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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 14 Feb 1935, p. 9

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ay Eggs â€" Buttermilk Prompt home delivery daily. May we serve you" Phone Kitchener 731 r 2 BRIDGEPORT sUPERTEST GAS. _ â€" _ OIL Lubricaging Antiâ€"Freeze Headquarters for wise motorâ€" ists who want the best in gasoâ€" line and oil, but who also insist on economy. _ 136 King N. â€" Phone 126 Waterloo, Ont. WHITE HOUSE SERVICE | Shoes, Reg. $450 Women‘s bl._ck calf Tie with I;l::k :‘nge trim. > $2.95 Reg. $4.50 ... Women‘s brown calf Tie with brown suede trim. Cuban heel. Tie, GRAND VIEW DAIRY _ 114 King S. â€" . Phone 399 WATERLOO JACOB RAHN TRU SS ES HODGIN‘S BEAUTY SHOP SHOoEs Women‘s black kid Tie Arch 33 King East â€" Phone 2799 Kitchener Women‘s brown crushed kid All sizes, 4 to 8. A and C widths. Let us design a new coiffure for you. Marcelling . Manicuring Scalp Treatments You have to dress your PHONE 2055 938 King W. â€" Kitchener hair in accordance with the newest modes. Our soft, face â€" framing permanents are modern to the minute. Our â€" Delivery â€" Service Quality of Merchandise cannot be beat. GIVE US A TRIAL If you cannot get satisfacâ€" tion at your dealer, give us a trial. FRUIT VEGETABLES Domestic â€" Imported A. COHENCIOUS Reg. $4.50 â€"â€"â€"â€" $2.05 PERMANENTS Of Individuality and Distinctiveness. JOSEPH FACKOURY A Complete Stock of HORN‘S BROS. TRUSSES sUITABLE FOR ANY KIND OF RUPTURE. Prevent _ yourself _ from to ht you. WE HAVE THE EXAMINATION e Orders Promptly Attended To. â€" $2.95 $2.95 Aw c ins v o anl party to her. ‘The tamily are for their new home north of party io nor. EHe id * M TL O ULs ‘ Anar P PC OOE TB P tfor their new home north of Kimira opened by singing the; ree in a few wooks. Anflq~-|=: Ode and | repesting u'm P ohor the rexular meetifg. MYS.|Lord‘s prayer in unison. After the of Baden, Rev. Mrs. Whitchedd Speaks On nn-b-s‘ ‘The Y.P.S. met at the home of Harvey Wmdb on Friday night with a good attendance. RolH call was unswered with the name of your faâ€" vorite Hymn. Mrs. Whitehead gave a topic on "Northern .Ontario Misâ€" sion«". .This was followed with a spelling match using names of New Ontario towns and villages. After a tew games the meeting adjourned. Remember the Y.P.8. Valentine soâ€" ‘rial at Mr. Hugh Wood‘s next Fri day. Feb. 15th. On Feb. 17th a temperance pge aut will be presented by a number of our young people, immediately arter Sunday School. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Mrs. Geo. Sherriffs who pissed away at the home of her daughter in Vancouver. The service was held in the Presbyterian Church at Winterbourne with Rev. Mr. Little in charge. Rev. Mr. Hamilton of Gueiph, former pastor of the deâ€" veased preached the sermon. j Personals. ‘Mr. and Mrée: Chas. Marriott enterâ€" tained a number of their friends on Saturday evening. Our sawyer, W. J. Letson is hayâ€" ing his engine overhauled at the mill «nd expects to have the mill running in a few days. Mss Ruth Marriott has returned io Preston fully recovered after her recent operation. * Mr. Wm. Quarrie, Mrs, John Lobâ€" man and Norman Lehman attended the funeral of their cousin, Mre. Quarrie at Guelph. \lr. Weber from Neustadt is visitâ€" ‘ug Mrs. Alex Letson for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. (Martin Frey of Walâ€" lenstein were visitore at the Weber |hnnu~ last week. Mr. and"yh";. Henry Lindsay of Guelph visited their relatives in the village on Sunday. \irs. Herman Letson is spending a few weeks with her family in Gelt. Mes«<r=. ‘Harvey, Wilbert and Shel don Melitzer spent a day with their wicter. Mrs. Howard Alien at Bramp ton, who has been very ill for some time Quilting bees seem to be the order of the day. Mrs. H. lerae! and Mre. A. Steffler entertained the ladies in this plearant winter pastime. Mr. Noah Ziegler and Russell Causâ€" jJand are disposing of their farm «tock, etc.. by auction this week on the twelfth and fourteenth respecâ€" tively. Mt. and (Mrs. Hugh Woods attendâ€" vd the funeral of the late Peter Glennie at ‘Linwood on Monday. ‘3 Miss Risie Martin spent Sunday with her friend, Merle Holtzhauer. | _ Mrs. Slum Martin and baby Pauâ€" line and Misses Reta and Marjorie (reesman «pent Sunday at the home {of Mr. and Mre. Uzzigh Shantz. _ ; _ Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Felck and son _ Morris â€" spent â€" Sunday | with: | friends at Kitchener. > 1 z \ir. and Mrs. Edmund Otterbein ‘ang Mr. Idoyd Otterbein called at | the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred As ‘ mnssen. | Mr. and Mre. Lioyd Snider spent “Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. 8. | Cressman. ‘ M\r. and Mrs. George Bartholomew were recent vieitora with frienda at | Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snider and eons Donald and Murray of Waterloo «pent Sunday at the home of the forâ€" mer‘s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Na:â€" thaniel Snider. Mr. ‘3"'1 Mrs. Jonas Cressman and Mr. Wayneâ€" Creesman of Victoriaâ€" ‘hul‘g «pent Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wanner. ‘fii‘s‘;&mce Creseman epent the weekâ€"end with her cousin Verna Hallman at Mannheim. F _ Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wismer and daughter Betty spent Sunday with relatives at New Hamburg. _ Mr. and Mrs. Hatry Kinzie and Micses Marjorie and Ruth Kinsle of Biair apent Sunday afternoon with Mrs. Ida Wismer. _ Miss Emma Shantz spent the week end with her parents, Mr. and ‘Mre. Uzziah Shants. _ _ Mr. Oliver Weber of Waterioo is spending the summer with Mr. Clare Creesman. __ â€" â€"\-fl:a E;{ty'ii';uton epent the weekâ€" end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Raston at Ayr. _ â€" â€" .i};'-&aca Shantz spent Thursâ€" day with her aunts, Misses Sarah, Minerva and Melissa Cressman. .. Mrs. Elum Martin and ‘Miss Reta Cressman called at the home of their uncle and aunt, (Mr. and Mrs. Alien (‘reasman, Kitchener. Those who attended the funeral of the late Hannah Snider of Kitchener which was held at the Bethany Menâ€" nonite Church on Sunday afternoon were Mr. and Mrs. Ephraim Snider, Mr. and Mrs. Urias Snider, Mr. and Mre. Uzzish Shants and Misses Twilah and Esther Snider and Silve Snider and Mesere. Selwyn, Arlin and Leonard Snider, _ 1:h;.lnnvlo; i;filh. Bewing Circle heid their monthly meeting at. the home of Mrs. Simon Martin on Satâ€" urday _ Quite a number from here .:;Mm ed the conf last week Bible MM% on ‘Thursday evening at the Rast End Mennonite STRASBURG Church entertained the Chesterfleld young people to a skating party and a box social at the home of Mr. and Mre. Addison Baird. After several hours of skating al} retired to the house where they enjoyed their lunch. All report a eplendid evenâ€" ing. Personals. The many friends of Mrs. Fred Bean will be glad to hear that she has returned from the General Hos pistal, Stratford, and that she is imâ€" proving in health. Mise Florence Wood of the College Iot Education, Toronto, spent the weekâ€"end under the parental roof. Young Poople Entertained. Messrs. _ Percy _ Kuntzenhauser, Wayne Shantz, Nyle Shants of Pine Hill. Marcus Lehman of Ohio, and Misses Irene and Mary Shants and Louisa Groff of Pine Hill visited at the home of Mr. and Mre. Amos Good on Sunday evening. ‘Mr. Eltworth Béan visited with his friend, Mr. Arthur Kemp of near Miwhell over the weekâ€"end. Miss Dorothy Bean of near New Dundee visited with Miss Lillian Richardson over the weekâ€"end. â€" iMiss Grace Snider of Waterioo epent the weekâ€"end with her parents, Mr. and Mre. Snider. _ _ â€" Mr. Wm. Roth visited his sister Mrs. Hunsberger near Pine Hill on Sunday. x0 Mr. and Mrs. Percy Weicker and daughter Dorothy visited Mre. C. Smith at Kitchener on Sund-y, Mrs. S. Kalbflelech, who spent.the past few months with her son, Mr. Kenneth Kalbfleisch in Toronto reâ€" turned to the home of her daughter, Mrs. Perey Welcker on Sunday. (Continued from Page 1) Floradale, and Mrs. Melvin Stroh of this village. There are also left 10 grandchildren, 2 great grandchildren and three brothers, George of this village, John in Manitoba and Marâ€" tin of Oshawa. Two daughters preâ€" deceased the father. _ _ The funeral will take place from the late home at 2 o‘clock on Thursâ€" day afternoon, thence to the Luthâ€" eran Church and cemetery for serâ€" vice and burial. Rev. S. J. Wittig will have charge of the services which will be conducted in English. Luther Leaguers At Skating Party. St. Matthew‘s Ladies‘ Aid met at the home of iMrs. Oecar Huehn last . Wednesday evening where besides doing the business of their monthly ‘meeting the ladies enjoyed a few Ihom'« at a quilting. ; Visitors Coming And Going. CERULEE (ence u2e 1X P comilacla The Luther League was representâ€" ed at the skating party «ponsored by St. Peter‘s Luther League, Préston, held at the Preston arena on Wedâ€" nesday evening last week. Hold Quilting Bee. E (Mre. Harry Rueffer and children of ‘Kitchener were visiting at the ihome of the former‘s parents and grandparents during the past week. ;l:"lvlo-yvs ‘Bean of the Chronicle was a caller here last Wednesday. _ _ Mr. Elmer Wieland of Kitchener «pent Thureday at his home in the "_)-fi;sw;‘.'t.;el-‘(};)ofl epent last week with her sisters and brother in Kitâ€" chener. â€" 0s village ‘.'il-:;rs. Jacob H. Cuntz and Sol. Kirch were business visitors in Preston last Thureday. s _ Mr. Roydon Dabmer of Kitchener spent several days wth his grandâ€" parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. D. Dahâ€" Mr. Rodger district representative I of the Ontario Department of Agriâ€" culture in York County was a busiâ€" ness vieitor with Township Clerk Noah Stroh last Friday forenoon. mer -h-l;uv 8. J. Wittig and infant daughter returned to the parsonage during the weekâ€"end. _ Quite a number of the younger people attended a reception for Mr. and Mre. Raiph Lederman in Kitchâ€" ener on Saturday evening. He was married to Miss Ruth Livock of Kitâ€" chener. ‘The ceremony was performâ€" ed at 4 o‘clock at the parsonage of the Benton Street Baptist Church, by the pastor, Rev. A. J. Lewis. ‘The township assessore were asâ€" sembled here on Monday afternoon, getting their supplies and conferring on the work to be undertaken now. 'â€"A';l;ll;;;; ot- l;;lfrantlvu attendâ€" ed the funeral of the late Mre. Allan Eix at Elmira on Tuesday afternoon. Personals. Mr. and Mre. Wm. Nowak speni Sunday with Mr. and (Mrs. Emil Strubb. ® Misses Marie and Rita Ellert were Sunday visitore with Mr. and Mre. Jno. B. Gesch. MMiss Lorette Kienappel of Conesâ€" togo was a recent visitor at her home here. Mr. Oscar ‘Waechter of Waterico and Mr. Anthony Waechter of Plattsâ€" ville spent Sunday at their home Mr. and Mre. Poter Dictrich spent ) Wednesday with hor mother, Mrs. Lorents Hauck in Petersburg. Mr. and Mrs. Jno. B. Gesch spent Thereday with Wellesicy friends. Mr. Gordon Districe of Phillips barg was a Bunday visitor at hin ¢ odbpind Mrs. Louls Rebaugh of CONEsSsTOGO JOSEPHSBURG Bunday with Mr. and *« spent dee, Rev. Bvan Bider," vitt of â€" Manheim and Schnellor. who has beon guite e#f+ ously il! at his home for a. woek W26. taken to the hospita) on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroibor and son called on Mr. and Mre. Isaat Lautenschlager at Kitchener dn Sat urday. * Dr. and Mre. Milton Good of Kitchâ€" ener and Mre. Robinson and daugh ter â€"~Margaret of Vancouver visited at the home of Mr. and Mre. Wm. ‘Reist on Sunday. Mr. and Mre. Joseph SIONE T Rosebank visited with (Mr. and Mrs. Austin Hewitt on Sunday. |__ _ _ | â€" Mr. Irvin Becker of Mildmay «pent Sunday at the home of Mr. ‘:fl 4 anhid .oA ho Ainnebdint aeotie Mre. Heury Becker and Mr. and Mre. Ezra Becker. Miss MHdred Eby, Master Stanley Eby and Master CHfford Battier «pent Saturday with Cecil M‘ â€" Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Shay and daughter Burbara of Boston visited at Gordon Dubrick‘s on Sunday. Misses â€" Marie Reist and Pearl Wettiaufer of ‘Kitchener and Mabel Cober of the Plaing spent Saturday afternoon with Elizabeth and Laura Reict. â€"‘.V‘I-i;“!lrurtrlce Becker «pent weekâ€"end with Mr. and Mrs. Battler at Kitchener.. UEMCARR Mr. and Mrs. H. Schneider and family of Baden called on Mrs. Cbas. Schnéller and Mr. Roy SchneHer on Sunday. * Rev. and Mré heim visited at day.. MCES Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reist and ‘Miss: Elizabeth Reist attended the funeral of their aunt. the late Mrs. George Sherifs of Vapcouver. which was held at Winterbourne on Thureday afternoon. Miss Helen WMallman of Mannheim spent last Thursday with her cousin Miss Aileene Hallnian. _ Haturday Mn Een en ettl Aliss Ethel Becker visited with Mr. and Mrs. Philip Becker and Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Hallman at Kitchener on Evan Sider of Mannâ€" leaiah Eby‘s on Sunâ€" Assets during 1934 â€" Policy and Annuity Reserves during 1934 â€" Payments to Policyholders and Beneficiaries durâ€" _ Insurancein Forcein 1934 Insurance Issued and Re vived in 1934 â€" â€" > Excess of Receipts Over Disbursements in 1934 Increased by near thousand dollars Total Income in 1934 â€" Insurance and A‘;:h;i;mnunenmlnr Met... EDWARD F. SEAGRAMâ€" ing 1934 â€" + > > > The 46th Annual Statement of your Company demonstrates conclusively that times are improving. The Dominion Life has showr. sxcellent progress, and it is with gratification that your Directors give you their summing up of 1934. A complete copy of the Annual Report will be mailed on request. : DomMINION LIFE During the past five years the Dominion Life has paid to policyholders and henefciaries more than Fifteen Million Do‘lhn. (75%, to living policyâ€" Albort Smart Passese On. Friends of Mr. Aibert Smart n.muwuu-mnu occurred Feb. 5th. The late Mr. Bmart leaves to mour his loss, his wite, one sister Amelia of Piatterille and four children, Mrs. W. R. Hamâ€" liton of JECMEIN, MBTUM ARTICOLOC Brantford, Mrs. W. Scott and Mrs. Jim Henderson, both of Chester “‘__" were: J. B. English, John Briston, T. J. Scott, T. J. Prait, D. H. Bell and A. Eckel. The bereaved family have the eympathy of the entire communâ€" News Notes. A rink of curlers from Plattsvilie skipped by J. B. English visited St. Thomas last Monday. confined to their homes with colds. The Platteville Curling Club are holding a socia! evening on Friday. Feb. 15th. ‘Mr. M. Lachman is busy cutting ice for the Bright Cheese and Butter Company. _ The Women‘s Auxiliary of the local church are holding a Valentine box social Thursday evening. Miss Dorothy Burkholder epent Saturday night in Kitchener. iMr. and (Mrs. Charley Rank and Branch Offices and Representatives number in the community are in every important centre throughout the Dominion d Ke . . Increased by over two million, eight hundred thousand dollars (The total for the year being $23,974,559) ASSURANCE COMPANY ATcpidiw d holders; 25% â€" Increased by nearly two and a half million dollars (And now total $28,857,019) â€" â€" Increased by nearly two million, two hundred thousand dollars (And now total $24,097.137) To the Policyholders of Over two million, nine hundred thousand dollars Increased by over five million, one hundred thousand dollars (And now totals $150,221,793) (This gain is almost phenomenal and is one of the sure signs _ . that business is definitely on the mend.) ‘S5. | Roast FORD S. KUMPFâ€"Waterloo, /aterloo, Viceâ€"President C COMPARATIVE _ FIGURES 7, to beneficiaries under death claims.) sed over one million dollars (A total for the year of $7,277,030) nearly one million, six hundred and | Watch Your Budget! children Ruth and Robert 10M Stratford were recent visitore with Mr. William Quandt. The CGILT. girle of Plattsville held a banquet last Friday evening. The grandmother and mothers were entertained. A lovely time was had by all. 1 Sly 1 1: 2g2 L _1 Mine _ Mss Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mré. J. M. Shante wore Mr. Lorne R. Shantz of Kitchener f“d Mr. and Mre. Georg;"(.‘t;l-t;;;n of New Dundee total of $2,749,131) E. LANTZ 1914 $ 2,749,903 BRILL‘S RECREATION HALL King St. S. > YI.urbo. Ont. c 0% Cut your fuel bills. FUELâ€"PAK is highâ€"grade coul. ltl!!-_-l'“.'".'!"‘"""‘“""":g 4 P0 en es on * conl. IT DUFMS WWRRM M MMWMM® MIRO OMA OM P CC ash, no clinkers and no dirt. Lot us prove to you that hmwlthfi.hfiifll-mhbm. Sold by package or ton. Prompt Delivery. FUEL â€" PAK Come in and have a good time DOMINION LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY meefix;fipheo for men who enjoy an hour‘s recreation and like to meet the congenial colnr.nlons who make the atmosphere friendly and â€" 118. ‘ GEO. A. DOBBIEâ€"Galt, BOWLING â€" _ BILLIARDS $ 14,950,446 11,003,645 9,016,880 3,050,217 168 Moore Ave. â€" Pho WATERLOO, ONT. “â€"D;I‘IT;.‘\\-; R. Hamilton of Johnson. Mich., has returned to her home after spending the last few days here. Mr. Floyd Hofstetter of Gait epent Sunday at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hofstetter. :)Irâ€".'â€"!!\:y;‘ Shantz «tpefn Saturday night in ‘Kitchener. _ ....l.;"..fi.l;;;a‘y night. when Plattsâ€" ville played Drumbo in the Drumbo l"fni the score was 4â€"2" for Plattsâ€" ville. â€" any time. 150,221,793 28,857,019 24,097,137 7277031 12L J ‘% Tos

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