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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 13 Dec 1934, p. 15

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s 'll-ihy.l)mbul;. 1984 Mrs. _ George _ Richardeon spent Monday with her sister, Mrs. Rurnett in Linwood, Miss Florence Hahn R.N. of Waâ€" terloo wpent several days with Mre. Alfred Haln. ; Mr. and Mre:C, Shantz and infant daughter, Mr. and Mrs. L. Rennic, Mrs. Foster and Miss Laura Foster visited at the home of Mrs: Pred Braendle on Sunday. Among those who spent a day at the Gnelph Winter Fair wore Misses Jean and | Jeasie Hammond, Fern McFadden, Helen Eydt, George Glaisâ€" ter and Harvey McePherson. Mr. and Mrs. Lotne Rennie attendâ€" ed the funeral of the late John Nichol in Waterloo on Monday, Dec. 10th vounnquuuqnusczss Brigh t U " a¢ 4 2l ho. AlPt ' .f‘-â€"fi' â€"a~ ,\'/a\.‘\\ p ' \ofp [ h\ hNra : ""‘A Ro ] /".\ v/"\"/l\ Yo ;\Q; C flow v ma. :;\ ) rnl ////A C h:; \ ina Rev. A, A. Lang gave the questions and Mr. Renwick and Miss L. Holmes kept score. Mrs. Elizabeth Richardson spent aâ€" few days with her brother and other friends in Toronto, . Mrs. Annetta Knight of Lucknow and Mrs. â€" Maurice: McKee ofMillâ€" bamk called on friende here Tast week. Little Miss Jean Foster of Linwood spent Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R. Foster. After the contest the Y.P.S. of Wel lesley served tasty refreshments and coffee, which was very much appreâ€" clated. The Crosshill team was comâ€" posed _ of the â€" following: Firman Ward, Mary Bell, Thomas Wilferd, Jean Hammond, Harvey MePherson Ruby Ward, Ed. Hammond, Bennie Jantzi, Jessie Hammond. Wellesley team: Florence Stahle, Mr. Strebel, Addie Ratz, Mabel McRac, Miss Web: ster, Mary Saunders, Bob Renwick, Miss Taylor, Jack Boyd. ® Miss Lorena Holmes, Mre. Thos. Birmingham, Mrs. Lorne Rennie atâ€" tended the Biblical contest held in Wellesley Monday evening, which was very inspiring and interesting. Biblical Meet Held. â€" The Y.P.8. of Boyd Church met the Y.P.S. of Wellesley United Church in their church at Wellesley, Monâ€" day evening, Dec. 10th, in a Biblical contest arranged by the Guelph Y.P. S. Presbytery when the former were defeated. The Wellesloy team will now meet the winners of Elmira and Linwood. Mr. and Mrs. Abe Seigner and son Franklin of Kingwood visited with Mr. and Mtis, Albert Mundell on Sunâ€" day. mbaBa e B l Bo Ba B Ba Ba o Ba B Ba Ba Ba Jn Ba Ba Bz Ba D: B Ds D; 4 Ba D; B Ba Do Bs Ba Bo ; Ba B 3 32 B Ba B 1 32 B Bs Ba B0 Mrs. Walter attended the (faneral of the late Mrs. Wadsworth in Lamâ€" beth last week. of Prayer", by Miss L. Holmes and Mre. L. Renni@, after which the busiâ€" ness part was transacted, Mré. Laing occupying the chair. The officers were all reâ€"elected: president, Mrs. L. Rennie; viceâ€"president, Mre. Thos. Birmingham; â€" secretary â€" treasurer, Mics Jean Hammond. Three memâ€" bers were chosen to arrange proâ€" grams for the next year, Mrs. George Glaister, â€" Miss Ruby â€" Ward, Miss Jessie Hammond. It was decided to discontinue tie meetings for January and ‘February. The treasurer‘s report showed an increase in offerings of 813.00. The total amount being about $55.00, and value of bale sent in June was $15.95. Don‘t forget the Christmas School entertainment at 7th line school on Wednesday evening, Dec. 19. Croséâ€" hill School, Thureday evening, Dec 20th. Personals. The annual meeting of the W.M.S. of Boyd Church was held at the home of Mrs, Foster on Saturday after moon, Dec. $th, with an attendance of fourteen, a short program was given consisting of an interesting reading of the "Life of David Livingston", by Miss Bell, and a duet, "Swebt Hour CROSSHILL BOYD W.M.S. REâ€"ELECTS % ENTIRE 1934 OFFICERS homere ue are oo ue e uin raind h m ue m h ol ho ta i e e ce ie oc aovaalmans‘ "‘i . FLORIST 200 King St. W. â€" Phone 1410 King St. 8. B6 RiNG MV Ib LC 99 STEELE‘S Bright Poinsettias Make sure you‘re all set for the winter skating season. Giving your skates the once over at our low price guarantees a good edge and other necessary repairs. ED. HOUSE W _ Proper You‘ll _ want _ these _ colorful flowers in your home at Christâ€" mastime â€" and of course they make brilliant gifts for rememâ€" bering some favored one at the holiday season. Drop in and see our colorful display. They are unusually fine this year â€" and best of all, most economically priced. MEAD‘S Azaleas and Cyclamen Roses, ‘Mums, Carnations Shoe Repairing sHOE REPAIR EXPERT Ginsses * at Moderate Prices Gay Flowers of Christmastime # report At the Sacred Heart church at| N48 beet changed and will be held rings Of | Lanark on Dec. 4th, a well known a week lstor, dan. Sth, at the home ig about | Elmira young man, Clinton John Kel. | °", M‘®â€" Aaron Schnurr. In June/Jer, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Kelier, | , The meeting closed by the singâ€" wus wedded to Lila Rlizabeth La:|!"f Of the National Anthem after | School | rocque of Lanark. Forty attended which a dainty lunch was served by ‘hool on | the reception â€" following the â€" cere: the hostess and her assistants. _Cr086â€" | mony. Mr, and Mrs. Keller will reâ€"| Wilkerâ€"Dunn Wedding. ig. Dec. [wide in Pembroke where the groom is | â€" Mr. Edgar Wilker, eldest «on of Mr manager of the Perciya) store and Mrs. C. W. Wilker Linwood, Wedded Twentyâ€"Five Years. ' was united in marriage to Miss Lilâ€" {aneral A score of friends gathered at the lian Dunn, eldest daughter of ‘Mr. in Lamâ€"| home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Auman one and Mro. Albert Dunn of Centreville evening recently to celebrate with at the parsonage of St. Peter‘s Luâ€" and son | cthem their «ilver wedding anniverâ€" theran Church, Linwood, by Hey. W# d with |sary, They were made the recipients Schultz. Miss Margaret Wilker, sisâ€" on Sutâ€" | of a set of @ilverware, Mr. A. Winger ter of the groom was bridesmaid. giv]“g the address while Mrs. ®. . The bride was dressed in a mustard . Thos.‘ Ruppel made the prosentation. Six shade dress, trimmed with brown and inie atâ€" i tables of bridge were in play and the brown hat and shoes and accessories held _ in winners were Mr. L. Widmeyer, W, to match. The wedding dinner was which A. Smith. Mrs. 0. Reichard and Dr. held at the home of the bride, famâ€" @stiDK. ) Wagner, ies of both present. Mr. and Mré. | _ Mr. and Mrs G. H. Ballard attendâ€" Wilker left on Sunday for a honeyâ€" met the (ed the golden wedding of Mr. and moon to Detroit and other points. Church Mrs. MeDonald at Stratford on Monâ€" Born to Mr. and Mre, Grant Schneiâ€" . MOD day, der on Saturday, Dec. 8, a son. I;ihl_i'cill Mrs. L. Carr of Detroit has been Personals. was received and the recommendaâ€" tiong noted. F. D. Bristow, School Attendance Officer, | was reappointâ€" ed for another fterm.â€" Accounts were passed totalling $920.19, The chair man for the annual mecting which will be held on‘ Dec. 26 was anâ€" [ nounced as Mr. Bearinger, lCoum;il Accepts M.O.H. Report. The Elmira town council held one of the busiest sessions this year on Monday. The council voted its ac ceptance of the report of the medical officer of health. It also decided that the nomination meeting will be held at the Regent Theatre in December A communication from Mr. N. Ar mussen, M.L.A.. for North Waterloo was received, sthting that a survey of the Waterlooâ€"Elmira high way is to be made by government engincers in the near future and wpon completion of their report, a copy will be malled to Clerk Ruppel. The member stated that in any work being done on Elâ€" mira highway, taxpayers of Elmira will hbe given consideration Mr. and Mrs. W. Shoemaker and family visited friends in Floradale on Sunday. High Attendance Average. An average attendance of ##1.55 wis reported to a recent meeting of the Elmira and No. 4 Woolwich Union school hoard by Principal Maâ€" hood. During the past month there were only two cuses of chicken pox and one case of skin disease accordâ€" iug to the report of tha mirso Mr. was i\ Sunday Mr. Frank Wise of Orangeville spent the weekâ€"end with friends in town. Mr. K. Moses of Guelph spent the weekâ€"end at his home in town. Miss Isobel Tyack of Kitchener was a weekâ€"end visitor with relatives in town. Miss Mary Langford visited at her home in Newton over the weekâ€"end. 00 up Henson and Mrs. Henson. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Noxon and daughter of Kitchener were visitors in town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Ballard a ed the golden wedding of Mi Mrs. MeDonald at Stratford on day. Mrs. L. Carr of visiting her sister man. in no small way responsible for the low damage costs. Personals. Pretty Church Wedding. It was reported that the reâ€" decoration of the building will be started immediately. The prompt response of the fire department was | _ The Wesley United Church on Arthur _ Street, Ekmira, suffered about $1,000 damage from smoke and water when a small blaze broke out in the chimney on Monday morning. The most part of the damâ€" age was incurred in the auditorium, wfire the walls were blackened. The blaze was found by the careâ€" taker, Alex. Read, who returned after a visit to the church to find that the fire had eaten through the studding. ELMIRA FIRE AND SMOKE CAUSE $1000 DAMAGE Reo Marne Mahood of Toronto visitor at his home in town on itistae board by Principal Maâ€" & the past month there 0 cases of chicken pox or skin disease accordâ€" port of the nurse tory . inspector‘s report G. H. Ballard attend: wedding of Mr. and ut Stratford on Monâ€" Waterloo Miis H report been Freeâ€" Mrâ€" Clarence Roth and Misace Irma and Viola Roth spent Sunday at the home of their parents Mr. and Mrs., Wo Martineon and danghter Mary of Elmira «pent Sun: day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Schnurr. Mise Edith and Mae Koebel wpent Saturday in Kitchener. Mr. and Mre, Alvin Foster spent Saturday eveening in Kitchener Miso _ Anne Stemmler returned home atter spending the past few daye with her sister, Mra Eugene Helm at Waterloo Me«srs : Lorne and Emmanuel Alâ€" brecht of Poole vialted at the home ot Mroand Mrs. C. 8. Roth on Sun: day Personals. Mr. W. Barr returned to Kitchen er. having «pent the eummer at Mr Win. MeCaniley 2 Mr. and Mrw. John Stemmler vieitâ€" ed with Mr. and Mre Herb Stemmler on Monday, Mr. Arnold Neumaster and Messre CS. Roth and Clarerice and Rimer Roth «pent Wednesday at the Royal Winter Fair, Guelph, Mr.c and Mrs, Arnold Wolte and baby o Straffordville spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Rrnest Wolte Mr. James Ogram spent a few days with friends in Kitchener Mies â€" Rva â€" Deckert of Kitchener visited with herâ€" parents, Mr. and Mre. Fred Deckert on Sunday \r. _ Floyd â€"Ament spent: Sunday evening with friends in Kitchener. Mr. Ear] Carnochan of Tillsonburg spent the weekend at his home here Mr. and Mrs. A. Ament and daugh ter_ Myrna spent Friday evening in Elmira. Mie« Hilda Neuman of Toronto is vieiting at her home here. Mise Jean Begge is vielting at her home here Durng the last week Mr. and Mrs James _ Burnettâ€" dhave â€" moved _ to Gnelph Miss Mary: Langford of Elmira visited with herâ€" parent«, Mro and Vrs. Win. Langford on Sunday Miss Jean Beaton of Toronto spent the weekcend at the home of Mise D. MeKay Mr. and Mre. C. Wo Wilker and (amily â€" spent Saturday evening in Kitchener. Mr. and Mre. C. 8. Roth attended the funcral of the late Mr. Nichola® Jantzi. eouth of Topping on Saturâ€" day Miseâ€"A)_ Mueller: spent: Saturday in Stratford Miss Betty Zimmerman spent the weekcend at her home here \Mr_ Norman Ament of New Hamâ€" burg visited his eister, Mre. Anthony Kocbel on Sunday. §.8. No. 8, Mornington (Fernbank) will hold their Chriatmas concert on Thureday, Dec. 20. Master Donald Koebel spent the weekâ€"end with Miss Magdulene Koe bel of Kitchener, A joint literarye claes was formed between the girls and boys of the Agriculture and â€" Home â€" Economic Classes on Friday afternoon in the girl‘« hall, Officers elected for the three months were: president, Keith McKay; \’iru-pl‘t‘si(l<~||{ Bva Ballard; secretaryâ€"treasurer, . Lauretfe Brenâ€" ner; editor for girks, Ailene Hayes:; editor for boys, Larry Dunn; proâ€" kriam committee for two weeks, Mac Koebel and Gladys MceTavish, Claude Brenner and Hubert Runstedler. A very g00d program was given by the class and meetings are to be held every Friday afternoon, Mrs. Trask, instructor of. textiles and other accessories, left on Priday after â€" completing‘ her two . weeks‘ course here. On Monday Miss Slicâ€" ter. instructor on [ouse Rurnishing started her class and will remain here tor two weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wolfe and children «pent the weekâ€"end with friend in Straffordville, Mr. _ F. W. Schultz spent Sunday afternoon with friends in Kitchener, Mesars. Ruese] Allingham and Clarâ€" enee Rosger of. Dorking were busiâ€" ness viaitors in town on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hill and Mrs (G. Rennie spent Saturday afternoon in Kitehener. Sunday visltors at the dhome of Mrs. Joseph Stemmler were: Mr.and Mra. John Stemmler of Formosa, Mr and Mre_â€" Alex Schnare of Waterloo and Mr. and Mrs. Albert stemmler 6i Dorking Mr. and Mrs. A. 0. Schnure spent theweekcend with friends in Water Mr. and Mrs. Anthony R. Koebel spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Diebold at Kitchener. Miss M. Moir spent the weekâ€"end at Guelph. The girls and boys of the Agriculâ€" tural and Home Rconomic Course took a trip to the Guelph Winter Fair on Thursday and while there wlso visited the O. A. C. buildings which were of great interest to all pupihs, e en er ety‘s The dute of the January meeting has been changed and will be held a week later, Jan. 8th, at the home of Mrs. Aaron Schnurr. Miss Vera Bambridge, instructor of the Home Economic Course, gave a very interesting talk on "Nutrfâ€" tion", Mr. A. A. Laing answered the questions. Miss Eva Ballard favored the members with a song entitled _ _The roll call was "A Composer of Music and one of his Selections." Members contributed towards a fruit shower as a Christmas Cheer to be sent to the Orphanage at Kitchener. Mrs. Dave Beggs expressed her thanks on behalf of the Library Board for the donation from the members of the Institute. "Sunrise and You". A~I'L'l‘ll|:lbuIIOIl was donated to help a needy family. Home Economic Instruotor Speake. The December meeting of the Woâ€" men‘s Institute was held on Tuesday evening, December 4th, at the home of Mrs. Win. Schults.. Thirty#five members were present. FERNBANK THE WATERLOO CHRONICLE® +â€" A eurprise party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Amos Good, Bricker Ave., Waterloo, Dec. 4th, in honor of the birthday of their son, [ Mrâ€" Marvir Good. During the evenâ€" ing hbunco was played. the winnere being firet«, Mr. Calvin Creesman and Missâ€"Rdith Hahn; and congolation prize, Mr. Marvin Good Mrs. 8.0C. Tweed, Witlow street, Witerl00, was in London on Monday woing up to be guest epeaker at a tea arranged by the London Local Council of Women at the home of Mis«‘ Rubyâ€" Mason, former Dean of Women of the University of Western Ontario. _ While in London Mre. Tweed was the house gueat of Mre. A. E. Miller and remained for the play being produced by the London Dra: ma League on Monday night. The friends of Miss Grace Ament, Heing Ave., Kitchener, wil be pleased to learn that whe has recovared suffiâ€" ciently from her recent operation at the Kâ€"W. hospital to be permitted to return to her home. The recent publication of Watson Griffin‘s latest novel, ‘"The Gulf of Years", has been universally acâ€" claimed as his finest effort. The novel can be read by young and old with equal enjJoyment. _ â€" Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Tweed, Wlilow St., Waterloo, have as their guest for the weekâ€"end Miss Margaret Glenwright of the Margaret Eton School, Toronto. HYDRO EFFECTS SAVING; REFUNDS $10,000,000 A saving of approximately $1.500,â€" 000 over an eightâ€"year period will be effected by the Hydroâ€"Electric Power Commission of Ontario ag a result of reduction of interest rate in connection with the $10,000,000 refunding loan which will be on the market Jan. 1, 1935, maturing Jan. 1, 19423 Details of this offer will be found elsewhere in this issue. Rev. and Mrs. Finlay Matheson of Burtington were recent guests of Waterloo friends. Ms. it D. the guest of terloo Schweitzer; No. 5, K. Schwindt, Harâ€" yey Schwindt; No 6, Herbert Streâ€"| bel, Albert Steiss: No. 7, Edward Geisel, Hargey Melitzer 1 The Elmira Chamber of Commerce will be given the opportunity to apâ€" point two. from town as directors. Anticipations are to hold a plowing match during the coming fall season WOOLWwICH PLOWMEN FORM ORGANIZATION Mr. and Mrs. Jantzi were blegsed with two daughters, the late Mrs. E. Runstetier and Mrs. Wesley Break of Detroit. Mich, Two grandchildren are â€" Mrs._â€" Magdalene â€" Emery _ of Guelph and Mr. Carl Jantzi of Kitchâ€" ener, both of whom are accomplished musiclans, Mrs. Jantzicstill recalls how she vsed to sing with her sisters at the varions socials of the time and also trequently at weddings. Among her mont treasured [)(,K*h'(‘-"-r(i()"fl are seyâ€" eral heirloom.. One of these is a pewter plate and some pearl stone ware which is over a century old. Old the back of the pewter plate are seratched the initials of Mary Sumâ€" ner; who was Mrs, Jantzl‘s grand mather. It is now over 180 years old. [t wias in the year 1884, on Dec, 9th that Mrs. Jantzi was united in marâ€" riage to Mr. Jonathan Jantzi of Woeilesley, at the home of the bride‘s parents in New Dundee. Her parents had settled and cleare; what is now known as the Livingston farm. The celebrants of their 50th anniâ€" versary also numbered among their wedding guests, the parents of the late Sir Adam Beck of Baden. At their reception they were presented with two bottles of wine, one of which they atill treasure. The newlyâ€" weds took up residence on the farm of the bride‘s parents at New Dunâ€" dee, where they lived until their reâ€" moval to Kitchener 27 years ago. Mre. Jantzi is of French descent, her family emigrating to this country awbout the year 1840. She is the elâ€" dest daughter of the late Christian Wagler, who brought out his family and also three other Amish familfes at the same time from Alsace in France The golden wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Jantzi of Kitchener were celebrated by the members of the family at a dinner on Sunday, Dec. 9th. Mrs. Jantzi, it is of interest to note, is in her 72nd year. The bride and groom of 50 years ago are hoth still quite healthy and active, although lving in retireâ€" ment. Mr. and Mrs, Jonathan Jantzi Mark Golden Wedding Surrounded by Family. S0TH YEAR OF WEDDED LIFE CELEBRATED AN APPROPRIATE GIFT Personals Miss â€" Alice Forbes of epent the weekâ€"end at her Mr. and Mrs. Fraser spent the weekend with father, Mr. Fred King at Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hess, son Har old, and friend all of Kitchener, visitâ€" ed on Sunday with Mr. and Mre. Paul Kurtz. Mr. ind Miws. Jas. Langdon and son Hugh called on Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Scherrer at Hawkesville last Tuesday afternoon. Last Friday evening a large num:â€" ber of young people gathered at the home of Mrs. Bert Milliard in the Last Tuesday evening the weekly meéeting of the Pathfinders was held in St. Andrew‘s Hall with a large attqndance. The evening was spent in games and contests and communâ€" ity singing. Rev. Mr, Little gave a short address. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting by the loâ€" «ors in the contests the week before, *sonals. Mesars. Hugh Pritchard and Gorâ€" don Burnett of near Rlora «pent Satâ€" urday evening in the village. Miss Alice Forbes of Kitchener ~pent the weekâ€"end at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser MacDonald spent the weekend with the, latter‘s father, Mr. Fred King at Stratford. Mr._ Win. Mackie spent Friday evening with friends at Middlebrook. Mrs. Chas. Sugg and ons Vincent, Harold and â€" Donald spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Strong hear Bloomingale, Mr. Jas. Henderson returned to his home in Toronto last Tuesday after spending u_ few days with friends here. Ladies‘ Aid Meets. The monthly meeting of the Leâ€" dies‘ Aid wae held last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Gorâ€" on Pirie, it being a devotional meetâ€" ing. Mrs. David Burnett led in prayâ€" er. The seriptural reading was given by Mrs. Henry Burnett. A reading w.ts also given by Miss Jean Hamil« ton. Lunch was served by the hos tess and i pleasant afternoon wae spent. Pathfinders Gather. * ! Week End Specials WINTERBOURNE Blade Beef Roast â€" â€" Fresh Picnics â€" :_â€" Butt Pork Chops â€" â€" $# Shoulder Spare Ribs Boiling Beef ... ... Beef Hearts ...... Veal Brains . ... ... Beef Dripping ... . R O U N D SIR LOIN WIN G us n i _ L_â€"â€"T _‘ C STEAKS FROM BLUE RIBBON BEEF Sunday visitors at the home of .\llfli Jonas Bingeman and Mr. and Mr., and Mrs. Marshall Bingeman were! Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Weber and f:m\»' ily of Kitchener and Miss Alice} Bingeman of Freeport. t Mics Vera Todd was a w(wk-(-nd! visitor with friends in Toronto. t Mr. and Mrs.~J. N. Strong and , daughter Shirley of Windsor spent | the weekâ€"end with the former‘s par i ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Strong. i Mcossre. Ross Bedford, Edgar Kraft ; and Oscar Yantz motored to ’I‘Oromog on Saturday to attend a hockey game. U nar ons are underway for a | Sunday School entertainment to be held at the United Church on Smr: diay morning, Dec. 23rd. [ CONDITION IMPROVED It was reported recently that the condition of Mr. Fred Rohleder, Diâ€" vision Court Cletk of Kitchener, is greatly improved. Mr. Rohleder has heen ill for several weeks. ADVERTISING In The CHRONICLE BRINGS RESULTS. Personals. Rev. Croth of Waterl0o occupied the pulpit of the United Church on Sunday morning, The friends of Mre. Amos Schiedel will be sorry to hear that she is conâ€" fined to bed through sicknees and wish her a apeedy recovery. Mias Ray Schwalm . of Kitchenér spent theâ€" weelkcend with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth MceAlister. last Wed in Guelph village in honor of her son, Mr. and Mrs., Herbert Milliard, who were reâ€" cently married, and presented the newlyweds with an occasional chair and an address. The evening was spent in dancing. _A delicious lunch was served at midnight and everyâ€" one reported an enjoyable time. A nimber from around here spent last Wednesday at the Winter Fair BLOOMINGDALE lb lb lb HAMBURG STEAK . PORK HOCKS ...... PORK TENDERLOIN PEAMEAL BACON . VEAL STEAK ..... 10c 13¢ 18c Nt ; MRS. S. C. TWEED _ ADDRESSES V. 0. NURSES Mrs. S. C. Tweed of Waterloo adâ€" dreesed the December meeting of the Bow‘d of the Waterloo Branch of the Victorign Oder of Nurses on Dee did. The subject of her interesting addrees was "The Origin and Aime of the Victorian Order of Nurses®". According to information gleaned at the meeting there were 43 diphtheria imunizations during the paet school term. A nominating committee was @ppointed composed of Mre. Simon Bricker, Mre. James Valentine, Mrs. A. K. Cresaman and Mre. C. D Moody Visitors to the Winter Fair from this _ locality _ were _ Mr. _ Norman Matthews and «on Nelsop, Mr. and Mre Wellington Matthews, Mr John It. Jackson and son Morley and Mr. A. W Ruler. Mr. Henry Metzger and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Metzger and family «pent a couple of daye wth Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dobbertheim of near Palmâ€" erston Mr.and Mrsc A. W, Ruler were day visitors at the home of Mt Mrs. W. A. King of Alma, Mr. John R. Jackson and son Mor ley and Mr. A. W. Ruler were busi nees visitors to Plesherton on Thure day Mr. Nelson Matthews and sisters Maryâ€"and Muriel were Saturday evenâ€" ing visitors at the home of Mr. Ira Jackson. Mr. Howard Schedewitz of Windâ€" sor is spending a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mis. 8. L. Schedewitz. The Elmira December Fair was well attended by the people from this locality. Prices for young pigs were reported as high in price. Personals YATTON 2 lbs. 15¢ .. 10¢ Ib. .. 29e Ib. .. 29¢ Ib. .. 20c Ib. PA i Mb 3 m d W. Ruler were Sun is Hevel t and

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