Th" I'll! Wil, For“ In ‘0] sillupout; hvrun- lhu Imhlul up um! tlorru but nu nun [hut "ri.vihinvr, rutliivlly B; No um- NI“ 1114- â€Iv-H in 'rl hunk “wt-pl NI! .1â€an thchusu Apparvnlly thrr, an» nu Ilu, dun-1 u! Hunt I Mr Jordan at tyltt I' ru~hu ilttltltew Srhummw Mm it said, an the gunmon naked him to “pull it. As (In- suns js situut) in it Hum ('ul'nm‘ in llw war "t lhu hunk nu pJH'Il'ir light is m-mlml In illumi- nate [he "lrouwlurs, Thin mm! for tlie light is phmgml mm lhu sm'kc-l m-ur thw I'ront of [ho otiiot Tht, mm! rr.t, diurnnm-(‘tvd an the Hum "l mm'l (nu-II il in the tlurk," .Inr dun sum "(In uhoud and upon it." Ill") umwlwl Jotulun itpsistvd In- runllln'l tnuuipulutr, lhu votnuinatiou nilhnnl " “Elâ€, The hummu- unwr- ml him to rmwl along tlw Hum" In Ilio from ol" 11w "tThus um] L'UIIXH‘K'I (hr) um runllln'l t nilhnul 2 ml him t Ilio from the, “ng Jordan) rl‘ml'nml and twist-~11 Ilw tlml unlil tlu, 11mm: Ulwllwl Mum!» mum-1y MANN in (mu, Hm, Iin- and tirlt dullzux hill"- AU:, m Ihw sun. “hirh llu- mmwr.» ,4hnn‘wl .mny in lhuir pm-kvls ')‘.'u-y Itad )n‘nnghl Mung will; HH'H) stsvvr'itl lunglh~> ttl wir" and “ill; thin Hwy humid Uh humh and [PM "'l‘hv hm prvvvnlwl till' from PM" They \w-n- jut“! pulling mun Ur' ,lm'tlun :01 HH-re- Thu» .h.ul .mpm rnlly loft their mulnr ullmu lirl" il quirk getaway Groping for hi, nun Junlnn hupml m Ittlitr a shirt at tim mmpmu mu‘ hill found that the Inunliln hurl lzlkvu it with thum utid Al“ fln- zlmnmnilmn A,, lhu (111‘ :lrm'o "wtty Jordan ilirs. linuuiu'hwi lhw numlu-nx "th'?" and pulling human-ll "mum! to uh.» mhvr wiudow ln- "rrtisuul [lull the lI-llvl'\ tr'H'tr "(‘l'†')‘.'n-y Itad )n‘nnghl Mung will; HH'H) stsvvr'itl lx-ngllm ttl wir" and “ill; Hui-- â€any hnnnd Uh hunk and [PM "'l‘hv hm pn-vvnlwl nw from PM" in}: tin-m U; Hwy Kiwi nn' up." lin- munuuvl‘ plain]. “I only ril\\' Un- I'ingm': nl' ulh- or tlicrn, but I jnduwl il “up Ilu- JurHuur'l" of tln, tno “I didn't know urn-r Hwy haul In“ “hotlwr or nut thits hud tunn- oul. Hum had warm-(l nun nut nmw (or :53 Ininulw I lirlvnml hut 1uutld In-m‘ nothing am I wok " I'l|;lllru winchul my huutls nut of ills, ytitus and unwind mmr ttt Iln- [rum win tlnu'," Federal Fin-nce Minister Say: Reduction in Interest of Canada. In il Irrit ith1r"rUlttv'rtlt'ltl ll-H'HH) Hor, F'. N HImrlnn \linin-lvr or Fin, .lm-v in tltr, “I'PHH'H (hu'm‘nwnf slut 4-11 than in thu- m-nr fulnro [Nov 1 MINI all (-lml'lvn-d trunk» in ("unmin Hu- Irost unim- and :Ilmi Ih-- ()lll‘llm t',treit'ritttiutl |~.|\'HIL’\ “HI Io-xlu. .- [hi-H lillra nt’ iIHI-H-ul tvtl tin-mun m "I [naval two [wt (on! In making lhv iitririruuruuttisut Mr Rhmlvm 1~\prv.<~u-tl mun! rclntifitiion that [hunk]! inmilulirm‘ ill’l'b'p'llll: ‘I‘I[N"i"~ hml tlri'ulrul In lukr- INN 'lr'p and strtv,usrtl in impm'lunt'u (rum llu- [M‘illl or nu“ m Ihn Lu-nvrnl “minim! “Hf/um Hr [mimwrl out thut lln~ lirwrriurr of irrttuv,,t null-.- ii,'ts' " natural 4.4anan in lump Itlu \\il.h A simllnl IIHHI'HIV'IN in "I think t.ltetv"was allmul $1M) in frills in the till which lltey look, (inning Inn-k to Wliut'e I was lying ml Iln- mror, tite mm in the mm- :kal tlrr (he l't‘ul ot' the mmwy, l told lhmn it mm in the “are." Thex sun: wan lm'kod llw muImw-l Two mumnh, mu- about " rather lull, well ttvested ill " blue- suit, t'ul'ryr Eng it top cout over hm arm. and his mtnwnion .x-tnnewhvt't- in hin- early mentim, jauntlly attired in a hruvtn null and a light grey hut, tluck Itair and sallow voruplexioued t'obbwl the St. Helm-nth brunt-h of the (‘unmliun Hunk of ('tmtlnel‘ce last F'viduy morn- ing at 11.30 gun. and tsuutptul in u I‘ll!" with nearly $2,001! in t'ul'rent"y, The} (Illll‘l't‘ll thts hunk boldly. sitttpptul [In to Manager Edward I, Jnrtlun. who was standing at the wicket, reudhw, the “awning paper and asked, "Are you the mun-akin"? "Yer,"'. (suit! Mr Jordan "Slick 'tAm up". was the reply and walkml through this duor to the iutwr office. All Banks to Pay 2 PevCent. Ink-rum Illu “iUl A similar ulhn-I (onllll'n-H and lun‘v an im|ml'I:Hll MT: inu, hus'ilewx I'm-4mm; lllL' Ilw t'llthH'llh'l†plmlm Iiu- whim-[nin- wicket, reud‘lng the “awning paper and asked, "Are you the nrurvag/ary' "Yer,"'. said Mr Jordan "Slick Mm up". wan the reply and walkvd through Iln- duor to the iulwr "ttice, "They pulled my but down uvvr my vyvs and threw my rout over my headutut while one of thatâ€, (I think it mm “W young l'ullmvl stood nym- me the other went In tho mum-F (‘:I',:l- and rifled ilre till $100 In Till 'lr'p an (rum lllv “minim! that llw \"AGRANT LET CA) WHEN WIFE DIES In KiH'lH'lll'l pom l' 1otill (rti Thur.» (lay UH- rlmrua- of murmur} “mains! Harry JOIN-s or Hun-will“ “4.: will rtrvtivrt lullnuing " row-Hing 1w“.- "t tho tlvuth Of his wifo Itt " 1mm) "l‘deNiIIK :IH'MI'M At the llnu- nl' " :Irrml JrnHu, was In the vmmmm of “min" lit-2111mm. l7 and Mre (Hull Muthe,u, 1:5. whn was rmiuvrnpirus in the Inn-h m-ul Shunâ€, Slulinn A I'uIH'III pl-I‘Hnn Hilill In ln- (:mn'un- Vlznmming wnmlr-I'le urr chorlls lu. lor" tho :Il'liHII n! Hm polio, H4- i, lwlIM'l-d 1n hn in Hut-lull JOHN" \rn. ‘u-rumpuniml Dunk In Iruurivilli, bs "tt "tticor LINWOOI) MOTORIS'I‘S GIVE THtEVES HOT PURSUIT FIX-MAYOR W. I). BRILL BUYS lll‘SINEHS Daylight Robbery At St. Clements Bandits Truss Bank Manager Jordan and Escape With Close to Two Thousand Dollars. _ Thr- Minn-1U and you] loom Iriivcr â€INN M Ur Il i' Slum] nl' Wrrfcrltro hm haw-n pnrvhmu-(I In W " itrill 01' “'1“anth mun-dim: to rillnlrlr information 'ortlvvd M, â€rill is thy local ime or Hum-44w Ifrs had "lrruuly who" â€mammal! " Twin t'ity {rimuls wish fur hlm "vvr'y Nut' “we Vol. 48, No. 42 tn- _iutit pulling mun u HH-re- Thu» .11.“! .mpm their mulnr ullmu Im’ i mun! :Iulilimniun xilutinm ill’l'b'p'llu: MINI In Iukr- this “I! in impm'lunru 'H'" ol ' m-HM’H] ’h' [mintvrl out 1 or inh-I'm‘t l'illV'r \v-Inpmvlll in kt-op Iliit mow-mm! in and Hull n “mum l I‘ITI‘I' in .‘(Hnulul um; I.) unrunlmz :tl Hunt lam» ... ru~hml (H‘t'l lo t “no upwruhw " In unnu of HIV lmhlup. ilrivUtu, ' unv ~u<~xn~4 [Ml lly “up wt(llL', in 1rt m-nr thir unuw (1.1)). ol I.) “nun nI' mullnl llw muImw-l slieul him In simulml in it "t lhu hunk oul. (or vultl nun TIIE WATERLOO _ _ CHRONICLE haw thuv,, HUN“ Ili; I Ill! H1 Kuhn-rum mumr o0ursv,, W1'l'P tu-ull urth by Mucostruit. Wrir at his, 1wrrtIrl bun- on Snlurdny. Four "rirttsrists \u-n- tirrrd for purkinu in pmhIlnh-IJ :nu-nx‘ and [no mm» wru- urxln-umi In Irny Inll< within right I'iryrnctrt H/is made I); I".. “('itll'l nf hit (Trim-Hts to V, Rnumun for (Irvs vnluwl at $11.3“ A (’thllt' Lad Inn-n irsuctf for [hr amount and “lulu ll hurl not hum hunun-(I, (in. (Wuhan! will it was: not his inn-Minn nl' itsrrulirlcr puynu-IIL Cosic, of $10 urn- nlw puul. pluinlilY sxithdrnuiur: Mr Juniun h Irs _ “i litt' Innlw llmn 3H yrbirl'rs l'mm .luulun Stnlmn In nth ttir, yeHI's' nun Ilr- .-| “an Ill) lily} lerllu) .Illll my lib! __ Two nu-n lwlit-H-d In hr the “mum! Irurulitr, :ll'l' 1uptrtvil to hun- ~vlu_\vd ut HM» Trrril', Hull Howl. (WHIA-xtugo. thi, mm)! prior In tht, [Mum-r). 'I‘ht Iqu‘l‘iplions lit thu pair as “(1) Hs thy t'itt' which llrcy \u-n- driving: A no“ l'h(‘(‘k of (he hank funds 1lI'I- t in IN " (In it \'l'illl‘ll h litll “In-ht Hm-le WATERLOO POLICE " m" [In TAX COLLECTIONS TOTAL OVER MILLION In " rcpirrt <ulmulh-d to the Kmhmwr lily mum-i1 at " ntrwting llt‘l'llâ€). [hr tux rullmtur Kudos thut In dutv lhv lulul tahvr, vurllvvtrd amount In K313 nf tht, uggregutc utlttl. Up until (N'lnlwr 10th "f “HM lhi-sriiuuu-ituitirO,i)0t,T49.4yi, Thv Innrl nf ovision “film-01TH luxu-I'mi (hr mull by thr ~nm of $327.0†general 5mm claw by and told him tite var haul mum-(l away in a Wtsti's- t My "iret {inn torrutt'tts Linwood. Att hummm At Ann-u "otuied pun-in: Hui police and all-$0 his brollu-r Frank who rmltlm'lu " xvlwrul “(are in that town to Ire on Ilie lookout for u light model soda† litiurit. number cl' 4h? Shun-ll) inn-1 [lug rtirixtu1 word thut the wh, hml gunn- through lain- “nod W (' Itutalser, Linwood 1mm- Wart' uu-l'rhunl and (Hell McVeip,lt. itsll1 r or llln' Hunk ttl' Nova Svmiu, ut 0111'“ mun t-ltttsits ill Ituelwr's cur, In Klll‘hl'nl'l‘ pnlit'v court on Mundn), Mix. Rick" “(Whig of Kit- lhl'lH'l' "/ts :u'lHIIHl'd on rhurgos of running: \tnlrn goods und her ‘1“quth um Iurtivh-tvd of the“ 1l.urrrcs, Tm Inner vhurm- was Inn-ugh! by [hr Cuirnvs Slurp Ltd. of Hull who cluimcd that fnur of Ilut l]!'('~~£‘~ {Hum} in thy home, worn thvirs, an I'hi though! 11qu NS for rmm'm'l, llv Inn hirru hi, an†.uul In Inl 11w uirirl'irr" H, Niich zit-w) _ Thy lmrn and I-nnh-Ms nu the LIHIv hnmuw‘h-ml was dvstro.vvd by tiru, [1111' (h-lnlu-r 10th m'nr the Hugo of throwing npm‘nfinns whml u bull of firc from lhv hlnwvr turned thr lmrn into n hlnzinx furnucv, thc thtishvry, lrurvly oszrnping. The hum I»: nuw u muse hf ruins, tum-thaw with the, thrvshine mum. SI. (iourgv fire hrigmlv was ~mmmnnml and rmvvd the toolshed, Tho hnrn Wm: one nf the finest in Brant county, «Hunted four miles, north nf Paris an East River Road. BARN BURNS DURING THRESHING OPERATIONS I I CONVICTED IN WATERLOO MAN BREAKS LEG “lull [nu litt" G,ts, sctrurk Irv [ H Iln» Th. iuv, IN HI “ht†lilo; 1JII' Hitt, ull‘m'k by " "uiulr, ‘I‘mnupml Tlurk from Hum trtl Sit W,iltrl ZitL-lrl' of Walvt' ft iirfTrirrl " lnnhvn Inn The “All an tank plum- fv11 mp Iiitrhtuitv, ' 'tttt huzlluzn III-(II' I'rstrtrrsvillss Ill HI Hll im' MN) lirtts "l Hull umlxi IIHI Ill mm mqu of I (In!) IItite m 1' 4111' at (hut x- Iruudi. haul ‘1†h. h h . Immhln hm rnm'hwl low _ vlrn st' “an In h Wltd, Insulin In.» um. mu: all IN 111.» humlil In ll 'nlv min ll (I th, t' lollnuw-vl )mx'. rmulx In I'll irnrle .\'n s-luis, its \ul HIM-.u'lhml 4)†Un- hum“! 11- :l-wrriphmn Inrnishml tls mammvr :nn- v'Um-plv'h'. st' n:i.,n't omit-ll )t-t "ll-t Iym'll gum; ultmtt 8301' an» un'] Icnvhm ctutril, "ittsl at no" Il it "rir-_sroud bandit» t-lt1h,ts :1 lvt't turn 'rin wrt-wnvtl by " thir-li “win: that t.‘w t'ttaitivm~ t'ulnllhltwl tlw turn might d It!.|/,.- “mu Ue,' tlnx ]'lll' tmlttth-tl In.» ht‘lltl. Htlt‘hvt' 1:. Thu lic In“. him- ll I lull!†hm l" in“) it _. lulhw (hm-n -l'v that I'Im'iuviul iurli-t .lplllll‘ Ihu- :ulxmvn Thr ixvn up warn 1n Un- u|'I.-r m) [uranium] in lllu [lb ll "lismiss “uh h In" Iln- mu- He nnw rrvIrtrrit'tl u,, um lust in mom-d u urhin: (v. 41.1mm] s' nun Ilr- duh-ll lwlrlup .IIIII I In h not Iti'lVr al tlit' U an! (lt, Thu In I In ft1 I 1111-} \lmu I il (li‘llll sllrp tlrirw d " x‘nsilllnln Inw- " t'itl' â€Ht‘lll'l' and pm] and [mun-d u uvme â€no lmmlil Hn- )mHuh tooli llll umu‘u'ml In In- Iinw. Minn-r mun lrft Illv mu m" lu- in m.- Hm k w-ul " I‘lltll‘ll 3v! "H" In; nluml ST. trt' am Imill lim-n _ (he hank funds thut only $1,784 COURT CASES THEFT CASE Ir 1)) I? Keith-l V. “autumn for â€GIL A t'thllv llw amount and ltr lwllll. I uutil hr [ [ht llllwh ' bandits I an I‘LIIU ||Ill ll lwlimml 1mm u-linn ul' Alum )mx'. rmulx In Fil 4- Hum]: Cl' IN? tuivht .- Sulur 's Inn 11ml " f' ruins INN T/tw NH) nl' “In-1 Imil IL After luring Him! for Illllt' ymu‘s 'rls the rmull Hf am :|l‘l‘i(l£'lll, Duplnu- Muir, fumml Eng-1M] nun-list. had Inr sight tvrlotvtl In) >|Il'y;vull> ul " “mint: hospital lust work. Th" opt-mum) iv_rirlrcd thr, rvmm'ul " 1h" outcr skin and tt ;rrufling- in of 't gift rorm'n from :Ilmthvr 11.1!imtl. ll FOI'R KITCHENER MEN REFINE sTATEytrlNTy; I Dummy tlu, I'm-t thut th, Kilrht-nm mumripul Ulw’lhnh un- -(ill mouth, "rvii.r, thr, luonv lillHlHlHtt'J fur tlu. ’l1hllllvil Hf mnynr itil' min-ml} prrpzninu thrir Illit's fur Mu pvnph', l‘l'ubuhle- tr.uiulidutr, m xlmlu- Ald. J. Allurvt Smith. |lell.|Â¥I lnr fur Ilu. pm! (4an 31mm x'\ 1ld, Tull, uhu rvtirwl [ml pour. Ahi. (h-m'gu W. â€union, and I‘X'an)!†I‘m-7.11m Ill t'mnr prmpvvlivl- mm diduhx Hfun-d In nlzlkv any ~L|h- nu-m n!†In 1uttilrrirf Ihvmwlnu In nu! urnl pletwrl rcuollcr, >hil'lllLf diduh nH-m "IO' \\ HOMER WhTy'd)N' DISPLAYS FAMUI'S PUNTINHS IT â€(DON anm’nuz hum his- \1Ill|:'\\hlll lulu-1h) illiwsr., Mi. â€mum “ht-HM i, I!i»plu)nu:‘ u mthr-r “f " “New und â€rm-v ph'lllll‘r \itlv by mlv :11 " uulliuy (rl Dunn Tho human Hulumli~1 puilllt'l' hu, >il1u- rum ph'h‘d il up“ pivfmw [loliintiupj il .mnan ,,ltvurtt, with the "mun >hil'lllLf duu‘n for tiw wi'rurrly light mpg. Fullnuing thv vxhilntinn in [hum [hr pirlun- will by hum: III lhw (intuit; Arudrmy fur mint» tmw Slight M'uiuk \u-n- tlic an!) Ili juritu rm-vix-vd Ivy litllv Fivu Moon- of th'hvllvr. who Wltc knm'kvd rioun by " t'ltr tirisvn by (‘Orll III-link. ulm of Kilrhvnvr. nu Sunday mnrmnu. The rhild is said ity huve Illll from lll'hilld u pnrkml mu mt“ Ihr' path nf thi, Hrunk vehicle. SNOW STORM IN QUEBEC A rvul winter _srvrrir_rtuti, whivh hy’nkr nu! Thur,uthiy night and rugrul for 1hr gi't'utvst [mm of Friday. plnyml )mnu' with i-orrrrtrtrrrirtitir,rr Fl rvimw [HUI humpvrml vn-hu Ilu, (I'lln'lt' "lung mud: on luxth tht. HHIHI :nnl ~(Illlh shul‘vx, hlvluw Qtwlrv, Six days und tive hnnr> after she was dragged from her sick bed, brawn ttVet" the hem! and boldly kidnapped from hrr (-xrlusivv sub- urban hunw. Mrs. Berry Stott was herd at Lnuim'iliv, Ky., on Uri. tith. Federal department Hf justice authorities unnuum-ed that they had inoutiliml hrr kidnumwr as T. H. Robinson, Jr., MIN! 27, former in- nmh- ol' thi, Tvros,is, smu- inm'me asylum. It Wits :mnnuuwd that Mis. Robinsun. will. nl' tht, mun mum-d as the uctuul uhdurtm'. has Inn-n tukum into ruslumdy Ir.s fmlvl‘ul in, vr'cvtip,wrrtovs und that thry were cloN' on [he truil of Ruhillmnl hill|>l‘l". Mrs. Stnll mys slu, “r†while, held prisoner M()T0ttiylT ARRES’I‘EI): NEGLIGENCE CHARGED It is n-pm'lod thut $520,000 mm Wits paid to the adbuctors It Wits nmmuuwd that Robinmn. will. nl' tht, mun P. as the uctuul uhdurtm'. has tukum into rllhlullldy Ir.s fwlvr: BLIND NINE YEARS. SIGHT RESTORE†ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Rev. D. If, Murshull column-loll 47th nnnlvvl'sury sm‘viros of Ihv Prrslrytvristn Church in Wiltvrlrm on Sundny. A larcre mngrogntinn, a Izzrgv proportion of which “wru- l'nrmvr mvmhers of tho vhurrh prior In 1hr union in 192h, wen» plum-u! for tho "rrvicn, Thr prom)†church um huilt in 1927. It “up: only ihis yt'ur, hnwovor. that thr, m-u' “mum WliR Indnllvd. night In: inuuvvwmmhvg "n affirm Hunku Whut Illd ho do" Tun!“ Ho I‘num‘d on tite Hltlc- rlmll tif the hulvl and drunk lhn 1mm thtsv ','hrrvrut out If the engineers report favourably on the project, another (lnngerous bend in the Witterluo-Ehuiru high tttty may he straightened out in the very-near future, Reports vuntirmed by N. Asmussvu, M.UA. fur North Waterloo, reveal the fen-1 that tht. work may be progresed with a» a part of the highways improvement plan of the new Kovetmtrtent. The bend will start from the south side of the Mennonite Church I:ovth.of Waterloo and will meet the present highway â€our thy (‘.N.R. railway crossing. Wife of Millionaire Freed After Paying $50,000 Ransom l'nlz. hm“ I!) h.“ [wt-H “and ulh- hluluh UI' 1'.m;ulu "iirc pl: 'igurvlln- humi: Itrumln-n um! I In“! "ix \t-ill'r N. Aunuuen, M.P.P., Say. Dunn» men! Will Strni'htcn Dangerous Curves Soon. amp: I) III-l, I hmsm h,ir:',r, Hit) IN m ills. Plan Highway Improvements in North Waterloo LOCAL Thu- CHILD KNOCKEI) DOWN llll \m lhn- {In n hp lmxh llll Al m hs, \\ 1111mm]. TOI LI Y NI ll‘IlIIIWl \11‘ T in 1u'y Hill mm " I it ll’m! Imam-w '1 m. “I HI!»- uh: dil l Sunk “(lb :II'rth-nl I imnmwmmlng "n affirm .I.: luv-w humid.†hm! Ilv'l Ill wliilr_ 1â€th " Hump Hr 0.01 KHAJI "in: thH" Mrs, l hiuhu hi, 1m llmr "hi, h liit I": Mun null SMILE lul h llt IllHIHIH 'll4'l uh’! llhl Inlnlr [Him]. lulu Mt ‘I luv HI: WATEKLOO, ON’l'AIHO‘ TtwttWAy, OCTOBER 18, 1934 (Ivan-II u-h Ki: Pl Mn. 'rcsl, it: Mu“, Yum (‘uuxny mun-d inlm'rnunly hullnl~ with " been 2335 mum», ssith W.uit.rhu, ul in, puml- ln-ltird uith :1 tutu! tost. puinl< f'crthu,usilrlrrtrthi "lil â€HIM†and ()nl.u'in mum» n mum! only 1 pHH'l roucicuiiriv' lhl Inn» lilmlwi In lhrm- plr {rum (am-h runmty who 1 tvuclrrd vhmr :ytil, birthday , l>t “u.- u’iw H it Irmnmulum RF," “he-H rho) yuu'udul in the . .. ' hum-mum lt, y'w\f\v lluvi Emu" Th. “'uhrrlrm _ (mu rpluw trturol Hindu! Hill! and W, ' hud mum Ur 1:, 1:. I. mm. "ic/l Mu; Randal] Hr ll. It. l. Pr HUI m m h ll W 1'rr',ltl.oi) 'I‘UWNSIIII’ M SN CHhItiiril, WITH SELLING “HR FRO“ I"NTrrs"l'F,'l, â€ENDS ilrh-I'I Wilt', prizi', “My“. lll MEN Nty?ilTr Pr'A)l'l.r', (hm! Wain-inn (hunt) you“); farmers brought humor to their county at the Ontario Plrrsvuwu'w Assuciutiou match hold at Muryvule Farm in North York last chk. ()1. Friday the four- day mnuwlition was tunrludcd with a banquet at the King Edward Hotel at which mun- than 1,000 pluwmen and friend: wi'it' in uttendnnce. In the pram-nu- of Iranians in civic, in- dustriai and tinancial lil'e, prizes Wi'l'tr awarded to the winners. Those pruwni irrcludvd Mayor Stuwurt and J. Lockie Wilson, manager of the _tsstiiutiurr, Rivhard Jarvis, ly, Milliken, on Friday won the first prize trophy fur thi- host wvrk in the intercuunty millwh at thr, ()niariu Plowtncn's .\>.\nl‘iillilill man-h. and “as presum- l'li with [hr Hun. John S. Martin lrnphy, tuublrnuuti. of the host (I'm-(ur ul' (rum Yuuny; Jurvis, by \irllw of his wic, ulm ruptured thv J. fl. Horrmg‘tnn special trophy :nvunlt'd fur the hwt, Wurk (lune by it [1&4de " ank ('nunly. Wutwrlru, (‘mmty was well repre- wnhrd sslth )uum: funnvrs who wu'm-d Un- right In runuu-lc in 1hr prm‘im-ml mulch Iv) heading their 'vtrrpr'twtlrir g'r'ullps ttt H’t‘t'nt loud vuutrputitirrus. In (llrtr ol' the kuustwst 'rcsl, it: Nrur'r. llrl, ('otri:ty um: tlu. inlm‘vnunly hullnl~ with n tnlul of 235 mum», “11h W.uit.rhu, will} six lunml- ln-ltird uith a tutu! of 222 puinl< f'crthu,rilrlrrtrthirul “hib- Huhnn and ()nl.u’in n'unw nv\l with only 1 pHH'l u'l‘nlillilu," HIM“. Tlu, Inn» lilmlwi tn lhrm- plnu' lm)> {rum (nu-h vuirtuly who had Hut I'ruvhm! vhvn' :ytil, birthday M) ()M. l>t “u.- u’iw 11 it tr-uhm:.. ovation “he-r: rho) Prurvdtil in the from of Ili'lll phi“ Huh only lt "lll l'l'un \ch tl .\>.\nriulinn mun-'7). and “in prom-n 1-11 vsith (hr Hun. John S. Marti Irophy, mnlrlvnmhv of the he: plrrwvtl land in sod ov,tuhlrle L-itlu (I'm-(ur ul' (rum Yuuny; Jurvis, I) \irllw of his wic, ulm ruptured {II J. fl. Hol'rmutnn special troph :nvunh'd fur the hwt, wurk (lane b it [1&4de " ank ('nunly. milk klhh Hrilllr \II' " h 'ttttus, " “In. "it- “’N milk Hum tl \\Ilm In 'llrur \lllUl'l-LV 1'f)lClT IN RIC] Irir' r'is'Al'lt CArlrl WINS SILVER TROPHY AT PLOW MATCH Wilfred Snyder and Trio of Young Farmers Bring Honor to County. MEMBER or “(fuss A" WEEKUES l l Add†I I Ill _ Wilfred Snyder Wins Trophy ll! Hm ('luv It). â€pm: In l In ,VLIN _ ls HI INT l.' MA Nt,' vr an _\t;n 1~ nu I hr hxnmy “why )whu-n-n 13“ um“ l1 H lull Ili' trtrt \lm In“ M wau M, M: uhn t I 1 PM At I H Mvuhlnv) {\mh up in, MI ll, II hiryiltsrw “WP; tr I'litlhrrd l, :41m- Sl'll. H ' IO harm H l l Hll Mdl, H H; W 2 I‘UI'NI) El, GROWN Wi,F,N'y'tTril,N' and 'HI pun] inn-r plum HM Haul! pl.l1v. hll HH'NH VI' 1).NTAltut 1ONr'EltriNCF, \l Ik ll fir ll h “hm 1 f th h z-lnll ol W. I MHHMHL M 11 " 'qu Aurora. “Me il \‘IHNI' prim “film-r 'I'iw' 1mphy, [In I I ll lull (v.1 m Wt I’m-stun In Il pun! llnlv ll, milk [mm 1m IT hn-nlmum SI tV,it mvtmh l ulvn lyhnw Hr! my (nurunl I'Im‘lpnl hurr, iH'th'S L'UIII NI-s, III th HI Int: 1, rum! only In (5N,TaWi%"1' .Ill‘l NL I‘ll th, ll \\ It 5'â€va Cunning to Waterloo Nov. 8 to 12 ;CERMANIA LODGE and Procvrds go to Help OFFICERS Unemployed. _/h/t'ieho,y,/ 1ilv, V. T. FOLEY GIVEN FOUR YEAR TERM tliivt I. l' “hm IIIwI'l and ion in tt'i' lit [mm " L'Imer Imril l’ruminenl London Barrister Pleads Guilty to Conversion of yil0,."rl5.15 from ll MISS 'I‘I'RNBI'IJ, COI.TY 0F "l,ACiiMAIl, Mlny Point. of Interest Vi-ited by Group on Motor Trip from Waterloo to o"awr---vuit Mint " Lunar City. Fashionably Equipped Stables _ Viewed by Young Farmers shrll " l'uri1lly I'Wt) I,fu'AI, [NWTORS KNOW ALLEGED SLAYER or' MRS. \'ICRMIL\'E\ ll' h n llll ttrl lh Hf Ht lt lf “mm ll! 'dirsplu) t "Y (amt.- -ruhh- "In lutl., Th Hull H I’m-m. u um! llt [Ill-It I) Il " lh Woman Pleads Guilty ' .llllv \I ~|nH ol tln, Hunt. “Mull! plmnlwl pull!) li, Iln-II tn,)rrrtirrItlusV,iromilr s, :vIulun 1m Itltre, m.In uhn itrl “HI: lInxIlTs. 1rlnvrkurit1ltul 'm, I,III:'|H:~ lltriH Kym m \llml .Iml [ tll ll, wrlll lysis NN h Fhttcvtuirttttcnt l Ill Chtt"tttt"pttti, Ill [In \\ ll IN rllmnn , Hath tl III Ill “It‘d Ii!» ul! I l liy t I ll» mlldl d m'm ll Clients. " unlh 11111 I .-l;u all ()lluwu Hm I lhw Humininn Mxpvri Tltts R0511! Mint. H10 ur- ' l’urlimm-nl building-s a 11w I'ivwr, the mun-r H):- mm..- i, his, x'Hl nl‘u Mum) K: 1h ili I l Huh tt'tlt Hm! "i mun! 1 Ttlily ml "ill hr l’ 1-1} Itrlru,iitr--.,t-It hr,rueht hi.» tiniirl nu; umml him |/.l.\'.lHl'Hv runny llnuw In hi, Arm“. In“ inn-rm! His I Summm' hum:- til 7.4mm. Ilh-il‘ bums“. h â€Amy hur xlm " $153 In ullil hm! Ihrh “mum; Mum hum “or" lh Iho \'nvml|\-uu HI rt “my len- lulu! "Ill 'l'lu, old hi, 1uru IIII l‘nmmunit) nml Hm! in , hush (“MUM III uni "lr-ly 'nt uh Nahum m niitruiiiiry Ih III III iirl; b' I'll lu- (â€Minn I†nl)r, IIJH h “(em-um Ill-II In- '"F' iv hrs Ilu, “if: \Iw Illn- p it' HIIIL'I- at Mn .IH 1lt1illi Kin-u]: ll hull Nr'l huh": I I $1 mm Ihv .IHw ol hum" 1'0â€"qu I}! Ill ll irrlrl 'l r.- nnl HAHN Minn! “In: 1mm!P [tt hp mnlvr hp ll, Wnt Hit. tHuy lh-HM'IH llllq t46't Jrm4rll In IN UllH-l' 4H “(ripped is trirs "' Flank hunn- til l' bums“. hvr (In 11' riding HI London xix. .IH ll') (1w (IFUUK m-n-lu h all mun“ ll krlsct W " Hull ll w II the Ytrlsli 11min Ian» it F 1n (it' 'Illll' "tls pawl mm In†“ill Itc- lIUII M Jim UH l in will Iâ€) [In 1m nu nul (ll HI Thw First United Church held lthvir unnuul Sunday School rally du) on Sunday, Rev. Fl. val. Tilton suddtise,vd the Sunday School on the ticuyiur, his theme living "The [Hun-r of the Cross". [ Tru, uw-uing sc-rvivv took the 'nuuu of u rm'lvw of the famous would) hunk of Warwirk Hue-plug, ‘uhu-h "r'tr, illu,tvuttul with bountiful jl:.nlvru ,0ides, “MM: it Minor" t-xpludvd in tho burn m" meurll “mum-r, north ot' â€mum on Thuvviduy. tit-o Irvoke oul uml 5mm vnllsunlml llu- n-nlirv huildv mu, I"rrvturrirlvly ther burn and the lusu,crs tlrsis by arr Iroth empty and HIMI “Ah little lher of 1014iâ€: Iivsss trl lH'x-leA'lx Total dunmuv tu tim Imihlinu nun mliumlml at $2,001) I'urt Hf (him :unmml is (luwrml lry in, Nun'unw Thu suhplirsion m't'un'w! “he†Lm-kin 'I‘uruhull. who is working the Hun wu-nlvd farm entered tlie build» m: In fwd hi.< 14mm or hnmes, the with animals Imp! ml the pl'mnisw. Swim-III) his, lantern n-xplmlvd and " 1.12m: null or I'lumm- Fuse up. II,. unhlily I'l’mul lln- harm’s. \wing unin- inn-(l hituewlt'. For it limp (humor fhl'vulvllt‘xl Ilu- (lirmlul hum new»: H].- qum. hut tu'iprhltirvs who tttmired hnilml [n pn-vwnl I'urlhm' "tF-sri, Thr. {mom’s of Mr. Lincoln Stroll nut} kmmn KiIdwm-r and Waterloo huihim: oruli'tjltrl' who suttorod four WEST MONTROSE u , 'r.-............-' TH ROWN FROM The mmlilinn of Mike Farrell of West Munlnmu who was in a molar- I-yt-Irs uwidonl recently. is said to lw iuiprurvvd. if NEWS AROUND t THE COUNTY 'tfswr It Ih 4"IIH>|I PRESENTS REVIEW OF NOVEL GERMAN RETURNS FROM GOODWILL TOUR Mr, C.url Gerhardt, lm‘lurnr. form. "vl.s of Wv.wivrn University, Lon- dorr. and latterly of WIIU‘HOI) Col. Ivan, who rvturm‘d recently from il four "itrnth,,' good-will tour in the upstrrn pruvinvt's of ('nnndn. finds lumself grquy impresswd with the “uh- wqmnso of the country. Mr (h-rhunll lmvlurm to (innit tl,uns rmonlly immigruhwl from the l’nlhm'luml, xsho are mnk-nvouring In II-urn mow of the land of their :Hlnphun, He IN of thr, holic‘f that "Iln- muvprnnwnl, of Gornmny is the (:mmmu‘ mun I'vspnnsihility '. h DISTINGUISHED OFFICERS INSTALLED lh-fnu- about sixty members and numb, (hr t,fficvr,; of tho Waterloo (h-rmunln Lndgv, 1A).o.F'., loud by Nuhll- tivuud Frml quhl, wt'ro in- u hm hum Tlu. tuemlterrs,trt tlie party com- prlmwl the following: Dorothy Slum. KR i, Waterloo: Sherwood Tnylm and Jul)“ shall of Ayr; Clinton Hall. Inun. New Dundee, Orville Bowman um! Mahion Snyder of Florudale: Huwam Snyder or Kitchener; Lloyd Damage Estimated at $2,000 Leonard Renmar Farm. ~(ullwl by ’01"th r. M Il The KemptvUle agricultural school null Senator Hardy's (arm near Bruckvllle were other polntes or In Irma-st. while Portsmouth Penllen- Hun-y, uutseri'es Unlvemll; and Fort Frudm'lrk, Wire the show places mar Kingnluu, At Belleville Ute in: .xlilulk for the dear and dump was M. "pooled Aflw allullding the provincial plowing match near Toronto pn Fri- any the party (-anllnued HA way lmuwwum and John bowler or Ul'eslau; Stella Shaun. Arr: Rhea Snyder. Bloom- ingdulv. Anna Rudy, of Hespeler; Junwtlu \\'ulluw of Ayr The rhup» 1H'tyti (oy the piwly bVllri Mrs Jun)?“ " Wand of Prewun Explosion Causes Fire at [lesson worms ot lhe Eddy Co., emu-am! much winmenl. l mm " Ii! '14, """""'"r, u um! Itltls uhnv- Hm ml l'hr. 1iitt1irtr_uitsploo Buy oulr, .\\~’m-iuliull unmmnvwl llml a \\ 1mm]: had Inn-n l'm‘Im-Il in this ’A‘m'hm Anglia“: t'lturvh I'm-MHly. Iln- nu‘viillu llw c-llalirmiln itFitt Immul lllv 'rl'or',t'rrse' Irving mud" if: "I: 1pplss In.) HummiL’H tl, It Ill htt'r (“Haw nllllllllh‘tl Ilu. mum“! in in II Hi,, unulitinn FORM NEW SCOUT GROUP STEAL FOWL AND JAILED “vim-1 tor! Wits' urruluzml 'tl I.I‘.u'llv ('1uwnl‘ llw w mum-I I0uuv,rluul clrutilt hwld rum-nth on the t, .I‘II Shun l‘illlliln Hiu'hwu: "ttttrut that tho mm! mm nlnlvn than $10 worth of towl tity ENJOY WIENER ROAST Shun l)4-\IH l‘ihs All“ " ( "I' nllllllllll‘tl lv n visiiirirr, {cum from r. “mum Dvpmy Grunt! "rrrlt' ()lwrhnlt'Lw [nu-sided. mm,“ turrrwworMeuty HORSE AND HURT MAN IMPROVING lhv (IIIH' ullur lumo when and Hire-w him SI Mum's Hus- ie, ilnhl'mw-(l, School rally Fl. val. Tilton School on the Irving "The Waterloo County's landing Weekly Newspaper " It) Ibo .\'.|lvrl(m h. whit h farm of my “his w ' ,__..‘va<â€".._ :JCommiuee Set» Date of Hnllowe'en t', Carnival for Oct. 31 and y" Nov. Ist. [mu virt'"utrrvtuorvlrtitrm1uy,'uu'u" (sour/mn in tho .ley-oumhnu'dixlrin-I ‘ln llu» mnlh of us A travellvr near lushâ€): muhlwl " (luv “11h hm' tawn llunnim: up u si0tcriratl Parmm‘n lunar er'u <mh- thut flu-r0 :lru M " "sl nix _ Hum; pvrmununny In HM.- l,u<hnn Swim]: arm heath of Mrs. Wm. Meta, _ H1ttrs'11Hur from H! hwlllh I’m tit" >|m<l Inn vr"rllrs. Mrr, Wm Meir. l?.'"""'." anâ€) n! hl'r )Inmv in Ne" ;|lnmlmru Tltr runmnl “at hold m1 Wm Jth {lnlr “our Iprivut" Fr Hm F', r: xlmrrh l', Nulll‘p 1m, II ii; IE tl Hm litivirv,,io. The Kitchvnvr-Waterloo Rotary Club, which annually sponsors a fru- clinic for the correction of crippled children, are preparing to stare ttwit. annual Hallowe'en Carnival in the Kitchener market building in order to raise the neces- sary funds, 'l‘hv dates 5M for the big went are October 3lst and Nov. lst. Mr. Humor Heard is in whargv of the Carnival Committee. The funds t1e0e."sury m carry an the extensive humanitarian Work of the Club are very larcv and every effort is being put forth so that no children in need of imnu-diatv attention by special- ists will have to be turned away. )vur and had no motley with which to purchase them, n-u-iw-d both the t-xaminulion and the glasses free. This ymr another n-mrd registra- linn Hf (-hiltln-n's rusm for treat- ment has Inn-n mudv. over lylr, vhiidven will ho lulu-n mro of. Both Roux-e Wood of Waterloo Ty. and Reeve Archie Ferguson of North Dumfries contended that the Board should be fairly treated. Warden Mailman, before the mo- tion was put, assured the delegation that the matter would he considered thoroughly by the committee. "There is no doubt but, that the county has been generous with the Cult board for some years. Legally, undoubtedly, the county is not li- able. Morally, perhaps it might be to some extent. The Gait board was not notified of the change until after it had fixed its estimates." teu, states, the Club expended close to $4000. and own then they PX- veeded the funds uf the Club by $'300. The work of the organizer thm is not alarm cimfined to the crippled and maimed. The school children in the vity of Kitchener, who were in new! of p:lasses' last Among th-- sllrnvms ul'v hvr nus hnml. tun :lunuhlvn» Mun-u and KIWI All hnmv .lllll 'ru" “In Iloorqto nf \luukhm "lt' Io-ll Ill lrruuhHvotttatttt Thur. â€In Ala“ [tity ' “Inn-4 and s(‘\'1‘ll Inulj‘m-h Mrs J Williamson of IllusN-JH um J Zlo-Klvr of Brussels. Ilurr), William \hhiu, 'tltd Itohort u! WnJmn Jlmvph In Sunldhuz, Sunk. l-IIIunnl oi' 1.i~h\\\l'l and John of “Humu'lN Thv funvml “Us hum from her Iuti, Dunno ml Wrhcr t4trtumt. wltpri m'h'uh- Folvlum "rtr' I'Mll‘hll'h‘d by ' F', tl Unh- lutclirr of the Numb! K.-W. Rotary Club To Hold Carnival Small Piece of Die Lodges Behind Ere Bull While at Work. Snluvnnn t'uilm] In saln- Hm t'yt" siuht ol b.'dwurd lN-rknr Rho MN lukvll In ’l‘m’nnln I'olltswiurr, all uiuu' dunl in the Hun!) “â€th Works Ihw-kvr “as “whim: MI " div when u rum)! [mu " “uh-I'm! his mo and Induml in thrs Inn-k "I th" 1994):â€! Dr T " Pun-k “wk “In man In I sm-vlnlird in KilrinI-r \\.\~rn- mm: IudL'mI in thrs Inn-k n Dr T " F'oirk I4“||\ “nu-Inns! in Kierwm- IIM- “011' nsml in :m llm'l (luv pitw- of .4 hilly» [HIIIHI Hmkvl " 'l‘mnmn MN 111- Him-r hu, ~‘IL'IH SIGHT SIX DEER Reeve Kiuzie of the Watreloo Township Council stated that in the past years the council had paid more than it was required to pay and that the Cult Board should shoulder the cost. Deputy Reeve Rutz of Water- loo was of the opinion that the old agreement should hold until the two parties entered into a new one. EDWARD DECKER â€MES EVE IN Thv funvml “Us hum from her Iuti, Dunno ml Wrhcr t4trtumt. wltpri m'h'uh- Folvlum "rtr' I'Mll‘hll'h‘d by ' F', tl Unh- lutclirr of the mtptist xlmrrh Thc oteikstt tut-Mon Wert', H 1iuhrcrurur,r'ivdlrislrus N â€0.4101 1m, ll Krnnl' A ll I'utldirurutlut "In! E tl Hnnum-I "uri;sl mm mud" In iliviru;'itit. ('o‘nwh'lw (Continuod nu "ma Ni The request of the Gun, High School Board that the County con- tinue to pay 100 per cent. of the cost of educating county pupils until 1935 was referred to the finance committee of the County Council by the members at the meeting held this week. The argument of the Board was that Gult had fixed its yearly esti.. mate long before it received notice that the council would not pay the yearly sum but instead would follow the amended High Schools Act wherey thefhad to pay only 80 per cent. of maintenance. Mr. Hancock of Gall stated that the Board stobd to lose at least $7,000 by the proposed cutting of the grant, but the other: member of the committee stated that the sum would probably be in the neighbor- hood of $5,350. Willingnses of the Cult Board was expressed in the matter of drawing up a new agree- ment in 1935. Lust year Mr. Cook, the chair"nian of the (‘ripplodShildren's Commit- COUNTY ASKED 10 PAY $7000 Gan Collegiate Wants Cost of Educating County Pupils Paid 100 Per Cent. CAR E FUL CONSIDERATION PROMISE n NEW HAMBURG thrs " l-‘uirk in Kit INN! ‘ pinu- [mm H] hmlllh I‘m [ho um": Mrr, Wm Mon. l HI hl'r )Inmv in Ne" Tltr rullrlnl Wile; hold on IN LISBON AREA in :m "ttr"upt In "1, of him-1 ThNr " kn-I Wiiti rmnm‘ml to MINI-rm! thre MN; or ACCIDENT