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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 7 Mar 1935, p. 9

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'o/ll,',,),),,'.',',,'?,,',',,,?,',,,,',,','" AME " King St. W. a“. i y Mi “‘7 .iisod i"; Dried Beet Pulp - Hay - Straw - Com Distillers‘ Grain - Brewers' Grain - Gluten Feed " Church W. - ELMIRA, ONT. "rMdtmsortrtoad - WATEBDOO - Phone 110 WI”. LIMITED ”mm“ - "hMBNBR - M15“ " Will“- St. WATEIIIDO "- .84 WALL PAPERS and FLOOR COVER [NOS just arrived CHRIS. SCHEIFELE GREENHOUSE PM 'hl.’ - Cut Flower. - Flor-l Benign- Then is no more new: or effective way of wanna. augment than by sending shell-um. - KITCHENER - Phone 353 E. LANTZ MI. In W.- Doou all II"- “do... ttH M W. - WAmDO - Phone 708w Moron. and Janu' Cancun-lo he”!!! - "”‘..-...“" 'rrhFiiiRiri'"'aitu'idiia Te am“: -_.. 'tIAM-trt- . WAmmo " mu m Watch Your Budget! Eeonomizet amen-um in)” ---e- B-Hoeiom$ttYC+gtt.T0qteteero-autttgtoet Juahrt..aoitqPu-. LMmt8BMDAMttmBmtmt 'tHat-r-tstd-tstate-u-ted -.ee1rrgtete1ttu lamuyr-yd m KLllNCK'S LTD. Bring your MEN and DUCK EGGS to us and we will turn them into "Litmbie" Chicks and Ducklings at most reasonuble prices. For aim. Vila-r all on "diction, our III-lei.” will .mntu utiufulion. ALWAYS FRESHLY AND THOROUGHLY MIXED. For Maximum Milk Production 'he1.attim.roqattndaree-t.w-roat -rmr_dmrutrrttpa1dnret mayo-3d. cum. mud admit. or did the operator Even our than“ wave _ Can he had ""hPtertP'.'te that nothing harmful , In an . A " l Cut your Incl Ulla. rum?“ in Ugh-3nd. ward and. llhmrhb.clar.huln-onadlum a]. "h.moehh.rsumart.avt. Ga-tor-th.' by "on and.“ I! In tho host fool for you a Mn. "" by - at Ion. Pro-pt Dalian. 83:50 a? ttho l ""3155 JONES BEAUTY PARLOR FUEL - PAK Feed Yorr Gown; KLINCK'S t6'f PROTEIN D, KLINCK’S 24 rr; , - __ "Shimmy“ GUFGG aGGiiii. "F Giii o. “- WE: economy of 'dlrd'l" we...“ M When - of Inc-e grown grain u nv-ihblo. ‘. DERBECKER e. AND M. TRANSPORT LARGE SHIPMENT uwp‘nmuwe-L PAGEL HATCHERY N. B. HUNSBERGER IUILDIRI‘ IUPPLIII a dat solution of mmwoth no! other In! ApNeh.rftt glad thettrUHtmty, You'll III. tho "rind -t-t. Up Stair Store CUSTOM HATCHING "DAMN.“ manta-mum l‘muouclux- . mom-nun". and Mlllfeeds. We Also Oker KITCHENEI PROTEIN DAIRY FEED PROTEIN DAIRY FEED '" In“. Avo. - M “I WATIIIDO, ONT. or of , $5.00 " 810.00 Srui-l. S's-Eml- HID Phone IT " In a miter of record. that in 1856 a! the request ”Gabriel Hawks. brother at John Burke. tor whom the pioneer village wu named. tr map was we or the community try John Grant, 1 Provinclni lnnd conveyor. and an ambitious pinning nude tor streets, factory shoe. and church and school sites. To this hnrdy Idvenlurer the re- gion must have mm a undue. as the toreert was Med with game. deer, black squirrels, and in seasons myriad: of wild pigeons. The Cone» logo river and In; spring-fed tribu- tarlee teemed with great speckled trout. so there must. have been food "a plenty". Other settlers soon arrived to carve for themselves [arms oat of the primeval rarest by telling and burnlng the great trees. It was then hoped that some dly the village ml; t Ibecome the county seat, whlch h ever did not happen. as count at: are usually selected as near the treotrratrttieat realm an potnrthte, so in to has! nerve the con- venlence ot its cltlxeu. The village was delightfully kteat- ed. and it's growth was tandem“! rapid to minister to the needs or the aurmunding firming area. a. new settlers arrived. The "no, ot the Com-mo "Tor, and tho win-u men we. not much chum, but the bandin- tuned much smut. and the steep " not nearly to stoop or "trttoeott. In " once had boon. 'tita.r-tiaet00.mt8..tdita. as“ 'tMt.tthMs0aaMtrtB Bulb. not In“. a. “It "eMe6torSttah..tK.rttt-qe Hawk-tub. II “I. nu ttmd manna". mm Inna-labour” MallinllttI-ommw _eher-randeMttr,--tt- ty am: dtnttta “when. lu- nerly howl - WI hum. As near as an be gen-tuned from an Old Waterloo 6itittty His- tory. the Brat pioneer who settled on the site ot the present village. " rived in 1839. The fimt vploneers ot Huntsville were largely of English. Scotch and a tew at German and Pennsylvanla German descent, the major portion being English. . The moat noticeable change In In 'he residents ot the VIIII‘O. which seemed quite “and, u ordinarily even h: and] communio- more I. main some deuce-16mm. at the quo- neer Icahn. In Auxmt or "" I thlrd or 3 century that the ttrat visit. and " years alter the maul ot " mm- ily from Hawks-ville. the long looked tor opportunity cum. and with a brother and sister. the v1.11 was made. this time by automobile. Bur since that visit the trim planned that name day he would so back to and out It with the no sons for the change In population. mmmmmw Junuhoundwdotvmynm not ttfe-rea-ttttoe" In. only A com». of Man. II our mot £11"!qu um“. and homes. Early roads followed the old In- dlan trails. and Waterloo county la noted tor the eceentrieltiea of ith winding roads, which apparently go nowhere in particular. but somdmw manage to arrive. Looking at a mp ot Waterloo county, one wonder hr what process the Irregular boundary llnos were selected. After more than me your. ot settlement it all]! rem-In. one of the garden spots of Ontario, noted tor its tine farms. Ind the weapon-My or both Its urban and rural popula- tian. - The region about Hawkesvme soon became a prouperou. {arming section and the village nomad roll on {he way to become an Important centre. It had three churches. three un- oral atom. two woollen milk. "to tannerles, "to can-loge and won 'shops. two harness shops. two shoe shops. two hllchmlth shone. I drug store. flour mill, three holds-11“ ‘cnllod tavermg---tb bakery. 1 cheats factory, saw mill. paint shop, tin- smith shop, cahlnol moker’s drop )und a two-loomed school house. Waterloo county I. loam-i on a height ot lad about midway bot-eel Beard“ Buy and Mia Erie. and the entire county in won watered try the Grand river and It. trlhmurlu. or which the - II the Count togo. The cabinet maker was Mr. Earnest anklor tad lotus of the In. hand-made lumlture which he undo. In all" In use, ttmt having been up mustered In hnlr cloth. whlch I. well remembered by the writer for It’- Illppery lean. _ At the (Inc of in first settlement it "a covered with I which! Whlle Plac-Beoch-Mwlo (amt. I part or the hunting [round- al tho alllod [munch Indlm tribal. when. federation can!" In than In cut In now no lute or M York. - , arm: ”alumna an, a all“. -ertth.ae. mama-mum I“ a. .0 “at“ Thoett-iliey u alumna approxim- ately " miles northwest of Kitchen. or. m. county Beat or anioo county, The different settlement. of the county are "tsity Mutual-had u b their nationality traehtrrmtttds, by the mm" “an to the VIII-m can. Arr, Dual». Wttgtatrttmmt. Ind Wont loam”. and the town» “up ulna. of North sud south Dum- ftimr 01%?” Indian. Scotch with. Pro-ton, Linwood. trtrtrtfotd, an.» pure. Hawks-villa. an. and tho con-Mp - ot Won-toy. War urine and Woolwich no (We!!! mm, while Berna, t$trF, SB. don. Hawaiian. Bra-bu. New Hun- bnrl. at. Clam-Ill, It. Jam‘s. “a. pro ot Gem-n out“. A lam-hum: at tho - of mm 100 human llvlng In Hawk-villa 3nd an “been! (“In action 'ttr yarn no. main an and! III at tho old mm In" any Ltobo -m' 'vm' viva-rite» any a a rid-Aluminium“ A local celebrity was Andrew Ament. who became an expert tight rope performer. and on a have stretched germ the shoot tram the old postotrte to the building or pmrite. he would thrill the mall boy: by walklng forwards and “church. men an a climax standing on his head on the rope. Trotting noon on I. “night slrotch or xnvel road outside tho village. nhuys attracted - apec~ haters. The races were frequently followed by noisy drinking Mull with possibly a tttst tutht or two. It the village tlvernn. At night we were frequently aroused by the sounds of Dr. TM Vardon‘s taut troulng hone crooning the bridge over the creek as the Doctor hastened to who some patient out In the country _ The Hawkesville ot 1934, will scarcely rewzninhle as the VIII-go when: (mm 1810 to 18h my father, the late Tobit-s Schantz hid been I. (ll'lid'r' In the employ ot Thomas Wil- ,mn and Robert Mcmuoch. the you» no dttbt.d mm or. Munch by tom dun-mum mu. To. Mun“. or church to- icI-ls were (manually held. at! ‘aleighln; out!” can the mom- ‘youu people hunky out”. As the nood whittled amt school. of my. could Be teen below the (Inn trying to "can“! the Imam to spawn. Everyone who could Bnd a iUhttstt outitt ttoekad to the river banks to enjoy the ”In. On the two outstanding holiday- or the year. Mny Mth, the Queen's birthday. Ind July lat, Dominion Day, some excitement might a1wars be counted on. ' Only a for yum use. while walt- In; tor I wentbound C.P.R. twin at Gull, the writer culled on Dr. Var- don. Identilylng himself as a one time patient In Ha-ttter, in the early seventies, Ilia was delighted at herlntt renumbered and insisted that the next time I "and GAIL I would spend a day wlth him on the can course. He was then not so years or use, la apt-la; time tho bro-Ill; up of the Ice in the Conestoga. II. n Inoc- ucle worth seeing, u no. m or dinaritr peaceful am boom n raging yellow tormett I!“ with huge can. ot ice. uproot“ 11'... 'tttd occulonnlly m or building. During the nprlu (who: the that ttlied the valley from rim to run and for days the road new“ the valley might be under Inter and - able. “NONI-mu. The Empeyc. Woodwardc. Wat-om, McDonald», Morrtsomr, Robertson. J,l','ll'eht Petal-none. Val-dons, Me- Cullochn, Hughes. Ullyotm, Went. vars, Thomas, Winn; Stones. Boomernr, Buttes, Wilkinson, Bub Innis, and many other! no all some. Hawkeuvllle has mttrtrred with many other communities iron: the advent or the anmmdblle. which brings the county an to Kitchener within a halt noun-'2 rich by mm. in place or hours by home and buggy. Mu! M M a: m In “autumnal-vie. moth-unlock. I...“ lummmwun-m “a and cousin-amt). you; "OM-ttoat-_ Ithmummmwmd any muowmum Mytomnehud.tlkhthnm not "on mug-um hotn- unm. a “at -ltrtie - do. cu conducted “with!“ annuity-many“.- who a-“ {to-Mt. Truth-g The Unlted Brethren church in in which my lather lead the singing, pitchlng the tune with an old rm- ioued tuning fork, Is now a black- smith chop. _ A _ Tmtay there is on Union Church In place of the Presbyterian. Unit“ Brethren and Primitive Methodist Churches. - It i. still the ieestor or a ttne%rm. in; noctlon. but it's an to a. coil- tryllde nu long since cussed. Out at this Ml, quaint village have gone young people to become. artists. laws”. doctom, dentists, moretttutta, union. teachers. I. mt.- sionary, and may other men and women, who have male for mom- lolvea plus. ot Import-Inca In the outside srortd, but who owe their that apps-nuts In the world to Hawks-ville. The celebrity at the will-go m- eaty-an um In no 1!!ch ‘Pour mm. ”on! mutant, you, mutu- and -gst own-6101' for tho Vlll‘o. 'm. Non-or wombat wan Io Incest-NI In mull-In; . coup valance that be m able to any!” I colored continuum. n governs-I torl the daughters of the funny. u not" mold for the and] children. hm- maid. a nrdonsr. on well a clerk. for the Moro and annulus in the post out» Savor-l IOM had non than or. dinary “that: “any, and the“ bud- dlng goal-a tn qeH.tMsqd In the clever armour; of the <50th folks who lived In the country, villa do corned the white m M the old Vin-o lull. long cine. madam“. Under all: with“ halt, which vac mound on you, the "can! - found lhdul‘ from the m on. - wool, b . "minder or an (“away dip of Hugo-villa. Wm Wottdeqt - on with! qrqmtrgmttttqdtMtttaAt-ttt_, to mount-unlu- layman mount: with. mnum- Mu would on . am running tn no awn-Ito dirqetttt. can. m m mammnnumw an on“ m to mum HM an. - or in. Wanna”. aei.taBMt-%.ttt.stet A humid» ot lion-0| “or m. “in any law. ban-no not“ ty h_h thrilling - rim. Among an utntnet man. at the a”! of Ion; nu, no a. he. of an mil-cry of (new all all My? null an “33-3“ Ort nanny no: the writer's mo- ther who was the aunt living only resident ot ankmnle, mud may " the rlpe use ot 9459 years. She '13 born Mary Mayer, and married To- bias Salaam: in 1863. Next In use of the living pioneer residents is the widow of Rev. A. N. Somens. ot WesNtormmtt. Mm. Mrs. Sewers was Miss Bale Woodward. She was the ttmt existent principal lo the public school in Howiewlllo. and celebrated her Slot birthday in April 1934. She was mrmorty Mrs. George Green or Elmira. and In the lust eurvivlng member ot the original Woodward ttunity. List of _ of Early Boulder“. M Hawkeevllle. Alumna. August, general store, un- smith; Ament. Andrew. tlghbrope walker; Ament. Jonah, former: An- ldemon, Alexander: Ball, Nicholas. shoemaker; Ballard. B, J., mutt; Ballard; Halley. Samuel, weaver; Bond. James. carriage and wagon imaker: Boomer. William. former: Bechtel. Manon. reterlnlry; Bricker. Jacob. tanner; Burke. black-mint; Carter. durum: Cornell. Willi-m. Warmer; Crunch-hank. Robertson. ‘school teacher; Cunningham. Nelson. taller; Dielonbocher. George Sn. marriage and wagon maker; muon- bacher. George Jr.. cardiac and we. J',",', maker: Deming-3r. Peter. black- smlth;- Dietrich, Nicholas. Tuvern keeper; Elleeley. D. W., general mer- chant; Empey. M. P.. general mob chant. postmaster. "tlttarty counsel- lor; Donald. Darla; Donald. Fred; Fox-well. George. hotel keeper: For- well. Joseph, hotel keeper; My. Henry, 'loreman at woollen mill; Frey. Levi B.; Glnomy. (enroll store: Geiger, Tevern keeper: l Gloeckler: Hahn..Goorse Jr.; Hahn. George Sr.; Hall. James. genenI‘ 'store, ehoemker; Rourke. Gabriel, farmer; Harrie. John: Howie. ( Lount, clerk in Empey's store; Howie. Walter; Hughes. George, far. mer; Hughes. Jeremiah 13.. tanner. blacksmith: linemen George. tailor; Huefner. Peter., tailor; Hllborn. Joshua. shoemaker. tanner; Hllborn. William, dragttist; miner. Fred. farmer. III-smith; Laekner, wir Pun, card-go end wagon maker: banner, Emmanuel; new". Goo. P.; Leaner. Fred Jr. farmer: Loom. 511mm. doctor: Lad-wk. Albert. carpenter. [urnlture miter; Ludwig, Churlee.. cooper; McAulner. Alem- der; McCulloch. Hugh. woollen all]; McCulloch. Robert. woollen mill; MeCatehaon; McDonald. Thom". carpenter; Markham. Thoma; Moors George: Morrlmn. Roberloon. general uoro. pedometer; Muir, J. M., echnol teacher; Oates. John. tin- mnlth: Otlmon. Alvin. toddler; Ott- nnn. John. 'tadd%r, plenum»; Parson. gttttn, tanner. hum, tailor; Peterson. 'Chlrles. generol were: Petenon. Wllllem. turner; Robert- son. John, tumor; Schultz. Tobin. ml'ller; Scott. John, rerun-n " wooL In all]; Shelley. Alvin. null-r; Shelley. "cob. proprlelor of nengr mm: Slime. Jamel. tamer; Snider. menu, tsatrfttet maker; lee.) Sydney. farmer; Somenllle. Alex-n- der. blackemltll; Spiel. Fred; Btelu. John. hold keeper; Stone. Ahljeh. none; Stone. B. a. W.; Tanner. Currie. turner and voter-then; Ten- _ nor. John, tanner and "um-u: ' “omen, Jenna; map-on. Rich- , ord. Moniker. former: 011nm. Dr., , doctor; Vet-don. Dr. Thom! W., doc- ' tor; Vernon. Dr. Willem. doctor: l Well-on. Thom-e, hole! keeper; Wei. » denhelmar. doctor; Weber. norm]. 1 former: Weber. L. K., turner; Well!- t var. clue-tar. udder; “mun-on. , Thoma. (other: Wlleon. “our... I - of flour mlll;-’ Winn. . 0.; l Winn. been. tat-chum and (armor: Winn, Joanne. former: Wlnn. - . rm; Winn. Steven. turner; Wood- ' word. Albert P.. doctor; Woodward. ' Meter G., teacher. mum; _ Mum. Milan tr, (Armor. pm: a my of It. m m lionhmn‘ooldtrhmito In“ also tMt m val-go. Luna". sum. Winn. Banana. and any when. A (or of the younger gm non hue null roamed their "ttd home- or hue march-nod "all houses md Canned tor qqlrtTrtq. MIT; and warmth. On t the was! brillum men of the second generation "I the ht. Dr. Henry o. minor ot Kitchener who not only beams . Min: of not. but. um um Mayor of m- - ed homo. and die member of tho 0n- tarto Leglnhturo. luck of no dam hero given wa- rturnbhotl tho wTttarr by Mm. Laura M. Lucille:- at Kitch- ener, wife ot 000“. P. (Actual: to whom he ls greatly Mental. An interesting coincidence I" db- eovored‘hot August, when the writer called at the home of Mr. tad In. which which was that their ton Dr. W. S. ‘IAcknor. h a practicing dembt and a rancher In Tucson, Arr mn when the writer's um con-III Dr. Humor Lenny Shams. in push dent ot the State University. be“ “in . um can But thq 3m that lay you! too 'ri-tti-ttit-O- manual-numbn- It“... Wallet-d 'UioetaNq nut-NW!- W-oubr m. An sum-loo company not. out. A $1.000 sealant policy in the an. a on. land John-on. Minn. which who.” pic-pay tor a low ”on, "f0eettr any“. The com- pany. an: and". a M dam mica. noun-l this "Mr.-- Pu-ttr-lets-ere, In. mall.- on In. no Mt Mummmmnum -" W‘LL. WILL! t hoover: ; Hum. swam Gabriel, geld!“ _ , _ . _ " . --- - “I I. .. IN Queen 8. - KITCHENER - Plum --rhrthutisahfatterot Ymwotoschoiee--- . . . . that's what ,ptiatud customer: cell our away- and m of (reel- itowems. Selected with are from our own - morning. Downing Sam’s ttowem are churning. and exquisite in perfume. Seagram. riarriturBridiar ' r', /,:,"' Rot-ii Store: ’Grunhom: 86 King St. W.. Phone 1800 Wk Bt. um- Kltelunor Pinon 762 -- Hal-born}! lb- Flodau Tm Douro-1 Sonic. - twprrttrimotm HAIR REMOVED PERMANENTLY There in no Ingenuity to develop In lulu-in mph: beams of {will blemishes. Expat operator. nudge W neudle will tamed, that akin trouble. F Wet-s-ttqt-i-Neal-tttedt-. OtBeg Hours: 9 to " um; [.80 to 3 Pan. Evenings by appointment. Print. on“: Room T, above Bank of Col-noun. Kites-. . Phone: 05:. " Milo-e. 1481': " Vidal. St. s. " - emotion“ in moving and tun-luring new (cot and mammal-e. t-Tott to Ill-Ton Track: a your ducal. Hold Your Next Party Hera Do you got " Eat. to the mile? 528 chmu STIIII' iEiiib RE}! G' " OUIIN I. KITCHINIR PHONE “I. DANCING EVERY EVENING TO “TRAIL’S END" 0mm DOWNING. STEEN Superior memorials Ensemble Ram Ratz =. Bechtel FUNERAL SERVICE FINEST IMPORTED GRANITES Reasonable chutes without reducing quality, service or equipment. [DNG DISTANCE AND 100A]. MOVING COMMERCIAL REPRODUCTIONS OF THE HIGHEST QUALITY Two lam ballroom. with the but dune: noon. Commodlom dining room Ind hour... room; MACPHAIL ENGRAVING A. H. FOELL AND eo. TRANSPORT TRAIL’S END HOTEL CONIITOCO bounty to all we. of the ruin-cm}; movement‘s“!- Rmueoraud and 1-:an throughout. MODERN PRIVATE CHAPEIS Floral Masterpieces FINN EQUIPMENT Oomph!“ Brrttrathntie Service. with“ KITC HENER FLORISTS WATIEOO Reg. “Monument: of DWI” Phone Elmin "ihe 2041

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