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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Feb 1935, p. 4

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x Largeâ€"Size Coats othe Mr. and Mrs.â€"Israel B. Martin of Kitchener attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Aaron H. Wideman fast Sunday afternoon. Mr. Joseph Gingrich was taken to a Kitchener hospital on Friday. Miss Helen Gates was enjoying a few days this week with friends in Kitchener., Mesers. Ieingmunger, J. Birmingâ€" ham and J. Runstedler were recent visitors from Crosshill with Mr. and Mre. Andrew Bach and family. Mr. lerae! Brubacher returned home from the K.â€"W. Hospital early Miss Sarah Frey is spending a couple of weeks with Mre. M. M. Weber of East Linwood. Mr. and ‘Mre. John M. Martin were last week Tuesday visitors with Mr. and Mre. Frank Guthrie of Guelph. Mr. Manasseh M. Martin was a Thursday visitor in the Twin City. Mr, and Mrs. Henry S. Bauman moved into their East Wallenstein residence last Thursday. Vicinity Visitors. â€" Several visiting skaters attended the recent skating party, staged amidet the openair winter festoonâ€" eries of crystalâ€"floored "Mud Turtle Mennonite Church banns were reâ€" cently announced for Mr. lerael C. Martin and Miss Viola Lichty, and also for Mr. Melvin H. Martin and Miss Lydian Snider. P A lone herring gull was seen hoverâ€" ing about over the countryside in the warm, sunpny atmosphere last Thursday. Mr. Christian F. Martin‘s new reslâ€" donce is being rapidly rebuilt on the site of the former one, which was deâ€" stroyed by fire about two weeks ago. Starlings are again returning to this neighborhood in flocks and their reappearance in this social way is an indication of prevailing mild weaâ€" ther and an early spring. One of the largest funerals ever held in this locality was that of the late Mre. Aaron H. Wideman last Sunday afternoon. (Continued from Page 1) exceedingly severe weather of last A ie im i snn n nc sc ts "â€" --' ’?"‘,Wr T5 *A & j i' p-rfl ON Tus QUsEN 3T. FLOOR â€"â€" Any Winter Hat free with _ || .. (roopines won Po the purchase of any coat or dress over ten dollars. ‘“-&fl SIZE 41} â€" reduced from $21.00 to $15.75 â€" black with ‘platinum grey French Beaver. G O U D IE S SIZE 46 â€"â€" reduced from $29.50 to $22.50 â€" black with SIZE 24% â€"â€" reduced from $29.50 to $22.50 â€" brown with SIZES 42 AND 44 * reduced from $19.50 to $14.50 â€" black with French Seal. WALLENSTEIN $8,893,568.31 ESTATES, TRUST AND AGENCY ACCOUNT Cash on hand and in banks ................ Stocks and accrued dividends.............. Intereat due and accrued Interest due and accrued Dominion and Provincial Government Bonds ... Dominion and Provincial Gov‘t Guar. Bonds .... Canadian Municipal Other Bonds and Debenâ€" GUARANTEED TRUST ACCOUNT Mortgages (includin Axnemu(mcfor !nlo, uzg,ou,_ covering m ::'X I-g‘“:.u .‘: 5".'5. Advances to Estates under adminis ETBEOTM: ...20.0e000ene en n en neenrenvevencncceneners Cash on hand and in banks.................. Due from Guaranteed Trust Account.. Canadian Municipal Bonds 21,622.44 Other Bonds and Debenâ€" #. MYBER .sscccee en cininmmmmecmiccs + ©71,008. 7B Stocks and Accrued Diviâ€" Other Real EBtate................................. Demand Loans Against Securities...... Dominion and Provincial _ Government Bonds..........$50,517.10 CAPITAL ACCOUNT Office Prenmises, Waterloo and Kitchâ€" ener, including Safe Deposit Vault, etc., and fixtures, Galt and Presâ€" p;'â€"‘z"',._â€"_':::-::....- Kitchener‘s Enlarged Department Store dends ..... TWENTYâ€"SECOND ANNUAL REPORT truthene t nbees reet n rnnnnn8 seneenanne ennner cnen The Waterloo Trust and Savings Company Presents their _ ....$5,018,037.53 St. Louis Hall in Waterico was crowded to capacity when the Y. P. S. of the St. Joseph‘s Church in Hamâ€" ilton, put on the threeâ€"act comedy entitled "Horse Shy". Rev. W. B. Mayer, former pastor of the Waterâ€" loo Church accompanied the group. A social hour followed the play. ASSETS BROTHERS GET THREE MONTHS FOR THEFT Magietrate Weir in Police Court dn Wednesday sentenced Leonard Lamâ€" ka aged 18, and his brother Clifford, 17, found guilty of stealing gloves and scarfs from a cloakroom at a religious meeting recently to three months in the Ontario Reformatory and three months thereafter indeterâ€" minate. ' «_________Z_ oll’hd:e country. t'!'o arltl:iw Hhore able concessions to certain municiâ€" FERNBANK palities, overburdened temronrily * Ts . with difficulties of unemployment Mr. and Mrs. David Reid and{ang relief may be quite necessary. family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. JaCk | But to have them take advantage of and son of Newton called on Mr.|sucn temporary disability by reâ€" and ‘Mrs. Wm. Gordon on Friday udiating contracts to pay, which Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Streicher and {_d su dly been honesgy iven, son Lorne of Poole and Mr. Allan |ang wflcb the holders of suci deâ€" and Miss Clara w'g:" visited with |bentures had accepted in good faith, Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Roth on Sund@y |and based ‘their own contracts Acâ€" Quite a number of this locality cordingly, would have a most disâ€" attended the funeral of the late|yurping effect on credit in general. Peter W. Glennie on Monday For instance, Trust Companies and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Stemmler{other institutions might have numâ€" sgent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.|erous contracts to pay at certain “fi‘“' Stemmler of Dorking. rates. It might be very nice, by r. and Mrs. Sam Gordon and[reason of low yields on Governâ€" ie ho ts Ch n on anbent prprente c3 de daughter spent Sur j mediately drop those rates, but con. Misses Irma and Viola Roth spent Sunday at the home of their parents. __Misses Dorothy and Laura Riddel of North Mornington called on Mrs. Herb. Stemmler on Monday Mr. and Mrs. David Reid and family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Jack and son of Newton called on Mr. and ‘Mrs. Wm. Gordon on Friday Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Streicher and son Lorne of Poole and Mr. Allan and Miss Clara W-g:r visited with Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Roth on Sunday Qui_te_ a number of this locality f his mother. Mre. W. Tyack _ @xample of the disturbing sugâ€" “:" se ‘:' Nire: T. of s ‘bés gestions referred to might be found r. Louis Germaine Que in the present -.z:l;htion on the part sDent the weekâ€"end in visiting 86Yâ€" of certain officials to have a drastie eral homes in this vicinity. ireduction in municipal interest Mrs. Eli‘B. Frey and Mre. Martin rates, some going to the length that M. Bowman and daughter Alma epent ‘present contracts should be cut in last Thursday in the m City. _ ;two, without properly considering Mr. Calvin Tyack of Hamilton is spending a few weeks at the home of his mother. Mre. W. Tyack. visited Mr. and Mre. Amos ‘Baker of drastic action would probably react Kitchener. !dgtr}_mentally_ to the whole interests HAMILTON Y. P. 8; STAGE PLAY ..... 4,044.80 Mr. Nat 157,664.27 279,891.06 1,380,020.29 298,770.89 168,819.79 71,298.75 811.16 $14,186,135.42 $ 514448.50 $1,447,879.89 106,541.338 196 /281:80 3,140,487.88 2,711,246.51 29,801.88 56,181,857.32 Assets and Liabilities : 78,109.91 399,047.74 347,883.12 50,097.70 19,460.26 $4,908.84 250,000.00 204,067.81 260,682.52 280,780.14 December 3i1st, 1934 experienced bdy municipalities, corâ€" porations and individuals during depressed times, become eased. As a result, therefore, any violation and undue adjustments in contracts which are made to cover a period of‘ years, might result in unfavorâ€" able consequences. We doubt if this particular feature of presentâ€"day agitation will develos far, as good sense and understanding will probâ€" ably prevail. But it goes to instance the point we have been arguing, that dangerous remedies ment and other securities, to imâ€" mediately drop those rates, but conâ€" tracts have been given for certain definite periods, and such companies could not justifiably break them. So we can see the unfair and disturbâ€" ing attitude of those who clamour for drastic readjustment not only for the present, but for the future, when they have no idea as to just what the future will bring forth. The past has always shown that as business revives and money is reâ€" gnired in greater volume for inâ€" lustrial and building expansion, that interest rates rise Eroporfion- ately, and that much of the troubles everybody ssemed possemed of suf. ficient medical authority to properly Similarly, in a period of business on um in o oi depression we have something of the same mtun.. Al'l'm “Il&“ adâ€" vice and wonderful panaceas for the public good are presented with all against future recurrences of such depressions, their npgle-tion in most instances, duri e period of industrial illness, mfit well retard the forces of natural mmemflfl: which pooxl: feel are ing headâ€" way and should continue so. A fair Trust Funds for Investment.............$ 1,185,844.10 Advances from Capital Funds............ 19,460.26 Inventory Value of Unrealized Esâ€" $8,893,668.31 ESTATES, TRUST AND AGENCY ACCOUNT Trust Depo#ite â€"........â€"sâ€":s2.00m0..0. Advances from Capital Funds... GUARANTEED TRUST ACCOUNT General Guaranteed Investment Reâ€" Capital Paidâ€"up ..............__...__..._.........$1,000,000.00 General Reserve ..............._.................... _ 200,000.00 Investment Reserve .............................. 200,000.00 Dividend declared (Paid Jan. 2, 1935) 25,000.00 Profit &NG 1LO88..................ll.lsclzsliclll> 14,168.25 Proviston fOr TAXE® ...............cc..cn.s..: 8,711.64 CAPITAL ACCOUNT ceipts ... LIABILITIES of possible George Dopp ‘The funeral ofcthe late George Dopp. who passed away in his 80th year at his home on Saturday mornâ€" ing, was held in Preston from his late residence, with mass at the St. Clemâ€" ent‘s R.°C. Church. Interment was made in the R. C. cemetery. Miss Clara Ward There passed away at her home in Kitchener on ‘Tuesday efternoon Miss Clara Ward in her 77th year. She had been in her usual health up until five weeks ago when she took il1, her condition becoming gradually worse resulting in her death. * She is survived by one brother James of Kitchener and two sisters, Misses Agnes and Ebba Ward of Kitchener. The funeral will be held on Friday morning at 9 a.m. from her late home, 158 Weber street east, Kitchâ€" ener Mrs. Helen Lacknor The death occurred on Tuesday at her home, Abrens St., West, Kitchenâ€" er of Mreé. Helen Allister Meckie Lackner, widow of the late Dr. H. G. Lackner of Kitchener, former Conâ€" servative member in the Ontario Legislature, in her 85th year. She was born in Kitchener, > The funerel wil be held on Friday afternoon from her late residence, 12 Ahrens street west, at 2 p.m. Serâ€" vice will be private. Burlal will take place in Mount Hope Cemetery. Surviving are her son, Dr. Harry Lackner of Kitchener and daughter Mae, Mre. Mulford, and two grandâ€" children, Dr. Allister Lackner |of Toronto and John Mulford. applied and set up, . w-.....a..'..‘i splendid business at Waterloo lt’hi'gn-"’â€"_-‘â€"l;u Our| ‘The defence in the case vollapsed Company ml-flr.ndzmuymmmmm zt-buh- for 1936, has so far two detectives from Conrington, Kenâ€" well sustained, ‘with every tucky, who were jn London to testify probability of increase totals for the m'm n’nhu‘.flu end of the year. arniing? gorr ineOvrepimenr fipupany y yon .. . _ Fribute to Steff It 1:0. pleasure zam once more tribute # 9!,!91,-',5" amongst officers and staff .....$8,751,396.09 l.... 4,392,167.92 $14,186,735.42 $4,295,892.22 $1,447,879.89 3,140,487.86 250,000.00 Obituary Aim. us P h S _ Messra. Clayton Logel and Sylâ€" vester Gruber t Monday evening with friends -2‘ Burns. * Te catly paorrer the sok " _ _ Messra. Clayton Logel and former‘s mm, the late Mrs. Wray of _ Mr. Emery Rennie of Glenallan Mr. Clarence Logel was a business visitor at Lebanon last Thursday. Mesers. Ross, William and Ronald MacPherson were Sunday visitors _ Miss Reta McDonald of Tralee was a weekâ€"end visitor at the home of Mr. Walter Adam. Elmira on Monday. Sight Lone Deer. On Saturday a lone deer passed thmmu locality, coming from the on of Glenallan, crossing the townâ€"line about a halfâ€"mile west of Macton and di-;m)'ured in the nearby woodlots. is the first deer seen loull‘ for several years. A large number of people from this locality attended the fair in Brownâ€"At St. Joseph‘s Hospital, Toâ€" ronto, Feb. 6, to Mrs. Reta Brown and the fate James Brown, nee Reta â€"Reid, New Hamburg, a daughâ€" | _ ter. |Gerberâ€"At New Hamburg, Feb. 6, to Mr. and Mre. C. W. Gerber, a daughter. McPhailâ€"At K.â€"W. Hospital, Feb. 7, to Mr. and Mre.C. G. McPhall, 221 Lydia St., Kitchener, a daughter. | Kennelâ€"At Wellesley, Feb. 7. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Kennel, a son, I Polzinâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital, Feb. | 7, to Mr. and Mre. Everett Polzin.l Weber St., Kitchener, a daughter. | Martinâ€"At Foradale, Feb. 4, to Mr. and Mrs. Josiah G. Martin, a son. | .HMannuschâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital J Feb. 7, to Mr. and Mre. Elmer Hanâ€" _ nuech, Blair, a son. e , R. R. 1 WALLENSTEIN | city at the time of the crime, auddenâ€" | [% Mr"D5¢d Dy the Ligh | ty ammuummmmb’ m fâ€"apradet es returned home after they had failed | °%%°Dbly room of the b Ritterâ€"At Floradale, Feb. 11, to ‘i Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Ritter, a _ _son, Stumpfâ€"At Kitchener, Feb. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Stumpf, a son. Kochâ€"At Kitchener, Feb. 13, to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Koch, a son. Burtâ€"At Kitchener, Feb. 12, to Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Burt, a daughter. Herteisâ€"At Kitchener, Feb. 12, to Mr and Mrs. Alfred Herteis, a son (stillborn). Baumanâ€"At Floradale, Feb. 7, to Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Bauman, & daughter. Cressman â€" At Southwest Wilmot, Feb. 10, to Mr. and Mre. Zenes Cressman, a son. Frederickâ€"At St. Mary‘s Hospital, Feb. 11, to Mr. and Mrs. Rdward Frederick, Weber St., Kitchener, a daughter. Boshartâ€"At St. Agathe, Feb. 8, to Mr. and Mre. Milton Boshart, a son, Baumanâ€"At R.R. 2, Potersburg, Feb. The St. John‘s Young Men‘s Choir held their first annuat meeting at the Old ‘Mill tea room recently. The exeâ€" cutive committee was appointed as follows: Lester Timm â€" Howard Scheifele and Clarence Henrich. Durâ€" ing the course of the event, Mrs. Gus, Schmidt, director, was made the reâ€" cipient of a gift on behalft of the choir in appreciation of h@r services. The bill aimed at a limitation and lowering of interest rates generally and a limitation of Interest rates on mortgage io four per cent. After some discuesion It was given second reading and referre dto the banking committee. tlary was the sentence 4 upon : by their triends in Kit A plea for the forgotten man in Canada‘s industrial towne and cities and particularly those in Kitchener was made in the House of Commons Tuesday night by Hon. W. D. Euler. Liberal member for North Waterloo, when he supported a bill sponsored by George C. Coote, U.F.A. member for MacLeod, to amend the Interest Act. to "ahake down" Defence Attorney Bell, KC., M.P.. of Hamilton for their Euler Supports Amendment to Interest Act Ontario brower last August.‘ Senâ€"‘ tence was pasaed last Thureday after ; the country to the eouth.\ have included lashes, Mr. Justice MoPariand said, had it not been‘ for the prisoner‘s poor health. prakidtatiiiith dn an ts M Acpc cce 4041 c 1 9, to Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Bavâ€" CHOIR ENTERTAINED rel Henry of West l_!!:l?t&kedlw on the line Musser, had the misfortune to fall on the ice on Sunday and fracture the large bone of his leg between the ankle and knee. An increase of .85 of a mill in the Publicâ€"School Board tax rate was announced by the secretary on Wedâ€" nesday, making the net rate 13 1â€"10 mills on the dollar. The expenditures for the current year were estimated at $73,495.38, while in 1934 they were slightly less. Only $70,004.53 wil} be asked for from the Waterloo town council, however, holiday in Nassau. * Miss Fiorence Schneider, popular brideâ€"elect, whose marriage is to take ‘place this month, was the guest of honor at a charmingly arranged parâ€" | ty arranged by the Lighthouse Club ythe guest of her sister, Mrs. Snyder and Mr. H. Suyder at Freeport and ia brother, Mr. Wred W. Snider of We A wide circle of friends of exâ€" Mayor W. W. Frickey, Waterloo‘s popular auctioneer, will be pleased to Jearn he has fully recovered from A severe attack of influenza, which confined him to his house for some time. Mr. Stuart Hastings, Secretaryâ€" Treasurer of the North Blenheim Insurance Co., and Mr. A. R. G. Smith, Director, attended the annual meeting of the North Waterloo Farmers‘ Mutual Fire Insurance Co. held in Waterl‘oo on Tuesday. PUBLIC SCHOOL MILL RATE UP Mrs. Carl Sorensen of South Haâ€" ven, Mich., is visiting her parents, at the home of her brother, Mr. Charles Bolduc. Bricker, Ave., Waterloo. Her father has been serfously ill for some time. TerrAzzo aAnp TiLsz Comrany 71 Queen Street 8. â€" KITCHENER . Phone .Mr. E. C. Lantz, local sales manâ€" ager of Packaged Fuels, is confined to Westminster Hospital at London following a sudden illness. The home of Mrs. Cora Snlder,vgfl'“"tfige of live stock and hall exâ€" Mansion St., Kitchener, was thehibits was roundly condemned by scene of an interesting event reâ€"} both the Superintendent and the cently when a number of friends | Minister_ of Agriculture, Hon. and relatives assembled there and | PUN¢*" Marshall. tendered a grocery shower in honor‘ â€" The matter of fair dates has been of‘Mre. Snider‘s daughter, Miss Pear| 4 Seri0us problem and probably the Snider, popular brideâ€"elect of this ; Act will be revised to give final month. | authority. Miss Helen Roos entertained at a charmingly arrariged bon yoyage dinâ€" ner party at the Good Companions‘ tea room Waterloo, recently, in honor Oof Milss Florence iMuelier and Miss Irla Mueller, Young St., Waterloo, who leave shortly to spend the reâ€" mainder of the winter months in the West Indies. ; of the Ontario Equitable Life in the assembly room of the building Friâ€" day night. © * Mre. A. C: Hallman, 195 Weber E., Kitchener, is confined to her home as a result of a fall in which she sufâ€" fered injuries to her shoulder. Mr. John Fergueon, King St. S., Waterloo, is 111 at the K.â€"W. hospital. Dr. Shenstone, noted Toronto eurâ€" geon, performed a successful operaâ€" tion and Mr. Ferguson‘s Twin City friends are pleased to learr that he is progressing favorably. Mrs. C. T. Noecker and Miss Eloise Noecker, Albert St., Waterloo, have left for Florida where they will «pend the remainder of the winter. We have a beautiful selection of Greplace equipment such uculhn..uldhu.plquo‘.nmu.mfiumbn.h baskets, swedich or brass firesets, firoplace fenders, etc. And all lines of FIREPLACE FURNISHINGS are Smith Manufacturing Co. Dept. B, 536 King St., Preston, Ont Established 1893. acrhéh‘ l.v'-fl-."i;"i..m:in;: o elastic. No steel. Light. Inexâ€" pemsive. Write for ilustrated booklet King St. W. â€" Phone 3650 â€" 234â€"HUDSON Coach. ’31â€"â€"HUPuomLE Sedan. ’30â€"-HIJDSON Sedan. ’29â€"8TUDEBAKER Sedan. *Ifâ€"PONTIAC Sedan. HUDSONâ€"Terraplane Mr. cad Mra Sime A price to suit every purse. ; Fireseta .............. $4.00 up Fire Baskets ........ $4.00 up Fire Boxes ........ $10.50 up Andirons ‘.............. $3.78 up The BERNARDO Let us show you our fine stock! RUPTURE D ? D OB BINS Fireplaces ruiif-“ici.‘i‘ will eall for a‘ *3â€"ESSEX Sedan. °9]â€"BUICK Coupe. *PQâ€"VIKING Sedan. ’27â€"STAR Sedan. *7â€"PONTIAC Coach. i The usual banquet was a | by about 500. It was held on {day evening. Hon. Duncan |and several members of parliami@@nt | were in attendance. The civic come was extended by Con Hunt owing to the una e absence of Mayor James Simj â€" Hnmficmi?teo’ ln‘x;ne inister o i » and Dr. Christie, president of 'g: Ontario Agricultural College, w the features of the evening. Hon. . Duncan Marshall announced thit while he had to lop off $400,000 from his department, the grants to agricultural societies would not be lowered. For many years the total amoun: for the grants was $75,000. When Hon. Geo. Henry was Minister of Agriculture it was increased to} $35,000 and two years ago reduced fl to $65,000. \ _ The address by Mrs. William ! Elliott of Galt on “Bln'ldi'niUp of : Women‘s Sections by Local Exhibitâ€" | ors" containe:l‘ a ver;'fi i¢:mnl:}.i‘:ncltt- {ary paragraph regarding exâ€" ‘hibits of the Women‘s Institute ;nnes be shown in uniform sack. aris _ Agricultural Society purâ€" chased white bags at 15 cents each with the society name stencilled on the bag. The exhibitor is charged for the bag and allowed to take it away. The payment of the prizes of the trials of speed in full and only a gercentage of live stock and hall exâ€" ibits was roundly condemned by both the Superintendent and the in lugifl.tign fii; Exhibition Convention Psho.......\ho-m-.hl Ginghame, 36 in. wide, 28¢ Shirtings .. From 27¢ to 38e GERMANN‘S CHEAP STORE basins or sap buckets, and arâ€" 96 HING W.. KITCHENER STEELE‘S§ (Continued from Page 1) W A T E R L OO Opp. Post Office it announced lt > lop off $400,000 ment, the grants to eties would not be rs the total amoun ras $75,000. When y was Minister of was increased to years ago reduced | 1 +5

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