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Waterloo Chronicle (Waterloo, On1868), 18 Oct 1934, p. 2

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A Weekly Newspaper devoted to the interests of the Town of Waterloo and Walerluu County, issued at Waterloo, Ont., every Thursday by l). Bean & Suns, Lat, owners and publishers. The Chronn-le is a member of “Class A" Weekly Group of the Cauadiuu Weekly Newspaper Association, and the outuvio-uuebec News, paper Association. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Anywhere in Canada, $2.00 " year; States, $2.50 an year, parable in advance . _ ADVERTISING RATES: t On application. AdvertisingJ-opy must reach the once not later than Monday noon Lu unsure insertion. Thousands of [H‘Hlbik' ath-ndwl tin- lutrsiu national piowing' match which lift,, concluded at the Maryvale Farm in York County on Friday. It was a womirrl'ul sin-w», pix-swung Mucu- tional features of mun-.4 in tho {mini-1‘s of Ontario. Much inn-rest L'Ullil'i‘d in the Mhihit of the Dominion Exprtirncutiil i“:ll'lli which featured the him-(ling and lift-ding of stock and the commuting of Irtsr,tr; than utrlict [in-stock. Much vaiuuiO information \\ 21.x also given by the Ontario Aguiculturts (‘ollvgv in soil tests for acidity, while the Ontario Hydro Commission demonstrated tlw t-,wious (ism Ur isltttvit' pmwi‘ on the farm. In commemoration ol' tho first phrss' match held in York County UN) ye-m's nun. +rr,rssniliuitr, of the pioneer' farmers urn) vntz‘zmls in the various classes. Many imprmmm-nts haw hum made during the last wnhu'y as is seen in the tractor drawn plow of tn-dn)’ xxith tlw implv- ments used by thi, fumn-r trVL't' " cmnury ago Over a long petiul of 31-1112; l'm‘mvrs haw vivd with one anothvr at nuindly plan nmtchvs in turning a straight and uniform flittoss und to, day, in addition to 11w 10ml tosoship matches, we have the intvruuiioiud mutdL Thrssrs matches, stir the ambition ol' (his plmxmun. yum“; and old, and with sharp pltrrrhiirrv; um! run-fully trained horsc-s much guml plmx hip, is 1hr l‘t‘.~llii. Honor was ln‘onghl lo Wittlvrliur County by the young plmvmvn ulo {wk part in sovisral. events, Wilfred Snyder. Wall-rim», who C'AP- tured second prize. tlw Clitrord ("use trophy. and the other particilunns who \wH- muting llw prize winners urn tn lw umm‘ulnlulml nnun lln'ir success. N('\'l yaw \Vuh-rltm ('nnnly young farmers are "irlr-rmitiii (o mhlw n slill lwltvr showing. fhsthu' pruin trritu1, tld monior into tlu. [mt'kvla ol' it is dilficult to (F: lbw ill gives the tsxptwlrttl inmm wheat alone at 543LU||HMHID barley and 131- :m- hizrhm' should be plmsing In ' wood yivltls. What thaw :uh'um'vw in grain: gnu-10w tnwnn to the fayrtuw is sw-n in " m-lHnum n ('nnzulinn bank annunnvvnwnt \xhit'h Jaws that its imlm of the purchasinLr pmwr ul' " hush-l ol' “hunt at Winnipivy: ($1.00 rrprr_suuiliiv,e' it, n\v1'ng‘u purchasing gum-pr [mm 1921 lo MHZ) has risvn from 86.9 Ilu, .hnn- nwi'ugv. tn {v.19 in July. OnlylastMswtlihisitictiuriluirhiy,lirllmn 73. Thus in thw mm \pzu'v ni' l'mn' numllls: Un- purchnsing pmvvl' ot' Ilu, i.n~ln-l nl' “In-:11 row from 27 DOI' (Till. Irvin“ itNt'l"il,2t' h) Hilly I pr'r cent. holtm' "N'i'l'ii2,iv. Thi, July lignrp U/ir, :15 il matter of MN thi, highvsl \inw rrliruur.r. Putting mun-v nannr} intn 1hr Insnwrs' pockutts sho/ld mvnn littu'iv whim“ m ('nnn- dian stores, mnw inilrr, lur ('nn;uli.1n manufac- turers. mow wwnnn- I’m ('nnzulinn riiilwuy,s 'und mon- jobs for ('nnndinn \\m'I\I'I.\. 'l'lw uannk this yvm‘ is hrighlvr Hum uf any Hmv in Hu- past sen-ml yum. Souxhl llt \:|i|l Ir.' (‘nnntln and thr, Ur, thr. pus" I'iffv-vn )n-m' l'nrlnul4w_ le “Sum“ was tioally mmahl in law duo m Un- 'Wort. w Wlltcon, win. of " ll-llt-r l'mnmlm- “m " "trvrs! in Sunwliln This your a rmmlm' nl’ uwHy m-xmmnm‘s have spnkvn plainly Mum? the tua-tration of govvrnmt-nlal parties in unwinding HH- :xll'uirs of lhts stair, Thr Huntsnllv Horr,s,-t,-r.', n!’ Mllxkolm's lvmlin}: m'\\‘>pupn~r.\. Iva-“Hy \‘nirwl its opinion mlitnrinlly as l'nllu\\\; WINS $8600 REWARD [H CAPTUItINii FORGE“ I'vecvui "ddrivo,is by rI-Ituiu (’uumliuu pulxvln list town. TNI the pcophs what lic mvn haw slrmsml llu- “le lnl' "rr-i-ut" i svll :uul they NN ill buy it. Thy muja durinr,rihepcriod Hflll‘])l'sn~$l0l| :nul ul'muwrtwl’lilu- In r,piuul mum-y lull thvy w: action in lmllliug: llu- 1rittlr,iri vrhich lun'wllwil‘ mnuvy. brought it ulmul. 'l‘lu-ir Mm i, Mll\lilll\l_\’ u l-ill - - w -7 for loss rzumn' in pnlllirnl ~trilw :yml mu].- ul" Two importuni trophies for c the frivmlly s,rvi-liyy,vlht) by pnliliml purlim lollhv iulvrnutimml plowing; match, meet unusual tumditions. Nurlh York lust Friday, have I This is uuquvstinuullly tlu- 1 \pw yd I my indians. dettovmsivatin7, that the of the gl-uvral hmly nl' viliyo, \\ lm :u'n- <lvlm-lu-d :ulnlu llu- Iumlvrn way of plowing ' Thrs allvm urn-(Mint: mum: 1'e,11 \ ttl Mr mu] Mrw .lumlw 'I‘humm ill I‘m "y In" was marked ut [hr-i! lmmn (huru on Sunday Mr Tl-u,; n J I'll Ix known " u ("Nor in (hm uunmuniH and ie nrmnhwnl Ha hil‘lhuyu: um! (m H-rnnl urxlmlzmlnnu Polio, Illmn muml Hm! hr, most of thvir rv-wm‘d “Hwy lt t'out'RgP"ut,' all PAGE TWO PRESTON COUPLE CELEBRATE THE Pttor1NClAl, 1'L1N'l'NC, MATCH Mort F, WATERLOO Cnnomcu PAltTI tiorrirtNMr:N'rt HONIH by Ihn )wlnv l'nitml Manx uh, illn‘iu. AH Iln- min. of Hu- of 1Us 1 1mm ('nlmdinn Hunk unlkmu alum: I "lil 1hr M1] . “Mum vrlrl Hll z lln- mun Illvwml (H 'l‘lw " mm NH! FARMERS thi 1h Yt'ill' will gm! Hum I' li, (iirrutus. Whih mmzml, um (Minn-11: xv Ill wwnuw U'nn) _ l’riwx ol' outs, flax. Hum .‘I war ”my and "ulwm'l‘ “hm hue; hml thI trNr'l mm In: [in pl'iM'“ mwm tiouii'iiniuii'un p, that its imlm Hwy-4] (my rllllllt' My: ir' \vawn I.u|\,|i full II L My” ' 71;;‘lm rtl HF 1120 kl! H 1mm] (Hm-‘1" n1 Womrtt is u-ln'v‘ .nlllls' an- Kchv-IH'I In.“ (‘nnm'll , “any: ll .H Hu- mI-v-lilw “1'”:an mm; run“. II III ”Hum: um woo-k t " My“ I\|H-1l4-|I Hm! \llq Wttltttt ’v» VIII nl Wiuvrliur, n [HIM prevddf'nl " tltr Kcht-nrr Luv-u) f'erunrll will xlvlnl Hun uuvweiiotu4 IVAM.LLICAL V il In the United m Ill;llllll&\('- 'iiilwuy:, 'und 'l'hv ouilool, Hmv in Hu- DELEGATE TO OTTAWA I I \l: thvr lin. L-nthnl" from ll, I 4.. t m “In" Muhvl Chmvr Huh!) wt'l"ts th" athvrinu n! tlm Evan- i't‘nplv itt Wulvrlnn ()1 frll Humlzn' Lurk" from direct contact with the development of party welfare. Why can not Government be carried on with the general co-operatlon of all citizens. who are more deeply interested in a solving of the intricate and baffling problems of administration, than in the ins and outs of political parties? The answer lies largely in the forces which underlie the present party system. Political organizations are oiled and run most/effectively, through favors from the party in power. Governments, of whatever political shade they may be composed, are in control of a mighty weapon, when the people are given opportunity to voice preferences. In, fiuences, often exercised through complete dis- regard for economy, and too often at the ex- pense of taxpayers, are possible with those who control election dates, and deal out public favors. The situation does not improve through ithe mere shitting of authority from one party to another. The party system, operated normal- ly. is based on the evils of personal selfishness and party greed. 4-1) frll Sunday harm 11w tiorvituw Mr H].- rout-rill rlmiv‘ Co-operation is an "asy word to slip from the months of the party politicians, whose every move is inconsistent with its objects. Platform oratory from party servants will, we fear, never break down our expensive and selfish system of party government. It will some day come through the initiative of those who are more concerned about a lessening of the burdens of taxation and improvement in government tsfticiency, than in the perpetual ascendancy of one party or the other. There has been a remarkable change in) economic conditions and the mental state of the people in the Western States since the severe drought this year. The New York Times Maga- ziiie in a reeent article points out that: "Un- eonsllmt‘tt this year, the 1934 quota of nitrates remains to sustain and enrich the 1935 plant- ings. Drought seems to pave the way for humper erops. After. the crop failures of exactly forty years ago, in the last drought eonipurahle to that of 1934, the crops of 1885 were enormous. So the farmer anticipates good erops next year; further, with the burdensome surpluses dispersed. he expects good prices. Efren as matters stand now, thousands of farm- ers have on improved financial position because of the drought. Actually, such states as Iowa, Kansas. Minnesota, Missouri and Nebraska will reeeive many millions of dollars more for their rmlueed Wilt crops than for. their big 19,33 (Trips. or even for the record hum'per crops of ul n: “Hm-Ho.) a 'tultra, ot' llw Na Womrtt is u-ln'v‘ (THUS. HI 19512." “minute profits any rising and will in- m-vusu. says Charles Pearce, president of A. 1lvliim. Limitwl, Montreal. Mr. Pearce, with a wmtatinn of being: a man of conservative tmmwramvm, has sent as a copy of a hook (with! "Cominr: I'volits in Cnmada" issued by hr, whammy. Ilewliuvvs (I) that thv (lepros- sion is past 3.42) that business has entered upon " mm (gm-Iv; c',) that tlw upward movement tsill Iu- rapid: M) that Hw velocity of circu- lation nl' mnm‘y will incroaw, creating powor , Farmers in the drought stricken Canadian Wm! may reasonably expect as soon as the sew an) of drought is ended that mnnlly good tinws NN ill In- in xturv for them. and "ill lo buy; (3) that thv growing demand uill um wihv it is lwl; and (6) that manu- l‘uvlun-rs, 1rutlrrs and retailers who anticipate th- 1li'risloprtu'nis, will profit--) they plan llll'il' 1'1rlu'rsu' :unl pronto demand for tlwir goods by min-Mixing ' Canadian hunk notos are to be reduced in mi/nt Irut n Jot ol' moplp will find no mow troublv hunting Ihvm in Hu-ir prwkots. Thi, businvss ol' a 1mm) is only as good as Hu- mvn'hnnts make it. Live merchants mean il list hm n. TNI the people what you have to svll and they NN ill buy it. Thvmajorityofpeoplc lilu- In r,piuul mum-y but Hwy want value for Hwir nmnvy. Two impnrtnm trophies for competition at the inlm'nutimml plowing match, concluded in Nurth York last Friday, have been won by Indians, demonstrating that, the Ited Man can P, S. MEET FARMERS" IMPROVED FINANCIAL POSITION " IN 'SINESS PROFITS INCREASING EDITORIAL NOTES l The following indicates the woody vlrorunce of the schools, also lhv number of pupils in attendance at vuvh institution: Central, 350 pupils, tl seconds; Elizabeth Hauler, 3R4 pupils, 40 set-owls; Alexandra, 406 pu fls, 42 wounds; Rt. Louis, 422 pupllja. tro seconds. and 'l‘hv ' IL. 'ouullvs, In mnnm-tinn with Firn Preven- tion Week program, the annual drills by the Wnlnrlrm school ohil- tlrvn wero 'vrrr'teul nut mrvrssfully IIIH'(' mttt'tr. Thr: [hull kullx which wnro an :nunz-ml by Uw "MetttlrFtip "om-W ulmpuhzn "orttir1iritrN, for the y M (' A whrrw Illnl Ihoro has hnon u total ol 3M mv-mhr-ru nurnllml, an ntltlltlm) "l ll Irvi'r' lam stroll; mulls In (In \'.Ililnlu K'OIIHIHHUV‘H. llu- "A" [)lvixinn mulm A F', I'vwtr'gnrtt wan tho mm In"! Eur] Puttom wax u Mame Hot' and Thu gmu-r'ul trhtsirrutrn was Hr Mi I FIRE DRILLS AT SCHOOLS M EMBERS FOR K..w. Y.M.C.A. I Till WATIRLOO CHRONICLI In (In- [Hvixinn tho 1*an Man .400 wax Hr of of u. r a21 Plowing Match one. uruuch Location Weuessley Tp, Ctwtsttill, T _ _ N. Dulutrieu, Waterloo Co. Derby Tu, Wetsl‘ot Owen Sound .. v__rr-F V .. _r.___ ., _____ The time is at hand whePpu)ietts should be confined tu titelr"wirtter uuzlrlm'n. but the pens should first he thoroughly l-leuned and dlalnlect- ed Birdes wlll not do their heat work i, "riersted with lice or "tttret. M is during the winter mouths that ttte hulls make their best profits, and for this reason Hwy 'should be housed and full in u umlluvr that wlll keep llwnl healthy and virogous, They hill rmuil'r a lull ralllnn of suitable 10ml Madam plenty of (-lvun water, gnwnd'ued, shell and gl‘ll !Ptruuu0rm0ooot0ttloovioom0oittriiom Wutrwltro mm surtvsieil'ul In “xx-ur- irw, this wm-k " nvw industry m In- known Hc, tlu' tluuc4l1itte-Waterloo Compuny. with u rupitul m’ $2500.00‘1 Who" ngwmllng at full Awavlty 2.500 mm] will ho employ-(l. otririals t4uitl, Up,, Louis Pm'wnll of St. (‘lvmnnm [hm] multivnly wwvml "aye ugh) of " m‘l'ohrul lttunrtthort'ugrs. Slw “m: in hist" With year F'aytnert; are gnlting [mm $1.63 In $2 on pm- bag for pnlnlom TWENTY YEARS AGO (“rumor l5, 19H! Thts unnorslmu- [Ur [hm :lllllilHlll oi' Ilm mum-inn- In tht, l‘nlhvrun Sc-llli- nun at \Vulurlnu was mm this wotrk “I!!! RM" Marla-1mm: in vhat'gt', ()\'o~l' 1,500 [nu-Hun“- ulwmlml tho sel'virv. The Pun'inlit‘ Fund being: ”Dim-(l My Waloi'lo" (‘iliznus hm; rmwllml lhv high mqu ul’$1x,nuu in liw- days Hnlnv-I' “Ru-<0“, wolLknown 1Vuter. hm (‘numy Artist has hturtt turmntis. uinnwi by tho ('(Imuiiun um-vrnnu-ut to [mini thrve pil'IHHN of tho Cart. "mull 'l'riiinirie, Camp an Valrutptiett Tritilt in u-w‘r old hm h mum-Hun»I Arm-mu] up In ’llllk no“ mIomoottmoioooomootomuumumomiti, FIVE YEARS AGO Wvolth qunM h:- l‘lld IU-f'mvmvnl iu mun- lmrhm] crvntllity than pnlixh Thousands of children in the pmvinrv of Ontario will rvrcivr musk-M instruction during the com- ing yom‘v. [hunks to our local musical inmrur‘tnr. Mr, Hurry Hill, who has boon employing his loisllrv limo during the pant few yonrs in compiling n writ-u of nine "Singing Pm‘imls", vuvh of which form one volume, Rummy the Wutorloo Music Co. forwarded to Toronto over 10,000 copies, of thrs 3rd period, for general my in the schools of tint rily. ml " wtwk dim! ' FORTV YEARS AGO Thirty (-lliltlrvn. s,rrundvhihlruu, and arm! grumh'hlltln-n, mum-rad tn. lzvlhm' at the I‘mnlly I'mhlvm-l- In lbw-polnr (In “and"; to hold u fum- ily reurrion in honor or the nl<lml nwmlwr or the family. Mr lunar Grnh. ('X-I'l'(‘\'(' 01 Waterloo Tawn- Nllip, who is ‘37 yuan; old. MR. HARRY HILL AUTHOR OF BOOKS IN SINGING " Him-4- tho ”with": mm- thtrre hnvu hum) 1m- hum um! no lwn :n'w vaumlltm is “hut folks my yoll 1iirpirlIur'aittu' is whut you know Hm min” 'l'riiiriirie, Camp an If WP hnw- m Maw lmlm- m 21mm- inlo it, why mu lnkn " trip right In ho how-*4! n mun mus! lw u'rirl hrrtosslt I'ltrrroui,utut'so; in Keep the Full“: Weft Fed Chronicle Fyle Cleanings TEN YEARS AGO (“Mum-r Hi. 1924) . u (Zingm'ich of Watorloo, upon- Irrtr'lttsr pump in St. Jurohs this (FAlitttt"s; unto Mr, Giupowio :Iultlhnly stsvvt'u1 days (mm Epigtuttus and Sayings 10me By Frlnk E. Page iu mnrv oils-n ttn in 1' 17, 19'.Y.lt surcmsl’nl In ,i1u'ul'. nvw indlmtry (a In- tluuc4hie-Waterloo no! fuHtiiitvr,wi " int-HIM um an of the human hillinnu trf [mu "liko Oct a (-anrM Oct Date " 23 BAKERS ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONVENTION Wm. Henderson, Sr., W-hrloo, In Pro.ide.t.---Dr. Chun- in Gun-t Stud-or. The Waterloo, Wellington, Perth and .Huron Bakera’ Asaocution, held ite annual convention at the Kitch- ener Wquer Home recently. At the banquet, Dr. K, B, Clause". preeldent at Waterloo tkrllege wan the guest speaker. The convention committee annual“ or It A. Dietrich. vhalruuan. Kuch. ener; A. W. Zurbrigg. vlce-chairmun. IAnwwel. If G Smith, Gait; R. S Henson, Slrnltm'd; E, A, Berged. Kit. chener; A, H, anbrigg Slrulford, Officers ot the association are ptissidettt. Wm, Henderson Sr. Wu, terloo; vlL-e-prwluenm, It, S. “01mm. summm and K G Smith or Gull. secretary-ttsure", A. A. Makee, Kit. t'luattet'; "xecutive. H. A. White or SI Marys, A. w, Zurln'igg ot Liestowel. E. A, lie-mus of Kitrhener. J. Vinnie of Guelph. ll. A. Feil nl' Elmira, and A Curtie of Underlrh Gait WATRRL00 COUPLE PASS Nth WEDDING ANNIVERSARY The 44th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Huether was celebrated at their home in Water- loo on Monday. The entire family was present for the event. The guest of honor for the occasion was one of the guests of the marriage, Mr. Charles Miller, of Ayton. It is of interest to note that in the family there are five children and five grandchildren. During the day the happy couple was presented with u suiteble gift. Those who were present at a gathering on Saturday evening were Mr. W. Huether Jr., Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Lancaster and daughter Joan, Miss Doris Pittfield of Toron- to, Miss Vera Huether, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Weppler, Donald and Marie, of Neustadt, Mr. Charles Miller, Ayton, Mr. and Mrs. Huether, Ross and Marilyn, Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Binkle and family, Mr. Louis Miller, Miss Tillie Miller and Mr. Walter Wolfe of Kitchener. CHRISTMAS SEALS NET $835 FOR THE FREEPORT SAN. At 11m annual meeting or the Free» port Smmmrium Auxiliary last week Miss M Lilliuu llroitlmupt was r0- 1-lm-lnrl prr-idettt Tlu, all” of the Ciiyistmu,; lan!“ Ill‘lll‘d llln Auxiliary lln- <uml- of $53307 which Witt m well thir domnlnm Hr gmwmua vili- 7mm and making, ltu- yeiir's (-mllr‘l bulimm 21mm” to “$40.34. Tim affirms and th" "xevutivy mm- Inilhw for tho (ilk-HUI”: your t'ollows: must Iuvsiueut, Mies Kate Hall; we» aim-ml Miss E. Lillian Itreithaupt: virNuvsidvrrui, Mm. W. K. Woolflo and Mn: H M. Cook: siruu'etat'y. Mrs I, A i',irllrrsruy: :msiMunt summary. Mrs. ll Il Snixll-r. Il'l‘HHlll'I‘l‘. Mm. A l" llmlmunn: assistant lrmnurnr. Mrs. H l' Humillnn; l-xw-utiw- cum- Inillw, mm'olwr. Mrs. Gat-ut' Imm- PN, Mis J, r'. Honr,luuu,rvr. Mm. I, H, The Fall Rally of the district Evangelical Missionary Societies was held at the Waterloo Emmanuel Church last week. Eight auxiliaries were represented at the gathering, namely Zion, Calvary, Roseville, New Hamburg. Elmira. Bridgeport, and the hostess auxiliary. The ses- sions were featured by a report on the quadrennial convention of the general Women 's Missionary Society of the Evangelical Church held re- eently at Buryrus, Ohio, presented by ,Mrs. Walter Snyder, the delegate of the district, and by an address on “Peace" by Rev. K. E. lInllnmn, associate pastor of Zion Evangelieal Church. Th.- muhap,vmvnt rommittoo of tlw Wutrulro I'uhlic Hcltooi Hoard, Nu Ptrrililr', .II n H‘t't‘llt nu-v-tlng of tho taunt~ \til't‘ti that the (-nmtmvnt m tlir Hun-.- sultan!“- is Hm highest In tin-tr history llilzlllttlp: 1107 Implln. Tho Hmml ul‘w (IN-Mud at H." moot- mu to :u-vat tht, rnrtrmmtstttluliotr of Iln- mush mmmimxo tn appoint Mis; (‘uru ”and uyi "walnut"! nmsit' Inmrm'. 'tru' In Mr, Hurry Hill, The llvutth n-purt rvvmllml that Hf tlw mnjmilv at lllv- t'hittll‘l‘ll t'xltm- Int-1| I») thv ulmnl 100 “mm {mind tir hurr, tlul'm-lh'o _ Thy hills [mam-rt In tho board mm Inim $190392! nu Mllul'tm :Ilul " :'IT r', lit, fsxpf'rlritte4. Tlt" Kill'hmwl ()rplmnnm» Hoard 1.: :I-‘killl! that lhv- [My of KHrlwm-I It-fuml Hwir Mum, .JIH‘I‘ thr'y tlo um IH‘HPYI' Hull snu'h " (hurilnhln or Lnniznlinn "thoulil 1w "(mound If lhvir Hump-<1 is', grunlwl Hm ttrplon nun .dnndn- to uni" mnrv thatt M 000 TA LKS ON RUSSIA ’ An nttvntwo "urlivnce at the K.-W. Collegiate auditorium an PriOy night wittwssod an exclusive moving picture of cumiitimm in tho Russia of Tn-duy. In lecturing on his trip through Germany and Russia, Dr. W. Krupp of Woodstock stated that there seemed to be little unemployment in those countries. The torture wax under the auspices of the University Womon's Club of Kitchener nnd Waterloo. w! that " wnu nun tor th" tut" nrnporlv nwnom to pmlllun [or OVER 1100 PUPILS ARE ENROLLEI) AT SCHOOLS Mrs. H l' Humillnn; pxw-utiww "mum, t'ryurt'u('l'. Mrs. (Lu-Hr [1 PN, Mis J, r'. Honr,luuu,rvr. Mm. I Eh)" Mrs Cttrlo “plum“. Mrs J Harlin and Mai, (' IL AnguMim DELEGATES FROM EIGHT CHURCHES AT MISSION RALLY Waterloo Baird Reports Health of Children Generally Good.-- Name Music All'l. ASK FOR REFUND OF" ORPHANAGE TAXES The afternoon session opeucd with n dvvurtional period led by Mrs, A. K. Crossman. president of the Humiunuel Evangelical Wonum's Missionary Society, who presided. TOWNSHIP REFUSE A Cyictt, Suntan-(n) M. Nam AND GERMANY REQUEST out Prl Tho ; nisuippi riingm'ts Humm- rm \\ d Mr and \er Jar-uh Hurttrl of A"vtr Hamburg and Mr' aud My.; W i' Hrmul :Hul fumlly Hf Forum: “mu Sunday visitor" n! Ihn hnmn of NIr and Mrs John G “Mm “I ond Mrs John chhlvr m‘ WM ll‘HlP)‘ xvi-I‘v- Rumlnv ummm of Mr and Mr" NV Sh-hnIH-v Str nllgl Mrs All Khnul/ HIM rum in Mt uml Mrs; i'ruirihatui and Him“) and Mr "ttd Mr,; Willii um! Ninth of Kilrhunm u""' MIMI.“ EMF-4L: of Mr ntul Mtu, Arirltrw “‘an \II Noah Snutlvl' “In! Mirxer “Min 1):: H,nulm'..1wnl U)“ wvvkt-nrl “Ilh Mr :uul Mrs' Mrrsi; Smith»! Hosskr villv Mississippi Four Render yiplcndid Programnw Large Crowds Attend the Concert Given by Coloured Men. Ilri; Syh't‘ell'l‘ Good is Iurtl valsst,iiny, from her lw'UHl 1onfltr" lm-nl to hm! “Millie?! Mum! prwmn‘w lit-1‘ iluurtlilvr. Mrs .I.u-l\ Wirodirll u] F,lmiru has In-(‘Il tukirw 1.:Iv nr hm um] doing; how “Mk Personals. Mr and Mrs Humid I'iv,vu, jninmi .mnn- thirty-tivr, tilntivcts of Mr Hinklo at wamh to m-lvhmlu with him hie Mind birthday on Thuulito,riv. ing tlay Mr Hinkls- tlvxpitv hiv, S'?. \rul‘s in huln NIHI hourly and {Hum alum! his, ordinary nnrk /-\'t')')' (In; Mrs Wiluum ylixugrtr of l'l'wr‘hm rpm” n fuw "Hrs in ”w villuci lm»! sun-k Mt' and Mre M Kvnhnn-I ‘IIHl llalllghlvl' Virgltiia mw-mmmnimt lit Mr Vll'u KruvRvr of ('HITHIII on Mr and Mis Allan-w Wit Thurmlm M, um! Miu, llnniwl Sham: um] m and ttrw Htsury A HI'HILIIIII‘I itt't' .spt-miinv n fI-w Isriks In In” (:\-:Io~r_ l't-nnrdhunin vinillluz rricurlrt Mrs |.l‘\'i [John and "uuglstm “In: [mun R90”! Hmulny in “‘nlnrlnn Mr and Mre Jonathan Mum“ want along mm Mr Illlll ttrv' t'hrirti'an .Iml Mr, Suhmwn lFroy atnl Mic Arthur Thontarc Hf \Vulorlon Itll n visxlt m {Month in \lilvvrmn Mr 11ml Mrs Alvin Shunlz and dull (Hr-n visitrul “1th Mr ond ur, Ill-u Hm nu Sunday Mr and Mr,, Sluulm .snihrsr-itvu and mum) at “um-rim- “him! m 1110 homo of Mre' Anwm llrnlmkm' ml Sunday 'l‘hw Iriurvirwi'al 1'0:le Ram: ir1iirottwil [In- ]nn’wnulnl fur tire “inn-I lry till my th cruvks um! tuurviturs, uith luv. 'l‘hm mud!» u (in.- jot, n1 it Mi' Augusl Sumlvr h- sinkim: his “1'11 iliu'prvi' In u-run- u lmllvr "Ill' ply of wulet' IH' Juw‘ph Sully we doing Ilu. work Mr and “In (‘lvumm Itiulruktu hun- mun-1) into mum» m' Hu. lilh‘ ltvnhvll I'lluy'u' hunsu "ll Qm-MI Arm-I “(Inns won» pl'm-Iuimml ml Sumlm Mr Mr. Insvi M. H Wisluw of ”win: Mn and Mrs Youll C, Harlin, noun St .inmhs, M, um! Miu, Ill|l|iwl SI l and ttrw Hunl') A .- .slu-miinv n _ “(wk :Iur_ I'ctitt,,xlrituiit Hui!” h Forum-I; nnd other items as told by Waterloo ChroniKle corrupondenn. ST. JACOBS WHEN your boss is I an . . . and he expects you to be two places It the “In. time . . . and In won't take cxcuscs . " . Use your telephone . . . Long Distance will help you do the impossible. The telephone will take you to the next town or township or across the continent with tit"', facility. It's your quick, easy, de, tree, messenger in any emergcncy. And I incxpensive-AOO miles for as little as 3Oc. lee list of rate: in the front of you: distrctosy. DISTRICT NEWS “inn-I lry till titurs, uith luv. m it Is' sinkinu his u hvllvr "clllr "will: Nu”; m pl‘vpmn-(l I lry till uith luv. i 1.illvrl Ihl hurl Thur-thy, October p, an t l h NI, .\ Mr and ,1: 111' H Nil' ' (I NI; am llt and .Lu uh. tl W,itrIlri ll, A‘Ill ll; '\'|ll.n H h h Mr,, “WI h Huh”:- NI \lul IIU p, Ilmnkuzn ’l'hv- Illh " In 1h. il, Personals SI \II 1m) Hv NIt u, SOUTH-WEST WILMOT tll \II I) \l. Il lit fit \I m1! ill u, llll NI \II ll, \II \II Il I'l \l'H tltr, h Ill, Ill hum- HI H “In m um] \]I M] “iv mm. \I tttt In “In ll Sl ()ilt “huh In li, NI Itll M; lt) HI Ut h Il \1I lit lit I I ll \I h III\ I', Imluh 'tlit' th li 1h \II \II NI; \\ ll \II \l u \l Wo Il HM (it III Hr \h ll IN NI; I,ittits I l nt», Nil “th.” _ l'ht i, I} .quulnh‘ mum-III \I illt 1”.le kw an 'hut tHIri Ill Hd, h Sm NN H HI It" In! \Il I I NI (I Sl 1) Nil h will 11 kl 1 h h h \\ IN [pr-, Km h tits. 1.|Hm -|. mi uh t', In th Ilrllss I Ihn-vr mmH'} l r Hid-41mm Sun In Wilnuu .471le H: In. lllllHI it 'nl'l dn, I]! ll “11' \l.n'1in Smuln) I: ft ”le 'hm I? ttl ll \l.nl 'ln, [In ”uni” milhun HI Hu- liuu NN Lulu” H \.H> HI IV _ltsw ', In”: uh“! Sunni " Hl'lll Il,iurlrur Nl)s; l 1.: niHL'rt \ll \.|l|l:'.|ll ltl hum >le plum Trsrl ifIHr'! Ilium 4nd Its HIM HI mil that h olol, huh A mm [Hy h h “ll! ils ‘hlw ”14-11th |,. during 1h Ill! oiirl Ill ond Cllr r'lir' It‘lJn-l nun-Inn.- 'e. Flt-4| Ih Witt ()lvun alum“ il (or “hirh \lnml hulk I Av, W,rl, li h NN In 1lnt' “111' mull (hr " NN “Uh AYE jus In hr \ll ill tlt uh H! l I 4H il in ul

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