Gus Hermit was a business vkltor in Toronto on Monday. Mr. mid .Mrn. Herbert Krleger and won Archie spent Sunday with Wil- llun Slrichor'a. Mr. Stanley Hume): and Miss Gladys spent the weekend with Mr. um] Mrs. George Wllhelm of Wil. "trmahurq, Tye foliawing In February report for " No. 14. . menu absent Mr on; or more cums. March " iTuesdny)---At 2 p.m., mortglge sale of property, term stock and implements belonging to Almon Arthur Snider, R. R. No. 1. Elmirzi aim-ted um Flondule. Agric turd Development Bond, mortgage“. - _ _ Mrs. Joe tumult spent Tue-day with her mum", Mm, Norman Batman. .1:th Report. i.'~m.Am “this. T135516 _ tfritarar) r- At, 1 lg. SHAH” STATION I Don't ferret the auction sale " G. E. Schu ta,' situated 1% mile. 5south of St. Clement; and 1% 1miles northeast of numbers. on Much 2lnt. Horses, cattle, pigs Ind a full line of implements. M. R. Roth, Auctioneer; Ed Kaufman, Clerk. 10-2 iiaaiiik 333 in V 1' ofAGGiid binn'm but menu, product“!!! Jack 1 all. not”: of It. Ania. to! Lander Std-t. No - m prim: going to “in. ml. of Mg win-pum- Wuhan n ' Ret duo um hon-ghoul clock to: Ed. luckier, “MI!!- north of New Dundee. Furl-Vinson. No new. Inch " (Thur-d”) - Auction u]. om” coat-ital. ttrot pigs, m. a ot o no» clover and am“ nod. for John Grant. adjoining villus. of Strubm. _ 53ml 8. gWodnudu) -."Pi.?, of M. R. m, Am. a... SSW, - u Inch 12 (Tun-d1!) - Clo-rill: ale of hm stock. inplnmonu an food at Lot 17, Con. s, South M hope, t _Inllg_ new,» ttCtru.he- UGG," Erin; - Gtuid -ot We mo Charles Iroet. Esra: If tTtysytdarrr-i9e iGr% " WYidav)--Attetion Ill! " Cole's Livery Barn, Smtford, of M Ontario horns. Clyde: and Pet- cherons and some well mtchad t3uurss_of_trlneks, buys Ind greys. for auction sau of tum stock, hrspirr- menu and feed " Lot I, COIL IO, Blandford. 'S,'t,% the village of Briight,for_Jene M. .. . Mil-ch 19 (Tuesday) - Auction sale of 10 um with good buildings. home, implements And a Inge In of small “titles, 4 miles west of Bright, t mile east of Helrun chggchtfqr 85g; Hun-{bergen -- March 20 (Wednesday) ---Chrnr- iug auction sale of farm Itock, im- plements and feed at Lot 9, Con. tr, North “than, 6% miles north- west of New nmburg, 2 mile: want of I'hiiip+tmrafor Geog-go l. Perk. Much 29 (Friday) --The annual 'tol,',', home sale " Commercid otel yards. TIvistock. Parties hlving horses to sell, kindly list than with the auctioneer before tr,'gt.h 16 so they can be welt ndver- tae . WHEAT HARVEQT SMALLER Sydney. Nde.w.-4Ntielah, of ttgrri. cnuunl departments or the "Hon. gluten -t$ggttttet that the AuItrdlln wheat harvest for tho 1981-” all!!! will be "0,000.000'boher1tt, about 85,- 000,000 bin-hols less dun In nae-u. and the mane-t since the. 1928-29 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Kine] um dunghtor Beatrice, and Mn. ll. (him ten ot Erie. Penn, ware Saturday evening vleilom with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. CretrBtmttt. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Tabbed were Sunday Halters with Mr. and Mn. c. Tamer! ot Llnwood. COUNTY TREASURER’S SALE OF LANDS FOR TAXES COUNTY or WATllILoo Marci: 21 (Thunduy) - Clearing auction sale of farm stock, tmple- ments and feed st Lot 4. Con. s, Wellesley township. 1 36 miles south- east of St. Clements, 1% miles northeast of Bumbag. for G. E. Schultz. ', _ Messrs. M. Brenner mm A. use] were business violtom In Kitchener on Saturday. Much 22 1'ridapy-Ntrirstoekhr community sale at the Commercial Buns, of horses, cattle, t,',rigr,t,h try and implements. Parties wing any_urt§cles te elapleag bring in: Mrs. Wm Kittol mtertulnod the ladies lo u quimng on Wetlands: Mternoon. Persons“. Mr. Stanley bagel ot Mornington was a Sunday visitor at his home here. rMitm Helen Adam open! a use! with "lands in Hamilton. SMGOI'I MEGA“ M.l‘& Cal Talibvkl 0.. - m 8t% Ith I. 1.11. Wool-r -,",.."' Illa-ll Dav-Ila " P.-, Voil- Chrut, III-.- In ad." I“. " PM luau-UV I” R. R. I WALLENI'I'IIN BY v"mm OF A WARRANT Inn-d by the "all. II th- an” of Wan-doc and muck-Id by II. Soul " It. In“ Con-1y. hurl-g ht- th am a, o! Jun-n. I... and to no amend. tor tho null-ell.- ot tho urn-n cl "req. In. for lino your: an tho lad- Iotcl-nlur ”I“! III “flied. boll. In tho Canny " Wand... ull of which In“. In ”lo-hi. I - G3VE NOTICE "In“! to The Anon-all Act. that III...- Iho a“ lulu. - um Mt min to m pt“. t an» - M‘I'UIDAY the IIOHTII M a. lull. I“ at IE. but ot TWO o'clock In the all-ma... n tho Court "as. In (L- Clly cl was". proud to all by - and“ tho I.” but. on BO than “and. n my to III‘CICII " “mutant ..-ort--o.t.t---hm_ onl- llduw by the all An. LIMA-d“ Mon-Jun...- 'enretoplrteart.--..oe, Me I)... _ "rir'_"r.' _ IV. " Ill" man» or manor an... Pun B$-'tgt+C.,,,, Tr ' (irrq mm on... (inhumanr‘qunn lAWlLCMgII.._ on the can all Hamilton my. I nil. out of Gait, on Mr. and Mm. Chroma Klle. Emma. and Elm- and Mrs. J. B. III-1min were Sunday vhlmn with Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Slums. 'Mr. and In. E. J. Devin and sun Homer spent Sun-icy ntternoon with Mr, and him. Henry Becker. Pcmnalo. Mr. and Mm. James Betsey ot New Dundee spent Sand-y with Mr. and Mm. Joe Bulky. Mina Beatrice Richer! of Kimono: spent the weebortd at her home here. Miss Anson [Annual-gar 11d:- ed um. Mk0 Mice Stimson Sunny. Mr. Reuben Etry, Mildred and Stanley Etry visited with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Oswald on Sunday. Sunday and recent visitors " the home of Mr. and Mm. howl ‘Hallman were Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hanna). Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hellman. Mr, and arm. Ion-h any and children. Messrs. Occu- Summit-er, Ralph Harlock and Stewart Kara. Ming Harem Kllo spent Satur- day afternoon with Ella Ecken. Mr. Mnton-Schwindt returned to New Dundee where he is employed for the summer. Mr. and Mm. Amen. Kurt, not: and Gillian: and liar. and Mrs. Henry Kart were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Addison RIckert. Mr. Bert Backer! spent. Sunday Lr_rirrzzrr=-c-:.z-rz--r, under the parental root. ADVmIa You ILL. IN I‘ll Mr. and Mm. Alex Oswald and can)!!!“ " PAYS. To In Boid at the Davidson (an. LEiiiERE of high (rude hone. over brought to this section of the province. Iottly‘l’orcluronl one! Belgium. all young and Bound. Tor-n: Cull, unlea- otherwise unused previous to tsale. A. R. LINN. Auctioneer. 10-1 SATURDAY. MARCH 0th This in the beat eonrieatrnrnt J. BINGEMAN dk SON. " extra choice selected Females. young cows and heifers, wringing or fresh: excellent milk records. Be sure to see thh splendid lot of. cows. In bulls there are at: in " " splendid types and of serviceable age. Buy a bull with outstanding blood lines and where the selection In better than the ordlnery. PLAN ro " AY ButoMmGDALE, MARCH 13. Write for catalog-e. At the Farm at BLOOMINGDALE Wed., March 13, 1935 REDUCTION SALE Do") for.ot the "to-- Hlnh Cit. mm" or "Am “HIGH GRADE HORSES From the herd of JONAS BINGEMAN & SON, mam FULLY ACCREDITED DUAL PURPOSE Shorthorn Cattle At t in. R. R. No. 2. Waterloo. Sula “an. at 1.30 pm. than. " 4% " “our Kitchener III. “I! - Par-MAW“ Inn-tad It". Illa and " h t.ar..ntheKitet-rahsV ,mg.bettarkrsonrts-tu.-tt Th. following: '6---t Mull man. u - old; Iturk by man in 10-131 by horse, wed; [my man. " ”I. old; bay colt, timing 2 your. old.“ good one). Ctttk- Hot-min can In. 0.0 weeks; white Durham can duo in Mar, rod Durham cow duo in June; 2 Holstein cows due in April; 2 Holstein cows due in J on; Holdall: cow fresh with calf at foot; black cow due in October; Jone, so. due in Much; brindle cow do. in November; red Durham cow (In. in lurch; black cow fresh , months; blue cow due in October; pure-bred Holstein bull 10 months old; Ayr- shire bull rising 2 you: old; entf, mm weeks old. Implements - McCormick binder 6 ft. cut; John Deere mower; John Deere 10 ft. steel hay rake; Elmira hay loader; Maatsey-Rarris " a? seed drill; Many - Harris cu - voter; [and roller; 2 Henry single walking plows; seutBer; 2-1011" can; plow: Location iron harrow; set bob sleighn; wagon; combination hly and stock rack; I % horsepower go: engine; 1 double tuh washing mochine; set gravel planks. Pin - Yorkshire sow due in Mitch; 4 pigs about 125 lbs. each. Ie---" set team harness; let plough lumen; 1 single bun... Har, Chin and Root-too has. muncels; 600 bus. turnips; 150 ttus. good potatoes; about 100 bushel: barley; shout too bushels mixed gain; about 100 bushels of Early Musk. oats; 5 tons good mixed hay. No - a: the ptopriclor in daughter Alice called at we bane at Mr. and Mrs. C. Bowman Sunny evening. retiring from furl-i... Tenn - Cash on day of sale. EDEN BECHTEL. Proprietor. ADDISON S. SNIDER. Auctioneer Bridgcpprl. " Phone Kitchener 384'. OLIVER KOLB, Clerk. 10-1 THURSDAY, man I“ M I.” p.-. - Conn. on. "IA. I“! “It 3|.CI Audio-oar. 1.3 I 25.4323

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